
What banks best give a mortgage. The best banks for mortgage. What mortgage banks in Russia will be the most profitable. Absolute Bank presented a digital mortgage

Buying an apartment in Moscow for many only a dream. For this not only the transcendental prices for Moscow square meters, but also the lack of registration in the city.

The visit, the number of which in Moscow more and more increases, try to get approval on mortgage loans by all forces, but more and more and more often receive failures.

Mortgage in Moscow for nonresident is allowed, but less likely than mortgage for Muscovites. All because lending to citizens' visitors for the Bank is regarded as a particularly dangerous risk of non-return of a loan.

What needs to be done in order to become the owner of the Moscow residential area, we will tell in this material.

Most often in Moscow, mortgages receive residents of this city with a permanent registration. For arrival, even temporary registration in Moscow is very difficult.

Landlords of apartments rarely go towards residents in providing space for registration. As a result, take the mortgage, it is also becoming very difficult without confirming the legal right to find in Moscow.

The demand for Moscow apartments form the following categories of visits:

People in comparison with Muscovites buy more modest real estate areas. This is usually one-room or two-room apartments up to 100 square meters meters.

Immediately moved to Moscow to get a mortgage at a citizen will not be possible, because he should have a Moscow work experience.

In Moscow, definitely issues mortgage loans in non-resident, because most people in Moscow are exactly visiting. But in relation to such borrowers, the Bank may make special requirements. Thus, he just tries to make sure the borrower's trusthood, in his ability to pay debts.

Give a mortgage of nonresident in two different situations:

  • When a citizen lives and works in the region, but wants to buy an apartment in Moscow, so it is forced to make a mortgage in the capital;
  • When a citizen works in Moscow and lives here on removable apartmentAt the same time wishes to acquire with its living area.

In the first case, the situation is complicated by the fact that the application will be submitted through the Regional Office of the Bank. Such actions will take a much larger amount of time before receiving a loan.

In addition, it is not in all regions there are separations of the bank, through which you wish to buy an apartment in Moscow.

Credit credit is also possible in a completely remote manner, through a realtor or mortgage broker. A citizen has the right to send an application for mortgage through a special form on bank sites.

To do this, he will need to digitize some important documents in advance. To come to the capital, he will still have to sign a loan agreement and the contract of sale of housing.

Banks, as a rule, establish interest rates on the mortgage individually. And in fact, for visitors, they can set an overestimated rate. But it is not always that this parameter is taken into account as the basis of increased risk.

The cost of obtaining a mortgage for nonresident will always be higher than for a root inhabitant. The difference appears mainly due to the execution of an additional number of papers requested by the bank.

In addition, the approval applications may also be increased due to the need to send requests to the applicant's hometown.

It is possible to get a mortgage in Moscow without registration only when making a large amount of the initial contribution and confirm the high income of the borrower.

The bank must be sure that the last 6 months the borrower on legal grounds lives in Moscow and is officially working there. To do this, it can request the following information:

  • Lease agreement concluded for a long time;
  • Registration of the client at the place of service of the bank;
  • Confirmed payment accounts communal servicesRental payments.

If during this time you have been acquired by expensive item items, you can submit to the bank checks on their purchase. It can be a refrigerator, a car, a bike, a computer, telephone, etc. Thus, you will prove to the bank of your financial wealth, to which he has the most questions.

Receive tax deduction According to the mortgage, the borrower can only in the city where he is officially registered.

How to take a mortgage in Moscow nonresident? In general, the package of documents for the non-resident borrower during the design of the loan will differ from the standard list of only documents confirming the rental relationships in Moscow.

The rest of the package will be usual:

If moving to Moscow is for a borrower forced, and not voluntary, it will be necessary to submit the documentary foundations of finding it in this city. It may be an order to increase and translated into the head office of the company, medical certificate about the need to pass treatment in the capital, etc.

The more documents will be presented, characterizing the borrower as a respectable and solvent citizen, the higher its chances of approving the credit application.

Documents for making mortgage by state without citizenship

So, how to make a mortgage of nonresident in white-name? Very few banks carry out mortgage lending foreigners. You can take such a loan in VTB, Alpha Bank and UniCredit Bank.

  • Official employment in the country with an experience of 2-3 years;
  • Lack of debts on taxes in Russia;
  • There are at least 183 days in Russia, i.e. be resident;
  • Have a residence permit and temporary registration.

Such a borrower had to live and work in Russia for a long time, to be here on legal grounds. Illegally working will not be able to get a mortgage in Russia.

It often happens that foreigners are more likely to approve from banks on mortgage loans than Russians. This is the case in case the guarantor on the loan is the employer of a foreign borrower.

When a potential client also has a spouse with Russian citizenship, its chances are even more increasing mortgage contract.

When a mortgage deal with the bank is concluded, the first thing the borrower tries to receive registration in his new housing. It can be done in several ways:

  • Contacting UFMS;
  • Contacting the passport table;
  • Sending a request through the site of public services;
  • Visiting the office of MFC.

If the apartment is bought by a citizen of Russia, he may register in it immediately after the design of ownership. Children are also prescribed without any permission in the apartment where their mother is prescribed. Newborn are prescribed automatically.

When concluding a mortgage agreement, the borrower does not fully own a bought housing. Though it belongs to him on the right of ownership, but to be listed as a collateral on the bank's balance sheet.

Register unauthorized persons without permission of the bank in the apartment, the borrower cannot. He can only give registration to himself and members of his family: a spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters.

If the owner of the housing is foreign citizenhaving a residence permit, register in Russia he can only after 3 years of living in the country.

At the same time, he can immediately register in his apartment a citizen of Russia. This may be, for example, his wife and children. He first will receive temporary registration if the three-year stay in the country has not yet come.

But since banks in principle lend only those foreigners who have already lived in Russia for several years, then it's not necessary to wait for the registration for a long time.

To obtain registration, the borrower must provide the following documents:

  • Passport and reduss;
  • Documents for purchased real estate;
  • Statement in form number 6.

To prescribe another citizen, you will also need to present documents of his personality, a list of departure from the last place of registration, the statement from the owner of the housing and the consent of other shareholders if available.

More than 10 million people live in Moscow, and this is only according to official data. No less people live in the city illegally - without getting even temporary registration.

Of course, many of them, so without achieving anything, returned to the regions. However, many remain, achieve success, acquire a permanent high income. Over time, they think about the need to acquire their own housing and seek help to banks.

Banks issue mortgages to both persons without registration and stateless persons. For them, there are more stringent rules for approval of applications and an expanded list of requirements for documentary support of the transaction.

Are you wondering where it is more profitable to do it? And every potential borrower has a look at the mortgage, some want to pay small interest, the possibility of long lending is important to others. To determine the greatest benefit, a thorough study of the mortgage agreement is necessary.
On the this moment Each credit institution of the capital is trying to create attractive conditions for mortgage of citizens. If you wish to choose for lending reliable bankWe offer an incomplete list of following organizations:

  • Bank opening
  • Alfa Bank
  • Sberbank of Russia
  • VTB 24
  • Tinkoff

There are a lot of factors affecting the correctness. First of all it is necessary:

  • Decide to appeal to creditors. Almost all banks exist loyalty programs to acquire new buildings and secondary housing.
  • Browse the websites of Moscow banks, read the mortgage conditions in each of them
  • Pay attention to interest rates than less they are, the more profitable lending conditions, and your overpayment is less
  • Remember that not only the interest rate will become your overpayment for housing. Factors such as insurance and real estate assessment can enter your expense article.
  • Some banks may impose personal insurance. Well thinking this offer, you can refuse it tactfully

What to take into account when choosing a bank for a mortgage loan

Special attention when choosing a bank should be given:

  • Interest rate magnitude
  • The magnitude of the preliminary contribution and is there a program of the program
  • The term of the contract. The more mortgage period, the smaller the monthly payment
  • The size of all additional expenses. Especially the fact of rent bank cell and one-time commissions

Proceed the conditions for the early closure of the loan, how to do without commissions and moratorium. Specify how you can attract mortgage maternal capital and use government subsidies.

It is profitable to take a mortgage in Moscow - a young family

How profitable is the most needy contingent among Russians? Many banks to attract lending to young families, use preferential programs. For example, banks such as Sberbank of Russia, borrowers under the age of 35, offers a minimum bet with a small initial contribution. To note, this program to state has nothing to do and is relevant only for this bank.
Also in individual banks introduced social mortgage programs. The state federal mortgage program for young families "Dwelling" is designed for young families who are in line to improve their living conditions. The state can pay up to 30% of full value Apartments, and with the birth of two children and up to 40%.

Citizens who do not have registration in Moscow under the Constitution of the Russian Federation have equal rights, wherever they are. But in fact, the situation looks a bit wrong.
For people who, and have registration in another Russian city, a very important point is the presence of a bank branch in your region. With such a situation, metropolitan banks are easier to meet borrowers and mortgage loans are issued without any problems. Many credit organizations There are no obstacles to the issuance of funds to Russians with the registration of another city, if only she was at all. The reason for its refusal to citizens without registration some banks justify the huge risks associated with the unreliability and inability to check the income of the borrower.

The desire of each borrower is to get a mortgage on the most favorable terms. How to choose a mortgage in Moscow with a profitable interest rate and in the future without any problems to pay a loan? Basically the lowest rate is most safe loan. Before highlighting a credit, banks analyze it financial opportunities and the mortgage object of real estate. Apartment or other housing will be a guarantee for creditors.
Special profitable terms lending will be when making own funds borrower. Than more percentage The buyer pays from the cost of housing, the lower the interest rate on the mortgage. Also, small interest is paid, which purchase apartments from partners of the creditor bank.

Many banks or other credit organizations issue mortgages to citizens. Where is it more profitable to take such a purchase of real estate in Moscow? For such a definition, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  • Choose several banks whose conditions you are most interested
  • Spread all nuances of mortgages with them
  • Choose the most suitable for you.
  • Try to choose salary banks, that is, those where you do not need to provide references for the salary and other documents. Applications are considered faster, interest rates can be understated
  • Find those banks in which there are special programs, stocks, etc.

Mortgage design, where it is more profitable to take a loan in Moscow, important momentrequiring a responsible approach. Mortgage is not taken for one year, under what conditions and in which bank is to solve only you. As they say, who is looking for - he always finds!
The company Clean ponds will be happy to help you make a mortgage on the most favorable conditions for you. We cooperate with many credit banks and can recommend you as decent and solvent borrowers. It will help you buy an apartment in Moscow or Moscow region to the mortgage. We are waiting, and we wish you to become new seals soon!

Call by phone

. In the application you need to choose a method (shape) of providing residential premises - social mortgage. To sign it should all Applicants are all those specified in your accounting case. "\u003e Applicants and Family members are spouses and juvenile children of all applicants. "\u003e Members of their family.
  • If necessary, submit documents for . This procedure is carried out at least once every 5 years. It is also necessary to carry out at least a year before the decision on the provision of housing and immediately before making such a decision. It is necessary to make sure that you have reserved grounds to consist of housing records. Typically, the procedure is carried out without the participation of waiting. But if necessary, you may be asked to submit missing documents.
  • Select accommodation.After changes will be made to your accounting, the Department of Urban Property (in accordance with The number in the amount of housing accounting is assigned only to those who are recognized as needing improvement housing conditions (taken to account until March 1, 2005), and those who are recognized as those who need residential premises (poor citizens adopted on March 1, 2005). Moscow residents recognized as needing in the acquisition residential premises, consist on housing accounting without assigning the number.

    You can find out your place in the queue by sending a request through the service of one window of the Moscow City Property Department. The answer will be provided to you in writing for 30 days.

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    After intensive recovery of 2010-11. The Russian mortgage may face growth crisis: the fall in the interest of banks to construction projects will lead to a shortage of new buildings. Mitigate this effect will help the development of car mortgage sales channels and new mechanisms for the separation of housing risks between banks and the state

    A large-scale reduction in loan rates and the weakening of requirements for borrowers led to rapid growth mortgage lending in 2010 year. To expand lending volumes against the backdrop of weak solvent demand for mortgage, banks were forced to go both to lower rates (in December they reached a pre-crisis level) and for a noticeable weakening of requirements for borrowers. As a result, the market anticipated the most optimistic forecasts: the volume provided last year mortgage loans amounted to 380 billion rubles, which is 2.5 times more results in 2009 (see Chart 1). In 2011, mortgage continues to demonstrate confident growth: the volume of issuance in January-February 2.2 times exceeded the same indicator of the first two months of 2010.

    At the end of 2010, the main market participants demonstrated explosive growth rates, which led to a decrease in the level of concentration . The growth rate of 100 and more percent were characteristic not only for medium and minor banks with an initially low base, but also for the largest participants from the top 20 (see Table 1). The tightening of competition was expressed in reducing the overall level of concentration: the share of the market leader - Sberbank of Russia - decreased from 57.7% to 48.7%, and the share of TOP-3 sank from 68% to 61%. At the same time, the market has noticeably increased the role of small banks (below the 201th place in assets): their share has increased from 8% to 11% largely due to the active work of AHML in the regions. Most large banks are in no hurry to refinance issued loans: the portfolio of mortgage loans is steadily growing. The logic of bankers is clear: there are no lack of liquidity from banks, and the mortgage loan on the balance is a stable source of income in the absence of sufficient demand for borrowed funds from the corporate sector.

    According to the forecasts of Experta RA, according to the results of 2011, the volume of mortgage lending will amount to 600-620 billion rubles, close to the results of 2008 (656 billion rubles) . Unlike 2010, the main stimulus will be taken from demand: By the spring of 2011, the deadlines approached the majority of "crisis" deposits with elevated interest rates, and against the background of growing inflation and expectations of real estate prices, many guide funds from these deposits on the an initial fee by mortgage. Bank capabilities to stimulate demand almost exhausted: under the current inflation dynamics a significant reduction interest rates It is unlikely, and further weakening requirements for borrowers is possible only to the detriment of the quality of risk management.

    After 2011, the likelihood of a slowdown in the rate of growth of mortgage lending due to the exhaustion of the low base effect and the shortage of new housing is high. In 2011 - early 2012 The overwhelming part of residential buildings will be put into operation, the construction of which was "frostized" in 2009-2010, and projects from "zero" over the past two years have practically not launched. At the same time, the prospects for accelerating housing construction due to the growth of lending to developers are extremely foggy. As a survey of banks, conducted by Expert RA, with AHML, after the crisis, the number of banks ready to lend housing construction was significantly reduced, and the remaining participants tightened the requirements for borrowers and the quality of projects (see Table 2). High risks of housing construction (see Table 3) forced banks to carry tangible assessment costs construction projects and control over their execution.

    To stimulate the volume of lending to housing construction, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for separating the risks of the construction industry between banks and the state. Existing lending programs for developers implemented through AHML and VEB do not dispose of banks from the risk of unfinished construction and increased costs of project execution. In excess liquidity, such programs are interesting only to individual market participants with expensive funding. Increase the interest of banks is possible at the expense of supply to the state tools for the division of specific risks of the construction industry and the protection of creditors' rights in the courts.

    In the medium term, it will help the development of mortgage products from mortgage products outside banks in the mid-term loaning. The high popularity of consumer and car loans is provided by a wide network of their sales through outlets and car dealerships. The offer of mortgage products is concentrated in banks, and not at the "places" (real estate agencies, construction companies). Hence the low share of mortgages in the total volume of residential real estate transactions. The solution to this problem may become more active interaction of banks and real estate agencies, as well as the development of the Institute credit brokers and financial consultants. This will allow to shift the preferences of part of the citizens in favor of mortgage loans and increase the volume of mortgage lending even with the constant volumes of housing construction.

    Research methodology

    The findings of analysts "Expert RA" are based on public data, the statistics of the Bank of Russia as of February 1, 2011, as well as on the results of the survey of banks and in-depth interviews with market participants.

    As part of this study, under mortgage housing loans are understood housing loansprovided in accordance with Federal law dated July 16, 1998 No. 102-FZ "On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)". This approach Fully coincides with the methodology used by the Bank of Russia. The method of drawing up the ranking of the participants in the mortgage market is agreed with AHML.

    As part of the survey, we asked banks to indicate data on the portfolio of mortgage loans in accordance with the reporting form 0409316. The verification of the data provided on the basis of calculating the compliance of the information provided by the data reflected in the operating statement (reporting form 0409101) banks was used.

    In the final ranking, 73 banks were included. According to our estimates, the market coverage amounted to about 80%. CJSC "KB Deltacredit" presented the data to the data corresponding to the 4th place in Ranking, but in the final ranking, these data were not included in connection with failure to provide information necessary to verify their accuracy.

    As part of the project "Expert RA", together with AHML, conducted a survey of Russian banks on the topic "Financing of housing construction". The survey was answers to closed questions and in-depth interviews with representatives of banks. In the survey took part 24 russian banks (mostly representatives of top management or managers who supervise profile business). With the texts of in-depth interviews can be found on the website www ..

    We express my appreciation to all companies and speakers for interest that manifested our research.

    Schedule 1. At the end of 2010, the volume of mortgage lending 2.5 times exceeded the results of 2009

    Chart 2. In a competitive struggle for customers, banks aggressively reduced mortgage rates

    Source: "Expert RA" according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

    Table 1. Ranking banks in terms of mortgage lending in 2010

    Place for January 1, 2011.

    Name of the bank

    The volume of mortgage loans issued in 2010, (1,000 rubles)

    The volume of mortgage loans issued in 2009, (1 000 rubles)

    The growth rate of the volume of mortgage loans issued, 2010/2009

    The share of currency loans in the total issuance in 2010

    Balance of loan debt mortgage loans, at 1.01.11 *, (1 000 rub.)

    The balance of loans for mortgage loans, at 1.01.10 *, (1 000 rub.)

    Mortgage loan portfolio growth rate, 2010/2009

    OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

    VTB 24 (CJSC)

    GPB (JSC) **

    OJSC "TransCreditBank"

    Zapsibcombank OJSC

    CJSC UniCredit Bank


    CJSC "Bank Zhilfinance"

    Akb "Absolut Bank" (CJSC)

    Bank "Revival" (OJSC)


    CJSC GKB Avtogradbank


    OJSC "Norda Bank"

    Bank ITB (OJSC)

    ZAO "Raiffeisenbank"


    OJSC Bank Opening

    JSC "SKB-Bank"

    JSCB "Svyaz-Bank"

    KB "MIA" (OJSC)

    "TKB" (CJSC)

    OAO Tveruniversalbank


    JSC "AK BARS" Bank

    Oikb "Rus" (LLC)

    Bank "Snezhinsky" OJSC

    OJSC "Chelyabinvestbank"




    Bank "Levoberezhny" (OJSC)


    OJSC KB "Severgasbank"

    CJSC "FIA-Bank"


    OJSC "Plus Bank"

    Akb "Izhkombank" (OJSC)

    "Cube" OJSC

    JSC "Minb"

    CJSC "Bank Intesa"

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state