
What is an uke for instant confirmation. Universal electronic card: Why do you need, where to get and how to use. How to get a universal electronic card (Pro100): where to go and what to have

When moving around the country, it is rather problematic to take with you a whole package of important papers that may be needed on the trip. To this end, it was decided to produce a universal electronic map on state level. This document allows you to minimize the number of documentation that you often need to have. UEC accommodates such important paper at the same time as polis Oms, pension testimony, TIN, a travel ticket, an electronic signature, as well as a payment card.

The decision on the production of a universal plastic card was made back in 2010. For the first time it was released and began to be used since January 2013. The card is conceived as the simultaneous application of the payment and identification device. The validity period of such a document has a limit and is 5 years.

Where and how the UEC can be issued

A universal card was provided only to Russian citizens from the 14th age. And it was performed completely free. You could apply for a special organization engaged in the manufacture of universal cards, or on the website of the state services in a citizen's personal account. It was required to fill out an application for its design. In it, the applicant in addition to the basic information about himself also pointed out the name of the banking institution in which he would like to have an account. It was necessary when applying to bring all the basic documents of the Russian citizen:

  • general passport;
  • Reduss;
  • polis OMS.

At the site of the appeal was made by photographing the applicant. Employee who received documents issued unique number Applications for which a citizen could track the status of execution. After 30 days, the electronic card was ready, the applicant received an envelope with it with a PIN codes.

If desired, if the statement was noted, the electronic key of the digital signature was placed on the card chip. Such a service was not in all points of issuing maps. Only in those where there was a technical possibility of such manufacturing.

The refusal to manufacture an UEC could follow the following reasons:

  • previously, the map was already provided to this person;
  • the application was not fully filled with compliance with all the rules;
  • the application has false information or false information is provided.

Video - how it was possible to arrange an uke

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 125 of April 25/03/2011, UEK contains not only a built-in chip from the main information about the owner, but also visual information:

  • Full name, date of birth, the applicant's floor;
  • photo owner;
  • № uek, logo and period of action;
  • Reduss;
  • OMS policy number;
  • bank card;
  • note payment system PRO100;
  • bank logo, where there is an account of the electronic card owner;
  • signature example.

UEC can be used as a tool for the following services:

  1. Identifier. Allows the IEC holder to receive services in state, pension, municipal, medical institutions. Can serve as a pass ticket.
  2. Electronic signature. Provides the ability to use an electronic signature when sending legally significant documents. Such a function will allow better protection electronic papers. The electronic signature has the same legitimate basis as the usual painting in the documents. For the possibility of using the UEC as an electronic digital signature, you need to purchase an additional device - the card reader. You also need to download the free program "Cryptopro UEC CSP". After that, in front of the owner of the card, extended opportunities for using the Public Services portal can be confirmed in the form of EDS.
  3. Payment function. The UEC can be used as a regular bank card and pay it for goods and services in those enterprises that use the PER 100 payment system. You need to pre-select the bank and open an account on maintenance. Not all banks participate in this program. To the list of basic banking organizationsSuppose to apply the payment function of a universal card include Sberbank, Moscow Industrial Bank, URALSIB Bank.

Important! This map Used as replacing the most commonly demanded documents. As a means of means, it was rarely applied due to the limited application of the payment system PRO100.

Positive and negative aspects of UEC

The main advantages that the universal card provides are as follows:

  1. The queues are reduced when applying for service in state and municipal institutions.
  2. The ability to accelerate the documentation processing process. There is no need to provide many documents contained in one EEC. This is a pension certificate, and an OMS policy, and the INN required to pay for taxes.
  3. Accelerates the transfer process money as a state of state and fines.
  4. The possibility of paying urban transport, the cost of the trip on which when using the EEC should be cheaper than the established price for the usual passage.

The minuses of the UEC are:

  1. The main negative indicator is that the EEC includes all important documents. With her loss, a citizen becomes vulnerable. It is required to immediately report her lover in many instances. It is also necessary to engage in re-issuance of new documents that were included in the UEC.
  2. The card action is limited to the territory of Russia. Travel it can only be paid in certain subjects of the Russian Federation. The payment function is performed solely for those organizations that support the payment system of the PRO100.

Earlier, an appeal to the special centers of the company UEC JSC was required for obtaining UEC. It was necessary to fill out the proposed statement.

From January 1, 2017, the production of electronic universal cards is discontinued. This decision is fixed in FZ №471 dated 28/12/2016. Not only new cards, but their duplicates are no longer produced. All owners of the already received universal cards can continue to use them until the deadline for their action.

Attention!You can get acquainted with the text of the document.

Refusal of the release of the EEC is associated with the following reasons:

  1. The actual functionality of the card was minimal compared to ideas when designing this system.
  2. The release and maintenance of the WEC attracted too large government spending.

UEC was conceived as a special card, able to replace in his face all today the documents available for each citizen: Inn, SNILS, medical Policy, travel, bank card. Electronic card It was supposed to replace all paper media. Subsequently, it was planned to expand the functions of this card and turn it into an electronic passport.

Surely, everyone has already heard that there is such a thing, as unfortunately, not everyone knows the meaning and purpose of this card. So let's talk about the UEK - what it is and for what it is needed.

What is a universal electronic card?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what kind of tasks can solve the universal map. No matter what a map is first of all payment ToolThe main importance is to simplify the access of citizens to the services provided by the state and the municipalities in electronic format.

It is worth noting that the projects that are carried out at the federal level are not commercial startups, and therefore there is a difference in financial opportunities Depending on the region. The UEC card is funded not only from the federal, but also from regional budgets (Moscow, Tatarstan, Bashkiria and some others).

But still the transition to electronic service instead of live queues and securities is the world trend to which most countries seek. The most important advantage is that these innovations make it possible to avoid bureaucratic wire. In addition, the countries are mostly practiced projects that allow us to issue an EEC for free.

What opportunities are available at the card?

Of all the available capabilities of the map, the most pleasant is that the UEC signature has an electronic. In other words, an electronic signature can be a worthy substitute for the usual. In addition, it can be attached remotely. For example, on the website of the State Service, such a signature can serve as

In addition, the universal electronic map contains the data of most documents - passports, polis, insurance certificate and others. As practice shows, such a card can be submitted in many services instead of a regular paper document.

Many even imagine the UECs that this is a universal means to replace documents, and not for payments. But it can be used for calculations. The restriction here, probably, is the "PRO100" system. It is not possible to use it everywhere, but if it gives the UK Sberbank, his ATMs will take such a map. In this case, the card can also be viewed as a second wallet, where without any problems can be stored their means and, if necessary, to get them in an ATM.

How to make an electronic card?

To make a map, it is enough to come to the execution point and submit a passport and other documents whose information will be listed on new card. In addition, it is necessary to write an application for release, and after a while you will become the owner of the UEC.

Is it possible to pay for the passage of uek?

One of the most poorly implemented functions is the payment of public transport. If you have an uke, how to get such a service, you should not have a question. But it should be remembered that it turns out only in some regions. Such a card is a kind of wallet, with which you can instantly pay for travel. This is a great idea and quite useful, it remains only to wait when it will be very well developed.

What kind of perspective have UEK cards?

What is it - the project is excellent and without development? Disorder, you do not seem to you? Very pleased the fact that this banking Product Pay attention and develop it. The project becomes more developed, the number of places of reception of such cards is also becoming wider, and probably the most important thing that the card functionality is also growing.

To date, universal cards for the most part are considered pilot projectSince there is a small presence in important life areas, but when they will enjoy a lot of people, the system will still show all his utility.

So, we found out, the UEK is what it is, so it can now be said that this is a product of the future. Its application is relevant in most areas of life, but still the system is not well developed. Get such a map is quite simple. You can contact the Department of Sberbank or another Bank, which produces such cards, or apply on the official website.

How to use?

Using UEC is no different from a simple card. You can pay for services, purchases, remove cash and so on. The only thing that can be an obstacle to use is the "PRO100" system, which is not applied in each ATM. In particular, it is from Sberbank. Also on the map contains all data about the user, which is very convenient because you do not need to carry a bunch of pieces of paper, but you can show one only the card with which the necessary information will be read.

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Each citizen has such a right. To do this, it is enough to contact the item where you made a map, and submit an appropriate statement.

Upon receipt of such a card, it is possible to obtain everything as before, in any familiar way with the presentation of a passport and other documentation. If you refuse a map, you do not deny the right to receive services.

As the migration service promises, it will be going to move here on plastic electronic cards on which the entire information needed is stored. Also in the plans that such passports will be used as a key to enter the Public Services portal.


I want to say that the UEC is a great idea. Let's hope that it will develop, grow and expand their functionality. Who knows, maybe after many years she will replace all the documents in general, and we will no longer have the usual paper carriers, and there will be only cards - and nothing more.

One of the tools for translation of the state service to such a format should be universal electronic map. (hereinafter referred to as the UEC), the release, issuance and maintenance of which is regulated by ch. 6. Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 № 210-FZ "" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

Now the UEC is issued at the request of a citizen, but after January 1, 2014 she will be issued to all citizens(With the exception of those who wrote an application for refusing to issue it) (Art. 26 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" mentions the possibility of obtaining UEC juvenile (paragraph 2 of Part 3 of Art. 22, Part 5.1 of Art. 23), but does not specify the procedure for issuing an UEC - as a rule, such information is enshrined in regional laws. It is assumed that the use of UEK children will allow, for example, pay a school breakfast, fix the time spent by the child at school, to organize the maintenance of an electronic diary of academic performance, etc.

To coordinate the activities of the regions on the implementation and ensuring the functioning of the UEC, the registers of the IC issued and the implementation of some other functions in 2010, a federal authorized organization was created OJSC "Universal Electronic Map" (Art. 28 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2010 No. 1344-p). Its shareholders are OJSC Sberbank (44%), CJSC Sberbank Kib (24%), OJSC "URALSIB" (12.5%), JSC "AK BARS" Bank (12.5%) and OJSC SITRONICS (7%).

According to the National Financial Research Agency, the overall level of public awareness of the implementation of the WEC is quite high and amounts to 69%. True, of these, only 14% of Russians clearly represent the essence of the EEC and the opportunities provided by it, and 55% of respondents admitted that they are aware of the innovation only in general terms.

What services can be used with UEK?

Each UEC contains three blocks in itself:

1. Identification unit for accessing and directly receiving public services. The main purpose of UEC is to simplify and increase the efficiency of obtaining citizens of state and municipal services. For this, the EEC has federal, regional and municipal electronic applications that allow you to obtain the services of the appropriate level.

Minimum list of federal applications Enchantable in the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", it includes applications that ensure the identification of the UEC user to access the public services, as well as obtaining public services in the systems of compulsory pension and medical insurance and banking services (part 5 of Art. 23). The list of other federal applications, which should contain the UEC, should be enshrined by the Government of the Russian Federation, but the corresponding ruling is not yet accepted. The volume of regional and local UEC applications is established by the subjects of the Federation, therefore it is necessary to pre-clarify whether the state (municipal) service is provided with the use of EEC in your region.

At the request of the holder, you can activate the built-in UEC electronic signature. To do this, you need to download and install the CryptoproCrotopro CSP cryptoproider program on the computer (with step-by-step instructions for activation electronic signature On the UEC can be found on the official UEC website). In addition, in some regions you can make an electronic signature directly when contacting the OEC in an authorized organization (for example, such a service is provided in the Voronezh region) or in the Bank's office. The electronic signature, formed by the help of the EEC, is a strengthened qualified electronic signature - this means that it can be used when contacting all types of public services, the provision of which in electronic form It is not prohibited (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2012 No. 634 "On the types of electronic signature, the use of which is allowed when contacting the receipt of state and municipal services").

From May 23, 2013, the Holders of the UEC received access to use Single portal Gosvyvug.. With the help of the UEC, you can register on the portal and enter the entrance to personal Area Without entering a login and password, as well as receive electronic public services presented on the portal.

For example, through the EEC, you can quickly make an appointment with a doctor or get a direction for medical and social expertise. Some regions provide the ability to record on UEC history of Disease The patient-holder of the UEC, which will certainly be convenient to patients visiting both public and private clinics or those whose medical record is lost. Thus, the Voronezh region in April 2013 launched the project "Health Map", which in addition to this possibility stimulates citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle - for example, students can undergo a diagnostic examination in the Health Center (or to make fluorography, pass the drug test) and After that, receive discounts in certain stores, pharmacies, fitness clubs using EEC.

On the portals of the regional administrations, you can meet information about the provision of such civil service with the help of UEC, as issuing urban planning plans and building permits, the transfer of residential premises to a non-residential and vice versa, establishing regional supplements to pensions, appointment and payment of child care benefits, queue At housing, provision of use, rental or property land plots etc.

Using the UEC in some regions, you can also pay for passage B. public transport - both in the ground and in the subway. So, from April 2 of this year, the passengers of the capital were able to use the UEC as an electronic wallet, replenished in the cash desks of the metro or automated kiosks. On the UEC can be put up to three thousand rubles, while the cost of one trip on the subway is 28 rubles, and on land transport - 26 rubles. (The validator reflects the responsible amount and the remaining balance on the map).

What kind of services can be obtained using the PEC in a specific region, it is better to clarify on the sites of the relevant authorized organizations in the regions. A complete list of such organizations is posted on the official website of the UEC.

2. Banking block.Electronic banking application that allows you to receive banking services with the help of UEC, refers to the number of mandatory federal electronic applications and is found on each issued UEC. However, his activation is voluntary and completely depends on the discretion of the UEC holder (Part 17 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"). A citizen can choose a bank independently, which will provide him with services within a banking electronic application, from among the banks that have entered into an agreement with OJSC UNIVESAL electronic card (part 4 of Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"). The list of such banks is posted on the official UEC website. After receiving the EEC, it is also possible to change servicing bank (Part 18 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

We can pay the EEC in commercial organizations serviced by the relevant bank. UEC has a domestic payment application PRO100. If a trading or service organization is marked by a logo "PRO100"This means that OEC payments are guaranteed to be accepted.

In addition, the EEC holder has the ability to make money through an ATM and replenish the bill, as well as use online banking.

Children up to 14 years old, the electronic bank application is not connected, and children from 14 to 18 years old are connected with the consent of their legal representatives (part 5.1 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

3. Commercial unit for payment for private organizations.The rules developed by the Government of the Russian Federation allow commercial organizations to contact the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia with a statement on providing an additional EEC data, included either to an identification application or a specially created independent federal application. It is this data area that will allow such organizations to provide ordinary service to citizens. In case of satisfaction of this statement by the Commissioner of the Commission, a new data area is either placed on the EEC of a new issue (if the end of the data development development coincides in time with such a release) is either connected to the previously released and existing EEC. In this connection can occur remotely or by circulation of the UEC holder to the service providing organization (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2011 No. 613 "On the development, connecting and operation of federal electronic applications, with the exception of the electronic banking application").

Such an opportunity will allow commercial organizations to expand the client base, and the UEC users quickly and conveniently receive their services and take advantage of special offers organizations for Holders of the UEC. For example, the UEC can be used as fuel or discount card. In addition, a commercial organization who wants to join the EEC project can also address the regional authorized organization for the provision of services only to residents of a particular region.

How to get uek?

The procedure for obtaining UECs, including the list of applications for the extradition of the WEEC, is established by the regions (Part 3, 6 of Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"). Most often to apply for the receipt of the UEC in the IFC, the Bank's Office (in most cases it is Sberbank or Uralsib Bank) or in a special authorized organization, which are created in the form of state budgetary institutions or commercial organizations (for example, in the Republic of Mari El is GBU "Informsreda", and in Stavropol Territory - OJSC "Wapa Stavropol").

As a rule, a photograph for the UEC can be made directly at the point of acceptance of applications, however, in the absence of such a technical ability, the future Holder of the UEC will have to provide a photo on their own. This nuance must be clarified to a specific application reception point.

FROM full list Application reception points, as well as addresses of regional sites, which can be obtained complete information on the procedure for obtaining an EEC in your region, you can find on the official website of the Universal Electronic Card OJSC. You can also download the form of a statement about the provision of UEC.

Issued uek is freeThe exceptions are cases of re-issuing an UEC in case of loss of a card or a PIN code to it, but in this case the tariffs for the design of the UEC are very low - so, in Sberbank their size ranges from 30 to 60 rubles. At the end of the expiration date of the UEC (five years), the reissue will also be carried out for free. The cost of maintenance of the UEC, if the banking electronic application is activated, is established by banks on their own.

Citizens are also given the right to write application for refusal to issue UEC (Part 5 of Art. 26 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"), and also refuse to use the UEC after it is received - the UEC in this case is canceled in the prescribed manner (part 10 of Art. 26 of the Federal Law "on the organization providing state and municipal services ").

If the application for the receipt of UEK or refusal to receive not filed by a citizen before January 1, 2014 (or more early timeestablished by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation or the laws of the subjects), then:

  • WEC is still issued to such a citizen authorized regional Organization free of charge;
  • UEC is issued on the basis of information about the personal data of a citizen, which is available from regional executive bodies, regional units of federal executive bodies and extrabudgetary funds;
  • The UEC is not posted a photo of a citizen;

If a citizen has not chosen a bank during a period determined by the subject of the Federation subject (it cannot be less than 30 days from the date of publication of the notice of the EEC issue for this category of citizens), the UEC will be issued to it with the Bank's banking application chosen by the subject in the competition (Art. 26 of the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services").

Many subjects of the Russian Federation launched special siteswhere you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for obtaining and using the EEC in a specific region, a list of available services, etc. (Moscow, Vladimirskaya Oblast, Voronezh Region, Ivanovo region, Kalilingrad region, Pskov region, Rostov region, etc.). In addition, they are provided and additional services - For example, on the official portal of the universal electronic map of the city of Moscow, you can check the validity of the UEC, as well as the status of a statement for issuing an EEC.

How to use uek?

UEC is always used using additional technical devices to which include:

  • terminals (infomatics) for UECs located in MFC and other visited public places;
  • aTMs, payment and POS-terminals of banks;
  • validators in public transport;
  • cartriders. The card reader is necessary in order to use the UEC without leaving the house. It is a device for reading a memory card, having a display, a numeric keypad for a set of a PIN code, as well as a certified hardware and software module. The card reader is connected to the computer, the UEC is inserted into it, and after the introduction of the PIN-code, the user gets access via the Internet to all the possibilities of the UEC (Public Services portal, onlineservice project participating banks, commercial service providers sites on which the UEC and T services can be paid . d.). The cost of card readers that support the UEC varies from 500 rubles. Up to 5000 rubles., You can purchase this device in computer stores.

Why do Russians do not hurry to receive an uke?

According to the press service of the Department of Strategic Communications OJSC "Universal Electronic Map", this moment Made almost 71 thousand UECs, and more than 88 thousand citizens sent statements to the issuance of UEC. IN percentage ratio The population of Russia is about 0.1%.

Causes of such a wary relation to the EEC are several.

According to the survey of FOM, held on September 16, 2012, 18% of Russians fear difficulties when recovering uek In the case of its loss or theft or the possibility of using it with unauthorized persons. However, the UEC does not contain the databases of state-owned bodies, but only provides access to them - therefore, the UEC does not mean loss of personal information about the citizen. In addition, a PIN code is required to use the UEC, which only the owner of the card knows that significantly reduces the risk of UEC fraudsters.

14% of respondents do not trust information protectionused in the UEC. At the same time, the technologies of the electronic EEC chip certified FSB of Russia and are protected from cloning and hacking, and the UEC microprocessor and any reader communicate with information in encrypted form.

In addition, respondents mentioned the establishment of excessive control of the state over citizens (4%), the need to master the special skills of using the UEC (3%), the possibilities of failure in the work of the UEC (2%) and so on.

Some responses confirm that the degree of awareness of the procedure for registration and use of the UEC remains at a low level - so, 1% of respondents believes that for the design of the UEC will have to pay money, and in the event of a lost card, all documents will disappear (7%).

Separate part of the population actively opposes the spread of UEC Among Russians. For instance, arbitrage practice He knows the cases of the appeal of citizens with the requirements for recognizing the inactive individual provisions of ch. 6 of the Federal Law "On the Organization of State and Municipal Services" and regional EEC Regional Laws (see, for example, the definition of the St. Petersburg City Court of March 26, 2013 No. 33-3500 / 2013, the decision of the St. Petersburg City Court from 17 October 2012 No. 3-204 / 12, the decision of the Moscow City Court of March 12, 2012 No. 3-37 / 12). The applicants referred to the fact that, in their opinion, when issuing the UEC, the rules for the processing of personal data are violated, as well as the opening rules bank account. The court did not agree with these statements, indicating the possibility of submitting an application for refusing to issue an EEC.

"It is important to note that the possibility of using the UEC infrastructure is currently being discussed when using electronic passport. Services that are already available using a universal electronic map can later be obtained using an electronic passport, which should be no less convenient than the UEC, "say the press service of the Department of Strategic Communications of the Universal Electronic Card OJSC.

The results of the survey of visitors to our portal show that the opinions of the respondents about the need to replace the paper passport with an electronic map almost equally equally. For the implementation of this idea, 48% of respondents spoke, against - 44%.

How do you feel about replacing a paper passport with an electronic card?

Approving - 48%
Not approve - 44%
The first time I hear about this initiative - 7%

Interview time: June 1-7, 2013
Survey location: Russia, all districts

Sample size: 365 respondents

Thus, the UEC is not yet widely popular among Russians, which is due to both insufficient informs of the opportunities provided by it, and with a relatively undeveloped infrastructure of its maintenance. At the same time, the further improvement of the technologies of the UEC and the expansion of its application to the publication with competent information policy can strengthen the prestige of the universal card and significantly increase the number of its holders.

Initially, the goal of creating an UEC was to ensure easier access to public services, the possibility of saving time on personal visits to government agencies, the elimination of the corruption component in obtaining public services. But as the functionality of the universal electronic map was developed and today it includes the following features:

  1. Identification. UEC should become an analogue of identity card.

  2. Payment. The card can be used to pay for state services, as well as a full-featured card for payment of goods in stores.

  3. EDS. UEC can be used as a signature when remotely send documents. EDS allows you to sign important documents remotely without a personal visit to the necessary institution.

UEC as a means of identification

The UEC contains the necessary information about citizens necessary for obtaining public services: FULL NAME, date of birth, SNILS, OMS policy, etc. With the help of the UEC, you can register on the Public Services portal, sign up for a doctor, translate residential premises in a non-residential, to register in line at housing, get a child care allowance and others important services. In some regions, citizens are available to write down the history of the Citizen's disease on the UEC.

UEC as payment instrument

UEC can be used as a full payment tool through the Pro100 system. With the help of the card, you can not only pay, but also buy goods in stores, remove cash, remotely control the score. Some regions are provided with discounts on the EEC. The card you can receive a scholarship, salary, retirement, etc.

For the possibility of using the UEC as a bank card, you must select a bank-issuer that will provide the specified Funkional. Their list is still limited. Information about issuing banks can be obtained on the website of OEC.

Uek as a transport card

UEC can replace a travel ticket. To do this, you need to activate its transport application. The card can pay for travel in public transport. At the same time, the cost of one trip will be cheaper than with traditional payment.

It is worth noting that while only a limited number of state and banking services is available to the cardholders. But in the future it is expected that the marriage can be recorded, to obtain a child's birth certificate, choose the cable TV operator, etc.

Universal electronic card mandatory?

Many Russians concerns the question of whether the UEC is obligatory. No not necessarily. Moreover, it could be abandoned until the end of 2014. But now the card is issued only on the basis of a personal statement and presence of a citizen. It turns out that without a statement the card is not issued.

Where to get a universal electronic card

Points of issuing a universal electronic map are open throughout Russia. You can learn about their location on the official website of OEK OJSC, or on specialized regional portals. Apply for IEC release is possible only with a personal visit.

The news that since 2015, the universal electronic card will become mandatory, forced russian citizens Think about the procedure for designing such a product. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn how get a universal card, which documents need to be provided and where all this can be done.

How to arrange a universal electronic card

For registration of universal electronic (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code, it is necessary to undergo the following procedure:

  • prepare a passport or other certifying document, as well as insurance policies (if any);
  • with these documents, contact a special point for receiving statements (Location can be found on the official website of the Criminal Code or contacting the state. The authority that implements this project in the region);
  • based on the documents provided, the operator will fill out an application for the issuance of the Criminal Code or will offer the client to do it on its own (optional);
  • next, you need to take a picture (all items are equipped with special equipment for this) and submit documents for processing;
  • after submitting the necessary documentation, you need to get a unique number. He will allow you to learn about the readiness of the Criminal Code, about the location of the department in which it will be issued;
  • having learned about the readiness of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to apply to the item specializing in the issuance of cards (PV) and get your CC management together with unique PIN codes;

Obtained in this way will not have an electronic signature and an open bank account. These services are ordered additionally. So, an electronic signature will open access to the state. services, and an open bank account will allow you to transfer money to the card and exercise estimated operations.

To make a signature, you need:

  • after receiving the Criminal Code, it is additionally in the PV to submit an appropriate statement;
  • wait until an employee of the item creates a signature key on the Criminal Code;
  • pick up the card and certificate about the availability and authenticity of the signature.

To open at the CC account, the Bank will require only the personal appeal of the holder with the relevant statement in the banking department.

Requirements for a statement on a universal electronic card

You can order a universal electronic card free by filling out the appropriate application. In all points of reception of documents, a single typical form of an application application is used. The application statement consists of two parts. The first fills the citizen who wants to get a map. It passes his personal photo, and also indicates the following information:

  • service item in which the document is submitted;
  • your personal data;
  • information about identity and insurance documents;
  • in which he wants to get the Criminal Code;
  • does he have the right to benefits;
  • codeword;
  • the reason for issuing a map;
  • the item in which he prefers to pick up his card (optional);
  • filling date and personal signature.

The second part of the statement is filled with a person who takes it. It reflects such information:

  • surname, initials;
  • position held;
  • date when the application was made;
  • item code in which the reception was carried out;
  • assigned series and statement number;
  • personal signature.

After filling out, the employee affixes a barcode on the application, which allows you to quickly find a document in the database.

Citizen service points for receiving a universal electronic map

Service points are called state bodiesresponsible for the implementation of the project and directly accepting applications from citizens. Depending on the functions performed, the following service points exist:

  • authorized organizations of state subjects (WSA);
  • reception points of documents;
  • as well as PV;

Authorized organizations are responsible for providing citizens with access to the procedure for mapping. They are not engaged in acceptance of applications, and just decide the issue of opening or eliminating the places of registration and issuing cards. Each organization can establish additional rules for the design of the Criminal Code. Before registration, information should be specified. Addresses of all organizations are provided on the website of the Universal Electronic Card OJSC.

In most cases, the address of the reception points and the imposition points of universal electronic coincides. This group of service points is already directly designing cards. It is here that citizens are referred to with their statements. Addresses of these organizations can be found in an authorized organization or on the official website of JSC.

How to get a universal electronic card

The only place where to get a universal electronic card is available, is PV. Map is usually produced for 20 working days from the date of application. Once the card becomes ready, the authorized organization will deliver it to PV. The latter will notify the recipient about readiness. After that, it will only stay and pick up the card.

Together with the Citizen map will receive a sealed envelope with PIN codes:

  • the first is always used by the holder, except for payment of travel and bank services (contains from 4 to 8 digits);
  • the second owner of the card introduces when using an electronic signature (from 6 to 8 digits);
  • the third is designed to change the pins or unlocking the card (8 digits);
  • the fourth provides access to all banking services on the map (4 digits);

When paying travel in transport is not required. When you lose the card, you must call the service center and block it. Recovery will occur at the expense of the holder.

Tips for citizens when issuing and issuing universal electronic cards

  1. Authorized organizations have the right to make adjustments to the procedure for issuing the Criminal Code on the territory of a separate subject. Therefore, specify this information in advance.
  2. In the application, specify only reliable data, since then they will be reflected in the receipt of the state. Services.
  3. For convenience, choose those receiving points and issuing maps that are located as close as possible to your place of residence.
  4. When receiving a card, check the integrity and disadvantage of the envelope with codes.

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