
What if there is no money? Where to make money? Are you having financial difficulties? Let's try to overcome them

Greetings to the regular audience and new readers! Today I will raise a topic that is interesting to many, because I am often asked the question: "What to do when there is no money?" And this is not a situation in which you lack for a glamorous lifestyle: mistakes in budget planning or unforeseen spending can lead to an acute shortage of funds. What to do in such a case?

What to do if there is no money: the secret of connecting to financial flows

The main condition for getting out of any situation is maintaining self-respect. Do not reproach yourself that you are in a difficult situation: even a stable job and having savings do not protect you from everyday difficulties. Economic crises, company closure, inflation - these are factors that cannot be controlled.

But it is necessary to analyze why you were left without funds. A person who needs to make money must regulate his own financial flow. Like a river, it originates from a source on which the way to correct the situation depends:

  1. Employees will be asked to increase their salaries. The main condition for success will be clear reasoning: list your responsibilities and mention the specific benefits that you bring to the enterprise. Also look for additional income, because you have the power of the Internet at your disposal.
  2. An entrepreneur is a person who works for himself. But he is responsible for the risks on his own, so he will have a question of what to do if there is a lack of money. In this case, you can reconsider the type of activity and switch to a more profitable one. Do not forget to draw up a business plan, because without it you are like a pilot flying an airplane without a ready-made route and map.
  3. Businessmen and investors have great opportunities to expand financial flows. They know that money has to make other money, so they manage their funds rationally. But they also find themselves in a difficult situation: small nuances elude those who do not have enough experience in the chosen field. For example, not everyone knows that the profession of a seamstress is often mastered in prisons. This affects the decency of employees and commitment, so the owner of a new studio may face surprises. It is important for businessmen and investors to reorganize or close projects that have not taken off in time, and then the financial flow will not become shallow.

Whichever category you belong to, assess the situation soberly. You will find many courses on the Internet on “switching to success,” but achieving results will require a clear and detached analysis of the situation.

If you find yourself in a money pit, it will be possible to get out of it thanks to the assessment of resources, and not magic energy!

Savings and cost planning

You have determined how to expand cash flow: Received a pay raise or adjusted a business plan for your case. But until the moment when the funds are received, you will have to hold out with the help of limited resources. How to cope with the task?

How to redefine your lifestyle

If you want to save money, use the following tips:

  1. Feel free to ask your friends for help. Depending on the situation, they will lend money, treat you to dinner, pay for entertainment. The method works if you weren't stingy during the financial boom.
  2. Give up the habit of eating out: the amount that you give for a snack in a cafe is enough for good nutrition during the day. Junk food in the form of chips and burgers is also banned. The diet should include fresh vegetables, some fruits, chicken: you should not save too much on food.
  3. Start keeping track of your expenses and cut your expenses by 10-50%. Use smartphone apps or fill out a spreadsheet in Excel.
  4. Before heading to the store, make a shopping list and stick to it clearly. If you find it difficult to stay within the limits, skip trips to the supermarket with attractive display cases and an abundance of goods. Going shopping in the local market can save you some money.
  5. There is some money left on the card? Remove them from an ATM and pay in cash. You will get a clear idea of ​​spending, while card payments are difficult to control.

Thanks to these measures, the question of what to do without money will not be so acute.

5 things you can save on

There are situations when you have to save even on small things. But in the case of the usual constrained circumstances, you will get by with a budget revision. It will be possible to significantly reduce spending if you save on the following:

  1. Trendy gadgets quickly lose value as new models appear on the market. Do not seek to buy expensive things on credit, hoping to improve your image in this way. Stop chasing branded goods if you can't afford them.
  2. The spontaneous purchases you make to reduce stress are creating another hole in your budget. Before buying an item you like, pause for 24 hours to reflect on your decision.
  3. Tobacco products are not only expensive but also harmful to health. If you have a strong addiction, opt for a smart investment - invest in one of the working methods to get rid of addiction.
  4. Cable TV is costly, so watch movies and shows online for free.
  5. Travel has become a sign of a "successful person", and many argue that it is unacceptable to save on the quality of rest. But you can organize the trip yourself, and you will do without overpayments. If you buy plane tickets for 6 months. before the appointed date, in some cases it is possible to find offers 3 times cheaper.

Many people mistakenly believe that a thoughtful approach to finance worsens the quality of life. But as soon as you make adjustments to your spending, you will notice that you no longer need to worry about not having enough money for what you need. By being smart about finances, you will make life easier, not deprive yourself of small pleasures.

5 things you shouldn't save on

Even if you don’t have the funds, there are areas where you shouldn’t save money. These include the following:

  1. Quality clothing will last longer than Chinese consumer goods. Be smart about your purchases: Research shows that the average person wears less than 30% of their wardrobe. Buy less, but choose worthy!
  2. The freshness and quality of the food should not be in doubt. Avoiding delicacies does not mean that you have to remember recipes from your student days. Eating sandwiches with grated sausage and cheap processed cheeses, you will only get gastritis.
  3. Education makes it possible to forget about the times when you wondered what to do if there is no money. But before you go to the courses, think about how you are going to apply the knowledge gained.
  4. High-quality household chemicals are worth paying a lump sum. Do not buy a “universal cleaner” that is supposedly suitable for washing dishes, electric stoves and floors. It will only leave streaks and a pungent smell reminiscent of hospital disinfection. Invest in the purchase of the right products, and the result will delight you.
  5. Saving on health can be very expensive, so don't hesitate to visit your doctor if you feel unwell.

Consider these rules when planning your spending, and the quality of life will not be affected. Note that your goal is not just to reduce spending, but to take control of them and learn how to spend meaningfully.

Borrowed money: where and when to borrow

If funds are needed right now, you can ask for a loan or take out a loan. Let's take a closer look at these options.

How to take money from relatives

Reach out to friends or family, although financial experts say such a move is fraught with ruined relationships. But there are no rules without exceptions:

  • Warren Buffett started the first project with funds from 7 friends;
  • Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, borrowed from his father-in-law and opened his first store;
  • Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, turned to his aunt for help.
  • what amount is needed;
  • what are you going to spend it on;
  • why ask for a loan;
  • when you reach the level of earnings that allows you to return the money;
  • what guarantees the lender receives.

Do not demand to make an immediate decision: the person has the right to weigh the information received. You are making a request, so the refusal should not become a reason for resentment and clarification of the relationship.

How and when to get a loan or microloan

At your disposal are loans provided by banks and microfinance organizations. You need to be careful with such a tool: according to a survey by the Superjob portal, 62% of Russians consider this method a path to ruin. There are really enough cons, but with the right approach, you will get a convenient financial instrument... What pitfalls are concealed consumer loans and how to avoid trouble?

  1. You become debtors of the bank or MFI, and you have to pay a significant percentage. If earnings constantly do not allow you to make ends meet without loans, after the loan, the situation will worsen. This means that you should resort to lending only in cases where you have solved the main problem.
  2. Getting funds creates a false sense of comfort. As a result, you stop saving and even start to pamper yourself. If you are resorting to loans and credits, you should not relax!
  3. Are you already in debt? Don't start new ones, rather focus on looking for a job or a part-time job. By resorting to another loan to pay off the old one, you will find yourself in a financial abyss.

But there are also enough pluses, especially for the option with a microloan. To obtain it, you will need a minimum package of documents, and the application is submitted online. After its approval, the money immediately goes to the card. In addition, microloans are provided to persons with poor credit history at the bank, which will be a chance to fix your reputation. Make payments on time and next time you get access to a low interest rate option.

If you get money from a bank or microfinance organization, check the data and look online for reviews. You need to be especially careful with black market firms offering "no interest" loans. The day after the appeal, they can turn to extortion of funds using force.

Are you in financial difficulties? Let's try to overcome them

No matter how you plan your budget, external factors sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Not enough funds even for what you need? Let's take a look at the strategy together.

How to pay off debts

To return money borrowed, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Stop making new debts and give up the thought of applying for a loan in order to put off solving the problem for a while. Your main task is to achieve financial stability... To achieve your goal, review your spending and find a weekend job. Increasing the amount of debt will not be beneficial.
  2. Systematization and planning is the way to solve any problem. Make a list of debts, sorted by interest rates or the size of the amounts. Focus on paying off the main loan, and on the rest, make the minimum required payment. The strategy is also suitable in the case when you took money from relatives or friends. Even if you return funds in parts, you demonstrate that you have not forgotten about debt.
  3. Develop a payment schedule so you don't miss deadlines. If you borrowed from family members, tell them about the plan.
  4. Reward yourself for your progress, but don't go all out. After paying off the main debt, arrange a small holiday within the budget, otherwise you will lose motivation.

The main rule that will have to be followed will be consistency. Remember that you are not a carefree teenager, but an adult who can deal with your problems. Life will test your plans for strength: unforeseen difficulties always arise at the wrong moment. But regardless of whether you had to fork out for urgent repairs of equipment or buy an expensive medicine, you should not give up. Returning to wasteful spending means defeat, so be patient.

When there is no money to pay the rent

No money to pay your rent? When it comes to contributions for utilities, the required amount can be borrowed. Much more difficult when it comes to rental housing, since the prices are higher.

The easiest move is to ask the owner of the apartment for an extension. Before the conversation, decide when you will pay the full amount. The conversation will be more convincing if you have at least some of the money. But when talking on a sensitive topic, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Think in advance what reason for the delay in payment you are going to voice. Talk about it as a one-off event, not an event that will be repeated in the future. For example, when you cannot pay because you switched to new job, the problem will be solved soon. If difficulties arose after the dismissal, the homeowner is reluctant to meet halfway.
  2. Offer a one-off pay rise as needed as a thank you for the wait.

In most cases, landlords make concessions because they don't want to look for tenants again. In addition, they take a month in advance, so the tenant will not be left without money. If you are refused, then you have several options at your disposal:

  • look for an apartment cheaper;
  • rent a room;
  • live with your parents.

It will be possible to save on rent if you temporarily settle in a hostel. Pay attention to the private sector, as a room will be cheaper than in multi-storey buildings.

As you prepare to move, you will also get rid of old things. In a difficult financial situation, you can get money by selling everything that you have not used in the last 2 months. It doesn't matter if you want to part with the thing if the issue is acute. By arranging a sale on Avito, you will collect money for the move.

The lease was not signed, and the apartment owners did not report their income to tax office? Then the law enforcement agencies will not take action against the tenant who moved out without payment.

When there is no money for food

Has the situation gone so far that grocery shopping is becoming a problem? Sign up for the food sharing groups you find at social networks... The idea came from the West, where rich people shared their surplus: according to research, Americans buy 50% more food than they eat.

In the Russian Federation, food sharing has not become widespread, but it will still be possible to find crumpled bananas or half a pack of pasta for free. Options are offered in the group "

A huge number of people today live with practically no money according to the scheme: borrowed from Vanya, re-borrowed from Petya to pay off Vanya, etc. For some time, of course, you can hold out by borrowing from friends, getting loans from banks, joining Crimean hippies or kind, reliable Hare Krishnas. However, it cannot go on like this all life. If you constantly have little or even no money at all, you need to do something about it.

First of all, let's define: what does "no money at all" mean? Not enough for food and utility bills, or can't you afford a more expensive car like your neighbor? In the first case, it is necessary to contact social organizations that deal with the issues of disabled people, the elderly, low-income families, etc. The state is obliged to provide low-income citizens with a minimum monetary allowance, free places in educational institutions and recreation areas, provide housing benefits. In order to collect all the certificates required when applying for benefits, you will have to run around the authorities. However, you cannot say that you have no money at all.

It's another matter when there is only enough money for food and rent. In this case, the question of what to do if there is no money will also arise. The most obvious answer is to find additional work.

How to make money online if there is no money?

If you are reading this material, then you have access to the Internet. This means there is also access to money. Because where else to find additional work, if not on the net. Of course, you can go and get a job as a loader or a watchman for night work, but this option will not suit everyone. On the Internet, you can earn while at home, and there will be more money.

Online earnings are real even for schoolchildren who do not have special knowledge and skills. They receive money, however, not particularly large, however, to the question of what to do when there is not enough money, they can already give an answer. On the Internet today you can sell the products of your creativity (for this there are a lot of popular free sites) - crafts made of wood, clay, rag toys, knitted or self-sewn things, etc. You can be creative - write stories or articles to order, create website design, make up, translations, etc. All this work on the web is in great demand.

What else can you do?

For many decades Russian people have been feeding their vegetable gardens and summer cottages... This is a traditional way to save money on food purchases, which was not neglected by our parents, as well as by the older generation. Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables grown on the site will help you save a lot on food throughout the winter.

A more radical option of what to do if there is no money is to rent an apartment. An entire corner, room or dwelling. In summer, you can happily live in a tent on a wild beach in Crimea or on the shore of a reservoir. If there is a dacha with a house, you can leave there for a while, while your main home is rented out. Temporary residents will not only pay you monthly amount and pay utility bills, but also perform the role of watchmen. Indeed, in the summer, the number of burglaries increases.

Another option that you can do if you run out of money is to play at the casino. On the streets of the city today you will not find gambling establishments, they all migrated to the Internet space. Virtual roulettes, card games and slot machines give you a chance to get real winnings. True, to pick it up, you need a virtual wallet - Yandex-Money, WebMoney or any other, as well as bank card to withdraw funds.

As in real life, so in virtuality, gambling only partially solves the problem of "what to do if there is no money." Roulette and other games can both help in solving financial issues, and deprive the latter. Don't forget about it.

Thus, to the problem "what to do if there is no money?" you need to approach with your head held high and look for additional ways to earn money. There are many of them around.

Date: 2017-01-13

Hello readers of the site.

This article will focus entirely on money. I will answer the questions: "What if there is no money?", And "Where can I get the money?" I am really very sorry for those people who are looking for answers to such unpleasant questions all day long. I myself have been in a similar situation, and I don't even want to remember. The need for money for me is stronger than the need for sex. However, there is money - there is sex, but not about that now.

Any author of such articles will find it difficult to answer the question of what to do if there is no money. Do nothing if you don’t want to. The answer is really simple. If you want money, earn it. And on this line, most readers will simply close the page. After all, many of them want to find solace in this article, or a magic pill, swallowing which money will pour from the sky.

Guys, you are already adults, and you should understand that money is attracted for some services or goods provided. To make money, you need to start providing such services or goods that will bring you money. It's not that difficult. Someone will say that in order to start attracting money into your life, you need money, you just start-up capital. This is all not true. Now you can easily start making decent money by becoming an ordinary freelancer. To do this, you just need to analyze your skills and offer them to the labor market. This article, which I am writing for my site, I can sell for at least 350 rubles. Here is the answer to the question of where to get the money.

If you do not like the idea of ​​making money, then you can simply complain to everyone about how poor you are, how fate punished you and took your money away from you. This is for those who have the opportunity to make money, but simply do not want to do anything. I do not touch those people who are not able to work. Now is a very difficult time, and many people are left without work, and cannot find another job. That is, they want to work, but there is no opportunity.

If you have the opportunity to sell something of the things you do not need, sell it. Each person has a number of unnecessary for him, and necessary for other things in the house. They can simply be taken and sold. This is another option for where to get money.

Borrowing money is not the most the best way... Many people will simply refuse you. I don't even like to lend money to my parents. And they often borrow them from me, but return them if they are periodically reminded. Well, let's say you borrowed money, spent it, and then what? How will you return them? You will only make problems. I also do not advise you to contact banks. There you will deal with collectors, plus you will also mortgage your property. For each delay you receive a penalty. The amount grows, and with it stress. Moreover, the collectors with their threats increase the already strong stress. Guys, never live on credit. Live within your means.

Some authors propose to carry out money rituals... Well, like money is energy, and you need to tune in to it. Well, try it, I only wish you good luck with that. When I had no money, I tried to carry out rituals, money meditations, but somehow my wallet did not fill up. I came up with a business idea that I successfully implemented. And if you come up with a money idea, then you should not turn away from it.

Where can I get the money?

And here I want to warn you against some mistakes that you are likely to make. When people go to the Internet and ask such questions, they come across every scam that deliberately catches such people by the hook in order to get the last money out of them. For example, transfer money to such and such a wallet, and you will receive twice as much. Or, top up your deposit with $ 300, and tomorrow you will receive $ 900.

The scam always promises lungs and quick money... Do not enter into this divorce. You are just wasting your last money, and you will even more often ask yourself what to do if there is no money or where to get the money. I will dissolve your illusions.

To always have money, you need to learn how to make money. You see how simple it is. That's just too lazy to do something. After all, for this you need to strain your brains, waste time, and not the fact that it will work out. Nevertheless, I am trying to bring you back to reality. Your attempts to find a magic pill will result in the fact that you will only lose even more money.

Every person in life has faced the problem of lack of money. Someone in this case is trying to borrow money from friends in order to hold out for some time, while someone applies for a loan to the bank. But this cannot go on for long. The problem of lack of funds needs to be addressed fundamentally. Let's figure out what to do if there is no money?

What to do when there is no money for life and no work at all

When there is not enough money to live on, you need to start saving, remember all your debtors and at the same time look for a part-time job.

Live in savings

Learn to spend money on the merits. Main cost items: food and utilities. If you used to eat in a restaurant, now you need to reconsider your habits. You will have to cook food at home, and according to the principle "you need to eat to survive, not live in order to eat." Utilities will also have to be used sparingly: turn off the water while brushing your teeth, turn off electrical appliances at night. Even if you have a car, you will have to abandon it for a while and move around the city for public transport... In general, costs should be consistent with the person's earnings.

Don't make expensive unnecessary purchases

For a period of financial difficulties, you will have to forget about expensive and unnecessary purchases. It is better to buy products at the bazaar according to a pre-prepared list. If you shop in a supermarket, take a basket instead of a trolley at the entrance and pay only in cash. As for clothes, review your wardrobe and sell all unnecessary things over the Internet. Perhaps your leopard-print blouse will cause a real sensation in the village of Orekhovo. The same goes for unnecessary appliances and furniture. It is better to get rid of such goodness.

Take advantage of promotions and sales

At sales and promotions, you can buy the desired products at competitive prices. The main rule is to buy a promotional promotional pack only if you need more than 50% of the goods from it. You should not purchase the shampoo + conditioner + mask set if you only need a hair mask. Grocery stores arrange sales for their regular customers by providing bonuses for consistent purchases. To participate in the program, purchase a bonus card and use it with every payment. The accumulated points can then be exchanged for goods or a good discount.

Prepare food at home using available products

You can eat right with a modest cash budget. Follow a few rules:
    Replace sausages and sausages with chicken. Such meat is cheaper and you can get enough of it faster. In winter, prices for fruits and vegetables increase several times. In order not to overpay for groceries, prepare frozen vegetable mixes from the summer. Prepare food at home. Discard semi-finished products. Not only are they harmful to your health, but they are also expensive given the size of the portions. For example, popular instant cereals, sweet yoghurts are high in sugar and artificial flavors. Replace tea bags with loose tea.Cream soup is not only a healthy, but also an economical dish. Finding a recipe from your favorite ingredients is easy.

Spend leisure time without cost

Leisure is an integral part of life. You can spend time actively without significant financial costs. You can organize a tea party at home, which will be accompanied by board games, karaoke, chatting or watching TV. Have you been on a tour of your hometown for a long time? You can organize a short walk around the center, visit exhibitions, lie on sofas in IKEA, etc. If you live far from the metropolis, arrange a trip to the forest park or relax on the bank of the river with badminton. In winter, arrange ski competitions, go to the park, go sledging down the slides. Don't forget to bring your camera with you to capture the newly built snow fort. In spring and autumn, you can go rollerblading or cycling in the park. cultural heritage(18.04) and on the day of museums (18.05), entrance to cultural institutions is free. Some establishments even arrange a "Night at the Museum". Summer holidays can be spent in a search or labor unit. A lot of impressions, new meetings and the opportunity to earn money are waiting for you small amount of money.

Get a temporary job or part-time job

Temporary jobs allow you not only to earn money. If you decide to change the field of activity, then temporary work in a new position will just help you finally make your choice. Perhaps you will find that you do not like doing what used to be interesting. Even a couple of months of work will bring new experience and connections, and some temporary jobs are paid higher than permanent ones. For example, urgent work of a system administrator, designer or PR manager will cost more than a full-time employee. The temporary position will serve as the basis for further career growth, provided that you acquire the necessary experience and skills. Even without money, you can update your wardrobe, and, if you wish, become a fashionista. However, in this case, you will have to sacrifice your time and labor.

Remodel old wardrobe

The first step is to shake up your wardrobe. Get rid of worn out old-fashioned and shabby things immediately. In Feng Shui, if you get rid of something unnecessary, then something necessary will definitely appear in its place. Perhaps in the excavation of the closet you will find things that you completely forgot about. Next, clean and wash the old things. You may not be wearing your favorite sweater because of a stubborn stain. The final stage is to fold ready-made clothing sets, supplement them with accessories and shoes. Check out fashion bloggers for tips on pairing clothes.

Housekeepers, stocks, sales

Even in the very small town You can find stocks, second-hand shops, sales and social shops. The assortment in them is very wide; often there are quality items that can be purchased at a bargain price. To do this, you need to find out the schedule of deliveries and visit stores on the second or third day after the renewal of the assortment. By this time, prices have already been reduced and there is still plenty to choose from. For regular customers is provided bonus card... The accumulated points can be exchanged for discounts.

Trade your unwanted clothes on internet sites

Unnecessary items can be exchanged for new ones or given away altogether. You should find an exchange point in your city through profile groups on Facebook and VKontakte. Showrooms popular in the West have recently appeared in Russia. If you wish, you can rent a shelf on the site and display your goods on it. Undress is a closed Facebook group that any member of the social network can join. More than 90% of the items on display are for women, you can find classic men's clothing and very rarely - goods for the home. The administration clearly monitors the distribution of things by thematic groups. There are very different brands: Monki bracelets for 600 rubles, Louboutin shoes for 19 thousand. There are also COS bags, Outfitters T-shirts and other brands. Shoes are often exhibited by completely new girls who once missed the size.

Sew things with your own hands

If you know how to sew, then you can update your wardrobe using a pattern from a magazine, threads and auxiliary accessories. For 1000 rubles. you can buy 2 meters of fine wool and reshape them into a skirt suit. Or become the owner of a low-quality sweater in the Vietnamese market. The decision is yours. You can do anything on the sewing machine: shorten your coat, turn an old jacket into a spiked vest, make holes in your jeans, etc. It all depends on the imagination and fashion of the current season. Most importantly, this conversion will be cheap.

Learn to combine one outfit in different versions

A cumulative attitude towards clothes is characteristic of all women. If you approach the matter correctly, then you can pick up harmonious outfits from a heap of unnecessary things. A pleasant image can be created from different types Clothes First, you should divide clothes into simple and complex. The first category includes all things in neutral tones (white, black, beige) and simple cut, and the second - everything else. Combination options:
    Simple clothes + complex accessories. An outfit of neutral tones serves as a background, and a bright bag, gloves, coat complete the image. One complex thing + several simple ones. It is necessary to take one piece of clothing of the original design, color or texture and supplement it with the usual details of similar shades. For example, combine black leggings and a blazer with a red sweater. Complex thing + complex accessory + everything else. A variation of the previous version, which is complemented by an unusual accessory in the form of a handbag. Two complicated things + everything else. This approach requires a sense of style and self-confidence. It is better to choose clothes that are similar in color, design and texture. For example, black trousers and a bag (simple details) + a red fur coat and a T-shirt with a red pattern (complex details).

What to do if there is no money on the phone

Very often a situation arises when you need to call urgently, but the balance is empty and there is no way to replenish it. Today, operators offer customers several options for solving this problem. Borrow from a mobile operator MTS clients can use the Promised Payment service if the account balance does not exceed - 30 rubles. With its help, you can get up to 800 rubles for three days. to the account (the more you spend, the more the operator is ready to borrow):
    with monthly expenses up to 300 rubles. - get 200 rubles; with monthly expenses from 301 to 500 rubles. - get 400 rubles; more than 500 rubles. - 800 rubles.
The service is provided on a paid basis. For credit money you will have to pay from 7 to 50 rubles. To activate you need:
    dial on the phone: ✶111✶123 #. call 111 and follow the instructions of the operator.
Ask your family to top up your account If relatives live far away, then this can be done using the "Pay for me" service from Megafon, by sending a text to the subscriber of any operator with a request to replenish the account. The service is connected free of charge. To activate it, you need to send a request from a mobile phone: * 143 * Subscriber's number (in any format) # The main advantage of the service is that you can send a message while in national or international roaming. Send a free SMS or call at the expense of the subscriber MTS clients can use the "Call me back" service by asking another subscriber to dial his number. You can send 20 requests per day. The addressee will receive a message with the text "Please call back", which will indicate the phone number and the date of sending the request. The message can be sent to all networks of mobile operators in Russia. To activate the service, you need to send the command: * 110 * subscriber number (10 digits) #. To block or unblock the ability to receive SMS is carried out through the commands * 110 * 0 # and * 110 * 1 #, respectively An alternative way is to make a free call via the Internet. For example, through the Calls.Online service. This is a free service. You need:
    have a PC connected to the Internet with a microphone and speakers, go to the Online Calls website, enter a phone number in the international format in a special window.
You can also make free calls through messengers Skype, Viber, WhatsApp. Audio and video messages between subscribers of the same network (messenger) are free, but such calls consume a lot of Internet traffic. Therefore, it is best to make them through WIFi. Free WIFi hotspots are found in all shopping centers as well as in some public places. Whoever needs you, will call you myself You don't have to top up your account at all. Today there are a lot of messengers for communication over the Internet. Even if you have run out of MB packages on your phone, you should install the PC version of the messenger and continue communicating with your friends. Do not forget that calls on mobile phone free of charge between subscribers of the same operator, even if the account balance is negative. Those who want to resolve an urgent issue can call on their own.

Often our desires are incomparable with material capabilities. If you are faced with this problem, there are two solutions - to moderate your financial appetites or to learn how to earn more. It would seem that everything is simple, but what if there is no money at all?

Looking in the budget

The most common story: you make good money, but money is still absolutely not enough. What is the reason? This means that you are spending your earnings somewhere in the wrong place. What if there is no money? You just need to understand where they go. Try to keep a shopping diary, write down every little thing - from money spent on the road to a pack of cigarettes. After a week, you can try to analyze the situation. Are you buying too many unnecessary items in supermarkets or are you inclined to make unnecessary purchases at sales? You can also think about what to limit. For example, magazines and newspapers can be read online rather than bought on paper.

Learning to spend correctly

The most logical answer to the question of what to do if I have no money is to learn how to control my expenses. When you go shopping, be sure to make lists. Feel free to get them in the store and check them out. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. When you feel hungry, everything seems so delicious to you that it is simply impossible to pass by. It is advisable to go shopping in a good mood and having a certain amount of time, if you get too annoyed, you can also forget something important by buying a few unnecessary items. Be wary of large purchases. Compare the prices of several stores, think about how urgently you need this item.

What if there is no money? Learn to earn!

Think about whether you are worthy of the job you are working on? Perhaps you should move to another company or completely change the field of activity? Have you reached the highest step of the career ladder within your profession, do you have any prospects? If your job is really not the most prestigious and highly paid, the answer to the question of what to do if you have no money will sound like this: improve yourself. You can always take refresher courses or even get another higher education. Beyond that, don't forget to search additional sources income. Today it is possible to work remotely via the Internet without even having any special skills and abilities. There will be a suitable type of activity for everyone - programming, design or creation of unique content. If all this seems too difficult for you, look for alternative options for earning money. Think about what you can do well, this will be your answer to eternal question about what to do if there is no money. For example, you can give private lessons to the children of acquaintances if you are well versed in some school subject... Or, on weekends, help one of the neighbors with cleaning and minor repairs for material reward.

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