
Is insurance required for traveling abroad? How to choose tourist (medical) insurance for your trip abroad Mandatory medical insurance for traveling abroad

The Russians will now have to buy insurance when leaving abroad. come into force today. Insurers have prepared recommendations for tourists who will be particularly useful to citizens who have decided to spend New Year's holidays outside the country.

Russian tourists traveling abroad should now buy insurance policies even in case of an independent trip, organized without the participation of a travel company. Otherwise, upon the occurrence of the ChP, the traveler will have to independently pay for its treatment in a foreign clinic and transportation home. This is stated in amendments to the law on the basics of tourist activity.

Many tourists, going abroad, save on insurance, relying on the fact that rest will be calm, says the head of the All-Russian Union of Insurers Igor Yurgens. "When an emergency occurrence, victims or their relatives begin to connect to the rescue operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments. With the entry into force of the new amendments, a tourist who refused insurance, all the risks that may arise during the travel process takes on themselves," explained is he.

The minimum amount of insurance under the insurance contract of traveling abroad will be equal to the amount equivalent to two million rubles at the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia, established at the date of concluding a voluntary insurance contract. Recall that the same amount today life and health of passengers insure domestic carriers.

The insurance policy will cover the costs of medical, medical and transport assistance, as well as posthumous repatriation in cases of injuries and sudden diseases, including the aggravation of chronic, states in law. In addition, it clarifies that if the PE occurred during the period of the policy and at the time of the expiration of the insurance period traveling still needs treatment or medical transport to their homeland, the insurer will not be able to throw a tourist. The insurance company will be responsible within the insurance amount established in the policy without additional restrictions. But there are important conditions: the insurance policy should be issued for a period of no less than that the tourist is going to be outside of Russia, and to enter into force no later than the duty of the tourist intersection of the Russian border. Simply put, making insurance after departure from the country, citizens will no longer be able, unless, of course, this is not provided for by the individual terms of the contract.

The law also ordered tour operators and travel agents to clarify the tourist under a personal signature that in case of refusing to enter into a voluntary insurance contract, the tourist himself bears in emergency and urgent forms abroad, and the costs of posthumous repatriation will be slandering his relatives on the shoulders.

According to the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the main part of Russians who are going to spend the winter holidays outside the country, traditionally go to Thailand and European ski resorts. Taking into account this circumstance, insurers advise tourists to choose suitable insurance programs that take into account the insurance of sports risks during winter recreation, as well as risks of civil liability, which are required, for example, for skiing on European slopes. "Speaking about the risks of civil liability, we mean situations that may arise when tourists ski or on the board and by negligence cause harm to other vacationers," said the Chairman of the Committee on Insurance Insurance of the All-Russian Union of Insurers Julia Alicheev. According to her, standard insurance such a risk does not cover, this is an additional option to the usual contract. At the same time, in many countries, the availability of civil liability insurance is a prerequisite for the same skiers. "Without such a tourist policy, they may not even start on the slope," alcheev states.

Lovers of diving and surfing should be paid to the amount of costs covered by insurance, the conditions for recognizing events by insurance and the procedure for the occurrence of the insurance event.

Considering the sufficiently diverse list of insurance programs offered by insurers, it is advisable to execute expanded insurance with the maximum insurance coverage, emphasize in the WCC.

By issuing the insurance policy, it is recommended to learn more in more detail, the costs of which medical and transport services should be compensated by the Insurer upon the occurrence of an insured event in the host country, what is the procedure for their application at the time of the incident or refund runtime. In addition, it is better to find out in advance in what cases the organization of reimbursement of expenses (by guaranteeing payment for treatment or transportation) The insurer can take on themselves directly during the stay of the tourist abroad.

How much is rest

Despite the fact that the interest of Russians to European ski resorts is maintained, this year the demand for tours to Europe during the New Year holidays, according to an ator, decreased by 10-35 percent. Last but not least there was an increase in the course of the euro in relation to the ruble. Now the average cost of the tour for these holidays is approximately 30-36 thousand rubles per person. In this case, the demand is mostly tours for five to seven days.

Israeli tour operators, meanwhile, will soon be ready to offer Russian tours for 3-4 days worth $ 350. Develop such Turpacks ordered Israel's tourism minister Yariv Levin.

This post appeared because I was tired of reading on a variety of stupidity sites and frank lies about mandatory insurance for Russians traveling abroad. There are quite a few resources offering medical insurance services for tourists, distort information and shamelessly deceive their potential customers.
Below I will talk about when traveling to which countries the registration of medical insurance is mandatory, and in which there are no. I also write a few words about the new law, allegedly obliging all Russians to buy insurance when traveling outside the Russian Federation and about the difference of terms "I need" and "obligatory".

"Mandatory" insurance when leaving abroad

At the end of December 2015 - early January 2016, Russian media, including the "Russian newspaper", said that Russian tourists at the exit abroad should now mandatory make medical insurance for the amount not less than 2 million rubles. The reason for such applications was the amendment to the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation", allegedly establishing the requirements of compulsory insurance.
It's a lie.
It is worth carefully reading these amendments, as it becomes clear: it does not go about any obligatory insurance; Basically, the activities of tour operators in the field of tourist insurance are streamlined. Moreover, it is revealed that even "pa-tickets" may refuse.

The tour operator (travel agent) is obliged to clarify the tourist under a personal signature that in case of refusing to enter into a voluntary insurance contract, the cost of providing medical care in emergency and emergency forms in the country of temporary stay is carried by the tourist himself, and the expenses for the return of the body (remains) are interested in persons interested In returning the body (remains).

As for independent travelers, they are all no longer obliged by leaving Russia, buy insurance.

Invalid information, a common media, happily picked up, was converted by some Internet resources offering tourist insurance services and not bending for profit to deceive customers.

We summarize again: Mandatory insurance for going abroad - lie!

When visiting which countries, insurance is not obligatory?

I repeat once again that no country, except for the states of the Schengen Agreement, are unknown at the entrance to which insurance would be required at mandatory.

In the same Europe is not binding to the UK, which are not included in Schengen. Despite the visa entrance, not required.

Perhaps you surprise you that at first I was so emotionally told that the insurance was not needed when traveling to most countries of the world, and at the same time he always hesitate. Everything is simple. We believe that it is necessary to insure and profitable. This is our opinion confirmed by personal experience. This is a conscious choice. Other travelers have a different opinion and other experience. This is also their conscious choice.
A person must have the right to choose. The right decision is based on reliable, necessary and sufficient information. Vragne, the number of which is already excavating, to it, to put it mildly, does not contribute.

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The international and local legislation of most countries requires an insurance policy from entering foreigners.

Insurance of traveling abroad has their own nuances, which, of course, can tell you, both in tourist and insurance agencies, but their representatives often pursue their interests, trying to "fall" the most profitable way of insurance abroad, not always suitable you. In this article, we tried to consider the issue of insurance for going abroad in general, without bias and as much as possible - objectively.

Why do you need insurance of traveling abroad?

In addition to the fact that insurance is required by the provisions of the laws of states in which you enter, it should be noted that such requirements are fully justified and logical.

Mandatory Medical Insurance covers the cost of the provision of emergency medical care (injury, viral disease). And if you grabbing rheumatism, which you did not borrow at home, or the pancreas fell ill, can and refuse - as they consider it a recurrent of chronic disease.

Do not forget that the cost of treatment and medicines in different parts of the world is not very different in favor of our compatriots. For example, in the United States, the emergency seam seam after cut by a broken glass with a challenge "ambulance" can do with you in the amount of more than 1 thousand dollars, and in Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries, this money can be operated by the inflammation of the appendix in five people, including anesthesia And staying in the postoperative period in the hospital.

Before conclusion of the insurance contract, remember that there is such an item like returning insurance at the wrong. That is, if for some reason you will not be able to go abroad, you will be returned with your money (this option is not all insurance companies, but it is important if you plan to leave not tomorrow, and after a couple of months, for example).

What does the price of the insurance policy depends abroad?

Basically, the price of the insurance policy for traveling abroad does not depend on the purpose of their travel, but depends on the period of stay abroad and from age (children and older people are more expensive).

A very successful "invention" in the insurance business (for representatives of this business) franchise. It reduces your prepayment by insurance, lubricating the client, but significantly cuts payments when an insured event occurs. The higher the franchise, the better your discount during the prepayment of the policy and the less you will receive when an insured event occurs. In each agency, you must provide settlements for payments with different franchise options, and you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is necessary for you or not.

"Often people choose the cheapest travel insurance, but this means that the small will be the insured amount. Insurance covers costs only in the amount of the sum insured, and if the cost of treatment and transportation exceeds it, it will have to pay independently "- SEB.

"In the insurance terminology, the concept of insurance coverage or the sum insured is one of the main forming the cost of the insurance policy, and denotes the maximum amount of compensation provided for by the selected insurance.

There are rules according to which the amount of insurance coverage cannot be lower than defined, but it may be higher if the client wants to expand the list of additional services and be as calm as possible on the trip. "- TTS.

What are the types of insurance exit abroad?

The first thing you need to know those who have come together to leave the borders of their state are that there are various insurance programs depending on the purpose of your trip. So, there are insurance for tourists, for those who go to work abroad, for commoded, for students or for athletes. These are the main groups of citizens who are examined separately. They do not differ in principle, but we will look at their features below.

In general, "Standard Medical Insurance, which is suggested in almost every travel agency, includes, as a rule, a minimum set of insurance services. This is a payment for emergency medical care and work of doctors, hospitalization, the acquisition of the necessary medicines (within the insurance limit). If necessary, some medical policies cover the delivery of the victim tourist to their homeland. "- Insure.travel.

Insurance of tourists

In the overwhelming majority, the tourism insurance policy is offered travel agencies when purchasing a voucher. Yes, it is very convenient, to arrange everything in one place at once, but do not forget that travel agencies do not offer selection, as they work with the same insurance company.

Tourist, by and large "do not care", as its attitude to insurance is more formal and negative, they are just a dropping money and still need to pay, what's the difference to anyone.

However, when an insured event occurs abroad, tourists are very upset and outraged by the fact that they are supposedly "inflated." In fact, they were not deceived with insurance, they simply said to be treated in this matter formally, paying money (preferably as little as possible) and not looking signed the insurance contract.

Therefore, a respected tourist will necessarily react to the question of insurance carefully, and it may be possible to buy insurance for his family in an insurance company, as it has the full right to refuse the insurance policy included in the tourist ticket and buy it independently elsewhere. Good, all insurance have their own sites and exists insurance rating. What prevents in advance when selecting tours in the same Internet, pick up the insurance program? Yes, you will have to go to two places in your city: in insurance and tourist firms (although they can be issued all remotely), for how to get high-quality rest and high-quality insurance?

What is included in the tourist insurance programs abroad?

As a rule, such programs exist in three versions: cheap, medium and expensive.

All three include basic expenses, which will take on insurance: payment of medical expenses (ambulance, emergency inpatient treatment, emergency outpatient assistance, emergency homework); transportation and repatriation in the event of a disease; repatriation in the event of death; Expenses for an urgent message on the occurrence of the insured event (a call in roaming, for example).

As for emergency dental care, then not all insurance includes it into basic insurance, or the amount of services can fluctuate. On average, it reaches up to 200 USD / EUR.

The average program includes additionally such insured cases: loss or theft of documents; loss or baggage delay (more than 4 hours); Cancel or delay of flight (more than 4 hours); Staging in the stop list and recovery of the bank card.

The expensive insurance program for tourists in addition to all of the above, restraints the possibilities: a visit to a relative for visiting the insured person atponed with inpatient treatment; Evacuation of children under 14, which remained unattended by adults abroad; early return of the insured person from abroad due to the death of close relatives; For motorists: towing to the nearest repairs, delivery of essential parts.

"Please note that tourist medical insurance does not cover the costs of treating injuries resulting from exhibitors of extreme sports. Even if you just unsuccessfully flying to paraglid over the beach, in the presence of ordinary medical insurance in help you will refuse "- TSN.

Insurance for work abroad and for a business trip

For the countries of the Schengen Agreement, they insure regardless of age, subject to stay abroad no more than 31 days and insurance period of not more than 184 days, and in other countries - age is limited to 75 years.

What is insured in the first place? This is a sudden illness, a disorder of health or injury, death, including in connection with an accident, and also inadentant causing harm to a third party.

What is included in the insurance program for working abroad?

Basically, all programs of this type of insurance conclude for a period of up to 1 year, and the amounts of insurance compensation differ. For cheap programs, the amount of compensation ranges from 5 thousand to 50 thousand euros / dollars, for more expensive from 30 thousand to 75 thousand euros / dollars.

This includes payment of medical expenses (ambulance, emergency internal treatment, emergency outpatient care, emergency homework), emergency dental care, transportation and repatriation in the event of a disease, repatriation in the event of death, the cost of an urgent report on the occurrence of the insured event.

Student insurance abroad

Students aged 15 to 28 years old are subject to insurance, which are leaving abroad to study. Duration of insurance: from 1 month to 1 year.

Programs include risks of sudden illness or injury, as well as indentative damage to a third party (students can and fight).

In terms of insurance will be provided with emergency medical, outpatient and inpatient assistance, providing medicines: assistance in pregnancy complications; emergency dental care; Transportation and repatriation. As well as additional services, such as: expenses for a call to insurance; early return due to the border due to the death of close relatives or the visit of a close relative while in the stationary treatment of a student; Insurance payment in case of failure of disability I, II, III groups as a result of an accident; Insurance payment in case of injury and functional disorders as a result of an accident.

Parents sending their children to learn abroad, we advise you to pay special attention to the conclusion of insurance contracts and do not save on them!

Insurance of athletes abroad

"If your holiday suggests extreme, you will need sports insurance. For it will have to pay extra (on average € 3 per day for Europe) or buy in place. For example, in Turkey, when ordering rafting, they offer to acquire a policy of sports insurance for a couple of dollars "- TSN.

"If you are going to sports competitions, then the presence of sports insurance abroad is a mandatory requirement for participation in international competition. It applies to all sports, is due to this requirement of a high risk threshold for serious injury.

For athletes traveling abroad for competitions, there are short-term insurance policies. The duration of the action of such a policy can be only 3 days (minimum time). There is also the concept of "seasonal insurance", for those sports where there is seasonality (example: beach volleyball). This type of policy is long-term and expanded, in it additionally prescribe coverage of such risks as: an accident, civil liability and others.

What affects the cost of sports insurance for leaving abroad? -Type of sport activity. There is a difference between the usual sports and extreme sports. For example, archery is less dangerous sport than mountaineering. And the coefficient of exposure to dangerous risks is much lower than in mountaineering. Also, the degree of serious injuries obtained during climbing is much higher than when shooting onion. Of course, it will affect the sum of the coverage of the insurance policy, and at its cost.

In addition, only ground medical structures are attracted to assist the victim when shooting from Luke, while to assist the climbers will be most likely to attract air. What will also affect the cost of insurance "- Instore.trave L.

In addition, the age of a person and its stay are taken into account. All this affects the price of insurance for sports.

Upon the occurrence of the insured event, the wines of the person (in violation of the rules) are taken into account, and an expensive sportsman was damaged, and a different person, which was also injured as a result of an accident, but did not have insurance). All this is worth considering when signing an insurance contract for amateurs athletes.

"Medical insurance will not be paid in the following cases:

  • If the tourist went to rest for the purpose of treatment, but did not comply with this when concluding an insurance contract.
  • If the insured event occurred due to radioactive irradiation.
  • If insurance costs are associated with diseases already available at a tourist for at least six months before the trip (and this will be proven).
  • If the insurance costs are associated with the treatment of chronic diseases (insurance of people with chronic diseases is carried out on individual programs).
  • If insurance costs are associated with mental illness, the results of congenital anomalies, venereal diseases, AIDS, etc.
  • If insurance costs are associated with any types of prosthetics, including the tooth.
  • If the tourist treatment is carried out by relatives abroad, even if they have a doctor's license.
  • If insurance payments are caused by plastic or cosmetic surgery operations (if it is not caused by the result of injury).
  • For many insurance companies, pregnancy is also the reason for refusing to cover medical expenses. "- Insure.travel.

Does insurance in the Schengen countries are needed?

For Ukrainians since 2017, insurance is optional, however, when crossing the border of the European country, during the inspection of documents, you can still request insurance of medical expenses.

It is impossible to go without insurance in such countries of Europe as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland and Kosovo.

Dear travelers! Remember that, saving at home on a thousand insurance, you can overpaid dozens there, away from home and relatives, friends. We sincerely hope that nothing like this will happen to you, but we wish wisdom and prudence before leaving the borders of your homeland !!

And on completion:

Rating of Insurance Companies of Ukraine on Tourist Insurance

Medical life insurance during an overseas trip is a useful habit for any traveler. In some cases, the presence of the policy is a prerequisite for a foreign trip, and sometimes the choice is left behind the tourist.

In this article I will tell you the principal difference between " Insurance for traveling abroad», « Tourist insurance», « Insurance for a Schengen visa»And other products. For many tourists, all these phrases mean the same thing, but it is not quite so.

The post turned out long, for those readers who do not want to learn all the text, here are my brief recommendations:

  • pay attention to the company Assistance, this will depend on your service abroad (if the policy is drawn up only to obtain a visa, then who you have an assistance is not so important);
  • buy polis without franchise, or with a minimal franchiseFrom this will depend on your expenses when contacting medical help (if you buy a policy exclusively for a visa, then it will be cheaper with a franchise - it is profitable);
  • buy in advance, all companies have a franchise in time (the policy begins to work a few days after purchase), so companies protect themselves from fraudsters (this item is important for those who are already on the journey);
  • be sure to read the contractNo matter how small text he has been printed.

If you wish to combine insurance for a visa and a reliable medical policy, I recommend paying attention to TripInsurance. If you need easy, cheap and exclusively for a visa, then it will suit

For different trips, different insurance

Even before a foreign trip, it is necessary to clearly understand for what purposes you go there. It sounds strange, but people have different goals. For example, if you drive abroad with a business visit to your business partner, is it necessary to extended medical or standard enough?

The question is interesting and very controversial, because if after the business meeting (the business is also different, someone and the purchase of three ducks in Greece considers a big business) You are heading to celebrate the signing of a profitable contract for the maritime walk. And on the walking yacht there is an insured event. Will the insurer cover this case in the presence of a standard policy, or it will argue that the yacht walk is active or extreme sports. There are a lot of such examples in life, so it is better to have a good medical policy with a large risk covering and without any franchise.

Here is the conclusion one: we are going to ride skiing, it means you need a policy covering risks. If you go to Europe to watch museums, the usual policy is suitable.

Where to buy insurance for leaving abroad

If you are traveling to a foreign resort on a tourist ticket, then the standard medical policy will be presented with a purchased tour (however, by law you can refuse such a sentence). You will already be minimal protection, but if you want to protect your journey to the maximum, then I recommend it to independently acquire additional insurance (instead of the conditionally free, which comes with a tour or additionally).

Whether the policy is needed for a foreign trip, the Russians are partially closed for Russians, but as this law works in practice is still unknown. After all, it is said in it that in the absence of the policy, all financial costs are solely traveler.

The concept of "insurance for traveling abroad" is very blurry, because here it comes in both the required visa requirements of the country and other insurance services (on the car, for Shengen is "Green Card", responsibility to third parties, etc.). It should be understood that different countries impose different requirements for the policies themselves (minimum coating amount), and individual requirements for insurance organizations (the organization must be at least accredited at the embassy of the country where are wearing).

A simple example, tourist travels to Finland by car. In this example, a leaving tourist should have a medical policy + green cards on the car. If the same tourist travels to Finland by bus, the package of documents is already less, and only a medical policy with a coating of 30,000 euros requires.

Tourist insurance

The concept of "tourist insurance" is an even more general concept, the higher the example described. Let's deal with what should include this insurance product, and that each tourist gets when buying a batch tour.

Each tourist when buying a tour is handed the so-called tourist medical policy (from which you can refuse, but not everyone knows about it). Since a batch tour, the tourist gets everything in a single package. At first glance, the idea is excellent, but as always, "the truth is hiding in the little things." , look for the link.

With a careful reading of the text of the contract of such tourist insurance, it becomes clear that it is not particularly counting on it, but how can I count on the policy where most risks are not covered.

There were anecdotal cases in style, swimming in the sea was equated to extreme sports, and the bicycle rental required an extended policy on the "Active Sport" system. By the way, many companies do not cover such risks like sunburns, so buy sunscreen.

Fortunately, most tourists during the rest are not accidental cases, therefore, no one notices such cunning conditions, well, as a rule, no one reads five sheets of text with small font.

The tourist policy should cover at least minimum risks that may occur, namely:

  • emergency Assistance - Urgent Diagnostic and Medical Events;
  • accident - a sudden, unforeseen event who has become injured injuries, disability or death;
  • a sudden disease - any detectable disease, which for the first time happened during the action of the policy;
  • emergency costs are all necessary expenses in emergency care, an accident and sudden disease.

This is the minimum list of risks that any (the cheapest) tourist insurance should cover if the list seems too small, then I congratulate you, you read the standard treaty and thought.

The way out of the current situation is - this is the choice and purchase of an additional tourist policy that fully satisfies your holiday image. If you dive with scuba, then just add to your policy the item "Sports and Active Leisure", if you take a motorcycle on vacation to rent a motorcycle, then add "Motorcycle Management, Moped" item, etc. Read the link.

Visa insurance

The visa insurance is used in cases where the consulates may require a policy (Finnish Schengen as an example). If the tourist goes to similar countries, then on the border may also be asked to present the floor form. The only requirement that it was and formally consistent with the requirements.

Thanks to this requirement, all the sewers of the Schengen visas have a policy, and the places around the consulates resemble the market on which the main product is the sale of insurance.

The main difference between the so-called "visa insurance" lies in its low cost, the cost is adjusted to the minimum requirements of the consulate. I would call a similar document, technical insurance for a visa, and abroad did not really hope for it (although there are exceptions).

Terms of Insurance Policy for Schengen Visa

Insurance for a Schengen visa is obligatory in fact, I said about it earlier. Without the right medical policy, Schengen you do not get. The presence of the policy is one of the requirements when submitting documents for a Schengen visa, and the availability of a full package of documents is checked in the consulate. Insurance solely for a visa is generally a separate story, many prefer to receive Shengen to do the cheapest insurance, such a decision has the right to life. Now we talk about all these subtleties in detail.

Conditions imposed on Schengen Insurance

The requirements of most consulates of policies are approximately the same, but there may be more loyal countries (for residents of St. Petersburg, this is Finland) and less loyal, which can especially closely look at these documents.

Here is a list of basic requirements:

  • the term of the policy should be equal to or greater than the period of the entire period of the trip (visa actions);
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe action area should be distributed to all countries of the Schengen zone (the territory of the Schengen insurance should be specified in the Policy);
  • lack of franchise in the policy;
  • insurance payment must be at least 30,000 euros;
  • the minimum list of risks and expenses that the policy should cover: the first honey help, transportation of the patient, posthumous repatriation.

Specify more accurate information on the website of the consulates.

Medical Travel Insurance in Europe

If you are from those people who prefer to have reliable medical insurance, then pay attention to several mandatory and very important points, namely:

    the coating amount is a total amount (for Shengen at least 30,000 euros), within which the company covers risks, it is desirable to have a longer amount;
  • territory - make sure the territory of the Schengen insurance is indicated in the policy;
  • assistance - When buying honey policy, pay attention to the company Assistance, your comfort will depend on its work abroad ().

Schongen insurance cost

The cost of medicine in Europe is high, while the price of the policy can begin from 500 rubles, where this paradox came from, and why it works now. The cheapest insurance is suitable for the consulate, but it will have a number of restrictions and limits.

The cost of the shengen policy depends on several factors, from which the total price is:

  • the amount of the amount of compensation after the occurrence of the insured event (minimum of 30,000 euros);
  • the magnitude of the insurance period (there are several tricks);
  • information about the insured person: His age (critical for children and the elderly), classes and health status (critical for people with chronic diseases and pregnant women);
  • insurance program (also greatly appreciates the price of the policy).

And now consider all items from the list in detail.

The amount of the amount of compensation

This is the easiest and most transparent condition, the greater the coating amount (the amount of the amount that the company will pay), the more expensive policy.

The magnitude of the insurance period

For Shengen, there is a very interesting system, you have the right to buy polis only for several days, or for the entire validity period of the visa. When submitting documents for Schengen, each visa suitor is sampled under the fact that it undertakes to have a medical policy for each day of stay. But at the time of filing a visa, it is enough to have a paid policy on the first trip.

What is the secret of this method? When buying a policy for the entire period of stay, the total cost is less than the exact number of days. Yes, moreover, it is much more convenient, you buy a policy of one year and specify the number of days you need.

Here is a simple example, the insurance policy for the Schengen visa is one year and 60 days. This means that during the year you can travel to Europe and your insurance will be valid for all 60 days. If you have a multichengen (any number of entries), then you can ride at least every week for one day of stay, the policy will act (residents of St. Petersburg are often practiced).

It turns out that it is more profitable to buy a medical policy for the entire period of a Schengen visa with a necessary number of days, thus will be cheaper, and travel is much freer.

Information about the insured person

There are several types of citizens for whom the service will cost much more expensive than for all others, and some companies will refuse to insure at all. Companies introduce additional tariffs for small and infants, as well as for those tourists who are in old age. If the insured has chronic diseases, then such a policy will also be much more expensive. There is no point in hiding information about chronic diseases, because when an insured event occurs, the company may refuse indemnity.

Separate articles are pregnant, read about them just below.

Insurance program

Most insurance companies have several programs, depending on which those or other risks will be covered. For example, Liberty has four programs "A", "B", "C", "D". The program "A" is the simplest and cheap, and the program "D" is the most expensive, about it can be read.

In addition to each program, the tourist can pay additional options, from "Cancellation of the trip", to "search and rescue events", about it I told in post "". It is clearly visible in photos of brochures to Liberty's insurance policy.

Insurance of traveling abroad for pregnant women

Companies are especially afraid of pregnant women, and on any gestation. If there can be all sorts of variations with other risks, and the insurance has the opportunity to not compensate for damage (for example, the tourist was drunk, the tourist ruled the vehicle without a driver's license, etc.), then with pregnant women, such a focus will not pass in 100 % Cases will have to reimburse the cost of medical services.

There is no separate package for pregnant women, and there are additional options for the basic option "Insurance in case of complication of pregnancy". Not all companies are insured, today such an option is available at ERV, Rosgosstrakh and Liberty. The rest either refuse, or the cost of insurance is calculated individually and the total price of the policy is very high.

But here there are our underwater stones, each insurance company (ERV, Rosgosstrakh, Liberty), which is ready to take such risks, sees the term of pregnancy in its own way and, depending on this minimizes its possible losses.

Dates of pregnancy under which medical care will be paid at the expense of insurance:

  • eRV - up to 31 weeks (7 months), there are several packages, Optima for one-time trips, Optima-Multi for multiple trips for half a year, "Optima Annual" for multiple trips for the year;
  • liberty - up to 24 weeks (5 months), there are also several different programs;
  • rosgosstrakh company is more interested in pregnant women and sells policies only up to 12 weeks of pregnancy (3 months), hinting at the fact that the most important thing for mom and child at this time is peace.

What is included in the additional insurance package for pregnant women:

  • outpatient and stationary costs with a sudden complication of pregnancy or an accident, threatening life and health insured;
  • medical expenses for preterm births;
  • medical care spending care costs.

Insurance from nearby

In Russia, insurance against unbearable is not very popular, but in vain. In the countries of Europe and the United States, it is accepted by any responsibility to shoot from their shoulders and shift on someone, in many ways this approach is redundant, but faithful. Most Western tourists (especially elderly) are actively using polishes from the unbearable.

The essence of such insurance is to minimize their financial risks (tourist risks), in most cases this is the cost of the paid round. Upon the occurrence of a number of cases (clearly described in the contract) and for which the tourist cannot influence in any way, part of the cost of the tour returns.

Under the occasions of "Insurance from the Unseason", the following events may fall:

  • refusal of a visa;
  • death, injury, sudden health disorder of the insured, his loved ones or a tourist travel partner (when one ticket for two);
  • damage or loss of property of the insured (fire, flood, etc.);
  • court and arrest, call for military service, etc.

Insurance tour from unbearable

Not for each tour can be purchased by the policy on this program, one of the conditions is the time of its design. Most companies are 7 days, it is partly done because of the protection against fraud from tourists (when a tourist fell ill and decided to buy polis). Thus, all the last minute tours with the flight "tomorrow" are not falling under it.

When buying insurance from the unbearable, it is necessary to carefully read the contract, especially the conditions for which compensation is not paid, and there are a lot of them there.

How much does insurance cost from the unseason

The cost of the policy is calculated relative to the cost of the tour per person, the price can be reduced by the franchise.

A simple example, if the cost of a person per person is up to $ 3,000, then the cost of the policy is approximately $ 20 per person (without a franchise).

When the insured event occurs, the tourist can return part of the funds (taking into account the commission) spent on the purchase of the tour. Unfortunately, returning all 100% of the funds will not work, but it is still better than nothing.

The overseas trip involves certain risks associated with possible injuries or diseases, theft of documents, property and other situations; Knitted material costs can exceed the cost of the trip itself. You can avoid this situation if you make insurance for going abroad in advance.

Insurance policy - a registered document, which confirms the fact of the life insurance, health, the property of the insured in the insurance company and making them the insurance premium.

Download (PDF Unknown)

Officially decorated and signed by both parties, the document contains information about:

  • insurer - Name and details, legal address;
  • insurer - FULL NAME, address;
  • insurance risks and insurance object;
  • sums of the amount of insurance and insurance premiums;
  • terms of action.

Other conditions, additions or exceptions can be recorded from the insurance rules in coordination of the parties.

To conclude a contract, it is necessary to choose the desired type of insurance. For foreign trips are drawn up the following types of policies:

  • for tourists. This is the most common appearance that has several subspecies:
    • medstrashovka with pay for emergency medical care, urgent stationary / outpatient / dental treatment, transportation and return to their homeland for disease / death);
    • insurance against loss or theft of documents, baggage;
    • reimbursement of expenses when canceling flights, when refusing a visa.
  • for athletes. Such insurance compensates for expenses in obtaining injury, sudden illness or health disorder, unintentional causing a third party harm. Insurance rates depend on the sport and on the level on which an athlete (professional or amateur) acts;
  • to work abroad. Insures in case of diseases, obtaining industrial injuries, accidents and unintentional harm to a third party;
  • for students and students. As a rule, such insurance includes compensation not only for medical, but also legal assistance.

In insurance agencies, ready-made prepaid packages are usually completed:

  • Economy includes the minimum of the most necessary;
  • "Standard" is an optimal set of insurance services;
  • "Premium" - contains all the basic proposals plus a variety of additional services. Among them, there may be a return of minor children home or a visit of relatives in case of hospitalization of the policyholder, early returning home in the event of the death of some of the closest relatives, delivery of spare parts for a car, insurance against unbearable abroad.

Accordingly, the price will be different.

The choice of the right insurance company concerns each inexperienced traveler - I do not want to throw out money for the wind or find yourself in an unfamiliar country without support.

The first thing that is interested in the traveler is the price of insurance. A good way to find out which of the insurers is in the leaders - use the online service comparing the insurance by various companies. Such a service is offered by an independent financial portal Runet Banki.ru, a financial supermarket compare.ru.

Cheap insurance for traveling abroad is just half. Considerable importance is the reliability of a particular company. In order to assess the degree of reliability of the provider of insurance services will be available rates of insurance companies.

Best Insurers: Official and Folk Ratings

Banki.ru portals and Sravni.ru also contain ratings of the best insurance companies. According to the national rating for 2017 according to the banki.ru, the first five amounted to Tinkoff Insurance, Zetta Insurance, Cardiff, RGS Life and "Welfare". On the same portals, you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of real people, both negative and positive.

Different ratings often put forward the largest Russian Rosgosstrakh companies, Sogaz, Ingosstrakh. In reviews of these companies a lot of complaints: no responsibility, overestimated rates, foggy price calculation mechanisms, imposing services. Therefore, when choosing your future insurance company, it is best to turn to the opinion of people who have already used the services of various insurers and can prompt the right decision.

The trip abroad is even on vacation, not to mention studying or work, is a very troublesome business: it is necessary to calculate everything, cook and not miss anything important. Insurance for traveling abroad is no exception. There are many questions, the answers to which are not so easy to find. Here you will be able to familiarize yourself with the answers to the few most common issues.

We are going with children: whether they need in insurance

A ride with children, especially preschool age, abroad is fraught with hazards for their health: other climatic conditions, time zone, other water, unusual food. Acclimatization and adaptation can be held with difficulties. Therefore, the probability of the need to visit the doctor can be very high.

This fact is taken into account by many insurance companies, and this increases the cost of insurance for going abroad to a child up to 3-5 years by 20-30%. Therefore, the question must need children in insurance, should not even arise: Of course, they need, first of all. Moreover, when entering a visa country without insurance, a child simply will not be prompted by a visa.

I should not forget about force majeure situations: for example, parents have fallen into the hospital and children are not left with anyone. It is necessary to take into account the option of sending children home or arrival for them relatives.

Assistance: what it is

Assistance translates from English as "accompaniment", "assistance", "Support". Under the term, the assistance company in the policy of adhesion is understood as the service company with which the insurance company concluded a contract and which operates in the territory of the foreign state, which is planned to travel.

It was in the assistance company that it is necessary to call in the event of an insured event (you will be answered in Russian), and with the help of its operators support will be organized by the insured. The assistance depends on how quickly help, which doctors and which clinics will be involved, and much more.

The insured case came: what to do

In case of an insured event during the trip, the first rule is not to panic! It is necessary to act in accordance with the situation: in the threat of life and health, take reasonable and urgent measures without thinking about insurance. The insurance contract shows the phones of the Assistian-Companies with which to contact. In order to save time, it is recommended to save the number in advance in your phone or have it always at hand.

You must specify when calling:

  • The insistent name that needs help;
  • contract number / policy, insurance period;
  • circumstances and time of what happened;
  • location and phone number for feedback.

In case of unforeseen circumstances and if it is impossible to contact the service company, this must be done at the first opportunity. When referring to a doctor or hospitalization, the insured must present a police policy. If the client had to pay his money for the treatment, then when returning home in the contract provided for by the contract (as a rule, within 30 calendar days), he must contact the insurance company in writing to reimburse expenses. The application will need to attach documents: a certificate of medical institution, recipes, directions, checks and others.

Cancel Trip: What to do

When an insured event occurs, before the start of the trip (forced failure), it is necessary to concerned urgent - within 72 hours - contact the insurer and report changes in the plans. Within 30 calendar days, apply, in which to specify all the circumstances, attach the original contract, a bill of payment of the tour, the documents of the transport company about the presence of damages (canceled tickets, refusal of hotel armor), as well as documentary confirmation of the insured event: medps, consular refusal confirmation Services in the visa, police protocols, judicial agendas.

What if the trip time has changed

Life loves to present surprises, including not too pleasant. The planned trip can be broken at any time due to the illness of the family member or the insurer, vacation transfer and for other valid reasons. In this situation, there are two exits for traveling: refuse to travel at all or change the contract - transfer the trip to a later date. The first option will be unprofitable by the Insured - a travel agency will keep its expenses. Insurance from the unbearable compensates for all your costs.

What is more profitable: an insurance policy for one trip or for a whole year

A single policy is drawn up with a one-time trip to a duration of three to one hundred and eighty days. Policy for a year covers insurance all 365 days, and the time of stay in a foreign country should not exceed 60-90 days.

This option may seem more costly, but without it does not form a multivorage. Insurance can be used repeatedly throughout the term, but the amount with each insured event will be reduced. Annual insurance policy is suitable for those who need to perform frequent, but short trips abroad.

I know several insurance companies that sell insurance policies if you are already on the journey. I will try to write here only those conditions that are associated with the purchase of the policy not from Russia. I would choose among the first 3rd, but you yourself look.

And yes, if someone is not aware, you can not extend tourist insurance. And sometimes they ask. You can only buy a new policy, if suddenly you decide to travel more. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, buy insurance, being in Russia, there will be much more options.

Allianz (Mondil)

Asian diary

Do you need to insure when traveling abroad? Now a few words about the difference in the concepts of "mandatory" and "need". "Mandatory" is when the presence of insurance is a mandatory requirement when receiving a visa or crossing the boundary of a state. "I needed" is a subjective opinion about the need, expediency to insure when A trip to another country.

And if the insurance for Shengen's insurance is obligatory, then for trips to all other countries, in my opinion, it is needed.

Someone may have a different opinion about this and not insure. We always insure.

The fact is that medical services abroad are very expensive, and we, as a rule, do not have several extra thousands of dollars "just in case."

To make insurance properly, it should be considered:

  1. Purpose of Travel. From the nature of the trip - tourist, to study at the universityTo participate in the competition or to work - the type of insurance and a set of necessary services depends.
  2. The specifics of the country visits. Information about the potential threat will help to make the right choice: for example, a tourist in Vietnam climb such hazards as mosquitoes - carriers of many diseases, sand fleas (cause severe allergies), burning jellyfish, poisonous snakes. Even in such a prosperous country as Austria, there is its own threat - an increased risk of injury during the ski descent from the mountains. More useful information about possible threats for travelers in the world can be obtained on the website of the Department situational Crisis Center of the Foreign Ministry of Russia.
  3. Requirements for insurance policy by the respective consular institutions. The rules of different states may differ. So, for countries Zone SchengenAccording to decision No. 2004/17 / CE of 12/22/2003, the term of the medstrash should be at least a validity period of the visa, and the minimum amount is at least 30 thousand euros (it must necessarily cover all medical expenses). The policy should be issued without a franchise. The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe policy is all the States Parties to the Schengen Agreement.

    In addition to general requirements, each country may have its own specifics. Denmark, Latvia set the term of insurance for 15 days more than the validity period of the visa, Finland adopts a visa application only after registering insurance, in France, Czech Republic, Estonia and some other countries, receive only printed policies, and not filled from hand.

  4. Price of the insurance policy. How much insurance is insurance for going abroad, often plays an important, and sometimes a decisive role.

You can arrange insurance in several traditional ways:

  • The most reliable is to apply to the insurance company. This will make it possible to choose the necessary set of services in accordance with the purpose of the trip and abandon irrelevant, which will also significantly affect the price of the policy.
  • The second method is also widespread and is designed primarily for tourists. This is a purchase of vouchers simultaneously with insurance in travel agency. Here should be taken into account a few minuses: the minimum price also suggests the minimum list of insurance cases, which can make the PMC policy ineffective; As a rule, some franchise amount is negotiated. Taking into account these two circumstances, it is often more profitable to abandon the services of travel agency for insurance and purchase only a ticket.
  • The third option is the most profitable and least common - insurance at the exit abroad of the life and health of the employee and his family members through the employer; True, property and damage to third parties will not be able to insure.

In addition to the traditional there is another very convenient solution to the problem - online insurance.

Online insurance: save on insurance agent

Large insurance companies provide an opportunity to arrange insurance for traveling abroad online those who travel through Turkuvetkov or independently. For the design of the electronic policy, it is enough to perform several simple operations. Consider on the example of the three largest insurance companies of the Russian Federation, as can be done:

It should be noted that all data must be made in accordance with their writing in the documents. One error in writing a name or surname can lead to the invalidity of the policy.

Another positive moment - you can save an insurance agent at the Commission. Insurance for going abroad online has a disadvantage: you have to choose only from several offered insurance company packages and remove unnecessary services will not work.

For tourists with overdue policies, there is another way out - to issue an agreement with the insurer online. Through the Internet, you can get a policy in electronic form anywhere in the world. To buy it, there is no need to visit the office of the company. It is enough to print the document and present it in the clinic.

To pay the traveler's insurance contract, you will need electronic money, you can pay bank cards. Immediately after payment, the document will come to email.

An online installation option is suitable only in situations where the tourist with an overdue policy has not yet appealed to the doctor abroad. The validity of the voluntary insurance contract traditionally begins the day after payment services. Depending on the rules of the insurer, tourist insurance can enter into force only 5-7 days after the conclusion of the Agreement.

The choice of insurance program needs to be treated seriously, thereby having rid of themselves from possible unexpected problems. It is worth working only with well-proven themselves and proven companies. Be sure to read all the points of the contract and check the accuracy of the data contributed.

The client has the right to choose the main risks at its discretion. It is recommended to insure the vehicle if the trip abroad will be carried out on it, as well as baggage and legal risks. From the point of view of appropriateness and common sense, the answer to the question of whether insurance is obligatory when leaving abroad is obvious.

Why now you can not travel without insurance?

Allianz (Mondil)

Sold through the Caracpa and Polis812, the conditions are the same, the price plus minus coincides, so you need to check the cost on both sites, given that the promotion of Lifetripru on POLIS812 will be 9% discount. Although I would buy through the Sarahpu, they have more conveniently, and they are very long on the market, and support is excellent. But in general, without a special difference.

Allianz on the Kalepu →

Allianz on POLIS812 at a discount →


The most inexpensive insurance that is sold only through POLIS812, that is, you will not be able to find such conditions on the site itself. Actually, and with aha now in Russia, no longer buy insurance, and sorry. AXA is an excellent asistenes, at the mondial level, although I personally like the last one. In general, ERGO with other asythens, I would not have taken, especially if we talk about Thailand and Asia.

Price on ERGO with discount →

But this insurance has one substantial minus - they are some of the few who do not insure the dengue fever. There are different opinions, how much it is necessary, since the dengue in the same Taya is not so and often. But on the other, I want to insure because of everything immediately. My opinion is such - than for a shorter time you drive in Tai, the less you need to insure this risk. But regarding other countries, for example, Cambodia, rather necessary than not.


My detailed post about TripInsuranCEFOLIS is sold if you are already on the journey, and in this case he will talk on the 6th day after purchase (like many others) and there will be a $ 50 franchise (from April 2018). Unfortunately, made a franchise. Astests as it were, but in essence it will be several, including Allianz Global Assistance (previously called Mondial).

TripInsurance at a discount of 11% →

One-time policies - policies for specific dates. You can make it possible even if in the country travel there is a residence permit / double citizenship, but the country of permanent residence in this case should be the Russian Federation, i.e. Most of the year of residence in the Russian Federation. The only restriction when purchasing them from abroad is a purchase for constantly living.

Annual program of the 365 Days series is a policy without limiting the number of trips, but with a restriction of 91 days each. The problem is that if this policy is bought during the trip, then the countdown 91 of the day of such a policy begins from the moment of crossing the border from the Russian Federation, and not from the moment of buying the policy. Therefore, it makes sense to take only if the current trip is shorter than 91 days. That is, in the country of travel you can be no more than 91 days.

The Multitrip annual program is no longer possible to buy during the trip.


When buying the policy, the temporary franchise 5 days will also act. That is, only on 6th days after the purchase of the policy you can use it. So they defend themselves from those who first got sick, but only then ran to buy insurance. There are franchise 30 dollars for Asia.

There is also a restriction - a maximum of 182 days per year can be abused in one country. If you arrived at the same Thailand and decided to stay for a longer period, or already there for more than six months, then such a policy does not fit. Thus, you can use Liberty's insurance, without returning to Russia for years, but changing the country of stay every six months, no less often. Just leaving the country for some time and entry will not give anything back, you need to wait for the year.

Liberty on the Sarapete →

Liberty directly →

Liberty can be bought directly (astestations will be the same), although according to the reasons voiced above, I would still take in the Kalep.

Alpha Insurance (Savitar and Class)

There are no restrictions in alfactory at all: it acts at once, the franchise is absent, you can be in the country how much you want. But I have a suspicion that if you buy a policy and immediately refer to it, then you will be close attention to you. Otherwise, everything looks too tempting - I got sick and immediately bought insurance. Hmm

The price of Alpha (Class) →

The price of Alpha (Savitar) →

Just in case, another option, how to buy alpha - through the POLIS812 travel agency. I already wrote about them, a proven office with the purchase of online policies, I have known for a long time. Specially recognized, insurance acts, if you buy it from abroad, everything as I wrote above. Prices are changing, so compare with the Caracapo to the dates you need. When buying via Polis812 will be Savitar, which is even better.

Tinkoff-Insurance (Europ Assistence)

This is a certain intermediate version and now I will tell you why. It can be bought, being in the journey, yes, but it is necessary to be not on the territory of insurance. For example, if you need insurance for Thailand, then you will need to go to some Laos or Malaysia, buy insurance for Thailand and go back to Tai.

Insurance with these conditions is sold only on the official website Tinkoff-Insurance. See what will be published there, Tinkoff Insurance for Asia is expensive now.

Renaissance (AP Companies)

Renaissal also does not have temporary limitations, like Alpha, only a $ 50 franchise, which is not good. Honestly, I have no particular confidence in them ... Yes, and expensive, I would have already for this price, Allianz or Tripinsurance took.

Price on Renaissance →

Ingosstrakh (Smile or Remed)

Insurance is cospace expensive (for Thailand), several times more expensive. Therefore, here I am rather for information. Although I know, some trust exactly ingosstrak and make it why not. In general, the massive negative feedback did not see them. For Europe, a good price. Polis need to buy 10 days before it starts the action.

Price on Ingosstrakh →

Consider insurance can be a maximum of 50 thousand ya, no more. If you want 100 thousand ye, you need to take another insurance.

P.S. Also, insurance is already selling URALSIB and VSK, they can be bought through polis812. But I personally do not see them for yourself, very muddy insurance.

P.P.S. If there is some other information on insurance companies, write in the comments.

The process of execution of the policy as simple as possible:

  1. Specify the data for calculating the policy in the calculator - the country (s) of the trip, the time of the trip, how many people will go and their age, will be playing sports on the trip.

Press "Find the price".

  • In the next step, you see the cost of the insurance product and possible insurance programs.
  • Security price: how much insurance costs

    After registering the insurance policy, the insurance premium should be paid. Each insurance company forms prices independently, and the cost of insurance of the same risks in different companies will vary).

    Common pricing indicators that affect the cost of insurance and should be taken into account:

    • the duration of the trip abroad (the longer, the more expensive);
    • stay country;
    • price of vouchers (for tourists);
    • the presence or absence of risks (extreme sports, visits to life-threatening areas;
    • transport where it is planned to get to the destination;
    • age and state of health of the insured (the older, the more expensive);
    • the amount of compensation.

    In each case, the amount is calculated individually taking into account all components. It should be noted that it is advantageous to purchase online insurance for traveling abroad - bonuses and discounts from insurance companies will be saved from 5 to 25%.

    Urgent design of an agreement online

    Before finally decide where to purchase insurance should be pre-calculated its value in different companies. This is easy, because on all sites of solid insurance companies, you can use the online calculator.

    With this calculator, it is possible to calculate not only the amount of the OSAGO, but also the cost of insurance for a foreign trip. As an example, the Ingosstrakh company calculator can be considered. We must enter the country's country data, the beginning and end of the trip, the age of the traveler and calculate.

    The resulting amount will be an insurance premium for basic services. To these services, you can add 18 additional risks - loss of baggage or other property, military actions, flights on lethal, etc.

    By analogy with airline tickets and hotels, insurance is easiest to find on the website aggregator, which will compare the proposals of many insurance companies. There you can buy the appropriate option online. Electronic policies have the same force as ordinary paper, they are accepted in consulates when visa design. Just print the policy and put your signature.

    Step 1. Choose a country of travel, dates, quantity and age of tourists. Click on "Show Results".

    Step 2. Select the insurance amount and additional options. For example, I turned on the ride on the bike, bike and banana or in the water park. Plus, you can put a tick, for example, in the "aggravation of chronic diseases", if you have. The cost of policies is automatically recalculated.

    Step 3. Compare insurance offices. Pay special attention to the rating among experts and on customer reviews and on the company-Assistance, it is with her that you will have to deal with what.

    • "RUAAA" - the highest level of reliability,
    • "Ruaa, Ruaa, Ruaa-" - a high level of reliability,
    • "Rua, Rua, Rua-" - a moderately high level of reliability,
    • "RUBBB, RUBBB, RUBBB-" - moderate level,
    • "RUBB, RUBB, RUBB-" - moderately low.

    Step 4. If everything suits, press the "Buy" button, fill the tourist data and pay using a bank card. The process is no different from other purchases on the Internet.

    That's all. Be healthy and safe travel!

    The traveler insurance will cover the possible costs of treatment, pay off the value of lost property or returns money spent on vouchers if you could not go abroad.

    Usually travel companies offer a standard contract with an already established insurance amount, but it can be selected independently. The greater the amount, the more you have to pay for the execution of the contract.

    Rest can break for some reason: for example, if the carrier company ruins or the flight will abolish due to a natural disaster. To compensate for expenses, a special type of insurance contract is provided: money is paid if the case provided for by the agreement has occurred, and it prevents your journey.

    Selecting the insurance amount, focus on vacation price: ticket prices, hotel rental, vouchers and so on. Compensation should cover all costs.

    You can not count payout yourself, but contact the insurance company: the manager will make an optimal contract that will cover all your expenses when an insured event occurs.

    Statistics show that among domestic tourists abroad in the first place among accidents are infectious and colds, then poisoning, injuries and fractures and toothache.

    Insurance allows us to provide emergency and qualified medical care. In an unfamiliar country, it is not easy to find a source of help. In addition, the policy can include risks that are not related to health: cancellation or transfer of the flight, loss of documents and others.

    Yes, and $ 100-200 for a visit to the doctor, I would not hurt from your pocket. Rare, alas, the trip costs without a hike to the clinic. Even if we treat influenza virus type or food poisoning type, the cost of the clinic services that the insurance company pays, always exceeds the cost of the policy. For example, having bought insurance for a trip to Thailand, we paid 5,558 rubles. For two, and account for one visit to the clinic about

    ORVI amounted to 5,911 baht, - 2 more times more than the cost of the policy.

    That is, it is fairly beneficial to insure. More details you can read about where, in our opinion, it is better to insure when traveling abroad.

    Perhaps you surprise you that at first I was so emotionally told that the insurance was not needed when traveling to most countries of the world, and at the same time he always hesitate.

    Everything is simple. We believe that it is necessary to insure and profitable.

    In our case, for a trip to Bulgaria, it will cost about 1000, and not 500 rubles;

    • validity - than it longer, the higher the price.

      With a three-week vacation, our hypothetical tour will have to pay for the policy about 1500 rubles.

      If the tourist plans to go on vacation three days for 10 days, it is possible to purchase multiple insurance for 30 days a year for about 2000 rubles;

    • the coating amount proportionally reduces or increases the price of the policy.

      For example, a tourist will pay about 440 rubles when covering at 30,000 euros or about 615 rubles - at 100,000 euros;

    • active leisure and sports will increase the cost of our weekly policy about 500 rubles;
    • additional options not only ensure the protection of the tourist, but also affect the price of insurance. Luggage protection will add about 180-750 rubles depending on the amount of compensation.

    If a specialist conducts a simple diagnosis, prescribes medicines or provides minimal assistance - the amount increases by 3-5 times.

    Serious injury will cost a whole condition: for example, quite recently in the USA, the Belarusian student was put in the US for the treatment of a complex feather fracture.

    Help cost a young man at $ 104,000. The coating amount insurance company limits compensation to a certain amount (dollars or euro). If the costs exceeded the agreed, then paying the part over the limit to the tourist will have to have their own pocket.

    Usually the minimum coating amount is quite impressive - 30,000 or $ 50,000 / euro.

    It can be increased to 100,000, paying a little more for the policy. Increasing the coating amount is advisable in cases where the trip is associated with risks (extreme sports), as well as if the cost of treatment in the chosen country is very high.

    Arguments in favor of insurance of travel abroad

    You buy a policy of an insurance company, but directly help will not have any help, but Assistance company. That is, when choosing insurance, pay more attention not to insurance, but on a specific assistance (service company).

    Before buying, read feedback on the work of certain service companies in the country where you are going.

    Insurance case is considered a sudden disease in the field of action of the policy. In other words, the aggravation of chronic diseases and the consequences associated with it will not pay you if this moment does not include this moment.

    Franchise is called the amount less than which the insurer may not pay. For example, you have a policy of $ 50 prescribed a policy, the temperature rose on vacation, and you turned to the doctor that cost $ 45. You will not pay this amount, but everything that is more than $ 50 is necessarily. Experienced tourists choose insurance without franchise.

    Insurance amount is the maximum amount that the insurer pays for you. Standard is $ 30,000, $ 50,000, $ 100,000.

    There are two types of insurance compensation: service and compensatory.

    Service - When, when an insured event occurs, you call the assistance, they agree with the hospital, transport and generally decide all the questions, the insurance directs the money to the hospital directly. Now it is the most common way.

    Compensatory - when you pay for yourself, collect all documents and checks, and upon returning home this money compensation to you.

    Obviously, the first option is much more convenient for travelers.

    From unbearable abroad

    According to the Federal Law No. 114, the medical insurance policy is obligatory when leaving abroad, otherwise the citizen will pay himself for his treatment, a doctor's challenge or ambulance, in the hospital and other medical events. The minimum amount of the sum insured is 2,000,000 rubles.

    When flying to the Schengen countries will have to raise insurance at least by 30,000 euros. Without this you will not give a visa. When planning a trip to countries that are not included in Schengen, you can determine the insurance amount yourself. We recommend to focus on the cost of treatment in the country where you are going to go. The optimal option of the sum insured is 50,000 euros.

    The price of issuing an agreement depends on the number of days of stay abroad and the state in which the rest is planned. For example, for the policy for a period of 7 days at the departure to Turkey will have to pay from 400 rubles.

    The most expensive medicine is "famous" by the United States, Norway, Austria, Canada, Holland, Switzerland, France and Germany. How much insurance is insurance for traveling abroad The price of insurance for a tourist trip is made up of the basic cost plus additional coefficients. For clarity, we will take the calculation of the policy with the amount of coverage of 50,000 euros, without franchise and additional options, for the trip of the thirty-year tourist in Bulgaria for 7 days. Its cost will be about 500 rubles. Let's see how the price of insurance for going abroad will change when the parameters change.

    • country.

      The cost of the policy directly depends on the place of rest: for exotic countries it will be higher.

      For example, our policy for a trip to Thailand or Venezuela will arrive at about 1000 rubles;

    • the age of the insurer.

      If a tourist over 65 years old, his policy will cost more.

    After that, the applicant receives an electronic document that can be printed and used on a par with normal.

    You can make a policy to go abroad and in the office of the Insurance Company - the only difference is that the tourist will have to make identity documents. But you can pay insurance and cash, as well as if necessary, to obtain a consultation of the manager.

    Which organizations have the right to issue a policy of making insurance in Russia can only companies that have licenses of the Bank of Russia for such activities.

    The law rigorously regulates the rules for the work of these firms: requirements for solvency, legal form, etc.

    Nevertheless, the license is not an absolute guarantee of the honesty of the insurer.

    Different companies have a list may differ, but as a rule, it is:

    • Hospital treatment
    • Medications appointed by the doctor
    • Transportation to the doctor
    • Emergency dentistry,
    • Payment for communication costs
    • Expenses for repatriation.

    Let's summarize

    For each traveler, it should be a rule not to go to the foreign trip without the police policy. Medical insurance for going abroad is not a luxury, but the need. This document will come to the rescue and help to avoid large expenses.

    In the Russian Federation there are a large number of insurance companies that provide insurance services. Each citizen has the ability to choose the best option. To do this, it is necessary to respond with the choice of insurance company and insurance products before insuring yourself and your family. This will ensure the absence of problems when an insured event occurs.

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