
Medical policy for foreign citizens. How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a foreigner with a temporary residence permit or residence permit

"Centre health insurance migrants "has developed several dozen different programs for foreigners, differing in insurance coverage, validity period, number of exceptions and a number of others. important factors... When creating each product, we took into account the accumulated experience in the field of insurance of foreigners and the wishes of various categories. foreign citizens.

Medical policies for foreign citizens, students, tourists, children and workers!

Our company has tried to fully satisfy the requirements and needs of migrants who come to Russia for various periods of time from a couple of weeks to several years for study, work, recreation or temporary residence. Experienced and qualified managers can always consult and tell you about the features of each product. Ask questions and you will definitely get comprehensive answers to them!

Order and receive a medical policy for foreign citizens in 5 minutes

Never before has the purchase of a medical policy for foreign citizens been so simple and convenient for the client. If necessary, you will not even need to visit our office! All questions regarding the purchase and registration of medical insurance, you can solve remotely online. Customer care and the provision of quality insurance services is our principle.

The compulsory medical insurance is an integral system of providing free medical care to everyone within Russia, which means that foreign citizens also have the right to receive the coveted policy.

Officially employed foreigners do not have to worry about health insurance- the legislation requires employers to shift all worries about the insurance of a foreigner onto their own shoulders.

And here foreign citizens who do not work will have a harder time.

Read the article and find out how foreigners can get compulsory medical insurance policy with a TRP and a residence permit.

RVP and residence permit: what's the difference?

According to Federal Law No. 115, the RVP (temporary residence permit) certifies the right of a foreign citizen to stay in the Russian Federation until you receive residence permit.

RVP is provided only once for a maximum of 3 years to persons who have reached the age of 18 and cannot be renewed.

It is in the form of a stamp on a passport, not a physical document.

A residence permit (residence permit) allows a person to reside in the country permanently, freely enter its territory, leave it.

A foreign citizen can apply for a residence permit after 1 year of residence in Russia under the TRP. A residence permit is valid for 5 years - during this time a foreign citizen is able to work in Russia without any permits and enjoy social benefits.

After the expiry of the five-year period, the foreigner has the right to obtain Russian citizenship. The waiting period for citizenship is reduced to 3 years if there are compelling reasons.

Another document with which a foreigner may end up in Russia is a refugee certificate. Refugee status is granted in 3 cases:

  1. Human life is in danger due to political, racial, religious persecution.
  2. The person suffers from discrimination, but the state does not take any measures to suppress this.
  3. The persecution is orchestrated by a group of powerful individuals.

The refugee certificate is given for 3 years - during this time the migration service takes the national passport from the foreigner. During a three-year period, a foreign citizen can work in the Russian Federation without additional permission, receive social protection and free medical assistance, however, for the latter privilege, you will have to attend to the compulsory medical insurance policy.

List of documents

Regardless of the reason for staying in the Russian Federation, foreigners for receiving compulsory medical insurance you need to present a passport, and (if any) SNILS.

If a person has refugee status, then, according to the Federal Law "On Refugees", he will have to supplement the package of papers with one of following documents:

  1. Refugee ID.
  2. Certificate of temporary asylum in the Russian Federation.
  3. A certificate attesting that an application for granting the status has been submitted to the migration authorities.
  4. A copy of the complaint for revocation of refugee status. In this document, there must be a mark of acceptance by the FMS.

Which of the listed documents will be provided by the refugee does not matter.

Citizens permanently residing in Russia will only need a residence permit, but stateless persons will have to present, along with a residence permit, a document recognized as an identity card by international rules... Finally, foreign citizens employed in Russia on a temporary basis need a RVP stamp in their passports to obtain compulsory medical insurance.

When applying for a temporary residence permit, the medical insurance policy will also be temporary - its validity will be limited to the period of the foreigner's legal stay in the country.

Where to contact?

Scheme working foreigner is simple:

  1. The employee carries originals and copies of documents to the HR department.
  2. The employer's representative submits the documents to the medical insurance organization (CMO), with which the company cooperates. The employer must have a valid permit to attract foreign labor, otherwise the policy will not be provided.
  3. The CMO sends a temporary certificate within a period of 1 to 3 days, and a month later, through the employer, it also sends a full-fledged policy with a limited period of validity. The expiration date of the policy is equal to the term of the employment agreement.

After dismissal, the foreign citizen returns the policy to the employer, and he gives the document back to the insurer.

Unemployed foreigners have several options:

  1. To resort to paid medical services.
  2. Conclude a voluntary health insurance agreement (VHI). The cost of the minimum package of services is only 1,500 rubles, which is quite a bit by European standards. The most expensive package will cost 4500 rubles.

If a foreign citizen has a residence permit, even in the event of unemployment, he can become the owner of a medical policy. To do this, he just needs to contact any insurance organization, engaged in issuing compulsory medical insurance policies.

Foreigners who have come to Russia for a long time and are in the country legally have the right to take out insurance and use medical care is free. Permanent residents, from the point of view of the law, are considered persons who have received a residence permit. The compulsory medical insurance program for foreign citizens in 2019 works similarly to the one designed for Russian citizens.

You can count on a medical policy:

  1. Foreigners who live in Russia permanently and have a residence permit (except for the CIS).
  2. Children with foreign citizenship.
  3. Employees who came from abroad at the invitation of the employer for employment in specific enterprise(including residents of the CIS countries). You can issue a document only if you have a work permit.
  4. Participants in resettlement programs who went through the stages of registration with the FMS and received a temporary resettlement certificate.

For foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation not at the invitation of the employer, did not issue a work permit and do not have a residence permit, access to free medicine closed.

Duration and cost of insurance

In 2019, compulsory health insurance for Russians has no expiration date. In the case of foreigners, the duration of the validity may be limited.

  • The compulsory medical insurance policy for foreign citizens who live on the basis of a TRP and are officially employed is valid until the end date of the TRP.
  • Persons permanently living in Russia (including temporary migrants) are issued indefinitely.
  • Refugees receive insurance for the period during which the refugee certificate is valid.

For migrant workers, the policyholder is the company that provided workplace... The employer who deducts contributions to the CHI fund prepares for the insurance company a list of foreign workers who need medical policy... For unemployed citizens with refugee status, the administration is the policyholder.

The cost of such insurance is on average 15,000 rubles.

Application submission

Get honey. the applicant can independently. He will be required to submit a statement and the following documents (originals and copies):

  • For refugees: a refugee certificate or confirmation that the refugee application is being considered.
  • For permanent residents: national passport or other document that is officially recognized as an identity card, SNILS (if any).
  • For residents of Russia without citizenship: a document that serves as an identity card, SNILS.
  • For temporary residents: a national passport or other official document, where a mark on the issuance of a TRP is affixed.

After accepting the application, the foreigner is issued a temporary certificate. It lasts until the day when honey is made. policy.

The maximum duration is a month from the date of contacting insurance company... The certificate does not limit the owner's rights - he uses it as he would use the policy.

When the document is ready, employees of the insurance company will inform the recipient. He will need to come again with an identity card, surrender the certificate and receive a ready-made document.

Mechanism of action

Honey. the policy gives you the right to see a doctor free of charge on the territory of Russia. Services included in the basic compulsory health insurance program are provided free of charge in any constituent entity of the Federation. In the region where the person is insured, services have been added to them within the framework of the territorial program.

In 2019, foreigners who do not fall into the categories described above are eligible for emergency emergency assistance. It is provided free of charge through funding from the budget. Emergency care includes assistance with injuries, acute infections and poisoning.

A foreign citizen pays for planned treatment or examination independently. In order to save himself from unforeseen expenses, he can get honey. policy voluntary insurance. Detailed information about this type of service, including how much voluntary insurance costs, can be obtained from consultants of insurance companies.

Providing timely and high-quality medical care is one of the main tasks of any country. Modern system health care implies that such assistance is provided to everyone who needs it, regardless of nationality. Citizens from the near and far abroad come to Russia for work, recreation, to visit relatives and for other purposes. For comfortable stay foreign guests Russian authorities give them the right to receive medical care both free of charge and on a commercial basis. Let's figure out which of the foreigners can count on free doctor's services in 2018, and who should pay for the doctor's help.

Medical insurance in the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation, there are two parallel systems of medical insurance: compulsory (CHI) and voluntary (VMI). Within the framework of the first, all Russians and some categories of foreigners receive medical care. The tasks of the compulsory medical insurance are to guarantee a person the services that will be needed in case of an accident, poisoning, or sudden illness. This also includes calling a doctor, monitoring in a hospital, and prompt assistance. Medical expenses are paid from the RF budget. Insurance for voluntary basis excludes state aid - the patient's treatment is paid for by insurance companies.

OMS policy

An insurance policy of compulsory medical insurance (MHI) allows you to receive free services in Russian healthcare institutions:

  • Emergency assistance for injuries, illnesses, poisoning, and so on;
  • Outpatient treatment in a polyclinic (this includes an appointment with a doctor, diagnostic measures, for example, free tests), at home and in a day hospital (with drug supply);
  • Inpatient treatment in a hospital (counseling, diagnosis, surgery);
  • Pregnancy and childbirth management;
  • Dental care (removal, treatment and other services).

Who is eligible for compulsory health insurance?

The compulsory medical insurance maximizes the equalization of the rights of Russians, foreigners, labor migrants and stateless persons. but not all foreign guests can get a compulsory medical insurance policy, but only some categories:

  1. Migrants with or;
  2. Immigrants from other states who have issued (VU) in Russia;
  3. Highly qualified specialists (HQS) and their family members (HQS refers to specialists from other countries with wages more than 2 million per year or 1 million for researchers and teachers).

Foreigners with a temporary residence permit and residence permit are equated in rights with Russians and receive free medical care under the compulsory medical insurance agreement. This category foreigners draw up a compulsory medical insurance policy on the same conditions as citizens of Russia.

Foreigners, temporarily staying in the Russian Federation(who entered both on a visa and visa-free basis) and not working, must issue a medical policy for foreign citizens within the framework of voluntary insurance (VMI) or pay for treatment at the expense of own funds... But even such persons can count on an ambulance and emergency assistance, including transportation to a medical facility. Temporarily staying and employed foreigners buy VHI policy without fail(more details below).

Where is the compulsory medical insurance policy issued?

Employed migrants receive a compulsory medical insurance policy in the personnel department of the enterprise where they officially work, for this they must write an application. The obligation to issue policies falls on the shoulders of the employer, he concludes an agreement with the insurance company. Unemployed foreigners are engaged in drawing up a policy on their own, it can be obtained:

  • At pick-up points located at local clinics or MFC;
  • In the offices of organizations participating in the implementation of the CHI program.

The policy is issued within 30 days. While the document is being prepared, the migrant is issued a temporary certificate, which will lose legal force with the receipt of the main policy. To gain a foothold in a particular clinic, you need to write an application addressed to the head physician, you should take with you the policy itself, your passport and a document confirming your residence in the area (for example, a lease agreement or a registration certificate). You can also restore the policy after a loss either through an employer or an insurance company.

For students

Foreigners receiving education in the Russian Federation do not use additional benefits and cannot get a free policy. For university students and others educational institutions there is a VHI policy, which includes payment for certain medical services.

Documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

When contacting an insurance company, they provide:

  1. Application for choosing an insurance company to receive CHI services;
  2. Passport (with a note about RVP) or residence permit;
  3. SNILS (the employer is engaged in registration).

Duration of the compulsory medical insurance policy

Unlike perpetual policies for Russians, the effect of the compulsory medical insurance policy for foreign citizens is limited:

  • The term of the employment contract with the employer. Upon dismissal, the policy is handed over to the employer, who must return it to the insurer;
  • The established period of stay of refugees and migrants with ID;
  • The duration of the temporary residence permit and residence permit.

Medical care without compulsory medical insurance policy

All foreign guests receive services:

  1. Ambulance and emergency medical care before and after hospitalization. Free doctor services are provided until the threat to life and health is eliminated... The patient pays for the subsequent treatment. That is, doctors bring the patient to a stable condition, and then services must be paid for.
  2. Planned medical care. It is produced on a commercial basis from the patient's own funds or insurance companies that issued the VHI policy. That is, a foreigner needs to buy a policy or pay for services on his own.

Children under one year old and pregnant women, regardless of citizenship, receive medical care without a policy.

Voluntary insurance (VHI)

A foreigner who decides to stay in the Russian Federation for an extended period, the usual travel insurance, decorated at home, will not work. Usually, under such a policy, the tourist first pays for the treatment from personal funds, and upon returning home receives compensation for the money spent. If a foreigner comes to the Russian Federation to study, work, visit relatives for a long time, and so on, this option will be inconvenient for him. Moreover, travel insurance usually covers a minimum set of services.

So, in order to receive medical care in full, you need the compulsory medical insurance policy described above or purchased voluntary medical insurance. Foreign guests who do not fall into the category of persons eligible for compulsory medical insurance receive medical care on a paid basis. VHI policy for foreign citizens - type personal insurance, which, in particular, allows you to receive assistance in medical institutions that are not involved in the compulsory medical insurance system. The advantages of the VHI policy are obvious:

Everyone makes the decision to purchase a voluntary health insurance policy independently. But here you need to consider a couple of points:

  1. A VHI policy is required to obtain a patent or work permit. So, if the purpose of coming to the Russian Federation is work, you cannot do without a policy;
  2. Without a VHI policy, a foreigner pays all the costs of treatment independently, including paying for an appointment with a doctor, taking an analysis, passing any diagnostic measures, being in a hospital - and these are considerable sums.

What does the VHI policy give?

Within the framework of the voluntary health insurance program, foreign citizens receive a number of services:

  • Outpatient care (consultations and examination by a doctor, tests, diagnostics, physiotherapy procedures, issuance of certificates and sick leaves);
  • Inpatient treatment (counseling, surgery, laboratory tests and research, stay in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit);
  • Dental care (counseling, removal, treatment and other types of services);
  • Antenatal and obstetric care;
  • Ambulance and emergency assistance;
  • Consulting doctors of narrow specializations.

The VHI policy, in addition to direct medical assistance, consultations, diagnostics, allows you to cover the costs of transportation to a hospital, delivery of medicines and posthumous repatriation.

There are exceptions that are usually not included in the basic VHI program:

  • Sexually transmitted, oncological, mental diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 degrees;
  • Tuberculosis and chronic hepatitis.

The VHI policy is not issued for disabled persons of groups 1 and 2 and foreigners over 60-75 years old (depending on the insurance company), it will not be issued to persons suffering from drug addiction.

Foreigners with voluntary medical insurance are not served in district polyclinics. In case of illness, you need to contact the insurance company. She sends to a medical institution with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded. In case of an acute illness, an ambulance team is called - this service is free for foreign guests.

Where is the VHI policy issued?

You can get a VHI policy, along with the offices of insurers, through post offices located in the largest regions of Russia. On a paid basis, not only life and health are insured, but also property or travel abroad. The insurance policy will compensate for the costs of treatment for burns, injuries, frostbite, compensation for the costs of surgery, the purchase of drugs - and the cost of medical services significantly exceeds the cost of the insurance itself.

The maximum amount of coverage for the basic policy offered by the post office is 100,000 rubles for 3 months, the price of the policy is about 600 rubles... For registration, it is enough for the operator of the post office to provide.

A foreigner has the right, at his choice, to apply to any insurance organization. To issue a policy, you need to prepare:

  • Passport or other document confirming the identity of the migrant. If the entries in the document are not made in Russian, then a notarized translation is needed.
  • Migration card;
  • Insurance application;
  • Birth certificate (for children);
  • Information and place of residence and registration, contact details.

After paying the fee and filling out the necessary papers, an agreement is concluded and a policy is issued.

When are insurance payments denied?

There are situations when policy payments are not made:

  1. The disease occurred within 5 days after the conclusion of the insurance contract;
  2. The injury was received while intoxicated;
  3. The illness or injury occurred before the insurance was issued;
  4. Sports injuries (if this option was not included in the insurance program);
  5. Intentional injury or harm to health.

The cost and validity of the VHI policy

The total cost of the package of services provided under voluntary insurance depends on the programs chosen. The wider their list, the higher the price. On the websites of some insurance companies there are special calculators that allow you to calculate the final cost of the policy.

According to Federal law N 115-FZ "O legal status foreign citizens in Russian Federation», A foreign citizen (stateless person) permanently residing in the Russian Federation is a person who has received a residence permit in Russia, and a temporary resident is a person who has received a temporary residence permit in Russia. According to the entry into force new edition of the rules of compulsory medical insurance in Russia (as amended on October 27, 2016), from January 1, 2017, temporarily staying foreign citizens from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union who work in the Russian Federation under an employment contract are also insured.

Oms policy for foreign citizens.

All information is confirmed by an identity document of the applicant, contact information must be indicated. Depending on the regime of stay of a foreign citizen, the required package of documents is: Status of a foreign citizen List required documents Permanently residing in the Russian Federation

  • passport / other document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in accordance with Russian law;
  • residence;
  • SNILS (only if available).

Temporary residents of the Russian Federation

  • passport / identity document of a foreign citizen, with a stamp on a temporary residence permit
  • SNILS (only if available).

Minors also fall under these requirements, a birth certificate serves as a document proving their identity.

Forum for migrants and their employers - on legallabor.ru

Both documents are the basis for obtaining free medical care in an insured event. Upon dismissal, the compulsory medical insurance policy is withdrawn from the foreign worker, the employer is obliged to return it to the insurance company without exception. Until 01.01.2015, the employer was similarly liable for foreign workers with temporary residence. The situation has changed radically, now, in order to obtain a labor patent, a foreign citizen is obliged to conclude a health insurance contract on a voluntary basis, and the company that hires it no longer has to pay compulsory insurance premiums.
Without the conclusion of such an agreement, a foreign citizen carries out a legal labor activity... But the employer no longer has any right to limit the employee's choice of an insurance company or a package of services.

Oms policy for foreign citizens

For information on the procedure for concluding an CHI contract, you can contact the accounting and control department - a branch of the Moscow City CHI Fund in the administrative district of Moscow in which the company is registered as a payer of insurance premiums for CHI, or directly to one of the insurance medical organizations working in the CHI system How to get a policy for a foreign citizen? Foreigners working on official terms do not have to worry about how to get a policy for a foreign citizen. This is due to the fact that this responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the employer.
He must have a contract with an insurance company. It is impossible to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy for working foreigners without the following documents: applications for medical insurance; identity document; document on compulsory pension insurance(if there is).


Providing high-quality and timely medical care is a priority task of any state. A developed and improving health care system implies the provision of such services to anyone in need, all depending on his citizenship. To this end, Russia has introduced a procedure for compulsory medical insurance of the population (MHI), which maximally equalizes the rights of citizens of the country, stateless persons and foreign migrants.

In addition to the constitutional ones (Article 41), the following legal guarantors and regulators were adopted: Federal Law No. 326-ФЗ dated November 29, 2010, international treaties, the procedure for the provision of services is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated February 28, 2011 No. 158n. Features of insurance Compulsory medical insurance services do not contradict international treaties. Foreign citizens are full-fledged subjects of compulsory medical insurance, they are granted the same rights and obligations as residents.

Moscow policy oms to get foreign citizens

It is important to know: in the region where the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued, the list of medical services is determined by the framework of the territorial program, which in no case is less than the basic one, but in developed regions it is more extensive. This is how much the policy costs. free service! The cost of VHI for foreign citizens depends on the price policy of the health insurance organization and the region. On average, it varies from 1,500 to 4,500 rubles. Obviously, persons with foreign citizenship have almost identical rights to receive assistance under the OSM as other citizens of the Russian Federation. But with their capabilities for free medical services they do not use it to the full, sometimes the rights of non-residents are not explained to them. In general, the system works and does not yield to international health standards.

How to get an Oms policy in Moscow based on a residence permit


If Russians have no compulsory medical insurance policy, then the foreigner's policy ends with the expiration of the term of the employment contract. Compulsory health insurance for workers and the unemployed. Otherwise, the issue of obtaining health insurance foreigners who stay in the Russian Federation, but are not engaged in labor activity. Insurance cover also provides for reimbursement of expenses for diagnostic tests, surgical interventions and medicines, "- explained in the" Russian Post ". Insurance policies, distributed through post offices, allow you to compensate for the costs of treatment for various injuries, burns, frostbite, poisoning and repatriation.

Oms policy for foreign citizens with a residence permit

The policy is in the hands of the insured person, who must present it when seeking medical help. A single-sample policy is issued without a time limit: to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens - stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation - permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation A single-sample policy with a limited period of validity will be issued: citizenship The insurance policy is subject to mandatory re-issuance when: changing the surname, first name, patronymic, gender, date or place of birth, establishing the inaccuracy or erroneousness of the information contained in the policy The insured citizen receives a duplicate of the policy when: the policy is dilapidated and unsuitable; loss of the previously issued policy. the territory of the Russian Federation.


Initially, the city authorities hoped that the insurance policy would allow migrants to come for planned consultations at polyclinics, do X-rays, ultrasound examinations, ECGs, treat teeth, and take sick leave. Child under the age of 14 - birth certificate - civil passport of one of the parents (guardians) - SNILS child(if any) Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 18, residing or temporarily staying on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region - general civil passport of a child - general passport of one of the parents (guardians) - SNILS of a child (required) Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 18 years ... You can find out how to get a ROSNO-MS policy, what documents are required, whether there is a waiting time for the policy, you can on our website in the section "How to get an OMC policy" or fill out a questionnaire.

  • Find out about the readiness of the policy.
  • Get the policy at the office or by ordering courier delivery.
  • Age Citizenship / status DOCUMENTS REQUIRED - passport of one of the parents (guardians) - SNILS of the child (if any) - passport of one of the parents (guardians) on the consideration of the application for recognition as a refugee in essence, or a copy of the complaint about the decision to withdraw the refugee status to the Federal Migration Office service with a mark of acceptance for consideration, or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory - a residence permit or a mark of a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation - a residence permit or a mark of a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation - translation of a foreign passport (notarized copy ) - employment contract (required) - detachable part of the notification form on the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of residence of LLC "Medstrakh" 107140, Moscow, st.

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