
Positive and negative aspects of industrialization in the USSR. Economic and social consequences of industrialization. Positive and negative effects of industrialization in Ukraine

5. Economic I. social consequences Industrialization.


Achieving economic independence.

Transformation of the USSR into a powerful industrial-agricultural power.

Strengthening the country's defense capability, the creation of a powerful military-industrial complex.

Creating a technical base of agriculture.

The development of new industries, the construction of new factories and factories.


Formation of a command and administrative economy.

Creating opportunities for the military-political expansion of the USSR, the militarization of the economy.

Slowdown in the development of production of consumption items.

Solid collectivization of agriculture.

Stimulating the extensive development of the economy, movement to the ecological catastrophe.

In general, the forced industrialization of Ukraine did not lead to raising the living standards of the people.

The economic power of the state was not aimed at meeting the urgent needs of people, but to strengthen the totalitarian regime and approval in the consciousness of people of the ideological dogma of Bolshevism, the creation of military-economic resources for the "export of the revolution".

Policy of solid collectivization and launching of Ukraine. Its socio-economic consequences.

1. The essence of collectivization.

The collectivization of agriculture was one of the important areas of creating the Stalinist model of the Socialist Society.

Cooperation is a voluntary association of people who make material means for joint business activities.

Collectivization is the repressive policy of the Stalinist regime in the 30s., Which was a violent association of peasants in collective farms and liquidation, independent peasant farms.

In terms of the 1st five-year period, it was envisaged to combine 18-20% of peasant farms in a collective farm, and in Ukraine - 30%. However, shortly sounded appeals to forced collectivization. One of its initiators was the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CP (b) at S. Kosior, who spoke in November 1929 for conducting collectivization during the year. The tasks of collectivization was:

Acceleration of the process of industrialization due to the robbery of the village;

Ensuring industry cheap labor;

Solving a bread problem in the country;

The elimination of the wealthy peasantry is the "enemy" of Soviet power.

2. The progress of collectivization in Ukraine.

In the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of January 6, 1930, it was supposed to complete collectivization in Ukraine in the spring of 1932 by violence, threats, false promises by the beginning of March 1930 in Ukraine, 62.8% of peasant farms were covered by collective farms. The collective farms took all the property of the peasants, which gave rise to resistance, even armed in some places. But it was suppressed. From hopelessness, the peasants began to sell or score cattle, spoil inventory. This led to the disorganization of agricultural production, urgent measures were needed to correct the situation.

On March 13, 1930, G-Stalin made a "truth" with the article "Dizziness from success", in which the "gentle" condemned in collective farm construction. All guilt for repressive methods of collectivization, the Soviet leader entrusted to local leaders. Peasants were allowed to leave collective farms. But the outflow of the peasants was so mass that at the end of 1930 the leadership decided to suspend him. During the collectivization, the question arose about the fate of the wealthy peasantry. At the suggestion of Stalin, a strategic task was determined - to eliminate the fisthood as a class. Especially active, the fight against the fist turned into the first months of 1930. Under the "Decrapping" fell not only the wealthy peasants who used hired labor (fists), but also those who did not agree to go to the collective farm. They were declared "bribers". Thus, the elimination of fouls as "class" was a form of repression towards the whole peasantry. By the end of 1931, the leadership of the USSR planned to complete, mainly collectivization in Ukraine. In 1931, the elimination of prosperity and confiscation of the property of those who did not want to join the collective farms continued. In total, 200 thousand peasant farms were expropriated during the collectivization period, from which about 1.2-1.4 million people were injured. Most of them were evicted in Siberia and north. These people were called "Special Flems" and used in difficult work. Many of the degraded died.

3. Socio-economic consequences of collectivization.

The violent collectivization and the Holodomor led to the destruction of the productive forces on the village, which caused a deep crisis in agriculture. This forced to a certain extent to change the government's policy: move from coercion and repression to the establishment of solid harvest plans, partial recovery market relations, organizational and logistical strengthening of collective farms, as well as strengthening the repressive apparatus. For at least a quarter of a century after collectivization, including during periods of peaceful development, the volume of agricultural production has not exceeded or was lower than the volumes achieved during the NEP years.

Only livestock livestock decreased during the collectivization twice from 60 million in 1928 to 33 million in 1933-34. By 1953 it rose to 58 million, but did not reach the spectal level. The main tasks of collectivization were achieved: the peasantry was actually fixed, darum sources were secured for the development of the industry and the military-industrial complex. Collectivization was an economic and social catastrophe, some consequences of which were not overcome until today.

"Military Communism"

Education of the SSR Union: Adoption of the 1st Congress of the Councils of the USSR 30.12.1924 G. Declaration of the establishment of the SSR Union and the project of the Union Treaty. Education 12/30/1924. The CEC of the SSR Union consisting of 371 members and 138 candidates, as well as 4 chairmen (from Ukraine - G.I. Petrovsky). Letter V.I. Lenin dated December 31, 1922 "To the issue of nationalities or on" autonomization "with a proposal to preserve the Union of Soviet ...

Affective bakery led to the Holodomor. And the hidden bar, not expecting an inevitable arrest, shot himself. Give the definition of the future terms and concepts of Slobodskaya Ukraine Slobodskaya Ukraine The historical region, which was part of the 17-18 centuries in the Russian state (the territory of the modern Kharkov and parts of Sumy, Donetsk, Lugansk region of Ukraine, as well as Belgorod, Kursk and ...

The creation of the SSR Union and the adoption of the Union Constitution has made significant changes to the structure of the authorities and the management of the Ukrainian SSR. 3. The restructuring of the highest bodies of state power and management of Ukraine in connection with the creation of the USSR, the structure of the authorities at the beginning of the 20s defined the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSSR 1919. The All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets, Vocil, ...

... "climbing", subsequently put her hand to deschridation of his activities. Fairly criticizing the style and methods of his work, they often crossed out and then positive that it was. V. The activities of Khrushchev in Ukraine in post-war years Despite the fact that during the war and the fascist occupation of the national economy of Ukraine, there was tremendous damage, already at the end of 1948 industrial ...

Russian history

Topic number 12.

USSR in 30-e years

industrialization in the USSR

Industrialization - this is accelerated industrial development Countries based on the formation of large machine production, i.e. heavy industry.

The decision on the need for industrialization in the USSR was made yet in december 1925. on the XIV Congress VKP (b). Since the same congress made a continuation of the NEP, the fixed assets for the industrialization was planned to obtain in the form of taxes from the private sector of the economy, primarily due to revenues from the development of agriculture, light and food industry, as well as services. The funds received were planned gradually Direct development state Heavy Industry, but not to the detriment of other sectors of the economy.

From 1921 to 1927, the annual promphinplans (industrial and financial plans) that became legislative Base For the development of the domestic economy. IN 1927 year decided to transition to five-year plans Economic development of the country.

Plan I. five-year plan (on the 1928–1932 Years) was approved by NEP (in 1927) and was based on accurate economic calculations, since it was developed by the specialists of Mamurn. IN may 1929. The year when NEP was eliminated, and his supporters declared followers of the "right-wing" when the private sector of the economy completed its existence and the market relations between the city and the village were destroyed, at the XVI party conference on the proposal of Stalin were approved newOver high figures of planned tasks I five-year plates that were defined arbitrarily, without any economic justification.

Task number 1. What did Stalin wanted to show, arbitrarily overlooking the planned tasks I. five-year plan

IN 1929 year was proclaimed slogan "Five-year-old - at 4 years old!"which was destined to be implemented anyway. Therefore B. 1931 year was announced "Triumphal completion" I five-year plan. However, most of the main indicators the overestimated planned tasks were not fulfilled:


Revised scheduled tasks of 1929

Real fulfillment of the plan in 1931

National income

Production of agricultural products

In II. five-year plan (1933–1937 Years) planned indicators for the growth of national income and the production of agricultural products were not reached again. Most of the funds the state invested in the development of heavy industry (the People's Commissioner of the Heavy Industry - Georgy Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze), so production industrial products of the group "A" exceeded the planned indicators. The implementation of plans contributed to the use of cheap labor of prisoners in the most difficult work on the preparation of raw materials and mining.

The production of the goods of the group "B" decreased sharply, a steady shortage of light industry products, consumer goods began to be formed in the country.

III five-year plan (1938–1942 years) due to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War remained unfinished. The trends of the first two five years have been preserved, but in the framework of the group "A" increased dramatically arms manufacturing and defense products.

In the course of the II five-year plan, the slogan was nominated: "Frames, mastered technicians, solve everything". The country was needed official heroes-record holderswho had to become symbols of achievements of socialism and an example for Soviet people. Official propaganda worked over the creation of the images of heroes: they had to show the advantages of socialist personnel policy.

The first Soviet woman-tractor driver became Praskovya Nikitichna Angelina (Pasha Angelina). In 1935, at the Central - Irmino mine in Donbas Shakhtar Alexey Stakhanov For one shift, I performed 14 standards, having fluttered 102 tons of coal, after that motion of record holdersbegan to call "Stakhanovsky". However, no material incentives have been supported by impact work.

Over the years of the first five years prices For many consumer goods grown at 5-6 times, therefore, despite some salaries, real income Most people declined. In addition, the workers were forced to subscribe to government Internal Loans Industrialization - to give part of the salary in exchange for loan bonds. Formally, these were debt obligations of the state to citizens, but in fact, these debts were never returned.

In the early 1930s was canceled Partmasimum - The position introduced in Lenin, according to which no released party worker could have income more than the average salary of a qualified worker. As a result, in the 1930s, the level of income of the party and Soviet workers sharply grew - began to form a layer party-state elite Soviet society.

Industrialization carried both positive and negative features:

Positive traits of industrialization

Negative traits of industrialization

1. were built industrial giants, including the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine ("Magnitka"), Ural Machine-Building Plant (Uralmash), Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ), Stalingrad, Kharkov and Chelyabinsk Tractor Plants. The largest hydroelectric power station is "Dniprocess" in Ukraine.

In total, it was built 9 thousand large and medium industrial enterprises .

1. The development of the economy was disproportionate: Fixed assets were sent to the heavy industry, and the production of consumer goods was carried out according to the residual principle. The needs of the population in many types of products were not satisfied.

The state established for collective farms production plans different species agricultural products and practically completely bored her in solid state rates. Sometimes the collective farms were even deprived of the opportunity to extradite part of the products produced by collective farmers as a natural payment for workload. The possibilities to implement products at their own discretion and at market prices collective farms were also deprived.

Another way of pressure on the collective farms by the state was the concentration of the whole technique in state machine and Tractor Stations (MTS), on which the timing, quantity and quality of tractors and agricultural machines provided by collective farms. As a natural payment for the treatment of MTS fields, the remains of agricultural products were right to take the right of agricultural products.

Conducting solid collectivization was led by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov - Assistant Stalin, in 1930 she changed in post Chairman of the USSR SNK.. Conduct a solid collectivization was sent "Twenty hypnifiers" - 25.000 industrial workers directed by a party to the village to establish socialist public relations there. Stalinist manual counted that workers, collectivist psychology which was formed at large industrial enterprises, will strive for the hostility of peasant property, considering collective ownership of the only correct form of ownership. However, workers sincerely did not understand that for peasants Characteristic promotional psychology And that the community of property peasants will perceive as the withdrawal of their property, htorated by their work.

Those who refused to join the collective farm were declared fists or "bribers", their property was subject to confiscation in favor of collective farms. In a number of places between peasants and twenty-five, armed clashes occurred. In some cases, the peasants organized a massive scoring of livestock in order to prevent its socialization.

IN march 1930. Stalin In the "Pravda" published an article "Dizziness from success"which laid all the blame for the shortcomings and "gear" during the collectivization on the local robel party and Soviet workers, who, from the success achieved in the collectivization process, "turned his head", and they hurried to complete the collectivization by violent methods, without having bothering to clarify the peasants All its advantages.

Following the article by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the fight against the curvature of partlinia in the collective farm movement" allowed Dissatisfied peasants exit from collective farms and selling a part of agricultural products on the market.

Article Stalin and Decree of the Central Committee of the CPP (b), on the one hand, allowed reduce the wave of peasant discontent and revived the hope of peasants for justice, which the state will restore; On the other hand, were revealed convinced opponents of collective farm buildingwhich were subsequently subjected to repression and "decking".

IN 1933 year Stalin announced by exacerbation of class struggle as we move to socialism: The closer the triumph of the socialist relationship, the more active the enemies have been acting more active. This statement was the basis for mass arrests of peasants expressing dissatisfaction with the collective farm building, and the "delaping" of the soles of the soles, who, together with their families, were evaluated in poorly mastered areas of Siberia, Altai and Northern Kazakhstan, and their property was donated for collective farms. By the beginning of the 30s kulakovit was 3% from the total number of peasantry, and "REDUCULATED" 20% of peasantswho have gone by the wealth of their own difficulty who did not apply wage labor, but also did not want to share their prosperity with their neighbors. Each area had to fulfill the plan in the number of "smoked".

Collectivization led to K. the ruin of the peasantry. From the late 20s and until 1935, food and essential products in the USSR were distributed over cards. The peasants sought to move into the cities and became there an unqualified workforce. To stop the outflow of peasants from the villages and put the movement of the population in the country under the control of the state, in 1932 year in the USSR was introduced passport system With mandatory propian. Collective farmers on the hands of passports did not receive and actually attached to its village council. Western historians described this situation as "the second edition of serfdom in Russia."

IN 1932 year was adopted law on Socialist Property Protectionwho introduced for the embezzlement of collective farm property shot With the confiscation of the entire property, and with mitigating circumstances - imprisonment for a period of at least 10 years with confiscation of property. In the people, this law was named "Law on five spikelets" - exactly so much required a court for sentencing

The volumes of agricultural production in the USSR in the 1930s dropped sharply, since the peasants ceased to be real owners of the Earth and products and were not interested in increasing their production. To fulfill compulsory payments plans, agricultural areas surrounded armed barrier detachments. The coating stood until all bread was taken out of the area. As a result of B. 1932–1933 years in the USSR was provoked hungerwho covered the Volga region, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus. Hungry death died, various estimates, 3 to 8 million people.

Task # 2. Could Stalin could implement the Lenin Cooperation Plan in the USSR? Why?

public and political life in the USSR

In 1929, the execution was completed cult of personality. Under the cult of personality is understood unjustified exaltation the personality of the head, attributing him outstanding merits and determining effects on the course of historical development countries recognition for him higher authority In all areas of science and culture.

The cult of the personality of the leader was strongly supported by his closest surroundings - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, Clement Efremovich Voroshilov, Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich, Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev and others. As Stalin's power gained, their own position was strengthened, their authority increased and the authority increased.

Numerous party and Soviet officers in the field Installed their own own cults In cities, districts and areas in the image and similarity of Stalinsky, which made their credibility at the local levels.

Already in the late 20s, some bourgeois specialists who have passed on the side of Soviet power, professional economists, science and culture figures have seen that the Stalinist policy is short-sighted, does not contribute to the further development of the country and raising the living standards of the people, expressed disagreement with the established command and administrative system for managing the economy and political life of the country. All those who were dissatisfied with the actions of party-state leadership were declared pests and accomplices of world bourgeoisie.

In the late 20s passed first judicial political processeswhere prominent scientists and economists appeared as accused. These processes should have shown that it would expect those who express discontent or doubt the correctness of the policy held by the Soviet government.

IN 1928 year vested Shakhtinsky case (city of mine, Rostov region): The cause of accidents at the coal mines Donbass was recognized not incompetence of the new leadership and non-worn equipment, but the permit activities of mining engineers, "who performed the task of the world bourgeoisie on collapse economic potential THE USSR".

IN 1930 The year was disclosed "three major counter-revolutionary organizations" - "PROMPARY", "Labor Peasant Party" and "Union Bureau of Mensheviks"which allegedly united the common goal: the overthrow of the Soviet power and the restoration of capitalism through a foreign intervention. Really these parties never existed, but during the processes over their "members", the method of reprisal of dissenters was checked, applied in the 1930s. The evidence base of accusations on all processes was fully falsified.

The leader of the "Promptee" was named a professor who, according to the scenario of the prosecutor's office and the OGPU-NKVD bodies, made many innocent people. It was announced that about two thousand engineers of the country were announced to this party. All accused were sentenced to various prison sentences.

Officers of the "Labor Peasant Party" were named economists A. V. Chayanov And who, who spent the preservation of market relations between the city and the village, for the proportionate development of all sectors of the economy and against the forced collectivization. They were sentenced to imprisonment, and then shot.

Starting from the XVI Congress of WCP (b), which took place in 1930, all the congresses of the party went through the script, in advance of the party apparatus, so there was not a single opposition speech. At the XVIII CVP Congress (b) in 1939 it was decided to consider the reporting report with which Stalin spoke, resolution of the congress without any changes and additions, since the report is a "concentrated wisdom of the party."

In the 30s of open attempts to shift Stalin from the post of Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), but not all the Communists were revealed with the cult of personality and the refusal to the Leninsky principle of collective leadership of the party.

IN 1931–1932 For years, the group of communists led by Markamyan Nikitich Rutinseeing how Stalin turned the party to the instrument to achieve absolute personal power, and the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism - in the constant dogma, formed "Union of Marxist-Leninists"To deprive Stalin power in the party and return to the principle of direct democracy. The "Union of Marxist-Leninists" was defeated by the OGPU-NKVD bodies, Ryutin was arrested and shot in 1937.

IN february 1934. year when XVII Congress VKP (b) elected members of the Central Committee of the Party, during the secret ballot against Stalin, 292 votes were submitted, while against Sergey Mironovich Kirovwho since 1927 was the first secretary Leningradsky The Gubernsky Committee of the WCP (b) and changed as the leader of the Leningrad Communists, only 3 votes were filed. In fact, this meant that a new potential party leader has appeared.which enjoys the authority and confidence of most communists. The counting commission of the congress, led, falsified the results of the voting, declaring that against Stalin, and against Kirov was filed by 3 votes.

In the 1930s in the country formed atmosphere of fear and suspicion. The thesis of Stalin on the exacerbation of the class struggle as we move towards socialism meant that anyone could be suspected in hydration and be a hidden enemy, which for a long time masked his essence. The leaders were afraid to take responsibility for making decisions: any initiative could be regarded as a wound, especially if it did not immediately lead to visible positive results.

Responsibility for "counter-revolutionary crimes" occurred 58th article Penal Code of the RSFSR, adopted in 1926. The article 58th consisted of 14 points, which provided for responsibility for actions aimed at the weakening of Soviet power, an attempt of armed uprising and seizure of power, help foreign states and international bourgeoisie, espionage (including suspicion of espionage, unproved espionage, communications leading to suspicion of espionage), terror (including terrorist intentions), sabotage, anti-Soviet propaganda and agitation, sabotage. Almost any person could be condemned on the 58th article - if not for actions (real or imaginary), then at least for intentions. As a measure of punishment, execution or imprisonment for up to 10 years have been applied (subsequently the maximum deprivation period has been increased to 25 years). The wording "10 years without the right of correspondence" meant a shot, which was immediately carried out, but was maintained in secret.

Pearth cases were considered not only in court, but also in extrajudicial orderSpecial meetings (OSO), or "Troika"In which representatives of local party bodies, the bodies of Soviet power and the divisions of the OGPU-NKVD.

After killing the case of terrorist acts, most of which were invented by investigators, began to be considered in accelerated order, i.e. without a lawyer and without the right to appeal against the sentence. Since 1937, this rule has been distributed to all cases on the 58th article. Many cases were considered not personally, but listswhich were formed both at the level of the highest leadership and at the local level. Stalin personally signed a 383 list, authorizing the shooting.

IN 1937 Stalin in a letter to employees of the internal affairs bodies officially allowed inquiry using physical impact methods, Motivating this by the fact that "humanity to the agents of the world bourgeoisie is unacceptable." In fact, the torture was printed, with the help of which investigators of the OGPU-NKVD bodies sought recognition of the accused who preferred self-shaped systematic torture. Prosecutor of the USSR Andrei Yanarievich Vyshinsky announced confession accused "Queen of Proof": If the accused is recognized in crimes incriminated to him, then his guilt is no longer necessary for other evidence.

Several millions of victims of repression of the 30s are not only political opponents and personal enemies of Stalin and his environments. Totalitarian The mode installed in the USSR needed the presence of a permanent Suppression systems The rights and interests of citizens, in front of which no person could feel safe. Only in this way the political regime could provide its stable existence. Terror in the country was needed to destroy any opposition, even potential, to eliminate a disloyal attitude to power, to curb the ability of people to independently thinking.

The main tool in the hands of power, with the help of which mass repressions were carried out, were organs OGPU-NKVD. After sustainable death in 1934, the comrades of Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menginsky The People's Commissars of the Interior were Henrich Grigorievich (Girshevich) Jagunde (from 1934 to 1936, shot in 1938), Nikolai Ivanovich Heds (from 1936 to 1938, shot in 1940), Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (From 1938 to 1953, shot in 1953 in less than a year after Stalin's death).

The peak of mass repression falls on the years when the OGPU-NKVD bodies headed: Propaganda spoke of "Help Mittens", which will fall into the enemies of the people. According to official statistics, from 1936 to 1938, 2.547.045 convicts arrived at the NKVD camp. The next peak of repression falls on pre-war years, when 2.502.065 people were in the camps in the camps in 1940-1941. These figures do not take into account the shot, referee, expanded and family members of the families of the people.

The management of OGPU camps was created in 1930, in 1931 it was transformed into the main management of the camps ( Gulag.). In 1934, an association of OGPU and the NKVD occurred, and the gulag began to decipher the main management of correctional labor camps, labor settlements and places of detention. By 1940, the Gulag system had 53 camps, 425 correctional labor colonies and 50 colonies for juvenile.

IN 1935–1938 years in the USSR judicial political processeson which as accused appeared prominent party and state figures, many authoritative Bolsheviks represented the process of building socialism differently than Stalin, the best Soviet commander, Former participants in various oppositions of the 20s.

1935 year - process "Kremlin Center". Despite the fact that L. B. Kamenev was restored in CPS (b) in 1930, at the XVII Congress of the Party in 1934 they swear in loyalty to Stalin and glorified His wisdom, after killing Kirov, they were again excluded from the party and convicted on 10 years of imprisonment: their wines were that they were morally responsible for the fact that their former companion fired in Kirov.

1936 year - process "Trotskyist-Zinoviev Center". Zinoviev, Kamenev and some of their associates on the "new" and "united" opposition were accused of direct organization of Kirov's murder and sentenced to shooting.

1937 year - process "Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center". The remaining most prominent participants "left", "new" and "united" oppositions were shot.

1937 year - process "Anti-Soviet Trotskyist conspiracy in the Red Army". 8 leading Soviet military managers were shot, including the Marshal, who advocated the modernization of the army and the creation of powerful armored buildings. Stalin was afraid of military leaders, since only they, relying on the army, could prevent his undivided domination in the party and the state. Stalin supported Marshal, who argued that "it's time to finish with slandering conversations about moving the role of a horse in the coming war." In addition, German intelligence officers interested in the Red Army to be declined to raise Stalin fake documents that Tukhachevsky and a number of other Soviet military leaders cooperate with the German military command.

IN 1938 year in the Duch of NKVD died Marshal, in 1939 year was shot Marshal. Thus, out of 5 Marshals of the Soviet Union by the end of the 1930s, only two were survived - personally devoted to Stalin and K. E. Voroshilov.

1938 year - process "Rospectrocyst Block". The leaders of the Bolsheviks were shot, who did not agree with Stalin on the construction of Socialism (N. and Bukharin, and others). The process of physical destruction of political figures, which at least could withstand Stalin, was completed.

The main enemy of the Soviet Union, the Fascism's accomplice and the organizer of the counter-revolutionary network in the USSR was named, which after 1929 was abroad and was the only one who could reveal the world to the essence of Stalin's politics. The AGPU-NKVD agents hunted for Trotsky around the world, and in the summer of 1940 he was killed at his villa in Koyoakan - suburb of the capital of Mexico.

December 5, 1936 New was adopted Constitution of the USSRNamed "Stalin's"Although the author of her text was. The Constitution announced that socialism in the USSR mainly built. In words, the Constitution of the USSR was the most democratic in the world: the broad rights and freedoms of citizens declared, the inviolability of the individual, the freedom of speech was proclaimed, the impossibility of punishment without trial, etc. But in fact, none of these provisions in practice was carried out.

According to the Constitution, the new senior authority of the legislative power became Supreme Council of the USSR, Whose Presidium Chairman remained. But in the context of the concentration of real political power in party committees, the Councils have become the authorities who carried out secondary organizational and economic functions.

Formation of a cult of personality Stalin, predetermined the development of the USSR in the 30s and subsequent years, was objectively due to reasons: National Tradition strong sole powertaking responsibility for the decisions made loginist psychology the people who preferred to be led to the "bright future", and absence civil society involving the adoption by people of independent decisions in compliance with the rights, freedoms and responsibilities established by law.

Products of the group "A" - production of means of production, i.e. machines, machines and other equipment.

Products of the group "B" - production of goods of light and food industry.

On the one hand, the rules were certainly understated. On the other hand, Stakhanov during the establishment of the record was released from performing such mandatory actions as the loading of coal in the trolleys, the installation of fasteners in the mine and so on.

Totalitarian regime is the extreme form of the anti-democratic political regime, which provides for the total (full, comprehensive) control of state power over all parties to the life of society, restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

mighty Power!
  • The history of the Fatherland - Political and Social Experience of Russia: Content, Functions, Methodology, Principles and Sources of Study
  • Patriotic history - Russia at the end of the XVI - XVII centuries
  • History of Russia XX century - autocracy on the way to dust
  • History of Russia of the XIX century - the socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the XIX

It should be noted the role that appeared during the beginning of the beginning of the industrialization of liberal economic theory. Apologists of this direction of economic thought constantly repeat that only a liberal model of economics development guarantees any country prosperity and compatible with the democratic principles of the existence of human society. If we talk about the society built on the principles of capitalist entrepreneurship, its role is significant, although from the point of view of humanitarian norms is not always impeccable. Therefore, from the point of view of the history of entrepreneurship, its contribution is interesting both in the development of the productive forces of society and its sociocultural development.

From the point of view, the formal answer to the questions set is quite simple, and people who do not need a serious substantiation of the position that they have long chosen and do not see the grounds to change it. Therefore, they are quite simple assertion that all developed countries adhere to liberal economic policies. But there are two questions here. First, is it not unfounded by this statement? And secondly, how liberal policies in practice complies with the norms of a civilized democratic state in terms of ethical standards and universal values?

Regarding the first thesis on the domination of market relations in modern developed countries, many are not conceived, because it does not doubt it. The myth that the liberal economy model is dominated in the United States today, they believe not only most of the Americans, it is quite popular and in the world. As an example, we present the next statement of the Russian specialist: "It seems, however, that really had a place in 2008-2010. The large-scale expansion of state intervention in the economy is not able to shake the fundamental foundations of the American model ... Although in some cases, the expansion of the functions of the state is undoubtedly an objective nature (an increase in education, health care, science and other areas of creating public goods), the American model has already been The economy and the US dominant public consciousness is unlikely to allow its transformation, threatening with a decline economic efficiency and erosion of the cornerstone of free entrepreneurship. "

This can be answered by a quotation from the same magazine from the article, in which a deep analysis of the essence of economic liberalism and its role in the development of the American society was carried out: "In the new world economic mechanism, to the creation of which the United States is moving now, less space will be assigned a poorly manageable market Emotions and more - the ability to manage economic processes and policies, consolidation of avant-garde and leading places in the globalized world economy. It is in this that it is known that the United States in the last half a century left quite far ahead, but in comparison with other developed countries, so that the rational in their economy in the end, as a rule, turned over the market element, and if this healthy tradition was not respected - the grand failure has occurred Like the current crisis, and it was straightened by the already familiar tools. "

Who is beneficial to this myth, to create and maintain the Americans do not regret neither forces or means? To understand this, you need to remember the history of the occurrence of a liberal school. She was preceded by a system of views on the economic system of the Company, which received the name "mercantilism", which played a positive role in the formation of capitalist economic relationsBut at a certain stage began to interfere with the new capitalist countries, first of all, the United Kingdom. Taking the opening of the first industrial revolution, the British so sharply increased labor productivity in production, which practically for a long period provided themselves to a unconditional leading position in a competitive struggle. For them, the policy of protectionism, which was the basis of mercantilistic constructions, was unacceptable. They did not need the support of the state (naturally, without refusing to her if it was possible, but it prevented them to conduct expansionist policies in the countries that defended their manufacturers from the lawlessness of international competition.

The situation established in society served to the emergence of a new economic theory, not by chance named English political economy. It is quite natural that its main ideas were free trade and thesis "State - Night Watchman." It is not difficult to see that tides and flows in the extension in the economy on the first place of liberal ideas are associated with the appearance of another unconditional world leader having such obvious advantages in key areas of economic activity that the slogan is free market competition For him is quite natural. But at the same time, no expertise on speech compete never goes, since there can be no equality between the fighters of various weight categories.

For each lifting of liberalism, the interest of the most powerful at that time of states that are not afraid, but on the contrary, seek an open competitive combat with an obviously weaker opponent. It is quite clear who is an ideological inspirer, propagandist and defender of liberal ideas.

A comprehensive explanation of the superpopularity of the market fundamentalism gives in its article by A. I. Dakin: "The idea of \u200b\u200beconomic liberalism and infinite" return "of economic liberalism, whatever it is" non-existent, "can be explained only by one: it is beneficial and needed by very powerful forces in society. And in fact: the illusion of the objective need for such a concept is created by the power of large financial and industrial associations, easily manipulating public opinion through them or under their impact of the media, and the need for it must be recognized, partially exists - not the whole country and economics But still approximately half of the economy and 12-15% of the population, which accommodate large capital and around the "partition". The high heat of the well-paid manipulative propaganda makes, contrary to the lessons of economic history, after regular intervals of the time again the handsome generation again believe in the "automatic" chimeura, and in last years also "uncruiscuous" cloudless happiness at the topical " invisible hand". Then beautiful illusion again collapsed, and the "liberal cycle" begins once again. "

Once again we are confronted with the situation when the role of the national state is striving to increase countries that are beneficial at a particular historical stage. The ideas of modern globalization proceed from the powerful economic center of our time - the United States and only in words fully take into account the interests of all mankind. No one will deny the huge benefits of the equal international TradeBut the question arises: how is it equal in the modern world?

Sensible European scientists and politicians definitely determine the reasons for the domination of liberal ideas in modern theory. This is what an assessment of the situation that has established today gives Maurice Allle's winner: "This whole evolution has occurred under an increasingly powerful influence of American multinational companies and after them are multinational companies around the world. Each of these multinational companies has hundreds of branches. They have enormous financial resources and avoid any control. In fact, they carry out colossal political power. "

The very, at first glance, strange that the Americans impose the world, what they themselves do not use, but the world is presented as something perfect as the basic foundations of the American society. Moreover, it is done successfully. So much that in the world without thinking economic systemThe prevailing in the United States is called the liberal economy model. The American scientist will be helped with: "These principles offer a relatively new image of the United States, an image that is fully based on the ideas that has been propagated by the beginning of the 1980s with right-hand politicians and individual scientists. Such an image is convincing, even bright, was formulated by President Ronald Reagan in his phrase about the "magic market". As a tribute to the stable influence of Reagan rhetoric, such an image of the United States continues to serve as a benchmark in political and economic discussions in Europe, even after two decades.

But this image is hardly the grounds in American reality. It is not suitable as a guide to achieve American economic indicators. He is not connected with any historical, nor with modern facts of American life. In short, this is a fantasy. "

Nevertheless, the fantasy is perceived by many as a reality. And in a scientist, many are sincerely confident that in the US there is a genuine liberal model, which a distorting effect was provided by the last crisis. There is another look at economic theory, at least on its modern mainstream: "But the simplest studies of the issue show that the theories of the liberal economy and does not exist, and it cannot be created, and therefore there is nothing to find help from this side, - and it turns out that the world in the last 20-30 years has done at all without sufficient modern theoretical support of economic actions and economic policies. Here is a policy and "lost", accurately bye leading to the global crisis. "

There are objective patterns of the functioning of the economy, but these patterns are not universal from the point of view that for some countries they turn out to be effective and bring positive fruits, and for other results it turns out negative. Why is it so? At first glance, these are so obvious capital truths that it is funny once again talking about it, but then the question arises about the so-called Washington consensus. The brightest illustration of the dishonest game of developed countries, headed by the United States, was the epic imposition of the Washington consensus ideology in its development in its development, which ended in practically practically for everyone who fell into tempting promises.

So, according to the calculations of the famous specialist in the field of economic history of Engus Maddison, in order for the average income of the inhabitants of Western Europe to grow three times, with a conditional 450 dollars, in 1 G. AD. Up to $ 1269, by 1820, the "Wheel of Human History" required to make about 1800 full annual revolutions. Thanks to the scientific and technological explosion of the newest time, this figure then less than 200 years has grown almost 14 times - up to $ 17,456, at the beginning of XXI in.

Division on historical era and division of countries on rich and poor is carried out depending on the level and dynamism innovative activity. Conducted on the basis of 115 countries studies established a close correlation bond between innovation national Economy and the well-being of citizens. At the same time, it is not only about quantitative growth, but also about quality development.

Economic growth over the past 20 years in Russia was provided mainly at the expense of extensive factors. Moreover, it is not about attracting additional new capital and human resources, but about a more complete use of production facilities created in the USSR and for a long time remaining unfaded. If we consider that only by the end of the second decade of reforms was reached the volume of GDP 1991, the expanded reproduction of this period can be called, only the indicators of the maximum decline in production over the past 20 years. Extensive growth factors, if meaning the use of the potential of functioning production facilities remaining from old systempractically exhausted. Therefore, the transition to development based on intense factors is non-alternative.

Moreover, the moment came when the human community moves from the fifth to the sixth technological way. And if our country at the fourth technological stage was among the countries - technological leaders (Table 3.1), today we cannot even count themselves to countries that completely mastered the fifth way.

If we consider that nano- and biotechnology, genetic engineering, information and communication technologies of the new generation and cognitive technologies, to which we only approach, are practically no time to overcome the technological lag, are practically no time to overcome the technological lag. We either do it today, or behind the leaders forever. It seems that with such a grand task, one can not cope with the state or domestic business. It can only be solved by joint efforts. At least, on this path today there are almost all developed countries.

Chronology and characteristics of technological instructions

11 meter Uklade


Technological leaders


Core Uklada


United Kingdom, France, Belgium




Textile Industry, Textile Mechanical Engineering, Cast iron smelting, Iron processing, Channel construction, Water Engine


Steam engines, mechanical engineering

Mechanization and concentration of production in factories

United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Germany, USA

Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Russia

Steam Engine, Railway Construction, Transport, Machine, Steamer, Coal, StankointCressing Industry, Black Metallurgy


Steel, electric power, heavy engineering, inorganic chemistry

Growing the scale and concentration of production based on the use of steam engine

Germany, USA, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands

Russia, Italy, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Canada, Japan, Spain, Sweden

Electrical, heavy engineering, steel production and rental, power lines, inorganic chemistry

Electric motor

Automotive, Organic Chemistry, Production and Recycling Oil, Colored Metallurgy, Road Construction

Increased production flexibility based on the use of electric motor, production standardization, urbanization

Ending table. 3.1


Technological leaders


Core Uklada


The emerging core of a new way

The advantages of this embezzlement compared to the preceding

USA, countries


USSR, Canada, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland

Brazil, Mexico, China, Taiwan, India

Car -, Tractor Building, Color Metallurgy, Production of Durable Goods, Synthetic Materials, Organic Chemistry, Production and Recycling Oil



Radars, construction of pipelines, aviation industry, production and processing of gas

Mass and mass production

until 2030-2040 (?)

Japan, United States, EU Member States

Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, China, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, Russia and the CIS (1)

Electronic Industry, Computing, Opticoloconnectivity, Software, Telecom Mu Nor Kai to and, Robot Building, Production and Processing Gas, Information Services

Microelectronic components

B Isotechnol Ogiy, Space Technology, Thin Chemistry

And ND and the form of the alienation of production and consumption, increasing production flexibility, overcoming environmental restrictions on energy and mathery consumption based on ACS, deurbanization based on telecommunication technologies

What is industrialization? Under this term understand the process in which most of the state resources goes to the development of industry. First of all, there is an accelerated development of such industries that are designed to produce production tools. In this process, the agricultural economy is converted to the industrial.


Prerequisite for industrialization in Europe served as scientific and technical progress. A significant leap in the development of the industry has occurred due to the largest discoveries in the field of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

In order to understand what industrialization is, the main features that the state has overcome economic transition to a more developed level:

  • urbanization;
  • class antagonism;
  • transfer of power to the hands of owners;
  • minor social mobility;
  • representative democracy.

The society in which the above features are present, refers to the state in which the process of industrialization has successfully passed.

Industrial revolutions

Pre-industrial technology did not allow the economy to develop, as a result of which people were forced to be on the verge of physical survival. Most European population in the Middle Ages was involved in agriculture. In such conditions, hunger in the cities was a frequent phenomenon.

The inhabitants of Great Britain were the first to recognize that industrialization. In the XVIII century, an industrial revolution occurred, as a result of which it was possible to significantly increase the level of productivity of agriculture. The first transformations were based on the introduction of innovative methods in the production of steam parts and cast iron, textiles, distribution railways. This leap in development was caused by a number of inventions. The second industrial revolution occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. Prerequisites for it have become already serious achievements in the field of science.

the USSR

What industrialization is on their own experience I felt every Soviet person. The main feature of this process was a sharp deterioration in the overall standard of living of citizens. In domestic economic science there is such a term as Stalin's industrialization. Under it understands the extremely rapid increase in the industrial potential of the state. In order to understand the reasons that caused the need for this process should consider the history of economic development in Russia in a wider aspect.

From the second half of the XIX century, the country needed upgraded. In Tsarist Russia, it was customary to accumulate resources in order to make the ruble convertible currency. The main goal Economic policies were foreign investments. When the Bolsheviks came to power, the question of modernization was still relevant. But the new power decided it differently.

In the thirties, it was decided to raise Soviet society to the level of industrial in a short time. The main condition for achieving this goal was the absolute denial of the market and democracy. Stalin's industrialization assumed the implementation of the Leninist Plan for the construction of socialism, the result of which should be the creation of a heavy industry.

Five-year plan

During the so-called five-year plan, it was possible to achieve significant results in the modernization of the state, which, according to many researchers, provided victory in the Great Patriotic War. Industrialization industry in the thirties was part of the Soviet ideology and the most important achievement of the USSR. However, the scale and historical significance of this process were revised in the eighties and even became the subject of continuous discussion. It follows a few words to say that it was preceded by such an economic phenomenon as the conduct of industrialization in the young Soviet state.


The Soviet revolutionary paid great attention to the development of the economy. During the Civil War, the government began to develop a promising plan for the electrification of the country. According to the plan drawn up, for fifteen years it was necessary to build 30 electrical stations. At the same time, the transport system was reconstructed.

Industrialization of the country is a process in which the main task is to develop the modern industry and agriculture using scientific achievements. Electricity generation in thirty years increased almost seven times compared with the figures of 1913. Consequently, the beginning of the process of industrialization was laid during the reign of Lenin.

Positive consequences

The features of industrialization in the USSR are that all funds were thrown on the development of heavy industry, while in other countries, easy to prefers in this economic process. Western countries sought to draw resources from the outside. In the USSR, domestic reserves were used, which was extremely negatively reflected at the standard of living of ordinary people. But there were still positive moments:

  • construction of new enterprises;
  • development of new industries;
  • transformation from agricultural powers to industrial;
  • strengthening the country's defense capability;
  • elimination of unemployment.

Negative consequences

During the industrialization, basic were ignored economic lawsWhat caused quite negative consequences:

  • centralization of industry management;
  • undermining the development of light and food industry;
  • unproductive placement of industrial power;
  • unrest and accidents that occurred as a result of ultrahigh pace;
  • isolation of the country's economy from the world;
  • the lack of the material principle of stimulating labor.

Industrialization and society

Since this process was an important component of the Soviet ideology, he could not affect not only the economic sphere, but also in life ordinary people. Ten years after the arrival of the Communists, the country came to the level corresponding to the pre-war period. It was necessary to move on, but the resources were absent. External investments for the Soviet government were impossible. The output from the situation was collectivization. The consequences of this rigid event - hunger, care, an increase in mortality ...

For several years, the heavy industry has succeeded, but it had to do this at the expense of the overwhelming majority of the population.

Professional personnel were also required to embody the Grand Plans for Individualization, most of which were in prisons and camps in the thirties. 1926-1927 - the time of the indicative iconic process, which resolved the fate of Donbas engineers accused of hydration. Then other loud cases followed, after which the frames were left. AND soviet authority I decided to train new ones. It was accustomed so rapidly that the level of "professionals" left much to be desired. It is not surprising that Soviet factories and plants produced such a number of low-quality and defective products.

The USSR became an industrial power. However, this was accomplished by the ambitious drop in the material and spiritual standard of life of ordinary citizens.

Industrialization in the USSR: Plans, Reality, Results


industrialization Soviet political

Industrialization (from Lat. Industria - zeal, activity), the process of creating large machine production in all sectors national economy and especially in industry.

Industrialization provides a predominance in the economy of the country of industrial products, the transformation of the agrarian or agrarian-industrial country into industrial-agricultural or industrial.

Character, pace, sources of funds, goals and social consequences of industrialization are determined by production relations dominant in this country.

The position of any country is depending on the degree of economic development. In the second half of the 20s the most important task of economic development for the USSR was the transformation of the country from agrarian to industrial, ensuring its economic independence and strengthening of defense capability. The emergency need was the modernization of the economy, the main condition of which was the technical improvement of the entire national economy.

1. The need for industrialization

The economic history of any industrial country confirms that the occurrence of a heavy industry or its lifting after the destruction caused by the war requires huge funds, large subsidies, loans. Soviet Russia could provide only with its efforts. Especially with more joy V.I. Lenin told the participants of the IV Congress of the Communist International (November-December 1922) that the trade activities of the state in the conditions of the NEPA made it possible to accumulate the first "capital" - "twenty million gold rubles".

There is no dispute, the amount of investments was very small. But, first, she already existed, and secondly, - and Lenin allocated it particularly - "it is intended only to raise our heavy industry." We had to save on everything, even at schools (by the way, Lenin said these words in the same report, where he spoke about the accumulated twenty million). However, the other path from the country, which was the first to dare to reset the exploiters and alone in the setting of destroyed to start the construction of socialism, was not.

Saved funds went to the revival of large enterprises who came into decline, to restore transport, for the construction of power plants. In 1922, Kashirskaya GRES, intended for servicing Moscow, entered into one of the first.

During the restoration of the large industry, the proletarian solidity was streaked, the number of activists, conscious participants of the struggle for the rise of production, who inspired by a sense of responsibility for the fate of the whole country.

The policy of reducing prices conducted in 1924-1925. Based on reducing the cost of products, expanding production, reduce overhead costs, improving the work of the sales office, has strengthened the position of the state industry and helped it successfully compete with private capital in servicing the mass consumer - peasants and workers. As the restoration of the large industry has been completed, it became clearer that further promotion of a large industry requires an increase in costs not so much on repairs and reconstruction, as for new construction.

Gradually (first in extremely limited sizes) there was a process of expanding the scale of new construction. Power plants were built, the first steps were made to establish a domestic auto building, tractor production, aviation industry. No, however, doubt that for the transition to large construction, to the mass creation of new plants, mines, power plants, oilfields, etc. We need not only huge funds. The energetic targeted activity of the state related to the general revision of the investment policy was required, with a radical change in national economic proportions.

Determining the main direction of the industrialization policy, the party took into account such a specific moment as the presence of a capitalist environment. The construction of socialism, originally unfolded within the framework of one country, was sharply complicated by the active desire of the bourgeois world by any means to discredit the Soviet experience, to break the "Bolshevik experiment", to push the USSR to the path of capitalist existence. Hence the need to strengthen the defense capacity of the USSR.

Tasks for strengthening defense power Of the Soviet state It was all the more responsible and difficult that the technical equipment of the Red Army lagged behind the armed forces of capitalist states. Overcoming lagging largely rested in the weakness of the domestic military industry.

In December 1925, the issue of industrialization of the country was considered on the Congress of the Communist Party. At the congress, it was discussed about the need to transform the USSR from the country, importing machine and equipment, into the country producing them. For this, it was necessary to maximize the production, ensuring the economic independence of the country, as well as to create a socialist industry not the basis of increasing its technical equipment.

Industrialization was a key task of socialist construction. The development of the industry guaranteed the relative economic independence of the socialist state from capitalist powers, it was the basis of the creation of a military complex. Also, "The large machine industry," Lenin emphasized, is able to organize both agriculture ", thereby changing the class composition of the petty-bourgeois population in favor of the working class.

Industrialization was considered as a multifaceted process of creating an integrated economy at a more accelerated pace of production, production facilities.

The restoration of the destroyed farm has delivered the Soviet leadership before the alternative; Or continue the NEP (new economic policy) and the hands of capitalists to build socialism, or begin a planned, centralized, shock and nationwide industrial jerk.

Expired 1925 at the congress was marked by the rapid growth of the national economy as a whole with the approaching it to the pre-war level and the growth of its individual industries: industry, agriculture, transport, foreign trade, internal trade, credit system and banks, public finances, etc. within folk The farms, with all the variety of its components (natural-peasant economy, small commodity production, private capitalism, state capitalism and socialism), sharply increases the share of the socialist industry, state and cooperative trade, nationalized loan and other team heights of the proletarian state.

Thus, there is an economic offensive of the proletariat on the basis of a new economic policy and the promotion of the economy of the USSR towards socialism. The State Socialist Industry is increasingly becoming an avant-garde of the national economy, leading to the national economy in general.

Congress notes that these successes could not be achieved without the active participation of the wide working masses in common work According to the construction of the socialist industry (campaign to raise labor productivity, production meetings, etc.).

At the same time, the special contradictions of this growth and specific hazards and difficulties are developing, however, determined by these growth. This includes: the absolute growth of private capital with a relative fall of his role, especially private trading capital, throwing out its operations for serving the village; The growth of cat farms in the village together with increasing differentiation of this latter; The growth of the new bourgeoisie in cities seeking to economic bombardment with trade and capitalist and colace farms in their struggle for submission of the main mass of sedotsy farms.

Based on this, the congress will guide the Central Committee to be guided in the field of economic policy by the following directives:

but) The challenge to the challenge to the task of all-friendly ensuring the victory of socialist economic forms over private capital, strengthening the foreign trade monopoly, the growth of socialist germ and involvement under its leadership and with the help of cooperation is increasingly masses of peasant farms in the course of socialist construction;

b) Ensure for the USSR the economic independence of the USSR from turning it into the appendage of capitalist world economy, for which to keep the course for the country's industrialization, the development of the production of means of production and reserves for economic maneuvering;

in) Based on the decisions of the XIV part conference, it is entirely to contribute to the growth of production and turnover in the country;

d) Use all the resources, observe the strictest savings in the expenditure of public funds, increase the rate of turnover of germ, trade and cooperation to increase the pace of socialist accumulation;

e) deploy our socialist industry based on an increased technical level, but in strict accordance with the market capacity and financial capabilities of the state;

e) Allibly promote the development of the Soviet local industry (district, district, province, region, republic), in every possible way stimulating the local initiative in organizing this industry, designed to meet the diverse needs of the population in general, the peasantry in particular;

g) Maintain and push forward the development of agriculture on the increase in agricultural culture, the development of technical crops, an increase in agriculture technique (tractorization), industrialization of agriculture, streamlining the business of land management and all-time support for various forms of agricultural collectivization.

2. Objectives and plans of industrialization

Back in 1926, Stalin stated that industrialization is the main way of socialist construction. Stalin did not want to control the lappen Russia. Great leader needed a great power. He sought to create primarily a great military power. Thus, the strategy of forced development was adopted. At the heart of this program was the choice of one priority direction in the development of the economy - the heavy industry.

Basic goals:

a) eliminate technical and economic backwardness;

b) achieving economic independence;

c) the creation of a powerful defense industry;

d) the priority development of the basic industries.

In the development of industrialization, the focus was made not on the gradual replacement of imports of industrial products, but at the concentration of all available resources in the most advanced industries: in power engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, mechanical engineering. These industries were the material basis of the military-industrial complex and at the same time industrialization of the industry.

In 1930, liquidated commercial credit, go to centralized (through state banks) lending. Many taxes are replaced by one - turnover tax.

3. Means and sources for industrialization

The first source in the late 20s was the robbery of the peasantry. Stalin said that in order to ensure the rapid pace of industrialization, the country cannot do without a supernal foot from the peasantry, which pays something like Dani.

Bukharin said in his speech: sources can be different. They can be in place of the resources that we had, in the release of paper money with the risk of inflation and commodity hunger, in the presence of peasants. But this is not firmly, can threaten a gap with the peasantry. IN AND. Lenin pointed out other sources. First of all, the maximum reduction in all non-production costs that we have huge and improved productivity. Not emissions, not passing reserves, not reobacing the peasantry, but a qualitative increase in the productivity of public labor and the decisive fight against non-productive expenses is the main sources of accumulation.

Gos.Plan led by G.M. Krzhizhanovsky offered a different project. Industrialization must pass in 4 stages:

· development of the mining industry and the production of industrial crops;

· reconstruction of transport;

· industrial stage, based on the right placement of industrial enterprises and the rise of agriculture;

· the detailed development of the national economy on a broad energy base.

Sources that have become the main:

1.Bread export. The greatest revenue for the export of bread was obtained in 1930 - 883 million rubles. Exports of a large amount of bread in 1932-1933, when the country was on cards, total brought only 389 million rubles., And the export of timber products is almost 700 million rubles. Only the sale of the Ferrals in 1933 allowed to help out the means more than the exported bread (and after all, the grains of the peasants were purchased at a very low price).

.Loans from the peasants. In 1927 - 1 billion rubles.

.In 1935 - 17 billion rubles.

.Rising prices for wine-vodka products, the sale of which expanded: by the end of the 20s, the income from vodka reached 1 billion rubles. And about the same amount gave industry.

.EMISSION. Height cashnot provided with goods, lasted on a large scale until the end of the 1st five-year plan. Emissions grew from 0.8 billion rubles. in 1929 to 3 billion rubles.

4. First five-year plan (1929-1932)

The main task of the planned planned economy was to build up the economic and military power of the state as high as possible, at the initial stage, this was reduced to the redistribution of the maximum possible amount of resources for the needs of industrialization. On the first five-year plan (October 1, 1928 - October 1, 1933) was announced at the XVI Conference of the WCP (b) (All-Union Communist Party) (April 1929) as a complex of carefully thoughtful and real problems. This plan, immediately after it approval by the V Congress of the Councils of the USSR in May 1929, gave grounds for the state of a number of measures of an economic, political, organizational and ideological nature, which raised the industrialization into the status of the concept, the era of the "great fracture". The country had to deploy the construction of new industries, to increase the production of all types of products and proceed to the release of new techniques.

First of all, using information and communication technologies (propaganda), the party leadership provided mass mobilization in support of industrialization. Komsomol members in particular perceived it with enthusiasm. Millions of people selflessly, almost manually, built hundreds of factories, power plants, laid railways, metro. Often had to work in three shifts. In 1930, the construction of about 1,500 facilities were expanded, of which 50 absorbed almost half of all investments. A number of giant industrial structures were erected: DniproNes, metallurgical factories in Magnitogorsk, Lipetsk and Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk and Uralmash, Tractor plants in Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Kharkov, Uralvagonzavod, Gas, ZIS (modern ZIL), etc. in 1935 The first stage of the Moscow Metro has opened with a total length of 11.2 km.

Special attention The industrialization of agriculture was given. Thanks to the development of domestic tractor construction, in 1932 the USSR refused to enter tractors from abroad, and in 1934, the Kirov plant in Leningrad began to release the wagon tractor "Universal", which became the first domestic tractor exported abroad. For ten pre-war years, about 700 thousand tractors were issued, which amounted to 40% of their world production.

IN urgent order A domestic system of senior engineering education was created. In 1930, a universal primary education was introduced in the USSR, and in the cities a mandatory seven.

In 1930, speaking at the XVI Congress of the WCP (b), Stalin acknowledged that the industrial breakthrough is possible only when building "socialism in one country" and demanded a multiple increase in the tasks of the five-year plan, arguing that for a number of indicators the plan can be exceeded.

Since the investment in the heavy industry almost immediately exceeded the previously planned amount and continued to grow, the monetary emission was sharply increased (i.e., the printing of paper money), and throughout the first five-year period, the growth of the money supply in circulation was more than twice ahead of the growth of the production of consumption items, What led to the increase in prices and the shortage of consumer goods.

In parallel, the state passed to a centralized distribution of means of production and consumer goods belonging to it, the introduction of command and administrative methods of management and nationalization private property. A political system emerged, based on the leadership role of WCP (b), state ownership of the means of production and a minimum of a private initiative.

Results of the first five-year plan.

The first five-year plan was associated with rapid urbanization. Urban labor increased by 12.5 million people, of which 8.5 million were from the villages. The process continued to go for several decades, so that in the early 1960s the number of urban and rural population Compare.

At the end of 1932, it was announced successful and early fulfillment of the first five-year plan in four years and three months. Summing up her results, Stalin said that the heavy industry performed a 108% plan. For the period between October 1, 1928 and January 1, 1933, the production of fixed assets of the heavy industry increased by 2.7 times.

In the created industrial base, large-scale rearmament was made possible; During the first five-year plan, defense spending increased to 10.8% of the budget.

5. Second five-year plan (1933-1937)

In the course of work on the plan of the second five-year plan, which covered already 120 industries against 50 industries in 1928-1932, it turned out that not all of its compilers really imagine the actual difficulties of further growth of the Soviet economy and the circumstances from which depends largely Their successful overcoming. The requirement to continue the forced development of the heavy industry, and the rates are higher than during the first five-year period. The CSP (b) congress, held in early 1934, was specifically considered the draft of the new five-year plan and made a complete clarity in understanding the essence and specifics of the industrial development of the USSR in 1933-1937. People's Commissar of Heavy Industry G.K. Ordzhonikidze made a criticism of those who offered even more expanding the scope of capital construction and the release of the most important means of production. GK Ordzhonikidze made amendment to the draft resolution of the congress, which received unanimous support: the average annual growth rates of industrial products on the second five-year plan were determined by 16.5% against 18.9 at the notes.

Fundamentally in a new way, the congress raised the question of the ratio of growth rates industrial production, Production and consumption facilities. The accelerated development of the heavy industry in previous years made it possible to create a foundation for the technical reconstruction of all sectors of the national economy in a short time. Now it was to complete the construction of the material and technical base of socialism and to ensure a significant rise in popular welfare. The average annual growth rate of the means of production was determined by 14.5%.

By laying to the beginning of the second five-year plan, the foundation of a heavy industry and achieving a noticeable prevalence of industrial products over gross agricultural products. The Communist Party did not consider the task of the industrialization of the USSR fully solved. At the XVII Congress, in accordance with the materials of the January (1933) of the United Plenum and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), the fact of the country's transfer to industrialization rails was emphasized and explicitly referred to the continuation of the industrialization policy during the second five-year period. In contrast from previous periodWhen the course was dominated by the creation of a heavy industry, now the center of gravity moved to the plane of the struggle for the completion of the technical reconstruction of the entire national economy, for strengthening the imported independence of the first and then still the only proletarian state in the world.

The principal feature of the industrialization of the USSR during the second five-year plan was that the entire grand program of new construction, the completion of the technical reconstruction as a whole should be carried out with a relatively low increase in the number of workers and employees. Within the framework of the entire national economy, an increase of 26% was scheduled, including by a large industry - by 29%. At the same time, the congress approved the task to raise labor productivity in the industry by 63% against 41 in the first five-year plan. Thus, the installation was adopted that labor productivity "became a decisive factor in the implementation of the planned program for increasing products in the second five years."

During the years of the second five-year plan, 4.5 thousand large industrial enterprises were built. Of these: Ural Machine-Building, Chelyabinsk Tractor, Novo-Tula Metallurgical and other plants. Tens of domain furnaces, mines, power plants. The first subway line was laid in Moscow. The accelerated pace developed the allied republics industry. Ordzhonikidze, who became in 1930, the chairman of the Highipers called for realism, advocated a decrease in a number of tasks. It was then in the mid-30s in the mid-30s, the slogan "Frames decide everything" entered our use. The initial (4 cool) training was introduced as mandatory only in 1930. Even in 1939, every 5th man over 10 years old was not able to read and write.

Specialists with higher education were about 1 million people. Frames grew a rapid pace. Young people held senior posts. Communists and the Komsomol residents have paid the team, were a bright symbol of the heroism of industrialization times. (Magnetostroy headed 26-year-old Yakov Gugel). People believed in victory and in order not to suffer the production worked with enthusiasm, sometimes without days off and for 12-16 hours in a row.

There was a construction for the polar circle. For example, the Metallurgical Combine in Norilsk, Mine in Vorkuta, as well as railways. There was no desired number of volunteers for this construction. And then dozens of camps with hundreds of thousands of prisoners appeared in the right places. Their work was built "Whiteorkanal", the Railway Kotlas - Vorkuta. They were called the enemies of the people, they were turned into such a labor force that does not require any costs, easily commanded and transferred.

Stakhanovsky movement has become an example of new trends, a course for the development of advanced technology. Mass innovation of the middle of the second five-year plan confirmed his prospects. The rise increased until 1937. That was then discovered the double meaning of the slogan "Frames decide everything." Stalinist repression on industry workers collapsed in the late 1920s. Kalinin, Molotov, Caganovich reported on mass hydration almost in all parts of industrialization. Arrest began. Violation of legality, repression, the arbitrariness turned administrative and command administration into the administrative-punitive.

Other measures have been taken:

The heavy industry passed to the mercury; managed to minimize monetary emission; The country almost stopped the import of agricultural machinery and tractors; Cotton imports, the cost of purchasing ferrous metals from 1.4 billion rubles. The first five-year plan declined in 1937 to 88 million rubles. Exports gave profit.

Results of the second five-year plan.

The national economic plan, scheduled for 1933-1937, was performed ahead of schedule - in four years and three months. A decisive role in achieving such a high result was played by the working class, primarily the same detachments that were occupied in the industrial sphere of production - in industry, construction, in transport.

For the entire period of the second five-year period, labor productivity in the branches of the group "A" increased by 109.3%, that is, more than doubled, slightly exceeding the planned tasks, which were also considered tense. Among the exceptional tasks were machine builders and workers of ferrous metallurgy, the latter even exceeded the success of mechanical engineering workers: they achieved the highest growth in the industry - 126.3%. Weights were also shifts in reducing the cost of industrial products of the branches of the group "A".

The successes of the light industry looked much more modest. In general, the light industry with a plan for an increase in labor productivity did not cope, although in relation to the first five-year plan the progress was significant.

A fundamentally important result of the implementation in 1933-1937. Industrialization policies have become overcoming technical and economic backwardness, the complete conquest of the economic independence of the USSR. Over the years, our country, essentially, has ceased importing agricultural machinery and tractors, the purchase of which abroad in the previous five-year period cost 1150 million rubles. The same means was then spent on cotton, now also shot from imports. The costs of purchasing ferrous metals decreased from 1.4 billion rubles in the first five-year plan to 88 million rubles in 1937. In 1936, the proportion of imported products in general, the country's consumption decreased to 1-0.7%. The trade balance of the USSR to the outcome of the second five-year plan became active and brought profit.

6. Third five-year plan (1938-1942, Torn the beginning of the war)

The third five-year plan was held in conditions when a new world war began. Assignments for defense had to sharply increase: in 1939 they constituted the fourth part state budgetIn 1940, it is already up to one third, and in 1941 - 43.4 percent.

The creation of a powerful industrial potential was then in the conditions of an increasing limitation of Soviet democracy. It came to the repression, which fell into industry at least than the Red Army. The tragedy was not only in that damage, which was the Directors and Engineering Corps, the personnel of drug addicts and numerous enterprises. The labor intensity of the teams decreased, the creative activity of millions of workers and employees decreased. And this is at a time when the fascist aggression has become the day from day to date.

If, for the first two five-year points, the main task was to catch up with developed countries in terms of industrial production, then for the third five-year plan, the task was put forward to catch up with the production of industrial products per capita, which was 5 times lower.

The main attention was paid to no quantitative indicators, but quality. The emphasis was made to increase the release of alloyed and high-quality steels, lungs and non-ferrous metals, accurate equipment. In the years of the five-year plan, serious measures were taken to develop the chemical industry and the chemicalization of the national economy, the introduction of complex mechanization, and even the first attempts to automate production were carried out. For three years (until 1941), production increased by 34%, which was close to planned indicatorsAlthough they were not achieved. In general, the pace of economic development was rather modest. It was felt that the gains were given to huge tension. One of the main reasons was that the administrative system and policy planning could produce good results in the construction of new enterprises, where manual labor prevailed. When the industrialization began to approach the end, the AKS, having exhausted its capabilities, began to give failures. The new technological level has increased the requirements for the balance of all units of the economy, to the quality of management and to employees themselves. The nobleness of these problems and gave rise to failures in the economy.

The political situation in Europe testified to the approach of war, so the third five-year plan has become a five-year-old preparation for war. This was expressed in the following. First, instead of the giant enterprises, it was decided to build the average largest enterprise-duber in various parts of the country, but mainly in the eastern. Secondly, military production increased accelerated pace. The average annual growth rates of military production according to official data were 39%. Thirdly, many non-military enterprises received military orders and mastered the release of new products, crossed its production to the detriment of peaceful products. So, in 1939, the release of tanks increased 2 times, armored vehicles at 7.5 times compared with 1934, it was natural that it led to a reduction in the production of tractors, trucks and other peaceful products. For example, Rostselmash in 1939 fulfilled its annual task by 80%, but at the same time a plan for military products by 150%. It is clear that he produced agricultural machines a little. Fourth, new construction, and for 1938-1941. About 3 thousand new major factories and factories were put into operation, was mainly in the east of the country - in the Urals, in Siberia, in Central Asia. These areas by 1941 began to play a prominent role in industrial production. In addition, during the years of the third five-year plan, the foundations of industrial infrastructure were laid here, which allowed the western enterprises in the most difficult first months of war, and in the shortest possible time to put them into operation, which would be simply impossible without existing industrial facilities there, iron roads, power lines, etc. The most important problem of the third five-year plan remained training of qualified personnel. The system of preparing workers in production through the network of courses and circles of technical studies has not yet fully satisfied the rapidly growing needs of industry in qualified personnel.

Therefore, on October 2, 1940, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR creates a system for training government labor reserves. An annual reception of up to a million boys and girls in handicraft and railway schools, schools of FMU and their maintenance at the expense of the state were envisaged. After graduation, the state had the right to send young workers at his own discretion to any of the industries. Only in Moscow, 97 schools and schools FSU were open at 48,200 students and 77 craft schools with a two-year preparation. Higher and secondary qualifications workers continued to prepare institutions and technical schools of the country. By January 1, 1941, there were 2401.2 thousand certified specialists in the USSR, which 14 times exceeded the level of 1914 and, nevertheless, despite the undoubted successes in this area, the needs of the economy were not satisfied with the proper extent. Qualitative indicators left much to be desired. So, in 1939, only 8.2% of the workers had an education 7 classes and more, which had a negative effect on the rate of development of new techniques, on the growth of labor productivity, etc. Approximately the same picture was in relation to ITR. By 1939, from 11-12 million employees only 2 million had a diploma of higher and secondary special education.

Thus, despite certain successes in the training of personnel for industry, their lack continued to be felt. Slowly grew productivity (approximately 6% per year), the pace of development of some industries slowed down. The average annual growth rates of industrial production according to the estimates of individual specialists amounted to 3-4%. Why slow the pace of development slowed? The administrative system of planning and management could have given good results in the initial period of industrialization in the construction of enterprises in which manual labor prevailed.

The economic development of the country in the 30s took place in difficult emergency conditions, which depended on both internal and from external factors. Constantly during this period, the threat of war on the part of Western countries was injected. Therefore, as we have already noted, the goals and nature of the pre-war five years and especially the third were related to the need to strengthen the country's defense capability. There was a forced industry for the modernization and an increase in the production of military equipment, often to the detriment of peaceful products.

And, nevertheless, despite the difficulties, disadvantages and bias caused by the dominance of the administrative and command system and excessive centralization, the USSR economy continued to successfully develop and gain momentum. The successes of this development were very impressive.

7. Results and the results of industrialization in the USSR

During the pre-war five-year plans in the USSR, the rapid growth of production facilities and the volume of gravity production was provided, which further allowed the USSR to win in the Great Patriotic War. Building industrial power in the 1930s was considered as part of the Soviet ideology one of the most important achievements of the USSR. Since the late 1980s, however, the question of the real scale and historical value of industrialization has become the subject of discussions relating to the true objectives of industrialization, the choice of funds for its implementation, the relationship of industrialization with collectivization and mass repression, as well as its results and long-term consequences for the Soviet economy and societies.

Despite the development of the release of new products, industrialization was carried out predominantly extensive methods, since, as a result of collectivization and a sharp decline in the standard of living of the rural population, human labor greatly depreciated. The desire to fulfill the plan led to an alignment of the overvoltage of the forces and permanent search for reasons to justify the failure to fulfill overestimated tasks. By virtue of this, industrialization could not eat only enthusiasm and demanded a number of compulsory measures. Since 1930, the free movement of labor was prohibited, criminal penalties were imposed for violations of work discipline and negligence. Since 1931, workers began to be responsible for damage caused by equipment. In 1932, it became possible forced translation of the workforce between enterprises, the death penalty was introduced for theft of the State Property. On December 27, 1932, an internal passport was restored, which Lenin in his time condemned as "tsarist backwardness and despotism." The seven-day week was replaced by a solid working week, the days of which, not having names, were numbered by numbers from 1 to 5. For each sixth day, there was a day off, installed for work shifts, so that the plants could work without a break. The work of prisoners was actively used. All this has become the subject of acute criticism in democratic countries, and not only from the Liberals, but first of all by the Social Democrats.

Industrialization was largely carried out at the expense of agriculture (collectivization). First of all, agriculture has become a source of primary accumulation, due to low purchasing prices for grain and re-export at higher prices, as well as at the expense of the "super-roll in the form of overpayments to the industrial supplies." In the future, the peasantry also provided an increase in the heavy industry by working force. The short-term result of this policy was the drop in agricultural production: so, the animal husbandry decreased almost twice and returned to the level of 1928. Only in 1938. The consequence of this was the deterioration of the economic situation of the peasantry.

Labor people brought the country in a number of the first world powers, their selfless difficulty created a solid foundation for its industrial and defense power.

According to the absolute volumes of industrial production of the USSR, in the late 1930s, it was released on the 2nd place in the world after the United States. Moreover, the growth of heavy industry was carried out by unprecedented pace. So, in 6 years from 1929 to 1935, the USSR managed to raise the smelting of the cast iron from 4.3 to 12.5 million tons. USA was taken for this 18 years.

Why was it possible to create industrial technology in the USSR, because here, in contrast to the West, there was no market economy or civil society?

First, the industrial transformation in the USSR was secondary. Since it was carried out significantly later than in developed countries, on newly built and reconstructed enterprises, exported techniques and technology were used, as well as techniques of labor organization.

Secondly, the industrial type of production may initially be formed in separate sectors of the economy. IN stalin's industrialization The emphasis was made on the priority development of the heavy and defense industry.

Thirdly, industrial technology was created to extract the surplus value from the hired work and served as a means of capitalist exploitation. She also alienated man from his work, like a despotic Stalinist state. Stalinist model Essentially reproduced earlyindustrial capitalism under the socialist flag.

Fourth, an important feature of the Soviet Society, until the 70s, was his aspiration into the future, the willingness to endure fear and terror, obey tough discipline and anti-human technology in the name of a bright future of their children and future generations in general.

Thanks to the specified circumstances, industrialization has been completed. She had a certain similarity with the Imperial Modelization Model. So, the need for a "jump" was explained by the military threat, which was quite real from the second half of the 30s

List of used literature

1.Lelchuk VS Industrialization of the USSR: history, experience, problems. M.: Polizdat, 1984. - 304 p.

.History of the industrialization of the USSR. 1926-1928 Documents and materials. Publisher - Science. 1969 year. GL Editorial: M.P. Kim; L.I. Yakovlev

.History of the industrialization of the USSR. 1929-1932 Documents and materials. Publisher - Science. 1970. GL Editorial: M.P. Kim; L.I. Yakovlev

.History of the industrialization of the USSR. 1933-1937 Documents and materials. Publisher - Science. 1971. GL Editorial: M.P. Kim; L.I. Yakovlev

.Industrialization of the Soviet Union. New documents, new facts, new approaches. Ed. S.S. Chromova. In 2 parts. M.: Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997 and 1999.


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