
Article Problems of the formation and use of human capital. Problems of formation and use of human capital in the national economy. MODELS FORMATION OF HUMAN CAPITAL

Human capital In Russia, it is not fully used. The fact is that events related to the transition of Russia from the planned system to the market, entailed the depreciation of human capital accumulated earlier. It touched the knowledge, perception, mental habits, skills obtained both during formal education and in the process of labor. Performance declined sharply. It is estimated that approximately 40% of Russian workers were forced to change the profession.

Because of this kind of stress, many people have worsened health and well-being in general. However, the positive feature of our mentality played an important role. The desire and willingness to constantly learn quite useful at the moment when it was necessary to fill the lost human capital.

Today, our country with great natural and reproducible potential is on the verge of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of human capital not enough to solve problems related to the development of the economy, reproduction, the development of fuel and energy, natural and raw Resources. The problem of the effectiveness of the use of the existing human capital is faced.

There are a number of parameters, thanks to which we can determine the effectiveness of the use of human capital. These include:

· Volume of working time;

· Working days loading;

· Volume performed work;

· Quality of completed work;

· The degree of coordination of the actions of the employee among themselves and with the objectives of the business.

The above parameters are characterized by the following components: the optimal volume of knowledge from the employee, the presence of experience and intuition, the optimal level of energy (inspiration). The latter is usually determined by the level of material and intangible stimulation, a healthy lifestyle, rest, working conditions, that is, ergonomics of jobs and conditions.

Unstable external environment, weak the legislative framework, the shaky financial situation of Russian companies associated with the recent world economic crisisThe difference between supply and demand in the labor market, as well as an ineffective corporate governance system played a role in the orientation of economic entities on the so-called survival strategy. In other words, the short-term benefit has become a priority long-term goals of the company's development and consumer interests. All this negatively affected the quality of performance and service and led to the deterioration of the quality of people's lives. It was obvious to the increase in the number of people with mental illness. The problem of reliable information on the official indicators of the prevalence of mental illness is related to the expansion of alternative (private) sphere of the relevant medical servicesand so that patients refrain from circulation for help in government medical institutions, fearing to lose work. Moreover, life in megalopolis also has a negative impact on people. According to a survey conducted by the SUPERJOB research center, almost 43% of Russians remains 3-4 hours of free time. After an eight-hour working day, the time spent on the road to the office and to the house, delays after work, study - the inhabitants of large cities almost the time and effort remains. Such fatigue affects the quality and scope of work, at the level of employee's motivation level.

A significant problem also remains the situation with workplaces. Most of them do not meet a number of requirements. In accordance with Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation " workplace - a place where the employee must be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer " Labor Code RF, Chapter 33, Article 209. First of all, the workplace must meet the safety requirements. In addition, it must comply with psychological and physiological requirements. In fact, the opposite is true. This in particular concerns government agencies, where equipment and equipment have long been outdated and are often not suitable for full use, you should not talk about convenience, aesthetic requirements.

Thus, human capital in many countries is now not fully used (with an effectiveness of about 5% -10% and less) including in Russia. This role was played not only by the historical events of the last century, but also an ineffective organization of labor. The development of the Russian economy, improving the well-being of citizens - all this directly depends on human capital. That is why it is important to draw attention to improving the efficiency of human capital use. In other words, it becomes necessary, to create a system in which the creative potential of employees would be used as efficiently as possible, and the rapid growth and development of this potential occurred.

Causes of low human capital efficiency in Russia.

The effectiveness of investments in human capital checks the market. Ultimately an important element This check is the level of national wages. In 2004, the hourly wages in the industry amounted to $ 1.7 dollars in Russia, and although it was three times higher than in China, India and Indonesia, but 1.4 less than in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe ( CEE) and Latin America. While the productivity of labor in the industry of Russia was at the same level as countries of CEE and Latin America.

In Russia, deep differences in the employment of the population and remuneration between the subjects of the Russian Federation are preserved. The average level of employment in Russia for 2002-2003g. was 59.4%, and the general ranged from 74.3% in the Evenki AO to 22.4% in the Republic of Ingushetia.

At the beginning of the XXI century, almost a third of Russia's population received wages comparable to a subsistence minimum. And only in mining regions and some regions of the North-West of Russia (Moscow, Moscow region, etc.), the level of accrued wages is noticeably higher.

Among the regions of the subjects of the Russian Federation, Moscow and regions of gas produce in the Tyumen region are highlighted in the level of medium-sided money incomes. In the dynamics of wages, two stages can be distinguished: strengthening differences (up to 2000) and weakening them after the arrival of the government V.V. Putin. The quality of life of the population is largely determined by its economic activity. On the other hand, the economically active population provides the supply of labor in the labor market to create goods and providing services.

Negative trends of the first half of the 90s were overcome only at the very end of the twentieth century. In 2005 The economically active population, according to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, was 73.8 million people, including 68.6 million people were employed in the economy, and the number of unemployed amounted to 5.2 million people, which is noticeably lower than At the beginning of the 20th century (The number of unemployed in 2000 amounted to 7 million people).

There is still a noticeable difference between employment in men and women. The smallest gap is observed in the group of 40-44 years and the largest in group 55-59 years. This happens, first of all, at the expense of the early release of women retirement.

Birth and raising children in latelyIt affects much to a lesser extent: the differences in the employment of men and women of 20-34 years amounted to only about 10 percentage points.

The general conclusion that can be done is rather not comfortable: the structure of payment of Russian citizens does not correspond to the era of the HTR. Moreover, the current education system does not contribute to the correction of the situation. Higher education has become a social norm, which inadequately reflects the level of abilities. Meanwhile, in the West, an increase in education contributes to the growth of the wage level.

Each level of education in the United States helps to increase the annual income of households, and this gap is very significant. Americans who failed to graduate from the 9th grades of the 12th summer high school, get 6 times less than those who defended his doctoral dissertation at the university.

However, it is important not only to this final gap, gradation are important: those who graduated from high school receive 2 times more than those who have not completed it; The bachelor's degree - 2 times more than those who have a certificate of secondary education. Attention is drawn to the fact that it is important not only to study at school, but also to pass final exams on the certificate of maturity, not only to attend the university, but also get a bachelor's certificate, not only to learn in the magistracy, but also to protect the master's thesis.

It is not surprising that the proportion of labor in GDP in developed countries is significantly higher than in Russia and developing countries. If the proportion of labor in Tajikistan's GDP in 2004 was 13.5%, in Turkey - 26.3%, in Mexico 30.4%, in Belarus - 44.2%, in Russia - 45.7%, then Great Britain - 55.7%, and all even 57.3%.

However, the system of higher and secondary special education persists in Russia does not contribute to the solution of the above problem. Since most of the educational services are currently provided by the state for free, a natural desire to receive these benefits in maximum quantity, regardless of their returns. Education is the public good that increases the gap between the expected private benefits and private costs. Since this gap is growing every year of learning, then a natural tendency appears in Russia, regardless of the recoil, which this training could bring.

Russia is currently on labor productivity turns out to be closer to Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Belarus. True, the total productivity of labor in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century has grown significantly.

However, the reasons for this growth are well known. This happened due to the growth of the oil and gas sector, which accounted for 20% of Russian GDP, but less than 1% of employment. Labor productivity in the oil and gas industry was almost 30 times higher than in other industries.

However, in recent times the situation is worsening, as employment in this sector is growing faster than labor productivity.

A prerequisite for the growth of labor productivity is the development of fundamental and applied scientific research. And here the former successes of Russian science are also obvious. However, over the past 11 years, the number of researchers decreased by 130 thousand people, technicians - by 35 thousand people, support staff - by 60 thousand people, other personnel - by 30 thousand people. Of course, the commercialization of science implies the optimization of the number of researchers.

However, if this happens without a substantial restructuring of organizational mechanisms and management, it may cause significant damage to science.

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Kashirina M.L.

Problems of formation and development of human


Lipetsk branch of the Voronezh Economic and Legal Institute

Man, his creative qualities, strength and abilities, with the help of which he transforms himself and the world around, traditionally occupied a central place in economic and social sciences.

Structural changes in the aggregate labor force, interest in economic growth factors and economic dynamics The cause and development of the theory of human capital appeared.

Human capital includes the level of education, the ability to work and the potential opportunities of the full development of employees, their health, the overall culture and morality, improvement of labor relations, motivation, enterprise, etc.

Taking into account the intangible nature and multidimensionality of human capital, various authors freely formulate the concept of human capital and make an ambiguous emphasis on its individual components: some tend to focus on the functional side of human capital, that is, on his ability to generate income, others give its essential characteristic - as a form of personal production factor. .

It is most fully, in our opinion, human capital can be described as follows: it is a congenital, formed as a result of investments and accumulations of a certain level of health, education, skills, abilities, motivation, energy, cultural development, both a specific individual, groups of people and society and society In general, which are appropriately used in a particular sphere of public reproduction, contribute to economic growth and affect the magnitude of the income of their owner.

For reproduction of human capital, considerable costs and various types of resources both from the individual and from the Company (government agencies, private firms, families, etc.) are needed. Stressing the similarity of such costs with investments of other types of capital, economists relate to them as investment in human capital. Sources of such investments are the costs of employers, budget spending States, individual expenses of citizens.

Investing in human capital involves the persecution for the investor of some benefits both for itself directly and for third parties. So, for the employee is an increase in the level of income, satisfaction from work, improving working conditions, growth of self-esteem, improving the quality of life. For an employer, it is an increase in productivity, reduction of working time losses and the growth of production efficiency, which ultimately contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the firm. For the state is to increase the welfare of citizens, gross income growth, increasing the economic activity of citizens.

Investment is very important process In the reproduction of human capital, in which it is either an object or subject, or the result of impact. Thus, investments only create the basis for the production of human capital in the education system, health care, advanced training, economic motivation, geographical mobility, etc.

It is known that any significant changes in labor resources, opening new opportunities, make in themselves and potential threats. In the next ten years, it is impossible to exclude the development of a number of negative ten-

denius. The main problem is to expand the degradation zone of human capital. This concept means a multi-layered social phenomenon, folding from a variety of interrelated processes, one of the most important in which depopulation is and, above all, a reduction in population in working age.

The structure of investments in human capital includes the following types of investments:

1. Education, production preparation;

2. Health;

3. Motivation;

4. Search for information and migration;

5. Fundamental scientific developments;

6. Ecology and healthy lifestyle;

7. Culture and leisure.

Education and production training increases the level of human knowledge, and, therefore, increase the volume and quality of human capital. Investments in education according to a substantive basis are usually divided into formal and informal. Formal investment is to obtain secondary, special and higher education, as well as obtaining second education, professional training in production, various courses, training in the magistracy, graduate school, doctoral studies, etc. Informal - is self-education of the individual; This type includes reading of educational literature, improvement in different types art. With raising the level of education, the work efficiency of the employee rises either by increasing productivity, or by receiving knowledge that the employee makes a capable of carrying out such labor activities, the results of which are of great value.

The accumulation of intellectual capital implies not so much increase in the volume of knowledge, how much the development of the skills to apply these knowledge, awareness of its significance and its place in society, the ability to adapt to changing conditions in their favor.

In developed countries, professional training in production and retraining courses have particular importance. Professional training acts as a mechanism with which a person coming to the enterprise can better get acquainted with his work, learn more about the enterprise. Retraining courses provide employees with the possibility of acquiring knowledge on new promising areas within the existing specialty.

During training, a person often deprives the possibility of obtaining a normal income, limited in free time, the employee agrees to reduce income on time of vocational training. These earnings losses are called losses of lost opportunities and make up significant amounts. Study is considered as a working force distraction

from the scope of economic activity.

Of all the types of investment, along with education, investments in human health are the most important. After all, health protection really prolongs the life of a person, and, consequently, the time of the functioning of human capital.

The research results indicate that human health is only 8-10% depends on health care, another 20% from environmental conditions, another 20% are determined by genetic factors and by 50% human health depends on the way of life of the person himself (rational daily regime , the use of various methods of faster recovery and stimulation of performance, rational nutrition, getting rid of bad habits and excess weights), prevention and liquidation of stress, the use of various complexes of physical exercises, etc.

The main factors of the degradation of human capital that direct impact on the health of the population includes: worsening public health, self-destructive behavior (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction), reduction of medical care consumption due to growth in the number paid services and reducing the quality of free medical care, worsening social conditions.

Along with the ability to work (health and qualifications), the structure of human capital of any employee implies and the presence of a desire to work. In this regard, as a component of investments in human capital, it is necessary to consider the costs associated with the employee's motivation to improve the quality of their labor. The results of foreign studies indicate an increase in the importance of internal incentives (the possibility of self-realization, satisfaction with the work of the worker, the feeling of one's own success, etc.) in comparison with external, especially for highly qualified personnel. In this regard, a significant part of working with personnel in companies today is based on indirect impact on internal incentives (job design, the possibility of learning, as well as participation in decision-making and social environment in the workplace).

Migration and search for information contribute to the movement of labor to areas and industries, where labor is better paid, that is, where the price for human capital services is higher.

Investments in human capital today relevant to the costs of fundamental scientific developments. In the process of developing science, intellectual innovations are not only created, on the basis of which, new production technologies and methods of consumption are then formed, but also there is a transformation of people themselves as economic entities that act as carriers of new abilities and needs. In the information society, science turns into a kind of human capital generator.

Culture (including religious culture) imposes its support

the current on the process of reproduction of human capital, affecting, primarily its psychological component. In the culture, the experience of generations is concentrated, they remain and do not disappear with the death of a particular person, skills, skills, form and get their development built-in regulators of relations between people and the structure of employment of labor effort. The cultural level of citizens largely determines the economic achievements of society, its socio-political, ideological, educational and spiritual and moral structure.

Evaluation of human capital is sufficiently difficult because this category It has a holistic nature. It has an anthropological component that reflects the unity in the person of social and biological, social and individual. According to the structural components of human capital, it is possible to characterize a separate individual, and the social group, and the country as a whole. Indicators relating to the material and spiritual parties to the development of individual or society are also considered in unity. Experience shows that it would be incorrect to the detriment of one to underestimate or overestimate the significance of any other side.

To assess and compare the level of the socio-economic situation of various countries, the human development index (IRCHP) is used. This universal comparable meter was introduced into the International Political and Scientific Turnover by the United Nations in the framework of the preparation of world reports on the development of a person issued by the UN Development Program (UNDP) since 1990. The IRCHP is a consolidated human development indicator that characterizes average level achievements of this country in 3rd the most important aspects Human Development:

1. Long and healthy life, measured by an indicator of the expected lifespan at birth;

2. knowledge defined by the level of literacy of the adult population (with a two-thirds weighting coefficient) and an aggregate gross contingent of students of primary, medium and higher institutions (with a weight coefficient of one third);

3. A worthy level of life, measured by the GDP indicator per capita.

The choice of these indicators is not accidental, since the employment potential of society increases by reducing morbidity and injuries, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of labor and expanding the scale labor activity. Improving public health is considered as an important factor in physical development, improving performance and, accordingly, expanding opportunities for the creation of products and services, accumulation of knowledge, etc. Improving the level of education, both a separate person and the population as a whole significantly affects the quality of human capital - the main factor of multiplication Wealth

vA - and determines the growth of public labor productivity. The level of education characterizes the accumulated educational, labor, scientific, intellectual and creative potential, making the fund of aggregate knowledge and skills - the spiritual wealth of society.

List of sources used

1. Suleimanova L.Sh. Human capital as a factor in European economic integration. http://www.eup.ru.

2. Dobrynin A.I., Dyatlov S.A., Tsyrenova E.D. Human capital in the transitive economy: formation, assessment, efficiency of use / SPB. University of Economics and Finance. - SPb.: Science, 1999.

Martynov Yu.I., Salikov Yu.A.

Professional and high-quality management for

New economy

Voronezh Economic and Legal Institute of Voronezh State Technological Academy

In the review of the economic situation in Russia and in the world, the forecast for the upcoming period of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Russian economy in 2006 developed better than in 2005. Its current state allows "to build new plans for the economic development of the country, according to its potential, to improve the welfare of our citizens," the president holds. So, the growth of the economy amounted to 6.9% against 6.4% a year earlier. Investments in fixed assessment increased significantly as national and foreign. "Direct investment has grown by 55.5%," Putin said. "A tangible return is beginning to give priority national projects," the president believes.

Especially noted by the Russian leader and energy policy of the government. "A significant event was the policy defined by the government in the energy sector for several years," the president said. "I think it is an important, difficult, but responsible decision." "Negotiations ended with the main partners in Russia's accession to the WTO, the procedures for the creation of the Joint Aviation Corporation were completed, a development bank was formed - an important tool for financing and maintaining infrastructure and innovative projects.

The Russian government approved the project federal budget For 2007, the budget surplus next year should be 1 trillion 501.8 billion rubles. Revenues are scheduled for 6 trillion 965.3 billion rubles. The costs next year should be made up 5 trillion 463.5 billion rubles. One and a half times the financing of national projects will grow, investments in defense, education, healthcare and sports will increase.

Human capital is a term denoting accumulated knowledge, skill and skill, which has an employee and who are purchased to them thanks to common and special education, training, production experience. The concept of human capital was first nominated by the American economist Bekker in I960.

The widespread definition of human capital, including investments in the preparation of a specialist from the day of his birth (possibly before), investments in the quality of his life and labor makes the concept of the CC as a complex productive factor system and complex. What corresponds to his real essence and leading role in the processes of formation and development of an innovative economy and an informational and innovative society.

Human capital is an intense productive factor in the development of the economy, society and family, including an educated part labor resources, knowledge, instruments of intellectual and managerial labor, habitat and work activities that ensure the effective and rational functioning of the CC as a productive factors of development.

Human capital carriers are human resources: the number and quality of people suitable in their medical, psychological, intellectual, cultural, professional parameters for a competitive struggle.

For the modern stage of global scientific and technical and socio-economic development, a fundamental change in the role and importance of the human factor in economics and society is characteristic. Human capital becomes the most important factor Economic growth. According to some estimates, in developed countries, increasing the duration of education for one year leads to an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) by 5-15%.

Human capital is formed by investing in improving the level and quality of life of the population, in intellectual activity. Including - in education, education, health, knowledge (science), entrepreneurial ability and climate, in information Support labor, in the formation of an effective elite, in the safety of citizens and business and economic freedom, as well as in culture, art and other components. The CC is formed and at the expense of the inflow from other countries or decreases due to its outflow.

Back in the XVII century. The Investigator of the English Classical Political Economy V. Petty first made an attempt to estimate the monetary value of the productive properties of the human personality. According to his method, the value of the majority of people, like the Earth, is equal to the twenty-time annual income that they bring. " The value of the entire population of England of that time he appreciated about 520 million f. Sterling, and the cost of each resident - an average of 80 f. sterling. He noted that the wealth of society depends on the nature of the people's classes and their ability to work. So, adult Petty rated twice as much as the child, and "the sailor is actually equal to three peasants."

Human capital is an existing knowledge, skills, motivation. Investments in it can be education, accumulation of professional experience, health, geographical mobility, search for information. The initial interests of the researcher were to assess the economic impact of education.

Becker first carried out statistically correct counting economic efficiency Education. To determine income, for example, from higher education from lifelong earnings of those who graduated from college, lifelong earnings were deducted for those who did not go on secondary school. Training costs, along with direct costs (training charge, hostel, etc.), as the main element contain "missed earnings", i.e., the income who is affected by students over the years of study. Essentially, lost earnings measure the value of the time spent spent on learning, and are alternative costs of its use. Having determined the return on investment in study as an attitude of income to costs, Becker received a figure of 12-14% annual profit.

There are several varieties of human capital, in their accurate definition, scientists can not come together. Among the most important components, the following components usually allocate:

1. Stabit culture;

2. Health;

3. Bade education.

Some scientists also allocate biological capital, capital of production experience, intellectual capital, organizational and business capital and family capital.

Capital culture determines the system of values, norms of morality, ethical norms that determine human behavior, its attitude to business, things, other people, to themselves, which affects the quality of all human capital. The capital of culture or cultural and moral capital is connected, first of all, with personal morality of a particular individual, the institution of the family, the habitat and the system of culture itself affect him.

Another element of human capital is the capital of health. It is usually divided into two main parts: biological (natural) inherited capital and health capital purchased throughout life. The characteristic feature of health capital is its wear over the years. That is why the state is so important to create an effective system consisting of a health care system directly, as well as from various programs that ensure that maintaining, restoring and multiplying the health of the nation.

The latter and, probably, the most important component of the concept of "human capital" is the capital of education. This species Capital is associated with the process of creating, transmitting, preserving and reproduction of professional knowledge and skills. Such a high value of this capital is explained, first of all, by the fact that, according to various estimates, among the factors determining the growth of the welfare of society and the individual, the share of education accounted for 60 to 80%. It is the high level of development of the Institute of Education that contributes to an increase in the overall level of literacy of the population, an increase in interest in obtaining higher and additional education, gives rise to new scientific theories and helps prevent them in reality.

Investments in the CC in developed countries of the world are the main factor in economic growth and increase competitiveness both on micro and on macro levels. The accumulation and preservation of the CC, the implementation of strategies encouraging people to improve their skills and skills throughout their lives through continuous training and training - this is the main condition for achieving sustainable economic development.

The structure of investments in human capital includes the following types of investments:

1) education, preparation for production;

2) health care;

3) motivation;

4) search for information and migration;

5) fundamental scientific developments;

6) ecology and healthy lifestyle;

7) Culture and leisure.

Human resources have become determining to achieve the competitive advantages of modern economies. According to the World Bank, based on the study of the economies of 192 countries, only 16% of economic growth is due to physical capital, 20% - natural, and 64% - human. Thus, the CC for investment is a strategic priority and a fundamental factor in economic growth. World and domestic experience shows that for economic recovery in the country, along with investments in physical capital, large-scale investments in education, health, culture and other components of human capital are needed.

The system of indicators characterizing human capital should include the following information:

The quality of life of the population and the conditions of life:

Human physiology: longevity, health, incidence, disability, injury;

Intellect: Education, qualifications, knowledge and professional experience;

Organizational abilities: management, communications, relationships, etc.;

Population Opportunities:

Ownership Financial Capital: Cash and Currency, Investments, securities, loans, promotions and other assets;

Ownership of non-financial capital: land, fixed capital, intangible resources (patents, name, goodwill) and reserves, etc.;

The cost of investment and the cost of past costs in human capital;

Effectiveness of the use of human, financial and non-financial potentials;

The intensity of the use of human, financial and non-financial capital.

To assess and compare the level of the socio-economic situation of various countries, the human development index (IRCHP) is used. This universal comparable meter was introduced into the International Political and Scientific Turnover by the United Nations in the framework of the preparation of world reports on the development of a person who publish the UN Development Program (UNDP) since 1990

The IRRCH is a considerable indicator of human development, which characterizes the average level of achievements of this country for three most important aspects of human development:

1) a long and healthy life measured by the indicator of the expected lifespan at birth;

2) knowledge defined by the level of literacy of the adult population (with a two-thirds weighting coefficient) and the total gross contingent of students of primary, medium and higher institutions (with a weight coefficient of one third);

3) a worthy level of living, measured by the indicator of GDP per capita (PPS in US dollars).

Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus

Institute of Public Administration

Department of Economic Theory

Specialty public administration and economics


Problems of formation and use of human capital.

GUE-1, 1 course _________ S. V. Dudkov


Senior Lecturer _________ N. L. Kulik

Minsk 2017.

Introduction ...............................................................................................3

1. Human capital, its main components ........................ 4

1.1 The concept of human capital. Theory of human capital ... .. ... ..4

1.2 Classification of human capital. Structures and types of human capital .......................................... ..... ......... ..6

1.3 Negative, passive and positive human capital. ………………………………………………..……...………………….eleven

1.4 Human Development Index.The cost of national human capital. …………………………………………………….….fourteen

2. Formation and use of human capital. ………………………………………………………………………………….…twenty

2.1 Formation of human capital. ………………………...………twenty

2.2 Foreign experience of the formation of human capital .................22

2.3 Analysis of the use and investment in human capital ..................................................................................... 25

2.4 Statistical data ............................................................ .27

3. Problems of formation and use of human capital ............................................................................................... .. 30

3.1 General problems of formation of human capital ................ ... 30

3. Implemented activities to improve human potential in the Republic of Belarus ............................................................................................. 33

3.3 Problems of the formation of human capital for organizations ... ..35

Conclusion ....…………………....………………………………………...40

List of sources used……….……………….42


Human capital in modern economic system It becomes the main factor in economic growth, it ensures an increase in labor productivity, the effectiveness of social production in general, and its improvement is the main objective of the concept of sustainable development.

The relevance of the topic is that human capital plays a fundamental role in the life of every person. Human capital is an existing knowledge, skills, motivation. Everything the developed countries Invest huge funds in human capital. Investments in it can be education, accumulation of professional experience, health, geographical mobility, search for information.

From the conversation president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, which he held a meeting with representatives of the public, Belarusian and foreign media named "Big conversation with the president" 03.02.2017, we can conclude that Socially oriented economy remains a priority for Belarus.

purpose term paper It is to study the problems of formation, and the use of human capital. To implement the objective of the study, the following tasks were allocated:

Explore the concept of human capital, and from which it consists;

Analyze modern views on the theory of human capital and the problem of formation on the example of foreign experience;

Identify realizable events in the Republic of Belarus to improve human capital;

Identify the problems of forming and implementing human capital in organizations;

To date, the problem of the formation and development of human capital overlook the fore. At the moment, human capital is not well developed in the world, so it is necessary to look for methods for its improvement.

Human capital is considered as a set of qualities that determine productivity and can become sources of income for humans, families, enterprises and society.

Human capital is important and necessary for each person, any company, society as a whole. Everyone is interested in the formation, accumulation and enrichment of human capital. For this, all business entities invest in the reproduction of human capital. The formation of human capital begins with the birth of a person and continues throughout life.

Human capital is due to the ability of the personality to generate income, it is formed in young years and consists of good health, deepest professional knowledge, skills, skills, culture, social status.

The human capital established by 23-25 \u200b\u200byears guarantees a citizen of sustainable income and status in society for the rest of life, and the country provides an important source - a full-fledged, self-sufficient person. And on the contrary, the human capital inconsigned in youth makes a person unhappy in family life, a poor, patient, bringing the country of suffering and spending on social protection, treatment, content in drug transparencies and correctional institutions.

In 1971, the first of the Nobel Prize Simon (Semen) Kuznets, convincingly proven that the high level and quality of human capital of the people - prerequisite development of the country;

In 1979, the award was awarded theodor of Schulz, who developed theoretical basis science of human capital;

In 1992, Geri Becker received a prize, which showed that investing in health, education, the culture of the people are the most effective investments, with high and long-term returns. Only through investment, human capital is formed and it is similar to physical capital.

Investments in human capital are referred to as any measure undertaken to increase labor productivity. Thus, for investments in human capital referred to the cost of maintaining health to obtain general and special education; The costs associated with the search for work, training in production, migration, birth and child education.

Economists allocate 3 types of investment in human capital:

education costs, including general and special, formal and informal, preparation at the place of work. Education creates labor, which becomes more qualified and more productive;

health costs folding from the costs of disease prevention, medical care, improvement of housing conditions;

mobility costs, as a result of which employees migrate from places with relatively low performance.

There is also dividing investment in human capital to real and universities. The first is the first to include the costs necessary for the physical formation and development of a person (the cost of birth and raising children); to the second - accumulated costs of general education and special training, part of the accumulated costs of healthcare and movement of labor.

Of all types of investments in human capital, investments in health and education are considered more significant. Common and special training makes better quality, increase the level and stock of the person's knowledge, thereby raising the volume and quality of human capital. Incidental investments, after all, the highest education contribute to the development of highly qualified specialists, the highly qualified work of which has the maximum impact on the rate of economic growth.

Investments in human capital have a number of features that distinguish them from other types of investment.

  • 1. The return on investment in human capital is directly depending on the existence of its carrier (from the duration of the working-age stage). Rather than previously the investments in humans are made, they are rapidly starting to give a response.
  • 2. Human capital is not only subject to physical and moral wear, but also is able to accumulate and multiply.
  • 3. As human capital accumulates, its profitability increases to a particular limit limited by the upper limit of active labor activity (active working age), and then rapidly decreases.
  • 4. Not any investment in humans can be called upon by investments in human capital. For example, the costs associated with criminal activities are not investment in human capital, since socially inexpedient and harmful to society.

The source of investments in human capital can be the government (state), non-state public funds and companies, regions, individual companies, households (individuals), international funds and organizations, and in addition educational institutions.

To date, the role of the state in this area is quite huge. The government is inclined to be both forced and the motivating measures in this area. Compulsory belong to absolutely for all formal education in the amount of secondary school, integral medical preventive measures (vaccinations), etc. But the main measures are considered to be motivated. The government has 2 effective methods that are applied to resolve the size of private investments in the person being taken through the market: it can affect the incomes of those who exactly create (through the tax system and subsidies), and besides able to regulate the cost of obtaining human capital (Adjusting the cost of resources used). In particular, the country's significance is enormous in the main areas of human capital development - in the field of education and health care.

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