
Renewal of the mortgage to another person VTB 24. Nuances of lending housing. Is it possible to re-refline the mortgage on another person, another apartment or change the bank? Replies M16-Real Estate agency's mortgage manager Julia Schegolev

Many citizens were able to solve housing problems With a mortgage. In the process of payments, there are sometimes plans for life, there is a need for moving or expanding the living space. The reasons for the sale of mortgage real estate can be a lot, however, there are doubts whether it is possible to transfer housing to the new owner, if the process of implementing the apartment is limited due to mortgage burden. Despite the difficulties, it is possible to reorganize the mortgage to another borrower, which, together with credit obligations, receives the right to a new living space.

Is it possible to reorganize the mortgage on another person

When the mortgage is renewed to another person, the dedication procedure is carried out, requiring new coordination with the Bank when circumstances for various reasons forced to convey the outstanding commitments and the right to property with a new borrower.

The following circumstances contribute to the prosperous debt reissue:

  1. The candidacy of the potential borrower satisfies the criteria of the bank.
  2. There is a new object of pilable.
  3. The composition of the parties is changing credit Agreement With the release of one participant.

The rest of the rules and the order of renewal are specified in a specific financial institution, where the primary contract was issued.

There are no special difficulties in losing, if all the requirements of the bank are met and its consent is obtained. Despite the lack of obvious benefit for the creditor, the procedure most often agrees and sign new documents. In the event that it becomes obvious that the renewal of the debt on the new borrower is a forced step, which allows to continue payments on the mortgage, the crediting side willingly go to meet.

In banking practice, cases of renewal of mortgage debt are rare, but this does not mean the inability or prohibition of this action. Among the major financial structures, such as VTB, Sberbank, there are examples of successful and prompt lifting with the replacement of the borrower. Thus, if there was a need to get rid of mortgage obligations, it is quite possible to transfer a loan to another person.

Despite the fact that in Sberbank in itself, the process of transferring mortgage debt is agreed reluctantly, financial institution Always ready to refinance the mortgage of another bank. Re-transfer a mortgage to another person in Sberbank easier if used credit programs third-party organizations. But at the same time no one prevents the client to take a loan in another bank to another citizen and pay off its credit in Sberbank.

Restructuring is offered under conditions of 15% per annum with repayment for a 10-year period.

In the credit institution VTB, the renewal of the mortgage occurs under the condition that customers of other financial structures are involved.

Refline the mortgage as part of refinancing from VTB on the following conditions:

  1. Debt repayment can be extended to 50 years.
  2. Refinanced debt from half a million and higher. If desired, re-issuance of the contract with the balance of mortgage debt to 75 million rubles.
  3. The rate is equal to current housing lending programs with the mandatory conclusion of the insurance contract.
  4. The commission is provided for the lease of the cell, in the amount of up to 4 thousand rubles.

The process of transferring debt obligations to a new borrower is simpler than the primary agreement of the mortgage transaction, and consists of the following steps:

  1. Studying and coordination of mortgage refinancing conditions. At this stage, the current borrower is estimated by the economic feasibility of transferring the rights to another owner, and the buyer analyzes the benefit of the acquisition of mortgage housing with the burden on the balance of debt obligations.
  2. If the conditions arrange all the parties to the upcoming transaction, prepare documents for consideration in third part financial organization. This includes documents on a new borrower, confirming the person, compliance with the parameters of the bank, income, as well as a copy of the current mortgage agreement.
  3. If the bank is ready to re-transfer a mortgage, funds for the residue of current mortgage debt are made on the mortgage account of the property seller. After repaying the loan, the balance remains on the account of the new borrower. A new treaty implies commitments to the entire amount issued by the new lender.

Sometimes the current lender agrees the new conditions of the mortgage loan with more favorable parameters, reissuing the debt from one client to another. For this reason, it is not worth excluding the option when, having enlisted the preliminary agreement for refinancing in new organizationClient, informing this fact to his lender, receives approval to rewrite debt within its organization.

How to replenish a mortgage to another apartment

The repayment of the mortgage takes years and even decades. It is possible that in the process of servicing the current credit duty There is a need to improve, expand housing or a change in the place of residence. There may be needed in the transfer of an apartment as a gift or a compensated renewal of the owner. In the presence of other real estate, not burdened by mortgage and other obligations, you can try the option to match the new collateral to another apartment.

Terms of deal with the Bank include:

  • a new estimate of the object proposed as a security measures, with a condition not lower than 80% of the amount of mortgage debt;
  • filing a complete package of real estate documents;
  • reissue pledge with the signing of a new contract for the balance of debt;
  • removing the encumbrance from the current object and registration of the pledge of the new property.

After the bank relieves restrictions from mortgage housing, it can be sold, presented, used by any other way within the law, without further need for coordination with the lender.

The design scheme of the new collateral is most often related to the intention to obtain more comfortable housing instead of the previous one, taken to the mortgage.

To reorganize the mortgage, the following steps:

  1. Appeal to the credit institution with a statement about the impossibility of continuing to maintain debt with justifying the cause.
  2. Find a buyer, consonant with the acquisition of a mortgage apartment.
  3. Collection of documents by the new borrower-buyer and submitted to the credit institution.
  4. Obtaining an approving verdict (due to the fact that the process of transferring mortgage debt occurs infrequently, this stage may take some time necessary bank To make a decision).
  5. Conclusion of a new agreement on the balance of the amount of debt and the conclusion of a sale transaction.

Due to the duration of the renewal process, it is important to take into account that the transfer of rights to the new owner is consistent, the entire borrower continues to pay monthly contributions.

If the borrower wants to urgently sell the laid real estate, the question arises in front of him - can the mortgage can be rejected on another person, whether other ways of selling the object are possible, whether the bank's replacement is allowed. Is it just to make one of these actions?

Is it possible to reorganize mortgage on another person?

If the borrower decided to change the place of residence, sell real estate for one reason or another, to transfer the rights to the mortgage to the concern, he refers to a consultation to the bank with the question, is it possible to translate the mortgage to another person.

Renewal of the mortgage loan can be done only if there is the consent of the bank itself on this - banking organizations There is no benefit in reissuing a loan, but, as a rule, they go to meet. Large credit organizations - Sberbank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank and others often respond to the question of the question, whether it is possible to rewrite the mortgage to another person, since it has repeatedly carried out the procedure for changing the borrower and do not impede such a type of transactions. Sometimes for banks is the only way to resolve the issue with problem debt.

In the event of financial difficulties, the borrower is trying to figure out whether it is possible to reorganize the mortgage on another person in Sberbank, VTB 24 or another bank, where he made a loan. Before doing this, it is worth carefully examining the procedure for this procedure.

  1. The payer of the mortgage loan applies to the possibility of carrying out the procedure for reissuing a loan to another person. The bank checks the identity of the new borrower - work experience, solvency, and decides.
  2. In the case of a positive verdict about the possibility of a borrower's transaction and new borrower Prepare a package of documents on the object of real estate and decorated mortgage for transfer to the bank.
  3. The bank concludes an agreement with a new borrower for the remaining amount of debt on the property. Questions on the amount already paid and submitted to the first installment are solved by a borrower and a new borrower on their own.
  4. Within one month (the renewal of the mortgage to another person, Sberbank and other credit institutions are carried out at such a period), while issuing documents, all obligations under the mortgage loan remain for the previous borrower.

How to replete mortgage to another bank?

With permanent and stable income and a high interest rate on the loan, the borrower can think about how to re-re-go under more convenient interest. Most of the largest banks hold programs to refinance housing loans issued in other credit institutions on more favorable terms.

Step 1. The borrower must carefully examine the refinancing conditions of the loan in a third-party bank, is it really profitable.

Step 2. Documents for approval of a new loan are submitted in an overview bank - a contract for the already decorated mortgage, a package of papers, confirming personality, solvency and employment of the borrower.

Step 3. If new Bank Approves the personality of the borrower, initially issued a loan is repaid according to the bank's details provided by the Borrower, which made the initial loan. If the amount listed by the bank is more than the balance of the debt, the difference remains on the bank account of the borrower. Mortgage loan in a new bank will be considered decorated for the entire amount listed.

In rare cases, the mortgage under new, more profitable percentages can be reailed in its own bank. To do this, after the initial approval of the refinancing of a loan, a third-party bank can provide documents on re-issuing a loan to its bank. At the same time, you can try to make a request to reduce the interest rate if the bank refuses, the refinancing approval in another bank is already there, and it will be possible to use it.

Renewal of the mortgage to another apartment in Sberbank

Sometimes there is a situation that the borrower decided to improve his living conditions and acquire real estate greater square or to give or sell an apartment under the encumbrance. At the same time, he has other real estate, which can be a new mortgage subject, it can try such an option as reissuing mortgage under a new deposit, in this case:

  • the borrower initiates the assessment of the new property laid. The cost of the new object must exceed 80-85% of the resulting mortgage;
  • a set of documents on a new key is transferred to the Bank;
  • in case of consent credit organization on the transfer of encumbrance from one object to another, a new loan agreement is concluded for the remaining sum of mortgage;
  • the encumbrance from the first real estate object is removed and "transferred" to the second object;
  • old real estate can be implemented - sold or presented.

As we see, if the borrower has deteriorated the financial situation and it needs to implement the laid real estate, this can be done only with the consent of the bank and in the presence of the personality approval of the new borrower (if the mortgage is made to another person). In order to reduce interest in the mortgage, you can find a new bank with a lower credit rate and refinance the loan in this bank. If a citizen decided to improve his living area, acquire more comfortable accommodation using credit fundsunder certain conditions it is possible to reissue the mortgage to another object of real estate.

(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The need to sell housing may arise at any time and for reasons, to predict that is difficult. The deterioration of the material situation, moving, the expansion of the family and the need to acquire a more roomy dwelling - all these are only the main reasons why the need for sale may arise. It is extremely important to know how to replenish the mortgage on another person, so as not to miss its benefit when selling and not fill in many additional securities.

In fact, the reissue of the mortgage is an excellent solution for those who want to quickly sell accommodation, and for those who want to officially rewrite their debentures On the other. Sometimes it allows you to preserve real estate while reducing the level of income.

In our article we will look at whether it is possible to rewrite a mortgage on another person if you do not plan to sell an apartment, and also consider which obstacles may be to design such a transaction.

Is it possible to transfer a mortgage to another person?

Many people paying mortgage are already long asked if it is possible to transfer a mortgage to another person if I don't want to sell the apartment. There may be many reasons for this. For example, when making a mortgage, you did not have the opportunity to issue a mortgage on another relative or to attract the coacher, and now difficulties have arisen when paying a mortgage loan.

The main thing is that it is important to remember: the bank is unprofitable to lose you. Of course, he can sell your apartment if you stop paying. However, this is not so profitable as it may seem at first glance. It is much more profitable to receive from you as the payment of the principal amount and the payment of interest for a long time. That is why in most cases the bank goes to meet in such a matter, and it is possible to reorganize the mortgage on another person.

Renewal of the mortgage to another person requires the provision of all necessary documents In the same volume, as at the initial design of the mortgage. It is important to remember, and check for the presence of such documents in the person you want to transform a mortgage.

What documents will required for reissuing the mortgage?

In order to re-transfer a mortgage to another person, you will need to provide the following documents:

As we mentioned above, the bank is unprofitable to lose you. Therefore, a rare bank goes on concessions and allows you to take off the loan obligations. However, there are other reasons why the sale of the mortgage to another person can be met by the Bank "in the bayonets":

  1. If the bank has all the information about you, and it is well aware of how much and when you can pay, then he does not know the new borrower, and the process of reissuing mortgage on another person looks doubtful for him.
  2. Very often, the sale of the mortgage to another person acts as part of the illegal scheme, in which people quickly bring an apartment from mortgage burdensions and implement at a higher cost. Banks do not like to participate in such scams, and therefore seeking to maximize themselves, extremely rarely agreeing to the reissue of the mortgage, if there is a chance that you will continue to pay.
  3. If you do not plan to sell an apartment, and you want to rewrite the obligations to another person, the bank does not see the benefit for himself. Renewal of the mortgage to another person can be completed early repayment of the mortgage, and then the bank will lose its benefit. That is why banks often refuse.

In order to reorganize a mortgage to another person, it is extremely important to respond to the preparation of documents and the choice of a candidate. Many choose their relative as a new borrower, but we would recommend you to treat your relatives with the same attention and suspicion as to someone else's people.

When it comes to greater moneyIn many people, it is unexpectedly revealed, as we have previously been suspected. If you knew your relative as a responsible and financially secured person, then when re-issuing mortgages, it is suddenly delayed or even more sad consequences. And you will be blamed, because you convinced to re-re-re-go. And you can't quit a relative in trouble. But the troubles of someone else's person will remain on his own conscience, and it will not get to the neck.

If you want to quickly re-replete a mortgage on another person, we advise you to consider relatives to the last place, and also to think well to sell an apartment with a mortgage, if you have such an opportunity.

What criteria affect the approval by the bank of the renewal procedure?

It is impossible to simply re-refline the mortgage on another person, without having sufficient reasons. If you have the opportunity to pay a mortgage, you can transform it to another person only if you are going to sell an apartment and find another housing. If you do not plan to sell an apartment, the reasons should be quite good, and much more harsh conditions and requirements will be applied to the new borrower.

  1. If you are worried about how to replenish a mortgage on another person, not selling an apartment, the reason for the bank can only be one: you can no longer pay. The income level declined, and you barely grabs life, they received disability, a serious family member emerged - the reasons for many, and each of them should be documented. Only in this case the bank will immediately approve your decision.
  2. In addition, the reissue of the mortgage to another person can be carried out at a divorce when one spouse has the opportunity to continue to pay a mortgage loan, and the other is not. It is done either in judicial order either in the bank office, however you should always remember that about any changes in your family, as well as in your financial conditions You must tell the bank in advance.
  3. If you want to transform a mortgage to another person because you are going to sell existing housing and purchase a new one, a standard mortgage loan procedure will be applied to the new borrower: it will have to go through the entire procedure from the very beginning, only to execute it will not be his housing, but yours . It is best to visit the bank together, and together to fill in all relevant documents.

What are the banks, making a decision, to approve the renewal of the mortgage to another person:

  1. First of all, banks look at the level of financial wealth. It is important not to overdo it here, since you need to prove to the bank that the new borrower will be able to properly make payments, but it is not necessary to scare the bank with the possibility of rapid early repayment.

Thus, it is best to select people of one with you financial situation (at the time when you made a mortgage), and also in advance check the availability of relevant documents. You can tell you absolutely anything, but is it possible to confirm this documentary - a big question.

  1. In addition, banks pay attention to official employment and official work experience. So, at the current place of work, it is advisable to work over six months, and the total continuous work experience in the last five years should exceed the year in one place of work.
  2. Among other things, the role and credit history plays. If the new borrower had a delay in loans, which confirms the BKI, you are unlikely to be allowed to reorganize the mortgage on it. Always recognize O. credit history The persons you want to reorder the mortgage before turning to the bank. This will allow you to save your own time and increase the likelihood of approval.
  3. In addition, banks also pay attention to such non-obvious things as the presence of a criminal record. As we have already mentioned above, banks make more harsh requirements for new borrowers, and you may be asked about the presence of a criminal record. However, you need to find out. If the face for which you want to re-refline the mortgage, it will be listed at least the slightest sin, the bank will refuse you.
  4. The presence of another property in the property will be a significant advantage, as in the case of the initial mortgage design. The more the bank of the confidence in the fact that the new borrower will cope with the mortgage or will be able to cover the duty in one way, the higher the probability that the mortgage will approve.

What is important to remember when re-issuing mortgages?

Until the transaction was implemented, and the entire package of documents is not reissued, you remain the only person who has to the bank. Therefore, you must continue to extinguish monthly payments until the transaction is completed.

As a rule, the deal lies in the amount of the remainder of the debt on the loan. Many draw up two treaties: one with the bank, and the second with the buyer who pays "a little top", which makes the reissue of the mortgage more profitable. However, we recommend that you reissue fully officially and legitimately.

Also when re-issuing mortgages it is important to remember that this is an extreme measure that allows you to solve your financial difficulties with the bank. There are other ways to improve your financial situation. In case of difficulties in paying monthly payments, think about the following possibilities:

  1. Registration of refinancing will allow you to transform a mortgage not to another person, but to another bank, and get a more profitable percentage of the loan. Savings will be essential that will allow you to subsequently implement early repayment Or improve your financial condition due to lower monthly payments. If you are bothering how to replenish a mortgage on another personSince you no longer cope with payments in your bank, we advise you to consider the offers of other banks and implement. The same dedication, only redeems your loan is not a person, but a bank.
  2. Also, do not forget that you can take advantage of tax deduction! Tax deduction Allows you to return a substantial amount: more than 300 thousand rubles (not at the same time, of course), and is a good help with monthly payments.
  3. If you think about is it possible to transfer a mortgage to another personsince you have children born and you went to maternity leaveBy losing the appropriate level of income, consider the use of maternal capital.

Important to remember: maternal capital Translated to the bank for two months during which you will have to continue to pay in the same volume. At the same time submit an application to Pension Fund You have to personally.

  1. If you think about is it possible to rewrite the mortgage on another personsince you have serious financial difficultiesTry to start talking to the bank about the possibility of providing credit holidays or restructuring your loan. Provide all relevant documents and outline the deadlines in which your financial situation will restrict. Bank will go You will not meet a mortgage to meet a mortgage.

Is it difficult to reorganize the mortgage on another person?

The main difficulty in reissuing the mortgage to another person is that such a practice is unusual for our banks. Many banks (especially small) directly indicate in the contract the impossibility of re-issuance or have such a decision by fines. Carefully study the contract before signing it: this will subsequently avoid multiple problems.

Also, banks reluctantly part with those who can still pay the mortgage, but prefers either to move to another apartment, or simply rewrite the mortgage to another. Of course, you will have to work hard in order to prove your right to take advantage of this opportunity. Returning a mortgage on another person simply and quickly cannot be tried. But it is still possible, and we tried to tell you how to do it right and with minimal energy consumption on your part.

When all the methods are already triggering, and there is no other exit, the reissue of the mortgage on another person can become a real rescue circle. You don't need a bank, but his money, and if you can prove that the new borrower is exactly what you need, the bank will not refuse you. Therefore, carefully choose buyers and check all the documents before contacting the bank. This will allow you to save your time.

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For validity loan agreementconcluded for the purpose of buying housing, the life situation of the borrower can change significantly. Divorce, marriage, the birth of children, the loss of work, worsening health - the most common causes, forcing a person to think about the topic, can the mortgage be reailed to another person. Consider this question more.

The relationship between the creditor and the borrower are regulated by two main legislative acts: Civil Code RF FZ-102 "On Mortgage". According to them, the replacement of the borrower is permitted in the case of the consent of the bank.

The re-registration procedure will not bring the benefit to the lender, but it may go towards the client if no obstacles arise, and this is the only way to protect the contract from the non-fulfillment of obligations.

Situations can be different. Renewal of the mortgage most often occurs if it comes:

  1. Divorce.

In the event of a divorce, one of the spouses stands for maintaining mortgages with intention and continue to serve the debt. This situation is quite common, and banks, as practice shows, take a positive decision regarding such requests.

  1. Loss of ability to work.

There may also be a need to continue the payment of a mortgage loan upon receipt, for example, disabilities with the main borrower. Relatives of the patient can contact the bank in order to reissue a loan to another person.

  1. Moving.

If the Client has changed the place of residence, but does not want to sell housing or give it to the bank, and at the same time it does not have the opportunity to properly repay the debt, he may apply for a person responsible for the contract.

  1. Dismissal and loss of solvency.

If the material situation of the client has deteriorated sharply and no longer seen any prospects for the situation, to preserve the property and its credit history, the loan can be rewritten, for example, on his spouse.

Important! To reissue a mortgage to another person, the Bank will need to specify a good reason that served as the basis of circulation ..

The person who will be translated by the mortgage must comply with all the requirements of the lender regarding income, employment, financial reputation and completeness of the necessary documents. Only if it passes all checks, the Bank will agree to such a loan replacement.

Requirements for the new borrower

Each Bank has the right to present to its customers applying for receiving housing loan, your list of restrictions and. Learn the list of such requirements can be directly in the bank bank.

In generalized form, the new borrower must respond to the following parameters:

  • age limit - from 21 to 65 years (in some banks, the maximum age may be more);
  • availability of a permanent job;
  • russian citizenship;
  • temporary or permanent registration in the city of Presence of the Bank;
  • full capacity;
  • sufficient solvency (no more than 40% of family revenues should be given to payments for all applicable loans).

If the client does not respond to at least one requirement, the bank has the right to refuse.

How to replenish the mortgage along the steps

The initial stage of the transfer procedure is to appeal to the bank with the designation of the causes of such a decision. The Bank, after familiarizing with the details of the current situation, can offer one or more options for solving the problem.

Renewal of mortgages will be presented as standard scheme Steps after receiving consultation regarding the requirements and package of papers. Among them:

  1. Collection and preparation of documents with a new borrower.
  2. During the period of consideration of the application and all organizational events, the "old borrower" will have to continue to make monthly payments to avoid delay.
  3. Evaluation protection property Due to the new client (this step may not be required, it all depends on the bank).
  4. Application for replacing the client to the Credit Committee.
  5. Registration of the transaction itself.

On the appointed day, the former payer will have to write an application for early repayment of debt with the help of funds that the new client will receive. The first will receive a certificate about the closure of the loan and the absence of debt to the bank. The second is a loan agreement with the payment schedule and the mortgage agreement.

The fact of new encumbrance (pledge of housing) will be necessary to register in regulation or MFC.

Attention! Typically, the process of renewaling the mortgage to another person in its duration is comparable to obtaining standard housing loanand can take from 2 to 8 weeks. This is important to consider when planning your actions and financial costs.

List of documents that will need to renew

The list of documentation required to provide the Bank with a new payer includes:

  • russian passport;
  • documents confirming employment and employment experience;
  • documents confirming the receipt of stable income;
  • application form.

Additionally, the lender can request: INN, SNILS, documents on the family status of a potential borrower, a military ID, a passport, information about the property of movable and immovable property.

From the previous borrower, only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a signed statement will be required.

How to re-replenish a mortgage on another person in Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia has a creditor reputation, loyally relating to its customers. In many situations, the Bank goes towards the client to address the issue with the problematic debt and preventing the increase in debt.

If the borrower with the existing mortgage loan Suddenly, he was in a situation where he could not serve his loan further, then Sberbank usually offers two ways to develop the situation:

  1. Loan restructuring (usually to reduce the credit load to the client propose to increase the debt return period, resulting in a significant reduction in the amount of monthly payment).
  2. Renewal of the contract for another, solvent borrower (the procedure is implemented by about the scheme that was previously described).

The choice of a particular way will depend on the current situation of a particular borrower. It is clear that the person, in the life of which there was dismissal, illness and a different serious event, with a high proportion of probability agree to reorganize the mortgage on another person.

The borrower, aware that the difficulties arising are temporary, will go to another bank or debt restructuring.

An alternative option is also replacing the subject of the pledge (for example, to another apartment). But in practice, this option is quite rare.

In practice, the reissue of the mortgage from one borrower on the other is not associated with any difficulties. When answering the question: "Is it possible to reorganize a mortgage on another person?" It is important to understand that the main conditions of such a procedure are the acquisition of official consent from the bank-lender and the compliance of the new borrower to all the requirements and restrictions. If there is enough income, positive credit history, stable operation and the possibility of providing a full package of documents, the likelihood of approval of the transaction is quite high.

Read more about and how to do it next.

Help in working with the bank to reissue documents can be provided by our lawyer. Just sign up on free consultation Through an online consultant on the site.

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- This is a rather long process of cooperation between the bank and the client. During this time, circumstances may arise, thanks to which the cooperation will become burdensome, and then the Bank's client can think about changing the financial company, or to re-refline the loan.

Is it possible to re-refline the mortgage on another person?

The reasons to do with renewal, there are many. But the first thing that the Bank's customer should make is to contact your financial company, where he took money in debt.

Refline the previously decorated loan can only be aware of financial company. Of course, there are no benefit from the banks from such a procedure, but, in most cases, they go to the meeting to the client. Major government financial companies, such as Sberbank and VTB Bank, most often allow the deal, since no longer they carried out operations on the change of owner.

Often, this method allows you to successfully repay the debt.

What does the law say?

In the Russian Federation, law says that there are only two reasons according to which the financial company may approve such transactions. And this:

  1. renewal of the loan to another person;
  2. refinancing, thanks to which the Bank's client is dried in another financial company.

The main law regulating this issue is the Federal Law "On Mortgage" ,.

If the dwelling is reissued in a broken-separated process, then the family code and Articles from 33 to 39 are also taken into account, as well as article 45 and 60. Interests are taken into account here not just husband and wife, but also minor children.

The reasons

We will analyze in more detail what it can serve for such a decision, how the mortgage is transferred to another person or refinancing.

Deterioration of the material situation

If we consider that mortgage loans are issued for a fairly long term, there is nothing surprising that the financial position of the client may be worse for all this time. If such a situation arises, then financial companies usually offer the following issue:

  1. refinancing loan under more low percentage;
  2. increased credit period and, accordingly, reducing the amount of payments.

Sometimes the borrower himself proposes to reorganize a loan on another person (for example, on a relative). The lender can go to such concessions, but only if a new borrower is solvent.

Transition to another bank

If you consider that this moment Competition between banks is large enough, financial companies try to make themselves permanent customers - especially those who bring profit in the form of mortgage loans.

As a result, other banks can offer you a lower loan percentage, more loyal conditions, a minimum package of documents, a longer loan period and so on. It is important that to arrange this procedure, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the bank in which you initially issued a loan.

And what then you need? Need:

  1. Conclude a contract with a new financial company, take money from them and repay the loan in the old bank.
  2. You need to think over all the nuances in advance - including the benefits of new lending. For example, with you in a new bank can take additional commissions for re-issuing a loan and registration of insurance.
You can calculate new mortgage conditions on an online calculator.

Changing family status

If the spouse with his wife is bred, then the situation often arises when the question arises before the former family, how exactly should be re-equipped mortgage agreementFor which one was a borrower, and the second is a coacher or guarantor.

This issue is especially relevant if the mortgage remains on one spouse, and the apartment passes to another.

In this case, the Bank may approve a decision on the transition of a mortgage from one borrower to another. However, new the borrower will have to confirm its financial consistency..

Other reasons

And here are other cases where you may need to be dedicated:

  1. Perhaps initially a mortgage loan was taken for someone from relatives or friends.
  2. The man decided to conduct a refinancing procedure. Because in addition to mortgages there are other loans, and they would be convenient to repay one payment.
  3. A man has no financial opportunity Pay the loan, and his relatives take this duty on themselves.
All these options can also cause a mortgage to reissue.

Nuances of renewal

As already mentioned earlier, such large banks, as Sberbank, VTB Bank and Rosselkhozbanlet and not willingly, but still agree to the reissue of the loan, as they have extensive experience in such transactions. We will analyze what nuances of such renewal.

In Sberbank

Bank Sberbank, who has tremendous experience on a similar field, has developed his refinancing program, but it is not too loyal to those customers who want to re-refund the loan on another person.

Currently, the credit rate is 9.5%, but even if the bank refused to you in the procedure, nothing prevents you from take funds to debt in another bank and repay the loan in Sberbank. The refinancing proposal is written on the www.sberbank.ru page.


Just like Sberbank, VTB Bank is also not too willing to reissue, because for the bank it is associated with certain risks. And yet you can try to apply for renewal, especially if the new client is able to confirm its solvency.

Just like Sberbank, VTB Bank offers refinancing program under the following conditions:

  1. The fixed rate for this program is 8.8%.
  2. The loan is issued exclusively in rubles.
  3. It is important that an initial fee Massed no more than 80% of the amount that takes on credit.
  4. The maximum loan period for refinancing is 30 years.
  5. Similarly, you can take the bank to thirty million.
  6. For registration of a loan in the bank is not charged commissions.

Details of refinancing are written on the page www.vtb.ru.

In other banks

What other banks and under what conditions do refinancing offer?

  1. Gazprombank, as well as the autoIt offers refinancing from 8.8% for up to 30 years WWW.GAZPROMBANK.RU.
  2. Tinkoff The bank in turn states the interest rate from 8.25% for a period of up to 25 years and in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles.
  3. Rosselkhozbank It is also ready to offer its services in the amount of 100 thousand rubles for up to 30 years and with a percentage rate from 9.05%. www.rshb.ru.

Renewal process

We will describe in more detail what to do so that the loan is reissued.

What will required?

Perhaps, only one of your desire to transform a loan will not be enough. It is necessary to find a person who will agree to reissue. In addition, there is one important nuance - such a person must be wealthy and able to confirm its income.

In addition, this nuance can be thought out in advance and at the stage of registration of the loan agreement to register the nuance in it, according to which, if desired, you can re-transfer the mortgage to another person.

If we are talking about refinancing, then it's still easier. For another bank, you will need to collect the following papers:

  1. application application, which will be spelled out which package of services you have chosen;
  2. passport details of all persons who participate in registration - including coaches and guarantors;
  3. documents for real estate;
  4. revenue confirmation.

Since the sample of the questionnaire is almost on any site offering refinancing, then this item should not cause special problems. In addition, the sample and blank for filling can always be requested in the bank branch.

As a rule, if a potential client has provided the entire necessary package of documents, the application is not delayed for more than a week.

As you can see, a fairly large number of banks offers a refinancing program. But, as a rule, it acts only in relation to the following citizens:

  • persons must reach 21 years;
  • a citizen must work continuously at the same workplace at least for six months.

But for pensioners and persons who have achieved retirement age even before the loan is repaid, this program It does not work.

Step-by-step action

In order to be able to refline the loan, you need to provide a list of specific documents to the bank. The list of these documents is already indicated above. It is important that the financial company, in addition to the already specified list, can be requested by other documents.

So, how do you look like a mortgage reissue?

  • First you need to file a statement to the bank where it will be indicated why you decide to re-finance a loan.
  • If the loan is issued through another bank, then the deposit will be repaid, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the bank about the removal of arrest.
After the debt repayment procedure is completed, it will only have to issue a new loan agreement.

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple and does not cause difficulties, but only if if the lender agrees to renew.

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