
Organization of computer processing of economic information. Features of processing economic information Processing of economic information in an organization

One of the main purposes of information technology is the collection, processing and provision of information for making management decisions. In this regard, it is convenient to consider the methods of processing economic information according to the phases of the life cycle of the management decision-making process: 1) diagnostics of problems; 2) development (generation) of alternatives; 3) choice of solution; 4) implementation of the solution.

Methods used in the phase diagnosing problems, provide its reliable and most complete description. They include (Fig.2.2) methods of comparison, factor analysis, modeling (economic and mathematical methods, methods of queuing theory, theory of stocks, economic analysis) and forecasting (qualitative and quantitative methods). All these methods collect, store, process and analyze information, record the most important events. The set of methods depends on the nature and content of the problem, the timing and funds that are allocated at the stage of setting.

Methods development (generation) of alternatives are shown in Fig. 2.3. At this stage, methods of collecting information are also used, but in contrast to the first stage, at which the search for answers to questions like "What happened?" and “For what reasons?"

When developing alternatives (methods of management actions to achieve the set goal), methods are used as an individual,

and collective problem solving. Individual methods are characterized by the least time investment, but these solutions are not always optimal. When generating alternatives, an intuitive approach or methods of logical (rational) problem solving are used. Problem solving experts are recruited to assist the decision maker (DM) and are involved in developing options for alternatives (Figure 2.4). Collective problem solving is carried out according to the brainstorming / storming model (Fig. 2.5), Delphi and nominal group technique.

In a brainstorming session, we are dealing with an unlimited discussion, which is conducted mainly in groups of 4-10 participants. Brainstorming alone is also possible. The greater the difference between the participants, the more fruitful the result (due to different experiences, temperaments, work spheres).

Participants do not need deep and lengthy preparation and experience in this method. However, the quality of the ideas put forward and the time taken will show how familiar the individual participants or target groups are with the principles and basic rules of this method. It is positive that the participants have knowledge and experience in the area under consideration. The duration of a meeting within the framework of a brainstorming session can be selected in the range from several minutes to several hours, the generally accepted duration is 20-30 minutes.

When using the brainstorming method in small groups, one should strictly adhere to two principles: refrain from evaluating ideas (here quantity turns into quality) and observe four basic rules - criticism is excluded, free association is encouraged, the number of options is desirable, combinations and improvements are sought.

Choosing a solution occurs most often in conditions of certainty, risk and uncertainty (Fig. 2.6). The difference between these states of the environment is determined by the amount of information, the degree of the decision maker's knowledge of the essence of phenomena, the conditions for making decisions.

Certainty conditions are such conditions for making decisions (the state of knowledge about the essence of phenomena), when the decision maker can determine in advance the result (outcome) of each alternative proposed for choice. This situation is typical for tactical short-term decisions. In this case, the decision maker has detailed information, i.e. comprehensive knowledge of the situation to make a decision.

Risk conditions characterized by such a state of knowledge about the essence of the phenomenon, when the decision maker knows the probabilities of possible consequences of the implementation of each alternative. Risk and uncertainty conditions are characterized by the so-called conditions of multivalued expectations of the future situation in the external environment. In this case, the decision maker must make a choice of an alternative without having an accurate understanding of the factors of the external environment and their influence on the result. Under these conditions, the outcome, the result of each alternative is a function of conditions - environmental factors (utility function), which is not always able to foresee the decision maker. To provide and analyze the results of the selected alternative strategies, a decision matrix is ​​used, also called a payment matrix.

Uncertainty conditions represent such a state of the environment (knowledge about the essence of the phenomena), when each alternative can have several results, and the probability of these outcomes is unknown. The uncertainty of the decision-making environment depends on the relationship between the amount of information and its reliability. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions. The decision-making environment also depends on the degree of dynamics, mobility of the environment, i.e. the speed of changes in the conditions for making a decision. Changes in conditions can occur as a result of the development of the organization, i.e. its acquisition of the ability to solve new problems, the ability to update, and under the influence of factors external to the organization that cannot be regulated by the organization. Choice best solution in conditions of uncertainty depends significantly on the degree of this uncertainty, i.e. on what information the decision maker has. The choice of the best solution in conditions of uncertainty, when the probabilities of possible variants of conditions are unknown, but there are principles of approach to assessing the results of actions, provides the use of the following four criteria: Wald's maximin criterion; minimax Savage criterion; Hurwitz pessimism-optimism criterion; Laplace's test or Bayesian test.

At implementation of solutions apply methods of planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of decisions (Fig. 2.7). Drawing up a plan for implementing a solution involves getting an answer to the questions "what, to whom and with whom, how, where and when to do it?" The answers to these questions should be documented. The main methods used in planning management decisions are network modeling and separation of duties (Figure 2.8). The main tools for network modeling are network matrices (Fig.2.9), where network schedule combined with the calendar-scale time grid.

TO methods of organizing implementation of the decision include the methods of compiling an information table for the implementation of decisions (ITRR) and methods of influence and motivation.

Control methods implementation of decisions is subdivided into control over intermediate and final results and control over deadlines (operations in ITRR). The main purpose of control is to create a system of guarantees for the implementation of decisions, a system to ensure the highest possible quality of a solution.

The use of computer technology increases the efficiency of the analytical work of financial experts. This is achieved by reducing the timing of the analysis; more complete coverage of the influence of factors on the results of economic activity; replacing approximate or simplified calculations with accurate calculations; setting and solving new multidimensional problems of analysis, which are practically impossible to carry out manually and by traditional methods.

Computers are becoming integral part the workplace of an economist, and his activity takes on the character of automated labor. In this regard, computer-based automation of economic analysis becomes an objective necessity. It is due to the growing importance of high-quality information services for the management process economic activities, the rapid development of the technical capabilities of modern computers.

The method of economic analysis, focused on the use of computers, must meet the requirements of consistency, complexity, efficiency, accuracy, progressiveness, dynamism. Only on the basis of the fulfillment of these requirements is the knowledge of the states of the controlled object and the trends of its development ensured, a systematic and purposeful increase in the efficiency of economic activity based on the results of the analysis.

The use of a computer allows you to really increase the labor productivity of an economist, accountant, planner and other specialists due to the decentralization of the automated processing process financial information, combining their professional knowledge directly in the workplace with the advantages of electronic information processing.

The coordinated operation of all computer devices and their interaction with a person is ensured by financial analyst software.

Analysis under conditions of computer data processing is characterized by:

First, preserving the integrity of the analysis provided

decentralized information processing. In the theory of the analysis of economic activity, a lot has already been done to achieve consistency, functional, technical, methodological and information compatibility. component parts analysis into a whole. Thanks to this, the objectivity of the analysis and its reliability are achieved. In the context of decentralized information processing

the integrity of the analysis is not destroyed, the unity of the goals and objectives of the analysis from the point of view of its systemic properties is not canceled.

Secondly, the connection of the information processing process with the decision-making process. In practice, the user could not influence the course of calculations, the methods of analysis and generalization. Ultimately, this affected the deterioration of the quality of the decisions made. In the conditions of use software products analytical tasks are solved directly by the user himself at his workplace. The analyst maintains personal control over all stages of the analytical information processing process, has the opportunity to evaluate the results obtained, use them competently to justify management decisions, and meet the various information needs of the management system.

Thirdly, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the analysis. In the context of the use of software products, the analysis directly follows the accounting, and is also performed in the course of business accounting. The analyst software turns the subsystem of analytical support of economic activity management into a permanent factor in increasing production efficiency by activating the entire information fund of the enterprise.

specialized package excel application program



The bakery "Kolobok" carries out activities related to baking and selling bakery products... The data on the basis of which the cost of baked products is calculated are shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Build tables using the data below.

The calculation results should be presented in the form of a table containing the calculation of the cost of baked products (Fig. 3), and in a graphical form.

Organize inter-table links to automatically generate a cost estimate for baked products.

Generate and fill out a cost calculation form (Fig. 4).

Product consumption

Rice. 2

The cost of baked goods

Fig. 3

To solve this economic problem, the MS Excel spreadsheet environment was chosen.

Microsoft Office Excel is a tool for creating spreadsheets that have the ability to carry out simple calculations, both using arithmetic operations and using built-in functions; for building different types of charts; to format the resulting tables, etc.

Description of the algorithm for solving the problem

Start the MS Excel spreadsheet processor (Fig. 5).

Rice. five

Create a book named "Kolobok".

Rename sheet 1 to a sheet with the name Product consumption.

On the MS Excel product consumption worksheet, create a product consumption table.

Fill in the table with data on the cost of the components of baked products (Fig. 6)

Rice. 6.

Rename sheet 2 to a sheet with the name Cost of baked goods.

On the worksheet Cost of baked products MS Excel create a table that will contain data on the cost of baked products.

Fill in the table Cost of baked products with initial data (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7.

9. Fill in the column Cost of making 1 kg of a component, table "Cost of baked goods" as follows:

Enter the formula in cell D4:

= "Product consumption"! B4

Multiply the formula entered in cell D4 for the remaining cells (from D4 to D8) of this column.

Thus, the loop will be executed, the control parameter of which is the line number.

We fill in the column Cost of a component in a product of the table "Cost of baked products" as follows:

Enter the formula in cell E4:

Multiply the formula entered in cell E4 for the remaining cells (from E4 to E8) of this column.

In the table "Calculation of the cost of baked products", fill in the column Cost of a component in a product:

Let's enter the formula in cell F12:

= "Cost of baked goods"! E4

Multiply the formula entered in cell F12 for the remaining cells (from F12 to F18) of this column (Fig. 8).

Rice. eight

Rename sheet 4 to sheet with the name Diagram.

Let's build a histogram based on the available data. In the main menu, select Insert Chart. A window appears with the following content (Fig. 9):

rice. nine

We select the first item in the list of Standard diagrams. Bar graph. Choose Next.

In the window that appears, in the Data Range tab, select the item in the rows, go to the Series tab.

Let's set the name value and the X-axis labels, first for the first row, let's call it Sponge cake and cream, then for the second which we will call Shortcake with butter cream.

Then, in the window that appears, enter the corresponding information of our diagram.

rice. 10.1

rice. 10.2

rice. eleven Chart parameter settings

rice. 12 Chart "Calculation of the cost of baked products"

The use of computer technology increases the efficiency of the analytical work of financial experts. This is achieved by reducing the timing of the analysis; more complete coverage of the influence of factors on the results of economic activity; replacing approximate or simplified calculations with accurate calculations; setting and solving new multidimensional problems of analysis, which are practically impossible to carry out manually and by traditional methods.

Computers are becoming an integral part of the economist's workplace, and his activities take on the character of automated work. In this regard, computer-based automation of economic analysis becomes an objective necessity. It is due to the growing importance of high-quality information services for the management of economic activities, the rapid development of the technical capabilities of modern computers.

The method of economic analysis, focused on the use of computers, must meet the requirements of consistency, complexity, efficiency, accuracy, progressiveness, dynamism. Only on the basis of the fulfillment of these requirements is the knowledge of the states of the controlled object and the trends of its development ensured, a systematic and purposeful increase in the efficiency of economic activity based on the results of the analysis.

Economic has risen to a new level in connection with the application for processing economic information computers. New opportunities that have opened up for analysis are due to the exceptional features of computers - low cost, high performance, reliability, ease of maintenance and operation, flexibility and autonomy of use, the presence of advanced software, interactive mode of operation, etc.

The use of a computer allows you to really increase the labor productivity of an economist, accountant, planner and other specialists due to the decentralization of the process of automated processing of financial information, combining their professional knowledge directly at the workplace with the advantages of electronic information processing.

The coordinated operation of all computer devices and their interaction with a person is ensured by financial analyst software.

Analysis under conditions of computer data processing is characterized by:

First, maintaining the integrity of the analysis under the condition of decentralized information processing. In the theory of the analysis of economic activity, a lot has already been done to achieve consistency, functional, technical, methodological and informational compatibility of the constituent parts of the analysis into a single whole. Thanks to this, the objectivity of the analysis and its reliability are achieved. Under the conditions of decentralized information processing, the integrity of the analysis is not destroyed, the unity of the goals and objectives of the analysis from the point of view of its systemic properties is not canceled.

Secondly, the connection of the information processing process with the decision-making process. In practice, the user could not influence the course of calculations, the methods of analysis and generalization. Ultimately, this affected the deterioration of the quality of the decisions made. In the context of using software products, analytical tasks are solved directly by the user himself at his workplace. The analyst maintains personal control over all stages of the analytical information processing process, has the opportunity to evaluate the results obtained, use them competently to justify management decisions, and meet the various information needs of the management system.

Thirdly, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the analysis. In the context of the use of software products, the analysis directly follows the accounting, and is also performed in the course of business accounting. The analyst's software turns the subsystem of analytical support of economic activity management into a permanent factor in increasing production efficiency by activating the entire information fund of the enterprise.

Best regards Young analyst


1. Technology of automated processing of economic information

1.1 Principles of processing economic information

1.2 Types of organization of technological processes

2. Automated processing of economic information

2.1 Economic information and its processing

2.2 Process steps

2.3 Automatic Methods of Collecting and Recording Data

3. Opportunities Excel programs




The technology of electronic processing of economic information includes a man-machine process of executing interrelated operations proceeding in an established sequence in order to transform the initial (primary) information into the result one. An operation is a complex of technological actions performed, as a result of which information is transformed. Technological operations are varied in complexity, purpose, implementation technique, performed on various equipment, by many performers. In the conditions of electronic data processing, operations that are performed automatically on machines and devices that read data, perform operations according to a given program in an automatic mode without human intervention, or retaining the functions of control, analysis and regulation for the user, prevail.

The construction of the technological process is determined by the following factors: the features of the processed economic information, its volume, the requirements for the urgency and accuracy of processing, the types, quantity and characteristics of the technical means used. They form the basis for the organization of technology, which includes the establishment of a list, the sequence and methods of performing operations, the order of work of specialists and automation equipment, the organization of workplaces, the establishment of time regulations for interaction, etc. The organization of the technological process should ensure its efficiency, complexity, reliability of functioning, high quality of work. This is achieved by using a systematic approach to the design of technology for solving economic problems. At the same time, there is a complex interrelated consideration of all factors, ways, methods of constructing technology, the use of elements of typification and standardization, as well as the unification of technological processes.

Information can be viewed as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Information resources - a set of accumulated information recorded on material carriers in any form that ensures its transmission in time and space for solving scientific, industrial, managerial and other tasks.

Collection, storage, processing, transmission of information in numerical form is carried out using information technology. The peculiarity of information technologies is that in them both the subject and the product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are the means of computer technology and communication.

The main goal of information technology is the production of information necessary for the user as a result of targeted actions for its processing.

It is known that information technology is a set of methods, production and software and technological means, united in a technological chain that provides collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information.

1. Technology of automated processing of economic information

1.1 Principles of processing economic information

The technology of automated processing of economic information is based on the following principles:

Integration of data processing and the ability of users to work under the conditions of operation of automated systems for centralized storage and collective use of data (data banks);

Distributed data processing based on advanced transmission systems;

Rational combination of centralized and decentralized management and organization of computing systems;

Modeling and formalized description of data, procedures for their transformation, functions and jobs of performers;

Taking into account the specific features of the object in which the machine processing of economic information is implemented.

1.2 Types of organization of technological processes

There are two main types of organization of technological processes: subject and operational.

Subject type organization of technology involves the creation of parallel operating technological lines specializing in information processing and solving specific sets of tasks (labor and wages accounting, supply and sales, financial transactions, etc.) and organizing operational data processing within the line.

Operational (flow) type construction of a technological process provides for the sequential transformation of the processed information, according to the technology, presented in the form of a continuous sequence of replacing each other operations performed in an automatic mode. This approach to the construction of technology turned out to be acceptable when organizing the work of subscriber points and automated workstations.

The organization of technology at its individual stages has its own characteristics, which gives rise to the separation of out-of-machine and intra-machine technology. Out-of-machine technology(it is often called pre-base) combines the operations of collecting and recording data, recording data on computer media with control. Intra-machine technology is connected with the organization of the computing process in the computer, the organization of data arrays in the memory of the machine and their structuring, which gives reason to call it also intra-base. Considering that the funds constituting technical base out-of-machine and intra-machine information transformation, the subsequent chapters of the textbook are devoted, we will briefly consider only the features of the construction of the named technologies.

The main stage of the technological process is associated with the solution of functional problems on a computer. Intra-machine technology for solving problems on a computer, as a rule, implements the following typical processes of transforming economic information: the formation of new arrays of information; ordering of information arrays; fetching some part of records from an array, merging and splitting arrays; making changes to the array; performing arithmetic operations on attributes within records, within arrays, over records of several arrays. The solution of each individual task or set of tasks requires the implementation of following operations: entering a program for a machine solution of a problem and placing it in the computer memory, entering initial data, logical and arithmetic control of the entered information, correcting erroneous data, arranging input arrays and sorting the input information, calculating according to a given algorithm, obtaining output arrays of information, editing output forms, displaying information on the screen and on machine media, printing tables with output data.

The choice of this or that technology option is primarily determined by the space-time characteristics of the tasks being solved, the frequency, urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing and depends both on the mode of interaction between the user and the computer dictated by practice, and the mode capabilities of technical means, primarily computers.

There are the following modes of interaction between the user and the computer: batch and interactive (query, dialogue). The computers themselves can operate in various modes: single and multiprogram, time sharing, real time, teleprocessing. At the same time, the goal is to meet the needs of users in the maximum possible automation of solving various problems.

Batch mode was the most common in the practice of centralized solution of economic problems, when a large proportion of the analysis of production and economic activities of economic objects of different levels of management.

The organization of the computational process in batch mode was built without user access to a computer. Its functions were limited to the preparation of initial data on a complex of information-related tasks and their transfer to the processing center, where a package was formed that included a computer task for processing, programs, initial, normative-pricing and reference data. The package was entered into a computer and implemented in an automatic mode without the participation of the user and operator, which made it possible to minimize the execution time for a given set of tasks. At the same time, the operation of the computer could take place in a single-program or multi-program mode, which is preferable, since the parallel operation of the main devices of the machine was ensured. Batch mode is currently being implemented for email.

Interactive mode provides for direct interaction of the user with an information-computing system, it can be of the nature of a request (usually regulated) or a dialogue with a computer.

The query mode is necessary for users to interact with the system through a significant number of subscriber terminal devices, including those remote at a considerable distance from the processing center. This need is due to the solution of operational tasks, which are, for example, marketing tasks, tasks of personnel reassignment, tasks of a strategic nature, etc. In such cases, the computer implements a queuing system, operates in a time-sharing mode, in which several independent subscribers (users) with the help of input-output devices have direct and practically simultaneous access to the computer in the process of solving their problems. This mode allows differentiated, strictly established order provide each user with time to communicate with the computer, and after the end of the session, turn it off.

Dialogue mode enables the user to directly interact with the computing system at an acceptable pace of work, realizing a repetitive cycle of issuing a task, receiving and analyzing a response. In this case, the computer itself can initiate a dialogue, informing the user of a sequence of steps (providing a menu) to obtain the desired result.

Both types of interactive mode (inquiry, dialog) are based on the operation of computers in real time and teleprocessing modes, which are a further development of the time sharing mode. therefore mandatory conditions functioning of the system in these modes are: firstly, permanent storage in computer memory devices of the necessary information and programs and only in a minimal volume the receipt of initial information from subscribers and, secondly, the availability of appropriate means of communication with a computer for subscribers to access it in any moment in time.

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  • Introduction 3
  • 5
    • 5
    • 5
  • 10
    • 10
    • 12
    • 2.3 Automatic Methods of Collecting and Recording Data 13
  • 17
  • Conclusion 22
  • Bibliography 24


The technology of electronic processing of economic information includes a man-machine process of executing interrelated operations proceeding in an established sequence in order to transform the initial (primary) information into the result one. An operation is a complex of technological actions performed, as a result of which information is transformed. Technological operations are varied in complexity, purpose, implementation technique, performed on various equipment, by many performers. In the conditions of electronic data processing, operations that are performed automatically on machines and devices that read data, perform operations according to a given program in an automatic mode without human intervention, or retaining the functions of control, analysis and regulation for the user, prevail.

The construction of the technological process is determined by the following factors: the features of the processed economic information, its volume, the requirements for the urgency and accuracy of processing, the types, quantity and characteristics of the technical means used. They form the basis for the organization of technology, which includes the establishment of a list, the sequence and methods of performing operations, the order of work of specialists and automation equipment, the organization of workplaces, the establishment of time regulations for interaction, etc. The organization of the technological process should ensure its efficiency, complexity, reliability of functioning, high quality of work. This is achieved by using a systematic approach to the design of technology for solving economic problems. At the same time, there is a complex interrelated consideration of all factors, ways, methods of constructing technology, the use of elements of typification and standardization, as well as the unification of technological processes.

1. Technology of automated processing of economic information

1.1 Principles of processing economic information

The technology of automated processing of economic information is based on the following principles:

* integration of data processing and the ability of users to operate in the operation of automated systems for centralized storage and collective use of data (data banks);

* distributed data processing based on advanced transmission systems;

* rational combination of centralized and decentralized management and organization of computing systems;

* modeling and formalized description of data, procedures for their transformation, functions and jobs of performers;

* taking into account the specific features of the object in which the machine processing of economic information is implemented.

1.2 Types of organization of technological processes

There are two main types of organization of technological processes: subject and operational.

Subject type organization of technology involves the creation of parallel operating technological lines specializing in information processing and solving specific sets of tasks (labor and wages accounting, supply and sales, financial transactions, etc.) and organizing operational data processing within the line.

Operational (flow) type construction of a technological process provides for the sequential transformation of the processed information, according to the technology, presented in the form of a continuous sequence of replacing each other operations performed in an automatic mode. This approach to the construction of technology turned out to be acceptable when organizing the work of subscriber points and automated workstations.

The organization of technology at its individual stages has its own characteristics, which gives rise to the separation of out-of-machine and intra-machine technology. Out-of-machine technology(it is often called pre-base) combines the operations of collecting and recording data, recording data on computer media with control. Intra-machine technology is connected with the organization of the computing process in the computer, the organization of data arrays in the memory of the machine and their structuring, which gives reason to call it also intra-base. Considering that the subsequent chapters of the textbook are devoted to the means that make up the technical base of the out-of-machine and intra-machine information transformation, we will briefly consider only the features of the construction of the named technologies.

The main stage of the technological process is associated with the solution of functional problems on a computer. Intra-machine technology for solving problems on a computer, as a rule, implements the following typical processes of transforming economic information: the formation of new arrays of information; ordering of information arrays; fetching some part of records from an array, merging and splitting arrays; making changes to the array; performing arithmetic operations on attributes within records, within arrays, over records of several arrays. The solution of each individual task or complex of tasks requires the following operations: input of the program for the machine solution of the problem and its placement in the computer memory, input of initial data, logical and arithmetic control of the entered information, correction of erroneous data, arrangement of input arrays and sorting of the input information, calculations according to the given algorithm, obtaining output arrays of information, editing output forms, displaying information on the screen and on machine media, printing tables with output data.

The choice of one or another technology option is primarily determined by the space-time characteristics of the tasks being solved, the frequency, urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing and depends both on the mode of interaction between the user and the computer dictated by practice, and the mode capabilities of technical means, primarily computers.

There are the following modes of interaction between the user and the computer: batch and interactive (query, dialogue). The computers themselves can operate in various modes: single and multiprogram, time sharing, real time, teleprocessing. At the same time, the goal is to meet the needs of users in the maximum possible automation of solving various problems.

Batch mode was the most common in the practice of centralized solution of economic problems, when a large proportion of the analysis of production and economic activities of economic objects of different levels of management.

The organization of the computational process in batch mode was built without user access to a computer. Its functions were limited to the preparation of initial data on a complex of information-related tasks and their transfer to the processing center, where a package was formed, including a computer task for processing, programs, initial, standard-pricing and reference data. The package was entered into a computer and implemented in an automatic mode without the participation of the user and operator, which made it possible to minimize the execution time for a given set of tasks. At the same time, the operation of the computer could take place in a single-program or multi-program mode, which is preferable, since the parallel operation of the main devices of the machine was ensured. Batch mode is currently being implemented for email.

Interactive mode provides for direct interaction of the user with an information-computing system, may be of the nature of a request (usually regulated) or a dialogue with a computer.

The query mode is necessary for users to interact with the system through a significant number of subscriber terminal devices, including those remote at a considerable distance from the processing center. This need is due to the solution of operational tasks, which are, for example, marketing tasks, tasks of personnel reassignment, tasks of a strategic nature, etc. In such cases, a computer implements a queuing system, operates in a time-sharing mode, in which several independent subscribers (users) with the help of input-output devices have direct and practically simultaneous access to a computer in the process of solving their problems. This mode makes it possible to provide each user with time to communicate with the computer in a differentiated manner in a strictly established manner, and after the end of the session, turn it off.

Dialogue mode enables the user to directly interact with the computing system at an acceptable pace of work, realizing a repetitive cycle of issuing a task, receiving and analyzing a response. In this case, the computer itself can initiate a dialogue, informing the user of a sequence of steps (providing a menu) to obtain the desired result.

Both types of interactive mode (inquiry, dialog) are based on the operation of computers in real time and teleprocessing modes, which are a further development of the time sharing mode. Therefore, the prerequisites for the functioning of the system in these modes are: firstly, permanent storage in computer memory of the necessary information and programs and only in a minimal volume the receipt of initial information from subscribers and, secondly, the availability of appropriate means of communication with a computer for contacting to her at any given time.

2. Automated processing of economic information

2.1 Economic information and its processing

Economic information is a transformed and processed collection of information that reflects the state and progress economic processes... Economic information circulates in economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption material goods and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the varieties of management information.

Economic information can be:

- manager (in the form of direct orders, planned assignments, etc.);

- informing (in reporting indicators, performs the function of feedback in the economic system).

Information can be viewed as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Information resources - a set of accumulated information recorded on material carriers in any form that ensures its transmission in time and space for solving scientific, industrial, managerial and other tasks.

Collection, storage, processing, transmission of information in numerical form is carried out using information technology. The peculiarity of information technologies is that in them both the subject and the product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are the means of computer technology and communication.

The main goal of information technology is the production of information necessary for the user as a result of targeted actions for its processing.

It is known that information technology is a set of methods, production and software and technological means, united in a technological chain that provides collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information.

From the point of view of information technology, information requires a material medium as a source of information, a transmitter, a communication channel, a receiver and a recipient of information.

The message from the source to the recipient is transmitted through communication channels or media.

Information is a form of communication between managed and controlled objects in any control system. In accordance with the general theory of control, the control process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - control and control.

The accuracy of the information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and resultant information, at which the efficiency of the system's functioning remains. Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in the changed conditions.

In the processes of automated processing of economic information, various types of data that characterize certain economic phenomena... Such processes are called technological processes AOEI and represent a set of interrelated operations proceeding in an established sequence. Or, in more detail, it is the process of converting the initial information into the output using technical means and resources.

Rational design of technological processes of data processing in EIS largely determines the effective functioning of the entire system.

The entire technological process can be subdivided into the processes of collecting and entering the initial data into the computer system, the processes of placing data and storing it in the system memory, the processes of data processing in order to obtain results and, the processes of issuing data in a form that is convenient for the user to perceive.

2.2 Process steps

The technological process can be divided into 4 enlarged stages:

1. - initial or primary (collection of initial data, their registration and transfer to the WU);

2. - preparatory (reception, control, registration of input information and its transfer to a machine medium);

3. - main (directly processing information);

4. - final (control, release and transfer of result information, its reproduction and storage).

Depending on the technical means used and the requirements for the information processing technology, the composition of the operations of the technological process also changes. For example: information on a VU can arrive at a MN, prepared for input into a computer, or transmitted through communication channels from the place of its origin.

Data collection and recording operations are carried out using various means.




2.3 Automatic spos data collection and logging events

one). Mechanized- collection and registration of information is carried out directly by a person using the simplest devices (scales, counters, measuring containers, time recording devices, etc.).

2). Automated- the use of machine-readable documents, registering machines, universal collection and registration systems that ensure the combination of the operations of generating primary documents and receiving machine media.

3). Auto- used mainly in real-time data processing.

(Information from sensors that take into account the progress of production - production output, raw material costs, equipment downtime, etc. - goes directly to the computer).

Technical means of data transmission include:

- data transmission equipment (APD), which connects data processing and preparation facilities with telegraph, telephone and broadband communication channels;

- devices for interfacing a computer with an ATM, which control the exchange of information - data transmission multiplexers.

Recording and transmission of information via communication channels in a computer has the following advantages:

- simplifies the process of generating and controlling information;

- the principle of one-time registration of information in the primary document and the machine medium is observed;

- high reliability of the information supplied to the computer is ensured.

Remote data transmission based on the use of communication channels is the transmission of data in the form of electrical signals, which can be continuous in time and discrete, i.e. be discontinuous in time. The most widely used are telegraph and telephone communication channels. Electrical signals transmitted over the telegraph communication channel are discrete, and over the telephone - continuous.

Depending on the directions in which information is sent, communication channels are distinguished:

- simplex (transmission is in one direction only);

- half-duplex (at each moment of time, either transmission or reception of information is performed);

- duplex (transmission and reception of information are carried out simultaneously in two opposite directions).

Channels are characterized by data transmission speed, reliability, transmission reliability.

The transmission rate is determined by the amount of information transmitted per unit of time and is measured in baud (baud = bits / sec).

Telegraph channels(low speed - V = 50-200 baud),

telephone(medium speed - V = 200-2400 baud), and

broadband(high-speed - V = 4800 baud or more).

When choosing the best way to transfer information, the volumetric and time parameters of delivery, the requirements for the quality of the transmitted information, labor and cost costs of the transmission of information are taken into account.

Speaking about technological operations of collecting, registering, transmitting information using various technical means, it is necessary to say a few words about scanning devices.

Entering information, especially graphical information, using a keyboard in a computer is very laborious. IN recent times there are tendencies in the use of business graphics - one of the main types of information, which requires prompt input into a computer and providing users with the ability to form hybrid documents and databases that combine graphics with text. All these functions in a PC are performed by scanning devices. They implement the optical input of information and its conversion into digital form with subsequent processing.

For the IBM PC, the PC Image / Graphix system has been developed, designed for scanning various documents and transferring them through communications. Among the documentary carriers of the system, which can be scanned by a camera, are: text, line drawings, photographs, microfilms. PC-based scanning devices are used not only for entering text and graphic information, but also in control systems, processing letters, and performing various accounting functions.

For these tasks, the most widely used methods of encoding information with bar codes. Scanning of bar codes for entering information into a PC is carried out using miniature scanners resembling a pencil. The scanner is moved by the user perpendicular to a group of strokes, an internal light source illuminates the area of ​​this set directly near the scanner tip. Bar codes are widely used both in trade and at enterprises (in the time-keeping system: when reading from an employee's card, the actual hours worked, records the time, date, etc.).

Recently, more and more attention is paid to tactile input devices - a touch screen ("touch" - sensitive). Tactile input devices are widely used as information and reference systems common use and automated learning systems. The US firm has developed a Point-1 touchscreen monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels for IBM PC and other PCs. The touch screen is widely used for stock exchanges(information about the latest sales prices for shares ...).

In practice, there are many options (organizational forms) of technological data processing processes. It depends on the use of various means of computing and organizational technology in individual operations of the technological process.

The construction of a technological process depends on the nature of the tasks to be solved, the circle of users, on the technical means used, on data control systems, etc.

3. Excel capabilities

Microsoft Excel belongs to a class of programs called spreadsheets... Spreadsheets are focused primarily on solving economic and engineering problems; they allow you to systematize data from any field of activity. There are the following versions of this program - Microsoft Excel 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 97, 2000. Version 97 is considered in this tutorial. Familiarity with earlier versions will make it easy to move on to the next one.

Microsoft Excel allows you to:

· Form data in the form of tables;

· Calculate the contents of cells by formulas, while it is possible to use more than 150 built-in functions;

· Present data from tables in graphical form;

· To organize data in constructions similar in capabilities to the database.

Microsoft Excel has 12 worksheet functions used to analyze data from lists or databases. Each of these functions, which for compatibility reasons are collectively called DBFunction, takes three arguments: database, field, and criterion. These three arguments refer to the cell spacing on the worksheet that is used by this function.

Database is an interval of cells that form a list or database.

A database in Microsoft Excel is a list of related data in which rows of data are records and columns are fields. The top line of the list contains the names of each column. The reference can be specified as a range of cells or as a name corresponding to the range of the list.

Field defines the column used by the function. The data fields in the list must contain an identifying name on the first line. The field argument can be specified as text with the column name in double quotes, such as "Age" or "Harvest" in the example database below, or as a number specifying the position of the column in the list: 1 - for the first field (Tree), 2 - for the second field (Height) and so on.

Criterion is a reference to a range of cells that specify conditions for a function. The function returns data from a list that meets the conditions defined by a range of criteria. The criteria range includes a copy of the column name in the list that is being summarized. A criterion reference can be entered as a cell range, such as A1: F2 in the example database below, or as an interval name, such as Criteria. To receive additional information about the conditions that can be used as an argument for the criterion click the button.

Functions for working with databases and lists

ODDISP Estimates variance based on a sample of selected database records

ODDISPP Calculates the variance based on the entire population from the selected database records

BDPROIZVED Multiplies the values ​​of a specific field in database records that meet a condition

BDSUMM Adds numbers in a field for database records that meet a condition

Bizvlech Retrieves one record from the database that matches the specified condition

ACCOUNT Counts the number of numeric cells in a database

ACCOUNT Counts the number of nonblank cells in the database

DMAX Returns the maximum value among the selected database records

DMIN Returns minimum value among the selected database records

DSRZNACH Returns the average of the selected database records

DSTANDOTKL Estimates the standard deviation based on a sample of selected database records

DSTANDOTKLP Calculates the population standard deviation from the selected database records

Organization of data in the program

The program file is a so-called workbook , or working folder. Each workbook can contain 256 worksheets ... By default, the Excel 97 version contains 3 worksheets, the previous version of the program contained 16 worksheets by default. The sheets can contain both interrelated and completely independent information. A worksheet is a blank for a table.


Rules for working with formulas

· The formula always begins with the = sign;

· The formula can contain signs of arithmetic operations + - * / (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division);

· If the formula contains addresses of cells, then the contents of the cell are involved in the calculation;

To get the result press .

If it is necessary to calculate the data in a column using a formula of the same type, in which only the cell addresses change when moving to the next row of the table, then such a formula can be copied or multiplied to all cells of this column.

For example:

The calculation of the amount in the last column is carried out by multiplying the data from the “Price of one copy” column and the data from the “Quantity” column, the formula does not change when moving to the next row in the table, only the addresses of the cells change.

Copying the contents of cells

Select the original cell, place the mouse pointer on the edge of the frame and hold down the key and with the left mouse button move the frame to a new location. This copies the contents of the cell, including the formula.

Autocomplete cells

Select the original cell, in the lower right corner there is a fill marker, place the mouse cursor on it, it will take the form +; while holding down the left key, stretch the border of the frame to a group of cells. In this case, all selected cells are filled with the contents of the first cell. At the same time, when copying and autocompleting, the addresses of the cells in the formulas are changed accordingly. For example, the formula = A1 + B1 will change to = A2 + B2.

If the formula contains addresses that are referenced should not change, a $ sign must be specified in front of this address.

For example: = $ A $ 5 * A6

When you copy this formula to the next line, the reference to the first cell will remain unchanged, but the second address in the formula will change.

Calculating Column Totals

In tables, it is often necessary to count totals by column. There is a special pictogram for this. Auto-summation ... Previously, the cells with the initial data must be selected, for this we click the icon, the amount will be located in a free cell under the column.


The considered technological processes and modes of operation of users in the "man-machine" system are especially clearly manifested in the integrated processing of information, which is characteristic of a modern automated decision in making management tasks... Information processes used in the development of management decisions in automated organizational management systems are implemented using computers and other technical means. With the development of computer technology, the forms of its use are also improved. There are various ways to access and communicate with computers. Individual and collective access to computing resources depends on the degree of their concentration and organizational forms of functioning. Centralized forms of using computing facilities that existed before the mass use of personal computers assumed their concentration in one place and the organization of information and computing centers (ICC) for individual and collective use (ICCKP).

Recently, the organization of the use of computer technology has undergone significant changes associated with the transition to the creation of integrated information systems. Integrated information systems are created taking into account the fact that they must carry out coordinated data management within the enterprise (organization), coordinate the work of individual departments, automate operations for the exchange of information both within individual user groups and between several organizations that are tens and hundreds of each other kilometers. The basis for the construction of such systems are local area networks (LAN). Characteristic feature LAN is to enable users to work in a universal information environment with shared data access functions.

In the last 2-3 years, computerization has come to new level: computer systems of various configurations based on personal computers (PCs) and more powerful machines are being actively created. Consisting of several stand-alone computers with common shared external devices (disks, tapes) and a single management, they provide more reliable protection of computer resources (devices, databases, programs), increase fault tolerance, ensure ease of upgrading and increasing system capacity. More and more attention is paid to the development of not only local, but also distributed networks, without which the solution of modern problems of informatization is unthinkable.

Depending on the degree of centralization of computing resources, the user's role and functions change. With centralized forms, when the user does not have direct contact with the computer, his role is reduced to transferring the initial data for processing, obtaining results, identifying and eliminating errors. With direct communication between the user and the computer, his functions in information technology expand. All this is realized within one workplace. In this case, the user is required to know the basics of computer science and computer technology.


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