
Insurance of the collateral of real estate. Property insurance apartment with mortgage. Is it possible to refuse

Banks, providing a property purchase job, not only make a deposit on it, but also require mortgage insurance. Purchase insurance Polisa. Real Estate is a prerequisite for any mortgage agreement. And other types of insurance?

General view of what mortgage insurance is

Mortgage insurance is a combination of types of insurance, which is designed to ensure the protection of the financial interests of each participant in mortgage housing lending.

The need to conclude such contracts is due to the need:

  • bank - in obtaining guarantees of the loan return, which reduces the interest rate and increase the credit period for consumer loans;
  • the client - in obtaining financial support for the fulfillment of its obligations upon the occurrence of death, disability, reduce the level of income and other things.

The main purpose of mortgage insurance is to redistribute risks between insurers, borrowers and creditors to improve the reliability of the system mortgage insurance.

Types of mortgage insurance:

  • insurance of property under mortgage, which, according to the Agreement, was transferred to a deposit, from risks of loss or damage;
  • personal, which is the insurance of the life and working capacity of the client (borrower or coacher);
  • the title of property is insurance against cases of loss of ownership of collateral property as a result of termination of ownership.

As an additional option, insurers are proposed to insure the civil liability of the owner of the premises before:

  • third parties in the process of exploitation of the property (for example, on cases of flooding of the apartment of neighbors);
  • creditor for non-fulfillment of accepted financial obligations (At the occurrence of delay, if it is impossible to make payments in the future).

Feature of this type of insurance

Insurance mortgage risks It is distinguished by the fact that the beneficiary under the contract shall indicate the lender (bank). In case of offensive insurance case It is in his favor the insurer will produce insurance payment. Its size cannot exceed simultaneously the amount of outstanding debt, nor the amount of damage incurred.

There is a payment scheme of the sum insured at the same time - immediately - when concluding a contract for the entire loan period. The scheme of the annual payment of the sum insured is more common.

Do I need to insure the apartment every year with mortgage? Yes. This is indicated in the loan agreement.

The legality of the requirements for the conclusion of insurance contracts

Real estate insurance during mortgage: necessarily or not - disputes are conducted for a long time, but there is a law, and there is a judicial practice.

According to the Federal Law No. 102-FZ "On Mortgage", mortgage borrowers are obliged to insure the subject of pledge. About other types of insurance in the document says nothing.

Personal insurance for mortgage art. 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is defined as voluntary. However, banks strongly recommend their customers to issue such insurance. It is optional, but its absence will lead to an increase in the loan rate, at least 1%.

A similar situation has developed in relation to titular insurance. The client has the right to refuse, but the loan, like a more risky, from the point of view of the lender, will be offered on others, less favorable conditionsrather than those borrowers that agreed to fulfill the requirements of the bank.

Judicial practice regarding such disputes suggests that in most cases the requirement to conclude a life insurance contract and health is recognized as the abuse of the freedom of the contract, since without registration of insurance, the loan refused.

According to the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2015, No. 3854-Barrier has the right to abandon the insurance product imposed on it within 5 days from the date of signing the relevant documents. The amount paid to them must be returned completely.

However, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation explained that if a borrower fails to be denied this service, the lender is entitled to change the conditions typical treaty And increase the interest rate.

This item is already included in most mortgage contracts. Also, lenders are widely used by their right to terminate the mortgage agreement in unilaterally Due to non-compliance with the client of its conditions. This position is also spelled out in credit documentation. The bank sends a notification to the client with the requirement or to issue insurance, or it terminates the contract. The latter means that the borrower is obliged to return the entire amount of the loan or judicial proceedings are waiting for him.

Appeal of citizens (more often during court proceedings) To the fact that the condition of the need for insurance violates their rights, it is not accepted: the agreement was concluded under certain circumstances, which the client was warned in advance.

The signature under documents means consent to the fulfillment of the requirements established by them.

Typical insurance cases

Insurance of the real estate object standard suggests as an insured event:

  • fire, including the one that arose outside the insured facility;
  • branch of household gas;
  • disaster;
  • flooding that occurred as a result of the accident in the water supply system, sewage or heating system, even if water came from adjacent premises;
  • unlawful actions of third parties (hooliganism, robbery, vandalism);
  • fall on the real estate of aircraft (their parts);
  • the identification of constructive defects of the structure that by the time the conclusion of the contract was unknown to the insured.

It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the minimum package offered by insurers provides for payments only when there is significant damage to the insured property.

For example, if, as a result of the bay of neighbors, wallpapers were injured, payments will not be, and if someone broke the window, then you can count on compensation for its value. The entire balance of the loan will be paid only when the object is completely destroyed. In the case of a private house, if a foundation remained, only a part of the debt remains, because, from the insurer's point of view, the remainder of the structure can still be used to build new housing.

To get more guarantees, more reimbursement, more expanded insurance should be issued, but it will cost more.

The following type of mortgage insurance is the insurance of the life and health of the borrower. Insurance cases for such a contract are:

  • the death of the insured, which occurred due to an accident or a disease, which arose during the period of the contract;
  • loss of ability to work as a result of a disease or accident with the appointment of 1 or 2 groups of disabilities.

What is a titular mortgage insurance, it is easier to understand the list of insured cases according to such agreements:

  • recognition of the purchase and sale of invalid (on the basis of paragraph 2 of ch. 9 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • celebration of the buyer of housing (entirely or its parts) by persons followed by the ownership of this object.

This type of insurance is intended to protect the rights of a conscientious acquirer. Confirmation of the occurrence of the insured event will be judicial decision. Payments for such agreements should compensate for the financial costs of the borrower and guarantee the creditor to return a loan.

In such cases insurance Company It is entitled to provide full legal support, including the presentation of the client's interests in court.

The problem of receiving payment for insurance

The insurer has the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation in some cases. All of them are spelled out in the insurance contract.

Personal insurance for mortgage lending implies as an insured event to establish a borrower with the 2nd or 1st disability groups or its death. In this case, the payment is performed in full. The property in the first case remains in the property of the borrower, in the second will be included in the hereditary mass and heirs will receive heirs without any encumbrance (without a collateral or duty to extinguish a loan duty). But for example, in compensation under the contract of insurance of life, they will refuse if death has come as a result of suicide or car accident, which the insurer became the culprit. Reimbursement will not be paid and in cases where the client initially knew about health problems, confirmation of which the insurer would find in his medical records, but did not report this when concluding the contract.

There will be problems with compensation and persons affected by professional risks, as well as in those in the blood of which, at the time of the insured event, there will be alcohol or narcotic substances, the reception of which was not appointed by the doctor. According to the law, the insurer in such a situation is not obliged to repay debt.

If the insurance of life and health was drawn up with respect to both spousers, then in the case of the death of one of them, debt to the bank will be repaid only by half, i.e. By 50% of the loan balance. If the insurance was made with some kind of proportions, then the payment will be made with regard to how it was spelled out in the contract. For example, in the event of the death of one of the spouses, the reimbursement may amount to 70% of the residue value, while at the end of another - 30%.

In cases where there is no solid confidence that the failure of the insurance company is correct, it is worth contacting the lawyer who specializes in this area.

Already on the first consultation, having studied all the documentation, the specialist will be able to confirm or disprove the legality of the actions of the insurer and suggest the appropriateness of protecting its interests in court.

How to save on mortgage insurance

The insurance program offered by the employees of the lender is, as a rule, a product unfavorable to borrowers. Most banks act as intermediaries between the true insured, the organization with which the contract is concluded, and which subsequently will perform insurance payments, and the client. Accordingly, the lender is likely to have a discount from the "Supplier" and at the same time makes the allowance for coating its own expenses.

As a result, the insurance contract concluded in the Bank's office may be 10-20% more expensive than an agreement, decorated under the same conditions or at the insurer himself or its other official partner.

If it is decided to arrange insurance directly at the insurer, check the list of accredited companies from the lender. Despite the fact that any restrictions when choosing an insurance company in accordance with the law is unacceptable, they can be established in spite of them. Therefore, it is reasonable to clarify the bank with a list of accredited insurers.

Given that the insurance amount is calculated on the basis of the value of the loan balance plus interest, which will be accrued over the next year, then the savings are possible due to early repayment of the loan.

The faster the debt on the mortgage will be repaid, the less interest will pay the borrower, the smaller the insurance amount will be.

You should also consider the date of repayment of the loan. Ideally need to verify the term full repayment Credit for the end time of the next insurance contract. If it did not work out, then it is possible by issuing the appropriate certificate of the lender on the absence of debt, contact the insurer with a request to return the part of the sum insured according to the actual time of the existence of a loan obligation (debt to the bank).

How to insure yourself with a mortgage not to overpay. When determining the insured amount, insurers take into account:

  • customer age. Polis will be cheaper in people who are 25-35 years;
  • the price of the property is more expensive, the more you need to pay the insurer;
  • with personal insurance, they may ask for a medical examination, according to the results of which they will determine the cost of the policy. The smaller the person has health problems, the smallest habits, the bigger discount they will be provided;
  • than more sum Credit, the greater insurance amount will be prescribed to payment.


Mortgage insurance: is obligatory or not? The insurance contract for mortgage real estate is necessary. The rest are formally not, in fact, the Bank is indirectly (through deterioration of crediting conditions or even refusal to conclude a mortgage agreement) forces customers to agree with this requirement.

From a financial point of view, sometimes a little more profitable to agree to raising the loan rate, but to abandon additional insurance.

Accrual interest is performed regularly on the balance of debt, which decreases as payment is received in the account of the loan repayment, i.e. Monthly or even more often. In determining the sum insured, the calculation takes the amount recorded at the beginning of the year.

The reasonable decision of this issue is to fulfill the creditor's requirement, but the mortgage insurance contract is to conclude directly with the insurance company.

The benefit of the borrower with mortgage insurance is that when an insured event occurs, although the Bank will receive and receive a payment, but the citizen will be released (partially or completely) from liabilities to pay mortgages.

In difficult times, as marked in insurance as insured cases (loss of property, ability to work, etc.), it may be very by the way.

Considering the foregoing, we can say that the mortgage is a risky project for the borrower and insurer. The bank, if there is a complete package of insurance and the subject of pledging risks less.

Although we are talking in this article about Sberbank, most of the written, other than the list of accredited SC, is relevant for any Russian bank.

Insurance purchased in (apartments, houses, rooms, etc.), unlike personal, is mandatory. This is referred to the article 31 of the FZ No. 102 "On Mortgage (Pledge of Property)":

1. The insurance of property laid under the mortgage agreement is carried out in accordance with the terms of this contract. The property insurance contract laid under the mortgage agreement must be concluded in favor of the pledgee (beneficiary), unless otherwise specified in the mortgage agreement or in the contract, entailing the occurrence of the mortgage by virtue of the law or in the mortgage.

2. In the absence of a mortgage agreement on the insurance contract, the mortgager must insure this property at full value from the risks of loss and damage, and if full value Property exceeds the size of a secured mortgage obligation, - in the amount not lower than this obligation.

Actually, from this law it follows:

  • The bought in the mortgage of housing, which is pledged by the bank, must be insured.
  • Mandatory insurance applies only to the risks of loss and damage protection property (fire, natural disaster, damage to carrying structures, etc.)
  • The beneficiary for such an insurance contract must be a bank. It is the bank that will receive insurance payments if an insured event occurs. The amount of the debt of the borrower will be reduced by the amount of payment.
  • The amount for which it is necessary to insure the object (insurance amount) should be at least the principal amount of the loan.

    For example, an apartment costs 3 million rubles., an initial fee will be 1.4 million rubles, and the loan amount, respectively, will be 1.6 million rubles.It is for such a sum (no less) to insure an apartment in the first year of the mortgage. Next, this amount will decrease as mortgages pay.

  • It is necessary to insure the property throughout the mortgage, while you pay it and while the object is pledged by the bank. At the same time, the standard term of the contract for insurance companies is 1 year. Therefore, every year you need to enter into a new insurance contract.

    Insurance amountAs mentioned above, will decrease. Therefore, before extending the insurance contract or conclude a new one, specify the accurate amount of the main mortgage debt.

The cost of insurance or insurance premium It is measured as a percentage of the sum insured, which, we recall, is usually equal to the amount of mortgage debt. Also on the size of the insurance premium affects the property itself.

For new brick houses, it will be less, and for old stalinants with wooden floors, naturally, more.

Ingosstrakh's company traditionally some of the most attractive insurance tariffs mortgage real estate. Calculate the amount of insurance can be directly on the site.

If you take the average numbers, the insurance premium for such an insurance is 0.3% -0.6% of the amount of the sum insured. Translated to rubles it will be from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. for every 1 million rubles. Loan debt.

List of accredited insurance companies in Sberbank

Each Bank has its own requirements for insurance companies in which borrowers need to insure a mortgage property. Therefore, before buying a policy, be sure to specify the list of SC.

The names of insurance companies accredited to insurance of mortgage property in Sberbank are published below. Do not confuse!

Relevant for February 2018:

  • "Liberty Insurance"
  • "Chulp"
  • "Transnational Insurance Company"
  • "SF" Adonis "
  • "Insurance company" SDS "
  • "Insurance company" Diana "
  • "Insurance company" Helios "
  • "Insurance Group" Spasskit Gate "
  • "Sterch"
  • "SOGAZ"
  • "Surgutneftegaz"
  • "Sberbank Insurance"
  • "RSHB-Insurance"
  • Rosgosstrakh
  • "Reso-Warranty"
  • "Regionigrant"
  • "BET"
  • "Independent Insurance Group"
  • "National Insurance Company Tatarstan"
  • "Ingosstrakh"
  • "Zetta Insurance"
  • "Renaissance Insurance Group"
  • "VSK"
  • "AlfaStrakhovanie"
  • "AIG"
  • "Absolute Insurance"

As you can see, the list is quite impressive - 26 companies, so it is possible to choose the SK on the conditions suitable for you.

Leave questions and reviews in the comments.

Object insurance

Property interests of the insured associated with loss or damage to the insured real Estate (Apartments, residential buildings, cottages, garden houses, land).

Insurance cases:

Loss or damage to real estate as a result:

  • fire;
  • explosion;
  • flooding;
  • natural Disasters;
  • theft;
  • robbery;
  • scope;
  • intentional destroying property by third parties;
  • other circumstances.

Insurance amount

Insurance amount is determined by one of two options:

  • in the amount of the actual value of real estate (the insurance amount remains unchanged during the entire term of the insurance contract);
  • in the amount of the loan debt balance (the insurance amount is decreasing annually in accordance with the decrease in the balance of the loan debt).

The term of payment of the sum insured

The magnitude of the insurance payment

In the amount of actual costs of restoring the damaged (lost) property, taking into account the wear on the replaceable parts and materials, but not more than the sum insured.

Auto Insurance

Object insurance

  • Property interests of the policyholder (beneficiary) related to the possession, use, by order vehicleand also installed on it additional equipment.
  • Property interests of the insured (beneficiary) associated with the possession, use, the order of the vehicle and the additional equipment established on it due to their damage or loss (destruction, disappearance), including before the TC statement.

Insurance cases:

Death or damage to TC as a result:

  • fire;
  • explosion;
  • collisions with another TC;
  • departure (impact) on fixed or moving items (structures, obstacles, animals);
  • tipping;
  • falls of any objects, including trees, snow and ice;
  • emissions of gravel, stones and other vehicles from vehicles;
  • fall into water;
  • fail at ice;
  • natural Disasters;
  • unlawful actions of third parties;
  • theft of TC (loss as a result of theft, robbery, robbery).

Insurance amount

No more valid (market) cost of the vehicle; No less loan debt balance.

The term of payment of the sum insured

Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of all documents required to make a decision.

Amount of insurance premium

In accordance with the tariffs of the insurance company.
Detailed information You can get in any office PJSC Sberbank.

What is real estate insurance when making a mortgage? Where can I insure a mortgage of everything cheaper? How much is the insurance of the apartment with mortgage?

Hello, dear readers! You are welcomed by the online magazine "Khitirbobur" and I, Insurance Expert, Denis Kudarin.

IN new article I will talk about mortgage insurance. The material will be useful to anyone who acquires housing in the mortgage, as well as those who are interested in current financial issues.

And now - in detail and thoroughly for each item.

1. What is the mortgage insurance and when is it necessary?

Buying real estate in Montpet - a risky and long-term event. Credit amounts are paid for years - no one can predict in advance how the situation will change with the return of debt in six months, the year, five years.

For this reason, both sides mortgage contract Try to protect themselves from possible losses. To reduce the risks of borrowers and credit companies, the state introduced required condition When making a mortgage - insurance.

Some believe that mortgage insurance takes into account the exceptional interests of creditors: banks want to protect themselves from losing a borrower of solvent status.

However, the credit recipients such insurance brings certain benefits. After all, to guarantee buyers of housing, the presence of permanent income, especially in the conditions of permanent economic instability, No one can.

Each borrower can lose work, get sick, please in an accident. Yes, and the apartment itself may suffer from a fire, flooding and other unforeseen factors.

In addition, complete mortgage insurance will help to get a loan on more favorable terms: banks are much loyal to customers choosing the entire insurance services.

So, mortgage insurance - This is insurance of risks of creditors and borrowers. In modern Russian lending is mandatory procedure When buying housing in the mortgage.

None financial organization Will not give you a loan without the execution of the policy. At the same time, real estate insurance (pledge) is a guarantee of security for the lender, and the health, life and solvency insurance, the borrower protects the interests of the client.

Thus, both parties are interested in the transaction. Another thing is that bank employees They know about insurance much more ordinary citizen and often insist on the terms of the contract, the most favorable and profitable for the financial organization.

That is why loan recipients are useful to study the issue of mortgage insurance in advance - this will reduce unnecessary spending and help protect their property interests.

By law, the borrower is obliged to insure only the subject of the collateral. All other types of insurance are not required.

But this is in theory, and in practice, banks usually require borrowers to insure:

  • a life;
  • disability;
  • title (ownership of the property).

Agree to the terms of creditors or not - everyone's personal matter. The bank can easily increase the interest rate on the mortgage.

The term of the policy is equal to the estimated period of payments. The insured amount is equal to the size of the loan or market value of housing. Payments are charged once a year. When paying time is fits, the bank reports the company's current debt size, and the insurer calculates the amount of the contribution.

2. Mortgage insurance classification - Top 3 main types

Since real estate acts as an object of the mortgage agreement, it is the main role In insurance procedures. The remaining types of mortgage insurance are only auxiliary products aimed at reducing additional risks of creditors and borrowers.

However, it is worth studying all types of mortgage insurance.

View 1. Insurance housing

Mandatory view of insurance when making a mortgage. Real estate is insured against damage and complete destruction. If the insured event occurs, the mortgage is repaid due to damages by the insurer.

Insurance cases include:

  • fires;
  • natural disasters;
  • explosions of household gas;
  • crash and plumbing systems;
  • unlawful and hooligan actions of third parties;
  • vandalism.

On the occurrence of such cases, the policyholder is obliged to immediately notify the insurer and issue a statement to the company. Each incident requires expert checking and confirmation.


The apartment occurred a fire that damaged the design elements of the dwelling. Losses are not reimbursed by the owner of the apartment, and not the bank, whose housing is pledged, but the insurer. True, the evidence should be submitted that the fire was not the result of the deliberate actions of the borrower or other interested parties.

Not all cases of damage and destruction of real estate fall into the category of insurance. For example, if the apartment suffered as a result of hostilities, nuclear explosion, mass strikes and pogroms, the insurer is entitled not to pay damages.

View 2.

If the policyholder is not able to pay a mortgage loan due to serious illness, disability, serious injury or disability, the insurance company undertakes to compensate the damage of the bank.

In the event of the death of the borrower, the insurer frees relatives and loved ones from payments on the loan and takes debentures to myself. Insurance does not work if death or disability was the result of a deliberate companion or suicide. Do not go to the credit and injuries received in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs.

This type of insurance is optional, from him, if desired, you can refuse. However, banks often do not leave the selection borrowers: either they insure life, or the loan rate will be higher by 1-3%.

Type 3. Title insurance

Title insurance protects the interests of banks that can be listed in the loss of the borrower of ownership. Such insurance is far from all situations, but only in cases where additional risks have been revealed when studying documents for housing.


A year after buying housing in the secondary market, it turns out that the right of its possession has the Son Seller, who was absent at the time of making a transaction in the city. Trial on this issue can be delayed for many years, but any losses of the bank will cover the insurer in a timely manner.

The title insurance contract is either for 3 years or for the entire loan period.

More information on housing protection issues - in the articles "" and "".

3. How to insure a mortgage - 5 simple steps

Each self-respecting bank has a predetermined list of insurance partners, to which managers direct borrowers.

Citizens cost to remember that the choice of the insurer is their personal and voluntary matter. Any credit recipient has the right to refuse insurers recommended by employees and choose a company at its discretion.

Why is it important? Everything is simple - tariffs in different insurance companies differ, sometimes significantly. Meanwhile, even the tenths of interest in relation to mortgage sums over the years, we turn around tens of thousands of overpaid rubles.

So - be careful.

Step 1. We find a suitable insurance company

Choosing an insurer, act extremely cautiously. In advance, examine the situation in the insurance company market. Validity has reliability, solvency and insurance conditions themselves.

Other important parameters:

  • experience in the insurer;
  • price policy;
  • rating of independent organizations;
  • the presence of preferential proposals and shares.

Any ways to reduce interest rates on contributions are worth using. It is advisable to act through insurance broker - Professional who will select the most profitable options for you.

Additional information - in the article "".

Step 2. We choose the type of insurance

A couple of years ago, banks demanded banks when issuing loans mandatory insurance Not only the object of real estate, but the life and working capacity of the client.

However, Rospotrebnadzor saw in such a practice a violation of the rights of consumer and demanded changes to the "Mortgage Law". Now the obligatory paragraph for the borrower remains only the insurance of the pledge (that is, the apartment itself).

All other types of insurance are a matter of personal choice of the client. In practice, it is not always possible to achieve observance of the rights to borrowers. So, abandoning life insurance, be prepared for pressure from bank employees.

At a minimum, the manager will read you a lecture on importance integrated insuranceIn the worst case, you will increase the mortgage rate. Directly refuse to issue a loan due to failure to insure its working capacity and the life of banks cannot. But in the interests of the client - to give up the requests of employees, if there is a direct danger of increasing the commission.

Step 3. We are determined with possible risks

Disability and health insurance is particularly relevant for people who have serious chronic diseases, fragmented by hazardous complications at the time of the mortgage.

In such cases, the risk of non-payment of loan is actually increasing, and the acquisition of integrated insurance is really appropriate and necessary step.

Economic risks should be taken into account: for example, if you are not sure of your employer, it is better to protect yourself from the loss of position and the main source of income.

Step 4. We collect documents

Mortgage insurance is pretty quickly.

Document List Standard:

  • borrower passport;
  • treaty bought / sales;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • medical certificates of health status (if necessary);
  • statement (questionnaire).

Sometimes the insurer requests additional papers - certificates from BTI, discharge from the house book, the act of assessing real estate.

Step 5. We subscribe to the contract

By signing the contract, pre-examine all its items. Even records of small font and notes deserve attention.

Remember that a mortgage loan is paid for years and even decades: every omission in insurance contract Potentially dangerous for your pocket. Unaccounted tenth interests percent on a contribution over time are embodied in thousands of rubles.

So I repeat - be careful! Banks and insurers act in their own interests, your task is to secure your own finance and property.

4. From what depends the cost of mortgage insurance - 4 main factors

The cost of an integrated insurance package is calculated as a percentage of the loan amount. In different firms, this indicator varies from 0.5 to 1.5% per year. It will be more expensive if you insure every risk separately.

Tariffs are calculated individually for each client. The amount of insurance is influenced by many factors - consider the most important of them.

Factor 1. Paul and age

For young people, the cost of insurance is minimal. Men always pay a few more insurance than women. This is a standard practice when making any policies. The profession of the policyholder also affects the tariffs. What it is more dangerous, the higher the coefficient.

Factor 2. Health status of the policyholder

When insuring life, you will need a medical certificate of health. If the company becomes known that the client passed the information about the presence of a serious illness, in payments when an insurance situation may refuse.

The questionnaire contains items relating to bad habits and lifestyles. It is better to answer such questions as objectively as possible - there will be fewer problems with representatives of insurance firms in the future.

Even growth and weight indicators are taken into account. If the ratio is higher or lower than the norm, the tariffs are also rising.

Factor 3. Type of housing

With real estate insurance, the value of housing is. The condition and material of overlapping, the status of the apartment, the number of rooms, the geographical location of the apartment, the presence of a gas stove and other objective indicators are taken into account.

Factor 4. Credit size

The greater the loan amount, the higher interest rate by insurance contribution. As the loan pays, this indicator is reduced because it decreases total amount Debt.

The table will give a more visual understanding of the formation of the price of insurance services:

5. Mortgage insurance suggestions on the best conditions - Overview of the Top 5 Services for the provision of services

Dozens of large and small companies are engaged in mortgage insurance. Your financial security directly depends on the proper choice of the insurance partner.

We offer an overview of the five most reliable Russian insurers.

Universal insurance company with many years of experience. The company's foundation is 1947. Constantly enters the top 10 best insurers of the Russian Federation. It takes higher lines in official and "folk" ratings. It has subsidiaries in Armenia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and other countries. Mortgage insurance policy can be issued and paid in online mode. All types of mortgage insurance plus real estate insurance purchased by military Mortgage.

Experience since 1921 (company - successor state Structure ASSESS). Affordable insurance products for all occasions. The highest rating from independent rating agencies. Protection of real estate and health mortgage borrowers, Fast decoration of the policy, consulting professionals by phone and online. Company offices are almost in every major settlement Russia.

3) "Reso-Warranty"

An experienced company operating since 1991. Offers more than a hundred insurance programs for individuals and legal entities. The repeated laureate of the most prestigious insurance premium of Russia "Golden Salamander".

Performs rapid decoration of policies, provides consulting support. It has an extensive network of branches and provides an opportunity to issue a policy online. It offers all types of mortgage insurance. IN this moment There is an action "Favorable mortgage".

4) "AlfaStrakhovanie"

The company with the highest rating of "A ++" from the Expert Agency and branches throughout Russia. A huge selection of available and efficient insurance products, efficiency, customer consultation by phone and online. Fast execution of the policy in the offices of the company or via the Internet. Citizens who already have mortgage insuranceThe company offers to change the insurer and get a policy on more favorable terms.

5) "VTB Insurance"

Successful participant insurance marketworking since 2000. Operational insurance of property, life, health, civil responsibility On favorable terms. The large annual amount of payments and insurance fees. Leader in the field of mortgage insurance. Reliable protection mortgage loan and collateral real estate. Benefit and confidence in the future for the bank and the borrower.

We recommend that you at all stages of insurance of your deposits and when working with companies that provide deposit insurance services to contact. This will reduce the risks of making mistakes in this important issue.

6. How to save on mortgage insurance - 3 ordinary advice

Mortgage insurance will cost cheaper if you use our useful tips.

Tip 1. Refuse unnecessary insurance services

As mentioned above, the credit is obligatory when insuring the credit itself - that is, apartments, houses or other real estate.

  • Personal
  • Title
  • Property
  • Service insurance
  • Insurance cases
  • Appoint your insurance
  • Questions and answers

Real estate insurance during mortgage is a prerequisite for making a mortgage loan. By purchasing a policy, you protect your interests, when an insured event occurs, the client does not bear financial losses. Insurance of the acquired real estate will protect in an unforeseen situation associated with the damage or loss of borrowed property.

A number of insurance claims were allocated, upon the occurrence of which compensation is made. Insurance of real estate in the mortgage implies cash payments if the acquired property suffered from the following factors that are independent of the borrower itself:

    fire, flooding;

    other natural disaster;

    technological disaster;

    gas explosion;

    unlawful actions of third parties;

    vehicle hitting.

Upon the occurrence of the insured event, the company serving the policy compensates for real estate restoration costs. We work with reliable insurance companies. For customers, a large selection of programs is available, due to which the cost of insurance of the apartment with a mortgage will be optimal.

The cost of insurance apartments for mortgage

The exact answer to the question is how much the insurance of an apartment or a house with a mortgage depends on many factors. Each company establishes its tariffs to which the type of property is influenced by market value And other factors.

Bank "Deltacredit" works with a large number of insurance organizations, which allows our clients to choose an optimal and profitable program. Our experts will help to calculate the price of insurance of an apartment or at home and orient you in the assortment of proposals for buying the policy.

The price of real estate insurance during mortgage is always installed individually. During the entire period of loan, the borrower must annually extend the insurance of the house under mortgage.

Mortgage credit lending - Long-term program, so you can use other insurance products. For example, to arrange title insurance that protects you from various legal risks. See detailed information.

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