
Examples of specific achievements in the resume. Rules for compiling Summary

In this article, you will learn how to write a resume to work the sample is quite clear and everyone can make a correct summary with it ...

So, the summary is self-characterism, briefly stated in writing, is compiled by a person hired to work. In it, you list your professional skills, personal qualities, contacts and achievements. A competently compiled summary allows you to get more interested employers and speeds up your employment.

The main rules of successful summary:

  1. Your vacancy;

To make your resume to fit the employer, you need to understand what kind of candidate it is looking for. To do this, collect a list of jobs you are interested in and examine all the characteristics and requirements for candidates. As a mosaic, collect from the characteristics of the employee of their dreams. Based on the studied data, make up a summary, but do not assign yourself the qualities that you do not have.

It does not matter whether you responded to a published vacancy or write to the personnel manager, in any case, you need to clearly understand what exactly you have to do in this company based on this and draw up a summary. In order not to confuse the employers and do not provoke on unnecessary questions, do not specify unnecessary information about yourself.

By drawing up a summary, specify the data on your knowledge and skills correctly!

Your additional skills must comply with a claimed position. It is not worth talking about the courses of needlework, if the company is looking for an accountant.

If you have some kind of experience or skills that you doubt pointing in the summary, then better indicate them. At the very least, you can discuss the questions that have arisen during the interview, which does not even interest the employer.

  1. Spelling and punctuation;

Literacy in your resume is no less important than your professional skills.

The presence of grammatical errors, imprint and slang on an order reduces your chances of being taken to work. You will be taken for an illiterate and frivolous worker.

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit;

You should not be verminated, as the employer and so will have to read a lot of resume. A description of the former job in a whole page is unlikely to be interesting. Attention from long reading is scattered, and you need to help focus on your document. To do this, reduce the text of the resume to a minimum.

The optimal option: 1 page, maximum 2. Of course, it is painlessly put in one page - it will not work. You will have to leave some achievements and successes in the shade.

But it is not necessary to do with two dry phrases, describing your professionalism. Write briefly and yeko, but in no case do not choke about your achievements in the profession, because This is exactly what information is based on the idea of \u200b\u200byou.

Do not use general expression, such as "Sales Manager" or "Sales Manager". Write how much, thanks to you, the level of sales has risen, what methods you have applied for this. Tell us about the tangible benefit of your actions.

Several tips when drafting a resume inWord.'E.

I warn you immediately, these tips are able to make a two-page resume - single-page.

  • Save space using tables;
  • Write a smaller font;
  • Optimize the footers and fields of the document.
  1. Simplification of the structure;

Correctly structured summary in itself speaks of you as a neat and attentive person. And also allows you to quickly understand the outlined information, find your experience and your personal qualities.

There is no need to invent new forms of compiling a summary better use the most common.

A pair of popular abstract structures:

After the "cap" summary, experience:

  1. FULL NAME, contacts, personal information;
  2. Purpose (optional can specify the desired s / n);
  3. Professional skills;
  4. Work experience;
  5. Education;
  6. Professional skills;
  7. Additional Information.

For a deeper understanding, we consider each element separately.

FULL NAME, contacts, personal information:

You must specify:

  • Surname;
  • Current city;
  • Phones;
  • E-mail.

Specify the rest of the information - optional.

As far as possible to limit the information about yourself:

  • Specify the number of full years - instead of the date of birth;
  • City name - instead of a detailed address;
  • One phone number - instead of two enough;
  • Marital status - you can not mention at all.

Expected s / n:

Specify such information at will. You can discuss this topic in more detail at a personal meeting, then your duties will be clarified, and the salary size depends on.

Work experience:

Specify the last 10 years labor activity.

If you replaced the place of work, list them, starting with the extreme place. Tell me more about the previous place of work.


Those who are first suitable for work, indicate complete information about education, including diploma, practice, coursework, and so on.

You can also report on the passage of training, seminars, raising your professionalization courses.

If you have great experience, talk about education very briefly.

Work skills:

The use of the following characteristics is not recommended: learned, responsible, work on the result. They are very banal and lose their true meaning. Removing similar words from your resume, you probably show one more original, unlike the rest of the candidates.

Additional Information

Here you specify the information that cannot be specified in other sections. Tell us about your personal qualities, your hobbies, plans for the future, all that can interest employers.

  1. Emphasis on successes;

Two real success in the work will be enough to raise your authority.

  1. Simple phrases and words;

Do not use incomprehensible words and terms. The complex design of proposals and text only confuses the employer, and he will not be able to appreciate your candidacy.

If you save professional terms (the employer does not always understand your profession), reduce the proposals to 1-2 lines, the text itself divide into small paragraphs, you already make a resume much more clearer.

The lack of invitations to the interview does not talk about disinterest in your profession. Perhaps your resume is improper. Follow the recommendations described above and work will not wait for you.

Now you know how to properly write a resume for a sample.

Any employee is a well-known situation when it is necessary to provide information on its professional performance results, for example, annual certification. How to do it well? We try to adapt to this task the coaching tool "Wheel of the Life Balance".

In my practice of consultations over the past two years, the question has often arise: "How to formulate your professional achievements?"

When does such a need arise?

  • In the search situation work for a summary, for interviewing with a potential employer.
  • Inside the company when the transition from one career stage to another.
  • During the preparation for the annual / quarterly certification.
  • etc.

And really, how best to do it? I wondered and started trying various options.

The practical application of all variations on the topic "How best", noted one way after another. As a result, its viability showed an option using the beloved coaching tool "Wheel of Balance". I am sure that the audience of the community is familiar with him, so I will not describe it, and you can read about this wheel on the Internet useful information. Let's move the cut to practice.

So, we take a sheet of paper, handle and draw a circle. We divide it on 6-10 equal parts (or for as many parts as much as you want). We subscribe each area of \u200b\u200bthe circle, for example, as in my drawing. These are areas of activity in which your achievements may be.

Further we formulate that it means each area of \u200b\u200byour circle. Why is it important? The fact is that on the one hand, all definitions can be found in any textbook or Wikipedia. On the other hand, each company may have their own individual features. And also your professional skills can only be yours.

Suppose if you work within the company and prepare for certification, the area "Working with clients" - may have the following definition according to the information that the company invests into this concept - it is available to explain on the phone features of working with the company provided by the Company, to show exposure to Conversation with a conflict client.

And in another company "Working with Clients" is the formation of a complete package of transaction documents, information in CRM, timely provision to customers with changes in the transaction, conducting correspondence through electronic document management.

In case you make up a summary, then there may be such an option - "Working with clients" is my unique opportunities to understand the needs of the client, to combine work on scripts with a "live" conversation, building long-term relationships with him.

A similar algorithm of work will be with other names of the circle regions. As an example, a couple of definitions from my clients work:

  • "Leadership" - the difficult situations in which I took responsibility for myself for the decision made when working on the project, brought (a) work to the result.
  • "Communication" is my skills to negotiate with complex people, with colleagues of different positions, with leaders of different levels of power, etc.

Now, we write how many and what you have achievements in every professional area.

For example, "Performance" is your effective actions that led to a planned result.

Example: "Invited to analyze the ROI indicator in order to obtain data on the effectiveness of invested funds in the training of sales managers. The data results showed a direct dependence of the increase in sales with new learning skills. "

"Savings" - as a result, what kind of work the company saved the budget and received financial benefits.

Example: "I found new providers of such services or equipment, with lower prices, but without losing the quality of the product, I concluded a contract, and the company saved 30% of its regular budget for these costs."

"Profit" - the team of the department as a result of your innovations increased sales sales compared with previous months.

Example: "Analyzed the system of motivation of sales managers over the past 3 years, approved new system Motivation U. general Director, Introduced it and as a result, the amount of revenue was increased by 40% in the first month after introducing innovations, then by 30% monthly. "

Principle, I think, is understandable. Here it is important to formulate first, and what is understood by you as "work with clients", "leadership", "innovation", etc., that is, to decipher each region of the circle. And then register your specific achievements.

Before you two sheets of paper:

  • The first sheet is a drawing with a circle of achievements.
  • The second sheet is a list of your achievements in each area.

We take the first sheet with a circle, and every region of a circle divide on 10 equal parts. We got a scale from 0 to 10.

  • 0 - in the center of the circle.
  • 10 - on the outer line of the circle.

We look at the second sheet - your achievement list. We consider our achievements in each area and note a point equal to the number of achievements of a particular area. Fill in this way the circle of your achievements. Look at this impressive list, these are your results today, you have something to be proud!

The data obtained can be used in accordance with the situation - for a summary, for certification, for interview, etc.

How else can you work with the circle of your achievements for the future:

  • Pay attention to what areas are more achievements, and in what less. Perhaps you will get better understand your strong and weak sides in a profession or career.
  • Note those areas in which you want to get more achievements. Write three simple steps how this can be achieved. Take this plan to work and execute it.
  • Plan your success in the area where you have not received the result, it will be your development area.

This tool in my practice is used for only half a year. During this time, I have never failed. All who tried him in their work celebrated two main points:

  1. It turned out to strudust your professional results, understand the situation "here and now."
  2. Create goals for the future, i.e. to determine the growth zones.

Irina Lebedeva

Summary is one of the main components of the necessary job search. It is important to draw up correctly, because according to the text presented the employer will create the first impression of a potential employee and will conclude whether it is worth identifying or not.

How to create a resume?

Many belong to the compilation of the summary irresponsibly and this is a big mistake. There are several tips to write a resume correctly to notice him:

  1. It is important to specify only information that corresponds to the selected job.
  2. Imagine that the summary is marketing tools, since employers are buyers and the goods should be well submitted.
  3. Schedu out clear information, without unnecessary details.
  4. Apply in the text of the word-action, for example, prepared, checked, represented and so on.
  5. Even if the applicant knows many different terms, you do not need to try to insert them into each sentence, as the text should be easily read.
  6. If possible, show the written resume for the review of the competent person.

Personal qualities for resume

Personnel managers assure that the unfilled point of personal is a serious mistake, because it is often decisive in making a decision. It is important to see the employer how the applicant independently appreciates himself. There are several recommendations, how to write a resume correctly, that is, the point of personal qualities:

  1. No need to specify more than five characteristics.
  2. Do not use template and meaningless phrases, since the main goal is to interest.
  3. If a person does not know what to write, then you can use two universal options: excellent learning and readiness to work supernorm.
  4. The main thing is to meet all declared qualities.

Business Qualities for Summary

During the compilation of the summary, it must be remembered that this is a kind of proposal of yourself as an investment in the future for the development of the company. The correct summary must necessarily contain a list. professional Qualities applicant because it makes it possible to understand the effectiveness of its work and value for the company. Given the greater competition, good education and experience is not a guarantee for employment. There are advice on how to create a resume and describe business qualities:

  1. Do not write all the well-known qualities, as it is in doubts about the truthfulness of the outlined information.
  2. Enough 4-6 positions, and they will certainly need to be demonstrated at the interview.
  3. Want to notice a resume, then refuse template words and set out information from yourself.

Knowledge and skills in the resume

Many employers special attention Come on the knowledge of the applicant, as they allow you to understand whether to continue to work with it or not. To interest the employer, you need to know what to write in a resume.

  1. The text should not be boring and stretched. Test information clearly, concise, giving an unambiguous answer.
  2. Specify knowledge and skills for a resume that you really possess, because sooner or later they will have to demonstrate.
  3. Do not use dusty phrases and terms, the information must be set forth in simple language.

Weaknesses in the resume

Not everyone can talk about their shortcomings, but for their own presentation, it will have to do. According to information provided by personnel managers, a huge number of people makes mistakes in describing their weaknesses. To make a resume to work correctly, consider the following recommendations:

  1. No need to write a huge list of your minuses, enough 2-3 positions.
  2. To create a resume good, write about the shortcomings that can be corrected by working on yourself.
  3. Many bosses look at the point "Weaknesses" to understand the adequacy, sincerity and self-criticalness of the applicant.

Strong sides in the resume

In this column, employers want to see not business qualities, but positive features that distinguish the applicant among others. To increase your chances to get the selection and get to the interview, it is important to know how to create a resume, given some nuances:

  1. Be sincere and do not assign yourself non-existent abilities, since the deception may be the cause of refusal.
  2. Select 2-3 and write about each at the suggestion. For example, communicable (engaged in journalism and took interviews from different people, worked on surveys).
  3. It is better to describe the original qualities in detail than to offer a banal list.
  4. Describe strong quality for a resume, focusing on vacancies.

Key Skills in Summary

Recruiters argue that if the applicant in this point writes a normal list of banal qualities, the risk that the paper will be in the trash can significantly increase. To understand how to make a correct summary, you need to know the exact definition of the skill, as it means the type of activity that is brought to automatism.

  1. When filling out this section, think about how you can be useful in the selected position and why I come to this work.
  2. The compilation of the summary involves the indication of professional (functional, and managerial), personal qualities and habits.
  3. Test information specifically and concise. For example, extensive experience in trading (10 years of experience and 5 of them - Head of Department)

Personal achievements in the resume

In this section, the applicant must indicate its own advantages in comparison with other applicants. Achievements in the summary show that a person is ready to achieve results and develop the company.

  1. Use when describing such a formula: "Problem + action \u003d result".
  2. Specify professional and personal data, but they should somehow contribute to work.
  3. Avoid common phrases and write in the language of business, and specifically without unnecessary information.
  4. Describe events as a fact.

Objective in summary

Here the applicant rolls its demands, so you should specify a post or a few who are interested. If several vacancies are described, but they should be close to functionality. Here you can specify the desired salary.

  1. Creating a resume implies a clear and concise statement of information, so this section should not take more than 2-3 lines.
  2. Do not write blurred phrases, for example, "I want to get a job with a high salary and good perspective."

Additional information in the resume

This section gives a chance to characterize yourself as a professional, and interest the employer. If it is not filled, it may mean that a person has nothing more to tell. Making up how to competently make a resume, it is worth noting that there are no hard rules for the design of this section. Here the applicant writes what has not entered other sections, but is, in his opinion, important. Note that additional data should not overload the resume. There is an exemplary list that write in a summary of yourself:

  • marital status;
  • knowledge of languages;
  • computer possession;
  • driver's license;
  • participation in seminars, conferences and so on;
  • additional education;
  • desired work schedule.

Hobbies for summary

Given the greatest competition in the labor market, personnel managers increasingly pay attention to information about how the applicant is spending his free time, as it can say a lot about his personality. Ideally, if personal interests correspond to the chosen position, for example, the designer loves to take pictures and draw. Write in the summary of such hobbies:

  1. Sports that demonstrate endurance, perseverance, perseverance and activity. As for extreme sports, they indicate the readiness of a person to go on a justified risk.
  2. Creative classes say that the applicant is creative and talented.
  3. Love for travel shows that a person can plan his actions, is a versatile and active.

A successful search for the first or new place of work largely depends on your ability to pretend yourself. But, as a rule, before meeting with a potential employer, an interview study and selection of applications. Your chances will be the higher the more informative and competent will be your resume. When a device for work is half success.

Principles of compilation of summary

If it says briefly, then the summary is your business card, on which the employer becomes in absentia to you. Sometimes an illiterately composed presentation of its skills may cause even an experienced and qualified specialist for refusal. Therefore, it is important to remember the four principles on which a successful sample resume is based on a device for work:

  • Brevity. Remember that your resume should fit on one A4 page. Therefore, learn to express information about yourself the thesis, focusing on the most important thing. Do not retell your autobiography. Stop on key moments Education, experience and special skills. And do not try to sick, reducing the font size and reducing the distance between the rows. Information must be readable. Therefore, do not reduce the font size less than the 12th kebl.
  • Concreteness. The names of educational institutions, as well as organizations in which you had a chance to work, should be specified specifically (and not just a university, plant, office, and so on). Also pay attention to the time frame. It is advisable to specifically indicate dates.
  • Accuracy. Indicate only truth information about yourself. Do not assign yourself some non-existent regals and skills. Do not specify knowledge of a foreign language, if you have learned only a dozen words. The same applies to the knowledge of PC and other specific issues. Lies will open either at the interview or in the first weeks of work. If you are submitting documents to the personnel agency, you will be exposed even earlier, because employees carefully check the accuracy of the resume.
  • Selectivity. Indicate in the summary only those information that directly relate to the position you are applying for. If you, for example, plan to work with an accountant, keep the fact that you have completed the courses of hairdressers. Do not rewrite the information that includes summary examples for a job. The sample is only a hint.

Technical moments

The perfect sample resume in the device to work should be flawless in all respects. It is important to take care of the design, because a carelessly compiled document can scare the potential employer. That's what technical moments should pay attention to:

  • Most personnel managers converge on the header of the page undesirable to write the word "summary". And so it is clear what document represents. In addition, you spend an invaluable string in which you can specify significant information about yourself. Although, if the resume turns out short, it is permissible to specify the type of document, thereby making it visually more.
  • Text editor choose Times New Roman font. It is optimal for visual perception.
  • Text color is only black. This solution allows the reader to concentrate on the content of the document without being distracted by the details. The only detail of the resume that has the right to be color, is a photo.
  • The main text must be written by Kapel 12-14, depending on how much information you are going to put on the page. FULL NAME. It is advisable to highlight the font larger on 2 kebls. The names of subparagraphs select bold or underlining.
  • All fields, except left, must be equal to 2 cm. The latter is 1 cm. These are standard parameters for business documents. In addition, all the other paper of your personal case (if you are hired) will be issued this way.
  • The semi-rigid interval is optimal for reading. But if your sample resume in a device for work will contain a lot of information, then you will assume a single interval.
  • Do not write information with solid text. Share it into semantic paragraphs (it is advisable to skip the empty string between them). Also acceptable design in the form of a table.
  • Do not use decorative frames and drawings. Summary - this is primarily a business document.

Summary structure

Summary is a purely individual thing, nevertheless there is a certain generally accepted structure that can be supplemented or cut into your discretion. So, standard sample Summary for the work device (for 2017) includes five items:

  • Personal information.
  • Purpose of summary.
  • Education.
  • Work experience.
  • Additional Information.

Personal data

Any sample resume for a job device (for 2017) begins with the "Personal Data" section. This is what information you need to specify in it:

  • FULL NAME. It is fully indicated, without abbreviations.
  • Address. If the place of registration does not coincide with the place of residence, it is necessary to indicate. If you are temporarily rented accommodation, specify the time frame in which you can find on this place. The fact is that some organizations prefer to notify applicants for the position of their decision through ordinary letters.
  • Telephone. Indicate urban, and mobile numbers with an appropriate note in brackets. Also it will not be superfluous to specify the operator cellular communication. If there is some temporary framework in which you can receive calls, also specify this in the summary. For example, if you are not at home during the daytime, let the manager does not try to call your city number in vain. If you have a habit of disconnecting mobile in the evenings, the specification of the time frame will save the manager from the need to unsuccessfully type your number.
  • Email. In addition to the "soap", it is possible, but not necessarily, to specify your contacts in messengers and social networks.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Additional Information. Here may be your marital status, the presence of children, citizenship, the presence of specific diseases. Fill this graph at your discretion, if this requires the position to which you apply.

Purpose of summary

If you decide to create a resume for a job, the sample must contain a section on your purposes. The first is the position to which you apply. And if you apply for several vacancies immediately, it is desirable to make up for each individual summary. It is possible that each of them will consider the leaders of various units.

The second point of the "Purpose" section is wage. If you do not get on this issue with the employer, it has the right to comply with your candidacy at the stage of consideration of the summary. As a result, you do not have to bargain on the level of wages during the interview. As a rule, it is decided to indicate the average amount, which was established in the labor market for this specialty. But if you objectively consider yourself a good specialist with extensive experience, you can increase this figure by 30%. But do not specify a specific number. Write: "From ... rubles per month."


To create a resume for a job device, the sample must necessarily contain information about education. Here specialists disagree in opinions. So, some consider it appropriate to mention school education, while the rest consider it superfluous. The main part is a secondary and higher education with an indication of the training period, educational institution, faculty, specialty and qualifications gained. Do not operate by abbreviations. The employer may well do not know the abbreviated name of universities and specialties, it will not spend time on the search for decoding on the Internet. All names write completely.

After basic education, specify additional. It can be some courses, trainings or electives. Write only about what is a confirmation in the form of diplomas and certificates. Indicate only those courses that directly or indirectly belong to the planned type of activity.

work experience

The sample of the correct summary for the device should contain information about professional experience. If any, you do not have, you can talk about production practice in educational institution. As for previous jobs, you need to specify such information:

  • The time interval from the date of entry to the post to dismissal.
  • Name of the organization. No abbreviations - only entirely!
  • Scope of the organization. If the name does not talk about specialization, be sure to give a brief description.
  • Position. Mark which post you occupied at the previous job site. Ideally, your approval must be supported by an employment record.
  • List the powers and responsibilities, as well as the production functions that you performed at the previous job site. It will be a kind of additional confirmation of your professional skills.
  • Achievements. If you have any thanks or recommendations from the previous employer, specify it. Perhaps you contributed to improving labor productivity or profit level? Be sure to specify a numeric value.

additional information

The sample of the correct summary for the device should contain not only dry facts, but also some additional information. In this section you can praise yourself. But, again, it is not worth far from the specifics of the planned work. This is what can be told in the section under consideration:

  • The degree of possession of a personal computer. If the work is not directly related to the work on the PC, you can limit yourself to a generalized "confident user" and the like. If the computer is your working tool, specify more specifically what programs do you own.
  • Possession of foreign languages. List the languages \u200b\u200byou own, indicating the level of knowledge. Such skill is useful in any organization, regardless of the position. Perhaps in the future it will serve you a good help to enhance.
  • Extra skills. It may be the presence of a driver's license, creative and any other abilities that can be a competitive advantage when choosing from several applicants.
  • Personal qualities. Specify everything that should help you win the location of the employer. For example, stress resistance, sociability and so on. Also valuable quality Maybe the willingness to work above the norm or go to long business trips.
  • Recommendations. If the previous employers or teachers are ready to personally call the word for you, specify their contacts in your resume.

Empty sample resume for work device

A person who has not previously dealt with the preparation of self-testing, this task may seem difficult. Fortunately, it is not difficult to find a blank template or a sample of a summary of a device for a job. Looks like a "dweller" of the document as follows.

Date of Birth: Photo
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities

Additional Information

PC hold
Knowledge of foreign languages
Extra skills
Personal qualities

Sample Summary for a device for a student without professional experience

Announcements on vacancies for one position in 90% of cases are accompanied by the phrase: "work experience is required." This line sometimes causes laughter, because where to get this experience to a university graduate or technical school? Get the desired place will help a competent summary for the device to work. The sample is as follows.

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
purposeCourt of Junior Specialist
Date of Birth01.01.1995 Photo
Email[Email Protected]
Additional Information
Knowledge of foreign languagesEnglish (with a dictionary)
PC hold

Office programs;

Graphic editor;

the Internet

Professional skills

Writing interesting and competent texts;

Administration of sites;

Psychological advice on youth

Personal qualities

Responsibility for the work performed;



Fast learner;

Ability to process large amounts of data


Healthy lifestyle;

Study of foreign languages;

Psychological research

RecommendationsDean Faculty of Psychology Pavlov Pavel Pavlovich

Sample summary for accountant

Accountant is one of the most responsible posts at any enterprise. It can be said that this is the second person after the Director-General, because a specialist is engaged in financial flows. Therefore, it is important that the applicant for the position managed to compile a competent summary for the device to work. The sample is as follows.

Semenova Tatyana Semenovna
purposeOffice of the post of chief accountant
Wagefrom 40,000 rubles
Date of Birth:01.01.1975 Photo
Address:pushkin, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. M. nine
Email:[Email Protected]
Family status:married, 2nd children
2001 - 2009Moscow State UniversityAccounting, Analysis and Auditmaster
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities
2011-2017LLC "Cafe-Pirozhova"Accountant

Processing of primary documentation;

Preparation of tax reporting;

Cash accounting

2009-2011LLC "factorial"Chief accountant's assistant

Registration of trafficking operations;

Accounting documentation;

Implementation of instructions of the chief accountant

Additional Information
Knowledge of foreign languagesEnglish at the conversational level
PC hold

Office programs;

Program "1C-Enterprise"

Personal qualities

Personal responsibility for the result;

Increased care to details;

Mathematical thinking;

Ability to work with large information flows

RecommendationsLeader: general director LLC "Cafe-Pirozhkovaya" Olegov Oleg Olegovich

Sample Summary for Sales Manager

Sales Manager is a pretty popular profession today. But competition among potential workers is rather big. Your success will largely depend on whether you can correctly write a resume for a job. The sample may be like that.

Andrey Andrei Andreevich
purposeOffice of the Sales Manager
Wagefrom 50,000 rubles
Date of Birth:01.01.1988 Photo
Address:pushkin, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. M. nine
Email:[Email Protected]
Family statusnot married
2005-2010 Kazan Social InstituteAdvertisingSpecialist
2010-2014 Moscow State UniversityTranslationBachelor
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities
2014-2015 LLC "advertiser"Promotional Promotion Manager

Working client base;

Presentation of the company's services;

Conclusion of contracts

2015-2017 LLC "CAPITAL-CREDIT"Financial Services Sales Manager

Work with clients;

Conduct of negotiations;

Post-sales consultation

Additional Information
Coursesin 2013, coaching on "Professional Sales" (Certificate)
Knowledge of foreign languages

English (conversational);

French (with a dictionary)

PC hold

Office programs;

Accounting programs;

Graphic editor

Personal qualities


Care to customers;

Leader's deposits;

Stress tolerance;


Summary of school teacher

The vast majority of teachers work in state educational institutions. But this does not mean that a diploma for pedagogical education is enough. And at school you need to be able to present yourself. Sample Teacher's resume for a device for work.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna
purposeSuitable teacher of junior classes
Family statusMarried, there is a child
Date of Birth:01.01.1990 Photo
Address:pushkin, ul. Pushkinskaya, 70 sq. M. nine
Email:[Email Protected]
2007-2013 Moscow State Pedagogical InstitutePsychology and pedagogymaster
work experiencePeriodA placePositionResponsibilities
2013-2017 Gymnasium №63, PushkinTeacher of elementary grades

Preparation and conduct of classes;

Knowledge control;

Work with parents

Additional Information
CoursesIn 2014, the training "Pedagogy of Modern Time" (Certificate)
Professional skills

Confident PC user;


Organizational abilities;

Knowledge of business etiquette and following rules;

Correct oral and written language;

English proficiency in perfection

Personal qualities

Sense of responsibility;


High level of self-organization;

Stress tolerance;

Love for children;


A standard sample resume for a job device is the first step to compile competent and efficient self-presentation. Some advice of professionals will help you even get closer to the work of the dream.

  • Make a base sample of writing a resume for a job device and adjust it whenever you look for a new place for work. Learn more about the organization itself and its leader. Based on this, add new items or exclude already available.
  • It is not always necessary to put your advantages at the bottom. The head of the Organization or your direct authorities may not like if your level of qualification, experience and competence is higher than that. Perhaps about some regals should be silent. You will have time to show ability during work.
  • Do not leave empty blocks. If you do not have experience, just lower this item. If you do not know foreign languages, do the same way. Adjust the resume templates for the device to work. The sample carries only a recommendation.
  • Always apply for a summary of the photo. According to statistics, such applications are much more likely approved than "faceless" summary forms for a job. A sample with a photo has to the applicant.
  • Be sure to print the document on the computer. Summary written by hand is poorly read and perceived non-serious.

Constantly dealing with a summary, I always and recommend writing to the resume. Summary from this becomes stronger and more spectacular, the applicant looks solid and you want to talk with him.

What will you have achievements in the resume

  • Achievements will show you a successful and efficient person. You do not just work and fulfill your duties, you lead the company to prosperity. You do it! Not your boss, and you!
  • Professional achievements in the resume play the pride of employers. They also want you to raise their profits, reduced costs, accelerated any processes, simplified, secured, invented, etc. Owners want these achievements and therefore they need you.
  • Your successes show your responsibility and dedication. I do not like when people are in the summary on their list personal qualities Indicate responsibility, purposefulness, commitment ... This list says nothing and does not prove, but your achievements prove. These are indisputable facts that confirm what you achieve the goals.
  • Your achievements in the resume hint on what you make a career and grow. They emphasize what you value and love your work, you want to succeed in it, grow, achieve more. This in turn is a subtle hint of high salary and a serious position.

How to write achievements in the resume

Now let's figure out as indicate your progress. I recommend adhere to three rules.

1. Specifications

Personal achievements in the summary should be formulated specifically - raised by 17%, accelerated for 6 seconds, he trained 3 managers, wrote 74 articles, passed 4 audits, drew 23 advertising posters, etc. No matter what units you measure, the main thing is that your result is expressed in numbers.

If the result is difficult to measure, write without numbers and try to describe the essence.

If a person worked as a manager and led advertising campaigns, then you can specify participation in projects. For example, half a year led by the Vkontakte advertising campaign for the magazine "Fashionista".

2. Binding achievements to the place of work

Usually the employer is interested in the last 2-3 jobs, so it is better to describe their successes for them. Every place has its own list of targets.

3. Compliance of the desired post

Very often in consulting, I come across that people indicate achievements that are not suitable for future work. Many confuse the level of the head and subordinate. For example, looking for the work of the chief accountant, and the success of the lower economist is written. Or a person wants to get a programmer, and before that he worked in his business and achievements describes at the highest managerial level.

So, what advances to indicate in the summary? If you are looking for a job as a manager, make sure that the level of success was the head. If you are looking for the work of a linear specialist, correspond to this level.

It doesn't matter who you worked "before", which you want to become now. Make your resume for future work, and do not describe what is now.

Examples of achievements in the resume

I want you to see not just examples of achievements in the resume, but also standard errors, so I made a sign in the style "right - not correct."

Blurred Strong
Trained new sales staff (This phrase is not an achievement, but the duty) Trained three new sales department
Implemented a number of changes that simplified document flow (What are the changes? How are you simplified?) Simplified document proof: Each driver-forwarder received a scanner for automatic accounting of invoices in the system, together with the programmers I came up with a system of automatic creation of transport documents - now the logist just puts a tick and everything is done by itself).
Built the department from scratch Built a department from scratch (hired and taught 7 people, prescribed instructions and positions, developed a system of motivation and salaries).

Think how to describe the achievements in the resume so that it was delicious - look for good formulations. It depends on this, will you want to invite you to the interview.

Here, as a sample, a few more examples of success and achievements from the real summary are:

  • Organized the transition from GAAP standards to IFRS standards.
  • Organized the fusion of two CASCO / OSAGO databases into one single-format database.
  • Carried out the transition from 1C 7.7. on 8.2.
  • Successfully passed 4 tax audits.
  • Found a direct loss - sales of products at prices below cost.
  • Licensed 18 fueling points.
  • She ranked first, according to the clothing models released in the workshop and sold.
  • Increased the database of regular English-speaking customers by 70%.

If the details of your work is a commercial mystery

If you are forbidden to tell the details of your work, indicators and numbers, then stay on the verge of possible. Anyway, tell us about your achievements - a little blurred, without names, but tell.

If it seems to you that there are no achievements

It seems to you. All the successes have everyone and to find them just start looking for them. Perhaps you will not have super trials and feats, but it will be a modest list. Well, so what!? Successes are all different.

I want to make a reservation immediately, there are a number of posts, where achievements do not matter - a cleaner, a loader, handyman, cashier, a Fast Food restaurant worker, driver, etc. If your work is included in the list of unqualified work, do not write achievements. They will be extra.

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