
How the annuity payment is calculated. How to calculate a monthly loan payment? Calculations using the Excel program

The credit calculator uses standard formulas, and taking the usual calculator you can easily check the result, according to the formulas below.
Credit calculator - helps to calculate the monthly amount of payments for repayment of a loan, an effective interest rate on the formula Central Bank The Russian Federation, you can also find out which part of the payments goes to repay the main credit amount, and which is part of the repayment of interest on the loan.

Calculator, on the site, makes it possible to calculate two types of payments: - It's equal in total monthly payment on a loan, which includes the amount of accrued interest for the loan and the amount of the principal debt, is used in most commercial banks; differentiated payment - This is a monthly payment, decreasing by the end of the credit period, and consists of a paid permanent share of the principal and interest on the unpaid loan balance, is often used in Sberbank. Credit Calculator - Applied , for comparison different types loans and obtaining the necessary information without resorting to the help of banking specialists.

Calculation of differentiated payment

At the beginning of the loan period, and then gradually decrease, i.e. Regular loan payments are not equal to each other. The structure of the differentiated payment consists of two parts: fixed for the entire period of the amount going on to the repayment of the debt sum, and the decreasing part of interest on the loan, which is calculated from the amount of the loan abundance. Due to the permanent decrease in the amount of debt, the amount of interest payments is reduced, and with them monthly payment.
In order to calculate the amount of the return of the principal debt, the initial amount of the loan must be divided for a loan period (number of periods):
Formula 1.where
OD - refund of the principal debt; SC. - the initial amount of the loan; KP - Number of periods.

On this similarity in the approaches of banks ends, and differences begin. They consist in approaches to calculate the amount of interest due. The main approaches are two, the difference is in the timeline used. Some banks proceed from the fact that "in the year 12 months", And then the size of monthly interest payments is determined by the formula:
Formula 2.where
NP. - interest charges; OK PS.- annual interest rate.

Part of the banks proceeds from the fact that "in the year 365 days" And this approach is called the calculation of accurate interest with the exact number of loan days. The size of monthly interest payments in this case is determined by the formula:
Formula 3. where
NP. - interest charges; OK - the balance of the loan in this month; PS. - annual interest rate; ChDM. - The number of days in the month (it is clear that this number changes from 28 to 31).

Example 1.
As an example, a payment schedule for a loan in the amount of 1,000 conditional units for a period of 12 months, with a monthly return of 1/12 of the loan and the payment of interest is given. In this example, like on the site, the site when calculating accrued interest is used formula No. 2. ("in the year 12 months").

Table 1.


Calculation of annuity payment

Annuity . Isometric payments call payments that are produced throughout the loan period equal to each other. With this type of payment, the borrower regularly makes the payment of the same size. This amount may vary only by agreement of the parties or in some cases partial early repayment. The annuity payment structure also consists of two parts: interest for the use of the loan and the amount going to repay the loan. Over time, the ratio of these quantities changes and percentages gradually begin to form a smaller value, respectively, the amount for repayment of the principal debt within the annuity payment increases. Since, with annuity payments, at the beginning, the amount going to the repayment of the principal debt decreases slowly, and interest is always charged to the balance of this amount, the total amount of paid interest on such a loan is greater. This is especially noticeable in early repayment. In the first periods of lending, the main payments are accountable to repay interest on the loan.
Annuity payment is determined by the formula:

Formula 4.
Ap. PS. SC. - initial loan amount ; KP - number of periods.
! Those. If payments are monthly, then KP - term in months, and PS monthly interest rate (1/12 annual)

Formula 4. can be called "classic", because It is applied in the calculations, where all annuity payments are applied in most banks, credit calculators, in spreadsheets. It is also used in the site calculations.
Calculation of annuity payments for this formula, can be made using MS Excel and the built-in function of the PMT working sheet (in Russian versions of PPLA or PLT)

Example 2.
As an example, a schedule of annuity payments for a loan in the amount of 1,000 conditional units for a period of 12 months is given.

Table 2.

! When calculating, it is necessary to consider rounding errors.

Other formulas for calculating annuity payments

Some credit organizations Apply the formula where the first payment is not annuity:

Formula 5.
Ap. PS.- interest rate for the accrual period; SC. - initial loan amount ; KP - number of periods.

The first payment is preliminary - not annuity. He is always allegedly, less up, because Includes only interest in the first period, which can be complete or incomplete. But with the full period - 31 days, with high PS and long-term lending pre-payment Maybe more AP! The remaining ( KP-1) payments - annuity. This formula is used in AHML.

Also in practice is encountered formulas where the first and last payments are not annuity:

Formula 6.
Ap. PS.- interest rate for the accrual period; SC. - initial loan amount ; KP - number of periods.

The first and last payments are not annuity, the first is only interest in the first period, and the last - the remnants, "tails", etc.
The remaining ( KP - 2) payments - annuity. Apparently, banks are customized by an integer number of rubles or dollars. Therefore, the "tail" is formed, which goes to the last not annuity payment. Further, after each early repayment, the banks have been customized by the new reduced AP for an integer monetary units. Those. "Tail" can decrease or increase.

The smallest annuity payment It turns out at the calculations according to Formula 4., the largest - according to formula 6. And the smaller the AP remains before the final calculation, the more significant it becomes the difference. Which is especially important when early repayment. therefore it is necessary to be interested not only by the interest rate, but also the formula which is calculated by the AP.

What is more profitable by an annuity or differentiated payment scheme?

Issues of choosing payment scheme for mortgage loan Potential borrowers are defined. If you compare annuity and differentiated schemes, then the most obvious differences will be the following:

  • Invariance regular payment during an annuity scheme and permanent decrease Such payment with differentiated.
  • Larger paymentCompared with the annual scheme, at the beginning of the loan period with a differentiated scheme.
  • Annuity payout scheme more available For borrowers, because payments are uniformly distributed For the entire loan period. When choosing differentiated payments, the confirmed income of the borrower or co-coaches should be about a quarter morethan with annuity payments.
  • With annuity payments at the beginning, the amount of the main debt decreases slowly, and the total amount of accrued interest is greater. If the borrower decides to fully repay the loan ahead of schedule, the interest paid forward will be lost. With an annuity scheme, a significant part of interest is paid from the beginning, providing payments for the entire loan period. Therefore, with differentiated payments, early repayment will occur without such financial losses even at the beginning of the mortgage loan period.
  • Credit with differentiated payment is harder to getbecause Upon receipt of the loan, the solvency of the borrower is estimated. Differentiated scheme at the beginning of the loan term offers significantly large payments than annuity. This means that the borrower needs to have a greater income. On average, it is believed that the income of the borrower with a differentiated diagram should be greater than 20% higher than during an annuity scheme.

Summing up It can be said that the type of payment is one of the main parameters of the loan, however, it is necessary to consider it in conjunction with other parameters.

What is more profitable directly for the recipient of borrowed funds annuity or differentiated payment type? Small comparative analysis Shows the main differences between the two schemes:

  • annual loan repayment scheme comes out in the end more expensive Differentiated scheme and this is especially noticeable at large interest rates and long loan periods;
  • initial plates with a differentiated scheme, compared with the annuity, more obtained;
  • the lending market primarily offer the annuity scheme of loan repayments, due to significantly reduced requirements for minimal size confirmed borrower's income;
  • for early repayment In case of using an annuity payment scheme, the loan cost decreases, since a significant amount of interest is repaid during the first loan payments;
  • when granting a loan with a differentiated repayment scheme Financial institutions more carefully check solvency The potential borrower, since in the first stages of the loan return, it needs to pay a significant part of the funds received.

However, the final choice of graphics and the repayment scheme remains behind the potential borrower.

Credit calculator

Credit calculator It is a toolkit for the calculation of the basic credit parameters implemented through the web interface, as a rule, the site of the banking institution. Credit Calculator Online This is a rapid way to plan repayments as the principal amount. credit fundsand percentage accrued to the balance of the credit limit used.

With the help of our credit calculator, calculations can be calculated using differentiated or annuity payments.

Annuity payment - Monthly repayment of credit funds by making uniformly fixed payments. An altitude repayment is represented by two parts - a fee for the use of credit and the amount that is sent to repay the loan itself.

Differentiated payment It is carried out on a monthly basis, the amount of payment decreases directly proportionally until the end of the loan agreement. The structure of the differentiated payment is also formed from two parts - once the established amount of the return of debt and the decreasing part of the loan value, the calculation of which comes from the balance of the loan body.

Today, the majority of credit institutions are used in their practice it is the scheme of Annicate payments.

Among other things, the credit calculator acts as an excellent comparative tool for various types of loans, which allows you to access banking specialists just directly for the issuance of borrowed funds. Calculate a more favorable and convenient scheme of credit payments on our credit calculator.

If you take a loan, then undertake to repay a lesser and interest for using it throughout a certain period. In order for the client to be clear how and in what time frames should be supplied, make up repayment schedules.

The most common option is to introduce annuity payments, that is, the payment of the loan equal amounts.

How to calculate the size of an annuity payment?

There is a special formula that allows you to calculate the amount that should be made monthly to repay the debt to the bank and percent on it.

A \u003d k x s

In this formula:

A.- Factory size

K -coefficient Annuita

S -the amount of the loan received

There is one unknown formula element - annuity coefficient. It must be calculated separately according to the corresponding formula.

Here I.- This is a monthly interest rate for the use of a loan, which is calculated by dividing the annual rate for 12 months

n. - the number of months during which the loan must be paid off.

This formula will help you independently calculate the amount that should be made every month in favor of the bank.

How to calculate annuity payments in Excel

In order not to bother with the calculations manually, try to do this using the Excel table. There is a special feature called PPT. To calculate, create a new table and enter a string in any cell. If you were issued a loan in the amount of 30000 rubles, under 18% per annum for 36 months, it is necessary to enter into a cell that such an expression.

PLT (18% / 12; 36; -30000)

In brackets, you enter the data in this order: the amount of interest rate, the number of months of payment of free, the amount obtained in debt. Minus before 30000 just means debt obligationIn principle, it is not necessary to put it, unless you use the Tutorial for more complex computing and the mark is fundamentally important.

You can enter and in this form:

PLT (0.015; 36; -30000)

It turns out 1084.57 rubles.

If it is too lazy to lift the formula - just download the finished file with the annuity formula or refer to the credit calculator.

Molded calculations will help you make sure that the Bank's employees are correctly calculated the amounts on which your budget will decrease monthly.

Reference: Annuity and Differentiated Payments

According to the annuity scheme, the client makes a monthly loan accounting and interest on it equal to the equal amount. This is happening throughout the term of the contract with a financial institution.

There is another way to repay the loan through differentiated payments. Choosing such a repayment option monthly sumMost in favor of the Bank will every month different and will be constantly decreasing, as the amount of interest on the balance of debt is reduced. See also an article on a differentiated way of repayment.

It is more profitable for banks to offer customers a scheme with annuity payments, since in that case they earn more due to the longest percentage. And customers are more convenient such a scheme, as each month you need to make the same amount. It does not require excessive time spending on clarifying how much you need to enter.


Check out the mathematical formula for calculating the annuity:
Ap \u003d SK × (p × (1 + p) n) / ((1 + p) n - 1),
where up is annuity payment ,
SC - amount
P - bet, expressed in shares and calculated for the period (month, quarter, year, day)
n - the number of percentage calculation periods.
In this case, the expression: (p × (1 + p) n) / ((1 + p) n - 1) is an annuity coefficient.

Decide with the amount of the loan, the interest rate and the number of interest rate percentage period. If you can ask the first variable yourself, then the second and third you need to learn in which you want to get a loan. For comparison, choose several banks to find out whose conditions is better.

Submold these variables according to your loan in the formula. For example, you want to get 100,000 rubles in a bank. The bank can provide you with a loan on the aluitation condition and with the following indicators: interest rate - 20% per annum (per month the interest rate will be equal to 1.6667%), the number of lending periods is 12 months.
We will make the required calculation: ap \u003d 100,000 x (0.016667 x (1 + 0,016667) 12) / ((1 + 0,016667) 12-1) \u003d 100 000 * 0,016667 * 1,219439 / (1 , 219439-1) \u003d 9261,975 p. per month
Thus, at 20% per annum for 12 months, the sum is paid: 9261.975 * 12 \u003d 111143.70 p. At the same time, the cost of using the loan will be: 111 143.70 -100 000 \u003d 11 143.70.

Make sure the annuity payment is beneficial for you. Calculate how much you pay, if you have a regular lending scheme, with direct interest accrued for the remaining amount: at the same time, the loan is repaid during the entire period of equal shares, the payment is: 100,000 / 12 \u003d 8 333.33 p. per month. Then, the table and interest payments will look like shown in the figure. Thus, you will receive the amount: 100,000 +10 833.33 \u003d 110 833.33 p. This amount is less than the amount of the loan payment calculated with the method of annuity payment.

Helpful advice

With the final decision, according to which system is to lend, pay attention to the conditions loan contracts. Also, calculate your risks. With a conventional lending system (the method of accrualing direct interest on the balance of payments) the amount of payments gradually decreases and it will be easier for you to pay a loan with each month. With an annuity method for calculating the payment for a loan, the payment amount remains the same throughout the entire period of lending. Also, if you pay "forward", pushing a loan large sumsWhat this is indicated in the contract, with the annuity, the repayment occurs at the expense of the last months, that is, from the end of the lending period. You will simply be less than time to pay a loan - the monthly payment amount in this bank is not recalculated (so carefully study the contract with the bank).

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