
How much to index monetary content. How far is the salaries. Indexing cancellation period

Last year It became not the best for Russians in history, because the crisis reached his presumptive peak, and the authorities had to look for the most optimal ways to solve this problem, and most of the crisis diseases were injured by representatives of the budget sector - military personnel, doctors. However B. modern time The situation began to gradually recover, so the data regarding In 2017. , Interested in many. The profession of a serviceman today is considered incredibly prestigious, therefore, the number of people employed in this area is constantly increasing, and they are incredibly interested in the issue of improving the material condition of this category of citizens. What are they talking in the government?

First of all, it is worth saying that the level of revenues of the soldier today depends on some factors to which include:

  • the size of the salary, which is directly dependent on the title (sergeant, lieutenant, general), as well as a person's posts;
  • prizes - incentive payments, which are written by their employees for excellent work (on average, the size of premium payments is 25%);
  • regarding small premiums in the amount of 10-40%, which are provided with servicemen for particularly dangerous working conditions, as well as for merits in labor and rewards received for them.

Discussing the question of what will be with the salary of the military tomorrow, it must be said that today they earn about 50,000 rubles, therefore, such a level of income even in modern crisis time is considered quite high, especially considering or doctors. Moreover, this level of wages is considered to be average, because it is still worth adding spending and premiums that significantly increase this indicator and make the profession of the military even more attractive for modern young people.

All hope for indexing ...

Considering the rather complicated financial and economic situation in the country, the authorities last year had to cancel the annual indexing, because budget deficit It was so tangible, and inflation is so big that to afford the increase in the wages of the military on the indexing coefficient, the government members did not work. This fact has become a certain problem, because if representatives of other budget spheres of life in the state can count on income increases due to local budgetThe salaries of servicemen are funded exclusively by the state budget.

However, the indexation of wages of military personnel in 2017 will be in Russia, and its size will delight, because the authorities decided to hold it in full compliance with inflation, the size of which will not be too high in the future. The authorities did not plan to permanently abandon their social obligations, so the ongoing crisis would definitely not be a problem to increase the income of the military. It is known that inflation next year will be relatively low (5%), and the indexing coefficient will be approximately 5.5%, which will make it possible to cover the cost of food products. To be called such indexing will not be significant, but it already suggests that an increase in the salary of military personnel will still take place.

Will there be an additional increase in income?

Frankly, it is not necessary to talk about an additional increase in the income of citizens, because the country is now experiencing a deep financial crisis and "free" finances in the state pag for increasing wages. In 2012, the President signed a decree on a phased increase in state employees income, which provides for annual indexing, and before the crisis, everything happened relatively normally, but after the economy began to experience certain difficulties, everything changed. The president does not refuse his social obligations, but the deficit has led to the fact that the increase in the wage salary in 2017 will be carried out only by indexing. The end of the presidential decrees is scheduled for the end of the 18th year, because by this time wages of state employees should increase by one and a half times, but only the practice will show, the requirements of these requirements or not, therefore, you just need to observe the developing situation.

What do the cuts talk about?

In the country today is the optimization of the budget sector of activity, so information regarding whether the reducing of the military in 2017 will be interested in many. However, the servicemen on this occasion is not worth worrying at all, because the army today plays very important In the life of the state and Russia supports the image of the military power, therefore, no one is going to dismiss military personnel in such a situation. There is information that if dismissal is foreseen, they will affect the representatives of the leadership of military organizations whose duties will be delegated between the remaining employees, but even if this event is carried out, then more than 5-10% the army will definitely not decrease . Moreover, the authorities are planning to improve the working conditions of servicemen under the contract, offering them high wages and comfortable working conditions, so that the number of the military in 2017 may even increase, which means there is no reason to worry.

What conclusions can be made?

Speaking about increasing the salary of the military in Russia, the latest news about which today is worried about many, it is worth especially emphasizing the fact that the authorities constantly take care of. In addition to the annual increase in their income, they also represent faithful food and housing servicemen, and a number additional benefitsthat make their lives much easier. And no one is surprised, because Russia is a military power, therefore, it must pay due attention to fulfilling its material obligations to military personnel.

Western sanctions that were introduced a few years ago, greatly difficult to materialize the Russian army, because earlier goods for the army were purchased in foreign companies, And today, domestic producers have to produce them independently. At first, this fact caused panic among citizens of the Russian Federation, but then it became clear that the goods of domestic production differ in no less quality than imported goods, And they cost cheaper, so it can be a good condition for the gradual economic recovery, and, by the way, the military rate for 2017 will be increased precisely due to the fact that the authorities will save on the purchase of imported goods.

In addition, the authorities are planning to increase pension payments servicemen, although the purchase and will be carried out by indexing. This fact only confirms the fact that the members of the government refer to the monetary content of military personnel, which means today they can be considered one of the most materially secured category of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The defense sphere is defining for the well-being and stability of the state. One of the most important points In the work of the entire defense apparatus of the country, the level of financing and salaries of all workers involved in this area are considered to be.

IN lately (Since 2015), the wages of military personnel did not increase and were not indexed that against the background of the overall increase in prices, it was the reason for a significant reduction in the level of security of the defense industry and their families.

The relevance of this issue is obvious, so during 2017 the government declared several times about readiness to settle the situation. The Minister of Economy said that in 2018 a number of measures to reform the defense sphere will be adopted, one of which could be increased salary for military personnel.

Judging by latest newsFrom January 1, 2018, a planned increase in salaries for people directly involved in military affairs will occur. It is expected that such categories of workers are expected to be equal:

  • employees of the Russian Guard of different levels (from ordinary to representatives of the Steering Agency);
  • employees;
  • civilian air force personnel.

How much will increase the salaries

The bill that regulates all issues related to the improvement of the material support of military personnel has not yet been considered. Experts argue that improvements in any case will occur, but with the methods of their implementation and the scale of clarity so far.

On the this moment Two possible ways to stabilize wages for the military are considered:

  • direct increase in salary, not related to inflation rates;
  • annual wage indexing.

Now the salary is formed in this way:

  • salary;
  • various promotions, premiums, compensation and surcharges (for risk, for secrecy, for high qualifications, for achievements, etc.)

If the increase is touched only by salary, the rest of the incentive payments will not change in percentageBut the total amount of them will increase. In case of more significant changes, changes may affect and interest on which existing surcharges are accrued.

Size increase

As for the specific size of the increase in payments to the servicemen, there are several options. Competent persons from the Ministry of Economy unveiled the following figures that will be achieved in 2018:

  • salary of ordinary - at least 20 thousand rubles;
  • the officer's salary is at least 45 thousand rubles.

In a number of sources and in the news it was voiced that the expected increase will be 4%. Other evidence suggests that the most possible option will raise wages for the military in the same amount, which is provided for people engaged in public service and in the budget sphere, namely 5.5%. The most pessimistic sources argue that the overall increase will be only formal and will not exceed 3%.

But these figures are too common, since the strategy for an increase in wages for the staff of the Air Force and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from January 2018 seeks to differentiate and provides for such factors:

  • qualification I. total time services (service seals);
  • the location of the service region (the coefficient increases when operating in remote regions, districts with heavy weather conditions or in hot spots).

That is, the approach to the formation of the salary of military personnel will become more individual, as well as taking into account the conditions and results of the service.

The trend will be launched to promote long service in the ranks of the Air Force and MIA. The salary will directly depend on the length of service. In the first years, the allowances and additional payments will be not enough, but every year, subject to the required level of fulfilling their duties, the amount will increase, reaching significantly sizes.

In addition to all of the above, there is a point of view that the government will try to expand measures on the indirect influence on the welfare of the military. This contributes to a number of social measures already accepted and programs, such as:

  • mortgage lending on preferential terms;
  • health and life insurance;
  • obtaining housing certificates upon reaching the retirement age;
  • preferential medical service of military personnel.

Perhaps this list will be extended for 2018.

Completeness of implementation

Whether there will be an increase in salary for military personnel in 2018 and in what sizes, primarily depends on funding from state Funds. The previous revision of this issue provided for the allocation of funds intended for payments in the amount of 448.7 billion per year. This amount was established for the period from 2017 to 2019, it did not imply changes or increasing.

At the moment, to introduce a project to life, it is necessary to allocate funds from other funds of federal budgets, which are entrusted with expenditure obligations.

The question will need to be solved during the budget approval for 2018, when the main funding flows will be finalized.

Despite the unstable economic situation, there are prerequisites for a positive solution to this issue. This is probably based on the fact that in the spring of 2018, the next elections of the President of Russia will be held, and the base for voting is standard pensioners, civil servants and servicemen. Therefore, the existing government cannot allow the loss of supporting such a huge social layer of the population.

Video On improving the monetary content of the military:

From the new, 2018, Russian servicemen expect a significant increase in their salaries. Since January, the military will begin to earn 1.5 times more, if compared with the level of earned boards as of 2012. At least so promise officials. The salaries index for the inflationary level.
According to official data, since 2018, the sold claims of military personnel should increase by 4% minimum, that is, the same percentage on which the salary of state employees will increase. The Russian military prematurely rejoice in positive news, because their salaries have not indexed for four years.
Rosgvardia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will start getting more

Russian government reported on their plans regarding the indexation of soldiers of servicemen in 2018. The admixture from the new year is provided for Rosgvadia staff and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Officials developed a project to increase the wages of servicemen last year. At the same time, the regulations were adjusted. However, the draft with the regulations was viewed this year. From 01.02.2018, the monetary allowance of Rosgvardia will increase by 4%. The exact date of the increase in wages today is unknown: the mayor did not declassify this information.

During the current year, the Government had to consider the draft law on the increase in wages of Russian servicemen. When this issue is discussed, the final decision will be discussed, the GD officials will necessarily take into account the budget planning for 2018, as well as the situation with the economy in the mill. All factors will be taken into account when approving the draft law and establish the exact amount of indexation. The preliminary data obtained recently from official sources indicate that indexation will be carried out by 4%.
Since January, the earnings of officers can range from 45,000 rubles

According to the Russian mayor, since 2018, the salaries of Russia's military personnel will be added to the salary. The Minister of Economics said: the monthly earnings of ordinary will be at least 20,000 rubles, and officers - 45,000 rubles. The salary of military personnel in 2018 will depend on the level of qualifications, as well as the region in which the military institution is located. Region of the location of the institution - important factor To determine the salary of servicemen. In 2018, accrued earned fees will be from the regional budget. Experts say that the servicemen should not count on high salary.

The government continues to consider the draft law on expenditure obligations that are performed at the expense of funds. federal budget. As part of it for the period 2017 - 2019. There is a limited amount for the payment of monetary content to the servicemen - 448.7 billion rubles. That is, it is unlikely that the government planned to raise salaries. At the same time, the military and civilians working in the Ministry of Defense fall under the bill.

  • Legal specificity
  • Weighted approach to business

For many people who wear epaulets, the question will be an increase in monetary content to the servicemen, is relevant. As part of the current legislation, several grounds for indexing are provided. social payments. First, the inflation rate must exceed the threshold established by the state. Secondly, the budget of the federal or regional level should be the necessary funds. Thirdly, an increase in payments by military is possible as a result of additional surcharges that take care of the experience, qualifications, etc.

Legal specificity

Any changes in the size of contentment are spelled out in the budget and internal documents Ministry of Defense.In mid-2015, the military budget was officially adopted until 2017. According to this document, the state will progressively increase its expenses for the sphere. national Security. This means that the Military is waiting for the payment of payments established by law. The first indexation occurred on October 1, 2015, at the same time, with 5.5%.

Evaluating this indicator, the experts dealt with the opinions. On the one hand, the indexation must be tied to the general level of inflation for the year preceding the recalculation of contentment. At the end of last year, this figure amounted to 10.9%, which is below 5.5% of the indexing. In the future, 2016-2017, the inflation rate may exceed the two-digit threshold, so the surcharge does not cover the increase in the costs of the military.

but mandatory payments The military for a long time was indexed on a much smaller amount. Therefore, 5.5% can be considered a certain victory. The adopted military budget provides for allowances for military pensioners. From October 1, 2015, the new downward coefficient was officially entered into force during 2015-2017:

  • until October 1, 2015 - 60.5%;
  • from October 1, 2015 - 62.14%;
  • from January 1, 2016 - 64.12%.

The approved budget of the country provides for allocations of 3.2 trillion rubles for the military industry. Despite the fact that some experts are very skeptical of the possibility of indexing social benefits, the military may not worry. On the one hand, crisis phenomena in the economy cause the state to revise the expenditure part of the budget. On the other hand, the increase in monetary content of the servicemen, as well as the very indexation of social payments to employees of the budget sector, is dedicated separate string in the budget.

Back to the category

Weighted approach to business

The beginning of 2016 forced the state to revise the level financial support For ordinary military and citizens dismissed in stock. In mid-2015, it was about significant investments in the development of new military and defensive technologies, preferential lending to the construction of housing, etc. Today, the Government is forced to revise last year's intentions. In order to increase social guarantees for the defenders of the Fatherland, it was decided to send a resource to indexing pensions and monetary content.

A certain reduction was subjected to research part of the budget.

Raising the military industry for a new technological level is really necessary, however, in 2016-2018, the federal authorities decided to change their approach to this issue.

If earlier the money was allocated to the Committee, now the military complex will receive financing point. It's about highlighting state aid on a competition basis.

Research developments will prove their utility. As a result, it will be possible to use the research budget to be subjected to the sequestra more efficiently. The state will devote more efforts to increase the monetary allowance to the military personnel. As of the end of March 2016, the question is whether to increase monetary satisfaction among servicemen, you can confidently give a positive answer.

The question of the wages of the military, in 2018 it is planned to revise. The question remains, whether the sorry for military personnel will be raised.

Criteria for the formation of remuneration of military

The prospect of employment to the army on a contract basis allows you to have a stable high income monthly. Naturally, in the initial stages, the salary will be minimal, however, with the acquisition of experience and experience salary will grow significantly. The accrual of salary is directly dependent on several circumstances, which include:

  • salary is determined by the title of the serviceman, as well as the position held in the army ranks;
  • location on the terrain of the military unit;
  • features of the official position in a conditioned place or a number of troops associated with secrecy are added about 65% of the complacent;
  • prosperous passage of qualifications examinations (ability to increase up to 30%);
  • poster in the case of unsafe service conditions (reducing up to 100%);
  • premium for special merits (100% salary);
  • accruals in the form of premium for good work activities (about 25%);
  • accrual of additives for extremely severe labor conditions (concerns regions of the northern part of the country);
  • compensating housing costs;
  • disposable secondary surcharges for the preparation of living conditions in a new place.

Important! The last item provides an amount in the equivalent of 100% complaint, also under the category of family members of the servicemen: also 25% of the same amount.

In any case, the salary of employees in power structures, first of all, depends on the title and service conditions.

Salary of servicemen at this time

The material side of the military structure was limited in December last year. On that moment public administration Adopted the law, which canceled the wage indexing for the military, which significantly affected their material situation. External economic factors contribute to this, since there is a significant increase in inflation and prices.

These circumstances made it possible to devalue the labor of power structures up to 48%, which is almost half of the salary. The deferment marked in the law 2016 is extended until January 2018. This may negatively affect the moral setting of employees and lead to discontent on their part.

In connection with the current situation, the question arises on the return of the application of the wage indexing of military personnel. Too intense indicators, this will not be noted, however, there is a chance to solve the issue in favor of employees. The possible increase in salary of the military in 2018 is planned, however, its exact numbers are not yet called. The only forecast of B. this case Is the ability to rise in the level with inflation.

What is the case with salary of civilian employees

The circumstances of the civilian state of force structures largely corresponds to the state of employees of law enforcement. Even before the cancellation of indexations, the position of the material side did not differ in high levels.

The aforementioned 2016 law also accompanied the information regarding this category of employees. The new three-year budget for 2017-2019 witnessed the lack of government intentions to make indexation or increase the wages of the military, including in 2018.

Is it worth expecting an increase in monetary content

Experts predict for 2018 progress in solving the issue of wages of the military. This is supported by several factors, the first of which denotes the possibility of depreciation of wages to a critical level. The second is the formation of a high indicator of the dissatisfaction of the social group, this factor in the case of employees in the power structures acquires hazardous trends. Such cases have already been noted in history, which took into service the government of the state. However, even on the basis of this circumstance, the answer to the question, whether the wage will be raised in 2018, reliably unknown.

In the fact that the increase should be expected, experts do not doubt, but what limits will affect this lifting, still remains open. According to experts in the field of economics, sociology and political science, consideration of the issue of canceling indexation is necessary. In the opposite case, the government risks pushing to indignation by military personnel, and it threatens with mass unrest.

State structures have already raised the issue of raising the wage for the military for 2018. The result was the adopted draft law, which provides for the return of indexation and raising the complaints to the employees. This bill also affects questions regarding the remuneration of law enforcement officers and federal employees. Also considered the possibility of refunding indexing of salary judges.

At the beginning of 2018, based on the specified points in the bill, the resumption of salaries indexing for the military is predicted. In this case, the mechanism and the percentage of indexation, apparently, will be subject to change. It is reliably known that the position of indexing will now directly depend on balance and budget approval, and not from the percentage of inflation, as was previously made.

Due to the fact that dissatisfaction is already beginning to grow, officials allow themselves to express encouraging forecasts regarding the growth of the wage level in 2018. At the same time, today the situation remains in the same borders, and economic part comes in greater decay.

Predictions regarding salary for power structures for 2018

Regarding the expected increase of its opinion, independent experts and representatives from the government were also expressed. In this case, opinions agreed, the minimum amount of salary should be 50 thousand rubles. This applies only to the most wages, not counting a different plan of additives and premiums.

For the period from 2017 to 2018, the government has already intended to allocate about 400 billion rubles for material reimbursement for labor. This number takes into account the possibility of deterring inflation, however, even with such an accounting, it cannot cover the needs of the largest army. The Department of Military Affairs already emphasizes government attention to the suspension of indexing. In January of next year, the annihilation of the indexing moratorium is scheduled. The leadership of the state predicts the wage depreciation stopping in 2018, besides, an increase in 5.5% is expected. Data is based on the arguments of government experts. Such measures are planned to be taken to prevent outbreaks of discontent.

Another option is possible from the situation, as specialists noted. In case of appearance financial opportunity Enhance this kind of measure will be immediately applied. However, this will notice a completely insignificant increase in 3-4% of the current complaint, which is now called compensation. So the question is whether the wage will be increased in 2018, remains open.

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