
Synergistic economy. Economy from the point of view of synergetics. Synergetics and economics: a modern view from Russia

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Synergetics and economics: a modern view from Russia

Fedyukovich M.V.

  • Introduction 3.
  • Socio-economic time 4
  • Complexity 7.
  • Economic synergetics 11.


For the past 20 years, the economic thought in Russia is replete with shocks, strange attractors and drama, when the drama of ideas turn into the drama of people. During these years, the country experienced a permanent crisis, a cascade of disasters, defeats and controversial stages were held on the results of the Renaissance stages.

The modern economic crisis not only impressively demonstrated the nonlinearity of the dynamics of socio-economic development as a phenomenological phenomenon, but also raised the question of the readiness of economic theory to adequate perception of this and other phenomena of the real world. The crisis gave rise to doubts about the ability of economic science to explain complex nonlinear processes in the economy and manage them. The crisis actualized the problem of perception of economic reality as a sphere in which the nature of development is dominated and determines not only nonlinearity, non-equilibrium, complexity, irreversibility, autocatalysis, autologist, autoregresci, etc., but also bifurcation, instability, catastrophicity. There were concerns in the inability to predict the development and manage them.

Socio-economic time

Even a rude look at the evolution of natural and artificial systems shows that artificial socio-economic systems have significantly shorter life cycles in comparison with the life cycles of space, environmental and biological systems.

In this regard, researchers in the field of socio-economic development are faced with a fundamental problem. It is necessary to recognize that along with space, geographical, physical, biological time scales to the system of economic development coordinates, it is necessary to introduce the category "Socio-economic time" and "Arrow of socio-economic time".

The problem of time in economic development was first set by A. Marshall in the "principles of economic science", but metaphysically formulated: "The time factor that underlies the difficulties in solving almost any economic problem, in itself is absolutely constant: the nature of unknown division of time for long And short periods ... ".

In the 1920s, a discussion was held between I. Schpepeter and N.D. Kondratyev about linearity / nonlinearity and reversibility / irreversibility of time, in which I. Schupetter performed by a supporter of nonlinearity and irreversibility of time.

A more revolutionary problem of socio-economic time set V.N. Muravyov, who in the work "Mastering the time as the main task of organizing labor" (1924) substantiated the evolutionaryness of time, gave him a direction, pace, etc. The same idea of \u200b\u200bthe time in socio-economic development was at the founder general Theory Systems A.A. Bogdanova ("Textology ...", 1911-1926). If we consider that by this time A. Einstein and A. Bergson blew up ideas about the time of Aristotle, Galileo and Newton and committed a fundamental scientific breakthrough in physics, then the timid attempts of economists did not have sureless. F. Stradel was introduced into the appeal geographical, social and individual time, but they are not related to economic processes.

However, those problems that have put such phenomena as globalization, global environmental, energy, food and economic crises, etc., require estimates of development trends in such a time scale that would help humanity to prevent a disaster in a global scale, and not at the level Spatial and temporal-local dimension.

The socio-economic time and the arrow of socio-economic time is inevitably in demand, to move away from the mechanistic reversible time, which permeates all the postulates of orthodox economic theories, to an irreversible time speaking the main driving force in an essential understanding of such a category as economic development.

An equally important reason for the need to introduce socio-economic time is clearly aware of the coming Emergen Revolution (the term D. Leiser), under which the effect of "compression of time" is understood. The consequences of the Emergen Revolution are not sufficiently studied, and it bears a greater danger.

Emergenism of time is not manifested in either space, nor in physical, nor in biological systems, but in the economy - it is still an incomprehensible "Joker".

Socio-economic time is necessary to solve the most difficult task of the economy to move from the "World of Quantity" to the "World of Quality". Orthodox economic theories, built on deterministic ideas and models with static time and quantitative increments, do not work under anxgenial time. Today it is quite obvious that in the conditions when phase and structural transformations in economic systems are transformed into "dodku" all deterministic models and limit the horizon of forecasting to days, at best, up to week or months, such financial instrumentsAs discounting, in no more than "fortune telling on the coffee grounds", the financial indicators of past periods in no more than the "memory of the deceased", and the "average" indicators at the same as the average temperature in the hospital.

Introduction to the circulation of socio-economic time is necessary to realize the vector, tempo, trajectory and efficiency of development as a process of self-organization, reflexive, irreversible.

The boom of socio - economic time can not be identified with the time arrow associated with a large explosion; Neither an arrow associated with biological and historical evolution, nor with an arrow of time due to the increase in entropy in closed systems.

Humanity should learn how to design a socio-economic time, designed the future and from the future to manage this. This is a completely different approach than to wait until the crisis is over and guess what will happen. Not by chance, the estimates of the current economic crisis They changed from "the crisis we will not attend us" and "Russia will remain the island of security in the raging ocean of the begging economy" to "Russia carries the greatest losses from the crisis." The modern crisis is not a tornado, but the result of the inability of the management system to manage the global economy. Thesis "No one knows the nature of the present crisis" is untenable if only because a number of countries (China, Vietnam, India, etc.) continue to maintain high rates of economic development.

Socially - economic time unequivocally indicates the movement of social, economic, production systems in the direction of complication. Moreover, this movement cannot be described according to the laws of mechanics.


One of the problems attracting the attention of researchers of the economic crisis is the problem of order, chaos and the complexity of modern economic systems.

The complexity in the philosophical, mathematical, systemic, managerial, economic, etc. The senses have a nuanxirus reflecting the sectoral specifics of the scientific direction.

Theories of the evolution of living systems (Ch. Darwin, E. Schrödinger, K. Shenon, I. Prigogin), with all differences determine the development (evolution) of living matter as a move towards complication (exaltation on a new stage of complexity) and orderliness (complication of the organization) Systems, in contrast to non-living systems, in which development goes towards disordering, simplifying and increasing the level of entropy.

As for the artificial socio-economic systems, they can be represented and simple (mercantleists, physiocrats, classics, monitarists), as well as complex (institutionalists, supporters of systemic synergistic and institutional and synergistic approaches).

In the most general case (theory of systems), the complexity of the systems is caused by the heterogeneity (heterogeneity) of elements and connections (interactions) in the system. From the standpoint of the theory of management complex, systems are considered to include as at least one subsystem "decisive system", the behavior of which is associated with the act of the decision. In natural science (in particular, in thermodynamics), the beginning of the formation of the theory of complexity was put work w-b Fourier (1811) in thermal conductivity, when it became clear that in this industry knowledge of the description of the trajectories on deterministic laws of Newton's mechanics requires describing statistical processes using a completely new conceptual apparatus, in which chaoticism, orderliness, stochasticity becomes key concepts, and From the middle of the XIX century - entropy, entropy gradient, reversibility, equilibrium.

In accordance with the provisions of the theory of self-organization I. Prigogine, development can be defined as the process of the occurrence of instability and jump-shaking transitions in the direction of increasing complexity, organizedness, orderliness. At the same time, development is possible only in states of far from equilibrium under the action of "export-import of entropy".

Socio-conmune systems are complex and ultrasound systems in all aspects of this concept. Like all complex systems, this is the world of ensembles (clusters, sibotaxis, socioums, classes, societies), undergoing changes in the composition of the elements and the redistribution of connections (interactions) between them. But if orthodox economic theories study the ability of systems to adapt to the external environment in the context of competition, selection, "struggle against all against all" (Social-Darwinian approach), then in accordance with the provisions of the theory of self-organization, the selection (interaction horizontal) processes and Interactions based on coherence mechanisms, autocatalysis, autoregression, resonance and other form of amplification, and this can lead to unexpected results from the standpoint of classical presentations when the weak signal at the input may be inevitable (including repeatedly reinforced) output result. This result is called a synergistic effect. The synergistic effect is the result of a consequence of phase and structural transformations in the system. The formation of synergistic effects cannot be carried out by any templates or universal techniques, although some necessary (but not sufficient) conditions for the formation of them naturally or artificial means may be called: heterogeneity (complexity) of the structure; Coherence (consistency) of interaction of elements that make up the system, the presence of a developed positive feedback.

The most effective form of positive (developing) feedback can be the state, its institutions of coordination, rationing, regulation, planning, forecasting, goal setting. If the national economy is considered as a megasystem, which includes an ensemble of horizontal and vertical systems (heterarchy), the state should be considered as a "decisive system" or positive feedback responsible for the development of megasystem called "National Economics". Ontologically, the state and its institutions such as government, army, market I.T.D. They were not implanted to Earth from Mars or some external to the land of the object. Their emergence was the result of the self-organization of human activity, the complications of the "group of people" systems, the "tribe", "community", "Society, fighting for survival", "Society, directed to the domination in the habitat" I.T.D. If in the early stages of the formation of human societies, the struggle and natural selection dominated (the struggle for the destruction, the struggle for the acquisition, the struggle for the right to existence), then at later stages of interaction between the ensembles of people gained more diverse character. The selection (and not selection) as the process of consent and interaction in the name of survival and progress began to play an increasingly important role. Signless, human communities have developed as aware of (reflexion) management methods that include not only the fighting, but also such forms of interaction, as cooperation, cooperation, mutual assistance. The literal translation from the Greek language of the word "synergy" is cooperation, cooperation, interaction in the general process.

If you compare in the semantic load of the concept of "competition" ("Fighting all against all", "kill or kill you") and "Synergy" (cooperation, interaction, cooperation in the name of development), then the man of the XXI century can not not give his sympathy concept, i.e. "SYNERGY".

The modern crisis aggravated the problem of dichotomy "Competition - Synergy", as two principles of one process - development.

Strong species (first of all transnational corporations and oligarchs) do not reject "competition" (strong it is beneficial, as competition, in their opinion, the natural law of nature), nor the synergy in the form of mergers, acquisitions, strategic partnerships and other forms, which is installed such a heterarchy.

Does D. Soros, one of the largest oligarchs of the world, in his best-selling "crisis of world capitalism" crumpled soul when he wrote:

"... The central statement of this book is that market fundamentalism is today a greater danger to an open society than the totalitarian ideology. ... One of the largest shortcomings of the system of world capitalism is the fact that it allowed market mechanism On the motive of profit, penetrate all areas of activity, even there, where they are not essentially ... "?

Naturally no. D. Soros, who succeeded in a competitive struggle as no other, does not curvate the soul, when he opposes the market based on competition only. Competition and market, built only on competition, does not suit even J. Soros. In the phase of the market development, which entered into the capitalist market of the 21st century, the phase of hyperconusing (global competition), the logic of competition can not leave places on the financial Olympus even for such strong as J. Soros. The ratio of order and chaos in the global capital markets, their non-linear dynamics, inevitably should lead to a situation of extreme instability, crisis and bifurcations, when causality and accidents become equal in power and unpredictable in consequences.

The market based on competition has reached its apogee when competition has grown into hyperconusing, to a state where is the islands of security. Even for oligarchs. Over 10 years before the 2008 crisis, J. Soros and it felt a threatening catastrophe (global bifurcation) and packed to consensus (Washington, Postwashington), cooperation (gr. Synergia).

"Forward to synergies!" - A call of not only insightful J. Soros and no less insightful J. Stiglitsa, the author of the "Postwashington consensus", but also many other reflective thinkers.

Claus Mainzer, President of the International Association for Studying Systems Warns:

"The synergistic approach suggests that physical, social and mental reality is a nonlinear and complex system. Linear thinking can be dangerous in a nonlinear complex reality. Linear thinking will increasingly fail in establishing the correct diagnosis of the real world.

A synergistic approach to the study of complex systems generates new consequences: it gives a chance to prevent chaos in a complex nonlinear world and use creative methods. "

Economic synergetics

social Economic Synergetic Crisis

Synergetic includes such systems that:

A. are in states of far from equilibrium and cannot be managed by negotiating;

B. Systems that are in irreversible development or degradation (self-organizing, self-developing, collapsing), as well as such phenomena as "crisis", "depression", "Recession", I.T.D.

B. Systems in which nonlinear effects, operation modes, which are described as turbulent and exacerbation modes, the thermodynamics of which was first described by S.P. Kurdyumov and G.G. Malinetsky.

In addition, there are a large class of concepts in economic systems that have no satisfactory explanation. Such concepts should include the concept of "economic development", which was often identified with economic growth; "Development Efficiency", which was rejected with the efficiency of functioning; "Self-organization", which was identified with the self-regulation of I.T.D.

Synergetics as a science of self-organization, self-development in non-equilibrium, irreversible and nonlinear processes, arose as a reaction to such phenomena as a laser, superfluidity, superplication, superconductivity, etc. The founder of synergetics is considered to be Khaken, Professor of Stuttgart University, specialist in solid lasers, author of the book "Synergetics", published in Germany in 1975 and translated into Russian in 1980.

Scientific prerequisites for the theory of self-organization I.R. Prigodnaya and theory of synergetics of Hacken Some and the same: non-equilibrium thermodynamics, irreversibility in chemical and thermodynamic reactions, theory of probability and freedom of choice, equilibrium and non-equilibrium kinetics. In this regard, to the fathers of synergetics include I.R. Prigogine and Hacken at the same time.

Synergetics of Hacken attracted the attention of many researchers. Socioceerghetics, bioseinterghetics, electronic synergetics, chemical synergetics, futrosinerghetics, etc. appeared and rapidly developing.

In the USSR in the position of synergetics already in 1970 - 1980. Such prominent scientists got up like N.N. Moiseev, A.A. Samara, B.V. Kadomtsev, A.A. Krasovsky, S.P. Kapitsa, S.P. Kurdyumum, V. Legasov, Yu.A. Danilov, Y.L. Klimatovich, V.A. Arshinov, VS Stepin, A.A. Kolesnikov et al., Which created a solid domestic scientific foundation, thanks to which the synergistic direction in the Russian science is currently attributed to the most powerful in the world, along with the synergistic schools of Germany and the United States.

G. Haken himself as the main features of synergetics as a scientific direction allocates universality and interdisciplinary of its provisions, orientation to the study of the processes of self-organization, self-development, systems that manifest collective behavior, nonlinearity, irreversibility.

The key concepts from which synergetics is repelled can be attributed to the concept of parameter - the order as an indicator of development potential in phase transitions, an attractor as a center of attraction in transition states, bifurcation points as the most interesting states of systems for researching development processes.

Economic synergetics as a scientific direction in economic theory was developed in the scientific organizations of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Izhevsk, Taganrog, Belgorod, Naberezhnye Chelny, and other cities, and in last years Especially vigorously developing in Yekaterinburg, which becomes one of the leading centers of Russia in this direction.

Among the new ideas of economic synergetics are the rationale for the market as a synergistic category, the nomination of the hypothesis of the synergistic market. The market as a scientific category is turned into orthodox economic theories into fetish, a symbol of the highest achievement of Western civilization. Meanwhile, there are more and more reason to talk about failures and market limits. Moreover, the inevitability of its high-quality transformation.

The current crisis demonstrates the lag of the theory of the market from the practice of management in the globalizing economic space. More and more facts in favor of entering the practice of market management in contradiction with the law of development of ECO and biosystems, which came together heads of states and governments in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

If you represent the market (market system), as a synergistic category, then we can expect large paradigmal movements in the near future.

Economic synergetics pays great attention to the mechanisms for the formation of positive feedback in complex economic systems as a manifestation of an arright of socio-economic time. In accordance with the principles of economic synergetics, socio-economic development is determined by the ratio of capacities of positive and negative feedback. At the level national Economy Feedback function must fulfill the state to more low levels Its role can and should be carried out by the institutions of development created both from above (government) and below (self-organization).

The concept of institutional synergistic development is promising, caused by economic synergetics and united institutional and systemic synergistic approaches to the study of complex socio-economic systems. The concept is in demand when developing programs and strategies of social economic development.

Among the applied directions developed on the basis of economic synergetics, synergistic management, which can be viewed as a basis for strategies for organizational, managerial and innovative breakthroughs.

For the tasks of innovative development in the context of globalization, we found the use of the position of synergistic benchmarking, justifying the approach to the calculation of large projects based on a systemically synergistic approach.

Labor S.P. Kurdyumova, S.P. Kapitsa, G.G. Malinetsky develops models for predicting systems of various nature on the basis of synergistic representations, including the phenomenological model S.P. Kapitsa for a long-term forecast of the population of the planet, which is extremely important for the development of global development strategies.

S.P. Kurdyumov with employees have developed a synergistic model of modes with exacerbation, which is currently adapted to the tasks of exiting the modern economic crisis.

The presentation of the crisis as a transition to the functioning to the exacerbation regimens clarifies the causes and mechanisms of crises, provides the basis for the design of control of anti-crisis systems.

Problems economic security From the position of synergetics are considered in the fundamental works of V.N. Kuznetsova.

The problems of the ratio of self-organization and management in socio-economic systems are complex and have little studied, but it is in them the greatest need. In the works of A.A. Krasovsky, A.A. Kolesnikov and many other researchers have taken serious attempts to create the theory of synergistic management of complex self-organizing systems.

Synergistic models of DS are widely discussed. Chernavsky, revealing information content of money and money circulation.

Social orientation of the economy is devoted to the work V.L. Romanova with employees, N.M. Rimashevskaya and many other researchers.

The subject of close study in economic synergetics are models, methods and methods for assessing the synergistic efficiency of the socio-economic development of the national economy, the economy of industries, regions, industrial complexes and individual enterprises. An attempt is made using the concept of synergistic efficiency to carry out the systemic synthesis of private, key, integrated, complex and generalized performance indicators for specific development management tasks. Synergetics and economic synergetics including becoming "fashionable" sciences and is dangerous. The greatest danger for the new scientific direction is attempts to replace the living soul of the scientific search by templates, typical schemes, deterministic formulas and statements applying to the truth in the last instance. 20 years, during which economic synergetics passed the latent phase and phase of becoming, is a small period for the scientific direction. There are all the prerequisites that economic synergetics will take the case in the ensemble of economic theories.

Mastering new meanings, values, a clear awareness of the "image of the future" Russia, its most important national landmarks (missions) at least 50 years ahead will open the way to develop strategic and tactical goals and specific development programs. From the heads of the country, it is increasingly possible to hear calls for the structural restructuring of the economy, the transition to an innovative development strategy, orientation on synergistic effects. This gives hope for the revival of strong Russia.

Table 1 - Description of development by methods of dialectics, cybernetics and synergetics





The reasons

Unity and struggle of opposites

Striving for equilibrium, reversibility

Non-equilibrium, irreformation, nonlinearity, intermittentness;

Change with preservation of heredity at the new level - "spiral" (removal), from the lowest to the highest

Evolutionary, self-oscillation, cyclingness

Fluctuations, phase transitions, high-quality and structural transitions, bifurcation, crises, catastrophes, stationary nonstationary modes;



Random - the form of manifestation of the necessary;

Self-regulation within the stationary regime;

Probabilistic accident, deterministic chaos, in bifurcation states - the diversity of deterministic and stochastic, self-organization;

Objective and subjective

Negative feedback;

The ratio of positive and negative feedback, attractors; order parameter, hierarchy; cooperativeness;


Quantitative, qualitative changes;

Equilibrium condition

Fan possible solutions, various trajectories;

Methods and methods of knowledge, descriptions and verification of results

Climbing from abstract to concrete, from concrete to abstract; Practice - the criterion of truth.

Modeling (statistical and kinematic models)

Fractalohydrate models, robust programming, model of the theory of disasters, bifurcation, phase transition theory, model of attractors, retainers;

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Springer Sprier in Synergetics
Editor: Hermann Halcen
Wei-Bin Zhang
Synergetic Economics.
Time and Change in Nonlinear Economics
Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona

IN .- B. . SNN
Time and change in nonlinear economic theory
Translation from English
N. V. Ostrovskaya edited
V. V. Lebedeva and V. N. Zhelezhenaykina
Moscow "Mir" 1999

UDC 519.86
BBK 16.22.9
IN .- B. . SNN
Z27 synergistic economy. Time and change in nonlinear economic theory: per. from English - M.: Mir 1999. -335 s., Il.
ISBN 5-03-003304-1
The Chinese economist's book was written during his work at the Swedish Institute of Learning Studies and was published in 1991 in the famous Springer series of literature on synergetics, which was recticated by Hermann Hacken. The book uses a modern mathematical apparatus of nonlinear analysis for macroeconomic dynamics tasks.
It will be useful to specialists in the field of macroeconomics, mathematics and approvers, graduate students and students of economic universities.
BBK 16.22.9
The publication is carried out with the support of
Russian Foundation fundamental studies By project
Originally Published in English Under The Title:
"Synergetic Economics" by
Wei-Bin Zhang.
Copyright © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
1991. All Rights Reserved.
© Translation into Russian, "Peace",
ISBN 5-03003304-1 (russian .)
ISBN 0-387-52904 (eng.)

In the second .......................................... .................................................. ....................................... 16 2.
Time and change in economic theory ............................................ ...................................... 24 2.1
Economic evolution. Introduction ................................................... ...................... 24 2.2
Equilibrium theory in economic analysis ............................................. ............ 25 2.3
Dynamic theories in the economy ................................................ ............................ 27 2.4
The principle of conformity of Samuelson and its restrictions ........................................ 30 2.5
Instability in economic analysis .............................................. ................ 32 3.
There is a lot of either m and o m and t and and and d and d and d and d and d and d and e and d and d and and with and with t e ... ....... 35 3.1
Dynamics and equilibrium ............................................... .............................................. 36 3.2.
Classification of second-order differential systems ............................... 41 3.3
The principle of stability by linear approximation ............................................ 45 3.4.
Direct Lyapunov method ................................................. ............................................. 48 3.5
Structural stability ................................................ ........................................ 52 3.6.
Conservative systems ................................................ .......................................... 56 3.7
The theory of bifurcations .................................................. .................................................. .60 3.8.
Theory of features ................................................ ................................................. 67. 3.9.
Catastrophe Theory ................................................ .................................................. ..... 72.
Appendix: Some comments on the theory of bifurcations ........................................... ... 75 4.
Sets of equilibrium and structural changes in economic systems .......................... 78 4.1
Catastrophe Theory and Comparative Static Analysis ....................................... 78 4.2
Modeling of regional dynamics ............................................... ................. 84 4.3.
Some examples of structural changes .............................................. ........... 87 4.3.1
Business cycles in the Caldor model ............................................. ............. 87 4.3.2
Resource management................................................ ............................. 89 4.3.3
Dynamic selection of the type of transport and bifurcation ......................... 91 4.3.4
Sets of equilibrium in the model retail Wilson ....... 92 4.4
Bifurcation analysis of the model of economic growth ....................................... 94 4.5
Theory of features in economic analysis ................................................... ...... 101 4.6.
Remarks ................................................. .................................................. .............. 103 5.
Economic cycles ................................................ .................................................. ................. 104 5.1
Theories of economic cycles ............................................... ................................ 104 5.2
Some mathematical results of the theory of limit cycles .................. 110 5.2.1
Poincare-Bendixon Theorem and its applications to the economy .......... 110 5.2.2
Hopf's theorem on bifurcations .............................................. ............... 114 5.3
Simplified model of the Keynes business cycle ................................................. ............ 117 5.4.
The nature of non-equilibrium in the model without equilibria ........................................... 122 5.5.
Monetary cycles in the generalized model of Tobin ............................................ . 126.

Oscillations in a hybrid growth model van der Plug ...................................... 133 5.7
Optimal periodic employment policy .............................................. ..138 5.8.
Optimal economic growth related to endogenous fluctuations 142 5.9
Remarks on possible subsequent bifurcations of limit cycles ........ 145 5.10
Competitive business cycles in the economy with overlapping generations - discrete model ........................................... ................................................. 149. 6.
Economic chaos in deterministic systems ............................................. ................... 155 6.1
Chaos in deterministic systems ................................................ ...................... 155 6.2.
Economic chaos in a discrete system ............................................. ............. 158 6.3
Aperiodic optimal economic growth ........................................... 166 6.4
The dynamics of cities - the Lorentz system ............................................. .................... 169 6.5.
Chaos in the model of the international economy ............................................... .............. 174 6.6.
Chaos and economic forecasting .............................................. ................. 176 6.7
Remarks ................................................. .................................................. .............. 180.
Appendix: Some criteria for classification of attractors ................................... 180 6.7.1
Lyapunov indicators of differential equations ....................... 181 6.7.2
Lyapunov indicators for discrete mappings ......................... 182 6.7.3
Signal, power spectrum, autocorrelation function and display
Poincare 184 7.
Stochastic processes and economic evolution ............................................. .................. 187 7.1.
Random processes and economic evolution ........................................... 187 7.2 .
Stochastic processes. Introduction ................................................... ............... 190 7.2.1.
Some concepts of probability theory ............................................ 191 7.2 .2.
Stochastic processes .................................................. ..................... 193 7.3.
The processes of birth-death and master equation .......................................... 197 7.4.
Non-equilibrium model of Schumpeter's clock .............................................. ........... 203 7.5.
The effect of noise on the trajectories of nonlinear stochastic systems near the special points ........................................ .................................................. ................................... 213 7.6.
The impact of random external factors on the second order system in the vicinity of special points ...................................... .................................................. ................ 218 7.7.
Conclusions................................................. .................................................. ............. 222 8.
City formation - stability, structural changes and chaos ..................................... 225 8.1
Spatially continuous economy and description of the process of the city formation ........................................... .................................................. ......................... 226 8.2.
The role of structural stability in a two-dimensional economy ................................... 231 8.3
Economic cycles in the spatial model "Multiplier, accelerator" PU ........................................... .................................................. ............................. 239 8.4.
Spatial diffusion as a stabilizer .............................................. ...... 242 8.5.
Separation and coexistence of heterogeneous population groups of the city ............... 245 8.6
Urban formations like running waves ........................................................... ..252 8.7
Instability and city formation ............................................... ...................... 256.
Appendix: Structural changes in a two-component model ............................ 257

Model of morphogenesis ................................................ .............................. 257 8.7.2
Brusseltor ................................................. .......................................... 260 9.
The principle of the subordination of the Hacken and the scale of time in economic analysis ........................... 268 9.1
The principle of the subordination of the Hacken ............................................... .................................. 268 9.2
Theorem on the central manifold .............................................. ..................... 272 \u200b\u200b9.3.
Singular perturbations ................................................ ....................................... 276 9.4.
Communication of fast and slow variables in economic analysis ................. 280 9.5
Time scale in economic analysis ............................................. ........... 284 9.6.
Human dynamics. An attempt to understand ................................................ ............ 289.
Appendix: Principle of Submission for Stochastic Differential Equations
.................................................................................................................................................... 291 10
Synergistic economy and its meaning ............................................... ..................................... 295 10.1
Synergetic economy and its connection with synergetics .................................. 296 10.2
Connection of the synergistic economy with the traditional theory of economic dynamics | 297 10.3.
Competitive and planned economy in terms of synergistic economy 303 10.4
Developed and developing economy models from the point of view of the synergistic economy 306 10.5
Accident and the need for economic life ................................. 310 10.6
The role of a political solution in the chaotic world .......................................... 311 10.7
The ratio between micro and macroeconomics ........................................... 313 eleven
Conclusions and prospects for further research ............................................. ....................... 317

Prefaces converters
Every knowledge is only to summarize the essence of life under the laws of the mind.
Lev Tolstoy War and Peace »
A characteristic feature of the current stage of economic science development is its mathematization, which manifests itself in replacing the economic process under study by an adequate mathematical model and the subsequent study of the properties of this model by either by analytical methods, or on the basis of computational experiments. The use of mathematical models in the economy has more than a century history. For example, one of the first models market competition (O. Kurto) was published in 1838, and after half a century, L. Walras was already used mathematical models when reading the course political economy in
Lausanne University. To date, various models of interaction of labor markets, goods and money, models of single-product and multi-product firms, a model of the consumer behavior, a model of competition of firms in the goods market and others, which are essentially equilibrium models, were firmly entrenched in economic theory.
However, the overwhelming majority of economic processes proceeds, in time, as a result of which the relevant mathematical models are in principle dynamic. One of the traditional approaches to predicting economic processes is to study the displacement of the equilibrium point of the dynamic system caused by a change in the model parameters.
Such (quasi-station) approach is based on the key concept of classical political economy - "invisible hand" Adam Smith. As you know, this concept is based on a hypothesis of existence on the competitive markets of an automatic equilibrium mechanism.
The use of a quasistationary approach to the analysis of dynamic processes of the economy led to the distribution of general

ideas that the development of any complex system can be considered as a change of one sustainable state to others with a short period transition proxy between them. However, the analysis of real economic dynamics based on this approach may be erroneous, since the period of nonequilibrium development of many economic processes may be too long so that they can be neglected. Perfectly realizing the importance of research of economic processes in the dynamics, classic of modern economic science
A. Marshall justified the use of a quasistationary approach to assess changes in the market in that "our analysis is still in infancy."
It should be noted that this approach is effective only until time until time, by virtue of some reasons, the nature of the stationary state will not change dramatically. Such changes, called bifurcations, already belong to the area of \u200b\u200bapplications of nonlinear dynamic analysis methods, the development of which leads to an increasing spread of such a point of view: "The world is a constant development, eternal instability, and the periods of stabilization are only brief stops on this path."
Dynamic mathematical models of well-proven in physics, and then in biology, have a lot in common, although they retain the specific features of each of these sciences. Now the models of this class are increasingly used in sociology and economics. To date, the modern methodology for analyzing nonlinear dynamic systems was formed in a new scientific direction called synergetics. This interdisciplinary science is aimed at identifying general principles Evolution and self-organization of complex systems in various fields of knowledge based on the construction and study of nonlinear dynamic mathematical models. An important concepts of synergetics are "catastrophe", "bifurcation", "limit cycle", "strange attractor", "dissipative structure", "Running wave", etc. arising from the use of relatively simple nonlinear models, these concepts allow us to penetrate deeper In the essence of many processes and phenomena. Physics, chemistry, biology in abundance demonstrate examples of successful use of this methodology. These include phase transitions between aggregate states of substances, turbulent flows of fluid, structure in environments in the presence of auto-cellulitic reactions, waves of life and waves of burning, fluctuations in the number of natural populations, etc.
It is not surprising that this universal methodology that arose relatively recently and well-proven itself in natural science began to penetrate and traditionally humanitarian sciences and

first of all in the economy. Without afraid of mistaken, it can be argued that any section of economic science can be attributed to the field of synergetics applications, since, when considering any dynamic economic process, there is always some active, that is, the feedback element is always present. Therefore, if we want to look at the horizon of a narrow world, in which everything seems to be stable and in which there is no place for disasters and restructuring, we can not do without using a synergistic approach.
In the readers offered to readers, V.-B The "Synergetic Economics" kanga is made an attempt to give a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibilities of a synergistic approach in the economy. At the same time, the focus is on consideration of relatively simple mathematical models of small dimension, which, as a rule, can be explored by analytical methods. The use of synergetic methods in the economy is not tribute to fashion, but the urgent need to move forward out of the limits defined by the framework of a quasistationary approach, to look for new ways to apply powerful modern computing tools to solve serious practical tasks.
Mathematical tools of the book is a fairly compact set of methods that allow you to conduct a very effective analysis of nonlinear models of real economic processes. The undoubted advantage of the approach used is that the analysis of small dimensionally discussed in the book models is easily understood, since a set of properties that are the most striking consequences of nonlinearity are sufficiently limited. Therefore, the mathematical apparatus used in the book should become not only the alphabet for a new generation of economists, but at the same time both the Lighthouse, which should be configured to configure the mathematical training programs for economic universities. Apparently, it is in connection with this V.-B. Zang recommends his book not only by specialists, but also to students of economic specialties.
The scale of the task that the author set itself, did not allow him to avoid some flaws. This applies primarily to the excessive examination of the presentation of fundamental hypotheses in the wording of mathematical models, which, unfortunately, is inherent in not only this, but also many other books in the mathematical economy. It can be noted that; What economic models in the book often serve as an illustrations of famous mathematical results. This puts the models under consideration into the subordinate position in relation to the mathematical apparatus, which, of course, cannot but cause some feelings of discontent among readers-economists. but

as a result of this approach, the reader detects, for example, that economic cycles Also natural as vibrations of population numbers, and "jumps" in society, i.e., changes in the revolutionary type, as phase transitions for the substance. So this can be treated as an intentional methodological approach in the submission of a material that forces readers more carefully to delve into those miser lines, in which the main hypotheses and mathematical designs of models are presented, and to exhibit maximum independence in the comprehension of not only outlined results, but also mathematics -1The order setting the problem.
To some subjective estimates (and self-esteem) of the author, the reader should be treated quite critical. For example, speaking of the principle of submission
Hacken, it is impossible not to mention another wording of this principle - Tikhonov theorem for systems of equations with singular perturbations. And in general, speaking of synergetics, it should be remembered that many of its results are directly related to the development of mathematical modeling, at the origins of which A. A. Dorodnitsyn, N. N. Moiseev, A. A. Samara, and others stood in our country (for The convenience of readers we bring at the end of this preface a small list of references in Russian on this subject).
At the same time, we would like to draw the attention of readers to the main advantage of the book: In general, the author was able to give a wide panorama of the state of affairs in today's synergetics on the example of the analysis of relatively simple models of dynamic economic processes. Moreover, the book is aimed at the formation of the readers of a non-linear style of thinking, which is important in any area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, including, of course, and in modern economy.
When working on the manuscript of the translation, the selected inaccuracies of the original we corrected without special reservations, and where it was necessary, the substitution notes were made. It should be noted that the publication of the book in Russian has been implemented due to the initiative of the translation of the book N. V.
Ostrovskaya, who supported her initiative Russian Fund fundamental studies (Head of the Publishing Department V. D. Novikov), employees of the Mir publishing house, as well as A. V. Fedotov, who took part in translating 5 and
9 chapters.
We would also like to express your gratitude to the author of the book prof. V.-B. Zangu for attention to the Russian edition - he kindly sent at our request a list of typos, which is taken into account in the Russian edition, and also answered a number of questions on clarifying individual places of text. In conclusion, we express hope that the book will be useful to all readers interested in applications of nonlinear analysis methods in the economy. Who knows may be among them and those who will find with her help that the very thread, unraveling, will be able to get to a clear synergistic picture of those economic problems that we all experience and, having this picture in front of you, find real paths to Decent economic development.

List of additional literature
1. Arnold V. I. The theoryCatro . M.: Science, ed. 3rd, add., 1990.-128c.
2. Akhromeva G. S., Kurdyumov S. P., Malinetsky G. G., Samara A. A.
NonstationarityRupportedIffuzionaHos. . M.: Science, 1992. -
542 p.
3. Ivanilov Yu. P., Lotov A. V. Mathematical Economics . M.:
Science, 1979.- 304 p.
4. Lebedev V. V. Mathematical - economic processes . M.: Isograh, 1997. - 224 p.
5. Loskutov A. Yu., Mikhailov A. S. Introduction Energic . M.: Science, 1990.
- 270 p.
6. Petrov A. A., Pospelov I. G., Shananin A. A. Experimental modeling modeling . M.: Energoatomizdat, 1996. - 544 p.
7. Romanovsky Yu. M., Stepanova N. V., Chernavsky. S., Mathematical Biophysics . M.: Science, 1984. - 304 p.
8. Samsky A. A., Mikhailov A. P. Mathematical . M.:
Science, 1997. - 320 p.
9. Moiseev N. N. MathematicalCadachiSystem . M.: Science,
10. Tikhomirov N. P., Ricin V. Ya., Gavrilets Yu. N., Spiridonov Yu. D. Mo -
deliovascus Social Controls . Tutorial. M.: Raa, 1993.
D. . e. . n. ., to . f. .- m. . n. ., prof. . IN . IN . Lebedev
D. . f. .- m. . n. IN . N. . Desechekin

This book is about the dynamics of economic and other social systems. It is written in the Swedish Institute of Perspective Research and is focused on the semantic direction of problems economic evolution and rapid structural changes.
The analysis performed here is closely related to synergistic. This means that the doctor
Zang focuses on the fact that economic and other social quantities can be divided into subsets of fast and slow variables. It has been established that some of the slow variables have the meaning of collective, i.e. can play the role of order parameters in economic and social systems.
With a large or smaller involvement of the mathematical apparatus, such a unit is present in earlier attempts to dynamic economy analysis. Something similar did Alfred Marshall in his textbook back in the nineteenth century and Paul Samuelson in the "Fundamentals of Economic Analysis" in 1940. However, they did not assume the possibility of an accurate solution to the problems raised, which the approach to the economy developed herein implies. Doctor
The CANNG is not only committed to this area, but specifically shows how synergetics methods work in a dynamic analysis of the most important large-scale problems of economic development. One of its most important conclusions is that with the proposed division of the interacting subsystems for quick and slow, it is possible to achieve the predictability of their behavior, which otherwise should be considered unpredictable, i.e. chaotic. In addition, the analysis shows that variables affecting the order variables can become a tool of strategic policies. Most of these variables relate to the type of slow and, therefore, themselves can be considered as the parameters of the order at the level of the economy system. The latter automatically means that these variables affect the adoption of strategically important decisions, i.e. Provide a tool for the future-oriented policy.
Forecasting the future is definitely important, however it can easily contact groundless fantasies, if not to basket it on a reliable methodological foundation. One of the supporting stones in this foundation laid his book Dr. Zang.
Access . Andersson , Professor of the University of the University of Umea, Director of the Swedish Institute of Perspective Research

To my parents ,
because of the approximately suitableness
... If the orthodox economic science goes to a dead end, the reason should be sought not in the overall structure, which with great care was previously brought to logical slightness and consistency, but in the absence of clarity and community in the parcels.
J. . M. . Keynes (1936)
Time changes not only the economic way of society, but contributes to key amendments. economic ideas. Today it is too early to judge the historical value of the contribution to the economic science of the latest economists, since economists-classics, such as Ricardo, Malthus, Marx, Walras and Marshall lived at a different time and belong to other cultures. Time is the best referee.
Only the time gives us enough wisdom to admit that other ideas that seemed at first significant and promising, they have a rather superficial character.
Not only a wide public, but many economists increasingly lose faith in the possibility of applying economic science to reality, although the level of economic knowledge in lately Significantly increased: apparently there is no simple dependence between scientific knowledge and confidence in science.
You can come up with many reasons why the economy is mistaken in their attempts to explain reality. On the one hand, the real world itself sharply complicated in recent decades. Technology, institutions of society, the quality of life, aspiration of people, their morals that changed relatively slowly in the past, now, as a rule, they change much faster. This feature of modern society is difficult, if not just impossible, attempts to explain the economic life from the position of pure science. On the other hand, the traditional theoretical economy has its own internal limitations: it is limited mainly by static and stabilized outside economic systems.
Nonlinear unstable processes, such as regular and irregular oscillations, which are the main objects of our research, are considered random or insignificant phenomena.

This book discusses problems related to evolution and change in nonlinear unstable economic systems. We will focus on such aspects of dynamic economic systems as non-linearity, instability, bifurcation and chaos. For the analysis of the characteristics of nonlinear dynamic economic systems, we offer a new theory - "synergistic economy" based on Hacken synergetics. The synergistic economy focuses on the interaction of linearity and nonlinearity, stability and instability, continuity and discontinuation, constancy and structural changes in counterweight properties of pure linearity, stability, continuity and constancy. Nonlinearity and instability in the synergistic economy are considered, rather as sources of diversity and complexity of economic dynamics, rather than as sources of noise and random phenomena, as is done in the traditional economy.
In a sense, this book intends to complete the task that Paul A. Samuelson put in front of him, when he wrote his outstanding "basics of economic analysis." He shared the development of an analytical economy about five large stages. The first is associated with the name of Valras, whom we find the culmination of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeterministic equilibrium and static level. Pareto and others made the next step, which lay down the basis of the theory of comparative statics. The third step associated with the maximization of the action of the economic object was made by Johnson, Slutsk, Hicks and Allen.
The fourth achievement is associated with the opening of the principle of conformity. "The fifth step, which naturally do after we investigated the response of the system to change the specified parameters - to explore its behavior depending on the time." Moreover, Samuelson emphasized that "the benefits of any theoretical construct is to understand the nature of the behavior of economic variables depending on certain data or parameters. This is true for both dynamics and statics. Consequently, the next logical step should be the creation of the theory of comparative dynamics. It should not only include the theory of comparative statics as a special case, as well as all the sections of the economic theory, but cover a significantly wider area "
(Samuelson, 1946). The fifth step will be developed in this book.
This book is designed for economists and economists-researchers.
It may also be useful to scientists who are interested in applications of nonlinear dynamic theory economic problems.
Stockholm, July, 1990
IN .- B. . SNN

I really owe my teacher, Professor Ake E. Anderson. Its influence is easy to determine on the pages of this book, however, as on the whole of my professional biography. I am grateful to him for the preface to this book.
I would also like to express my deep gratitude to prof. Hermann
Hacken, prof. Bjerge Joansson and prof. Tyu Puu for their valuable comments. I am grateful to Dr. A. M. Leie and Mrs. I. Kaiser, publishing staff
Springer, for cooperation.
I also want to express the cerum of the University of Umea and
Institute for promising research in Stockholm for providing conditions and creating a favorable intellectual situation that stimulated this study. I am grateful to Cerum and the Institute for promising research for financial support.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation"
Vladimir branch

At the rate: "Concepts of modern natural science"
on the topic: "Synergistic approach in economic research»

Morozova A.S.
extramural studies
1 course, group SPA-211
Specialty "Jurisprudence"
Lecturer: Avdonina A.M.

Vladimir 2012.
Work plan.
Introduction .................................................................................... ... 3
Chapter 1. Synergetics as a new research method in the economy ............ ... 6
Chapter 2. Synergistic approach in economic research ... ...... ... 13
2.1. Basics of synergistic research of economic systems..13
2.2. Types of stability of economic systems ............................15
Conclusion ............................................................ ....................................21
List of used literature ................................................ ... 23


The functioning of any system, the economic system is no exception, is expressed through events, processes and phenomena, which determine the result, some result. The result in turn has an estimated indicator - a negative or positive assessment.
Events, processes and phenomena can explicitly or implicitly manifest. It should be emphasized that the probabilistic nature of events is their objective property, and not the result of observation over them. Each event and phenomenon has its own form of manifestation. Any events regardless of some kind of will can explicitly manifest themselves or manifest. The cause of different forms of manifestation is an irritant, i.e. Circumstances - a cumulative stimulus.
In addition to a certain form of manifestation, there is an implicit (indefinite) form. Events will definitely occur during some circumstances - a certain form of manifestation. Or events will not (an indefinite form of manifestation), in this case you can talk or have no circumstances at all, or about the coating of not all circumstances. Therefore, both the causes of such manifestations should be assessed. The nature of the "concrete circumstances" itself is no less interesting in the framework of the study of economic systems.
To teach to recognize, to predict, anticipate fluctuations, is designed to synergetics. Synergetics puts out a different concept of uncertainty, the concept of non-equilibrium is introduced, which exists implicitly and potentially, but manifests itself in the appearance of ordered structures in the form of ordering and disordering. The non-equilibrium is considered as a kind of "boiler", which are the source of the event (events).
Synergetics is the direction of scientific research through the knowledge of the general patterns and the principles underlying the processes of self-organization of systems of various nature. Under the object of the study of synergetics, considers systems (including economic systems - enterprises), potentially located in distant states from equilibrium, near special critical points (bifurcation points), where, under the influence of the most minor circumstances, the system can dramatically change its condition. The subject of synergetics is the behavior of the system when approaching and passing bifurcation points. Synergetics is designed to explain the causes of the behavior of the system near the points of bifurcation. Critical points (bifurcation points) is a state when the behavior of the system becomes unstable or unpredictable. Instability can manifest itself transcendentally under the influence of minor deviations when the economic system changes dramatically. The system status after passing the bifurcation point may be evaluated or as an anerochic or as a rothropic.
At the point of bifurcation, there is an impact on the internal and external communications of the economic system. Communication or regenerate or restored, the system degrades or adapts to new conditions of existence. The system can also acquire new qualities through the jump.
The combination at the bifurcation point of elements of the old and new quality creates a non-equilibrium state, i.e. At the point of bifurcation, the target, tasks and structure of the economic system can occur. In the course of transformations in the system, adaptation to new conditions of existence may occur, the mechanism of the functioning of the economic system or the system is degraded, i.e. does not come out on new level And as a result - the stagnation of the system. The symptom of the preparation of the system to jump is changes in information links both external and internal.
In some cases, the objectives of the system begin to dominate the goals of the external environment, i.e. The system subordinates a larger system. Thus, a monopolist is formed in the state economy, the monopolist enterprise forms the conditions for the functioning of key markets (labor market, sales, stock market).
The fact of the preparation of the system to the jump still does not determine the result, it is necessary to know the state of the system to the jump, the moment of transition of the number in quality.
Weakening or restoration of which qualities of the economic system will occur after passing of bifurcation points? How will the consequences of relaxation affect the state of the economic system? Possible risks of bifurcation points. Far out of idle issues to which it is necessary to have an answer to the management company, the investor and shareholder. The task of the analyst to assist users of information on these issues.
Today, the analyst is not enough to operate with mathematical methods, he needs to own philosophical categories. The economy, as a science, in addition to its own mathematical methods, already needed its philosophy, economic philosophy to understand specific reasons and consequences. Specific philosophy is necessary to avoid in the economy of epithets of the type "fatality of the system", "fatal circumstances", and the like

Chapter 1. Synergy as a new research method in the economy.

To the one who else is unfamiliar to the concept of synergetics and its ideas, it will be enough to represent such a definition of synergetics (from Greek. Synergetikos) - a joint, agreed, acting.
A more complete definition - blue (from Greek. Syn - "together" and Ergon - "action, effort"): a modern term introduced by representatives of natural sciences to designate nonlinear and other relationships that are not amenable to an exhaustive description in terms of rational science, mainly principle self-organization of natural, social and cognitive (ideological) systems. Constructive postulates of synergetics theory: the principle of productivity of chaos, recognition of the presence of branching points (bifurcation), the principle of resonant effects, etc.
In fact, the above-mentioned definitions do not disclose the essences of synergetics in the context in which it is represented in the scientific literature.
Different sources under synergistic represent:
1. phenomena that arise from a joint action of several different factors, while each factor separately does not lead to this phenomenon;
2. Science of self-organization, which means spontaneous complication of the structure of the system. Spontaneous emerging education are also combined under the general name - dissipative structures (the term is proposed by I.R. Prigogina);
3. Science about unexpected phenomena. It can be said that any qualitative change in the state of the system (or the mode of its work) impresses unexpected;
4. The scientific direction, which studies the bond between the elements of the structure (subsystems), which are formed in open systems (biological, physicochemical and others) due to intense (streaming) metabolism and energy with the environment under nonequilibrium conditions.
Most synergetics is a scientific direction, which is intended to play the role of methodaucus, allowing private sciences to explain the phenomena and their manifestations that go beyond their competence. Synergetics is needed not on the external pairing of sciences, but when combining the subject area of \u200b\u200bprivate sciences, by developing the necessary method of research. At the same time, the developed method does not form the basis of synergetics methodology, but is considered as a non-dopeful tool for the study of individual systems.
The term "synergetics" was introduced by G. Hacken engaged in research on the theory of lasers and nonequilibrium phase transitions. G. Hacken admits that for scientific explanation of some processes and phenomena, research is needed on the interval and interdisciplinary level, i.e. I need X-science. The current sense of the term synergetics was formed historically. The predecessors of G. Hacken spoke only about private examples, for example, the conclusion I. Zabsky on the need for a single approach to nonlinear mathematical and physical problems.
HAKEN Himself stated that the recording of the scientific direction proposed by him accidentally and non-coming, he writes: "It is useful to have any suitable definition of self-organization ...". Nevertheless, the synergetics of Hacken was not covered by attention and found the use of Studying various sciences.
G. Khaken, offered the term "synergetics" to study the principles of self-organization of systems, regardless of their nature, in most part it belonged to open systems. By Hacken, synergetics is engaged in the study of systems consisting of a large number of elements, components or subsystems. Only the conceptual designation of the direction of scientific research, i.e. The absence of rules, philosophical definition of science, consolidated the name of the X-science.
The viability of the term was predetermined initially for several reasons: firstly, the question of both interlocking and interdisciplinary research methods (it is obvious that the methodologies of scientific knowledge are different, so the implementation of such a project is possible only at a conceptual level); Secondly, the pressure of the community representing the classical science on old paradigms caused adequate opposition, new paradigms in the sciences were always formed contrary to opposition from the part; Thirdly - the name Lapidarino; Fourth, the scientific community has taken the term due to the direct association of the term "synergetics" with self-organization.
The philosophical and applied concept of structure in systems involves the presence of self-organization processes through streamlining and disordering. The state of the system at the time of its transformations is estimated by the stability of the system (both in minus and in plus). System transition points from one state to another were called critical points or bifurcation.
Open systems are characterized by the fact that in the process of their functioning, energy is accumulated within the system and the constant exchange of substance or energy flows with the environment. In constant dynamics, the results of the system activity, the internal forces of the system itself and external operating on the system are directly. Indirectly has alternatives and self-organization of the system, through the causes and effects of the action.
The state of the economic system is characterized by two qualities: first, the ability to relaxation, secondly, the level of condensation of entropy. To maintain the stationary state, the system requires constant energy required for continuous ordering through the jump. If the system is linear and iterative, it can live infinitely, i.e. The life cycle permanenient. In a non-linear system, irreversible processes begins through a number of iterations. Because Ideal linear systems do not happen, discreteness as a result will be manifested. Permanent and discreteness - mandatory conditions that determine the life cycle of the economic system.
The essence of the economic or socio-economic system is a constant ordering, through disordering (a kind of iterativeness). The ordering process involves a certain range of features, which determines the purpose of the system at a particular point.
The main sign of the start of disordering is an all-growing increase in the number of bifurcations in the behavior of the system.
Any state of the system of the synergetic system considers as a parameter characterizing the system. And there may be many such vectors, depending on the objectives of the study, key system parameters are determined, followed by observation. The entropy of the state is opposed to entropy, both concepts are causal.
The validity of the synergistic approach to the study of systems is confirmed by the fact that between the behavior various systemsstudied by various private sciences exist analogies (biological, economic, etc. Systems).
A biological system, such as a person, is subject to its laws of functioning. It will incorrectly give a certain image of intellectualism to the economic system, we are talking about the fact that the economic system as an artificial education created by a person for certain purposes is subject to certain laws, economic. Therefore, giving the definition of a senrygetic effect in order to consider economic systems, first of all, it is necessary to approach this problem on the basis of the dynamic characteristics of the system, and not as stationary education.
Any system is continuously developing (varies and adapted), and any dynamic does not imply equilibrium. Therefore, an inappropriate statement seem to be the process of self-organization is aimed at achieving an equilibrium state. If you consider the achievement of the state of equilibrium as an end of the system, then this is a dead end, then only degradation. It is advisable to achieve an equilibrium to consider the moment of preparation for the jump, the transition to a new level of self-organization, which is the self-use of the system. To describe the self-organization of systems, it is advisable to use Darwinian theory of evolution: heredity, variability, selection.
Heredity means that there is a certain starting potential laid in the system. The starting potential is the genetic memory of the system (absolute heredity, unconditional reflex).
In the process of operation, negative and positive experience is accumulated, which in turn determine the acquired qualities, conditional reflex. The ability to acquire experience characterizes the variability of the system, the development of reactions to various stimuli (chance and uncertainty).
Heredity and variability indicate the presence of memory from the system: long (hereditary) and short (purchased) memory.
The concept of "selection" or natural selection when considering complex systems, including those such as economic and socio-economic systems, indicates the viability of the system. Self-organization is subordinate to the action of the laws specific to the system. The general laws include the law on self-preservation, the specific laws of the development of economic systems are a law on competition, the law of increasing costs, the law of reducing the profitability, etc. Laws correctly name the principles of the selection of the external environment. The system that complies with the requirements of the law is capable of functioning in this external environment, otherwise the inconsistency of the objective of the system and the external environment may be a factor in the increasing disorganization within the system, turning into a crisis, the increase in irreversible changes in the system structure.
The concept of self-organization of systems is closely linked to the ratio and reflection. The relationship is the relationship of phenomena and manifestations (external and internal relationships). The reflection is the presence of an independent reaction force to stimuli.
The presence of relations and reflections indicate the presence of an equilibrium of the system. The equilibrium of the system assumes that the system is able to adequately respond to stimuli: counteract external influences and extinguish internal contradictions.
In the absence of an adequate response to stimuli, the system loses its stability at first, then the equilibrium. After losing resistance, the equilibrium is lost instantly. At the same time, the system occupies new equilibrium position.
The evolution of the system is impossible in the absence of irritants to the system, as well as the potential that allows adequately to react to stimuli. Such a statement allows us to conclude that the evolutionary process involves the stratification of the system development. Initially, the development of the system properties is developed, thanks to the genetic potential. Genetic potential in turn determines the inertia of the system in all its subsequent development. One of the main functions of the genetic potential to slow down inversion. At this stage of development, the system organizes the structure, internal connections between subsystems, external communication with the external environment. Next, the accumulation of experience occurs, interaction mechanisms are developed with an external environment. At this stage, changes may occur in the structure of the system, break or arise communication of the system. The result of the stage is the accumulation of the potential of the system. At some point, the action of irritants can be critical for the system. Depending on the results of the previous steps, the system reaction may be different, in any case, the system is included in the bifurcation stage. If the system is capable of cumulating the potential, the system is prepared for a jump, otherwise the system is degraded, and its stagnation of time. System degradation This is a loss of energy, the transition to the inertial state and as a result - disordering and destruction.
Random change in system structures leads to its mutation, i.e. It continues to play in a new form. Mutation caused by random changes is characteristic of biological systems and is not characteristic of economic systems. The main difference in wildlife from inanimate is the availability of the production function of itself like.

Bifurcation, despite the minor time frame of the process flow, is accompanied by a large emission release, under the influence of a law on self-preservation. Bifurcation can be called the propulsion of evolution, the engine is laid in the system itself, in its long memory. All together determine the process of self-organization as continuous transformation of the system for the purpose of survival, acquiring new properties. To survive, all the systems go in the direction of the complication of the organization through self-organization. Under self-organization, a targeted process is understood during which complex systems are being created, reproduced or improved. For economic systems, their transformation into a mega-system, corporations.

Chapter 2. Synergetic approach in economic research.

2.1. Basics of synergistic research of economic systems.

Traditional approaches of the study practically do not consider the potential of the enterprise as a whole, there are only some elements that allow the individual characteristics of financial and economic activities. The definition of financial sustainability is presented in the works of Russian scientists in the field of analysis - Gilyarovskaya L.T., Dontsova L.V., Nettsky V.V., Sheremeet A.D., L.V., such tools for evaluating enterprise performance indicators: autonomy coefficient (financial independence), financial dependence ratio, financing coefficient, financial stability ratio, investment coefficient, maneuverability ratio, financial lever (leverage) and some others.
One should agree with Donzova L.V. Which argues: "However, the bankruptcy of many Russian organizations is associated primarily, with the involvement of their non-payment, due to the influence of external, practically uncontrollable factors. And you can predict any economic situation, including bankruptcy, you can only own information on the trends of the external changes. factors. " This should add that for successful prediction, an important factor is to evaluate the transformations in both the economic system and in the external environment that occurred after their interactions.
Traditional methods of analysis viewed the economic system according to the laws of dialectics. Synergetics does not deny the laws of dialectics, but considers the patterns and principles of self-organization, as the processes of functioning of the system, in far from equilibrium states - when approaching bifurcation points or their passage.
Such a scientific direction in the study as synergetics allows you to look at the processes occurring in the economic system in a new way. Self-organization of the synergetic system represents in the form of processes of ordered space-time structures that are in distant from equilibrium states, in close particular critical points (bifurcation points), where the behavior of the system becomes unstable. Instability may manifest itself under the influence of the most minor deviations when the system or key indicator characterizing the system may dramatically change its state. In the study of some economic indicator of the time series, the following components are distinguished, where:
- the trend component indicating the effect of long-term factors, the trend function is determined on the basis of the behavior of the indicator for the previous points of time;
- the seasonal component, reflects the seasonal pattern in the behavior of the investigated economic indicator;
- the cyclic component, shows on patterns in economic development, constantly manifested over long periods;
- Random component, indicates the presence of random and unaccounted factors, externally not manifested, but affect the behavior of the indicator.
The random component cannot be detected by dialectical methods of research of economic systems, because Accident is an infinite set of conditions in which the event is unforesegainable. As opposed to randomness, the need is considered - this is a manifestation of an event that will necessarily come under certain circumstances.

2.2. Types of stability of economic systems.

In the theory of economic analysis, sustainability indicators are considered. The term "stability" in the literal interpretation is the imposed fluctuations. The mechanics borrowed sustainability in relation to economic systems involves the ability of an economic entity to follow the specified direction in accordance with the statutory requirements, tactical and strategic objectives. The stability, participating in the assessment of any system, economic is no exception, is a dynamic characteristics.
The concept of stability is introduced to justify the synergistic approach of studying economic systems in indicators to assess the potential of the enterprise outside the movement. The stability considers the ability of the enterprise to restore financial and economic activities, despite the negative impacts of external and internal factors. The possibility of regenerating this system of informational relations determines the relaxative stability or stability of the state of the economic system, which is determined by the results of the evaluation of dynamic and static stability. Consideration of all factors affecting the "stability" of an enterprise, subject of additional research.
If stability is the ability to follow the specified direction, then stability - the property of an object that provides the resistance to various (external and internal) factors, in relation to the enterprise such as the "Tax Field" (national tax policy), technological features of production, the peculiarities of the market of raw materials, sales market features , State business regulatory policy, force majeure. The stability as a criterion assessment involves using static characteristics.
Unlike dynamic stability, the assessment of the static characteristics of stability (stability) is primarily an analysis of the external and internal factors that affect the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Evaluation of the consequences of the influence of external and internal factors - there is an assessment of static characteristics, i.e. The economic system is considered "outside the move."
When considering stability, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the enterprise to hold and restore the resulting financial and economic activities, despite the negative impact of external and internal factors, in some cases, as if tearing internal and external communication systems, and the possibility of regenerating this system of information connections.
In many factors affecting the "stability" of the enterprise, the most important and positive factor ensuring the stable position of the economic entity, the "Niche" potential occupied by this enterprise in the market of identical proposals should be considered. The "Nishi" potential of the sales market is, first of all, the demand for products and services rendered in the current and promising plan. And therefore, the results of the analysis of financial and economic activities of the enterprise must be adjusted with a significant amendment to changes occurring in business, i.e. Taking into account the impact of the external environment.
We will highlight the main criteria for grouping dynamic and static indicators within the framework of the synergistic approach to the study:
- Dynamic includes indicators that determine the state of the economic system at a particular point;
- Static includes indicators that consider the state of the system in the separation from its development (movement). In the proposed method, this potential of the system, allowing it to respond to various irritants of the inner and external environment. The stability identifies the characteristics indicating the presence of potential (totality of funds and capabilities) at the system.
Dynamic characteristics include:
1. Indicators of economic activity:
- depreciable property;
- raw materials and materials;
- Money.
b). dynamics:
- cost;
- managerial and other expenses.
in). Security:
- assets;
- own and borrowed funds.
2. Financial performance indicators:
but). Condition and efficiency of use:
- own funds;
- borrowed money.
b). state:
- mutual settlements with external debtors and creditors;
- mutual settlements with internal debtors and creditors.
in). dynamics:
- revenue;
- Other revenues.
Static characteristics include:
1. System status indicators:
- dependence on investment and borrowing;
- ensuring the production of labor tools;
- positioning in key markets (stock, sales, labor);
- Dependence on counterparties.
2. System potential:
- business investment attractiveness;
- share of cash in turnover assets enterprises;
- Profit and its dynamics;
- competitiveness of products;
- technological elasticity of production;
- The state of production assets.
The qualitative addition of the methods of economic analysis by the methods of stability evaluation methods will avoid bankruptcy to enterprises that have the potential to exit the crisis state, reduce the risk of investors and with greater degree of confidence to assess the potential of the enterprise and to predict the results of financial and economic activities, and will allow to develop effective

From the synergistic economy to economic synergetics1

B.A. Yerzkhany

Based on review Books L.P. Evstigneeva and R.N. Evstigneeva "Economics as a synergistic system" 2 It is concluded about the desire of the authors to build the theory of economic synergetics on the basis of generalization, development and critical rethinking of the ideas of synergetics and a synergistic economy; The problems of building such the theory and the possibility of its application in practice are discussed.

The economy is increasingly turning from the science of choosing (such it relatively recently) into the science of actions learned very specific. One of the logical chains of operating with actions (action - interaction - transaction - transaction) leads to the economic theory of transaction costs. Based on transactions as an analysis object, one of the genericants of this theory Oliver Williamson managed to build and bring to practical application A holistic viewing system for an economic organization that brought him a deserved Nobel Prize (see, for example, (Williamson, 1996; Williamson, 1975, 1993)). But transaction

1 work performed when financial support RGNF (Project No. 08-02-00126A, Project No. 09-02-54609A / C).

2 Evstigneeva L.P., Evstigneev R.N. Economy as a synergistic system. M.: Lenand, 2010. 272 \u200b\u200bp. (Synergetics in humanitarian sciences). ISBN 978-5-9710-0290-1.

in his understanding - static concept. True, Williamson delimits the actions before and after the conclusion of the contract, linking the concept of Ex Ante and EX POST transaction costs, respectively. But the essence of the case does not change: time in theory economic organizationEssentially absent. Another logical chain (Action - Promotion / Interaction - Synergy), focusing on changes and time, leads to another understanding of the joint action - they are important not only or not so much the dynamics, which is obtained by simply accounting for reversible time, and the synergetics of the phenomenon concluded in Formation - as in a phenomenon, manifested by introducing irreversible time. The difference between synergetics from the dynamics is manifested in the fact that (quasistationary in the economy, i.e. based on the key concept " invisible hand") The approach to the analysis of dynamic processes is" is effective only until time until time, for some reason, the nature of the stationary state will not change the cardinal way "(Lebedev, Dezhevaykin, 1999, p. 6).

In general, the analysis of the phenomenon of synergies in relation to the economy is carried out within the framework of the synergistic economy - an economic theory, which is formulated in terms (and (or) is considered through the prism) of synergetics - science on collective static and dynamic phenomena in closed and open multicomponent systems with cooperative interaction between their elements (Hacken, 1980, 1985; Zang, 1999). With this approach, the economy acts as an object of the application of synergistic concepts and ideas: the course of reasoning, if you bring it to the formula, comes from synergetics to the economy.

With all at first glance (the same terms and concepts: bifurcation, a strange attractor, a dissipative structure, a disaster, entropy, etc.) Economic synergetics developed in the writings of Evstigneev, fundamentally different from traditional work on the synergistic economy.

It is based on the logic opposite to the above, namely from the economy is a synergetic.

To make sure that we turn to the newly published book L.P. Evstigneeva and R.N. Evstigneeva (2010). Summing up in many ways the results of their previous works on this topic, it includes two sections - the "synergistic foundations of the economic system" and "Transformation and the global financial crisis".

The first section begins with the representation of synergetics, but not as a new interdisciplinary scientific direction that studies complex systems with the possibility of implementing collective phenomena in them, and as a new scientific paradigm - in opposition to the common conviction about the instrumental nature of this science (ch. 1). Synergetics, the authors say, does not search for elementary market structures, or economic cells "as a embryo of a complex market with developed macro levels" - synergistic should be sought "on the border between the macroeconomic system concepts of market and social." Such an approach brings to the representation of the structure in the form of a system of socio-economic entities of the market with "fractal similarity of functions - issuer, investor, producer, consumer" (Evstigneev, Evstigneev, 2010, p. 7-8).

The position of empowing subjects with social content, turning them into an independent subject entity in counterweights of objectification (transformation of a person in a portfolio investor, business - a representative company) is for the authors of the starting or one of the starting points of building theory. Such a position we are particularly close (Yerznkyan, 2006).

Complex socio-economic systems can be like following Shakespeare scene, which played men and women (All And Women - Merely Players), belonging to both the social and economic world.

What is this scene-theater? The first explanation is to refer to the theater with two scenes - one for social and other for the economic presentation, on which actors are called "social" and "economic people", respectively. This means that the economy and social sciences are considered as complementary areas of activity (Complempents). The second - with one scene, on which either "social", or "economic" people speak. Accordingly, we can talk about social or economic "imperialism". Here, the economy and social sciences act as competitors (Competitors). The third - with one scene -to-compound, comprehensive in nature, on which people who belong to both the social and economic world are. They are the essence of the CO-worlds and can be considered as accomplices (accomplices). The theory designed to describe the socio-economic system associated with a complex stage, where the actors from both worlds play must be comprehensive to solve the tasks. Institutional economy It is a good example of a socio-economic (or simply realistic) theory along with a dozen related theories that are trying to harmonize economic and social approaches to solve the problems of the real world (Ersnkyan, 2006).

The question for which we are trying to answer are: Is the synergetic as a paradigm Versus tool one of the "dozen relative theories" or Evstigneev managed, if not to build, then find the path that leads to the universal (under the above) theory called us " Complex "- associated, in a certain sense, with" economic synergetics "?

Our answer (and hopefully, the reader will agree with this): the universal nature of economic synergetics, which "makes the very first steps," that is what the Evstigneyev inspires, that's what they move and, in fact, why their book begins with

synergetic new - not instrumental, and paradigmal - status.

In ch. 2 The methodological and theoretical aspects of economic synergetics are considered. In it, the authors formify eight theses that identify the "Requirements of Genesis for its transformed form" and denoting the "response trajectory of the development of economic synergetics as a methodology equal to ... Disclosure of the synergistic scientific paradigm" (Evstigneev, Evstigneev, 2010, p. 22).

The essence of these theses is as follows:

1) inside the synergistic macroeconomics it is necessary to carry out the boundary between the sphere of action of the reversible classical time, or the sphere of causal linear bonds, and the sphere of irreversible evolutionar time and nonlinear interactions;

2) levels must be determined different ways inclusion of a person in the economy (or as a historically concrete individual, which is the subject of a stochastic microscopic sphere, or as a functional market Subject -the participant of the macroscopic sphere);

3) In macroeconomics, as a holistic Si-nebetic system, there is a structural boundary between the current state of the market and its strategic tasks;

4) the distinction between the center and the regional sphere is interpreted as the formation of territorial investment clusters;

5) the formation of synergistic market macroeconomics opens up new globalization capabilities;

6) the ability of classical science to see the opposite of object and subject, as well as their identity, is realized outside the formation algorithm, or self-organization, by concentrating attention to the initial and closing points of the calendar period;

7) Synergetics allows you to move away from the linear aggregate of material and institutional factors of economic

growth, taken separately as well as in the sum of different angles - structural and geopolitical;

8) Economic synergetics is clearly more than synergetics Per SE, manifests the properties of a new scientific paradigm, demonstrating the next step in the development of complex systems in the economy and the social sphere (ibid., P. 22-25).

Next, relying on the synergetic methodology, the authors turn to the conceptual content of economic synergetics, which is interpreted by them as the theory of market macroeconomics (ch. 3). Such a interpretation allows, on the thought of the authors, to gain a constructive basis for manifestation of economic synergetics of all its properties. Here the authors make a remarkable recognition that its formation (a keyword for economic synergetics!), Observed in Russia in the form of a market transformation, rack. Therefore, it can only be said about it as a hidden, potential trend.

In the fourth chapter, the issues of synergistic dynamic potential and freedom of choosing the types of economic growth in liberation with research russian economy as a synergian system. Exploring, among other things, the role of productive (regional) capital, the authors stop at the clusters they consider as elements of the "hierarchical system of markets led by the market for strategic investment." Their position is as follows: "With all the relevance of the Institute of Spatial Clustering, as still a phenomenon of a plane (network) market, a more promising perspective is the formation of investment clusters capable of unifying corporate and regional (and interregional) interests with the interests of the Center." The authors emphasize two points. The first: It is impossible to consider the cluster structure "outside the problem of turnover national income, conjugate and subordinate circulation of financial capital within the framework of the BCC. " The cluster here acts as

impulse carrier to market expansion inside the synergistic structure of market macroeconomics. " The second: "The role of the cluster in such a development of the ABB sectoral complexes, when even as part of the choice of the priority fuel energy complex, and the economy supports the choice of market expansion, and not the investment exhaustion of the economy for the elected structure" (ibid, p. 89-90).

The last, the fifth chapter of the first section is devoted to inflation issues in the context of the evolution of money. The authors substantiate the position according to which inflation belonging to the complex market has different stages of complexity: 1) optimizes the combination of industry complexes (the problem of strategic choice); 2) optimizes transaction systems (coherence); 3) diversifies investment and consumer markets (mass); 4) forms a kernel of market self-organization to optimally solve strategic and current problems in relationships (banking coalition) (ibid., P. 106).

The second section, despite the seemingly an applied name, continues the whole topic of the first. In full compliance with the central for synergetics, the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming the authors explore the transformation content of the global crisis (ch. 1), paying attention not to the analysis of the measures taken to exit from it, but on its objective content. In their presentation, the exit from the economic crisis is a transformation aimed at the formation of a new economy, the institutional structures of which are converted to the Great Kondratyevsky cycle (BCC). The authors argue the impossibility of restricting the financial crisis by processes in stock and money markets, as well as the inapplicability of a total approach, which considers the "economy something like a household state." The task they put on themselves is to try to "comprehend the financial crisis as a system-wide crisis, transformational, as a natural completion of the previous BCC

and entering the new cycle (1990-2050) "(ibid., p. 110). At the same time, if the world crisis, the times of the Great Depression (1930s), "meant the transformation of productive capital economies in the cash capital economy," the approach of this crisis (1970s) "was noted by the transformation of money capital into monetary and cash capital, The basis of the global economy. " As a result, at the turn of the past and this centuries, the formation of prerequisites for the qualitative transition from the currency form of value to financial form began. Currently, the formation of the "behavioral system with the priority of the strategic market ... on the basis of the investment cluster system" (ibid, p. 111).

We emphasize that the meaning of the author's explanation of the crisis is not based on a linear (technological), but on a nonlinear (social) interpretation. "The transition from linearity to synergetics radically changes not only the market, but also society as a whole (in the amount of all spheres and forms of vital activity)" (ibid., P. 130).

Next, they stop on the problems of "rationalization - transformation - formation" (ch. 2), linking the rationalization with the competition mechanism, transformation-with different aspects of internal evolution, becoming with bifurcations. It is noted that "rationalization within financial form The cost is equivalent to the transformation ", which in turn" in the framework of the nonlinear market is equivalent to becoming ", since" is reduced to the interactions of the BCC phases as bifurcations from one type of economic growth to another (intensive type - intensive-extensive-copy-intensive - diversified extensive) " (Ibid., P. 140).

It is especially worth saying about the specificity of the open market structure of the open market in the Russian economy, in which the "priority contour is monetary and money", "unlike the traditional market, where the financial and money circuit consolidates the mechanisms and factors of economic growth and,

accordingly, the national market. " With this understanding, the Russian economy looks like it is "turned inside out" (ibid, p. 144).

In case of comprehension of the global global system, the authors resort to the concept of contours of the American economist H. Minsk (MT8KU, 1993). According to her "Global monetary economics (and the corresponding currency and monetary form of value) forms in countries two contours represented by two turns: 1) financial and cash markets led by a large bank (system of banks and other credit institutions); 2) Currency markets led by a large government (the formation of the state budget and extrabudgetary financial funds) "(Evstigneev, Evstigneev, 2010, pp. 158-159).

As the authors show, contours are the constructive basis for the formation in global economy Two interconnected streams of development, which are called in the work of two global types of economic growth - inflationary and deflationary. Inflationary based on the budgetary capacity with the Central Bank as the main regulatory market institute (Russia), and the deflationual - on credit potential with the stock market as the chief regulator (USA).

After analyzing the global types of economic growth, the authors stop on two mistakes of the world community. The first: "It is absolutely incorrect that the correct is always obvious." With regard to the global financial crisis, meaning that it is mistaken to consider it a financial crisis, because in fact the "global financial crisis is a money capital crisis." The second mistake "is ideological", ascending to the Neolibe Paradigm

rally. Society must realize that "the exit from the global financial crisis is not a correction of the functioning of the neoliberal economic and political system", and that, as evidenced by the crisis, "the economy has reached its ceiling and requires the refusal of a linear model of point and natural self-organization of the market and transition to systemic nonlinear , synergetic model "(ibid., p. 172-173).

The section is completed (and with it both the book) study of the mentality as an economic and synergistic phenomenon (ch. 5). The phenomenon itself is revealed in three aspects: 1) the mentality in the context of the socio-political and general cultural prerequisites of the formation and operation of the synergistic economy; 2) the role and place of economic synergetics in the formation of a new liberal society and new men-talnia; 3) the participation of mentality in market self-organization.

In accordance with these aspects, the Men-Dauls are interpreted as the unity of worldview, socio-political and moral traditions. The authors after Yasin (Yasin, 2003, p. 21) come to the conclusion that "sooner or later a new market practice will generate a new mentality" (Evstigneev, Evstigneev, 2010, p. 245). Agreeing with E.G. Yasin that "the market transformation process should include a conscious mentality formation policy," the authors make two reservations. The first one refers to the fact that the process of changing the mentality through market practice belongs to the linear world. In relation to economic synergetics with its principal nonlinearity, "Consciousness should form, starting not with the alphabet, but directly from accessing complex texts." Public consciousness actively affects a separate person,

because he imposes a vision of "through the glasses of systemic market practice", not conducible to simple market practice. As a result, "the connection of such properties of the market, as a systematicity and mass, in itself dramatically changes the public consciousness, making interesting and inspiring communicative practices for him." The need for another reservation is caused by too straightforward in E.G. Jasina Mentality and Orthodoxy, which causes doubts from authors, but not in the sense of a meaningful formulation of the issue, but to the degree and form of "connection of an indefinite state of mentality at present with the traditions of the Orthodox worldview" (ibid, p. 246).

The authors, rightly believing that "it is unlikely that it is unlikely to prove that a primitive competitive market can act in market macroeconomics," come to a remarkable conclusion (and this is a second reservation) on the role and place of economic synergetics in the formation of a new liberal society and a new mentality . It turns out that its uniqueness "manifests itself in the fact that the mentality of society as a whole and a separate person becomes not an additional social phenomenon in relation to the economy, but a mandatory economic component of the socio-economic system" (ibid, p. 248).

Studying the problem of mentality in the aspect of its participation in the market self-organization of society, the authors define it as an economic phenomenon reflecting the "anthropological approach to the study of the economy of a synergistic type". In other words, they see "in synergetics the cultural civilizational function of protecting a person, society and nature", which is explained by the removal of the "person - subject" confrontation between the theory of confrontation. And although the authors interpret economic synergetics as the theory of "socio-economic relations of people of living, thinking, endowed with different worldview, character and will" (ibid, p. 245), with which it is impossible to disagree, this thesis

it remains, as it seems to be completely disclosed.

Return again to the previously marked logic of two (possibly somewhat extended) approaches, which can be called the approaches of the ZAN and Evstigneev with a certain proportion of conventionality. Whose essence can be expressed (which was done above) in the formulas: "From synergetics - to the economy" and "from the economy - to synergetics", respectively.

If within the framework of the logic of the first approach (synergistic economy), you can use the arsenal of developments from various science areas in relation to the economy, then within the framework of the logic of the second approach (economic synergetics), it is required to apply or extend the operations of one of the areas of knowledge (economics) for many areas of scientific knowledge ( Synergetics as interdisciplinary science). In such an understanding, the task of the second approach becomes much more complicated first, especially in connection with the "disease" (Modern Economics IS Sick (Blaug, 1997)) and the continuing crisis of economic theory (Polterovich, 1998) and, as a result, the inability to propose clear and unequivocal concepts - Available for perception with colleagues from adjacent (and not only) areas of science and knowledge.

Understanding or feeling that the path from the economy to the synergetic Log and Terinist (remember their words about the "first steps of economic synergetics"), the authors narrow the conceptual space of their constructions: Economics - Society - Christian, the world of globalization - US-European, institutes -Mero-German and Anglo-Saxon. In such a context, the descents of the authors regarding the "universality of a market economy", the "universalism of globalization", "liberalization as a significant phenomenon of the culture of postmodernism" - in all these cases, the economy is reduced to the formula "here and now", and as if the rest of the world - Out of Christianity and the market, and Europe with North America - and does not exist at all. The tactic of this approach is understandable, but it is rather distorting than clarifies

copyright, making unforeseen adjustments to the strategy for building the theory of economic synergetics, imaginable initially - otherwise it would not be worth being taken for such a complex enterprise - as universal. As a result, the contradiction between the universality of the conceived strategy and the singularity of realizable tactics leads if not to a decrease in the value of work, then the need for special selectivity and ingenuity by readers. "Do not throw out a baby with water" - this is what is required from the reader. This should be especially stopped at this, because, as the discussion of the Evstigneev report in IE RAS showed, even such a prepared reader and a reputable scientist, like V.N. Livshits, concluded that "if the word" synergetics "throw out of the report of the report (quote:" The best of what I heard lately "-B.E.), nothing will change" 3.

And how to be the reader, albeit conscientious, but not so advanced and patient? It seems that the authors will continue to work in the direction to promote greater promotion of their design and, as a result, a better understanding of the reader of elements of economic synergetics. It would be worth paying attention to the decision of the following issues.

First, it should not be artificially narrowing the copyright position in relation to the object and subject matter. The strength of the Si-Negreetic economy is that it allows you to approach the economy from the widest positions due to the introduction of ideas and concepts developed in various fields of science. Accordingly, the strength of economic synergetics should be no less, and it should be approved, as we see, in the application to synergetics common conceptsdeveloped by economists - theorists and practitioners - for centuries

3 from speech V.N. Livshits on the discussion of the report of L.P. and R.N. Evstigneev "mentality as a category of economic synergetics" (Moscow, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, April 22, 2010).

both in various countries, regions, societies and scientific schools. Only in this case, the generality of the categorical-conceptual apparatus and thinking can be provided, allowing you to qualify for the universal nature of the formed - albeit in many respects and intuitive, by the method of samples, errors and insights - theory.

Secondly, the "Economic" attribute in relation to synergetics should be by definition not only "economic", or not just a narrowly economic, he must carry the features of society in which the economic action is unfolding, and the institutional environment affecting the economy as such And - in turn, hesitating his opposite effect. The calculation should take various forms of economic interaction - market, planned, tribal (built on donation), competitive, cooperative, mixed. Religion, one of the main public institutions that went to the inheritance should not be reduced only to Christianity (which itself has many shades), moreover, the denial of religion should also have the right to exist. Such is the complex reality in which we live. And the theory applying to the role of universal should be adequate to this (characterized in the same large variety of phenomena) of reality. This conclusion is particularly relevant in relation to the "formation of the Russian economy as a synergian system", the reduction of which (if the project of economic synergetics will be implemented) to one component - religious denomination, or regional education, or social strata, or ethnic community, or party group, ETC. - fraught with serious distortions and skews with all the ensuing consequences.

Thirdly, speaking of mentality, public consciousness, the authors implicitly proceed from the fact that it is if the question of the existence of a public consciousness, which, in fact, is not considered, to leave aside - one and stable. Such a letter

nie returns us to discussions, more than thirty years ago and to irresistible problems faced with supporters of a general equilibrium, when it turned out that uniqueness and stability are guaranteed only if there is a very strict restriction - the assumptions about the "behavior of society as a whole, as if it is a single individual "(Hodgson, 2007, p. 8). Attempts to solve non-unity and instability problems led to the fragmentation of the project for building a general equilibrium economy and to research the formation of microscopic foundations of the economy (Kirman, 1989; Rizvi, 1994).

If this is also added to the achievements not only modern, most importantly related, economics, but also, for example, related to Sociological (Hyddens, 2005) and philosophical (Searle, 1995), it will be quite natural to wish Evstigneev in further research to take into account the complex The arrangement of society (and his consciousness, which would be it) and incorporate a stratified public consciousness in the analysis, especially since only such a statement and may be adequate to the realities of modern Russia, only it is able to reflect the conditions established in the country.

Fourth, it is necessary to clarify all the questions related to the type of "economic and synergistic" person. What should he be? What should be his behavior? Since Evstigneev's theory is in the formation stage, it is necessary to lay in its foundation for the postulates of human behavior, which describes this theory. In order to better understand (and on the basis of this, express its recommendations and wishes) the position of the authors of economic synergetics, we turn to another author - Zangu, to its Si-nebetic economy (in terms of understanding the dynamics of a person) as the initial point of reflection.

Human life, as fairly recognizes Zang, "is extremely difficult to understand," nevertheless its individual aspects, for example, "human behavior in

with a changeable environment "can be described, moreover with all of several keywords (variables):" The complexity of behavior originates in the interaction of these key elements plus variations ambient"(Zang, 1999, p. 284). Zang introduces two groups of variables - relationships and behaviors. Denote by x vector of variables characterizing relationships, for example, to money, love, friendship, work. These are slow variables. Economists, in contrast to philosophers (and, perhaps, adds king, artists), they are not interesting, and they can be considered permanent. The object of economic analysis is usually becoming such variables as the choice of consumption items, time distribution, wage, Choosing a place of residence and quality housing, etc. These are fast variables, denote by their vector via Y. The dynamic behavior of a person may presumably be described by the following equations:

dx / dy \u003d sfx, y, t) and dy / dt \u003d g (x, y, t),

where S is a small parameter, T - time, AF and G are suitable continuous functions. The parameter named for simplicity is small, serves as a measure of the rate of establishing economic variables. Economists not only interpret these velocities in different ways - they differ in countries and are directly determined by the economic system dominant in them, the institutional system, in which economic activity flows.

Although the first equation attracts more attention to philosophers, and the second economists, their positions may coincide. Thus, in a sustainable system, a short-term analysis of the economist and a long-term study of the philosopher have reason to be considered fair, "since" in a short-term scale is quite acceptable to consider the variables of "relations" as permanent values, and in long-term can be neglected by variables "behavior". "In an unstable - the problem becomes very thin" (Zang, 1999, p. 285-286).

The authors of the synergistic economy - as economists and at the same time philosophers (and artists, in any case, words) are kept in the field of view different time horizons and human type. Their theory, according to the author's intent, will be sided in the trio type of man as: 1) individual2) Social Subject and 3) of the Spiritual Personality. Building such a "synergistic" person and incorporating it into the theory seems to be a task how commendable, so and difficult to implement. It cannot be said that they do not notice the problems. Moreover, they offer measures aimed at the formation of such a trice-type person, including the creation of conditions: 1) to revitalize the status of an individual (Ethnic problem); 2) human life as a social subject, as a valid or potential member of civil society; 3) the formation of the infrastructure of the human existence as a spiritual personality (Evstigneev, Evstigneev, p. 250-252).

And yet the worm of doubt is gnawing us. If it is even possible to bring a pleasant "synergetic" person a pleasant "synergetic" person (what is hard to believe), then the question of how to deal with its theoretical (not just static, but also dynamic, and even more so - synergistic) representation, It remains open for us.

Fifth, it is necessary to determine the concept of "entropy" to be determined in relation to economic synergetics. The latter, according to the authors, is much more difficult and is organized and, accordingly, needs more adequate representation. Open complex systems, which, undoubtedly, refers to the Economic Equivans, exchange with the environment, and both energies and entropy. But the problem is that to operate with the concept of "entropy" in the spirit of classics -Boltsmann, Gibbs, Shannon - may not be enough to transmit the essence of phenomena occurring in such an economy. Another Hacken noted that the most characteristic property of self-organizing systems is the intensive exchange of information entropy with

environment (Hacken, 1991). In essence, he closely approached the formulation of the concept, which later studied and made the property of scientific (and not only physical) to the public Our compatriot A.G. Bashkirov.

We are talking about an Entrostat (entropy or information thermostat), interaction with which is one "from the conditions of self-organization of a complex system". "It can be assumed that the interaction with the Entrostat generates fluctuations of the information entropy of the system, just as the interaction with the conventional thermostat generates energy fluctuations." The essential result of this interaction is that "the system cannot achieve the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, which is characterized by the maximum entropy of Gibbs-Shannon," which in turn was obtained "a simple averaging of the Ertropy of Bolzma-on" (Bashkirov, 2007, p. 31-33 ). In a conceptual attitude, the importance of the generalization of thermodynamics proposed by Bashkirov, it is difficult to overestimate for synergistic systems. Free from the extremes of reductionism and holzma (if used, methodological individualism and methodological collectivism), in the same extent unsuitable for the methodological representation of complex systems, including the economy as a synergetic system, its concept allows them to provide them with an adequate description based on "full recognition of the universality of the second start Thermodynamics "(Bashkirov, 2007, p. 18).

Sixth, formable theory, as follows from the analysis of the book, is rather normative than positive character. In other words, it is based not so much on existing realities, but at the staged ideas: they still have to come true, to appear. It is clear that the support for the non-existent reality makes the positions of the authors vulnerable before criticism. But such was their choice, there was a creature of their plan. In a certain sense, this implementation of ideas can be compared with the implementation of

the project "Genesis is absence", but unlike the Jacques of Derrid, who detects the "absence" in the footsteps of the past, the authors are trying to fill him in the future.

As a result, the author's teleology leads the authors to find the desires of the future in the present, to an attempt to designate and, by virtue of this constructing of future contours. This attempt, among other things, can really contribute to the exit "from the current critical state of economic theory and practice" based on the transfer of "accent from being-presence on being-absence". The philosophical substantiation of this approach seems to us in the concept of Sous Rature, designed originally Martin Heidegger, praised and developed by Jacques Derrida (Derrida, 1967), subject to its adaptation to the needs of the economic theory appropriate for the description of the phenomena of the nonlinear world. Employees for its designation of the word "inadequate, but necessary" (inadequate Yet Necessary). They were described as "typographical expression of deconstruction) (Taylor, Winquist, 2001. P. 113).

The meaning of such "self-sensing" concepts, with the help of which avoiding the stuffing and absolutization of traces and the trajectory is written, is as follows. Since the thought of the missing object enters into a contradiction with the thought of both the test, the experience of something in the present, then it is necessary to reach a different level of theoretical economic thinking, for which a certain generalized experience is needed. Since the absence of an object is not difficult to study, but also for understanding, the researcher must look for traces of the absence - an outline of unrealized (or not fully implemented) presence. Such an approach is inaccurate, but it is necessary, and, since it is so, it is implemented in research practice, but due to inaccuracy, its implementation is erased (Ersnkyan, 2000).

In-seventh, natural linkage of synergetics with clustering, which has undoubted

but, an important applied value, it follows in the theoretical and methodological plan to clarify and deepen. Clusters (not spatial, namely investment territorial-in the author's terminology) are, according to Eustagneyev, "The Institute for the Implementation of the Two Stories of the Individual - Individual and Social Subject (a member of the civil society)." The thought is interesting, although to put a sign of equality between individual as a member of society and individual as a member of civil society is not quite correct.

Further, the approval of the ability of clusters "to hold the market from the collapse" (due to the fact that they act as the "basic institutional structure of the formation of two transactions - price and legal"), "Even if the recession reaches the level of economic or social bottom," needs justification. The reference to the fact that "clusters serve as centers of attraction not only local and regional markets, but also individual economic activities, as well as some additional considerations of authors (Evstigneev, Evstigneev, 2010, p. 260-261), although they look quite consonant sensitive (As part of the way of thoughts inherent in economic synergetics), meaningless is not suitable for the role. More precisely, it is not quite suitable, because a large number of factors remain outside the field of attention, which affect the effectiveness of the formation and functioning of clusters in Russia.

In eighth, I would like to wish the authors to simulate our concept and reveal its parties - both strong and weak to find out the volume of the conceptual-categorical apparatus - whether it is redundant or insufficient to finally make her concepts and categories clearer - as For yourself and for the scientific community. Such a model is sequally formalized, although the methods and the degree of formalization are not so important, the main thing is that it would be reflected in it the most essential features of the author's concept - can promote authors to build the desired theory.

Instead of imprisonment and in continuation of the topic, we note that it is also possible that on this path the authors will receive unexpected results, perhaps even unwanted. However, as they say, a negative result is also the result. But the possible negative in the future compared with the scale of their task is already now - in the present - it is impressive with his positive: it spreads the limits of our knowledge and consciousness, Berbraja us new, albeit in many ways and controversial, but opening other horizons, thoughts and hypotheses. And in this, as it seems to us, the main value of the book, in which its authors, Lyudmila Petrovna and Ruben Nikolayevich Evstigneev, were marked by a non-elusive and thorny, but quite distinguishable path leading to theory (instead or in the development of a synergistic economy) and practice ( Employees of the state apparatus are among the first to be addressed by the book) of economic synergetics.


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In the late 1980s. Scientists begin to discuss the possibility of applying chaos theory in social sciences. Basically, in a small exception, among them there were professional mathematicians and physics. It must be said that in the economy, synergetic methods turned out to be in demand in several years earlier than in other social sciences (for example, in research related to the securities market).

The first works were going along the path of the transfer of new mathematical concepts and terms to the dialects of social sciences. In many ways, the results of this direction relied on the famous works I. Prigogin and his schools.

"Introduction of synergetics ideas in socyodynamics associated with the name V. Vidlich. Using the synergistic approach of Hacken (defining the parameters of the order and using the principle of submission), it for many years, almost from the very beginning of the development of synergetics, develops models that allow you to quantify collective processes in society. On the one hand, we have the integrative dynamics of macrophenetomen in society, and on the other hand, the decisions and behavior of individual individuals on the micro-social level. Synergetics establishes the ratio between the micro level of individual solutions and the macro level of dynamic collective processes in society and gives a stochastic description of macrodinamics.

Synergetics is primarily enormous as a new point of view on the events that occur in a world that differs from a traditional deterministic view that dominated science since Newton's times. Thus, synergetics is useful as a means of interpreting scientific data in the new perspective.

The theory of social self-organization allows one to approach the solution of a number of problems in a new way:

Historical determinism ("Everything is permitted" or "all predefined").

The nature of the socio-economic crises and ways to overcome them (the possibility of the uncruiscuous development of society or not);

Criteria of social progress (there is an objective criterion for such progress or it is not);

The possibility of long-term social forecasting;

The possibilities of coevolution (agreed development) of nature and society, etc.

The relevance of the synergistic methodology is associated with the peculiarities of the modern era, where "not stability, the variability of the social kaleidoscope paradoxically becomes almost the most sustainable characteristic of modernity. There is an intensive transformation of public institutions, a change in the entire social, cultural habitat of a person and in parallel - his views on the meaning and purpose of being. " As a result of the study of various systems of various nature capable of self-organization, the new - nonlinear - thinking.

The system is a combination of objects and processes, called components, interrelated and interacting among themselves, which forms a single integer, which has properties that are immiscable to its components taken separately.

A whole world of new concepts opens a synergistic approach. Entropy and dissipation. Bifurcation and changing chaos and order. The ordering of market macroeconomics using the order parameters and their hierarchy in unity with the market hierarchy. Attractors as systems of systems from the point of view of their approximation to equilibrium, or the resistance point ("attracting sets"). Birth on the basis of long linear interactions and complicated long correlations of a special type of equilibrium - a limit type of economic growth, in which economic growth is complicated and acquires the features of sociordynamics.

IN developed countriesRelatively painless market macroeconomics, there is no such urgent interest in the development and implementation of ideas of economic synergetics, as in Russia. Being in less comfortable conditions of the initial stage of transformation and insufficient development of the market macrostructure, our country is objectively interested in this much stronger. Moreover, we believe that, putting forward the strength of the circumstances to the forefront of the development of an economic and synergistic approach, Russia can make its original contribution to the formation of a synergistic paradigm as a whole. The fact is that while synergetics is considered mainly as a science on the formation of being. And economic synergetics is also a science also on the formation of a subject, the relationship of the subject and being, that the probabilistic world is not only the world of microeconomics, but also the world of macroeconomics.

But why precisely the synergetics is designed to overcome the limitations of Mainstream and become the theory and methodology of information (post-industrial) society? To begin with, refer to the shifts of the description of the reality that occurred in physics: Classical Mechanics → Theory of Relativity → Quantum Mechanics → Synergetics. In classical mechanics, as you know, the static picture of space-time dominated. Albert Einstein has a fourth dimension of space - time. In quantum mechanics, determinism is still preserved, but already in a probabilistic wave function. Finally, due to synergetics in the focus of scientific research, it turned out to be time. In other words, it became possible to consider the space as a hierarchy of structures of different ages. It happened, as Synergetics say, turn from the surprise time to the space of space.

Such a look appeared thanks to the discovery along with the usual time, which is associated with the movement facing the future and the past, i.e. Reversible, also internal, or irreversible evolution time (the so-called "arrow of time"). Synergetic fathers Ilya Romanovich Prigogin and Herman Hacken showed why irreversibility leads to deep changes in the concepts of space, time and dynamics.

First, the asymmetric phenomena occur around us in time. There is a law or an increasing (second beginning of thermodynamics) or decreasing (in complex open systems) entropy. According to last law More "old" is the state that corresponds to the greater the importance of entropy (energy scattering). An example is the great explosion and formation of the Universe - an irreversible process in its pure form. Or another example is the time-based development of individual bodies in a mammal embryo. An important conclusion from the law of decreasing entropy for economic and any other social transformation: Progress is not under a linear historical trajectory, but, due to nonlinear interaction of structures, in a more complex trajectory (chaos - dissipation, i.e. self-organization, ordering of chaos - order).

Secondly, in the formation of irreversibility, two previously unknown or, let's say so, not enough to attract the attention of the factor. One of them is a deep-developed system of order parameters - a macroscopic level of research. At bifurcation points (critical threshold points of the branch of evolution paths) there are complete destruction of one system of parameters of order and replacing it with another system. Another factor is a special role of the microscopic elements of the system. This is the area of \u200b\u200bchaos and multiple causal linear interactions that generate sustainable correlations. It is they who give the life of trajectories of macroscopic factors.

The fundamental principle of synergetics is the movement from being to the formation, and therefore the unity of being and society as its subject. Actually, synergetics and there is nothing more than the theory of the emergence of new properties in the whole, consisting of interacting objects. The interaction is a universal mechanism for the functioning and development of complex open systems in nature and society. Fluctuations, bifurcation and instability are present in the real world at all levels. And the fact that we perceive as stable systems are in fact only idealization (approximation) or, as the Hackn explained, the limit of the degenerate type of uncertainty state.

Distinguish simple and complex systems. Simple systems have a small number of items. The number of interconnections between the elements is small. Simple systems are almost independent of the environment, well managed and changes little in time. Complex systems consist of a large number of elements, between which there are numerous relationships. Complex systems are the object of attention of synergetics. For example, in simple societies there is neither the manager nor subordinate or rich, nor the poor, these are primitive tribes. In difficult opposite there are several levels of management, several social costs, social inequality. The important property of complex systems is their ability to manage and self-government.

The main path of the system research is the construction of a model (for example, a road map, a model of the aircraft, the Economics course - is a set of simple models describing individual elements of the economic system).

Modeling is primarily the ability to allocate the main thing (for example, in the economy there are two fundamental concepts - supply and demand).

The methodological benchmarks of socio-economic analysis within the framework of the synergistic approach may be the following:

1. Unlocked economic systems. Economic system Any state as a whole meet the requirements submitted to open systems - they constantly circulate the flows of money, resources, information, people. It is important to keep in mind that the openness of any complex system generates a whole range of nonlinear effects.

2. Nonequilibrium economic processes. As noted by N.N. Moiseyev, "Sustainability, brought to its limit, ceases to any development. It contradicts the principle of variability. Overweight stable forms are deadlords, the evolution of which stops. Excessive adaptation .... It is just as dangerous for perfection of the species, as an inability to adapt "61, C42. Theoretical models of equilibrium systems ultimately turn out to be non-visual constructions.

3. The irreversibility of economic evolution. The passage through the points of the branching of the evolutionary tree (perfect choice) closes other, alternative, paths and makes the evolutionary process irreversible.

4. Nonlinearity of economic transformations. In the most general sense, the nonlinearity of the system is that its reaction to the change in the external or internal medium is not proportional to this change. There is a moment when the economic system is becoming essential, but to catch these transitions, even at the most general level, the economic theory is unable.

5. ambiguous economic purposes.

Synergetics allows you to see the world in another coordinate system. Conclusions of synergetics are often unexpected and contrary to the well-established truths. However, it is such a look that makes it possible to detect what is lost in the traditional perspective, and to prevent serious dangers that may arise in the way of the development of society, if in a bifurcation point (the moment of choice) will not be accepted responsible, evolutional solutions.

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