
CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY Insurance company Capital Polis. Insurance company Capital Polis

Insured your car in the company Capital Polyus under the CASCO program (full package, damage, total, hijacking). Add to 0351/19. Polis Am 0052278.
Unfortunately, we had an insured event. The car set fire. After arson, we collected having documents and turned to the main office in St. Petersburg on the Moscow Prospekt 22. We explained that as soon as we receive a decision on the initiation of a criminal case, the decision to recognize us by the victim and the decision in a criminal case we can immediately contact the insurance Company for payment. We failed all these documents from the police not a little not much 6 months! Received documents, arrived in the insurance company, provided these documents! And what do you think? They needed new documents that we do not have and can not be! Call the investigator in the case, explain the situation that the insurance company requests such documents, the investigator says that the data of the insurance company is illegal and these documents cannot require. All this happens on a speakerphone in the office of an employee of the Insurance Company Head of Service Expertise of Kocorova Ivan Sergeevich! To which this "boss" says to us then bring me a court decision on the case, to the question of this resolution to him a police officer said that these documents are enough for you to start the proceedings. But, he strongly began to say that it would not be started without a court point! They said well, give us in writing a statement that it would not be started without this documents, Ivan I answer I do not have such powers! That is, we say that you need to bring there, but not write! Funny! Next, please write the one who is authorized, oh, but our championship lawyer in court! Our conversation ends, then I descend to the administrator's rack and I ask whether a lawyer for Casco, the administrator with a surprised look says that they have no lawyers on Casco, and there are just lawyers. And all lawyers are in place? Yes, the administrator replied! Good cabinet please! We call the office-climb-go! Hello who is a lawyer? Immediately a counter question and what did you want? On the issue of Casco we answer! Oh, sorry our championship lawyer on vacation and will not be soon! I asked the manual but to the manual only on recording! In general, a disgusting office, everyone is confused in their testimony, Hamyat, are seen from questions! Take care of your nerves, money! Better overpay, but buy a pole in a normal and proven insurance company! Now only in court with a lawyer to sue this pseudo "Insurance Company".

Wikipedia insuring material

Insurance Company "Capital Police" was founded in 1993.

The Insurance Group "Capital-Policy" unites under a single brand name: CJSC CAPITAL-POLIS, LLC "SK" Capital-Policy Insurance ", LLC" SK "Capital-Polis Medicine" and

Consolidated authorized capital Groups are more than 300 million rubles.

SG "Capital Police" "Along with the Bank" Aleksandrovsky "and investment company "Energocapital" is part of one of the largest formations in the northwest - ego-holding. Such cooperation allows the group to fully serve the interests of customers. financial structures in the field of life and health insurance, insurance pledges, loan contracts, financial risks, different species banking.

In 2008, the Capital Police company was awarded the quality mark "Made in St. Petersburg" for the services of "Voluntary Medical Insurance".

"Capital-Polis Medicine" - for services "Mandatory Medical Insurance".

The main principle of the company is guaranteed and qualitative fulfillment of its obligations to clients.

It is aimed at it financial Policy, Developed reinsurance system.

The company presents a full range of property insurance services for individuals and corporate clients.
Including autoilingurance, insurance of apartments, cottages and domestic property.

There are constantly various promotions on the circuit, among which the insured will definitely select the appropriate one.

Property Insurance Boxes make it possible to issue a policy in a short time: without filling out the statement, drawing up inventory, inspection.

In the reinsurance of "Capital - Policy" cooperates with the largest Russian and foreign partners.

He heads insurance group From its very grounds, which is the chairman of the Health Insurance Committee of the Union of Insurers of St. Petersburg and the North-West.

September 2014 The National Rating Agency confirmed the reliability rating of CJSC Insurance Company Capital Polis at the level "A".

Bank of Russia has decided to replace licenses for insurance activitiesClosed joint-stock company "Insurance company" Capital Polis ".

In October 2016 Rating agency RaEx (expert RA) confirmed the rating of the reliability of the insurance company "Capital Police" at the level A ("High Reliability"), the first suggestion. The rating forecast is stable, which means the high probability of saving the rating at the current level in the medium term.

CC "Capital Polis", operating in the national market since 1993, is presented today in 2 regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow and St. Petersburg). The company is a member of the same name financial Group. The sphere of its insurance activity is distributed mainly to the North-West part of Russia. The priority direction of the corporation is medical insurance. In this segment, the company ranks 17 line of the rating of the largest insurers providing DMS services.

The impressive size of its own assets (120 million rubles) provides the company independence from the influence of market factors, financial stability and dynamic development. In the North-West region, the Corporation is among the top five guidelines for premiums in the Voluntary segment medical insurance.

For a 20-year history of its existence of the CC "Capital Polis", has established itself as an honest partner who can trust his risks. The company is focused on both retail insurance and the corporate market segment. About 90% insurance portfolio Case Casco and DMS contracts.

The staff of the staff exceeds 120 people. CC "Capital Polis" is a member of the Union of Insurers in St. Petersburg and supports partnerships with other market participants.

The value of its own assets of the consolidated insurance group exceeds 340 million rubles. Significant reserves ensure the stability of the corporation in the domestic market. In 2015, CC "Capital Polis", having collected more than 1.1 billion rubles as insurance premiums, ranked 83 positions.

The secret of the successful development of the corporation is to build an extensive network of representatives. For 2015. insurance brokers And the agents gathered for the company of insurance premiums in the amount exceeding 1 billion rubles. Among the clients of the Corporation "Property Fund of St. Petersburg", "Electron", "Center state expertise"And other respected state and commercial enterprises.

reference Information

LLC SK "Capital Polis Honey" is part of the Group of Companies "Capital Police" and implements mandatory medical insurance.

The greatest activity in the work of the Insurance Company began in 2000, when the Governor of the SPb Order 2-p from 14.01.2000 introduces the production principle of insurance on the territory of St. Petersburg. This means that the working population on OMS is insured at the place of work. This type of health insurance is required for all enterprises, organizations and institutions located in St. Petersburg and is carried out on a non-commercial basis without additional allocation of funds.

LLC SK "Capital Polis Honey" has the opportunity to organize medical care in medical and preventive institutions equipped with modern equipment. This allows you to quickly solve issues of providing insured citizens of expensive medical services (Tomographic, radioisotope, angiographic, ultrasound and other studies), hospitalization and assistance in day hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers.

Insured and partners of LLC SK "Capital Polis Honey" are more than 10,000 enterprises, organizations and institutions, including: Committee economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade, Administration of SPb, Committee for Logging and Social Protection of the Population of SPB, Committee on Land Resources and Land Management SPB, Committee for Urban Property Management for St. Petersburg, Hiop Committee, St. Petersburg State University, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Civil Aviation Academy, State Architectural and Construction University, Federal State Institution of Culture "State Hermitage", etc.

to corporative clients

Insurance company "Capital Polis" has a huge work with enterprises and organizations of the most different scale and profile. Especially for corporate clients are designed by complex insurance programs and products that take into account the specifics of their business.

Voluntary medical insurance
The concern of the enterprise about its employees is one of the high-level indicators of its corporate culture, which is the main factor in the formation of the image of the organization, both in the eyes of its business partners and the general public. From a practical point of view, the costs of preventing diseases.

Accident Insurance
Insurance against accidents implies receipt of compensation for injuries, sudden diseases (leading to injury, health disorder), as well as during the death of the insured. The policy acquires the special importance for employees of companies related to any production - injuries in the workplace in this case are very likely.

Cargo insurance and carriers
Thanks to the modern approach, the traffic risk insurance center has proven itself as a reliable partner in the cargo insurance market. We trust our largest transport and logistics enterprises, postal operators, distributors of electronics, equipment and communications.

Property insurance legal entities It may provide for both defense of the offices from leaks and the integrated coverage of various risks in many aspects of the company's activities. The insurance rules developed in our company make it possible to take on insurance various properties, equipment, machines and mechanisms.

Policy insurance civil responsibility It will help to cover your losses on claims of third parties not only in a fire at the enterprise or conducting mass events, but also in animal bite. The list of possible situations taken into account in the Policy may provide for a variety of events.

Transport insurance
When insuring CASCO (in contrast to the OSAGA policy), you get a comprehensive protection of the fleet of your company with possible damage or hijacking. In our company to the Classic Casco Policy are provided additional services; 24-hour evacuation service, departure to the insured to conclude a contract.

In St. Petersburg, you can make a policy OMS insurance Capital Polis Medicine in any multifunctional center for the provision of public services (MFC). MFC is located in each area of \u200b\u200bthe city and allow you to get polis Oms without visiting an insurance company.


We are accustomed to plan our lives, set up tasks and achieve them. Having achieved goals, we value this and do not want to lose. Sometimes some case can knock us out of the rut and we become weak and defenseless. At this very time, we, more than ever, I want to experience care and attention. We can take care of you and help overcome unpleasant life moments, minimizing the damage from their offensive.

Insurance company "Capital Police" is a universal and reliable insurance company, our insurance programs are designed specifically for you, based on the twenty years of experience. We offer you the following types of insurance:

Auto Insurance
We strive to ensure that the benefits of cooperation with us were meaningful and tangible to our customers. In this regard, the company has a whole service and service system, the only purpose of which is the convenience and comfort of our client.
Medical care, quality and conditions of granting medical care The compulsory medical insurance system is carried out in accordance with the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens.

Subscriptions for medical care
Subscription is systems approach To your health in comfortable conditions for private practice. For the entire period of validity of the subscription to the patient is provided with a discount on all additional research and consultation of other specialists.

Medical Programs for Children
Creating products, our specialists, first of all, were guided by the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuity in medical prevention, observation and assistance. Our care for the health of the child begins with the moment the future parents also planned his birth.

Insurance coming to St. Petersburg
For those who come to work in Russia, foreigners are required policy DMS.. It is necessary when working to work. For this, insurance for any selected program is ideal, which ensures the payment of medical services during the entire location in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Insurance leaving abroad
The many years of practical experience "Coris Assistance" and the sustainable financial position of the CAP "CAPITAL-POLIS" was factors contributing to the creation of unique to russian market Programs combining a fundamentally new insurance product.

Insurance of apartments and property
After auto insurance, the apartment insurance is the most common view. property insurance. For your convenience, as well as in order to reduce your insurance costs, we are ready to conduct an examination.

Insurance of country houses
The presence of the policy will save you from excitement for your home or the country, which is especially important at the end of the summer season - the house remains unattended for a long time. For your convenience, as well as in order to reduce your insurance costs, we are ready to conduct an examination.

Insurance against accidents implies compensation for injuries, sudden diseases (leading to injury, health disorder), as well as during the death of the insured, the contract can be concluded in favor of a third party.

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