
Presentation of the Sberbank and MasterCard project "Special Bank. "Special Bank" for special people Special Bank Simple work rules Seminar

The project is designed for older, low-friendly clients and disabled people, said the representative of Sberbank Vladislav Kreinin

Representative Sberbank Vladislav Kreinin

Moscow. 9th December. Site - The Geography of the Project "Special Bank" will cover not only Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, but also other cities of the Russian Federation since 2017, said the managing director of the Department of Development Relations with Sberbank Vladislav Kreinin at a press conference in the Central Office of the Agency " Interfax. The project is implemented together with international payment system MasterCard, the pilot phase will end at the end of December of this year.

The project "Special Bank" is designed for elderly, small customers and disabled. It is planned to adapt all channel service channels - physical space, digital medium, communication. The bank also has the intention to introduce new channels of interaction and new bank products for them.

Currently, Sberbank representatives entered the Working Group organized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, where the experience of creating a barrier-free environment in a banking environment will be studied. Thus, the Experimental Project of Sberbank may have an impact on the election of decisions on the equipment of Russian banking offices, as well as the formation of products for a large enough, but a special category of persons believes Crane.

The project "Special Bank" will work as long-term, while its implementation provides funding in the framework of the approved by Sberbank general Plan investment. The project involves the creation of an affordable environment for small citizens, people over 55, facing restrictions when using banking services, as well as for persons with disabilities in various categories of diseases - with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system, vision and hearing disabilities.

"Today, within the framework of the project, a service starts in the near Moscow Zelenograd, allowing people who can not get to the bank office, get at home banking services"He told Creinin. He added that during the pilot project, ATMs adapted to the problems of clients with vision limitations and hearing are being discussed, the organization of space in offices is being discussed. Adaptation solutions are planned on Sberbank's website, a font will be used for the blind. in perspective Experts set a task in negotiations with insurers to create special services for small customers on such lines of business, as insurance of traveling abroad, insurance against accidents and others. (According to standard programs, the offensive of disability is considered a consequence of a sudden insurance event).

"Special Customer"

Sberbank on Friday also announced the results of the study behavior under the project "Special Client". According to the study, 40 million small citizens live in Russia, of which 12.7 million people with disabilities, people with disabilities in Moscow - 1.2 million according to the CO-Unity Foundation, 2.7 thousand people in violation live in the Russian Federation Both vision and hearing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, in the Russian Federation, it lives from 1.8 million to 5 million people in violation, with a violation of the musculoskeletal system - 1.5 million people, 8-9 million people with a hearing impairment, with a peculiarity of mental Development - 2 million people.

About 90% financial means In their lives, all these categories of citizens receive through Sberbank as social benefits.

The main output of the study is the main barrier to create an available medium lies in the field of communications, this is the so-called "human factor". The proportion of this factor in the list of barriers is 80%. "We are talking about mental and emotional obstacles in communicating with this group of customers," said Kreinin.

Therefore, he said, the head of Sberbank Herman Gref recently appeared before the public on the day of the disabled in the simulation costume Gert, who allows his carrier on his own experience to feel what people with problems in the motor system, with problems and hearing, are experiencing when visiting a bank office. "After I myself was not long enough" in the skin "gert, my speech was quieter, and the movements of slower, my colleagues noted," Crane admitted.

The organizers of the project "Special Bank" said that in St. Petersburg, a presentation of the project with the use of the GERT costume, which followed Moscow, was stormy. She lasted three times longer, in the queue of those who wish to try simulating the simulation costume, journalists, bankers, athletes.

Sberbank Presented "Special Bank" - a project for adaptation banking products and services for people with special needs. The project is implemented in the MasterCard partnership.

In May 2016, a research program started, based on the results of which Sberbank, together with partners, will offer people with special needs specially designed for them. In particular, such clients of the bank will be asked to receive a number of services at home. Other pilot project It will be used in the electronic survival departments - software to translate sound speech to the sign language. Test launches will begin in September.

"Project Mission" Special Bank "- give every person the opportunity to live full and interesting life Thanks to Sberbank's services, - noted the managing director of the Department of Development Relations with Customer Bank Vladislav Kreinin. - "Special Bank" is an ecosystem of products and services for the Bank's customers with disabilities, built with sensitive attention to their life scenarios and needs. We will design our services along with the best experts from NGOs and our customers. "

"The expansion of access to financial services and the dissemination of financial knowledge is the priority areas of work MasterSard around the world and in Russia," said Galina Ganeva, MasterSard vice president in Russia. "We do our best to ensure that our technologies and knowledge are available to Russians, and with great attention to the project" Special Bank ". This initiative requiring great research will provide solutions and products that have not yet been and which will allow all citizens to receive modern banking services equally simply and convenient. "

To date, 37% of Sberbank units are adapted to people with special needs. 16 856 Sberbank ATMs are located at a lower level for convenient access on the wheelchair, 9 808 are equipped with braille alphabet. The visually impaired can be issued in Sberbank with facsimile.

According to the press service "Sberbank".

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The Geography of the Special Bank project will cover not only Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, but also other cities of the Russian Federation since 2017, said the managing director of the Department of Development Relations with Sberbank, Vladislav Kreinin at a press conference in the Central Office of Interfax Agency . The project is implemented in conjunction with the International Payment System MasterCard, the pilot phase will end at the end of December of this year.

The project "Special Bank" is designed for elderly, small customers and disabled. It is planned to adapt all channel service channels - physical space, digital medium, communication. The bank also has the intention to introduce new channels of interaction and new bank products for them.

Currently, Sberbank representatives entered the Working Group organized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, where the experience of creating a barrier-free environment in a banking environment will be studied. Thus, the Experimental Project of Sberbank may have an impact on the election of decisions on the equipment of Russian banking offices, as well as the formation of products for a large enough, but special category of individuals, V. Kreinin believes.

The "Special Bank" project will work as long-term, while its implementation provides funding in the framework of a common investment plan approved by Sberbank. The project involves the creation of an affordable environment for small citizens, people over 55, facing restrictions when using banking services, as well as for persons with disabilities in various categories of diseases - with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system, vision and hearing disabilities.

"Today, in the framework of the project, a service starts in the near Moscow Zelenograd, allowing people who cannot reach the bank office, get banking services at home," said V. Kreinin. He added that within the framework of the pilot project, the purchases of ATMs adapted to the problems of clients with impact limitations and hearing are being discussed, the organization of space in offices is discussed. Adaptation solutions are planned on the Sberbank website, the font will be used for the blind. In the future, experts set a task in negotiations with insurers to create special services for small customers on such business lines as insurance of traveling abroad, insurance against accidents and others. (According to standard programs, the offensive of disability is considered a consequence of a sudden insurance event).

Sberbank on Friday also announced the results of the study behavior under the project "Special Client". According to the study, 40 million small citizens live in Russia, of which 12.7 million people with disabilities, people with disabilities in Moscow - 1.2 million according to the CO-Unity Foundation, 2.7 thousand people in violation live in the Russian Federation Both vision and hearing. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, in the Russian Federation, it lives from 1.8 million to 5 million people in violation, with a violation of the musculoskeletal system - 1.5 million people, 8-9 million people with a hearing impairment, with a peculiarity of mental Development - 2 million people.

About 90% of funds in their lives all these categories of citizens receive through Sberbank as social benefits.

The main output of the study is the main barrier to create an available medium lies in the field of communications, this is the so-called "human factor". The proportion of this factor in the list of barriers is 80%. "We are talking about mental and emotional obstacles to communicating with this group of customers," said V. Kreinin.

Therefore, he said, the head of Sberbank Herman Gref recently appeared before the public on the day of the disabled in the simulation costume Gert, who allows his carrier on his own experience to feel that they experience people with problems in the motor system when visiting the bank office. "After I myself was not long enough" in the skin "gert, my speech was quieter, and my colleagues would notice the movements," Kreinin admitted it.

The organizers of the project "Special Bank" said that in St. Petersburg, a presentation of the project with the use of the GERT costume, which followed Moscow, was stormy. She lasted three times longer, in the queue of those who wish to try simulating the simulation costume, journalists, bankers, athletes.

July 28, 2016, Moscow - Sberbank presented a "special bank" - a project to adapt banking products and services for people with special needs. The project is implemented in the MasterCard partnership.

In May 2016, a research program started, based on the results of which Sberbank, together with partners, will offer people with special needs specially designed for them. In particular, such clients of the bank will be asked to receive a number of services at home. Another pilot project will be used in electronic survival departments - software for translating sounding speech to the language of gestures. Test launches will begin in September.

"The Mission of the Project" Special Bank "is to give each person the opportunity to live a full and interesting life thanks to Sberbank's services," said Vladislav Kreinin, managing director of the Department of Development Relations with Customer Relations. - "Special Bank" is an ecosystem of products and services for the Bank's customers with disabilities, built with sensitive attention to their life scenarios and needs. We will design our services along with the best experts from NGOs and our customers. "

"The expansion of access to financial services and the dissemination of financial knowledge is the priority areas of work MasterSard around the world and in Russia," said Galina Ganeva, MasterSard vice president in Russia. "We do our best to ensure that our technologies and knowledge are available to Russians, and with great attention to the project" Special Bank ". This initiative requiring great research will provide solutions and products that have not yet been and which will allow all citizens to receive modern banking services equally simply and convenient. "

To date, 37% of Sberbank units are adapted to people with special needs. 16 856 Sberbank ATMs are located at a lower level for convenient access on the wheelchair, 9 808 are equipped with braille alphabet. The visually impaired can be issued in Sberbank with facsimile.

PJSC Sberbank the largest bank In Russia and one of the leading global financial institutions. Sberbank accounts for about a third of the assets of all Russian banking sector. Sberbank is a key lender for national Economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market. The founder and main shareholder of PJSC Sberbank is central bank Russian Federationowned by 50% authorized capital Plus one voting action. Other 50% of the Bank's shares are owned by Russian and international investors. Sberbank services enjoy more than 135 million individuals and more than 1 million enterprises in 22 countries of the world. The bank has the most extensive branch network in Russia: about 17 thousand offices and internal structural units. The bank's foreign network consists of subsidiaries, branches and offices in the United Kingdom, USA, CIS, Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey and other countries.
General License of the Bank of Russia for implementation banking operations 1481. The official websites of the bank - www.sberbank.com (Sberbank Group site), www.sberbank.ru.

MasterCard (NYSE: MA)
www.mastercard.com is a technological company operating in the global payment industry. We manage the fastest payment processing network that connects consumers, financial institutions, trade organizations, government and business structures in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard products and solutions are easier, safer and more efficient to solve everyday tasks, such as making purchases, travel, conduct business and manage finance. Watch us on Twitter @ Mastersard_ru and MasterSard Facebook, join the Cashless Pioneers blog discussions and subscribe to our news Engagement Bureau.

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