
Phones of brokers in obtaining a loan. Credit through broker with bad credit history: how to get help and take money with the benefit

Credit broker is a person or financial institution serving a mediator between the borrower and the bank. In essence, this is an assistant to receive a loan. Credit brokers work with individuals, representatives of small, medium and large businesses, as well as with state corporations.

Why do you need a credit broker

Professional broker provides a customer with a whole range of financial services:

  1. Choosing a bank and credit program. Despite the fact that in the open access there are services with a selection of a loan, for the most part they contain generalized data on the proposals of the bank. Broker owns full information and can pick up an optimal loan for the client with the most profitable bet. The work of the mediator is to study credit programs, and the ability to find the appropriate client option from dozens of proposals.
  2. Help in preparing documents. Possessing considerable experience in obtaining loans, the broker knows which documents need to be attached to the request. Also included in the spectrum of brokerage services. For a successful result, requests can be sent to several banks. When a loan is approved, an experienced mediator will check the contract, and will pay the client to the "pitfalls" in the contract.
  3. Acceleration of the consideration of the application. Credit brokers enter into partnership agreements with banks. As part of such cooperation, banks consider requests from brokers more quickly. In practice, it is noted that applications sent through brokers, banks approve 30% more often than queries filed by the client alone.
  4. Support loan agreement client. Specialists can be consistent with the occurrence of debt payment. Broker can agree with the Bank for the provision of a delay or refinancing of the loan.

Obtaining a loan using a professional broker has several advantages:

  1. Broker finds a really optimal option for the client. Sometimes on the council of a specialist, the client may refuse a loan agreement in favor of a more profitable leasing contract. Specialists know about all new and existing proposals in the financial services market.
  2. The mediator will help make an application for the requirements of the Bank. This procedure will save the client time.
  3. Broker will calculate all payments under the contract, including insurance and commissions. Analysis of the information received will help the client to decide on the feasibility of obtaining a loan.
  4. Taking advantage of help credit brokerThe client can get a loan on preferential terms. Many banks provide discounts to customers of credit brokers.
  5. If there are preparing loans, a credit broker will help with delay. Many mediators work with banks loyal to the negative in the credit past of customers.

There are negative points in collaboration with credit brokers:

  1. Along with professional companies in the brokerage services market there are incompetent employees and even scammers. The client risks paying money for unfair completed work.
  2. Intermediaries do not work for free. Credit broker services The client pays from his own pocket. The cost of supporting the contract is calculated as a percentage of the amount of the loan.

The market of credit brokers is not regulated by law. In this regard, the number of intermediaries between the bank and the borrower annually increases. At the end of 2014, more than 2,000 registered in Russia financial organizationsBrokery. There are no official statistics of such companies. However, on the Internet there are folk ratings of credit brokers, evaluating intermediary companies for a number of signs: the quality and efficiency of work, the cost of services, the percentage of credit approval.

In search of an assistant to obtain a loan, the most important thing is not to get to the incompetent intermediaries, fraudsters and black brokers. Unlike ordinary intermediaries, black brokers do not always operate within the law. To obtain a loan, they can use fake income certificates, phone numbers of fake persons, knowingly false information in applications. Such operations are threatened by the Client not only with refusal to receive a loan, but also more severe administrative and even criminal punishment.

You can identify several signs:

  1. High Commission. The cost of services of ferrous brokers is 10-25% of the loan amount. An ordinary broker estimates its work in 1-2% of the loan.
  2. Lack of official data companies. Black brokers do not register organizations, do not have a city phone. Often, these intermediaries do not even have its own office.
  3. Paid tips. The client pays the broker not only the percentage of the loan in the case of approval of the application, but also advice. Such assistance in the loan credit brokers estimate an average of up to 500 rubles. Thus, the black mediator has income, even if the credit is not approved by the client.
  4. Preparation of fictitious documents is made by black brokers for a fee.

Turning to the Black Broker, the client should clearly understand that the bank will need to immediately return the debt, if it turns out that the money was received illegally.

Ivan, 28 years old, Irkutsk:
"I had a Credit Credit 1 month. Since then, I have been ordered in banks. Seven applications during the year - and on all failures. The only way out for me is credit brokers. Yes, overpayment. Yes, . But so I can at least come on credit. Yes, and they say that after several successfully paid loans, history changes for the better. The most important thing is to get to the real credit broker, not a fraudster. "

Olga, 25 years old, Krasnodar:
"All stops are prisoned by credit brokerov numbers by ads:" Fast money, 100% loans. " Called one number. Later it turned out that the company has no office, the broker proposed to meet in a cafe. Began to offer some incomprehensible schemes. I barely fell. I don't appeal to brokers anymore. "

Timur 35 years old, Penza:
"When there is no time to go to banks in search advantageous offerThe help of a credit broker is needed. Once came to the office. Provided a package of documents. Specialists sent about 10 applications to banks. For 2 days of all credit institutions have come answers. It took me to choose the best option, get a loan and pay for broker services. "

To get a loan to be wrapped with large troubles, it is worth choosing a credit intermediary very carefully:

  1. Feel free to ask for a private credit broker constituent documents. This information is publicly available. Do not trust the company that has opened a month ago, even if the mediator guarantees a loan.
  2. Ask a brokerage company specialist to tell about the process of registration of a loan. In obtaining a loan through the intermediary there are no "pitfalls", and there is nothing to hide a professional broker.
  3. Ask the broker about the result warranty. "White" mediator will not be able to guarantee 100% of the loan. Such a promise, on the contrary, should alert the client.
  4. Even if you really need a credit broker, do not contact the intermediaries requiring an advance payment for your services. The work of specialists is paid only on the fact of obtaining a loan.

license No. 1481

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in Russia and the CIS with the widest network of divisions offering the entire range of investment banking services. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which owns 50% of the authorized capital plus with one voting action; Over 40% of the shares belong to foreign investors. About half of the Russian market for private deposits, as well as every third corporate and retail loan in Russia falls on Sberbank.

Sberbank offers retail customers wide range banking products and services, including deposits, different kinds lending (consumer loans, car loans and mortgages), bank cards, money transfers, bank insurance and brokerage services.
Sberbank of Russia serves all groups of corporate clients. The share of small and medium-sized companies accounts for about a third of corporate loan portfolio. The Bank also offers deposits, settlement services, project, commercial and export financing, cash management services and other basic banking products.

license No. 3292.

Raiffeisenbank JSC is a subsidiary of the major Austrian bank holding "Raiffeisen Bank of International AG." Raiffeisenbank is a developed universal credit institution offering a wide range of services to corporate and private clients. It is extremely active in the currency and interbank markets. The Bank occupies a strong position in both retail and corporate lending (including small and medium-sized businesses). After joining the Raiffeisenbank retail impexbank in 2007, stably ranks positions in the top 15 of Russian banks in terms of assets and in Top-10 in terms of private deposits and loans individuals.

The bank has a developed network separate divisions, including five branches (in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnodar) and 177 branches as of June 30, 2018. The number of bank staff at the specified date was 8,636 people (at the end of 2017 - 8,171 people). Plastic holders are available about 2 thousand of Raiffeisenbank's own ATMs, as well as about 16 thousand ATMs of affiliate networks, where you can withdraw cash for "home" tariffs. The total number of places and points of replenishment of cards and bank accounts includes 8.7 thousand.

license No. 2312.

JSC "AKB" RUSSIAN CAPITAL "- a major financial institution, under the control of the house. RF (formerly AHML). It is included in the top 30 of Russian banks in terms of assets. A universal mortgage-building bank is created on the basis of the bank with the task of entering the top 3 in terms of issuing mortgages in 2020.

The bank has licenses professional participant RCB to carry out its activities and accreditation of the DCA as an agent for the implementation of insurance payments when recalling licenses from banks - participants in the deposit insurance system. Controlling authority - Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

From December 26, 2017, the only shareholder of the Bank is the Joint-Stock Company "Dom.rf" (JSC "Houserf"). A universal mortgage-building bank is created on the basis of the bank with the task of entering the top 3 in terms of issuing mortgages in 2020.

Capital Bank Russian capital"(Calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) as of February 1, 2018 amounted to 30.629 billion rubles.

In May 2018, the international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed the long-term default rating of the issuer of the Bank "Russian Capital" at the level of BB-. The rating outlook was derived from the Rating Watch NEGATIVE list (revision rating with negative expectations) with the assignment of a "positive" forecast.

Guarantees of the bank are made by tax and customs authorities. In addition, the Bank of Russia included the Bank "Russian Capital" in the list of credit institutions with the right to work with enterprises of strategic importance, according to Federal law 213-FZ.

license No. 2209.

PJSC "Bank Financial Corporation Opening" is a major universal bank. It has a well-developed network of units. Preferably oriented on comprehensive service And lending to both corporate and private clients. In addition, it actively works in the field of investment services and market operations precious metals. From August 29, 2017, the Bank of Russia is the main investor in the credit institution. A temporary administration was appointed to the bank, which included employees of the Central Bank and Criminal Code "Consolidation Fund banking sector" From December 21, by order of the Bank of Russia, the fulfillment of the functions of the temporary administration on the management of the "FC Opening" bank, assigned to the FKS, was discontinued. On December 11, 2017, the Bank of Russia officially became the owner of over 99.9% of the shares of the FC Opening Bank.

Bank "Opening" - one of the largest banks of Russia, is included in the list of systemically significant credit institutions approved by the Bank of Russia. The bank takes the seventh place in terms of assets among all Russian banking groups. Works in the financial market since 1993.
The assets of the bank and its subsidiaries under IFRS on December 31, 2015 amounted to 3,363.6 billion rubles, equity capital - 216.0 billion rubles.

license No. 3349.

Russian Agricultural Bank JSC (Rosselkhozbank) is one of the largest RF banks specializing in financing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. 100% of RSKB shares are in state owned. The main activities are servicing and lending to corporate clients, attracting funds to the deposits. The largest source of liabilities serve customer funds.

Rosselkhozbank ranks second in Russia in the number of open units: as of June 30, 2017, 73 branches were functioning and about 1.2 thousand offices in the regions of the country. The Bank also has offices in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Tajikistan. The number of personnel as of June 30, 2017 was 30.3 thousand people (almost did not change since the end of 2016).

Mission Rosselkhozbank - affordable, high-quality and effective satisfaction of the needs of agricultural producers and rural population RF in banking products and services, facilitating the formation and functioning of the modern national credit and financial system of the agro-industrial sector of Russia, support for the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural areas.

license No. 2289.

JSC "Bank Russian Standard" was founded in 1999. The main shareholder of the Bank is the Holding Company CJSC "Russian Standard" company. Today, the bank is one of the largest national financial institutions of federal significance.
The Russian Standard Bank adheres to high standards of corporate governance and corporate ethics. Bank management follows international principles of management and business transparency.
Russian Standard Bank - leading private bank in the population lending market
More than 28 million customers - individuals.
More than 46 million bank cards.
Over 2048 billion rubles issued loans.
Your own customer self-service network.
More than 150 divisions from Arkhangelsk to Sochi, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok;
Exclusive American Express® Card Issuer Line CENTURION Russian Federation Since 2005.
Strategic partner DINERS CLUB INTERNATIONAL® for mapping and maintenance of cards payment system in Russia and Ukraine.
Strategic partner for the release and maintenance of Discover cards in Russia and Ukraine.
One of the largest banks in the deposit market for the population.
Leading positions in the field of commercial acquiring.
The key to success is a team of highly professional managers who have rich experience in the Russian financial System. Bank employees are aimed at providing the maximum open access to financial services and best level Service.

license No. 1.

JSC "UniCredit Bank" - Russia's largest bank with participation foreign capital, "Daughter" of the eponymous European banking group. The business focuses on lending to large, medium and small enterprises, actively develops the retail direction. The largest source of liabilities are the means of Jurlitz.

UniCredit Bank is commercial Bankworking in Russia since 1989. UniCredit Bank is the largest russian Bank With foreign participation, occupying the 11th place in the Interfax-100 rating in terms of assets according to the results of the 1st half of 2017. 100% of the voting shares belongs to the UniCredit group (UniCredit S.P.A.). UniCredit Bank occupies a strong position on russian market Corporate banking services, while at the same time entering the number of leading banks in the financial services market for private clients. Unicredit Bank has a General License No. 1 of the Bank of Russia.

license No. 328.

JSC "AB" Russia "began work on June 27, 1990 in St. Petersburg and is one of the first Russian private banks. Carries out a set of banking services for corporate and private clients. The bank has a general license to implement banking operations, as well as licenses of a professional participant in the securities market for the implementation of dealership, brokerage, depository activities, management activities securities and the exchange intermediary performing commodity futures and optional transactions in stock trade. The Bank is a member of the Association of Russian Banks and the Association of North-West Banks and in its activities follows service standards established by the Code of Banking.

license No. 650.

"Mail Bank" is a universal retail bank created in 2016 by the VTB group and FSUE "Post of Russia" on the basis of the "Summer Bank".

The key goal of the Bank's Post is an increase in the availability of financial services for residents of Russia. The Bank develops a large-scale regional network on the basis of Russian Post Offices, which will increase the penetration of basic banking services throughout Russia.

The grocery series of the Bank includes savings accounts, deposits, payments and translations, a wide range of credit products, pension and salary serviceas well as services for small businesses.
Customers are available online and mobile Bankrecognized as one of the best in Russia according to the study of Markswebb Rank & Report Mobile Banking Rank.

According to the results of 2018, the Bank has opened 18 thousand service points in 83 regions of the Russian Federation. More than 80% of the geography of presence falls on small cities and countryside. The number of bank customers in 2018 reached 10 million people.

In post offices, the Bank is presented in the format of sales of sales with an employee of the Bank or with a Russian Post officer. Mail Bank operates without cash junctions, all operations customers are performed using ATMs with a function of a closed turnover of cash. Mail Bank is the only bank in Russia, whose ATM network (more than 4800 cars) fully consists of such devices. Remove the funds and replenish the balance of the card can also be in those departments of Russian Post, where POS-terminals of the Bank's Post (50 thousand pieces) are installed.

license No. 2272.

PJSC Rosbank is a universal financial institution with a well-developed branch network, one of the largest banks of Russia. Key activities - retail business, corporate customer service, investment and banking services, as well as Private Banking. Controlled by French financial group Societe Generale. (99,95%).

Rosbank serves more than 4 million private clients in 70 regions of Russia. The Bank's network includes about 400 branches and 2300 ATMs. Rosbank is included by the Bank of Russia into a list of 10 systemically significant credit institutions.

Rosbank has international rating credit ratings fitch agencies Ratings (BBB-) and Moody's Investors Service (BA2). Rosbank also assigned an acre credit rating at the AAA (RU) level. Rosbank is included in the top 3 of the most reliable banks, according to Forbes magazine (March, 2017). The bank ranks first in Russia in the list of the most expensive brands among financial institutions with the participation of foreign capital (Brand Finance, 2016). Rosbank - Winner of the National Banking Prize of the Association of Russian Banks (December, 2016). Bronze medalist in the nomination " Best Bank in sphere trade finance In Russia and the CIS (TFR Awards, 2015).

license No. 3368.

SMP Bank JSC is a major universal commercial private bank offering customers a wide range of modern banking products and services: lending to physical and legal entities, deposits, RKO, acquiring, bank guarantees, salary projects, Rent safesmaker, Compensation for checks Tax Free, etc.

The Bank operates in the Russian market since 2001 and is among the 30 largest Russian banks in terms of assets. Major shareholders - Russian businessmen Arkady and Boris Rotenbergs.

SMP Bank JSC is a head credit institution of the banking group of the same name, which includes, in addition to the Sani-PJSC MOSOBLBANK and LLC CB Finance Business Bank, insurance company LLC "SMP-Insurance". The bank is present in 19 regions in which more than 75 offices are open. The Bank is among the top five leaders in terms of lending to the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities. Among the corporate clients of SMP Bank JSC are the largest public and private enterprises of the country.

license No. 3338.

JSC "KB Deltacredit" is a monopproduct bank specializing in mortgage lending and funding mainly due to the emission of corporate bonds. 100% of the finachery shares from January 2011 controls Rosbank. Both credit organizations are subsidiaries of the French Societe Generale group in Russia.

The head and additional offices of Deltacredit Bank are located in Moscow. Two units are also located in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod, as well as for one office in 37 Russian cities. The total number of employees as of September 30, 2017 amounted to 849 people (at the beginning of 2017 - 707 people). The network of own ATMs of the Bank is not developed, customers have the opportunity to use ATMs of Rosbank (more than 3 thousand devices throughout Russia). Since 2001, Deltacredit has specializes in mortgage lending. The mortgage portfolio "Deltacredit" Following the first half of 2017, 76.3% of the total mortgage portfolio of the SG group, which occupied the fifth line among all Russian banks on this indicator. Mortgage programs "Deltacredit" includes loans for an apartment or share, to buy new buildings, refinancing, purchase ready House, room, improvement housing conditions, on the construction of the house, buying apartments, the parking lot / garage.

license No. 1470.

PJSC "AKB" Svyaz-Bank "- a large bank, 99.77% of which controls Vnesheconombank (VEB). The main activities of the Svyaz-Bank activities are service and crediting of corporate clients, including Russian Post and others state organizations, retail lending, operations in the securities market. The resource base is formed by the means of legal entities, deposits of the population, interbank resources and own capital. The bank has widely used funding from its shareholder. It is worth noting that VEB has repeatedly stated an intention to sell the communication bank and GLOBEX controlled by him and uniting them to sell them before selling, however, these plans have not been implemented.

The head office of the bank is located in Moscow. As of June 30, 2017, the FININAST has placed 28 branches in the territory of the Russian Federation, 26 additional and 35 operating offices, as well as seven operating cash desks outside cash node. Currently, the Bank has a universal business model, has several well-developed directions (crediting corporate borrowers, retail loans, securities operations, conversion operations, settlement and cash services, Mortgage, etc.), as well as a representative client base.

license No. 2707.

JSC "KB Loko-Bank" - the average in terms of assets of the Moscow Universal Bank with the participation of foreign capital. The main activities are to attract the funds of the population into deposits, maintenance of accounts and lending to corporate individuals, in particular, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, operations with securities.

"CB" Loko-Bank "(AO) is a universal commercial bank, founded in 1994 and included in the Top-100 banks of Russia in assets. The Bank's reliability is confirmed at the international level by the largest Moody's Investors Service and Fitch Ratings Agencies. The Bank is included in the Top-20 rating of reliability of banks according to the National Rating Agency. Since 2004, the Bank has been a member of the Deposit Insurance System, and since 2014, the Bank-Agency of the Insurance Insurance Agency for Insurance Recomparce Contributions to the depositors of other banks.

The bank's head office is located in Moscow, the branch network on September 30, 2017 has numbered 50 offices operating in 21 regions of the Russian Federation. The average number of employees for the first nine months of 2017 amounted to 1,607 people (a year earlier - 1,688 people). The own ATM network has over 50 devices.

license No. 963.

PJSC "Sovcombank" is a major regional financial institution with a wide network of divisions in Russia, the largest of those registered in the Kostroma region. The main activities are service and lending to private clients, corporate investment business, securities operations. The main sources of funding are deposits of individuals and funds from the interbank market. Key beneficiaries are managers and founders of the bank Brothers Sergey and Dmitry Khotim (jointly 37.96%) and Alexey Fisun (21.05%).

The head office of the bank is registered in Kostroma. As of October 1, 2017, the network of a credit institution covered 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and numbered 2,304 branches and mini-office in 1 022 settlements. Key regions of presence are Moscow and the Kostroma region. The number of bank employees as of October 1, 2017 amounted to 10,932 people (at the end of 2016 - 8,703 people). Bank customers can shoot and make cash through 3,990 ATMs and terminals. According to reporting on October 1, 2017, the Bank served 2.9 million individuals (2.4 million borrowers and 0.5 million depositors) and 158 thousand corporate clients.

license No. 902.

PJSC "Norwik Bank" (in the territory of the Kirov region operates under the Vyatka Bank brand) - the average regional bank, which has a well-developed network of divisions in the presence region. The main activities are lending and maintenance of corporate clients and individuals, attracting funds to the deposits, conduct currency transactions. The main source of funding is the means of physical (more than 60% of liabilities).

The head office of the credit institution is located in Kirov, the network of divisions has 33 additional offices, two operating cash desks outside the cash node (in the areas of the Kirov region), five operating offices. The Bank also has one branch and representation in Moscow. The own network has 56 ATMs and more than 40 terminals.

The bank serves about 13 thousand corporate clients and individual entrepreneurs, as well as over 80 thousand individuals.

Private clients, the Bank offers loans, credit and debit cards (Payment systems MasterCard and "Peace"), deposits, Internet banking, remittances ( Western Union, Unistream and Golden Crown), etc.

Corporate clients are available RKO, opening an account online, Internet Bank, corporate maps, salary projects, lending (including microcredit), bank guarantees, deposits, bank cells, operations with securities, etc.

license No. 2275.

PJSC "Bank URALSIB" is one of the leading Russian banks, providing retail and corporate clients with a wide range of banking products and services. The main areas of the Bank's activities are retail, corporate and investment banking business.

The bank's head organization is located in Moscow. Integrated Regional Sales Network financial products And the Bank's services is presented in 7 federal districts and 46 regions and as of February 1, 2019 it includes:
-6 branches
-271 Sales point
-1 515 ATMs
-528 payment terminals

In addition to its own network, the Bank supports the work of the ATLAS unified ATM network - a single technological solution for partner banks.

license No. 2590.

AK BARS Bank is a universal bank that provides all the main types of banking operations in the financial services market. Registered in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and successfully operates in the financial market since 1993. On 01.02.2019, the territorial network of AK BARS Bank includes 5 branches in major cities Russia, 136 additional offices, 12 operating ticket office80 operating offices. The stability of the Bank's activities guarantees paid authorized capital in the amount of 48.0 billion rubles. The bank has all the types of bank licenses existing in the Russian Federation and provides a huge range of banking services for corporate and private clients.
Today, the bank is a member
The world community of bank telecommunications "Swift" (S. W. I. F. T.)
Subscriber of the Information and Dingening System "Reuters Diling" (Reuters Dealing)
PJSC "Moscow Exchange"
Associations of participants of the bill market (AUVER)
Member of the Banking Association of Tatarstan
Member of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan"
Member of the Association "Russia"
Member Self-regulatory organization "National Association of Participants stock market"(SRO" NAUFOR ")
Member of the Association of Member of the payment services market "Non-Profit Partnership" National Paying Council "
Member of the Non-Profit Partnership "National Council financial market»
Member of the Association of Financial Technology Development (FINTEK Association)
Member of the first interbank fintech-accelerator "FINTEH LAB"

license No. 2306.

PJSC "AKB" Absolut Bank "is a large commercial financial institution, the subsidiary of the non-state pension fund" Welfare ". Until May 2013, the Bank belonged to the Belgian group KBC, which sold it nPF structures For 300 million euros. The priority areas of the Bank's activities are servicing corporate clients and medium-sized businesses, retail development with focus on mortgage lending and business development of wealthy customers. In April 2014, a transaction was completed on the joining "Whale Finance" to the Absolut Bank, which began in the fall of 2013. From December 2015 he is engaged in the financial recovery of PJSC "Baltinvestbank".

Akb Absolut Bank (PJSC) is a universal bank founded in 1993. The main shareholder is public joint-stock company "Combined Credit Systems" (included in the structure of non-state Pension Fund "Welfare"). Absolute Bank is included in the top 40 largest Russian banks in size pure assets As of January 1, 2016, according to the Bank of Russia.

license No. 3255.

PJSC "Bank Zenit" is a major universal bank who heads the banking group of the same name. One of the key activities of the Bank is the integrated service of corporate clients. Also, the credit institution is actively developing and promoting retail services. In addition, the Bank occupies strong positions on the stock and currency markets. The largest beneficiary of the Bank is PJSC Tatneft. V. D. Shashin (71.95%).

The head office of the credit institution is located in Moscow. According to March 2018, the service network of the Zenit banking group included 149 points in the 51th city. The own network of ATMs has more than 260 devices, while the Unified Network of ATMs of the Zenit Banking Group and partner banks exceeds 900 units. The number of POS terminals served by the Bank's processing center exceeds 6 thousand devices. As of June 30, 2018, the Group's number was 4,629 people (at the end of 2017 - 4,599 people).

OTP Bank. It continues sustainable and dynamic development, its financial position is strengthened, all the main indicators characterizing the state of the bank are consistently growing. Maternal OTP Bank (Hungary) was established in 1949 and has subsidiaries in Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Montenegro, since the end of 2006 - and in Russia. OTP Group is currently serving more than 11 million customers in 9 countries using a network of 1300 compartments and a system of electronic communications. High rating "A" from "National Rating agency»;

license No. 2210.

PJSC "TranscapitalBank" (TKB) is a major assets of the capital bank, controlling management. Key areas of activity - maintenance and lending to corporate clients, attract deposits and lending to individuals, operations with securities. The basic source of financing activity is the contributions of individuals (27.4%), as well as funds of enterprises and organizations (26.5%) and attracted IBCs (19.2%). Beneficiaries - Top Management of the Bank, which controls 37.77% of the Company's shares, and three major foreign investment banks who have a total of 44.97% of the Company's shares.

PJSC "TranscapitalBank" (TKB) is a major assets of the capital bank, controlling management. Key areas of activity - maintenance and lending to corporate clients, attract deposits and lending to individuals, operations with securities. The basic source of financing activity is the contributions of individuals (27.4%), as well as funds of enterprises and organizations (26.5%) and attracted IBCs (19.2%). Beneficiaries - Top Management of the Bank, which controls 37.77% of the Company's shares, and three major foreign investment banks who have a total of 44.97% of the Company's shares.

PJSC Accord "Metallinvestbank" has been successfully operating in the market since 1993. To date, the Bank is a universal credit institution with strong market positions in the interbank and foreign exchange markets. Bank customers are large metallurgical enterprises and enterprises related industries, various commercial, trading companies, Russian and foreign financial institutions and individuals.

The priority areas of the Bank's activities are: comprehensive customer service, lending, issuing guarantees, factoring, providing a wide range of retail services, such as consumer lending, mortgage lending, car loans, lending to small and medium-sized businesses, all types of operations with plastic cards and deposit deposits, as well as operations with securities, foreign currency and derivative financial instruments.

Promsvyazbank is included in the top 10 largest banks of Russia and is universal Bank With state participation, whose history has more than 20 years. Recognized Central Bank Russia is one of the 11 systemically significant financial institutions.

Promsvyazbank is selected as support bank To implement the state defense order and maintain major state Contracts, It has a full range of services to retail and corporate clients, small and medium businesses.

To facilitate the search for institutions, ready to give you a loan, better contact the specialists. Our company provides assistance in obtaining a loan to the unemployed in Moscow, advises and assists in the design of all necessary documents. We will choose a few suitable suggestions, among which you can easily find optimal.

  • If there is no official place of work, the easiest way to get a loan, if you are the owner of expensive property (car, real estate, land plot). In this case, there are high chances to get a loan under his deposit.
  • Another loan design is the provision of contacts of guarantors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and capable of confirming the official income. However, various banks can nominate their requirements for guarantors: age, availability real EstateRelated ties with the client and so on.
  • Another existing option is a loan with great initial contribution. Banks that do not require confirmation of solvency can only be issued on the condition that it makes it possible to make a distance of 30-50% of its overall size. But this is not always possible to be beneficial to the client.
  • For those who do not have an official place of employment, but takes a loan to open their own business, banks are fairly willing to meet. But in order to confirm his intentions, you need to bring a certificate that you are registered with the employment service, as well as provide a detailed business plan and protect it before the Commission.

Insome consumer credit

Task Force Credit

Credit for business

Urgent assistance

People who do not have an official place of work are very difficult to take a loan in a bank for various needs. The contacting of microfinance organizations will not help if you need to take a loan for a car or apartment, and large institutions are trying not to give loans to citizens whose level of income cannot be officially confirmed. We guarantee effective assistance in obtaining a loan in each case. An individual approach and the extensive experience of our employees will allow you to choose the optimal scheme and get a loan.

It should be borne in mind that there are a number of restrictions on the issuance of cash. We are ready to contribute to you if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The presence of positive credit history.
  • No payments for payments at present.
  • Achievement of age is 18 years old.

Order of cooperation

First of all, the company defines the list of banks with which you can conclude an agreement. Subsequently, our company selects one of the assistance suitable in each case in obtaining a loan without reference schemes. These may be the following options:

  • Registration of documents indicating third parties, such as a working relative or friend.
  • Loans on personal spending. Very claimed among the owners of the IP. It is credit brokers that help them get in the hands of cash.

We guarantee effective assistance in obtaining a loan in each case. An individual approach and the extensive experience of our employees will allow you to choose the optimal scheme and get a loan.


Additional advantage Our company is that we assist in obtaining a loan without prepayment. You can trust us as we work for the result. Our support will always have to be unemployed, because they will not work out on their own loan in the bank.

Credit brokers are a special category of intermediaries who allow individuals to simplify the solution of some issues related to obtaining and paying loans. Collaboration with a broker greatly facilitates the procedure of partial or full payment, since you create an additional airbag due to an intermediary. In addition, loan broker can provide you useful information About where and what loans can be taken under a profitable percentage.

Where to find broker to get a loan?

Most often, loan brokers services are provided by the banks themselves, outstanding certain types of loans. Such a scheme is beneficial for the borrower itself, as well as for the bank. The specialist solves legal and technical issues, communicates with the client, and the client spends less time on personal visits to the bank and calls by the Bank's employees. On the Internet, it is also easy to find an independent specialist who will pick you banks and offers on loans based on your own experience.

Help broker in obtaining a loan

With the help of a broker, get a loan is much easier. First, it will provide you with information on loans, options for their receipt and possible problems associated with your credit history. Secondly, the broker will be able to offer ways to solve problems and difficulties on your way to a successful loan.

Services of brokers in obtaining a loan

Some brokers specialize in the issuance of short-term loans in small sums. Their services are indispensable for those who lack money for urgent purchases, or to return debt on another, larger loan. In addition, credit risk insurance is also offered when, together with the proposals of banks, the client is able to reinforce the disadvantage of funds. In this case, the client can reboot some amount money In order to return the main loan and do not spoil the credit history.

Benefits of the credit broker

The main advantages of cooperation with a credit broker - time saving and risk reduction. The work of intermediaries offering loans on favorable conditions - the service in demand in Russia. The main advantages of the credit broker and cooperation with it are the possibility of receiving money to debt in the right amount with any credit history. The amount of payment for services depends on the amount of charged amount, the values \u200b\u200bof the pledge, customer solvency.

The credit broker has a connection with most reliable large banks, oriented in credit products. The main task of the mediator is to protect the parties from risks. Broker guarantees the bank to pay the loan, and the borrower is to receive money in debt.

What does the credit broker do?

Before finding a hired consultant for lending to lending, what makes a credit broker, is it possible to fulfill its functions on their own. The service portfolio includes consultations, selection of the most profitable offer. The broker protects the risks of the parties, helps to correctly fill in documents and draw up a contract.

Honestly working brokers charge an additional fee for drawing up a transaction contract, checking the correctness of the completion of documents. The duties of the broker is not included in the credit history check - they are engaged in banks or the client itself, sending the request is free. A conscientious broker takes payment after receiving the loan client.

Who exactly needs a bank loan with the attraction of a credit broker

Answering the question "who exactly needs bank credit With the involvement of a credit broker? "You can select people with a bad credit history, without an officially confirmed source of earnings. Broker services for loans are in demand in cases of receiving money in a particularly large scale - under business, real estate, expensive property. Customers needing qualified consultation on finance, work with an intermediary will be beneficial.

Unfair brokers - frequent phenomenon. People, weakly acquainted with the features of receiving money in debt, should apply to the broker who has proven themselves with a good reputation. Hiding his remuneration until the contract signing the contract, the incomplete explanation of the borrower of the rules of credit - the reason to doubt the honesty of the broker.

Credit with a broker. How to choose?

There are situations in which a profitable solution is to get a loan using a broker. How to choose a credit product to pay attention to what parameters will explain the mediator. Help in the selection of a loan is a service provided by a broker for free.

When choosing a broker, pay attention to its reputation, work experience, availability and quality of feedback. Large companies It employs 100% prepayment, small and medium brokerage offices require payment on the fulfillment of their obligations to the client. Company openness, transparency of cooperation conditions - characteristics of a conscientious financial performer.

Credit programs

The broker does not offer new and unique credit programs, it provides a customer with a wide range of products from which you can choose the most appropriate option. Brokerage services - Mediation, the risks of non-payment in front of the bank. The credit product is thus additionally taxed for the service of the intermediary and insurer.

Financial education allows you to choose a credit program yourself. Collecting and submitting the necessary documents in any case is carried out by the client. The role of a broker is to reduce the time of credit.

Tip from Compare.ru: Use credit broker services with mind. Strong side Brokerage Controls and Individual Credit Brokers - Informing and Selection of a Big List of Software offers. They also allow you to be reinforced in case of an unstable receipt of money by the time of payment of the loan.

Find bank, arrange a loan, and most importantly, get it - the task is not from the lungs, especially if we are talking about quite impressive amounts. Nevertheless, brokerage companies in Moscow may assist in this issue, whose ratings are annually based on consumer feedback. Before choosing the appropriate application for such services, it is worthwhile to deal with those whose brokers. How safe to cooperate with them? And is there any benefit in this?

Who is a credit broker?

In fact, this person is an intermediary that helps in obtaining a loan for a certain monetary remuneration. By and large, the credit broker negotiates with the bank and represents the interests of the client, the latter remains only to appear in the credit institution at the appointed time and put a signature in the contract.

However, it is worth considering that credit Brokerage Companies In Moscow, they cannot guarantee a 100 percent probability of obtaining a loan to those clients who have previously been delay in loans. Simply put, if the borrower got a bad credit history, then it will not even be able to completely clean it best broker in the town.

How cooperation is going on

Before considering the ranking of brokerage companies in Moscow, it is easy to explore the procedure for accessing a specialist. Immediately it should be noted that today in the Russian Federation there are more than 3 thousand companies providing such services. Some are officially registered, others operate their activities without a license.

If the client appeals for help in obtaining a loan to Moscow Brokerage Companies, then cooperation is built on the following algorithm:

  1. Man negotiates meeting with a specialist.
  2. The broker examines the Customer Credit history and assesses its approximate chances of a successful receipt of the loan.
  3. A specialist is a list of banking institutions that will most likely agree to provide a loan to the borrower on this or that amount.
  4. The client chooses the most interesting conditions for him and the bank with whom he wants to start cooperation.
  5. The broker negotiates with the credit institution and informs the borrower, where he will need to drive up for the conclusion of the contract.
  6. The borrower signs a contract and gets monetary sum, after which a specialist who had assisted is charged its remuneration.

Choosing the best brokerage companies in Moscow, it is necessary to immediately clarify whether the company wants to get his percentage to complete the transaction. If the answer is positive, it is better to contact a similar office. Since if the bank refuses, the client will not receive a prepayment back. Most often, the fraudsters that disappear immediately after receiving the remuneration.

Employees of reliable companies never ask no prepayment. And the amount of remuneration is usually no more than 2% of the loan received. Nevertheless, it all depends on the complexity of the situation. If the borrower acquired a very bad credit history, then find a bank who agrees to start cooperation will not be so easy. In this case, the percentage of remuneration increases.

Is the broker really can assist in obtaining a loan?

Most often, those borrowers who already have problems with credit organizations. These are usually those people who, due to any circumstances or simple reluctance, did not pay the previous loan on time, which in turn led to a decrease in the credit line.

It is worth saying that the lists of brokerage companies in Moscow can be found at every corner. However, this does not mean that any of the proposed organizations can really assist in obtaining loans. In most such companies, there are inexperienced specialists who do not know all the subtleties of loans, provided that it is not the highest history of loans from the client.

If you contact a brokerage company with a high rating and positive reviews, the chances of receiving cash under the percentage are greatly rising.

Where is profitable?

When drawing up the rating of brokerage companies in Moscow, first of all, the tariff rates of the office are taken into account. The most favorable organization was recognized by "Ai Ti Invest", in which the client gives 0.035% for the standard transaction. However, in this case, the minimum amount on the client's account should be at least 9 thousand rubles.

It is also worth noting the same bid in the company BCS if the client acquires a package called "Start". In this case, the minimum amount of the account may be any. It is worth considering the ranking of brokerage companies in Moscow, which are also distinguished by reliability and rather favorable bets.

"Finam" - "Unified Optimum"

The Commission for the transaction in this organization is also 0.354%, but the remuneration cannot be less than 177 rubles per month for the provision of services. The minimum final amount on the client's account must be at least 2 thousand rubles.

"VALES" - "Capital-Universal"

Turning to B. this organizationwhich occupies one of the leading positions in the ranking of brokerage companies in Moscow, the client can count on quite profitable Commission From the transaction, which is currently 0.036%. At the same time there is no remuneration for the monthly service of customers and the minimum threshold for the amount on the client's account. However, they will amount to 200 rubles per month.

"Alfa-Bank" - "Optimal"

In this company, the percentage of the transaction is 0.04% without a service commission. In this case, the client can put on account any amount. Subject to the depositary will be charged about 0.004% annually.

It is also worth paying attention to the programs from VTB 24 - "Investor Standard" (0.0413%), "Uralsib" - "Capital Main" (0.0472%) and "Promsvyazbank" - "Dent" (0.05%). In all other organizations, the rates will be higher.

"Black" credit brokers

To date, such organizations are not regulated, therefore, a large number of fraudsters can be found on the market, cooperation with which can lead to deposits.

You can determine the "black" credit broker by the following features:

  • High Commission. Very often, fraudsters require too overestimated remuneration.
  • No data about the company. Scammers never register the company officially. In addition, they most often lack the stationary urban telephone, as they do not rented offices.

  • Paid services. If the consultation with a specialist requires money, then this is the first sign of fraud. The same applies to the paid preparation of the package of documents for the bank. In proven organizations all these services are free.

Before contacting such an organization, it is worth a reference about it and familiarize yourself with customer feedback.

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