
Insurance of the Sberbank Mortgage Apartment. Insurance of the deposit on a mortgage loan in Sberbank

An important condition for a happy life is calm for the safety of residential property. And in the case of buying housing mortgage loan, especially. The borrower needs confidence in tomorrow and lack of risks. Sberbank offers mortgage insurance for its customers on favorable conditions. We will analyze some customer issues on the conclusion of the contract, and how much insurance in Sberbank in the mortgage is.

Advantages and Features Services

Insure the property purchased in the mortgage in Sberbank, first of all, it is advantageous to those who took a loan for housing in the same bank. Registration of insurance simultaneously with the conclusion mortgage contract Reduces annual percentage Loan by 1%. As debt balance decreases, the cost of the policy is reduced. Insurance is drawn up in extremely short time directly in the bank or placement of the application on the site.

Sberbank does not prevent the design mortgage insurance A foreign bank will be in another bank, but then interest rates on the loan will be increased by 0.25% of the initial tariffs.

What is subject to insurance

Sberbank offers insurance packages that extend to the property object, ownership, as well as the health and life of the borrower.

The housing policy includes insurance of the structural elements of the object - windows, doors, carrier and non-vacant walls, partitions and overlaps. In the case of private residential building insurance, the foundation and roof are also subject to protection. The list of risks when insuring mortgage from Sberbank includes:

  1. illegal actions of third parties;
  2. natural disasters;
  3. damage or loss of housing in the fire, gas explosion or lightning strike;
  4. falling trees or any major items;
  5. detection of constructive defects in the insured property;
  6. water flooding;
  7. hitting vehicle;
  8. other negative impacts.

Life insurance in the mortgage in Sberbank in 2017 includes:

  • disability due to heavy long disease, disability, unsuccessful operation;
  • the death of the borrower - relatives are exempt from mortgage payments;
  • loss of work in the bankruptcy or liquidation of the company, in which the borrower consisted.

How to arrange insurance

If the document is drawn up directly in the office of Sberbank, the client receives it in his hands immediately after payment. Mapping mortgage insurance in Sberbank online is the most in a convenient way obtaining the policy. Application for insurance is made in form on the site. The electronic statement must specify:

  • type of housing (house, apartment);
  • list of risks;
  • contract time;
  • the year of construction of a residential facility, the presence in the floors of the tree;
  • insurance amount according to the results of an independent assessment;
  • the number of the mortgage loan;
  • personal policy of the insured;
  • contacts of the policyholder;
  • the address of the property.

The price for the year of insurance can be only 4-5 thousand rubles, it all depends on the balance of mortgage loan in PJSC Sberbank. To accurately calculate the cost of insurance, use the calculator to the address https://online.sberbankins.ru/store/mort/index.html#/viewcalc.

When executing the Internet, payment is made immediately. Then you need to wait for SMS notification that the application is accepted and the policy is formed in personal Cabinet. The bank sends the original document by mail of the Russian Federation by registered mail at the location of the Insured residential site. Delivery is carried out on average in 1.5-2 weeks. If there is no possibility to pick up an envelope with a policy due to the remoteness of the post office, you should provide your personal data and the address to send a letter to the second time.

Information about the execution of the insurance policy is automatically transmitted to Sberbank.

Calculation of the cost of the insurance policy

It happens automatically when placing an application on the site. However, the accurate price of the service is set when signing loan agreement on housing. Also available electronic format of the policy with the entire need to customer with information. Registration occurs on the site Sberbank Insurance LLC

The calculation displays that insurance contributions combined with monthly payments on the mortgage loan. That is, if the annual mortgage rate is 12%, then together with insurance it will increase to 12.5-13%. The full amount of the loan is indicated in the repayment schedule, but these values \u200b\u200bwill have to add amounts of insurance premiums.

For example, the interest rate on the loan along with payment of insurance - 13%. So, about 1% falls on payment insurance Polisa.. If the client refuses to decorate insurance in Sberbank and chooses another institution, the rate increases to 13.25%. But if a third-party bank offers insurance on more favorable terms covering the interest rate allowance of Sberbank for the refusal of the service, it makes sense to get insurance there.

On the need for insurance

The law states that voluntary insurance Does not apply to a number of necessary. But the conclusion of the mortgage agreement implies simultaneous registration of insurance.

This is explained by the fact that the rules for registration of insurance upon receipt of residential premises regulated by individual mortgage laws. Housing insurance is thus transferred to the deposit and must be decorated certainly. Therefore, the question must necessarily have a mortgage in Sberbank, it is necessary to give an affirmative answer. Another thing is that choose insurance organization by housing loan In Sberbank, the client may at his discretion. But it will be unprofitable, since the Bank will increase the annual percentage. In addition, it is necessary to verify that the selected organization is included in the list of accredited Sberbank, otherwise the bank will not accept the document.

Insurance of mortgages from Sberbank really allows not to worry about the safety of housing. Therefore, it is advisable to make it appropriate to those who have received a mortgage loan in the same large and reliable bank.

The cost of insurance of a mortgage apartment in Sberbank in 2018 remains at the level corresponding to the past year. The price of the policy is also directly determined by the quality of the pledge of the pledge, as well as the residue value by the mortgage agreement.

The need for insurance

The Law "On Mortgage" impresses the obligation to ensure the security of the security of the pledge (Article 31). Fully doubt whether the Insurance of the apartment for Sberbank's Mortgage is obligatory, the conditions of the signed mortgage agreement dispel.

The document clearly spelled out that the registration of the protection of the interests of the Bank, because he will become the beneficiary, and not the owner of the real estate, is a fundamental condition for the provision of a loan. It also needs to be understood that when insurance case Payments under the insurance contract will be paid in favor of the bank, but it is entitled to direct the received funds for the restoration of the pledge.

The question of whether to insure the apartment with a mortgage of Sberbank every year is normal. The borrower and according to the indicated law, and according to the mortgage agreement, must ensure the insurance protection of the pledge subject during the entire validity period of the mortgage.

Also, the answer to such a question can be found on the forms of the insurance policy. The standard contract with the insurer is for a period of 12 months, which is indicated in the document. At the end of the lifetime of insurance in the presence of mortgage debt, extension is necessary, that is, additional payment. When prolonging, the amount of insurance coverage is gradually decreasing, which allows you to slightly reduce the cost of insurance. If the loan is repaid early, sometimes you can make a refund of the part of the paid insurance premium.

If a mortgator changes, simultaneously being a beneficiary on insurance, that is, refinancing mortgage with debt transfer to another bank, this fact should be unable to reflect in the insurance contract.

Insurance procedure

Property insurance for Sberbank's mortgage is carried out in one of the accredited insurance companies.

What documents are needed for insurance apartments for mortgage in Sberbank:

  • passport of the insurer. If there are several constructs under the contract, then the insurer will be the title co-coacker, that is, whose name is mentioned in the mortgage agreement first;
  • documents certifying ownership: contract of sale, certificate of ownership (expanded extract from the USRR);
  • sometimes - a report on the assessment of the pledge.

Additionally, the insurer needs to know:

  • number and date of the loan agreement;
  • the value of the mortgage residue.

In the fact of concluding property insurance contracts provide:

  • Insurance policy;
  • payment receipt;
  • Insurance rules.

The first two documents are given in two copies. One of them remains the owner of the room, and the second is transmitted to the bank. When the set of documents for insurance, Sberbank, it is necessary that the responsible employee put a mark on receiving insurance on an instance of the borrower.

If the passport of the policyholder is changing, this should be notified by the insurance company. Scan of the passport and the policy can be transferred by email. If you plan to redecessing housing, then not only the relevant controlling authorities and the bank must be notified of this, but also the insurer.

If chosen insurance Company No accreditation of Sberbank passed, additional documents should be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Bank.

To check the potential insured banking services will require about 30 calendar days. There is a risk that, by its results in the reception of the policy will be denied.

Insurance risks

Standardly, according to such treaties, structural elements are insured:

  • walls (both bearing and nonsense);
  • overlaps and partitions;
  • window;
  • entrance doors.

Insurance of an individual residential building for Sberbank Mortgage is also the financial protection of its roof and foundation.

Policy provides financial protection from such risks as:

  • fire or shock lightning;
  • branch of household gas;
  • falling flying objects (their debris, cargo);
  • driving a vehicle, including the val ship;
  • disaster;
  • burst of steam boiler, gas storage and the like;
  • damage to water received from plumbing, heating, sewer systems or fire extinguishing systems;
  • unlawful actions of third parties;
  • the sudden and unforeseen fall of the trees (their parts), except for dry, LPP supports, external advertising and other fixed items.

Financial Question

How much is the insurance of an apartment for a mortgage in Sberbank, directly depends on the quality of the real estate object. So, the protection of the wooden structure will cost more, rather than brick or reinforced concrete. The price of the policy is also influenced by such factors as the age of the borrower and the scope of its activity.

If you wish, you can choose a more advanced program, but then the cost of insurance of the apartment with a mortgage in Sberbank will increase.

On average, insurance will cost 0.25-0.6% of the value of the mortgage debt residue. That is, when loan in 1,000,000 rubles, the policy will cost 2,500 - 6,000 rubles.

The insurance price is reduced by the change in the composition of cases that will be recognized as insurance. So minimizes the risks of the policyholder, but the risks of the owner of the property are rising.

Need to understand that the most cheap insurance Ultimately covers only the risk of complete death of the property. For example, if the window is broken - the insurer compensates its cost in the amount of 100 percent. But if the house burned down and the foundation was preserved, then payments will be about 60-80% of the amount of the loan balance.

Upon the occurrence of the insured event, it is necessary to immediately notify, preferably in writing, the insurance company. The payment of the sum insured is only possible after the provision of all necessary documents. The procedure takes up to 1-2 months.

"Sberbank Insurance"

Insurance of the property under Sberbank's mortgage is possible in one of its subsidiaries - in Sberbank Insurance.

The first policy is drawn up directly in the office of Sberbank. Service is rendered mortgage manager. The prolongation of the policy is possible online on the insurer's website, as well as in the Sberbank online service.

When the apartment in the mortgage apartment in Sberbank Insurance, the price of the policy can be reduced by promotion. 10% discount The insurer provides when contacting online.

There is an opportunity for 2,500 rubles to expand the scope of the contract. Then he will cover and damage to the internal decoration of the dwelling and civil responsibility His owner. The amount of additional coating is up to 750,000 rubles.

On average, housing insurance for mortgage in Sberbank Insurance will cost 0.25% of the amount of debt.


  • the extension of the contract is possible online;
  • about the fact of prolongation to notify the bank no longer needed.


  • online work only with such real estate as a private house or apartment. Insure the room, a garden house and the like objects should not be;
  • with premature termination of the mortgage agreement, get a refund of the paid insurance amount will not work. At the same time, the insurance contract is considered valid and after repayment of debt.


Registration of the primary agreement with Ingosstrach is necessarily carried out with the personal appeal of the owner of the housing for insurance agent. Subsequently, when concluding a multi-year agreement, prolongation is possible in online on the website of this company.

How much is the insurance of the apartment in the mortgage in Sberbank in Ingosstrakh in 2018 - 0.6-1% of the mortgage debt.


  • possible delay in payment during the prolongation of the insurance contract. But if the insured event occurs before it is paid insurance premium, then the insurance contract will be considered nonconnected;
  • pay insurance when extending the policy can be online.


  • the magnitude of the insurance coverage is limited by the amounts of 100,000-10,000,000 rubles;
  • high cost of polis.


The minimum real estate insurance in the mortgage in Sberbank from the VSK will cost 0.1-0.5% of the mortgage debt. In this case, the protection concerns only structural elements. If it is necessary to expand insurance, then its price with high-quality finishing will increase to 0.35-0.9% of the mortgage debt.


  • VSK is a member of the Sberbank loyalty program "Thank you", that is, if you pay the insurance premium from the card of this bank, you can get premium bonuses;
  • insurance, objects of unfinished construction are taken, subject to the availability of foundations, walls and roofs, as well as external windows and doors;
  • insurance amount can be installed both in Russian rubles and in foreign currency.


  • in some cases, the insurer is entitled to apply both lowering coefficients (0.9-0.1) and boost - from 1.1 to 5.

"Zetta Insurance"

Zetta Insurance offers differentiated rates depending on the type of specific risk.

As a result, basic tariff rates vary from 0.013 to 0.2294. If you make an extended coating, then the tariff is 0.5129.

In prolongation of the policy, a correction factor is used from 0.5 to 2.2, depending on the presence or absence of the fact of the implementation of insurance payments in past periods.


  • if the object of real estate was completely destroyed, then according to the terms of the "Zetta Insurance" agreement will pay the balance of mortgage debt plus 10% of this amount;
  • if the policy is decorated for the entire cost of the real estate object, then with its full destruction, the owner will receive the difference between the debt to the bank and the price of lost housing.


  • choosing the cheapest program, the insureders receive very limited protection;
  • a wide range of applicable correction coefficients does not precisely predict the final cost of the policy precisely;
  • the smaller the term of the policy, the greater the correction coefficient is applied.


The basic tariff in the "reso-guarantee" on insurance against the risk of death of the pilable object is 0.21.

In some cases, it makes sense to use one of the integrated insurer programs.

For example, the company offers a "house-preferential" plan, worth 3,000 rubles per year on the following conditions:

  • object of insurance - apartment with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 100 sq.m. Insurance amount - 1,500,000 rubles;
  • interior decoration - the coating value will be 300,000 rubles;
  • movable property, including furniture and household appliances - limit of responsibility is 300,000 rubles;
  • civil liability - within 300,000 rubles.

The proposal is relevant for the entire territory of the country, except Moscow and the metropolitan region, as well as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.


  • if the housing owner bought CASCO in the "reso-guarantee", then the property insurance policy will cost 15% cheaper;
  • in prolongation of the policy, in the absence of insurance payments, a downward coefficient is applied in the past;
  • the insurance premium can be paid in parts according to the schedule prescribed in the contract.


  • The "reso-guarantee" reserves the right to apply an increase in the coefficient, varying from 1.01 to 20, which can lead to a significant increase in the cost of the policy.


The borrower is not obliged every year to enter into an insurance contract with the same insurance company. The situation in the market, especially taking into account the duration of the mortgage agreement, may change, and the owner of the housing has the right to change the partner, if he managed to find where to insure the apartment on Sberbank's mortgage cheaper.

However, do not forget about the reliability of the insurer. This factor is determined, in addition to the fact of the availability of accreditation in Sberbank, the reviews of other clients who have occurred an insured event.

From the point of view of the cost of insurance policy in the mortgage, the rating of insurance companies is obtained:

  • 0,013-0,5129 - "Zetta Insurance";
  • 0.1-0.5 - VSK;
  • 0.21 - "Reso-Warranty".
  • 4. 0.25 - Sberbank Insurance;
  • 5. 0.6-1 - Ingosstrakh.

The values \u200b\u200bof the basic tariff rates given here are approximate.

How much should you pay in each particular case, you should specify directly from insurance agents, because even the results of the calculations of online calculators of insurers give only approximate figures.

Although we are talking in this article about Sberbank, most of the written, other than the list of accredited SC, is relevant for any Russian bank.

Insurance purchased in (apartments, houses, rooms, etc.), unlike personal, is mandatory. This is referred to the article 31 of the FZ No. 102 "On Mortgage (Pledge of Property)":

1. The insurance of property laid under the mortgage agreement is carried out in accordance with the terms of this contract. The property insurance contract laid under the mortgage agreement must be concluded in favor of the pledgee (beneficiary), unless otherwise specified in the mortgage agreement or in the contract, entailing the occurrence of the mortgage by virtue of the law or in the mortgage.

2. In the absence of a mortgage agreement on the insurance contract, the mortgager must insure this property at full value from the risks of loss and damage, and if full value Property exceeds the size of a secured mortgage obligation, - in the amount not lower than this obligation.

Actually, from this law it follows:

  • The bought in the mortgage of housing, which is pledged by the bank, must be insured.
  • Mandatory insurance applies only to the risks of loss and damage protection property (fire, natural disaster, damage to carrying structures, etc.)
  • The beneficiary for such an insurance contract must be a bank. It is the bank that will receive insurance paymentif an insured event occurs. The amount of the debt of the borrower will be reduced by the amount of payment.
  • The amount for which it is necessary to insure the object (insurance amount) should be at least the principal amount of the loan.

    For example, an apartment costs 3 million rubles., an initial fee will be 1.4 million rubles, and the loan amount, respectively, will be 1.6 million rubles.It is for such a sum (no less) to insure an apartment in the first year of the mortgage. Next, this amount will decrease as mortgages pay.

  • It is necessary to insure the property throughout the mortgage, while you pay it and while the object is pledged by the bank. At the same time, the standard term of the contract for insurance companies is 1 year. Therefore, every year you need to enter into a new insurance contract.

    The insured amount, as mentioned above, will decrease. Therefore, before extending the insurance contract or conclude a new one, specify the accurate amount of the main mortgage debt.

The cost of insurance or the insurance premium is measured as a percentage of the sum insured, which, we recall, is usually equal to the amount of mortgage debt. Also on the size of the insurance premium affects the property itself.

For new brick houses, it will be less, and for old stalinants with wooden floors, naturally, more.

Ingosstrakh's company traditionally some of the most attractive mortgage real estate insurance tariffs. Calculate the amount of insurance can be directly on the site.

If you take the average numbers, the insurance premium for such an insurance is 0.3% -0.6% of the amount of the sum insured. Translated to rubles it will be from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles. for every 1 million rubles. Loan debt.

List of accredited insurance companies in Sberbank

Each Bank has its own requirements for insurance companies in which borrowers need to insure a mortgage property. Therefore, before buying a policy, be sure to specify the list of SC.

The names of insurance companies accredited to insurance of mortgage property in Sberbank are published below. Do not confuse!

Relevant for February 2018:

  • "Liberty Insurance"
  • "Chulp"
  • "Transnational Insurance Company"
  • "SF" Adonis "
  • "Insurance company" SDS "
  • "Insurance company" Diana "
  • "Insurance company" Helios "
  • « Insurance band SPASSKY Gate
  • "Sterch"
  • "SOGAZ"
  • "Surgutneftegaz"
  • "Sberbank Insurance"
  • "RSHB-Insurance"
  • Rosgosstrakh
  • "Reso-Warranty"
  • "Regionigrant"
  • "BET"
  • "Independent Insurance Group"
  • "National Insurance Company Tatarstan"
  • "Ingosstrakh"
  • "Zetta Insurance"
  • "Renaissance Insurance Group"
  • "VSK"
  • "AlfaStrakhovanie"
  • "AIG"
  • "Absolute Insurance"

As you can see, the list is quite impressive - 26 companies, so it is possible to choose the SK on the conditions suitable for you.

Leave questions and reviews in the comments.

You have long dreamed of your own home or improvement housing conditionsAnd this one. There are high costs ahead -, notarial costs, the first loan fee in Sberbank, and also the insurance of the house + personal insurance during mortgage.

In the volume of all the upcoming spending, everyone is looking for ways to save, asking for fair issues: life insurance for mortgage - must or not? Insurance of a mortgage loan - where is cheaper? We devoted this topic today's material.

As a rule, any bank seeks to maximally secure and requires a full-time insurance from the client:

  • Title insurance of the owner
  • Real estate insurance from destruction
  • Life insurance and working capacity of borrowers

The list is pretty decent, taking into account the fact that they are also obliged to insure. Calculated comprehensive insurance When mortgage on the calculator, we will get up to 3% of the cost of the apartment. Multimito, isn't it? Let's look for outputs.

Is life insurance legally with mortgage?

Law is envisaged compulsory insurance Only 1 risk: damage or loss of real estate. Life insurance always remains voluntary. That is, in fact - you can refuse, but at the same time the bank will increase the interest rate per 1-2%. It is economically still finding an inexpensive company and insure. It turns out, the choice is as it were, but it is not. Here is a paradox.

Mortgage insurance requirements in Sberbank

Do you need insurance, Sberbank decided for you - speaking in the face of an increase interest rate Per 1% in the absence of life insurance during mortgage. In Sberbank in 2016, even for 11.4% per annum there are such conditions.

Among the obligatory indicated only insurance pledge on a mortgage loan in Sberbank.

Making up the insurance of the apartment in Sberbank, the price will depend on many factors:

  • State of residential premises
  • Selected insurance company
  • The health status of the borrower
  • Region of residence
  • Real Estate Cost
  • Other Conditions

What is the percentage of mortgage insurance in Sberbank?

On average, the insurance of real estate object with mortgage in Sberbank costs 1% of the cost of housing. It matters for Sberbank, which insurance for a mortgage was chosen by you, because it only accepts the policy of certain companies.

Possible insurance companies for Sberbank Mortgage:

(List of relevant at the I-II quarter of 2016)

  • LLC "SF" Adonis ";
  • CJSC "AIG";
  • OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie;
  • Sao "VSK";
  • LLC "SK VTB Insurance";
  • LLC "Insurance Company" Helios ";
  • LLC with "Geopolis";
  • CJSC "Insurance Company" Diana ";
  • LLC "The claim" EURO POLIS ";
  • JSC " Insurance Society "Jaso";
  • Zetta Insurance LLC;
  • JSC "SC" Investments and Finance "(AO IF" IF ");
  • OJSC Liberty Insurance;
  • CJSC "Max";
  • LLC "SK" Megaruss-D ";
  • Sao "MedExpress";
  • OJSC National Insurance Company Tatarstan (OJSC NASCO);
  • LLC "SK" Independent Insurance Group ";
  • JSC "SK" Paris ";
  • JSC "SK Regigarant";
  • LLC Renaissance Insurance LLC;
  • PJSC "Rosgosstrakh";
  • CJSC "SK" RSKB-Insurance ";
  • SB Sberbank Insurance LLC;
  • JSC "SOGAZ";
  • OJSC "Insurance Group" Spasskit Gate ";
  • LLC "Insurance Center" Satellite ";
  • MSK LLC Guard;
  • LLC "Surgutneftegaz";
  • LLC "Transnational Insurance Company";
  • JSC "CC" Chulpan ";
  • PJSC "SAK" Energogarant ";
  • JSC "Yuzhuragaso".

If you managed to find the company with cheaper tariffs, but it is not included in the list of insurers accredited by Sberbank, you have the right to insure it on your own risk. During the bank, the decision will decide whether the insurance is suitable for your selected requirements.

How much does it cost to insure an apartment with a mortgage?

We have dealt with the list of companies suitable for making insurance for a mortgage apartment in Sberbank. Now the price.

The main condition for Sberbank Insurance IC is a year of building a house (no earlier than 1955) and the absence of wooden floors.

Insurance includes basic risks:

  • Fire
  • Bay
  • Explosion
  • Natural disasters
  • Mechanical impact
  • Falling flying tel
  • Illegal impact of third parties
  • Recognition of the transaction is invalid

Question price - from 0.225% of the residual amount of the loan debt. For an apartment worth 2 million rubles, the cost of insurance will be 4500. House by price 4 million rubles. It will cost 9000 rubles.

In the Sberbank's insurance company, the cost of life insurance and the health of the borrower is too high - from 1.99%, so we recommend using such a service as "Multipolis" if the balance of mortgage debt is below 600,000 rubles. Complex protection of property, risks, health will cost 5-6 thousand rubles in this case.

Life and Health Insurance

In order for the acquisition of the policy to be financially favorable, you need to look for a company, ready to insure you cheaper than 1% of the cost of the loan.

For example, in Ingosstrakh, the cost of policies starts from 500 rubles, but it is important to consider insurance amountwhich should cover risks in the amount of loan payments. This is the main snag - policy per 1 million RUB. It will cost 10,000 rubles.

For insurance companies, ready to ensure the protection of the health and life of their customers, the current state of health is important, place of work. Availability chronic diseases And the dangerous service can increase to 2.5 times the cost of the insurance premium.

Title insurance

Title insurance is protection against risk of loss of property as a result of the termination of property (for example, recognition of the transaction is invalid). This insurance The machine is included in the insurance policy of Sberbank Insurance. But if you choose another company, as a rule, this point is nowhere.

The cost of titular insurance for a separate service is about 0.3% (an example - "alfactory").

Housing insurance for mortgage in Sberbank is the official creditor's requirement. It is justified by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is issued by the Bank to minimize its own financial risks. Insurance of a mortgage apartment in Sberbank - mandatory procedure. In addition, if desired, the client voluntarily can:

Page Content

  • make insurance life in Sberbank in mortgage;
  • buy a title insurance policy (for cases, if the ownership of the borrower is not lost).

When choosing a lending program, people are usually focused on the reputation of the bank, and the requirements of which are necessary to obtain a mortgage. However, total amount Loan will also depend on the insurance program.

Life and health insurance by law is not a mandatory item to get a mortgage. However, customers who refuse this type of service increase the chances of obtaining.

The title insurance is issued for a borrower's personal desire, and the bank does not insist on his acquisition.

Thus, the ultimate cost of a mortgage product can be folded from three types of insurance:

  • apartments that are purchased to the mortgage is necessarily;
  • the life of a person who makes up the purchase of real estate - preferably;
  • titula Apartments (loss of ownership for one reason or another) - at the discretion of the client.

Insurance of property purchased into a mortgage is mandatory condition Any mortgage contract. About this read The federal law RF.

Acquisition of the insurance policy places additional financial loads on the client, and in the amount more than mandatory insurance of the apartment. Given the above Sberbank rule, and taking into account the pros, it is worth thinking about the acquisition of this service.

For what is needed

Life and Health Insurance Policy Guarantees Returns borrowed money Bank, in case of loss of health or leaving the borrower's life. Given the considerable deadlines and the amount of mortgage lending, the bank is quite advisable trying to protect itself from such risks. For the borrower, this Policy is a guarantee that in case of accidents, its credit obligations will not lie on the shoulders of guarantors and close relatives, as the debt will be repaid by the insurance company. In addition, if the client temporarily lost his ability to work, its loan during this period will pay the insurance company (when providing evidence of health status). Thus, taking into account the coverage of possible risks and the fact that when the bank fails to fail, the Bank will still increase the interest rate, it is worth thinking about its purchase.

Cost in 2019

In fact, a stumbling block in life and health issues is the fact of the need for the acquisition of the policy, and that Sberbank forces the client to buy it from certain companies for not very favorable tariffs. First, he has his own subsidiary of Sberbank-Insurance, where they are forced to acquire policies. Secondly, the lender limits the circle of choice of organizations own, stating that other policies will not be accepted. However, at the moment it is not so bad, as before. The list of Sberbank partners increased to 19 organizations, so the client can choose himself, where cheaper life insurance in the mortgage in Sberbank, having previously examined the tariffs and compares the price.

Often people face pressure from the Sberbank manager, who insists on the purchase of a service in Sberbank-Insurance, where interest rates are quite high. But in the loan agreement clearly prescribes that you can do it in any organization accredited by Sberbank. Therefore, boldly look for where cheaper, follow and place the policy.

The cost of the policy depends on, the amount of the debt, the risk parameters. There are various risks that can be included in the policy:

  • death;
  • complete disability;
  • partial disability;
  • loss of work for reasons that do not depend on the client.

The following programs are offered in Sberbank Insurance:

  • Standard Life and Health Insurance Program - 1.99% per annum;
  • Health and loss insurance - 2.99%;
  • The program with the possibility of self-selecting parameters is 2.5%.

So, we consider how much the policy costs, for example, if the client wishes to choose the parameters yourself. The cost of the apartment will be transferred from the previous example, so the calculation will be worth 2 million rubles in the amount of debt. Two million multiplied by 2.5% at the interest rate and we get the amount of 50,000 rubles per year. The amount is not small. That is why people are looking for companies where insurance will cost cheaper.

Searching for information by examining the list of insurance organizations - Sberbank partners on its official website, you can find tariffs and 1%. In this case, insurance would cost 20,000 rubles. in year.

Titula insurance

Under insurance of title Apartments means insurance of rights to property. In the event that for any reason, the borrower who pays the mortgage behind the apartment will suddenly lose their rights to her (usually it happens through the court), then all financial responsibilities for debt pay takes upon itself the insurer. Thus, the client does not have to pay for what he does not own.

The borrower who bought an apartment in a mortgage can lose property rights in the following cases:

  • errors were found in the design of documents, and the transaction is invalid;
  • new copyright holders appeared, whose legitimate interests were not taken into account in the preparation of the contract (spouse, minor children, other legal heirs of property, etc.);
  • a person, on behalf of which a deal was made, was recognized as an incapable court (he is not responsible for his actions);
  • was used fraudulent schemes Sales.

Thus, the purchase of title insurance is most relevant for secondary housing, since the apartment in the new building is most likely the first owner. However, it is not necessary to relax, as unscrupulous developers are often found, which rudely violate the delivery time of housing or turn sales through various illegal schemes.

The question is - insuring the title or not - is solved by the borrower independently. This is not a mandatory clause of a loan agreement. It can be purchased instead of insurance of life.


The average rate is usually not high, varies within 0.3% - 0.5% per annum. Thus, when mortgage lending In the amount of 2 million rubles, the amount of insurance will be 6,000 - 10,000 rubles.

How to arrange insurance

To buy the policy, you need to contact the insurance company with the package of relevant documents. For each type of service, the list of required documents will be slightly different. Insurance for mortgage in Sberbank is drawn up on the following documents:

  • passport;
  • statement of the appropriate sample;
  • filled questionnaire (required to assess the degree of risks);
  • documents confirming the right of ownership;
  • certificate of registration of the right to property;
  • documents on expert assessment of the apartment;
  • extract from the technical (cadastral) housing passport;
  • medical conclusion on health status;
  • help from a psychiatric and narcological dispensary (that you are not registered with them).

Design procedure is simple. After consideration of the documents, you will need to sign a contract. As soon as the insurance fee is made, the policy will be issued to you.

Thus, the total cost of the mortgage product is evolved not only from the amount of borrowed money and interest accrued for the use of the loan, but also from insurance premiums that the borrower will have to pay throughout the period of the mortgage, buying Polis every year. After placing insurance for the first year and refusing it to extend, the Sberbank client risks to get problems in the form of an increase in the interest rate on the loan or the requirement of early repayment Loans due to the failure to comply with the agreements. If for security reasons, the client will decide to buy all three types of insurance (apartments, life and title), the shared fee per year will amount to an additional 2.5 - 3% of the loan amount.

Sberbank partner companies

  • SK Sberbank Life Insurance LLC
  • LLC Absolute Insurance (formerly LLC "Euro-Polis");
  • LLC "SF" Adonis "
  • CAO "VSK"
  • LLC IC "VTB Insurance"
  • LLC insured company HELIOS
  • LLC "Zetta Insurance"
  • Liberty Insurance JSC
  • OJSC National Insurance Company Tatarstan (OJSC NASCO)
  • JSC "SK" Paris "
  • JSC "SK Regigarant";
  • LLC Renaissance Insurance LLC;
  • PJSC SK "Rosgosstrakh"
  • JSC "Sogaz"
  • JSC RSK "Sther";
  • LLC "Insurance Society" Surgutneftegaz ";

Answers to popular

Question: What documents are needed for insurance apartments for mortgage in Sberbank?

Survey: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank as a whole?


Answer: The main documents include the passport of the borrower, application form and documents that confirm the ownership of the object, as well as the state certificate of registration of law. It may also be necessary to conclude an expert on assessing the state and value of real estate, cadastral and technical certificate Apartments.

Question: Is it necessary to insure an apartment with a mortgage in Sberbank?

Answer: Yes, without insurance apartments, a mortgage loan is not issued. The rationale is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Mortgage". Apartment insurance benefits are not provided with any categories of persons.

Question: Does it be necessary to extend life insurance in the mortgage in Sberbank?

Answer: If you rely on the law, the life insurance in the design of the mortgage is not a prerequisite. In practice, the Bank insists on the acquisition of this policy. If the client refuses - the percentage of the loan increases by 1%. If you have not extended life insurance, get ready for the above measures from the bank.

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