
Open an account in a foreign bank remotely. How to open an account in a foreign bank to a physical face? Ways to open an account

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The global financial and credit system has become a perfect, high-tech, global mechanism, and start using it, "fastening" to the international community, it becomes easier every day. It makes it consider to think about how to open an account in a foreign bank to a citizen of Russia. Contrary to the stereotype, the question is relevant not only for the owners of impressive states, but also for citizens whose income is not so large.
European, American, Asian structures formally do not impede such a decision, as well as national legislation (including Russian). However, in practice, the procedure can be a serious "headache" for an unprepared person. It's connected with:

  • serious requirements that structures put forward to non-residents - before opening an account in a foreign bank, you will have to assemble a volumetric package of documentation and prepare;
  • inconvenience and difficulties that accompany the transfer of funds from one institution to another if they are located in different jurisdictions;
  • the strict conditions that the owner is obliged to fulfill to maintain an account in a "working condition;
  • The need to comply with the requirements of intra-national control bodies and so on.

Nevertheless, not trusting the domestic credit system with its takeoffs and falls, citizens of the Russian Federation are actively interested in how to open an invoice in a foreign bank to an individual, and already at this stage face difficulties. Let's start with the fact that the representative office of foreign structures operating within the boundaries of the country and they themselves are not the same. If the Bank is opened in Russia, its activities are regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, issuing a license and monitors the fulfillment of the requirements of domestic legislation. Therefore, regardless of the source of capital, the subsidiary is not disposed of "country" risk, and to avoid it, you need to contact the office on the territory of another state.
Is it possible to open an account in a foreign bank to a Russian citizen under such circumstances and how does National legislation look at this?

Legislative aspects of the procedure

The legal norms of the Russian Federation do not interfere with the citizens of the country if they want to receive an account beyond and fulfill all the requirements of the law. An exception can be individual categories of persons - occupying high state and administrative posts, members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank, some other federal structures, plus their families. The full list is indicated in the legislative norm No. 79-FZ of 07.05.2013.
Is it possible to open an account in a foreign bank to a Russian citizen if he constantly lives in jurisdiction? Of course, there is no restrictions for the use of all services. For all individuals, regardless of where they are in reality, the procedure is easier than for legal. However, in this case, business transactions cannot be carried out, so many decide to "bind" accounts to companies, sometimes based on them specifically for this.
At the national level, the procedure and features of working with foreign banks are regulated, first of all, legislation on currency regulation and the instruction of Central Bank No. 100 of August 29, 2001. If ten-fifteen years ago, the rules were extremely rigid (for example, it was necessary to receive permits from the Central Bank), today the procedure is simplified - the currency may be any convertible, accounts are permissible to open several, managing them without restrictions. But you need to perform only a few key requirements:

  • discover accounts only in the structures located in the FATF and OECD member countries, as Russia is included in international activities to prevent "wash" of criminal capital;
  • over the year to withdraw an amount equivalent to no more than 75,000 US dollars - according to the instructions, it is mainly intended to realize the right to buy securities and private operations;
  • it is annually to transfer reports to the tax authorities in which the money movement (residues at the beginning and end of the year, cumulative amounts on enrollment and write-off), independently form a declaration, expect and transfer personal incomephodes.

The list of permitted operations is very organized - the output for its "framework", non-compliance with at least one of the requirements will entail financial sanctions in the amount of 75-100% of illegal transactions. Also, the tax service should be reported on the fact of the execution of the account, and no later than 30 days after the completion of the procedure, otherwise the face will be imposed a fine, which can reach up to 5,000 rubles. Before opening an account in a foreign bank, you need to check whether the state does not have tax agreements with Russia - if they are presented, the funds can be transferred to the budget of relevant jurisdiction.

The procedure for issuing foreign accounts

Foreign loan structures also nominate their own requirements for applicants for partnership with them. How to open an account in a foreign bank to a Russian citizen, if he has no significant "justifications" - a view of a residence, business, real estate in the country? This is quite possible: not all institutions cooperate only with naturalized persons (although they do, for example, Swedbank and most of the structures of the United Kingdom or Singapore).
In general, for private clients open the following accounts:

  • classic calculated and savings deposit (for interest accumulation);
  • registered - to manage them could be from different banks;
  • depository, serving securities and financial assets;
  • number - for example, in Switzerland, they serve to conduct confidential transactions.

In most cases, the applicant will have to personally arrive in the office (all the structures of America are required) or meet with his representative in the territory of the Russian Federation. In many institutions, especially working with a serious clientele, there is a manager of the manager of the manager, and individual banks hold telephone or Internet interviews.
How to open an account abroad citizens of Russia in order not to go beyond its limits? Use intermediary representation - with the help of a certified own signature (in consulates, affiliate banks), pass the work by a professional expert. You can also choose a structure where there is a remote opening service - cards and documents are delivered by courier after their design. So many Baltic banks work, and they, along with Chinese, are some of the few who register accounts with small sums. Usually, the threshold of cooperation for non-residents is 50-100 thousand dollars, and well-known corporations (UBS, Barclays, Credit Suisse) are usually placed from one million.
On another "Pole" of the relationship of relationships are Britain, which may request a huge number of documents, up to utility bills and recommendations on reliability. Swiss structures are often asked to provide a minimum of two recommendation letters - the requirements of each bank of their own. The decision to satisfy the petition or not, accepts an officer, and failures. It is necessary to prove the legality of ownership of funds - to provide certificates of income for six months - a year, Russian banking history, and so on. Also before opening an account in a foreign bank, it will be necessary to impose a physical face:

  • passports and notarized copies of them - on the applicants and their spouses;
  • evidence of the place of residence - internal passports, receipts of utility bills;
  • certificates from the place of work, about the composition of the family, the absence of criminal record and so on.

The potential client writes a statement, applies to it certified and translated into the necessary language documentation, after which it is accepted by providing paper for the tax inspectorate. Further, the petition is considered, and the process can delay for several days, weeks or even months. If everything is issued correctly, the client receives props and can start using the account.

Features of working with foreign accounts

How to open an account abroad to citizens of Russia, we have already found out, but there are nuances and in its use. It must be remembered about the deposit insurance system and the requirements for the unsigned residue:

  • for offshore structures, they are unreasonable (100-200 dollars) or are generally absent,
  • in serious Europeans, up to 300-500 thousand euros can reach.

Some institutions do not welcome the cash replenishment of funds, and for non-cash transfers will have to take documentation and confirmation of tax accounting (in order to present the local bank where accounts are issued). You can control the movement of financial flows through.

Most often, the score in foreign banks opens up businessmen. But not only they are among those who decided to bring their honestly earned funds abroad, grabs and individuals. For example, almost 15% of the Bourgeois bank depositors are ordinary citizens who have made a mortgage abroad. Students and students who went to study in European universities. It is more convenient to be serviced in local credit organizations than to deal with domestic.

Why is the score abroad - is it good?

Foreign banks are reliable. This is an axiom that entrepreneurs do not decide to challenge and now. Even more reliable and safe, they seem after the winter crisis when the Russian banking sector has taken serious losses. Suddenly this happens again? Of course, a similar collapse can happen in Europe, but the probability is small.

A high level of privacy is another serious plus. Do not want greedy tax authorities and other official and unofficial robbers to be aware of your financial affairs? Hide these cases abroad. The Council is relevant for entrepreneurs, and for individuals.

Well, almost the main advantage is prestigious. An account in a foreign bank is an indicator of "successful success." Yes, and just get a notice in English about the receipt of funds is very nice.

What to choose a bank?

When choosing, pay attention to several factors:

  • reliability rating should be no lower "A";
  • adequate (not too obstructed) requirements for the depositor - abroad very meticulously check the origin of money;
  • service cost - If you are not a dollar millionaire, 1000 euros per year for the service (plus the commission, notice by mail and other options) in Swiss banks, it is unlikely to be in your pocket;
  • ease of replenishment - it is desirable that the bank supports as many ways to enroll in money from individuals and legal entities;
  • availability of additional features and capabilities (for example, investing in pension funds or in securities of reliable and successful companies).

Advice a specific bank is difficult - it all depends on what you want to get. Swiss banks are traditionally considered elite. Austrian, German and Danish - the most "stable" and reliable. In the banks of the Baltic states with clients communicate incl. In Russian, and the cost of service is small. It is more difficult to open an account in the British credit organization - you will require a whole of the documents and will be carefully rechecked for a long time (and then you will refuse anyway).

Do I need to go to another country?

Theoretically, Russia has offices of foreign banks. In practice, their connection with the "mother" credit institutions is minimal or at all rated. But contact such branches with a request to open the account abroad anyway. The chance that you will help at least consultation, there are (especially if you plan to invest from $ 10,000 or euro at once).

This applies primarily to Western European banks. If you are going to contact some of the Baltic, no problems - just come to their Moscow office. And you can also use the services of intermediaries who will take most of the worries. They can organize you a personal meeting with representatives of the bank (in the same Moscow).

But if you have chosen a serious European organization and decided to do everyone personally, it will probably need to go to the West. Persons sending a statement with documents by mail, foreign bankers are not brought.

Maybe through intermediaries?

In the market, full of firms with which you can start a "passage account". They have accumulated contacts with banks, and they also organize negotiations with foreign managers, will help with the design and translation of documents, will take on all routine processes. It is convenient - you can just pay and wait for the notice of signing the contract with the bank. There is only one problem - among such "mediation" legal entities are full of fraudsters. Fraudsters can also open your account, but then it really turns out, and the Europeans will react very nervously at such schemes.

Especially carefully need to choose an intermediary company if you are a businessman who has conceived to withdraw funds to Offshore. As a rule, unscrupulous firms attract customers low price. But the Surova's payback is in case of failure you will lose all the means spent on the opening of the account. Solid firms will never work abroad with "third-party" offshore.

A little more about offshore

In any case, you will need a company registered abroad. Many of the offshore companies, by the way, are created only for conducting operations on the score and ownership of foreign assets. The easiest option is to buy a ready legal entity. Contact a specialized intermediary firm, and after a day, receive a notice of the company's transition to your property. And you can register to the offshore your LLC. This will become an excellent solution if you are really going to do abroad business.

Option for individuals

How to be if you have an ordinary citizen, do not have a relationship to business, but decided to open an account in a foreign bank yourself? To begin with, contact the selected bank (the easiest way to do this by e-mail) and specify which documents they require. The list of mandatory papers looks like this:

  • russian and abroad passports;
  • certificates of income;
  • information about the composition of the family, the activities of households and other related persons (European officials and politicians do not like);
  • certificate of the absence of criminal record;
  • letter from the client of this bank (and preferably from several).

All these papers must be translated into English and assure a notary. To serve them, either a representative of a foreign bank in Russia (if it is possible to agree on this), or directly into the office abroad. The deadlines for opening an invoice by an individual depends on the laws of the country and the internal rules of the bank. In the worst case you will have to wait about a month, in the best - just a couple of days. When the score is open, be sure to send the appropriate notification to the native IFX (30 days are given to it).

That's all, from now on, the score of abroad can be used at its discretion (but solely for personal purposes). The Central Bank will no longer be able to dictate your conditions to you, and this is to agree - great!

Russians who do not trust the Russian banking system can place their funds in almost any abroad. But, learning about the conditions for opening an account, many are likely to refuse this procedure. In order to discover the contribution abroad, you need to have serious foundations - "increased" well-being and a transparent financial biography.


Open an account (contribution) in a foreign bank Russians now nothing prohibits. The law on currency regulation, updated last year, says that the bank account without restrictions can be discovered in any country that is part of the OECD (organization of economic cooperation and development) or FATF (a group of financial money-laundering and money collection.

According to the same law of accounts in countries that are not included in these international organizations, it is possible to open in the manner prescribed by the Central Bank. In March 2004, the Central Bank issued an indication No. 1411-y, which states the duties to pre-register such accounts or deposits. "But the registration procedure has not yet been established by the government and the Central Bank," says Sergey Budylin's legal company consultant Roche & Duffay. Therefore, formally, guided by the principle "All that is not prohibited is permitted," can be discovered in any country without restrictions. "However, it is not a fact that this is exactly what the law of the courts interpret," Budilin added.

The only condition that the law is required is the Russian resident who discovered the account in any foreign bank is obliged to notify the tax inspection at the place of their residence within a month. On the closure of the account abroad, it is also necessary to inform the tax authorities.

And in order not to be a temptation to force the tax authorities, the law ordered Russian banks to demand from citizens who wish to translate funds to a foreign bank, a certificate of notification of the tax inspectorate (or certificate of registration of the account). Banks who do not want to lose a license with the wording "for laundering" will not take into translating your money abroad without this piece of paper.

In general, the total control of money laundering leaves clients of banks less and less opportunities for anonymity. Especially affects the order of registration of license plates. The Deputy Governing Service of the Cyprus branch of Promsvyazbank Dmitry Kizenkov notes: "The existing Cypriot legislation prohibits local banks to open license bank accounts. Moreover, the funds come in favor of the client of the Cyprus Bank, but in the payment instructions information about the sender is missing (or there is a certain customer code, as practiced in some Swiss banks), the Cyprus Bank has the right to enroll the money to the account only after From Bank-Korropdenta, accurate information about the sender of the funds. "

Kizenkov noted that Swiss banks did not abandon the practice of opening license banking clients. Moreover, translations from license plates inside Switzerland are allowed without restrictions. "However, cross-border transfers in any case will require disclosure of information about the account owner," he says.


Despite the fact that Zagranbanks are scrupulously selected customers, Russians have chances to open an account in almost any country. In contrast to residents or citizens of some countries with which most vagranbanks prefer not to deal. As a rule, these are countries included in the FATF black list, or offshore, as well as states with an unstable political situation or in a state of civil war.

There are also banks that are ready to deal with only residents of certain countries. Bankers explain that in this case it is not a suspicious attitude to the Russians, but in politics separately taken bank. Sergey Budylin notes that Swiss bankers have no prejudices towards Russian wealthy customers, but when communicating with English banks, difficulties may arise. But in general, Dmitry Kizenkov notes, if the client wants to place a very large amount in the bank, for example $ 1 million, he can meet with the remaining conditions.

And formalities will have to perform a lot. Russian, who wants to open an account in Swiss, English, Turkish or any overseas bank, should pay attention to the fact that the bankruptcy consists of detailed information about the potential client.

Dmitry Kizenkov notes that there are practically no significant differences in the procedure for opening an account in a foreign bank and in the branch of the Russian bank abroad - the procedure and requirements will be practically identical, including the basic requirement of "knowing your client". To open an account, the client will have to fill out a questionnaire where all the data on the place of its birth, residence, work, contact information will report. Information about the place of residence will have to confirm the documents - as a rule, these are payments for utilities, written in the name of the client.

And the bank will require recommendation letters. "Recommendations can give as a well-known bank, in which the client is served in Russia and the employer company," the chairman of the Board "Uniastrum Bank" notes Pavel Neumyusakin. "Best if the employer is a well-known firm, and the bank who provided the recommendation is included in SWIFT (so it is possible to quickly contact him)," says Kizenkov. The perfect, but not a mandatory option - add to the recommendations listed also a letter to the bank of that bank in which you want to open an account.

CEO of Kab "Bank Sucking Generaral East" Michel Brik says that to open an account abroad, a client who appeal to the Russian branches of the BSEV must provide copies of their passports (internal and foreign), a certificate from the place of work and fill out an application for opening an account.


An account in a foreign bank can be discovered by contacting the bank directly (including through the Bank's representative office in Russia) or through intermediaries. Such services provide both some Russian banks (especially in the framework of Private Banking) and Russian and foreign law firms. Bankers believe that the mediation of firms is better to avoid. "The firm must speak on behalf of the Russian resident who wants to open an account abroad. In practice, it is very difficult to check the action of an intermediary company, "says Pavel Neumyvakin.

"If an individual who wants to open an account in a foreign bank acts through an intermediary, no one guarantees that it will not go to the side about your account," says Dmitry Kizenkov. He noted that recently many foreign banks opened its offices in Russia, and the wishing to open an account is best to turn there.

Sergey Budylin objects that a good mediator company can competently recommend a suitable bank to the Client, to advise on a legal and tax situation in the country. He noted that usually the European Bank will additionally take care of the safety of operations conducted by foreign clients. "The bank negotiates with the client how to confirm every assignment to the account operation. For example, the order sent to the Bank by fax may contain a code word or to duplicate the client's personal call, "says Budilin.

Subsidiary structures or representation of foreign banks in Russia also advise customers who want to be serviced abroad. CEO of Kab "Bank Sucking Generaral East" Michel Brik says that the opening of accounts of Russian citizens abroad is among the services provided by the BSEV in the 80 countries of its presence. "Together we define the goals that a person puts in front of them, and, depending on the result, we make a proposal that would most suit his requests. The timing of the activation of the account depends on how much the client came to us and in which country we open the bill, "says Brik.


As for the amount with which it is worth contacting a foreign bank, everything is very individual here, but almost always expensive. Swiss banks specializing in Private Banking usually do not work with customers who wish to accommodate less than $ 100 thousand.

"The same can be said about many banks in Europe," resembles Sergey Budylin. According to him, it is possible to find a serious bank who will agree to open an account for a private foreign client by 50 thousand euros (dollars), but a smaller amount is unlikely to interest someone in Europe.

In other countries, you can try with happiness and less. Branches of Russian banks abroad are also often non-addict. "In the Cyprus branch of Promsvyazbank, you can open an account without limiting the amount of the balance," says Dmitry Kizenkov.

The costs of opening an account in Zagranbank, as well as its service are usually rather big and often exceed $ 1000. And the demands of banks to the unmarked residue on the account can be calculated by tens of thousands of dollars or euros.

"The client, going to open an account abroad, you need to be ready for the world level of prices for banking services, which depend on each particular country," says Michel Brick.

It is worth keeping in mind that often in the contribution of the contribution of foreign banks include an item on the possible suspension of client account operations, if the information provided by him is not true.


After the account or the contribution abroad is open, it remains to translate money to it. The easiest and most definite way is to transfer money from the currency account in the Russian bank. As we have already noted, the Russian bank will take over this operation only after the evidence is charged that the tax inspectorate knows about the existence of an account.

"The procedure for notifying the tax authorities about the accounts open abroad or deposits is also not yet developed. There is no single form or document today, it all depends on the individual inspection, "says Sergey Budylin. You can drive money across the border in cash. But this method, firstly, uncomfortable (at once through customs you will not take more than $ 10 thousand), and secondly, it will cause suspicion of foreign bankers.

After you have successfully discovered the overseas account and transferred money to it, you should not forget that, notifying the tax inspectorate on opening an account abroad, the resident automatically agrees to submit account statements at the request of the tax authorities. And once a year, resident individuals are obliged to submit to the Tax Inspectorate a report on the balances of funds in accounts (in deposits) in banks outside the Russian Federation as of the beginning of each calendar year.

Open a bank account abroad can be both an organization and an individual. But it is not easy to do it. Those who wish to become customers of foreign banks outside Russia should prepare for various restrictions, as well as regular reports on the remainder and movement of overseas money. Failure to comply with currency legislation is punishable by serious fines, which in some cases reaches multi-million sums.

How to open an account abroad to the physical face

By choosing a bank, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its conditions for opening an account by foreigners. It is best to contact a representative of the Financial Organization by e-mail to clarify the requirements, procedure and list of necessary documents. Usually the list of mandatory papers include:

    russian passport;

    international passport;

    information on the applicant's activities and its income;

    information about his family members;

    certificate that it does not have a criminal record;

When the papers are collected, a citizen who wished to have an account in a foreign bank will have to visit two offices: translation to prepare English-speaking documents, and notarized to assure them. Both visits will require significant cash costs, and then they will increase rapidly.

Many large foreign banks require the personal arrival of the potential client to the overseas office of the organization, where he transmits a package of documents and fills the questionnaire. That is, if an individual constantly lives in Russia, spending on the flight back and forth, and perhaps for a temporary stay in a foreign country in this case is almost inevitable. If there is no visa, the money will be needed and on its design. Is it possible to open an account abroad remotely without leaving to another country, you should specify by phone or through the website of the financial institution. Some overseas banks provide such an opportunity.

Then the citizen awaits a decisions of a foreign organization. As a rule, the waiting period is from 2-3 days to a month. And if the answer is positive, the physical person opens a bank account abroad, not falling under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

However, the state wants to know about foreign accounts of citizens. Before opening an account abroad, Russia's citizens need to explore the 12th article of the Law "On Currency Regulation and Control" (Law No. 173-FZ dated 10.12.2003). In this, in particular, it is said about the need for a 30-day term to notify the tax authorities about the opening of the cash account abroad. The form of notification is contained in the order of the FNS No. MMB-7-14 / [Email Protected] from 28.08.2018. In addition, annually (until June 1), the currency residency needs to inform the tax service on how he ordered "foreign" money during the past year, and what is their balance (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2015 No. 1365).

As companies open an account in a foreign bank

Organizations are very interested in opening an account outside the Russian Federation. The unstable financial market leads to the closure and small, and very large Russian banks. Because of this, the company that entrusted them to them, carry large losses, without any compensation from the state.

In the chosen financial institution, the company presents an impressive package of documents. In particular, foreign banks to open an account, request:

    foreign passports of persons who will be authorized to dispose of the funds stored in the account (Russian passports may also be needed);

    power of attorney if the account opens through a representative;

    constituent documents of the Company: Constituent Agreement, Charter, etc.;

    certificates - OGRN, INN;

    order on the appointment of the head and chief holder;

    a document indicating that bankruptcy procedure is not conducted with respect to the organization;

    a license (if necessary to keep certain activities);

    filled questionnaire.

The specified documentation list can be significantly expanded by a banking institution. Before opening an account in a foreign bank, a legal entity (as well as a citizen), it is necessary to document the legal origin of money, as well as the reason for which he needs to become a client outside of Russia.

The company is also obliged to notify the tax service on opening an account abroad within 30 days after this event and quarterly report on the movement of money (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2005 No. 819).

Opening an account in a foreign bank: what to take into account

Opening a bank account abroad, a few circumstances should be taken into account:

    Banks, opening accounts in foreign banks to foreigners, do it not for free. "Entrance" cost for new customers has a wide range: in some banks it is equal to 300 euros, in others it reaches 3,000 dollars. In addition, it will be necessary to pay for servicing a foreign account every year. The cost of this service is also varied - from several hundred to several thousand euros / dollars.

    If an individual opened a monetary account in another state, a foreign bank will allow it to be used only in personal, not business purposes.

Through the accounts outside the Russian Federation, not any operations can be carried out, but only those that are named in the 12th article of Law No. 173-FZ. Some of them, for example, obtaining money from the sale of a non-resident real estate, located in another state, is permitted only on the condition that the account is open at the bank in the territory of the member state of such intergovernmental organizations as OECD or FATF.

For carrying out illegal operations, an administrative penalty in the amount of from 75 to 100 percent of the amount of the transaction (Article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) is threatened with the physical or legal entity. This article should be read carefully before opening an account in the bank abroad. It provides for various sanctions for violation of currency legislation.

In the world, the scandal does not defeat the scandal around the Panama Archive - during the leakage of information, it turned out that politicians and businessmen were displayed in offshore firms of this country. Among them were familiar Vladimir Putin. that these people brought about 2 billion dollars from the country.

Not only influential people can accommodate money abroad: many banks work with non-residents, however, the conditions for them are somewhat different from the rules for citizens of the country. Rates on deposits of European banks are much lower than in Russia, and it is not very convenient to translate money from the country to the country. However, the Russians are still carrying money to Western banks, not trusting Russian credit institutions and fearing the introduction of new barriers to transferring rubles into currency. The Village found out about the features of the opening of foreign accounts and talked to one of the depositors.

Where and how to open the score

Not all banks are ready to open ordinary settlement accounts to foreigners. Many of them require such a person to have a residence permit in the country or other substantiation of the need for a counting of real estate. For example, most of the Scandinavian banks are Swedbank, DNB - also do not open accounts to citizens of Russia without reason. It is typical for Singapore. "And, for example, in the UK, even if you have a student visa, it is practically unrealistic to open the score," says Alexey Pospeyov from Futur Capital. "For this, several startups in the field of finance directed to" migrants "are now launched, which are citizens of Russia."

According to Pospekhov, almost the only bank in Latvia, which actively works with Russians both in the field of business and in the field of personal finance, is Rietumu Banka. "They have their own processing and many other buns," he notes. A remote opening of the account will cost 250 euros - then the Courier card will be delivered to Russia. You can transfer money to the map of other European banks, as well as to Russia on the SWIFT system. In addition, the Bank helps foreigners to issue a residence permit in Latvia.

Baltic States are perhaps the only place in Europe, where the Russian can open a small amount. In other countries there is a high threshold for the opening of the deposit by foreigners - from 50 thousand euros. The list of credit institutions ready to work with you is significantly expanding if you are ready to put more than 100 thousand dollars. Place on the account more than a million from a foreigner without a residence permit will be ready for famous banks like Credit Suisse, UBS, Barclays, says the head of the Department of International Projects of the Advisory Group "Prime Edweiss" Konstantin Zimidinov. More democratic conditions offer Chinese banks - for example, bank of china or ICBC. For opening the account, only 20 yuan will be required (about 200 rubles), and the entrance threshold does not exceed thousands of yuan, says Oleg Tkach Phondar-director of MTKK.

The permission to open the account gives the bank manager abroad. And he can have many different reasons why he may not give it. It is almost always necessary to prove the fact that the funds are obtained legally. There are situations when one manager refuses to open an account, and when considering a statement later, it is later claimed by the general director of the FAST Lane GK in Russia and the CIS Vladimir Knyazhitsky. Therefore, when opening the account, the Russians need to understand that this is a long enough process that requires a personal visit (most likely not one). In some cases, you can open an account by proxy, for example, a lawyer. But it is necessary to specify the closing conditions: in many banks, it is possible to close the contribution only in that office, where the score opens, or at least in the same country. When choosing a bank, it is also worth clarifying which deposit guarantees gives a country and which minimum balance on the contribution wants to see the bank (for non-residents it is usually high).

How about the Russian authorities

"Russian residents can freely discover accounts and deposits in any foreign banks. The only thing to do is within 30 days after opening the invoice to notify its tax inspection about this fact, otherwise you can impose a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles, "says Konstantin Zhydinov. After opening the account, it is necessary to annually provide a tax simple report on cash flow (in fact four digits - the remainder at the beginning and end of the year and the amount of write-offs and credits for the year).

Unfortunately, Russian currency legislation greatly limits the list of operations for which funds can be enrolled on such a foreign expense of an individual, complains Ziydinov. Failure to comply with these requirements involves Draconian fines in the amount of from 75 to 100% of the amount not provided by the law of the operation.

As far as profitable

"Cash withdrawal is generally a big headache, despite the so-called SEPA," says Pospekhov. Single European Payment Area is a single area of \u200b\u200beuropte, including the euro zone, as well as Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden and Denmark. If you have discovered the account in Italy, and remove the money in Sweden, it is possible to accrual the Commission in accordance with the Rules of the Bank.

For interest-free removal of Pospekhov advises to use Russian maps and accounts. At the same Sberbank there are ATMs in many countries of Eastern Europe - the Commission is not charged for removing money in them. You can also use the services of Citibank. "This is the largest international bank, it is represented in more than one hundred countries of the world and also does not remove the Commission in ATMs from its cards," says Oleg Tkach's Phondar Director of MTVK. In his opinion, the benefit from deposit deposits abroad is doubtful. Depositors are paying here not only for opening an account, but also a tangible income tax. In Switzerland, he, for example, is 35%.

"Interest on deposits is completely insignificant on Russian standards," said Vladimir Knyazhitsky, General Director of the Fast Lane Group of Companies in Russia and the CIS. It can be 0.25% per year, and if the account currency is not native to the country, then interest is often not charged. Thus, to make money on the banking deposit in developed countries it is almost impossible - rather, it will be small losses in the form of commissions for transfers and for servicing the account, summarizes Knyazhitsky.

But the discovery of accounts in foreign banks is rarely dictated to obtain an increased yield or get the best than in Russia, the level of banking services. Rather, it is about confidentiality and independence from the Russian banking system and related "country" risks, the partner of RB Partners Alexander Lukin says. For example, many have discovered accounts from fear that the authorities will introduce restrictions on cross-border transfers and currency conversion. In addition, foreign accounts provide access to international investment products, and when buying and maintaining real estate, you can avoid losses for conversion.

Inna Alekseeva

cEO PR Partner

Personal experience

Last year I opened the score as a physical in two Spanish banks, I chose those that allow it to do without an identification card, that is, roughly speaking, I opened the score as a non-resident.

I considered the opportunity to give birth to a second child in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bso I needed that I lay about 10 thousand euros on the score. The Bank requested data on my wages in Russia - I was transferred and assured a 2-NDFL certificate from a notary, as well as a certificate of dividends. Then I listed the whole year to the bank for a thousand euros every month to show my deceasement. If I want to transfer a large amount, for example, 90 thousand euros for training in a business school, then a certificate will also need an explanation from where the money comes from.

Bank employees immediately warned me that if I want to unexpectedly remove the accumulated amount, I could not do this without justifying where and why. In my case, the rationale would be the expense and certificate from the local hospital hospital. In the same way, you can pay for business school, language courses, traveling around the country and so on. While I did not need the score, but if that, he works.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state