
Projects of one-story houses. Projects of one-story houses: pros and cons. Projects of one-story houses 110 squares with a boiler room

The choice of a project is an important stage from which construction always begins. It seriously affects the cost of building an object and the main parameters of future housing. Standard projects of one-story houses, in particular, country cottages, are in high demand in private housing construction.

Benefits of using projects of one-story houses

The popularity and frequent use of design documentation for 1-storey buildings is due to a number of reasons:

  • with limited financial resources, buying an economy-class project is a realistic opportunity to get convenient and comfortable housing;
  • simple and proven design solutions make it possible to achieve reliability and durability;
  • small one-story houses are convenient for the elderly and residents with disabilities;
  • operating costs of a compact small house are lower than living in multi-storey buildings.

The advantage of modern one-storey cottages is a high level of comfort. It is achieved, despite the small area, through the use of competent planning, the use of advanced technologies and building materials.

Popular projects of beautiful one-story houses

Project No. 57-06K Project No. 57-37 Project No. 58-01

The projects website contains a catalog of single-storey residential buildings with layouts. It contains photos, operational and technical characteristics and basic parameters of buildings. For 15 years of productive work, the employees of our bureau have developed a large number of modern options for one-story houses and cottages, the best projects are included in the catalog.

Various materials are used for the construction:

  • gas, foam and expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • wood and processing products (rounded logs, types of timber - glued or profiled).

The site presents a variety of options, from country houses of budget cost to luxury buildings with a beautiful design. A potential buyer can easily find a one-floor house project to his liking:

  • square or rectangular in plan;
  • economical or premium price segment;
  • typical or original;
  • small area or with spacious and rooms.

Individual design

Often, clients are not satisfied with the layout of private houses on one floor. In this case, our bureau employees can make adjustments. Their final price is determined by the number of changes and improvements.

At the request of the customer, individual design is carried out, including the development of:

  • a sketch (execution time - from 3 to 10 days) with subsequent agreement with the customer and revision according to the comments received;
  • architectural and construction part (15 working days after approval of the sketch).

As an additional service, engineering networks and binding to the specific conditions of the land plot are designed. The development is carried out in constant contact with the client, which guarantees the compliance of the final result with his requests, tastes and wishes.

If you are going to build a house, you can order its design from a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to be clear about what you want. It is highly desirable that your wishes are well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is easy to use. And you need to know such "little things". We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because it is the most common option and is suitable for families of 4. These are the majority.

General principles of planning

When looking for ready-made designs for one-story three-bedroom houses or trying to create your own based on what you find, it is important to keep a few points in mind.

These are the principles that it is desirable to adhere to. But this is not a dogma either. Everything can be solved (except for the requirements for boiler rooms). There really are different solutions for different needs and tastes. It only takes a desire and a certain amount.

If all three bedrooms are placed side by side

Many one-story three-bedroom home designs are designed so that all bedrooms are on the same side of the house. On the one hand, it is convenient. Relatively noisy rooms - the living room and kitchen are in the opposite direction. On the other hand, not everyone likes this arrangement - they are afraid that children may witness unnecessary scenes.

In the above project, this is exactly how the layout is done: all three bedrooms are on the right side of the house and have approximately the same area. On the positive side, all the bedrooms are far from the living room. With this arrangement of rooms, you can calmly watch TV in the living room, receive guests without fear of interfering with your rest.

The disadvantages are that the toilet and bathroom are far from the kitchen and boiler room. Not the most convenient option for laying communications. Other features include a long corridor with many doors. You don't use this area in any way, since the free piers are very small.

When planning a terrace, you need to pay attention to several points at once. First, for optimal illumination, it is better if the terrace faces south or east. The second is from which room there will be an exit. Most often, they make an exit to the terrace from the living room. This is the most logical case. The second option is to exit the corridor, which, as a rule, adjoins the living room or kitchen (much worse, but possible). Please note that it is very convenient if there is a kitchen next to the entrance to the terrace - bring / take out food, drinks, etc. After all, the terrace is often used specifically for outdoor gatherings.

These two points already partially determine the layout of your home - the living room should have access to the south or east side. This means that its position has been determined. The kitchen should be adjacent to the living room, and it is also desirable to "collect" all rooms connected to technical communications in one zone ... That is, you have practically decided where the living room, kitchen, technical rooms are. It remains to arrange the bedrooms and organize a convenient passage.

But that's not all that needs to be considered when planning a terrace. There is a third point - its size. Here the approach is individual - someone needs a lot of space, someone needs less space. An interesting option is the L-shaped terrace, which covers the southern and eastern walls of the building. If you glaze it, you can turn it into a summer garden ... If you are interested.

And the fourth point, which is also worth paying attention to when developing a house layout. The terrace is heavily used and is a favorite place to relax if it overlooks the garden, the beautifully designed backyard, the river, etc. If the gaze rests on the neighbor's fence, no one is interested. In this position, the terrace is not used, it gradually turns into a "technical room" - to put a lawn mower, dryer, etc. This also determines the position of the house on the site. That is, you have solved most of the house planning tasks.

Option 1: with a terrace along the entire short wall

Let's take a look at several projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms and terraces. In the presented version, the exit to the terrace is made from the living room. The kitchen window also goes out here. If you make a wide window sill that opens completely window, you can transfer food through the window.

All technical rooms are collected in one place and located near the kitchen. The bedrooms are located at the opposite end of the house, which, in general, is convenient - you can receive guests or watch TV in the living room and not interfere with those who decided to relax.

There is only one additional load-bearing wall in this project - almost in the middle along the long side of the house. The kitchen-living room is one, but you can install a partition and divide the rooms. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the living room, but with a given area - almost 17 meters - this is not very critical.

The bedrooms in this project are of different sizes: 9, 11, 13 meters. It is up to you to decide whether it is convenient or not. If desired, the size of the bedrooms can be increased by reducing the area of ​​the boiler room (with 3-meter ceilings, there is enough space of 5 squares, so there is a resource). The smallest bedroom can be enlarged by moving the wardrobe to another wall by sliding the partition that divides the living room. By the way, this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has another plus - a dressing room at the entrance. This is really convenient.

Option 2: with a short terrace along the length of the side of the house

Consider another layout option for a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace. It differs in the position of the "wet" block - kitchen / bathroom / boiler room / toilet. They have been moved to the opposite side. The areas of the bedrooms are "leveled" by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen. Please note: the vestibule is external. This also contributed to the fact that with the relatively small size of the house - 10 * 14 meters (area 140 square meters) - the dimensions of all rooms are solid, the width of the corridor is 1.7 meters, which is also not bad.

The terrace has an exit from the living room and occupies only a part of the long wall. If you beat this option, it will turn out very well. For example, you can put a pond next to it, install, break a beautiful flower bed.

With space or garage

If you need to place a carport or garage next to the house, you can change the layout so that the entrance to the house is closer to the parking lot. Then it is possible to combine the parking and porch carport. It can turn out very interesting.

When planning a carport, it is best to find space for two cars. Even if you have one car, guests will come to you and it is much more convenient if you can put it under the roof. Set-up costs are not very different, but you should always look to the future. Maybe you will have a second car.

What else is a carport good for? Under it, you can equip a place for storing all kinds of inventory: automobile, garden. There you can also fence off a place for - in order to have a supply of dry firewood near the house. In general, this zone can be used in different ways. And its optimal size is 8 * 9 meters or so. This, if the area of ​​the site allows. If not, you can proceed from the minimum dimensions - 2 meters wider and 1.5 meters longer than your car.

The above project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has an area of ​​100 square meters, made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 8.8 * 12 meters. The layout of the bedrooms is all the same - in one block, all technical rooms are also brought together in one place. With such a layout, the corridor turns out to be quite small, which will delight many, but it will be a "walk-through" zone in which you will not put anything.

If you need to place the parents' bedroom separately

When choosing a layout, many people believe that the parents' bedroom should be located at some distance from the children. In this case, the approach to planning changes - the elongated rectangular shape of the house is optimal. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls.

Such a house with an L-shaped layout is more expensive than a rectangular or square one.

Option 1: no corridor

If the house is divided into three parts, it is possible to develop the layout of a three-bedroom house without a corridor. One third of the house is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle part is occupied by a combined kitchen / living room, the last third is divided between the entrance group / bathroom and the parents' bedroom.

Where the parent's bedroom is located, an entrance to the bathroom is organized from the kitchen / living room. How successful is this solution? Plus it looks like this - a large kitchen / living room. But she is completely walk-through. That is, you will definitely not be able to retire in it. Perhaps you like this idea. Although, to appreciate the convenience / inconvenience, it is worth living in such a house. Usually not everyone likes it, although at the “idea” stage everything seemed tempting.

Arrangement of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms - the parents' room is located separately

Please note that this project of a one-story three-bedroom house does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, it can be distinguished by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen / living room. But then it will be necessary to think over the layout, how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom. The second is from the street. But then, you can make an extension to the house. Although, this is determined by the size of the house.

Option 2: with a corridor

A layout with two children's rooms and a parent's bedroom taken out further away can be implemented in a square house (in the picture below). The smallest possible dimensions are 12 * 12 meters. In terms of area, it is a little more than 140 squares. In this case, the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal (square, have an area of ​​more than 10 square meters). The living room is combined with the kitchen but is not a walk-through.

If possible / desired, it can be done in a rectangular house, just a square is more preferable, since the cost per square meter of housing is slightly lower. I must say that the winnings are very small, so you shouldn't bother too much about it. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you choose the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life.

In this version of the layout, the parents' bedroom is generally isolated. The advantage of the above option is that there is a place for children in the nursery. There is also a drawback - "wet" rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. The arrangement of engineering systems will be more complicated (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining a kitchen and living room. In this case, you can easily solve the problem by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

But, if you do not make other changes, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. You can solve the problem by making some transformations. The first - the "recessed" entrance area becomes "normal", in the area of ​​the walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without a warm vestibule. But we get an additional room, large in area, which can be well equipped. True, this is already another project of a one-story house with three bedrooms (see below).

From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the "damage" can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

You can go even further - remove the partition that separates the living room from the corridor. The wall is load-bearing, so the installation of columns will be required. But the layout of the house will be in a modern style - from the entrance there is a single space that serves as a living room and a common room. For many, this seems convenient.

More options

Having a certain set of premises and requirements for their location, you will not get too many options. The layouts below differ in some details. Maybe one of them will suit you.

Projects of one-story houses and cottages are very popular with developers and there are many reasons for that. When choosing a project, you should pay attention to the fact that all premises in a one-story building are on the same level, a kind of apartment layout. There is no need to constantly descend and climb the stairs to the second floor. From this point of view, a modern one-story house is ideal for older people. Country cottages of small areas (from about 100 sq. M to 150 sq. M.) Require less heating costs and retain heat well. Our catalog contains the most successful and optimal projects with photo-visualizations and drawings of plans, which have earned wide recognition among fans of "apartment houses". Choose on your own or contact the manager for advice, we will definitely select the exact solution that will completely satisfy you. Also keep in mind that any project can be modified to suit your requirements: redevelopment, replacement of wall material.

When choosing a project for building a house, you should pay serious attention to the number of storeys. Very important indicators of future housing directly depend on the right choice:

  1. cost-effectiveness in the construction and operation of an already finished building
  2. functionality and comfort of the future home.

The main factor affecting the number of storeys is the size of the plot. A large enough plot is required for a one-story house. For small and narrow areas, it is better to choose projects with several floors.

Advantages of projects of one-story houses

  • The most expensive part of building is the foundation. For a one-story house, you do not need to design a reinforced foundation, as for houses with several floors. It would seem that the benefits are obvious. But the need to lay the foundation of a large area, this advantage nullifies.
  • But you can save a lot on the construction of walls. Due to the fact that they do not need to be strengthened in the calculation of the additional load on the second floor, the construction of walls for a one-story house will be cheaper.
  • In the project of the 1st floor of the house, simple diagrams of engineering systems are assumed. And, therefore, it is more economical than laying similar systems in a two- or three-story house.
  • A one-story house, especially a simple one, is easier to build. In addition, maintenance and repair costs can also be significantly reduced.
  • The absence of stairs allows more rational use of the living space. In addition, rooms located on the same level make everyday life easier, and are even preferable if there are small children or elderly people in the family.
  • Another plus in favor of the 1-storey building project is psychological. In such houses, a special sense of the unity of people is created. This is especially important if the family has small children.

Disadvantages of a one-story house project

There are not many of them, but they are. And it's worth talking about them.

  • If a large house is being designed, then difficulties may arise with the so-called walk-through rooms - living quarters that can only be accessed through other rooms. And this affects the comfort of the home.
  • In the project of a one-story house, high costs are included in the installation of the roof due to its large area.

Let's sum up

  • It is more profitable to build 1 floor house on a large plot.
  • A one-story project is most economical with a house area of ​​up to 100 m 2.
  • When the area of ​​the house is from 100 to 200 m 2, the number of storeys of the house does not affect the cost of construction. Rather, it is a matter of your preference and taste.

In the catalog of projects of our company, there are enough options, for example, that will satisfy all the requirements that you have for modern housing.

Beautiful projects of one-story houses: catalog, photo

Architectural projects of one-story houses are the most popular on our website in 2018. The layouts of the projects of one-story houses are thought out to the smallest detail, the plans of one-story houses include solutions that allow you to intelligently save both during construction and during operation.

Life experience suggests that one-storey residential buildings are the MOST COMFORTABLE! Frequent use of stairs from floor to floor is tedious and impractical. Moreover, for families with small children and the elderly, this is the best option, since the stairs can be dangerous. The plans for the projects of one-storey houses imply convenient use of the premises. In addition, in a one-story house, everything is at hand, and all the premises, and the exit to the terrace is nearby.

Plans for one-story houses: layout features

Although one-story houses have a number of advantages, do not forget that the planning of projects for one-story houses has a number of features:

  • The construction of an attic house and a two-story house with the same total area is cheaper than the construction of a one-story building. This is due to the large areas of the roof and foundation of a one-story house, the construction of which is costly.
  • In a one-storey house, the area of ​​which is more than 200 m2, the layout will be less comfortable, since the creation of several corridors leads to the loss of the general idea of ​​the house and the connection between the rooms.
  • The construction of such a house involves the acquisition of a large plot, which requires additional costs. This is especially true for one-story houses, the project of which includes a garage.
  • Heating a one-story house is also more expensive, since the attic space is wasted. In the case of an attic or two-story house, the floor heated by the air of the first floor reduces the cost of heating the upper rooms.

We do not advise our clients, who have chosen foreign projects of one-story houses, to give up their dreams, only for reasons of economy. Better to pay once and live in a comfortable home. Many owners of two-story houses and houses with an attic in their eloquent reviews say that they would still like to build their next one-story house, since it is much more comfortable and convenient.

In this section, your attention is offered a wide selection of projects of one-story houses of various sizes, a wide variety of styles, designs and layouts. Moreover, the Z500 catalog is constantly updated with ready-made projects of one-story houses. Enjoy viewing and choose your country house project!

Additional features

Before buying a project, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the additional features that we can provide you in the section. These additions will make it faster and easier to build turnkey one-story houses. Prices for all services are indicated. Here are the most basic services:
1. Addition. If the selected cottage project does not fully satisfy your wishes, we can make changes to it to make the house as comfortable as possible! The layout of one-story houses, pie walls, dimensions of the house and many other adjustments can be made that do not affect the reliability and quality of the house. Changes can be made to the design of one-story houses.
2. The add-on offers to adapt the typical strip foundation provided by the project to the characteristics of the soil on your site. Only an adapted foundation can guarantee the reliability and durability of the built house. Such adaptation is carried out on the basis of geological and geodetic surveys.
3. Supplement - a convenient tool for choosing the right construction organization, for monitoring work on the construction site. This is a complete list of all the necessary materials for building a house, indicating their number and amount of work required. Having supplemented this information with prices that are relevant for your region, you will receive a ready-made estimate for this project.
Other additions: "Architectural passport", "Additional copy of the project", "Adaptation for the seismic zone", "Comfortable house", "Warm floor", "Lightning protection", "Interior design" allow you to make your house even more comfortable and help you build it faster.

And our partners will help you to build turnkey one-story houses at an inexpensive price.
The projects of one-story brick houses presented in this section are also designed for aerated concrete, ceramic blocks and other stone materials.

By purchasing projects of one-story houses in our company, photos, drawings and videos of which can be viewed in this section, the client receives detailed project documentation, which consists of 5 sections: architectural, structural and 3 engineering parts - wiring diagrams for heating and ventilation, water supply, power supply. The cost of the engineering sections of the documentation is 20% of the project price indicated on the website. Below you can see an example of a one-story house project.

See below a selection of our popular one-story houses:

All projects of our company are protected by copyright and guarantees developers legal security when building houses for Z500 projects. Below we have placed a certificate that confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

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