
Essential in economic processes plays. Topic: Market and Market Mechanism. Supply and demand. Training. D) consumer income

2) Young people under the age of 25, the most important criterion in life considers the creation of a strong family

3) Be the best - criterion characteristic of young people aged 18 to 25 years. This is due to adolescence peculiar to them.

4) the number of people who believe that career growth is the most important in life, with age decreases

A11. Economics as science studies

1) Methods for the distribution of material benefits

2) the action of objective laws of history

3) System of features defining the social structure

4) principles and norms of state power

A12. Are the following judgments true?


A14. The economic system in which the decision is about what, as for whom to produce is the result of the interaction of sellers and buyers in the market, is called

1) traditional economy

2) market economy

3) centralized (team) economy

4) mixed economy

A15. State budget surplus is

2) excess of income expenses

4) excess of income

A16. Are the following judgments true?

1) just and 3) are true of both judgments

2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

Part 2

IN 1. Write down the word missed in the table fragment.

Types of family

Answer: ______________________

AT 2. Of the concepts below, everything, with the exception of one, is associated with the concept of "social norm".

Sanction, social control, deviant behavior, social community, self-control.

Find and specify the term not related to the concept of "social norm".

Answer: ________________________________

IN 3. Set the correspondence between the status types and the examples of their manifestation: to each position given in the first column, select the position from the second column.

6) high level of motivation of workers to work

Answer: ______________

AT 8. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) encouragement 2) sanction 3) punishment 4) bonuses 5) dismissal

Answer: _______________

Part 3.

Read the text and execute C1- C4 tasks.


"Inflation is the result macroeconomic instabilityWhen aggregate demand exceeds the cumulative offer. Regardless of which area there is a chain reaction and feedback arise, as the production, distribution, exchange, consumption is interconnected ...

From the point of view of manifestations, it is distinguished by open and depressed (hidden) inflation. Open inflation is manifested in a long-term increase in price level, depressed inflation is characterized by a relatively stable price level in the economy, but its direct manifestation is a trade deficit, which is also essentially means depreciation of money. In a market economy, inflation is open, in command-administrative - depressed ...

Negative social and economic consequences of inflation forcing governments different countries Anti-inflationary economic policy.

Fighting inflation is possible only on the macroeconomic level and the forces of the state. Anti-inflation measures can be used only to open inflation; The depressed is not amenable to restriction, since it cannot be measured. The first step in the fight against depressed inflation should be its translation into open inflation.

The anti-inflation program should be based on the analysis of the causes and factors causing inflation, a set of measures economic Policycontributing to the reduction of inflation.

There are two approaches to the management of the economy in inflation conditions: 1) adaptation policy; 2) Attempt to reduce inflation with anti-inflationary measures "

C1. Based on the text, explain why, originating in one area, inflation leads to a chain reaction.


C2. Describe the types of inflation that the author says, filling in the table.

Comparison line


Their manifestation

In which types of economic. Systems exist

Applicability of anti-inflammable


C3. The author mentions negative social and economic consequences inflation. Give with support for the knowledge of the social science and the facts of public life, three examples of socio-economic consequences of inflation.


C4. What approaches to the management of the economy in the conditions of inflation allocates the author? Using the knowledge of the social science rate, give two examples of measures illustrating each of the approaches (one on each approach).


C5. What is the point of investing in the concept of "state budget". Attracting the knowledge of a social science course, make up two suggestions containing information about the state budget.


C6. Name three trends in development social Structure modern Russian society.


C7. After the end of the technical college, the young man got a consultant to the company for the production of computers. After some time, he entered the advanced training courses. Changes occurred by the Yves of his personal life: he married the daughter of the co-owner of the company. Completion of study on courses coincided with his appointment by the chief manager of the enterprise. An illustration of which social process can this plot serve? What factors played a decisive role here? What are they called in sociology?


C8. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer.

Workshop on the topic "Demand and offer"

    The figure reflects the situation in the grain market: Line OffersS. S1. (P. - the price of the product, Q. - quantity of goods).

This movement may be associated primarily with (CO)

1) providing grain manufacturers tax benefits

2) decrease in fuel prices and fertilizers

3) an increase in the number of bakery and confectionery enterprises

4) Low crop grain expectations

    The picture reflects the situation in the tourist services market: the demand lineD. moved to a new positionD1. . (P. - the price of the product, Q. - the volume of demand for goods)

This movement may be due primarily with


expectations of economic lifting

completion of the tourist season

an increase in consumer revenues

an increase in the number of travel firms

    An increase in the number of manufacturers and sellers of computer equipment led to a significant decrease in prices. This is the result:

    Tax Service activities

    Competitive struggle

    Are the following pricing judgments are true?

A. One of the main functions of prices for goods and services is to limit consumption.

B. Prices are motivated to develop production

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

    Before September 1, the number of traders of the stationery, school supplies, orphanage and shoes increase sharply. This is the result:

    State regulation

    Price conspiracy manufacturers

    Buying demand

    Competitive struggle

    Are the following judgments about the demand of the consumer?

A. The consumer has always limited demand. It is determined individual income, needs, fashion, price.

B. The more rare the subject, the lower the price of it, therefore, more people will want to buy it.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

IN 1. Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"Important value in economic processes Plays the so-called law of demand. The effect of this law is fully manifested in a market economy free __________ (1). __________ (2) Determined by economists as the total amount of goods, which __________ (3), at each specific point in time, they will be ready and have a money opportunity to purchase at certain prices. This law means that with equal other conditions, the volume of demand is reduced as __________ (4). It is necessary, however, note that the price change and the change in demand for __________ (5) are not in direct proportional dependence. In a market economy there are still many factors affecting __________ (6) prices and demand. "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be usedone time.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

This table below shows the pass numbers. Write down by each number the letter corresponding to the word you choose.

The resulting sequence of letters move to the answer blank.

C1. Name any three factors that affect the change in demand, and illustrate each of them with the appropriate example.


IN 1. Ebci

C1. Answer:

    Changing the price (if the prices for TVs will rise, then the demand for them will decrease)

    The quality of the goods and its usefulness (the consumer will prefer a better product offered on the market at the same price)

    Consumer income (with an increase in salary population increases its consumption)

    Fashion and public values \u200b\u200b(fashion for jewelry will increase demand for them)

Other adequate facts and examples can be given.

Topic: Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand. Training.

1. Read the text below, which missed a number of words. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"The so-called law of demand is important in economic processes. The effect of this law is fully manifested in a market economy free __________ (a). __________ (b) Determined by economists as the total amount of goods, which __________ (c), at each specific point in time, they will be ready and have a money opportunity to acquire at certain prices. This law means that with equal other conditions, the volume of demand is reduced as __________ (g) increases. It is necessary, however, note that the price change and the change in demand for __________ (e) are not in direct proportional dependence. In a market economy there are still many factors affecting __________ (e) prices and demand. "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

This table below shows the pass numbers. Write down the number under each letter corresponding to the word you choose.

2) consumer

3) Manufacturer

5) Production

6) Competition

8) Cost

9) Relationship

Answer: 642179

2. What dependence reflects the law of demand?

A) a direct dependence of the number of purchased goods from its price.

B) the inverse relationship between the number of purchased goods and its price.

C) direct dependence of the price from the quality of goods.

D) the inverse dependence of the volume of the goods offered from its price.

3. Changing the amount of demand for a separate product will happen ...

A) under the influence of consumer tastes.

B) when improving the quality of goods.

C) when changing the price of this product.

D) when changing prices for complementary goods.

4. The curve of demand for goods X will shift to the right and up as a result ...

A) reduce the number of buyers.

B) transition to the product-substitute.

C) increasing customs barriers.

D) increased consumer revenues.

5. How can I explain the shift of the expense curve on the goods x left-up?

A) introducing new technologies.

B) increasing prices for source resources.

C) introducing subsidies.

D) an increase in the number of manufacturers.

6. An excess of goods on the market is formed after the administration of the Government ...

A) fixed support price.

B) fixed ceiling price.

C) taxes.

D) increase the interest account.

7. The figure is a graph showing a market equilibrium in a short period. What circumstances caused this situation?

A) new enterprises arise in the industry, which makes it possible to increase the volume of production until the market saturation.

B) deterioration of the mining conditions of any raw material.

C) the firm increases the volume of products due to the more intensive use of available resources.

D) The market situation is associated with the sale of a perishable product.

8. If the market price is lower than the equilibrium, then:

A) the buyer's market is formed

B) the deficit of goods arises

C) excess goods appear

D) resource price falls

9. If the two products are interchangeable, then the price growth for the first will cause:

A) an increase in demand for the second goods

B) the growth in demand for the second goods

C) drop in demand for the second goods

D) drop in demand for the second product

10. Purchase of goods at a low price in one market and selling it at a high price on the other is not:

A) a means of increasing demand in the market with a high level of price

B) a means of increasing the offer on the market with a high level of prices

C) causes price differences in specific markets

D) operation for profit

11. The law of demand suggests that:

A) if the income in consumers grow, they usually buy more products

B) demand curve usually has a positive tilt

C) excess supply to demand will cause price reduction

D) when the price of goods falls, the volume of planned purchases is growing

12. What can cause a drop in demand for goods x:

A) reducing consumer revenues

B) increase in prices for goods-substitutes of goods x

C) Fall offer of goods x

D) waiting for price increases x

13. Demand and offer can be used to explain the coordinating role price:

A) in the resource market

B) in the commodity market

C) on any market

D) in the foreign exchange market

14. Activity of speculators:

A) always brings profit

B) causes economic booms and recessions

C) strengthens the trend towards price instability

D) increases the risk to legal entrepreneurship

15. The market of goods and services is in an equilibrium state, if:

A) the volume of the supply is equal to the amount of demand

B) demand is equal to the proposal

C) the level of technology is changing gradually

D) price equal cost plus profit

16. Changing which factor does not cause a shift of the demand curve:

A) size or distribution of national income

B) number or age of consumers

C) tastes and consumer preferences

D) prices

17. Rising prices for the materials necessary for the production of goods X will cause a shift of the curve:

A) sentences up (or left)

B) demand up (or right)

C) sentences down (or right)

D) demand and curve offer up

18. If the price of goods is below the point of intersection of the demand curve and the expense curve, then it will arise:

A) excess

B) deficiency

C) grows unemployment

D) all the options are incorrect

19. The law of suggestions, if prices grow, and other conditions are unchanged, manifests:

A) in the fall of the proposal

B) in the growth of the supply

C) reduce supply

D) growth offers

20. Willingness to buy additional units of produced goods only at a lower price best explains:

A) income effect

B) the law of sentences

C) the principle of decreasing utmost utility

D) replacement effect

21. If the offer and demand for goods increase, then:

A) the price will rise

B) the total number of goods will increase

C) the price will remain stable

D) the welfare of society will increase

22. If demand falls under the influence of non-price factors, the demand curve shifts:

A) down and left

B) to rotate the clockwise

C) up and right

D) against the rotation of the clockwise

23. It is likely that the reason for the fall of the price of the product is:

A) the growth of taxes on private entrepreneurship

B) consumer income growth

C) falling prices for production resources

D) falling prices for complementary goods

24. Improving technology shifts:

A) the curve of demand up and right

B) the curve of demand down and right

C) Curve sentences down and right

D) Curve offer up and left

25. What a term reflects the ability and the desire of people to pay for anything:

A) need

B) demand

C) need

D) desire

26. How can I explain the shift of the demand curve on the product X:

A) decrease by some reason the offer of goods x

B) the increase in the prices of goods X, as a result of which consumers decided to buy this product less

C) the tastes of consumers who caused interest in the X product (they want to buy it at any given price more than before)

D) a decrease in the price of goods X, so consumers decided to buy it more than before

State in conditions market economy

All the agents of the economy combines the single market space of the country, where the same for all the rules of the game are monitored and supporting special state institutions ... The market itself is not able to maintain competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in the economic sphere is the function of the state. Fighting a monopoly, supporting competition, the state is both within the market model, and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Stability support plays a no less role than the protection of competition. From the verified, active role of the respective state institutions, the favorable social climate in the country, and the sustainability of the financial system, and ... expanding the production of public goods - especially in the field of services, education, science, health, culture, - the creation of a legal field in the entrepreneurial field ... therefore Even in theoretical market model, the state belongs to the most important role - preservation of the market system itself by expressing common, or public interests. No private business, no matter how gigantic sizes, by nature cannot ignore their own interests and take the interests of the whole society. However, with such responsibilities, the state can only cope with the case if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, a democratic mechanism of voter control over the state apparatus has been established, and the judicial system ensures legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.

(A. Porokhovsky)

C1.What are the three economic functions of the state in a market economy are named in the text?

Name any three of them and one illustrate an example.

C3.The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the conservation and development of competition. Relying on the text and knowledge of the social science rate, bring three confirmations of the value of competition for a market economy.

C4.Different points of view are expressed on the relationship between the market economy and democracy. What position is the author? Call the two arguments given to them and explain any of them using the example.


C1. What are the three economic functions of the state in a market economy are named in the text?

The correct answer must contain the following positions:

1) are named in the text of socio-economic phenomena:

Favorable social climate in the country, sustainability financial system;

Expansion of the production of public goods;

Creating a legal field in the financial sector.

2) One of the socio-economic phenomena is illustrated by an example, let's say:

Adoption of the Civil Code (legal field);

Fight against corruption (favorable social climate);

Conducting the reform of the education system, health care (production of public goods).

Other examples can be given

C3. The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in the conservation and development of competition. Relying on the text and knowledge of the social science rate, bring three confirmations of the value of competition for a market economy.

C4. Different points of view are expressed on the relationship between the market economy and democracy. What position is the author? Call the two arguments given to them and explain any of them using the example.

(other formulations of the answer are allowed, not distorting its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following items:

2) two arguments are given, for example:

in a democratic society

The mechanism of controlling voters over the state apparatus;

The judicial system ensures the legal protection of citizens.

3) As an explanation, an example is given, let's say:

The entrepreneur may apply to the court with a claim for the illegality of the actions of the City Department regarding his enterprise;

Voters may require their deputy on its voting on economic issues.

AND offers On the micro level, the essence ... conjuncture market Real estate, dynamics demand and offers on the appropriate market with ... situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions) in ...

  • Educational program of the main general education of the municipal budgetary general education institution

    Educational program

    Register in writing studied designs proposals Training, exercises, graphic dictation § 7 (.... Market. Market mechanism Regulation of the economy. 1 consider the main concepts economic Science. Demand and sentence. Market equilibrium...

  • New arrivals from EBC "Aibux"


    Simply syntax offers"," Syntax of complex offers" Theoretical ... Help psychological trainings! Training - One ... "City. Sights. how ask road "," Theater and cinema ... which are problems market and market mechanism Stand on ...

  • The educational and methodological complex was discussed at the meeting of the department "Labor Economics" "20" March 2008 (Protocol No. 8)

    Training and metodology complex

    ... market, their interaction. Competition and monopoly in the system market mechanism. Demand and factors defining its changes. Sentence Goods ...

  • 1) Command-Administrative

    2) Market

    135. Task No.070fdf.

    Conducting a complex of anti-inflationary measures, the state performs economic function

    1) protection of property rights

    3) providing employment

    4) tax regulation

    136. Task number 3702fb.

    There are several values \u200b\u200bof the concept of "economy". What position illustrates the economy as a science?

    1) production of a large party of new vacuum cleaners

    2) the provision of the population medical services

    3) Development of telecommunication networks and mobile networks

    4) study of the labor market functioning models

    137. Task NoB3A864

    138. Task No.C2193F.

    139. Task №161fd6.

    Gross domestic product called

    1) organization system national Economy

    2) Public need for a certain number of goods and services

    3) A combination of natural and social forces that are potentially suitable for the production of goods and services

    4) the amount of market prices of all end productsproduced during the year in the country

    140. Task №F5ABFC.

    Production factors

    141. Task number 3D084D.

    Beauty salon owner is a weekly shampoo, masks and hair styling agents, creams and other goods. Costs to these purchases relate to

    1) constant

    2) Market

    3) implicit

    4) variables

    142. Task number 5A5ED3

    Are the following judgments about the central bank are true?

    BUT. central bank Heads commercial banks and manages their activities.

    B. Central Bank controls the volume cash And makes emission money.

    143. Task number 3F9D7E.

    Are the following judgments about the labor market?

    A. The labor market is characterized by high professional mobility.

    B. People seeking work form demand in the labor market.

    144. Task №11caea

    What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "manufacturer"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science courses, make two sentences containing information about the manufacturer.

    145. Task NoB5F16

    Are the following judgments about the sources of business financing?

    A. Sources of business financing are private and public investment.

    B. Citizens can participate in business financing, engaged in the purchase of shares of firms on the stock exchange.

    146. Task №1B85B5

    To signs of market economic System belong

    1) Private property

    2) Centralized decision making

    3) directive price setting

    4) Low Social Mobility

    147. Task No. 03c837

    Are the following judgments about the deficit of the state budget?

    148. Task №430A2E.

    In the town of Z electricity, heating, the water supply to the houses of residents is performed by only one company.

    Select from the list below the characteristics of this market and write the numbers under which they are specified.

    1) production market

    2) Net Competition

    3) Local Market

    4) Market deficit

    5) Monopoly

    6) services market

    149. Task №2C374F.

    Are the following judgments about the state's tax policy?

    150. Task No. 036c81

    Organization of production, development of management decisions, ensuring the release of new sales markets - examples of the action of one of the main factors of production -

    1) Capital

    2) entrepreneurship

    4) Shareholders

    151. Task №1614FF.

    Are the following judgments about the traditional economy true?

    152. Task №AB57B1

    The figure reflects the situation in the market for outdoor activities: a line of demand D. moved to a new position D1.(P. - the price of the product, Q. - quantity of goods). This movement may be associated primarily with (CO)

    1) the occurrence of the vacation season

    2) raising prices for recreation goods

    3) reduced consumer revenues

    4) a decrease in the number of tourist firms

    153. Task №C30FFE

    Competition is important because she

    1) promotes prices

    2) helps to reduce the quality of goods and services

    3) contributes to an increase in the diversity of the proposed goods and services

    4) makes manufacturers raise the cost of production of goods and services

    154. Task number 616c2f.

    Are the following unemployment judgments true?

    A. The unemployed citizens include pensioners and children.

    B. One of the manifestations of hidden unemployment is to transition to part-time.

    155. Task number 8A8DBB.

    Central Bank of the Russian Federation

    1) takes on account savings

    2) issues loans to citizens and firms

    3) licenses commercial banks

    4) approves the state budget

    156. Task No. DDA8D5

    What is the meaning of economists invest in the concept of "tax"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science, make up two suggestions containing information about taxes.

    157. Task number 75B6F7.

    Economy as a region of knowledge directly studies

    1) Methods for regulating social conflicts

    2) Methods of rational use of limited resources

    3) social consequences scientific and Technical Revolution

    4) Methods of optimal management of society

    158. Task No.FA780B.

    159. Task No. 098bb3.

    State in a market economy

    1) gives subsidies to entrepreneurs, encouraging production in certain sectors

    2) Sets prices for goods and services

    3) affects the ratio of supply and demand

    4) implements policy planning

    160. Task number 6A8C31

    Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

    "The formation of (a) labor can be accompanied by conflicts between employers and employees. The main method of protecting interest (b) is the creation of trade unions that negotiate on behalf of all people parties.

    Professional unions are usually trying to improve the conditions and increase (c) of their members, as well as increase their wages. This makes the work for members of the trade union is more enjoyable and profitable, but at the same time narrows (d) employment and leads to an increase in the price of goods for buyers, if the magnitude of the profit in the price of goods is not reduced.

    The salary should not fall below the minimum level, the basis of which is (D). The minimum wage is established and changes (e) power. "


    Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that words in the list are more than you need to fill the pass.

    1) employment contract

    2) market price

    3) Economic borders

    4) Unemployment

    5) Hired workers

    6) the cost of living

    7) legislative bodies

    8) labor safety

    9) Profession

    161. Task №0EF192.

    Sustainable price increase for goods and services related to the simultaneous increase in demand in most countries markets are called

    1) inflation demand

    2) deficit

    3) cost inflation

    4) intensive demand

    162. Task No. 503B3E.

    What limits the consumer's demand in a market economy?

    1) the choice of choice

    2) the growth of the sentence

    3) lower prices for goods

    4) solvency

    163. Task NoB8045A.

    Are the following judgments are true about the economy as science?

    164. Task number 31E169

    Often you can hear the opinion that with unemployment in the framework of the market economy, the state should not fight: it is inherent in the market. Word your own opinion on this issue. Bring two arguments.

    165. Task No. CF51F4

    What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "privatization"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science course, make two sentences containing privatization information.

    16. Task No. C211FF.

    Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

    Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

    "The so-called law of demand is important in economic processes. The action of this law is fully manifested in a market economy free (1). (2) It is determined by economists as the total amount of goods, which (3) at each specific point in time wish are ready and have a monetary opportunity to purchase at certain prices. This law means that with equal other conditions (4), demand is reduced as (5). However, it is necessary, however, it should be noted that the price change and the change in the demand for goods are not in direct proportional dependence. In a market economy there are still many factors affecting the (6) prices and demand. "

    Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used onetime.

    2) consumer

    3) Manufacturer

    5) Production

    6) Competition

    8) Cost

    9) Relationship

    167. Task No. CC3EC3

    You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic "Family Economy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

    169. Task number 6B22ad.

    Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

    (A) As the welfare of Russian families increases, in the last decade, the proportion of the cost of food decreased. (B) At the same time, the costs of satisfaction of cultural needs are growing. (C) Probably the most difficult for families to meet the need for comfortable accommodation. (D) It is impossible not to admit that in some cases high prices for housing are supported artificially. (E) Prices are the source of important information about the state of this market for both the manufacturer and the consumer.

    Determine which positions of the text have

    1) actual character

    2) the nature of estimated judgments

    3) the nature of theoretical statements

    168. Task No.DBCD23

    How does the state budget deficit affect the economy?

    1) reduces inequality in the income of the population

    2) increases national debt

    3) reduces labor motivation

    4) leads to the introduction of preferential taxation

    170. Task №06360E.

    A factor causing a sharp surge in demand for goods or service may be

    1) Fashion Change

    2) equipment cost

    3) the level of income tax

    4) an increase in production costs

    171. Task number 59BC59

    The figure reflects the situation in the car market - the demand line D moved to a new position D1. This movement may be due, first of all, with

    1) improving car production technology

    2) decrease in car production costs

    3) an increase in the volume of public transport services

    4) increasing income of the population

    172. Task NOFBFD74

    Are the following market economy judgments are true?

    A. Law private property Makes the basis of the market economy.

    B. In a market economy, limited resources are distributed in competition conditions.

    173. Task №321CAD.

    A distinctive feature of a market economy is

    1) mass production of goods

    2) Competition manufacturers

    3) availability of commodity-money relations

    4) Legislative Protection state owned

    174. Task №4A9CAD.

    The graph reflects the situation in the barbershop market: the demand line D moved to a new position - D1 (P - the price of services, Q is the number of services).

    This movement may be due primarily with

    1) an increase in the number of beauty salons

    2) fashion for complex hairstyles in women

    3) the emergence of effective hair for independent hair care

    4) an increase in the yield of beauty salons

    175. Task №EC889c.

    TO obvious advantages Market economy should be attributed

    1) susceptibility to achievements of science and technology

    2) Harmony of Personal and Public Interests

    3) steady movement towards complete employment

    4) reduction of migration processes

    176. Task NoB6EF9F.

    What is the meaning of economists invest in the concept of "production"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science course, make up two proposals containing information on production.

    177. Task NoB92D69

    Name and illustrate specific examples Any three factors that determine significant differences in employee wages.

    178. Task number 9A8516.

    What of the listed reflects articles of the state budget?

    1) Costs for public administration

    2) income of citizens from entrepreneurial activity

    3) unemployment rate

    4) average monthly salary

    179. Task №0f57af

    The state in the market economy regulates

    1) the amount of money supply in circulation

    2) Product production

    3) social needs

    4) income enterprises

    180. Task No.Fe86C3

    The figure reflects the situation in the market of hairdressers services (P - price, q - quantity). Analyze the change in the sentence (the sentence line S moved to the S1 position). What can be explained by such a change?

    1) The women in women entered complex hairstyles and makeup.

    3) An unfavorable economic situation was established in the country.

    4) The number of hairdressing salons has increased.

    181. Task oreaeee.

    Select a concept that is generalizing for the remaining concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

    1) Land; 2) work;3) production factors;4) capital;5) Entrepreneurial abilities.

    182. Task No.D0CF26.

    To opening risks domestic market For foreign manufacturers belongs

    1) an increase in the diversity of goods and services offered

    2) price reduction due to increasing supply

    3) The dependence of the country's economy from imports of a number of goods

    4) an increase in state budget revenues

    183. Task number 6F6843

    Are the following type judgments are true market structurecalled monopoly?

    184. Task №4b82bc.

    What economic phenomenon It is reflected in the following description of the social situation: "Prices grew so quickly that the waiters changed them in the menu several times during the dinner time. Sometimes visitors to restaurants had to pay for food twice as much of the price that was in the menu when they just did the order "?

    1) Inflation

    2) Specialization

    3) Denomination

    4) Nationalization

    Task number 243E00.

    185. Task №243E00.

    Illustrate three examples influence financial stability in the country for success economic activity Individuals and firms (enterprises).

    186 Task number 6560F5.

    The state budget

    1) determines the level of inflation in the country

    2) regulates the amount of money supply

    3) reflects the main directions of the internal policy

    4) Sets minimum size wages

    187. Task number 907D33

    Below is a series of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "microeconomics".

    1) Firm;2) local market;3) stock Exchange;4) costs;5) accounting profit;6) tax system countries.

    Find two terms "dropping" from the general range and relating to another concept, and write the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

    188. Task No.Dedff5

    Are the following judgments are true about the essence of the equilibrium state of the market of any product?

    189. Task No.D578BE.

    The state performs a number of functions in the economic life of society. What is an example of stimulating the entrepreneurial activity of the subjects of the economy?

    1) Creating open economic zones

    3) carrying out anti-inflation policy

    4) license issuance financial organizations

    190. Task №60E0C4

    Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

    "The so-called law of demand is important in economic processes. The action of this law is fully manifested in a market economy free (1). (2) It is determined by economists as the total amount of goods, which (3) at each specific point in time wish are ready and have a monetary opportunity to purchase at certain prices. This law means that with equal other conditions, the volume of demand is reduced as (4). However, it is necessary, however, it should be noted that the price change and the change in demand for (5) are not in direct proportional dependence. In a market economy there are still many factors affecting the (6) prices and demand. "

    Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used onetime.

    Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

    This table below shows the pass numbers. Write down by each number the letter corresponding to the word you choose.

    2) consumer

    3) Manufacturer

    5) Production

    6) Competition

    8) Cost

    9) Relationship

    191. Task # 83927A.

    The introduction of scientific and technical development in production contributes

    1) reduce demand for qualified labor

    2) improved labor productivity

    3) tax reducing manufacturers

    4) an increase in budget deficit

    192. Task number 3A884E.

    What is the income of the consumer from the use of property?

    1) State duty

    2) inheritance tax

    3) dividends on shares

    4) Insurance Contributions

    Task №490690.

    The figure reflects the situation in the insurance services market ( P. - price Q. - quantity). Analyze the change in demand (demand line D. Moved to the Regulation D1.).

    What can explain this change?

    1) a decrease in payments after the onset of insurance claims

    2) an increase in consumer revenues

    3) an increase in the number of insurance companies

    4) Introduction mandatory insurance AUTRCRETNOE LIABILITY

    193. Task NoB2A659

    The market economy differs from the team that in it

    1) employees in enterprises pays salary

    2) There is a division of labor between industries, enterprises, employees

    3) prices for goods are determined by the ratio of supply and demand

    4) Demand is regulated by cards, coupons, lists of beneficiaries

    194 Task №2675B1

    Economic crisis He led to the closure of enterprises and an increase in unemployment in many industries. What kind of unemployment is illustrated by this example?

    1) friction

    2) cyclic

    3) Seasonal

    4) Structural

    195. Task No. CAB5D5

    Name any three economic functions of the state and illustrate each of them.

    196. Task №293054

    The negative consequences of market regulation of the economy belongs

    1) free pricing

    2) Refusal to the equalization distribution of goods and services

    3) dominance of consumption of production

    4) the presence of people unoccupied in the social production, unemployment

    197. Task No. 962E2.

    The graph reflects the situation in the meat and meat products market: the demand line D moved to a new position - D1 (P is the price of goods, Q is the number of goods).

    This movement may be associated primarily with (CO)

    1) reduce taxes from meat products producers

    2) Izvestia about an epidemic disease of animals

    3) an increase in consumer revenues

    4) increasing the number of manufacturers of meat products

    198. Task АD0757

    Write down the word missed in the table.

    The economic growth

    199. Task №F77139

    The Mobile Communications Market Z is controlled by one large company, other manufacturers are not represented. Select from the list below the characteristics of this market and write the numbers under which they are specified.

    1) goods market

    2) Perfect Competition

    3) Regional Market

    4) market services

    5) Monopoly

    6) Market deficit

    200. Task No. 897B1

    Are the following judgments about the role of the state in the economy?

    A. The state is a manufacturer of public goods.

    B. The state always regulates the distribution of limited production factors.

    201. Task №C60941

    Are the following state budget judgments are true?

    202. Task №C7A704.

    Find the factors in the list that affects the increase in demand for consumer goods. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) increase in income of families

    2) increase value added tax

    3) decrease in the production of goods

    4) lower prices for goods

    6) Hispanity consumer credits

    203. Task №F71F27

    Which of the given situations is about mortgage loan?

    1) Citizen M. took a loan to the purchase of a mink coat in the bank.

    2) Citizen N. issued a loan for the purchase of an apartment.

    3) The trading network received a loan for the purchase of goods in a commercial bank.

    4) The state enterprise received a loan for the purchase of equipment.

    204. Task №04A896

    One of the signs of a market economy -

    1) the predominance of state ownership

    2) Price regulation state body Management of economy

    3) the existence of state plans required for manufacturers

    4) lack of planned regulation by the number of products produced

    205. Task №0538DA

    Read the text below, each position is numbered.

    Determine which provisions of the text are worn

    1) actual character

    2) the nature of estimated judgments

    206. Task No. CFA1AD.

    Tax revenues The state budget allows you to finance social programs. What is the function of taxes manifests itself in this fact?

    1) redistribution

    2) Educational

    3) Fiscal

    4) economic

    207. Task NoB8CB6.

    Providing legal protection of property rights, the state performs economic function

    1) tax regulation

    2) monetary regulation

    3) the production of public goods

    4) creating conditions for economic freedom

    208. Task No. F4F23D.

    Find the list of financial and economic regulation of the state in the list below.

    1) antitrust legislation

    2) loans provided by entrepreneurs

    3) system development economic Education in middle school

    4) Presentation of state awards for production progress

    5) tax policy

    209. Task No. 9C8C7

    The figure reflects the changes that occurred with the proposal of wheat on the relevant market. Moves the sentence curve S to a new position S1 may be due, first of all, with (CO)

    1) increasing income of wheat manufacturers

    2) increasing prices for mineral fertilizers

    3) reducing prices for land

    4) reduced prices for diesel fuel and gasoline

    210. Task №C98E80.

    In the state z, the economy is based on the variety of ownership and economic freedom manufacturers. For what type of economic system is it characteristic?

    1) Market

    2) Traditional

    3) distribution

    4) team

    211. Task №D3873D.

    Write down the word missed in the table.

    212. Task number 8FE0CB

    In the country of N. there is a sharp rise in prices for consumer goods. Money is depreciated. Fall real income population. What economic concept Used to characterize this process?

    1) Nationalization

    2) Inflation

    3) budget surplus

    4) Privatization

    213. Task No.D913BB.

    The figure reflects the situation in the market for winter sports: the demand line D moved to a new position - D1 (P is the price of goods, Q is the volume of demand for goods). This movement may be associated primarily with (CO)

    1) decline in income of the population

    2) popularization of winter sports

    3) the development of the network of fitness clubs

    4) protracted thaw in winter

    Studying the interaction of supply and demand, competition as basic pricing tools allows you to conduct an effective search for elements effective mechanism Market self-regulation ...

    In a market economy, the price performs a number of important functions.

    Prices transfer information ... Price system automatically disseminates information for all market participants about a steady increase or decrease in demand for one or another type of product. It encourages them to increase them or, on the contrary, to reduce the amount of production until the ratio or fall in prices will not send signals about the shortage or overproduction of commercial products.

    In modern conditions in developed Western countries, the action new system Significantly simplified thanks to the functioning of highly organized markets with developed infrastructure. At the same time, the price system complicated due to the distortions of the price information, which is explained by a number of reasons. First of all, it is worth noting the state intervention in economic processes. The negative role is played by the activities of monopoly, seeking to extract the highest profit, including by inflation. The distorting factor is also inflation, especially if it has a high level and unstable.

    Prices perform an important stimulating function. Each enterprise seeks to reduce production costs, rightly seeing one of the proven growth levers. To this end, the achievements of scientific and technological progress, innovative and competitive technologies, know-how, all kinds of management and other production costs are used, the consideration of its release is the basis of the formation of market prices. Each enterprise has its own capabilities and reserves on this path using them to achieve the goal. Thus, the price stimulates the implementation of achievements of scientific and technological progress, contributes to a decrease in production costs and improving product quality.

    Prices are involved in regulating the production of goods and services, and also affect the distribution of income, to change the structure of their use. This function outside the state exposure is spontaneous. Rising prices, for example, contributes to an increase in the production of goods, but to certain limits, since high prices limit demand.

    (V. I. Kushlin)

    1. Follow # 1B4D95

    What two major tools of market pricing are named in the text? What is the value of the information distributed by the price system?

    2. OUTPURCH №310B2A.

    It is known that in the market conditions prices are established under the influence of supply and demand. However, according to a number of economists, and under these conditions the state should not lose control over prices for goods and services. Using the content of the text and social scientific knowledge, express three assumptions about possible forms and manifestations of such control.

    3.Name №FBF172.

    What are the three price functions in the market conditions are considered in the text? Name them and illustrate each specific example.

    4. Task No. 07DC0.

    The market management system, like any other economic system, has its advantages and disadvantages ... as a rule, the main advantages of the market economy include, first of all, its emergency dynamism and self-regulation ability. Due to this, she is susceptible to innovations and is able to provide fast and efficient economic growth, incl. By the entrepreneurial activity of the population. The market economy also distinguishes high ability to effectively allocate resources, to rapid development and widespread implementation of competitive production technologies. Finally, it should be noted its vitality and adaptability.

    Many researchers include a gradual weakening and even conscious liquidation of the main element of the market management system - competition ... Another major lack of a market mechanism is that it does not provide complete employment of the population and stable level prices ...

    It is impossible not to say about inflation processes often manifested in a market economy. Here it should be taken into account that the inflationary increase in prices has a pronounced destabilizing effect on the economic life. It is that the monetary aggregates begin to quickly depreciate in relation to real assets

    The undoubted disadvantage of the market economy is that it does not create material incentives for the production of those goods and services that belong to the so-called. social benefits. It in itself does not solve a number of essential social problems. Among them, the organization of public health, free education, support for poorly protected layers of the population, the development of culture, ensuring the protection of public order, national defense, etc. The market mechanism is not able to take into account these needs of society. Therefore, the state is forced to ensure the production of public goods and the provision of services, conducting relevant tax policies.

    A high differentiation in the income of the population is inherent in the market economy.

    (V.I. Kushlin et al.)

    1. Follow # 43D331

    What advantages of the market economy celebrated the authors? Specify any three advantages.

    2. Task number 596255

    Explain the connection of unemployment and market economy. Illustrate two examples of measure public Policy to reduce unemployment.

    3. Task No.D97752.

    What disadvantages of the market economy considered the authors? Specify any five flaws.

    4. Task number 20A7D0

    How is the tax policy of the state associated with the production of public goods and the solution of social problems of society? Using text and social knowledge, give three explanations of this connection.

    The market economy is a social system of division of labor and private ownership of the means of production. Everyone acts at their own risk, but, acting, anyone means the need for others than their own. In business, a person needs to surrounded by fellow citizens ...

    This system is polished by the market. The market guides the activity of people in such a stone, where they best meet the needs of others. The market works without compulsory measures. The state, the punitive apparatus does not interfere in the market and the system of civil relations managed by the market. Only if the need to prevent destructive phenomena is justified by the use of force sanctions, the purpose of which is the regular functioning of the market economy. Maintaining life, health and property against violence, aggression, sell from the internal criminal elements and external enemies - these are the function of the state, the guarantor normal work Market economy ... Individual integrates, as can, independently into the system of cooperation. The market shows him how to better equip himself and others. Only the market is able to streamline the entire social system, inform her meaning and meaning, therefore the role of the market is the most important.

    Market ... This is the process of interaction and cooperation of various individuals connected by the system of division of labor ... The market process is the adaptation of individual actions to the requirements of mutual cooperation. Prices indicate manufacturers that, as in what quantity should be produced. The market has a focus in which the types of activity intersect and reflect; From this center they apply further ...

    The direction of economic shares in the conditions of the market is the task of entrepreneurs. The function of production control remains behind them. They stand at the steering wheel and manage the ship. Superficial observer seems to what exactly they occupy key positions. However, this is not like this: the entrepreneurs themselves are certainly subordinate to the captain teams, and this captain is a consumer. Install that it should be produced, not entrepreneurs, capitalists, landowners, and consumers. If the merchant does not obey strict orders expressed in the structure of market prices, then the losses first are waiting, and then bankruptcy. Its simply crowd out other agents, those who are better able to satisfy consumer demand ...

    It is consumers who are able to make a rich poor, and poor - rich. Only they accurately determine the quantity and quality, as well as the type of product itself. Impartial egoers, they consist of whims and fantasies, changeable and unpredictable. In addition to their own satisfaction, they do not want to know anything. No matterful merits nor loyal interests.

    (L. Misa)

    1. Task number 469708.

    Using text, social knowledge and facts of public life, explain and illustrate by two examples of the author's thought that the market directs the activity of people in such a row, where they most comply with the needs of others.

    2. Task state No.Aabddd

    3. Task number 5976AA

    "There is no and cannot be an effective ... socially oriented market economy without an active regulatory role state.

    <…>The state always retains classic functions, such as: protection of property rights; ensuring freedom of entrepreneurship, ensuring the legality and law enforcement in the economic sphere; regulation of money circulation, ensuring the sustainability of the national currency; Regulation of relationships between labor and capital, ensuring economic security Countries, etc. None of these functions disappears and does not lose its role.

    <…> With the development of society ... development, enrichment, clarification of state functions occur. This process goes in the following areas: a sequential transition from direct to indirect methods for regulating the economy; a sharp strengthening of the social functions of the state, his role in the regulation of social processes, starting with the establishment minimum rates wages, definition subsistence minimum, reducing the unjustified differentiation of income of the population, ensuring stability in society.

    IN lately There are also qualitatively new state functions.<…> Take care of obligations in the field of education, formation and support of fundamental science, solving environmental issues.

    <…> What tasks are we talking about the development stage of the market economy?<…> This is primarily the formation of a new property relationship system.<…> The formation of small businesses.<…> Formation of the main elements of the market economy, including financial and stock markets, institutions of regulating the labor market and employment, the infrastructure of the market economy as a whole. "

    (Abalkin A.I.)

    1. Follow # 431867.

    2. Task number 6897E7

    What three new features modern state In the economy notes the author?

    3. Task №1403bc.

    4. Task number 6F5B60

    The author writes about the regulatory role of the state in the economy. Name another regulator economic activity In the economic system referred to in the text. Specify any two regulatory functions.

    Sets of tasks solved by governments during the regulation of the economy are defined both by the general patterns of the functioning of modern market systems and specific needs, conditions of a certain country. With regard to modern Russia, three large generalized tasks can be distinguished ... First, ensuring the sustainability of economic growth that serves as a welfare and social development of the nation. Secondly, the implementation of the effective transformation of the country's economic system in order to improve the effectiveness and flexibility of its institutions. Thirdly, the protection of national interests in foreign economic relations.

    The first of these tasks is solved in the main efforts of enterprises, firms, corporations ... To achieve sustainable and socially oriented economic growth, a holistic economic policy of a nationwide scale is needed ... The implementation of the state order and national investment programs is also expected to be a particularly significant directive directions. Today, economic policies in the country, equivalent Russia, must necessarily be innovatively oriented. This requires special measures from the state to support science, education and innovative entrepreneurship.

    The second challenge is the transformation of the country's economic system ... Bearing in mind the creation of a modern and highly efficient market economy, implies a wide range of reformal action, which are characterized by complex parameters and require special control by the state. The formation of market institutions necessary for the highly efficient economy of market institutions, transformation and improvement of the public administration system is crucial in this block of tasks.

    The third task is foreign economic. It is associated with the support of the state of independence and identity of the country's economic system in relations with the outside world. It is known that modern international economic relations Permeated with the spirit of globalism. National economic interests can be pushed back to the second and even the third plan under the powerful pressure of the interests of transnational capital. But TNK and international capital in their own way are also national. They express the priorities of the country's country or the integral interests of the Group of countries. And usually it is the most the developed countries World. Therefore, the task of upholding in foreign economic relations the national interests of the country did not lose their meaning. It has become more multifaceted and complicated.

    (V.I. Kushlin et al.)

    1. Task №0EB141

    2. Task No.CF177

    3. Task number 2fbc45

    What direction of economic policies in the country, equivalent Russia, the authors consider it necessary? What is the essence of this policy director? Using the content of the text, social scientific knowledge and facts of public life, give two explanations of the prospects for this direction of economic policy.

    4. Task number 8714B8.

    Name two factors that, according to the authors, determine the tasks of the government when regulating the economy. What are the three tasks of regulating the economy of modern Russia the authors consider relevant?

    We set ourselves the most serious tasks: by 2020, enter the top five largest economies in the world. We are able to solve this task. But this is not an end in itself - enter this top five; We understand that the possibilities of the state will depend on the volume of the economy by solving social issues. This means: to ensure such a dynamic, leading movement of Russia forward, already now need to actively move to a qualitatively new social policy - politics social Development.

    Its content is much wider than just payment of benefits and financing of social institutions. It is about the formation of a modern social environment around a person working to improve its health, education, housing, working conditions, an increase in competitiveness and income, ultimately, on the development of the Russian people. Not just for saving, but on the development of the Russian people.

    <…> The basis of social policy is an adequate level of income of people. Already in the coming years, we must raise the average pension rate above the subsistence minimum and bring the level of wages in the social sphere to the average level of salaries in each of the countries' regions. Of course, you should develop and efficient support for family, motherhood and childhood<…>

    In the near future, we need to do in detail to update the system of social obligations for the full implementation of the principles of the availability and quality of social services. This work must be conducted in a constant dialogue with civil society, business, professional communities<…>

    It is necessary to finally get rid of the stereotype that "sociable" is exclusively a state of behalf: there are already examples when private business works in social spheres - and with higher quality, and at the same time at the same time.

    Ultimately, it does not matter where the service is: in the public, private or municipal institution, the main thing is that a person can choose the option. And the state should pay the services provided in the amount of defined state guarantees <…>

    <…> social sphere Must become a field for interested partnerships of the state, business, public structures in the implementation of their joint programs.

    (V.V. Putin)

    1. Task No.DC936

    How is Russia's task in the top five of the world's largest economies related to the social policy of the state? What task directly follows from this connection?

    2. Task number 8A035E.

    The text of the term "social development policy" is disclosed in a narrow and broad sense. Give them, necessarily noting what value corresponds to a narrow meaning, and what is wide.

    3. Task NoB13742.

    As you understand the used V.V. Putin expression "Social obligations"? What, according to the author, is its update in modern conditions? How can organizations participate in this update civil society?

    4. Task No. F94DD5

    V.V. Putin proposes to take measures to ensure an adequate level of people's income. The position of which categories of the population, first of all, is designed to improve these measures? (Name three such categories of the population). Why these categories of the population need governmental support?

    With the emergence of "class of intellectuals", the proposal of social progress becomes intangible goals, and that part of the society, which is not able to assimilate them, objectively loses its significance in public life more than any other class in agricultural or industrial societies. The intellectual bundle that reaches the unprecedented scale today is gradually becoming the basis for any other social bundle ...

    Development modern economybased on the production and use of knowledge implies the formation of a new principle of social stratification, much more hard compared to everyone, famous stories. In agrarian societies, the power of the feudal over the peasants gave birth to birth, in the company the industrial power of capitalist was based on the right of ownership, and the influence of the civil servant was determined by its place in the political system; All these status factors were not due to the natural and non-resistant qualities of people - any member of the Company, being on the site of representatives of the dominant class, could have been fully or less successful to perform the relevant social functions ...

    In the modern conditions, no social status serves as a condition for human belonging to elite post-industrial society; On the contrary, he himself forms the qualities in himself, making it a representative of the highest social strata. The view is widespread that the information is the most democratic source of power, because everyone has access to it, and the monopoly is impossible for it; However, it is important that the information is the least democratic factor of production, since access to it does not mean possessing it ...

    (V.L. Inozemtsev)

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state