
Whether to get SNILS. Pension insurance certificate

The insurance number of an individual personal account in 2003 in our state has become mandatory in the list of documents available among citizens of the Russian Federation. Collecting documents for production reduss In full, you can make it a newborn.

Why do I need a personal account from the FIU

It is a laminated light green shade card, with the information prescribed in black on the front side:

  • directly individual number.
  • Owner's name;
  • half a citizen;
  • date of birth, as well as place;

An individual account, issued by the FIU, is needed to each for tracking and verifying all the existing work activities, official and mandatory deductionsAs for working persons.

A set of numbers contained on the form is assigned for life. This means that the re-registration on another number is not provided at all. Even with the loss of the card itself, changing the surname, name, other personal data, the digital designation from the front side will remain unchanged.

The presence of such important information helps in many spheres of human life. For example, an individual numeric value is used to register on the Public Services portal. Relevant value and to enter personal Area On the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Non-State Pension Fund, on the pages of which you can see existing pension accruals, work experience, all past and real employers of a citizen.

Important! Insurance number is needed for official employment, to provide services for a civil contract. It makes it possible to arrange many social benefitsprovided by the state.

Face number for a child

If the juvenile representatives of our country have an insurance number of an individual personal account, this makes it possible to children:

  • participate from the very birth of social programs, for example, to acquire medicines at no cost up to 3 years, if an outpatient treatment is assumed;
  • organize one's own pension accumulationsIf a citizen has not reached 18 years old wants to work for vacation time. This will increase the work experience, accrual funds in the FIU;
  • identify to obtain information on the already used state or municipal payments, etc.

The presence of this individual number is very important at any age. It is necessary to take care of the acquisition of such from the earliest kid.

Photo on a blank with unique number absent, and he himself is indefinite. This is an undoubted advantage of this document, which does not provide, compared with the passport, its replacement at certain intervals.

It's important to know! Some medical institutions Our country (Polyclinics, hospitals, hospitals, Feldscher Centers) require representatives of a newborn, so that there was also insurance for birth. On this occasion, a lot of complaints, appeals and disputes were initially received. However, over time, parents have become clear that such a requirement of the health care system is justified. So, when granting drugs, free of charge or registration of benefits No time wait for 21 days to become an insured person. And the law is other (abbreviated) terms are not provided.

Registration of insurance certificate to a child up to 18 years

Before you figure out what documents are needed to obtain your own SNILS, it is worth understanding how the personal data is submitted. There are several ways:

  1. parents of children have the right to contact the FIU independently, without the participation of a minor;
  2. after receiving a passport for the first time in 14 years, a citizen can provide an application without his legal representatives, not to take them with him to the Fund's Department;
  3. educational institutionwhich adopts minors after graduating from 9 or 11 grade high school represented by its administration is authorized to file such statements;
  4. if the registry office collaborates with the FIU, facilitating the parents of the newborn passage of bureaucratic procedures, then provide the personal data it will be there.
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After determining one of the feed methods, it is necessary to understand what is needed to obtain the cherished SNILS:

  • the first document of the child is a birth certificate, if he still does not have his own inner passport;
  • passport (internal) parent (adopter and guardian), if the application submits a person;
  • a completed statement (ADV -1 form), which is signed by the representative of the child;
  • the passport of a minor after 14 years, if it is decided to get the insurance number independently without adults.

Reception of documents for SNILS is carried out in the FIU or MFC branch (multifunctional center providing a complex of state and municipal services).

Important! MFC has the right only to take the original data necessary for registration, but obtaining is possible only in the pension fund Russian Federation Relevant region (subject).

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Getting reduced adult citizen

The citizen of the Russian Federation who has achieved adult age is fully capable, has the right to receive insurance certificate in the Pension Fund personally. These documents are needed to reduce an adult citizen:

  • own internal passport;
  • questionnaire of the insured person of the established sample.

You can apply with the help of an employer. Competent employees of the enterprise fill all personal data and transmit information to authorized body. Servicemen can get an insurance certificate in their military unit.

Important! Only the one who filed statements can get a ready testimony. If a citizen, then personally. If the employer or other trustee, then, accordingly, the obligation and right lie on them.

Questionnaire of the insured person

The obligatory stage of the design of the reduced adult and the child is to fill the questionnaire in the form of the ADV -1.
On a special form you need to specify:

  1. FIO of the recipient of the insurance certificate;
  2. sexuality;
  3. registration address;
  4. day, month, year of birth;
  5. citizenship, place of birth;
  6. if the actual address differs from registration, then it will be necessary to specify;
  7. full passport details (series, number, when issued by which authority, unit code);
  8. date of filling the questionnaire;
  9. signature of the applicant (insured person).
Important! Fill out the application can be handled. The main thing is that all the data be disposal. It is recommended to prescribe words with printed letters, if possible, use technical means. In some departments, the FIU employees are engaged in filling out the application for SNILS themselves.

Submission of documents to obtain SNILS takes a little time. Registration of the insured evidence lasts 3 weeks (21 days) from the moment of appeal to the authorized body. The payment of state duty is not provided - the procedure is free.

Using the Public Services portal for registration

A convenient portal provides a huge range of public services. Through this site it is possible to get various references, leave appeals, place applications for passports.

However, the receipt of the personal account through this portal is impossible. This is explained by the fact that the registration of the insurance certificate is accompanied by the transfer of confidential information. Only Pension FIU, MFC and Records can receive such information.

Important! Any other ways to submit initial data and obtain evidence currently do not exist.

Foreign Citizenship and SNILS

Foreign citizens who are arranged in the regions of the Russian Federation can receive insurance certificates.
The exception is qualified specialists. This category Employees are determined by Russian legislation.

For obtaining it is necessary:

  • collect documentation (passport or other document confirming the identity of a foreigner, as well as a document on his legitimate location in the territory of the Russian Federation - permission to labor activity, visa);
  • bring them personally into the department or entrust the transfer through the employer.
Important! Until January 1, 2015, foreign persons were needed an employment contract to contact the FIU office. Now there is no such need - the requirement is canceled at the legislative level.

In addition, if the foreigner's passport is described in another language other than the Russian, then a notarized translation is applied to it.

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14.04.2017, 14:22

In the organization, a new employee. For him, this is the first place of work, so he has no insurance testimony. You need to write an application for SNILS. Let's tell me the personnel worker how to write such and the application and what formulations it is better to use. Also you can download the completed application form in the object of the example.

Why I need SNILS

Let's start with the fact that it is an abbreviation, denoting the insurance number of an individual account of the insured person. This number is contained in the insurance certificate and is needed for identification. individual in system pension insurance. This number is used to prepare personalized reporting and calculations on insurance premiums.

The obligation to design an insurance certificate with a new employee lies at the employer (part 4 of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of Art. 7 Federal Law dated 01.04.1996 № 27-ФЗ). That is, to make a SNILS employee must at the enterprise. To impose this responsibility for himself illegal (paragraph 5 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ).

We write an application for the name of the director

To make a pension certificate, you need to start with the statement addressed to the head of the organization (paragraph 3 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ). There is no approved form of this paper, so the application for the production of SNILS can be made in an arbitrary form.

In order not to spend time on the formulation of the application, our specialists prepared a completed sample. You will only need to replace the name and name of the organization.

You can also form a statement.

Step 2. Prepare a set of documents for passing in the FIU

To obtain a certificate for an employee, the following documents should be submitted to the territorial division of the Foundation (paragraph 2 of Art. 7, paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of 01.04.1996 No. 27-FZ, paragraph 17 and 25 instructions, approved by the Board Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2017 № 2P):

  • the form of the ADV-1 (Questionnaire of the Insured);
  • the form of the ADF-6-1 (inventory documents that are transmitted to the pension fund).

Although the deadline for submission of documents is currently not regulated, it is better to arrange a minor. After all, the data reduction will be required to fill out reports, in particular the SZV-M.

Five working days after receiving documents, the pension fund will decide on assigning it insurance number Individual personal account of the insured person (SNILS). This number will be listed in the insurance pension certificate that the employee will be issued.

If a new person has to work towards work, who does not have SNILS, should arrange his employer. To this end, you need to take a number of actions. That's what you need to do:

  1. get from the employee a statement on issuing insurance pension certificate in arbitrary form;
  2. fill out the questionnaire of the insured person in capital letters (form No. ADV-1), which the employee must sign;
  3. fill out inventory documents transmitted by the employer in the FIU (form No. ADV-6-1);
  4. imagine the questionnaire together with the description in the FFR division in in electronic format (via the Internet) or "on paper";
  5. get the insurance pension testimony to the FIU - no more than five working days from the date of submission to the territorial office FIU documents. Together with the testimony, you should issue an accompanying statement in form No. adi-5;
  6. issue an insurance certificate to the employee under the involvement in the accompanying statement in form No. adi-5;
  7. return the accompanying statement in form No. adi-5 in the FIU.

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What documents are needed to obtain SNILS?

SNILS is your account number that is listed part of earnings in order to form your future pension. You can get it at any age. This can be done in the Russian Pension Fund, in a multifunctional center or at work in the personnel department or accounting department. No special skills will need - extremely simple.

To begin with, consider the most standard situation - the citizen reached the age of majority and draws up documents to obtain SNILS. He will need only two documents: identity card and ADV-1 form questionnaire.

Certificate of identity can be used almost any. It should correspond only to two conditions: have details (series, number, place of issue and date) and meet the general rules of identification certificate (according to it should be possible to identify a citizen). However, the most simply and quickly simply use your passport - so you have guaranteed problems.

The form of ADV - 1 is the simplest questionnaire that does not contain anything other than the short information on the citizen who filled its citizen and its details from the identity card. Fill it will not be any difficulty. You can do this at home yourself, and in the FFR office.

As soon as these two documents are ready, it will be possible to request SNILS. More from adult citizens of the Russian Federation is not required.

What documents are needed for declining a child?

Snobs for a child

Each child from the moment of birth can get Snils. This gives him and his parents a few useful features. The plus will become what is drawn up on a child only two weeks, which is significantly shorter than the design of the decline on an adult. At the same time, the procedure depends on the age of the child.

If the child is less than fourteen

In this case, SNILS makes a parent. He will need:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. The form of ADV - 1, filled with him personally.

All these documents are submitted as standard, in the form of ADV - 1 fits information from the birth certificate. There is no participation in a child nor a parent.

If the child is more than 14

As soon as the child receives a passport, he is obliged to get SNILS himself. At the same time, the presence of parents is not rebored. The child will need to submit the following documents:

  1. Fulfilled by him Sample ADV - 1;
  2. Certificate of birth (required in rare cases);
  3. His own passport.

Thus, a child from the age of 14 receives SNOW as well as an adult citizen of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed for decomposition of a foreign citizen?

Get SNILS is obliged to any citizen foreign statewho wants to work legally in the Russian Federation. Often it is reduced to foreign specialists is issued in advance and the employer himself. However, this can be done independently. If a foreign citizen is an adult, he will need to file a completed ADV profile and one of the following documents:

  1. Passport of a foreign citizen;
  2. Foreign passport of a foreigner;
  3. Residence;
  4. Permission for temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

If a foreign citizen younger than fourteen, then for declining, it will require his birth certificate for the birth of a foreign sample. At the same time, regardless of the age of coming a citizen, it may be required to present other documents confirming the legality of staying in Russia. Therefore, contact the pension fund is best with the full package of documents.

Documents required for re-obtaining SNILS in case of loss

Restoration SNILS

If you lost your SNILS or SSPS, then you should not panic - without any additional documents (passports or other certificate) it does not have any value. Therefore, it is not possible to get a rebound. The only document required to receive a Duplicate SNILS is your passport. At the same time, the request can be made both in the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration and in the personnel department at work. It is worth noting important detail - The design of SNILS re-in the loss will not happen - it does not change and enshrined for a citizen for life. You will simply give another SSPS in return for old. Therefore, with a loss under the "design of SNILS" implies a simple issuance of a duplicate.

How to get SNILS in case of changing the name?

If, because of the circumstances, you decided to change the surname, then you will need to collect the necessary evidence to get the new SNILS. The design procedure is reduced when changing the surname can be carried out both at work and in the separation of the Pension Fund. From the choice of the place of renewal will be

If a citizen itself is engaged in the design of the surname after changing the surname

The operation passes the same as receiving SNILS. Although there are significant differences. The first and most importantly - the form of the questionnaire. For declining design, the form of ADV-2 is used when changing the surname, in which old and new data are introduced. Thus, the replacement of SNILS requires the preparation and design of the following documents:

  1. A new passport with an already modified last name;
  2. Justifications of changing the name. Three forms are possible: judicial decision (if a citizen decided to change the name for a personal reason), a marriage certificate (if the surname change occurred after marriage), a divorce certificate (if the surname change occurred when the marriage was terminated);
  3. The applied statement of the ADV-2 form.

All this is submitted to the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the Registration Place. On the re-registration, as well as to receive SNILS, will take two weeks.

If the declaration of SNILS after changing the surname is engaged in the employer

The process itself does not have differences. All the same documents and forms are served. However, there is an important feature - as the documents are not personally submitted by a citizen, the employer must issue documents confirming the reception of documents and their refund. Thus, the following additional documents will be involved:

  1. List of documents forms of ADV - 6 - 1, containing a list of accepted from the employee and transferred securities to the Pension Fund;
  2. Application forms ADI - 5, in which the employee notes the fact of obtaining his documents and a new SSPS after its design;
  3. The form form is 6. It is not required, its function is to correct errors and eliminate the inaccuracies made as a result of the design of the new SSPS.

It is worth noting a very important fact - when changing the surname, the SNILS itself does not change. However, this does not mean that the replacement can be forgotten. When changing the surname, data attached to SNILS. And if it may not file papers on time, leading to a variety of consequences - from loss of accumulations to the impossibility to get a job.

According to the law, SNILS is an important document, the presence of which is mandatory for each resident of the Russian Federation. The document is attached to the individual account number. The process of obtaining an insurance certificate does not take much time, and does not require the provision of a large number of documents. For a correct answer to the question,It is necessary to take into account individual nuances depending on the status of the applicant: a child up to 14 years old, a minor from 14 to 18 years old, an adult person or a citizen without official employment.

Why make it possible to settle down?

The presence of SNILS shows the obligatory participation of a citizen of our country in the pension insurance system and is a document with personal data.

In order to preserve confidentiality, it is not allowed to transfer a document for storing to third parties, in all cases the holder provides copies or an insured number. It is also prohibited to require the provision of information for public access.

In addition to identifying data, the insured evidence may be required for:

Where can I make?

By general ruleThe manufacture and issuance of such documents is engaged in the PF of the Russian Federation. Therefore, a person who wants to arrange SNILS, one can apply to the nearest territorial separation of this organization. Previously, it was the only way to get an insurance certificate. Today there are alternatives that in some cases are much more convenient and significantly save time and facilitate the design process. These include:

Deciding with the place where the application for the establishment of an individual insurance account and the release of a laminated certificate must be understoodwhat is needed for registration and reduce.

General List of Preserved Documents

Adult A citizen of the Russian Federation can be independently submitted by a questionnaire to the Department of State Pension Fund or entrust the procedure to the employer. Servicemen act through the military unit at the place of service.

Which documents Need to initiate the procedure? There are only two of them:

1. Certificate of identity that should be valid at the time of treatment.

2. Questionnaire for the form of ADV-1. ()

Rules of filling the questionnaire

The questionnaire can be filled at home by downloading it from the official resource or directly in the Pension Fund. It contains data on the applicant and the details of the identity card: FULL NAME, date of birth, address of the registration, address of residence in fact, date.

Note! The ADV-1 form is filled with printed letters.

In many regional departments of the Pension Fund, it is not required to independently fill the questionnaire. This responsibility is entrusted to the Fund employee, which fills it with the applicant's words. If the questionnaire gives an employer, then the data is made by the representative of the personnel department.

Be sure to sign the insured person. In a situation where the applicant temporarily stays in another city for more than 30 days, for example, on a business trip, then additional documents that confirm the cause of absence are additionally submitted.

It is strictly forbidden to sign instead of the insured person.

The exception is made for young citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14. The right of signature is provided to parents (no matter, relatives or reception), or guardians. Be sure to provide documents that confirm the status of a representative of the child.

Design of reduced child

The procedure for obtaining a children's reduction can be initiated from birth. Features of design depend on age.

If the young person is not yet reached the age of 14, the process of the child's legal representatives are engaged. According to a special agreement with the Pension Fund, this procedure can be carried out by the registry authorities since the child's birth at the request of parents.

Also getting reductionto kid It may initiate an educational institution in which the latter receives education.

As a personality certificate acts about birth.

In a situation where a minor person has already been 14 years old, he independently appeals to the Department of the Russian Federation and his civil passport for obtaining a document.

Citizen other country: What do you need to know?

Foreign citizenwhich has official employment in our country, it is also necessary to arrange an insurance certificate. As a rule, this procedure is carried out by an employer, but it is possible and independently arrange it or FFR.

Additionally, the questionnaire is attached:

  1. passport;
  2. international passport;
  3. permission to stay in our country.

Important! Be sure to make the transfer of documents from a foreign language and assure a notary.

When is required for issuing a new SNILS?

Repeated application to obtain the document under consideration is carried out in the following situations:

    changes in passport data, most often when changing the name.

    losses of the original document.

Both situations provide for the issuance of the new SNILS. To obtain a duplicate, they turn into the same organs as for the first time. The current legislation is not allowed to issue an insured certificate with the help of the Internet. Additionally attach documents that caused the need to issue a new SNILS.

The procedure procedure remains unchanged, only instead of the ADV-1 form is used.

The individual person's personal account number remains the same, only plastic card changes.

Terms of registration and period of operation SNILS

The standard deadline for registering the insurance number for the personal account established by law and should not exceed the month.

With personal contact with the pension fund, the procedure will take up to 14 days. But it will also have to take the document on their own.

In a situation where the company is engaged in the enterprise, where the insured person works, the SNILS is obtained directly from the employer after a half or two months.

For children, the process of registration before receiving a document takes no more than two or three weeks.

This document has an unlimited validity period, since the insurance number is assigned to the face for life.


Today at obligatory Must be available in every resident of the Russian Federation, since the moment of birth. The design of the document depends on the status of the applicant. The procedure itself is quite simple, no more than a month.

It is extremely important to match the data of the insurance certificate with passport data. The slightest discrepancy is not allowed. It is also forbidden to give a document for storage to unauthorized persons. Data reduss Confidential. No posting information for public access is not allowed.

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Insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) is mandatory in the formation pension law And assigned to every citizen. Registration in the system of pension insurance is far from the only purpose of SNILS. There are many circumstances that require the presence of this laminated green card. Sooner or later, any person has the need to receive an insurance certificate. If you are in their number, then first of all it should be found out which documents are needed to obtain SNILS.

The list of documents required in order to differ depending on who exactly addresses the testimony (an adult citizen, a child or a person who has no citizenship). In this case, in all cases, the package of documents will be minimal. And in general, it should be noted that the procedure for obtaining an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance is extremely simple and take a minimum of time. If you turn directly to the FIU, then the insurance certificate will be issued immediately. Through MFC 5 days.

  • Important
  • You can get an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance in FIU or MFC at the place of registration (including temporary).

What documents are needed to obtain a reduced adult

For adult citizens there are several options for obtaining insurance certificate, while the package necessary documents It will be the same in all cases. Similar conditions operate for persons aged from 14 to 18 years. That is, if you already have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you can easily get SNILS. If the testimony of compulsory pension insurance can be obtained for a child under 14 years old, one of the parents should be engaged in this issue. What documents are needed to obtain a reduction on a child, we will look at a little later, but so far find out that you will need an adult.

To obtain a reduced adult, the following documents are needed:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Questionnaire of the Insured person (form of ADV - 1);
  • Permission for temporary stay in the Russian Federation (for stateless persons).

In principle, in order to obtain an insurance certificate from the documents, only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be required. The questionnaire of the Insured person in the form of the ADF is also required to be completed, the filling of this document does not provide for difficulties. You can download the ready-made template on our website, print and fill it. Then go to PFR or MFC with a completed questionnaire. If such an option is uncomfortable for you, then you can fill out a questionnaire directly when contacting the insurance certificate. An employee of the department can help you fill it if necessary. In any case, in this article, we will give instructions for filling the questionnaire of the insured person and leave a link to load the appropriate sample.

What documents are needed to obtain a reduction on a child

According to the law, SNILS is mandatory issued to citizens in the first employment to official work. Because on the insurance number of the individual personal account, the employer must send deductions that will form your pension. However, the need to obtain an insurance certificate may arise long before the employment. Many parents in view of various reasons are forced to apply for SNOW for children, often in the first months of the life of the baby. You can get an insurance certificate immediately after the child will be made of birth certificate. At the same time, it does not matter whether you made other documents ( polis Oms, registration, citizenship, etc.).

To obtain a reduction on the child, the following documents are needed:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of one of the parents;
  • Certificate of the birth of a child;
  • Questionnaire of the Insured person in the form of the ADV - 1 (the questionnaire is indicated in the questionnaire).

It turns out that in order to obtain an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance against a child, one of the parents with a passport and a birth certificate go to the FIU or MFC. Already in place you can fill out the questionnaire of the insured person. Although, if desired, this can be done in advance. Instructions for filling this simple questionnaire and the necessary form you can find below. It is worth noting that children aged 14 can pick up their SNILS independently. If your child has reached this age, then this duty is assigned to you.

Documents for obtaining reduced by a foreign citizen

By law, to obtain an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance can anyone, regardless of his citizenship. The main thing in this case so that a foreign citizen is officially employed in the Russian Federation. In most cases, the employer himself makes SBILES for such persons, however, there are exceptions. If you have official work and at the same time are a citizen of another country, then to obtain an insurance certificate it is necessary to contact pension Fund at the place of residence. What documents are needed to obtain SNILS foreign citizen See below.

List of documents for receipt Snobs face without Russian citizenship:

  • Foreign citizen passport:
  • Foreign passport of a foreign citizen;
  • Residence permit or permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation;
  • An employment contract or a permanent contract;
  • Questionnaire of the insured person.

With all these documents, you need to go to the FIU. Fill out the questionnaire of the insured person directly when visiting the department. In order not to stand in the queue can produce.

What documents are needed to restore SNILS

The insurance number of an individual personal account is issued to a citizen only once and is permanent for him, but this does not mean that in the case of the loss of laminated green card, you are denying pension rights. We often ask. In fact, there is nothing strange in this and you can easily. What will be needed for this below.

For recovery, the following documents are needed:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Birth certificate (for children under 14);
  • Application for issuing a duplicate of insurance certificate.

The application can be fill in place. Get a duplicate SNILS seems to be possible in the Pension Fund or in MFC. In the first case, the insurance certificate will be issued on the day of circulation. If you decide to use the services of the MFC, you will have to wait until five days. It is also worth noting that the official website of the Pension Fund is available service that allows you to get a duplicate SNILS online. The service allows you to form an insurance certificate in electronic form. If you need a slope on the form of the installed sample, contact the FIU.

What documents are needed to replace SNILS when changing the name

When creating an insurance number of an individual personal account, your personal data is made to the database, which must comply with the data specified in the passport. That is, if the passport details have been changed, it is necessary to replace the insurance certificate. It is a fairly common procedure, which is particularly relevant for women who have recently married. As with the primary receipt of the insurance certificate, its replacement can be made through the employer, MFC or the Pension Fund.

The following documents will be required to replace SNILS:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Old SNILS;
  • Application for cancellation of insurance certificate.

When contacting the Pension Fund, the SNILS will be replaced immediately. If you apply through a multifunctional center, then you have to wait up to five days. By the way, with regard to the application, it can be filled in advance or when visiting the department. You can download the application form on our website.

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