
Take out a mortgage loan from Raiffeisenbank. Mortgage loan for secondary housing in Raiffeisenbank. State program for young families

  • The transaction is possible using a letter of credit or safe deposit boxes (unlimited number). Also, the loan can be transferred to the seller's account after registering the transaction;
  • The transaction is possible by power of attorney from the seller.

Transaction using the letter of credit form of mutual settlements:

with a letter of credit, on the day of the transaction, you sign the loan documentation, conclude and pay for an insurance contract, sign an application for opening a letter of credit, a sale and purchase agreement. Loan funds are credited to your checking account and transferred to the coverage account (non-cash deposit box). The transfer of funds to the seller's bank account is carried out without commission upon presentation of the documents specified in the letter of credit (if the seller's account is opened with Raiffeisenbank, funds are withdrawn without commission as well).

Deal using safe deposit box:

on the appointed day, you (with the co-borrower (s), if any) and the seller come to the Mortgage Center to sign the loan documentation, conclude an insurance contract and pay the insurance premium. Next, the sale and purchase agreement and the rental agreement for the safe deposit box are signed. After enrollment credit funds they will be withdrawn to your account at the cash desk and bookmarked in an individual bank safe.

When using maternity capital funds as down payment necessary:

  • No later than 30 calendar days, counting from the date of the loan, send to Pension Fund Russian statement on the disposal of funds / part of the maternity capital funds. An application for the disposal of maternity capital funds is sent with the presentation of the documents specified in the Rules for submitting an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds.
  • Within 30 calendar days, counting from the date of the loan, present the original to the bank and provide a copy of the receipt / notification of the acceptance / registration of the application for the disposal of maternity capital with the mark of the Pension Fund of Russia.
  • Within 35 calendar days from the date of submission of the application for the disposal of maternity capital funds to the Pension Fund of Russia, present the original to the bank and provide a copy of the notice of satisfaction (refusal to satisfy) the application for the disposal of maternity capital funds.

Stage costs:

  • state fee;
  • insurance premium;
  • rent of a safe deposit box / opening a letter of credit;
  • payment for the registrar's services (when using the services of the bank's partners);
  • additional notarial documents (powers of attorney, statements, consent, notarized copies).

Getting home loans today is the most demanded type of loans from banking organizations... Sometimes they are the only opportunity to become a property owner. Raiffeisenbank's mortgage is distinguished by favorable requirements: competitive interest rates and a fairly high threshold for the maximum amount that can be obtained on credit.

PJSC Raiffeisenbank offers a wide range of services for individuals and business clients. Participates in cooperation of credit institutions and currency regulation... Established in 1996 as an organization with wholly Austrian capital. License The central bank Russia acquired in 2001, when it was reorganized into a CJSC. Today the shareholder financial institution is Raiffeisen Bank International AG, which owns 100% of the shares.

The Bank has a wide branch network, which includes five main offices in Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and 177 service branches. Holders of plastic cards can be serviced in more than two thousand Raiffeisenbank ATMs and sixteen thousand self-service devices of partner networks.

The advantages of a mortgage in Raiffeisenbank are:

  • Direction of materkapital funds for the first installment.
  • Early repayment of the Raiffeisenbank mortgage without fines.
  • Acceptance for consideration of the joint income of persons living in a civil marriage.
  • Increasing the credit limit when establishing the status of additional borrowers for close relatives.
  • Possibility of issuing a mortgage loan from Raiffeisenbank for the purchase of an apartment in which the redevelopment was carried out.
  • The Possibility Of Obtaining A Mortgage At A Minimum Interest Rate With Participation In The State Support Program.
  • Management of mortgage payments in the Raiffeisen Online Internet banking system.

Mortgage terms of "Raiffeisenbank"

The usual parameters for all Raiffeisenbank loans are as follows:

  • The minimum rates are set when the borrower issues a policy comprehensive insurance, as well as a small burden on loans and the absence of delinquencies and non-payments on previous loans.
  • It will take from half a million to 26 million rubles.
  • First payment for an apartment: from 10% to 15%.
  • It is possible to purchase on credit new apartment from the list of accredited developer companies, secondary housing and other types of premises for already owned real estate.

Secondary housing

The mortgage program enables the borrower to acquire a rather profitable apartment or townhouse in the secondary sector. She suggests low interest rates- from 10, 25% - and a high credit limit - up to 26 million rubles. The term for which you can receive money ranges from one to thirty years.

New buildings

A potential borrower can buy an apartment on a mortgage in one of the thousand new buildings accredited by Raiffeisenbank. The currency of this mortgage program is Russian ruble, since the borrower bears increased risks associated with possible exchange rate fluctuations in the currency. Residents of the Moscow region can apply for a mortgage loan in the amount of 800 thousand to 26 million rubles. Residents of other subjects Russian Federation can get a home loan in the amount of half a million rubles.

State program for young families

Raiffeisenbank participates in state program support for young families in obtaining mortgage housing. According to its conditions for families, suitable for the parameters of the program, is established. It works:

  • At the birth of a second child in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 - three years from the date of the mortgage.
  • When a third child is born in a family in the same period - five years.
  • When born in the specified time range, at least two children are eight years old.

The term of the preferential six percent rate can be extended or started again if young parents provide the bank with documents confirming the birth of a subsequent child during the period of the state program.

At the end of the grace period, the interest rate rises to the level of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation increased by two percent.

A young family can get a loan to buy a home with state support:

  • In the primary real estate sector.
  • On the secondary market.
  • By refinancing an existing mortgage loan.

The main and additional borrowers must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

The maximum credit limit is 12 million rubles for Muscovites and residents of St. Petersburg and 6 million for borrowers from other entities. The amount of the mortgage must not exceed 80% of the appraised value of the property being pledged.

Inappropriate loan secured by housing

If you urgently need to make repairs, change plumbing or floors, purchase expensive equipment or make another desired purchase, "Raiffeisenbank" offers to issue a loan for any consumer purposes secured by the property owned. The loan is issued for a period of one to five years at a rate of 12% per annum. The maximum amount that the bank can issue is 9 million rubles.

Real estate secured by real estate

This mortgage program ideal for those borrowers who already own an apartment or house, but would like to improve living conditions and expand the area. The debtor transfers his home to the bank as collateral for the loan. Also, close relatives of the borrower can provide housing as collateral. The acquired new home can be registered for all family members of the borrower who issued the mortgage.

The terms of this program allow buying an apartment from a developer that does not have accreditation with Raiffeisenbank. There is no requirement for a down payment. It is allowed to purchase a room on credit in communal apartment or a share in an ordinary apartment.

In case of early repayment, the amount of the monthly payment or the term of the loan agreement is reduced.

Cottage on the secondary market

Raiffeisenbank offers to purchase a residential building or a cottage together with a plot of land under a special mortgage program - for a period of one to thirty years at a fairly comfortable interest rate of 12.75%.

Maternal capital

If a young family has two children and, accordingly, a certificate for maternity capital, then its funds can be used to pay the initial contribution. Minimum interest rate- 10.25%. You can get a loan using money from family capital by fulfilling the following conditions:

  • Borrowers must be officially registered spouses, one of whom is a Russian citizen and has the right to receive maternity capital.
  • The main borrower and co-borrowers should not be joint owners of the business.

The property must be registered in joint ownership husband and wife. The property is not registered for children under 18 years of age until the mortgage loan is repaid and the encumbrance is removed from the home. Both spouses must be listed in the USRN as owners.

Registration of the right to share ownership is allowed.

Mortgage refinancing

Clients with a mortgage from a third-party bank can make its terms more favorable and reduce the amount of the monthly payment. To do this, you need to draw up a refinancing agreement. This program of Raiffeisenbank covers real estate in new buildings and the secondary housing market, as well as loans taken on the security of owned real estate. The minimum bet is 10.25.

Refinancing a foreign currency mortgage

Borrowers of Raiffeisenbank who have a mortgage in it can also go through the refinancing procedure. foreign currency... Currency change program home loan created specifically for those who want to refinance a mortgage and pay it further in Russian rubles.

No down payment

Mortgage products of this credit institution do not provide for a mortgage without a down payment at Raiffeisenbank. The borrower must have at least 10-15% of the assessed value of the immovable property. This position of the bank is explained by the desire to reduce risks. It is believed that if the borrower was able to raise money for the first installment, then he will continue to responsibly approach the performance of debt obligations.

The exceptions for the issuance of a mortgage by Raiffeisenbank without a down payment are the following situations:

  • Using funds from maternity capital, while only an apartment in the secondary sector or a new house can be purchased.
  • Applying for a non-earmarked loan secured by an existing property.

Important! When buying a residential building on a mortgage, an initial payment of 40% of its price is required.

According to two documents

Customers receiving wages on a Raiffeisenbank card, they can apply for a mortgage by presenting only two documents. This is a passport and SNILS. In addition, the potential borrower must meet the following conditions:

  • He must work at the current place of employment for at least three months.
  • The general work experience is from a year or more.
  • Is not an individual entrepreneur or business owner.
  • As a source of income, only funds transferred to plastic card wage.

Interest rate on the mortgage "Raiffeisenbank"

The interest rate on Raiffeisenbank's mortgage in 2019 depends on the client's willingness to sign an insurance contract. Minimum value specified in the table is valid in the presence of voluntary comprehensive insurance.

Mortgage calculator "Raiffeisenbank"

Amount of credit

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternal capital

date of issue

Credit term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years 26 years 27 years 28 years 29 years 30 years

0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months

Early repayment

Decrease in the term Decrease in the amount Monthly decrease in the term Monthly decrease in the amount


The mortgage calculator on our website will help you to roughly calculate the mortgage in Raiffeisenbank, which you can take taking into account the current circumstances, including the amount of the future monthly payment and the size of the interest rate. It should be borne in mind that the calculator gives minimum rate, which is provided very rarely, and requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to independently enter the necessary clarifying parameters in order to obtain the maximum accurate calculations on a mortgage.

Borrower requirements

A potential borrower wishing to obtain a mortgage from Raiffeisenbank must meet the following parameters:

  • Age - from 21 to 60 years old, with life and health insurance - up to 65 years.
  • The minimum length of service at an official place of work in the Russian Federation is 3 months.
  • General experience - from one year or more.
  • Permanent registration in the Russian Federation.
  • The amount of income is from 15 thousand rubles a month for the regions and from 25 thousand rubles for the capital.
  • Positive credit history.
  • Automatic performance of spouses, both official and civil, as co-borrowers.
  • Availability of mobile and work phones.

Stages of the transaction

The first step is to send an application to Raiffeisenbank. This can be done both in the service department and on the official website. After its consideration, the credit manager contacts the client, who will give a list of the necessary supporting documents. After the approval of the application, the following actions are provided:

  1. Collecting documents, drawing up an appraisal report, signing a preliminary sales and purchase agreement and transferring all papers to the bank.
  2. Verification of documents and approval of the mortgage property.
  3. Insurance registration.
  4. Signing a loan agreement.
  5. Registration of ownership of real estate in Rosreestr.

Important! The conditions of Raiffeisenbank upon application are valid for three calendar months.

Mortgage documents

The list of mortgage documents that must be collected for registration is standard. It includes:

  • Mortgage application form.
  • The passport.
  • SNILS.
  • A copy of a civil contract or work record book.
  • Certificate 2-NDFL or according to the format set by the bank.
  • Real estate papers.
  • Notarized consent of the spouse to carry out the transaction.
  • Extract from the registration of encumbrances from the USRN.


When applying for a mortgage, insurance is required real estate pledged. Otherwise, the issuance housing loan not produced.

In addition, Raiffeisenbank provides voluntary comprehensive insurance, which includes life, health and property rights (title) insurance. If the borrower refuses from it, the interest rate will be increased:

  • Half a percent, if the main borrower and co-borrowers are not older than 45 years.
  • 3.2% if their age exceeds the specified one.

Purchase rate insurance policy depends on the chosen insurance company, the age of the borrower, the loan term and the sum insured.


Funds can be deposited at ATMs of Raiffeisenbank, MKB and B&N Bank, in service offices and mortgage centers of Raiffeisenbank, as well as by transferring from a third-party bank card or in the online banking system. The last option is the fastest and most convenient, as it allows you to pay your mortgage without leaving your home.

Penalties for late deposit of funds on account of the monthly mortgage payment are 0.06% of the amount of overdue debt. Raiffeisenbank provides options for debt settlement for those borrowers who, due to difficult life circumstances, are temporarily unable to fulfill their loan obligations. The most common way is debt restructuring.

Early repayment of the mortgage is possible at any time and in any volume without collection of fines.

Mortgage lending today is one of the most demanded services on the part of financial and credit institutions. Considering the number of offers and the variety of conditions, always consider several options, especially since the simultaneous filing of an application with several banks will not affect the result of consideration in any way (unlike consumer credit). Raiffeisenbank's mortgage deserves attention due to its low interest rates and high credit limit.

Conditions for the mortgage of Raiffeisenbank

Bank lends individuals for up to 30 years. Much in the setting of interest rates depends on whether you are ready to issue additional mandatory types insurance. Declared minimum percentage reached the level of competitors in the market and starts from 9.5%. The lending institution works with maternity capital and state support for young families.

Types of real estate

Raiffeisenbank is considering applications in the amount of 0.5 to 26 million rubles (from 800 thousand rubles for the capital and the region).

According to the conditions, the maximum amount is limited according to the type of real estate:

  • Apartment from the secondary market: 85%.
  • New building: 90% of the cost of housing.
  • Private house with or without a plot (only the secondary market is available): determined in money, according to the established limit.

According to the terms, any type of real estate can be purchased on a non-targeted loan secured by existing housing, which is also essentially a mortgage, but has the features of a consumer loan. Credit limit on it is equal to the mortgage for a home from the secondary market.

It is important that Raiffeisenbank gives mortgages for apartments only to those developers who are on the approved list.

Interest rate and insurance

At Raiffeisenbank, much depends not on the category of the client, but on his willingness to take out insurance.

The minimum values ​​of interest rates for Raiffeisenbank mortgages, which you can get by submitting an online application:

An increase in interest rates is provided for in case of refusal from comprehensive insurance:

  • + 0.5%, if the age of the borrower and co-borrowers is not more than 45 years old;
  • + 3.2% if it exceeds.

The terms of the Raiffeisenbank mortgage agreement provide for an increase in interest rates in case you refuse to renew the concluded insurance contracts, which you have signed, during the term of the loan, in order to receive a reduced interest rate upon obtaining a loan: by 1 or 3.7%, according to age.

Interesting interest rates. Calculate mortgage payments from Raiffeisenbank at a given interest rate will help you credit calculator(see below).

An initial fee

It is impossible to issue a mortgage at Raiffeisenbank without a down payment, including for housing from the secondary market. You must have at least 10-15% own funds from the value of the object.

The conditions provide two options for avoiding the minimum contribution:

  • Use maternity capital, in this case, its amount should be at least 10-15% of the cost of the selected housing (only apartments are considered - in a new building or from the secondary sector).
  • Apply for a non-targeted loan secured by existing real estate, which, having the features of a consumer loan, does not require a down payment.

As an initial payment on a Raiffeisenbank mortgage, at least 40% of its value will have to be paid on a residential building. According to reviews, such a requirement is a minus of the program, which makes it almost unclaimed.

Borrower requirements

To apply online for a Raiffeisenbank mortgage, the borrower must have the following characteristics:

  • Age - from 21 to 60 or 65 years, depending on the availability of life and health insurance.
  • Employment is a must. Moreover, the length of service should be 3 or 6 months, depending on the length of the total length of service. For those who got a job for the first time, the chance to get a mortgage at Raiffeisenbank will appear only after a year of employment.
  • Income - not less than 15 thousand for the regions and 25 thousand for the capital, and this level guarantees you only minimum limit... Confirmation is required.
  • The credit history is only positive, and the total credit load is no more than one loan under the terms of the Raiffeisen Bank mortgage.

The requirements for the co-borrower are similar, but the salary is more loyal - from 10 thousand. Everyone knows that in marriage, the spouse automatically becomes a co-borrower.

Package of documents

Since a mortgage is a complex loan, the number of documents that must be submitted to the bank is extensive.

In addition, they are submitted sequentially, depending on the stage at which the loan is being processed (for more details, see below).

The full package of documents for a Raiffeisenbank mortgage is as follows:

  • Application form, passport, SNILS, consent to data processing.
  • Employment history and an employment contract;
  • Proof of income - certificate 2 of personal income tax or in the form of a credit institution. Additionally, you can attach a lease agreement, an extract from the USRN and a declaration of income if you rent out property and pay taxes.
  • Real estate documents - if you buy a new building, you only need a contract of participation in shared construction or the assignment of rights to it, because Raiffeisen Bank approves mortgages only from those developers who are on its trusted list. It is more difficult with the secondary sector - see and.
  • Deal agreements - preliminary and basic.
  • Documents from a notary - consent from the spouse, who acts as a co-borrower, to conclude a transaction, a power of attorney in favor of Raiffeisen's partners to issue a mortgage (if you do not want to do this yourself).
  • Statement on registration of encumbrance - it will be kept with you and at the bank.

Additional fees

The commission for registration and issuance of a loan is not calculated and it cannot be included in the calculator's results, however, the borrower will still incur additional costs, especially when it comes to the mortgage of Raiffeisen Bank for secondary housing. The line items will appear:

  • Payment for the method of payment - letter of credit or safety deposit box.
  • Contract of sale. Typical, according to customer reviews (hereinafter - from the portal of banks.ru), is being prepared legal company and it costs money, and not a typical one will eat a lot of time, tk. consistent with legal service... Applicable only for Raiffeisenbank mortgage for secondary housing:
  • Notarized powers of attorney, if necessary;
  • Appraisal report - when it comes to secondary housing.
  • Insurance - any, even mandatory (property insurance against loss and damage). You have the right to choose an insurer to your liking (the benefit can be up to 20-30%), but it must be approved by the bank.
  • State fee for registering a mortgage in the USRN - 1000 rubles:
  • Mortgage manipulation is also subject to a commission in favor of Raiffeisenbank. For example, the cost of changing the collateral itself is 17,700 rubles, and the change in the composition of borrowers is 35,500, while the state duty for making changes and additions to the mortgage registration record will cost only 350 rubles.

How to get a mortgage from Raiffeisenbank

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan from the moment of completing an online application to entering living quarters consists of several stages, which are much more difficult than obtaining a regular loan.

Loan calculator for calculating mortgages

Programs for calculating the approximate financial burden on the budget are very popular and are in demand at the very first stage when considering mortgage options. Alas, according to reviews, they rarely give a real idea of actual value loan.

However, using the Raiffeisenbank mortgage calculator you can get an idea of ​​your future payments and interest rate. In the reviews, clients recommend boldly throwing two or three percent on it.

Since the Raiffeisenbank mortgage calculator is not able to calculate the mortgage according to individual parameters and often gives out the minimum interest rate (which rarely corresponds to reality), you can use an independent calculator by choosing the necessary indicators yourself:

How to apply online

At Raiffeisenbank, consideration of an application and documents is possible remotely - in a specific section of the official website there is a questionnaire.

After filling it out and sending it, the manager will contact you and indicate the e-mail data to which you can send everything Required documents for Raiffeisenbank to set the terms for the mortgage.

The only downside is that you still have to visit the office, at least - to make a deal, to sign the documents.

Secondary market housing mortgage transaction

Under the terms of Raiffeisenbank, after your online application will be approved, and housing is selected, the sequence of actions when registering a mortgage is as follows.

First stage:

  • An assessment report is drawn up;
  • The seller collects documents for the apartment (according to the list available for download above);
  • Subscribes preliminary agreement purchase and sale;
  • The package of papers is transferred to the lender;
  • The form of payment is selected.

Remember Raiffeisenbank's terms and conditions mortgage application are valid for 3 full months.

Second phase: collected documents sent to the bank and the property is being approved. By the way, the lender claims that a non-legalized layout is not a problem for obtaining a mortgage (according to reviews, this is a big plus): The third stage: as soon as the bank approves the entry into the transaction:
  • The buyer makes a down payment;
  • The main sales contract is signed;
  • The seller and the buyer formalize the transfer of ownership in Rosreestr and register the mortgage issued by the lender. As a result, they receive an extract of the USRN;
  • The buyer takes out insurance and receives policies;
  • All documents are forwarded to Raiffeisen Bank.
Fourth stage: if everything is in order with the papers, cash become available - they are transferred to the buyer with subsequent movement to the seller.

On average, the procedure takes from a week to two. In the reviews, many clients complain about the delay in the deadlines both from the moment of consideration of the application and at the stage of paperwork.

Registration of a mortgage in a new building

Everything is very simple here - as soon as your online application is approved, you come to the office with the original contract for participation in shared construction, sign mortgage agreement and get a payment schedule.

You can register the encumbrance yourself, but then you will have to take the USRN statement to the bank yourself. A power of attorney for a representative of a lender or developer to carry out such actions, although it will ease your pocket, will save time.

A little about the repayment of the mortgage of Raiffeisenbank

Everyone understands how important it is to pay the debt on time, because a penalty of 0.06% of the overdue amount of payments is charged daily. If you calculate the overpayment on a calculator, the amount can be astronomical.

Raiffeisen Bank has an option for those who, due to certain circumstances, cannot fulfill their obligations. For example, restructuring.

You need to understand that a credit institution rarely meets clients in this matter and changes the individual terms of the agreement, however, any borrower whose financial situation has significantly deteriorated can apply. It will help to assess more specifically your chances of receiving benefits.

Among the ways to make monthly payment no commission, standard - ATMs of the network, MKB or B&N Bank, branches, transfer from a card of another bank through Personal Area Raiffeisen (in this case, the sending bank can take the interest).

Raiffeisenbank mortgage loans in 2019 have low interest rates and profitable terms: Compare the features of mortgages for secondary and primary housing, loans for maternity capital and refinancing.

Raiffeisenbank mortgage for individuals 2019

Raiffeisenbank is not among the leading banks today mortgage lending in Russia. As a rule, those clients turn there who, for whatever reason, do not fit the conditions offered by Sberbank or VTB.

However, Raiffeisenbank has several significant advantages. For example, when considering an application, the bank may take into account the income of not only the borrower himself and his close relatives. You can increase the loan amount by showing the income of not only official, but also common-law spouses!

In addition, unlike many other Russian banks, Raiffeisen issues mortgages to individual entrepreneurs and business owners.

So, today in Raiffeisenbank you can take out mortgage loans under favorable interest for the purchase of the following types of real estate:

  • apartment or townhouse in the secondary market
  • apartment on the primary market
  • finished house with land.

It is also possible to obtain on the security of real estate large sum for home renovation or for any other purpose.

Raiffeisenbank mortgage rates and conditions in 2019

Mortgages at Raiffeisenbank today are issued for a period of up to 25 years, low interest rates are valid subject to comprehensive mortgage insurance.

Mortgage of Raiffeisenbank "Apartment in the secondary market"

This is a mortgage program for the purchase of an apartment or townhouse in the secondary market from Raiffeisenbank.


  • Term: from 1 to 30 years.
  • Funding volume: up to 85% of market value mortgaged apartment.

Interest rate

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Mortgage of Raiffeisenbank "Apartment in a new building"

This primary market mortgage program will help you buy an apartment in any of the 1000 new buildings accredited by the bank.


  • Term: from 1 to 30 years.
  • Amount: 800,000 - 26 million rubles of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow region / 500,000 - 26 million rubles of the Russian Federation for other regions.
  • Financing volume: up to 90% of the value of the pledged real estate for salary and premium clients / up to 85% - for other clients / up to 80% when purchasing real estate in the Moscow region.

Interest rate

from 10.25% per annum in rubles - for salary, premium clients and when buying from developers accredited by the bank;

from 10.49% per annum in rubles - standard conditions.

Doesn't fit? See what mortgage rates it offers today

Raiffeisenbank mortgage secured by existing housing

This program will allow you to buy an apartment in any building, regardless of its accreditation with Raiffeisenbank. This a good option to obtain a mortgage without a down payment.


  • Term: from 1 to 30 years.
  • Amount: 800,000 - 26 million rubles of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow region / 500,000 - 26 million rubles of the Russian Federation for other regions.
  • Financing volume: up to 85% of the value of the pledged real estate.

Interest rate

from 10.25% per annum in rubles - for salary and premium clients;

from 10.49% per annum in rubles - standard conditions.

Not satisfied? See what mortgage rates it offers today

Mortgage of Raiffeisenbank "Cottage in the secondary market"

This mortgage can be used to purchase a finished country house with adjoining land.


  • Term: from 1 to 30 years.
  • Amount: 800,000 - 26 million rubles of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow region / 500,000 - 26 million rubles of the Russian Federation for other regions.
  • Down payment: from 40%.

Interest rate

from 12.75% per annum in rubles

See what conditions mortgage offers today

Inappropriate loan secured by existing housing

This loan secured by real estate can be used for major purchases or apartment renovations.


  • Term: from 1 to 15 years.
  • Amount: 800,000 - 9 million rubles of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow region / 500,000 - 9 million rubles of the Russian Federation for other regions.
  • Financing volume: up to 60% of the value of the pledged real estate.

Interest rate

from 11.99% per annum in rubles

See the mortgage conditions at DeltaCredit Bank (Rosbank).

Mortgage with parent capital in Raiffeisenbank

Convenient mortgage program for families with children. The loan is provided for the purchase of an apartment in the primary or secondary markets or finished house... The maternity capital can be used as a down payment.


  • Term: from 1 to 30 years.
  • Down payment: from 0%

Interest rate

from 10.25% per annum in rubles - for salary and premium clients;

from 10.49% per annum in rubles - standard conditions.

See also the terms of mortgage lending in

Mortgage with state support for families with children

Raiffeisenbank also provides state-supported mortgages for families with 2 to 3 children at a reduced rate.


  • Term: up to 30 years;
  • Maximum amount: up to 8 million rubles in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region/ 3 million rubles in other regions.
  • Amount of financing: up to 80% of the value of the pledged real estate.

Interest rate

from 6% per annum in rubles.

Reduced rate applies:

  • 36 months from the date of the loan in connection with the birth of the Borrower's 2nd child in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022;
  • 60 months from the date of the loan in connection with the birth of the Borrower's third child in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022.

After the expiration of the preferential rate, the level of the interest rate changes to a level not exceeding the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, established at the date of the loan, increased by 2 percentage points.

Refinancing a mortgage at Raiffeisenbank

Refinancing allows you to take more favorable loan to repay them ahead of schedule current in another bank. Raiffeisenbank may offer a lower rate or a lower monthly payment by extending the term of the mortgage.


  • Loan term: from 1 to 30 years.
  • Maximum amount: 26 million rubles.
  • Amount of financing: up to 85 - 90% of the value of the pledged real estate.

Interest rate

from 10.25% per annum when refinancing a loan issued for the purchase of real estate;

from 11.99% per annum in rubles when refinancing a loan issued for other purposes secured by real estate.

Refinancing a foreign currency mortgage

If you have a valid mortgage loan in foreign currency at Raiffeisenbank, and you want to refinance it in Russian rubles, then the bank offers the program "Refinancing (changing the currency of the loan)".

Interest rate

from 10.25% per annum in rubles - for salary and premium clients;

from 10.49% per annum in rubles - standard conditions.

How to take out a mortgage at Raiffeisenbank

To make it easier to get a mortgage loan, you can follow the following instructions:

  1. Contact the bank for a preliminary consultation. This can be done by phone or at a bank branch;
  2. Submit your preliminary application on the official Raiffeisenbank website.
  3. Prepare required package documents;
  4. Send documents to e-mail or contact any bank branch;
  5. Wait for a decision on your application. As a rule, it is accepted within 2-5 business days. If it is positive, then move on;
  6. Choose a suitable apartment (the bank's decision is valid for 3 months), collect the necessary documents for real estate and submit them to the bank to your mortgage manager;
  7. If the bank approves the apartment, agree on the date of the transaction and purchase the property.

Who can get a mortgage from Raiffeisenbank

The bank has strict requirements for potential recipients mortgage loans... The main ones are as follows:


  • from 21 to 65 years of age at the time of loan repayment (with the obligatory conclusion of a combined mortgage insurance agreement);
  • from 21 to 60 years old at the time of loan repayment (without mandatory opinion combined mortgage insurance contract).

Minimum work experience:

  • 6 months with a total length of service of at least 1 year.
  • 3 months with a total work experience of at least 2 years.
  • 1 year, if this place of work is the first for the borrower.

Borrower's minimum income:

  • 20,000 rubles for Moscow / Moscow Region, St. Petersburg / Leningrad Region, Yekaterinburg, Magadan, Surgut, Tyumen at the main place of work after tax.
  • 15,000 rubles for other cities and regions of Russia.

Co-borrower minimum income:

  • 10,000 rubles at the main place of work after tax.

It should be noted that a mortgage in Raiffeisenbank can be obtained not only by employees, but also by owners or co-owners of a business, as well as individual entrepreneurs... It is only required that their company has been operating for at least 3 financial years.

An important criterion is also that the borrower does not have a bad credit history.

Documents for a mortgage in Raiffeisenbank

To obtain a mortgage loan, you must provide the following documents:

  • Application form for a mortgage loan;
  • Personal documents: Passport (original + copy), SNILS, Certificate of marriage / divorce (original + copy), etc. at the request of the bank;
  • Documents confirming employment: Employment book and / or agreement from the place of work (A copy of the completed pages and the blank page following the last completed one, certified by the employing company) or others at the request of the bank.
  • Documents confirming income: Certificate in the form of 2-NDFL / Certificate in the form of a bank or other at the request of the bank.

Individual entrepreneurs and business owners / co-owners, when applying for a mortgage, provide the bank with a special package of documents, which can be viewed on the official website of Raiffeisenbank.

Mortgage of Raiffeisenbank in Moscow and St. Petersburg: special conditions

For residents of Moscow, when receiving a mortgage in Raiffeisenbank, today special requirements are imposed, and loans are issued on special terms. For example, the minimum amount of a Raiffeisenbank mortgage in Moscow and the Moscow region is 800,000 rubles, and for other regions - 500,000 rubles.

In addition, the bank may declare that an apartment in Moscow, pledged as collateral, must be located in a house that does not fall under renovation, as well as built not earlier:

  • 1950, no less than 4 storeys and have brick walls;
  • 1950, no less than 6 storeys, regardless of the wall material;
  • 1970, 5 storeys, regardless of the wall material.

In St. Petersburg, an apartment in a house will be pledged only not earlier than:

  • Built in 1930 and no less than 4 storeys;
  • Built in 1800 in the presence of a major overhaul, carried out not earlier than 1960 (if the overhaul was carried out before 1960, the house must be with a metal type of floors).

The minimum income of the borrower is 20,000 rubles for Moscow / Moscow region, St. Petersburg / Leningrad region, Yekaterinburg, Magadan, Surgut, Tyumen and 15,000 rubles for other cities and regions of Russia.

Contacts for inquiries

Find out more about the conditions and interest rates of Raiffeisenbank's mortgages on the official website www.raiffeisen.ru or at the bank's branches.

The mortgage for secondary housing in Raiffeisenbank is issued according to the program of the same name. When buying a cottage from the secondary market, it is recommended to use a separate option. There is also a mortgage project with collateral and using maternity capital.

Mortgage conditions in the secondary market

Only an apartment registered in accordance with the law can be used as security for a mortgage. Housing should not belong to close relatives of the borrower or his spouse, as well as be encumbered: it is pledged, used by outsiders under a lease agreement.

Conditions in Raiffeisenbank for mortgages for secondary housing are as follows:

  • Minimum size: 500 thousand rubles (from 800 thousand - for housing located in the capital and the region);
  • Maximum limitation: up to 85% of the housing price (up to 26 million rubles);
  • Duration: 1-25 years;
  • Interest rate: 11.5%;
  • Participation of own funds for the initial payment: from 15%;
  • Attraction of co-borrowers: at will, to increase the loan amount. Spouses can act as co-borrowers, incl. civilians, parents, children;
  • Deposit: purchased housing;
  • Insurance: mortgage housing. Optional: title, life and health insurance;
  • Issuance fee: none;
  • Provision of a mortgage: transfer to the client's account after registration of the collateral in favor of Raiffeisenbank;
  • Repayment: annuity payments once a month.

Interest rate of mortgage programs

You can also issue a mortgage for secondary housing under other programs that have some features:

  • On the security of your own home. The terms of the mortgage are similar. The interest rate is 11.5%.
  • Buying a cottage from the secondary market. Distinctive features: the initial payment is from 40%, the interest rate is 13%, and for salary and premium clients - 12.75%. An increase in the interest rate is possible if the borrower does not have a personal income tax certificate-2.
  • With parent capital. MK can be made as a down payment. Interest rate 11%.

A mortgage calculator at Raiffeisenbank for secondary housing will allow you to choose the most appropriate option if the client's conditions are suitable for several programs.

Borrower requirements

If you want to get a mortgage for secondary housing in Raiffeisenbank, the borrower must meet the following requirements:

  • Citizenship: any;
  • Registration, residence and place of work: at the place of operation of a Raiffeisenbank branch;
  • Work experience: from a year if the client is employed for the first time, from 6 months if general experience 1 year, from 3 months - 2 years.
  • Age: 21-60 years old. The upper bar rises to 65 years, subject to the registration of comprehensive insurance of the secondary housing mortgage;
  • Minimum income level: from 15 thousand rubles (from 20 thousand - for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Magadan, Surgut, Tyumen). For co-borrowers, income must exceed 10 thousand rubles;
  • Absence bad story lending;
  • The applicant should not have loans from Raiffeisenbank in the amount exceeding 100 thousand rubles, concluded earlier 3 months ago.

List of documents

Having calculated your criteria on a calculator and choosing a program for obtaining a mortgage at Raiffeisenbank for secondary housing, you must submit an application and prepare a package of mandatory documents:

  • The passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Labor book, contract or other similar document;
  • Personal income tax-2, a certificate on the Raiffeisenbank letterhead, an extract from the Raiffeisenbank salary account.

Mortgage calculator

Using a mortgage calculator at Raiffeisenbank, you can calculate the estimated parameters: the amount of the monthly installment, the amount of overpayment, the maximum loan amount. In the calculator, you need to enter the amount of the mortgage, the first installment that the borrower is willing to pay, and the period for repayment of the debt. You can influence the result of the mortgage calculator by changing the parameters. This will allow you to form an optimal request to Raiffeisenbank.


Raiffeisenbank can ask for up to 26 million rubles on a mortgage on real estate from the owner. The conditions and interest rate on a mortgage for secondary housing in Raiffeisenbank depend on the type of real estate and the chosen program. Using the calculator, the borrower can calculate the optimal loan amount and other parameters.

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