
According to the design of enterprises in oil refinery. LLC "Institute for Designing Enterprises of the Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Industry": Accounting and financial analysis. Special sections of the project

8. Fire connection and alarm. Methods and Fire Protection and Fire Extinguishing

8.1. The buildings of firefighters and fire posts are built on the existing typical projectsapproved in the prescribed manner, as well as on individual projects in the presence of appropriate permission.

8.2. The number and location of the buildings of fire depots and fire posts and the territory for them is determined in accordance with the head of SNiP " General plans industrial enterprises. Design standards "taking into account service radius.

Note. The number and type of fire trucks are determined by the departments and departments of the fire protection in the field.

8.3. The buildings of fire depots and fire posts of enterprises must be connected by direct telephone connection with the fire station of the city, the switch of the enterprise telephone station and the rising pumping station of the fire water supply station. In the presence of two and more buildings of fire depots and fire posts, they must be interconnected by a bilateral direct telephone connection.

8.4. Production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary buildings, outdoor installations, warehouses (parks) and rapid overpass must be equipped with electrical fire alarm detectors to call fire protection.

8.5. Electrical Fire Alarm Detectors general purpose Must be installed:

on external installations and open warehouses of category A, B and B - on the perimeter of the installation, the warehouse is not more than 100 m;

in warehouses (parks) - combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids - on the perimeter of the jolts are not more than 100 m;

on the creamy and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids - after 100 m, but not less than two (in stairs to maintain the overpass).

Note. Manual fire detectors are installed regardless of the presence of automatic fire alarm detectors.

8.6. The detectors of the electrical fire alarm of general purpose should be located at least 5 m from the installation border or warehouse breakdown.

8.7. Fire alarm reception stations should be installed in the buildings of fire depot.

8.8. Production and warehouse buildings should be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm in accordance with the Lists approved by the USSR Minneftekhimprom and agreed with the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR State Building (Appendix 1), heads of SNiP and other regulatory documents.

8.9. Firefighter trunks are installed:

a) on external explosion and fire-hazardous installations to protect equipment and equipment containing combustible gases, flammable and combustible fluids;

b) on commodity, commodity and intermediate warehouses (parks) to protect ball and horizontal (cylindrical) reservoirs with liquefied combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids;

c) on railway raincoat and river piernes Sug, LVZ and GJ.

The furnaces and apparatuses operating at a temperature of more than 450 o C (boilers - utilities, furnaces, stoves under pressure, reactors, etc.) are not protected. When installing, there should be limiters of the turnover of these stems in the direction of the devices heated to the temperature of more than 450 o C.

8.10. Lighting trunks are usually installed with a stationary connection to high pressure plumbing network. In cases where plumbing on current enterprise It does not provide pressure and water consumption required for the simultaneous operation of two boaf stems, the latter must be equipped with devices for connecting mobile fire pumps.

8.11. Blood trunks should be installed with nozzle diameter of at least 28 mm. The head of the nozzle should be at least 0.4 MPa (40 m of water. Art.).

8.12. The number and location of the boof trunks to protect the equipment located on the outer installation is determined graphically, based on the irrigation conditions of the protected equipment of one compact jet.

8.13. The number and location of the beftle trunks to protect the tanks in the warehouse (Park) is determined from the condition of irrigation of each tank with two jets, and in the presence of a stationary irrigation system - one jet.

8.14. Tanks with an embarrassment and gzh volume of 5000 m 3 or more, regardless of the height of the walls of the tanks, should have stationary installations of irrigation with water.

The reservoirs of liquefied hydrocarbon gases and LVZ stored under pressure must have automatic stationary water irrigation systems.

8.15. Outdoor installations with a height of 10 m and more must be equipped with risers-drums with a diameter of at least 80 mm to reduce the time of water supply, foam and other flames.

On each shelf of the outdoor installation, more than 80 m long should be at least two risers located in the march stairs. On the roller dryer on each floor there should be a locking and connecting fittings, designed to work with Du 80 sleeves. On risers, dry races should be provided with a trigger cranes for emptying them from water.

8.16. For buildings with a height of more than 15 m along fire stairs to the roof, it is necessary to provide for devices of dry tubes with connecting heads on both of their ends with a diameter of at least 80 mm. On vertical fire stairs, one of the guards can be made in the form of a dry farm.

8.17. Buildings and structures of enterprises should be provided primary means Fire extinguishing in accordance with the "Model Fire Safety Rules for Industrial Enterprises" and the requirements of industry standards.

8.18. Fireproof water supply of enterprises should be provided with regard to the requirements of the heads of SNiP "Water supply. External networks and structures" and "internal water supply and sewage system. Design standards", as well as the requirements of this section.

8.19. In enterprises, as a rule, it is necessary to design an independent system of fire water supply. The pressure on the network should provide the possibility of working fire prevention devices (bophic trunks, rods, etc.), it is not less than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2).

8.20. Water consumption for fire extinguishing from the fire water supply network should be taken at the rate of two simultaneous fires in the enterprise:

one fire in the production area;

the second fire is in the area of \u200b\u200bcommodity or commodity warehouses (parks) combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids.

8.21. The consumption of water on fire protection and fire extinguishing from the network of fire water supply is determined by the calculation, but should be taken at least:

for production zone - 170 l / s;

for commodity and commodity warehouses (parks) - 200 l / s.

8.22. The consumption of water from the fire fighting water supply should ensure extinguishing and protection of equipment both in stationary installations and mobile fire equipment.

8.23. When calculating the performance of fire water pipeline, it should be borne in mind that in addition to water consumption on stationary installations, it should provide water supply at least 50 l / s. For mobile fire equipment or simultaneous operation of two boaf stems.

In cases where the water consumption for the simultaneous operation of two beftle stems exceeds 50 l / s, it is necessary to take into account the flow of water only for the operation of the boof stems.

8.24. Water consumption for stationary irrigation installations should be accepted:

a) for open technological installations - according to the column type devices, based on the amount of water costs to cool the conditionally burning column and the columns arranged with it located at a distance of less than two diameters are the largest burning or adjacent one;

b) for commodity and intermediate warehouses (parks) with spherical reservoirs of Sug and LVZ, stored under pressure, on the simultaneous irrigation of the conditionally burning reservoir and adjacent tanks located at a diameter of the largest burning or adjacent tank and less, and For horizontal - according to Table. 6.

Table 6.

The number of simultaneously irrigated horizontal tanks

Location of tanksVolume of unit tank, m 3
25 50 110 160 175 200
In one row5 5 5 5 3 3
In two rows6 6 6 6 6 6

8.25. The intensity of water supply to cool the surface of the equipment for stationary irrigation installations should be taken in accordance with Table. 7.

Table 7.

Name of devicesWater supply intensity, l / (m 2 * s)
1 Spherical I. cylindrical tanks With liquefied combustible gases and flammable liquids stored under pressure:
a) surface tanks without fittings0,1
b) the surface of the tanks in the location of the fittings0,5
2 Column type apparatus with Sug and LVZ0,1

8.26. Protection of column apparatuses to a height of up to 30 m should be made by boiled trunks and mobile fire technician. With the height of the column apparatuses, more than 30 m protection should be made combined, namely: to a height of 30 m - with saphty trunks and mobile fire equipment, and above 30 M - stationary irrigation installations.

Note. In cases where the protection of the column apparatuses is impossible (other devices interfere), they should be protected by stationary irrigation installations for the entire height.

8.27. Water pumping station with fire pumps serving reservoir parks from Sug, LVZH and GJ should be at a distance of at least 50 m from pumping on the pumping of Sug, LVZH and GJ and not less than 100 m from tanks.

8.28. The supply of water for fire protection of technological installations, commodity and intermediate warehouses, the creamy estacade should be stored at least in two tanks located in the pumping fireproof water supply.

8.29. In addition to fireproof water supply in refineries, it is necessary to provide for the construction of one from the other at a distance of no more than 500 m:

In the area of \u200b\u200breservoir parks - firefighter reservoirs with a capacity of at least 250 m 3.

In the area of \u200b\u200bindustrial installations - wells with a capacity of 3-5 m 3 with water supply to them from a network of industrial water supply through a pipeline with a diameter of at least 200 mm with the possibility of selection of water from them with two fire engineers or hydrants installed on the network of industrial (revound) water supply.

8.30. The distance from the places of water of water from fireweds should be at least:

To buildings and facilities of the category A, b and in fire danger - 20 m;

To reservoirs with liquefied hydrocarbon gases and flammable liquids - 60 m;

Before tanks with combustible liquids - 40 m.

8.31. Receiving wells of water bodies and water reservoirs should be located at a distance of no more than 2 m from the roadside of highways or have an entrance from them with a platform 12ґ12 m.

8.32. The top of the hydrants should be higher than the planning mark adjacent to the territory of the territory. The side of the roads in hydrants must have a solid coating (crushed to the crushes, impregnated by bitumen) at a length of at least 20 m (10 m in both sides of the hydrant). The distance between the hydrants should be no more than 100 m.

For individual structures of categories G and D (torch installation, an open warehouse of non-combustible materials, etc.) fire hydrants are allowed to provide for deadlines of fire water pipes with a length of no more than 200 m.

8.33. If there is a cooling time at the enterprise, an entrance to it should be arranged car expensive With an area of \u200b\u200bat least 12ґ12 m in size for the possibility of using a cooling towers as a spare water reservoir for fire extinguishing water.

8.34. The extinguishing of elementogenic compounds should be carried out in accordance with the "safety rules for the production of elementorganic compounds".

8.35. In the premises of pumping categories A, B and B, equipped with a stationary automatic fire extinguishing system with six-fold reserves of the foaming agent, an internal fire water supply device can not be provided. At the same time, on the nutritional pipelines of the fire extinguishing system, it is necessary to install internal fire cranes and manual foam trunks.

8.36. The premises of pumping, pumping housings and Gzh, up to 500 m 3 3 should be equipped with stationary pave systems, unless the stationary foaming system is provided.

8.37. The supply of foaming substances at the enterprise is calculated by the necessary intensity of supply of the foaming solution to extinguish between two calculated fires. In addition, the company should have a 100% reserve that can be used for mobile resources.

8.38. The supply of foaming substances at the enterprise should be stored in special premises - warehouses for storing fire extinguishing facilities located in the area of \u200b\u200btank parks for flammable and combustible liquids and production plants with a device to the warehouses of the entry of highways. Premises for storing fire extinguishing means must be dry, heated, with an air temperature inside the room in the winter period not lower than +5 o C, have ventilation with deflectors and accession to sewage and electric light. Storage of the foaming agent in heated containers located outside the buildings is allowed.

8.39. Protection of technological furnaces with accidents and fires, as well as the extinguishing of fires inside the furnaces under the progars of pipes is carried out in accordance with the "instructions for the design of the steam protection of technological stoves at the enterprises of the oil refining and petrochemical industry."

8.40. Systems of parotects should be connected to permanent manufacturing steering plates of the enterprise.

Place connecting parmetrical to permanent production steps on technological installations It is selected within this installation, and the aircraft network of the enterprise is within no more than 50 m from the installation border or object.

The system of parotects should be connected through two consistently installed valves (or two valves) with the installation between them the control tube with the valve.

8.41. To extinguish a fire in parmetric systems, saturated, spent (crumpled) water vapor or overheated process pairs can be applied. At the same time, saturated water vapor is more efficient for fire extinguishing compared with overheated steam.

8.42. Steel can be carried out through stationary and semi-stationary systems (installations) of steps.

Stationary parmetric systems include such steam pipe systems that brings steam directly to the protected object.

Semi-stationary parmetric systems include such steam pipeline systems that supply pairs to the production plant area and end with external parothetious risers with outlets to attach hoses to supply steam to places of possible sunbathing.

8.43. Inpatient pavement systems should be used in industrial premises with a volume of not more than 500 m 3, in which there is equipment and equipment with flammable and combustible liquids, for example, in technological pumping, in trays for pipes, laid within production premises.

8.44. Semi-stationary pavement systems should be used on external technological installations, such as columns and other devices.

To select a steam on fire extinguishing, a conditional diameter of at least 40 mm should be provided at a distance of not more than 30 m one from the other.

The pressure of steam in the risers should be no more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2). Portable hoses can be used with a diameter of 20 mm with watering trunks or other nozzles.

The attachment of the hoses to the risers should be manual, without the use of tools, with the help of a naked nut with a handle or "hero".

8.45. Starting devices on parmetrops (valves, valves) must be located in easily accessible places, outdoors, at an altitude of 1.35 m from the site level.

8.46. Poporated pipes are used as internal distribution steam pipelines of stationary systems in closed rooms. Holes in perforated tubes for the release of steam must be a diameter of 4-5 mm. To descend the condensate from the supply steps and steam inputs, slutters, located at the lowest locations on the slope of pipes with such a calculation, so that the condensate and the steam jets do not interfere with the actions of the service personnel.

8.47. To supply steam to closed rooms, perforated pipes are laid throughout the inner perimeter of the room at an altitude of 0.2-0.3 m from the floor. At the same time, the holes of the pipes are located so that the steam jets overlooking them are directed horizontally inside the room.

8.48. When calculating the systems of parotects for the main indicator, the intensity of steam supply is taken. The estimated time extinguishing fire 3 min.

Under the intensity of the steam supply, the amount of steam supplied to closed rooms or tightly closed technological components per unit time per unit volume filled with ferry (kg / s * m 3).

The calculated intensity of the supply of steam (overheated and saturated) on the volumetric parotypes is provided in Table. eight.

Table 8.

Note. For closed objects, their full internal volume is calculated.

8.49. Inert gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, etc.) can be used to extinguish the fire both in closed rooms and on open installations.

8.50. Fire extinguishing (sunbathing) inert gas is based:

a) on the decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the air of industrial premises and around the location of the combustion (stationary fire extinguishing systems);

b) on knocking out a stream of inert gas flames of ignited gases and vapors) when leakage through the resulting loyalty in devices and pipelines (semi-stationary fire extinguishing systems).

8.51. At open installations, quenching inert gas is based on a rustling of an inert gas of flames of ignited gases and vapors.

8.52. To confuse a stream of inert gas flames of ignited gases and vapors, both in the buildings and open installations should be used technological inert gas.

8.53. The pressure of the inert gas in the risers should be no more than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2).

8.54. To select an inert gas for fire extinguishing in the rooms, on the technological pipelines with an inert gas at a distance of no more than 30 m One of the other should include nozzles with a conditional diameter of at least 20 mm with shut-off reinforcement.

8.55. At open installations, risers should be installed with a conditional diameter of at least 40 mm at a distance of not more than 30 m one from the other, which are joined by the technological networks of the inert gas.

8.56. Na mark 1.35 M of each platform on the risers should be provided for no pipes with a conditional diameter of at least 20 mm with shut-off reinforcement.

50% of the total number of nozzles must be provided with rubber-sized sleeves with an internal diameter of at least 25 mm that meet the requirements of GOST "Watering sleeves". The location of the nozzles and sleeves should be indicated in the working drawings of the equipment.

8.57. Stationary devices extinguishing inert gas according to the principle of decrease in oxygen concentration in air can be used for closed volumes of the type of chambers and compartments, where steam extinguishing is economically inexpedient, or steam, as a flame agent, cannot give the corresponding effect when extinguishing.

Complex of services provided in the field of refinery design

Professional activity Our organization covers a wide range of designing all kinds of objects, among which is the design of refineries (refineries). The information specified in the application is the basis for creating a refinery project that can be represented by a typical, complex or non-standard structure. The following services provided by our organization include the following:

Our duties in terms of general design. We are responsible for creating and conducting all necessary coordination regarding the project, including the processes of authoring supervision, but the processes of manufacturing and mounting the refinery are carried out by another organization.

The process of developing individual fragments of the kit construction documentation. Here is a study of the necessary sections of the project, the examples of which can act: MC - metal structures; KMD - Metal Detailed Designs; KZh - constructions are reinforced concrete.

The function of the general contract. The position of the general contract is to fulfill certain tasks in the general contractor as a project, installation and manufacturing cases, including the procedure for obtaining all approved approvals and documents allowing the commissioning of these refineries.
Material costs by the client do not carry when providing services preliminary assessment Planned project, calculating the estimated cost and alleged time on execution of these works in our organization. In the event of any questions, you can contact our employees to obtain full and detailed information.

The application for execution of the design of the oil refinery, as well as the implementation of work under the general contract, is carried out through the methods proposed below:

  • Registration of an application in online mode on the organization's website
    The presented application form filled fields with compulsory contact information. In turn, the available design documents are attached to the nested file. Materials may have a different volume, which depends on the customer specifically set by the tasks. We guarantee compliance with the rules of confidentiality regarding all information transferred to us. If you have documents on the project, you provide them with our disposal. In the absence of project documentation, it is necessary to present a description of the refinery and indicate the required characteristics of its buildings. When information is not provided, the representative of the focus will call you back to supplement and refine the data.
  • Via telephone communication
    It is a popular and operational message method, the possibility of which consists in a bilateral discussion of information regarding the composition of the project and the required work. Our employee will give answers to all your questions, will offer alternative solutions that will maximize the price of services.
  • Visiting the organization's office personally Your visit to us will give you personally to familiarize yourself with the activities of our organization and evaluate its capabilities, as well as directly in place to discuss all the nuances of the project.

Providing project information The Customer can accompany in a suitable and convenient format for itself, for example, in a format printed on paper or use an electronic media (USB drive, attach the file to an email, etc.).

If the application was issued by you on the website of our organization or transferred through e-mail, you will definitely be informed about it in the shortest possible time.

  • Independent implementation of services and work
    Having a sufficient number of specialists in its staff, our organization provides a comprehensive work process, and also has all the necessary equipment and technologies. We have opportunities that allow you to not resort to the services of subcontractable companies. Due to the fact that third parties and organizations are attracted to the design work on the design, it is implemented in a shorter time frame. In addition, it is convenient to the customer, because the order is done in one place.
  • Work quality at the excellent level
    The use of our organizations of progressive software complexes contribute to high quality of work, which, moreover, reduce time costs.
  • Availability of the large state of specialists
    The personnel composition of our organization is represented by vocational importance and stable work by the staff of employees who is able to ensure the timely and qualitative implementation of all the tasks. Having all the necessary specialists in their proprietaryists, we provide guaranteed performance of the proper level.
  • Many years of experience
    On the this moment We are among the top companies that are leading in the market of design services. For the period of many years of work, our organization has implemented a sufficient number of refinery projects. Luggage experience gained over long years of activity is one of the weighty factors that guarantee a high level of quality and timeliness of the works.
  • Conducting control processes of high-quality work
    We have developed a system of multi-step quality control covering all types of work. Representatives of the Quality Control Department conduct regular inspection of the project, which contributes to the timely identification and solution of emerging problems from the first steps.
  • Minimum deadlines
    Thanks to our extensive many years of experience in the design of oil refineries, we have the opportunity to maximize the deadlines for the necessary work. In addition to the high level of skill of employees of our organization, the use of the latest technologies contributes to the reduction of time costs.
  • Reviews and recommendations
    Our organization has a large number of customers who appealed to us and remained satisfied with the work performed. This confirms the list of positive recommendations. If you wish to familiarize yourself with the list of recommendations and companies that have provided them, you can do this by going to our site in the appropriate section. Additional information You can get by contacting representatives of our company.

Weightful indicators that are able to influence the definition of the design time of oil refining plants are complexization of monofiguration and the upcoming design. The components of the documentation transferred to the development of documentation affect the duration of the refinery design. Setting deadlines is made for each object individually. After determining the deadlines, the representative of our organization offers a commercial offer to which the detailed schedule of the calendar plan is attached in the graphic image. It contains data on the periods of work carried out for each specific part of the project and their payment. Mostly, the starting stage of the design is binding precisely by the time of payment of the advance payment, these conditions are prescribed in the contract.

Our organization carries out the refinement of refineries to the lowest time, but at least 3 days. The assessment of the project task transferred to us takes on simple projects no more than 15 minutes. Conducting an assessment of projects with elevated complexity to the system of uniqueness is a longer process.

Accordingly, individual design operations are manufactured by individual design operations, the value of the indicators of which vary in the dependence of the dispersed factors. Evaluation criteria is the composition of the required design work, the need for production work and the assembly process. They take into account the complexity of the project and the degree of workload of the department during the order period.

  • Simple objects
    Such structure of the structure has typical facilities of the refinery with high repeatability (for example, hangars). They are objects with a simple and unearmable structure. These facilities are characterized by many rolling and profile farms, which alternate each other and have the same dimensions, and can also be represented by the welded beams of the alternating section.
  • Complex objects
    Almost all OBZ objects can be attributed to this category, since many industrial buildings are regarded as complex. Their feature is in the presence of a huge number of drawings and labor costs. The determining quality of complex objects is the low repeatability of the elements or the absence of repeatability in general, which is a certain complexity, both in design and in production, installation work.
  • Unique objects
    The uniqueness of facilities of the refinery is the complex geometric configuration of walls and roofs. Their designs are quite complex structures.

With all this, the clear line in the delimitation of the above price categories is not, due to the fact that even the elementary simple project can be presented with special requirements. This may relate to features documentaryand the need for certain additional work, which increases the overall cost of the project. Also, in addition to difficulty, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the lack of repeatability of the designs of the refinery. It leads to the fact that at the design stage, labor costs increase, the complexity of manufacturing processes, installation, increases from the presence of such specifics, the establishment of rates for each project is based on individual approach.

The initial information makes it possible to determine the level of project availability.

These materials can be provided in any form, convenient for the customer. So, the application may have the following form:

  • Oral description
    In fact, if the design of the refinery is in the initial stage or the customer has no clear idea of \u200b\u200bits constructive featuresThe sets of decorated drawings are missing. In this case, he can set out his thoughts and wishes orally. And being in the office, you can discuss the main key points Cooperation and main design solutions. This assumes the ability to determine and refine object parameters and consideration of the main steps to implement the project. Thus, after oral study, you can create a qualitative task for design work.
  • Text presentation
    A description of the list of basic requirements regarding the object is reduced to the design of the design task. It needs to specify the desired dimensions and model plans Refinery, as well as attach a text description of the desired design solutions. If the design task is formulated correctly and efficiently, its base may be a reason for developing architectural drawings.
  • Package of drawing documentation
    As a resource of the source materials, sets of drawings can be offered: for architectural solutions - AR, or architectural and construction solutions - AU. They allow you to calculate the schemes of structures and the bearing capacity of the refinery. Based on the provided set of drawings, the construction of a set of drawings of the CM is carried out.

A set of drawings on metal structures (km) is subject to mandatory expert assessment. Having received an approval confirmation, you can start confrontation of the CMD - a set of drawings for the designs of metal detailed. The package of this documentation will be required directly for the manufacturer's production.

The contract is prescribed by the procedure for payment between the design organization by the Customer. The Rules of the Agreement is all stages of making payment regarding the works, their types and volumes. Approximate payment scheme may seem like this:

  • Previously at the expense of our organization should arrive. The introduction is a condition for the start of the design of the refinery. As a rule, the amount is small, its size is limited to 20-30% of the total price.
  • Start of design work. This stage provides for the implementation of the main tasks for the design of refineries by our engineers.
  • The interim issuance of the project is produced in stages and depends on various factors, including from the amount of order. This is determined by the contract where the recommended number of issuance is indicated. For example, for small refine designs, this type of issuance is not planned in principle.
  • Interim payment. It has a binding to intermediate issues, and specifically for each such issuance follows the appropriate payment.
  • Examination also often correlates with payments. The results of the project's expert research depends whether it is necessary to make amendments. If errors are not detected, the project does not need amendments, therefore, and the timing of the order will not be changed.
  • Lack of mounting schemes when issuing a project. This step is due to the fact that we have a guarantee for admission money For the work done fully and on time.
  • The final payment is the final stage of our interaction with the customer. Its final point is the procedure for signing the act of work performed and, accordingly, payment.

The reduced payment scheme may differ from the possible difference in the represented projects. From what volumes of work will be implemented, some items may be descended, or new ones are added. Features of the work are present when interacting with foreign customers. For example, the calculation of the amount of payment for the work performed in general is made on the basis of the cost of 1 working hour.

A specific design object is inherent in the presence of the presence of the life cycle stages, however, some of the steps are applied only for objects exposed to expert analysis.

The stages of the life cycle of the oil refinery can be submitted in the following regulations:

  • Design process
  • Conducting agreed events
  • Work on construction
  • Introduction Object PPC

Most customers are set up requests for fully ready-made buildings with a clear requirement for the availability of operational characteristics (area, floors, etc.). For the client, the result is important at the minimum price of the object efficiency of the object. But issues such as features of structures, the complexity, the essence of design and manufacturing, the cost of installation work, as a rule, do not make up much interest for him.

In order to facilitate you the task of determining the most suitable option in combining design characteristics, materials and technologies for the creation of the refinery, our organization can offer you free consultation. Our leading engineer will hold consultation for you with the presentation of comprehensive and competent information on the positive and negative sides of each individual constructive solution. With it, you can make the most rational choice. To determine the appropriate design scheme, there is a need to make the simultaneous calculation of a certain number of such schemes based on different solutions. An example of this approach can serve as the selection of overlaps for the refinery, since there are several types of their: based on rolling beam, the welded beam of alternating section and thin-walled elements. The problem of choice is that without the calculation it is not possible to determine which option will be the most economically justified for a specific project. For this purpose, three schemes are calculated at once, which helps to achieve about 5% of savings, and this figure is quite weighty, given the price of the entire project.

This kind of calculation is the maximum responsible stage in the design of the refinery, where the safety of its operation is due to the correctness and accuracy of the calculation. And the essence consists in an error-free computation of the load, which every detail of the refinery will bear. This will make it possible to make a clear selection of sections for such a load, subject to all relevant standards adopted in the Russian Federation. The work of calculations is influenced by such a significant factor as the features of the location of the refinery. They affect the calculation of loads, as it is impossible not to take into account the atmospheric influences, frequency and level of precipitation, seismicity.

The product of the design calculations of the refinery is based on such steps:

  • calculation of strength By calculating this indicator, we will find the value of the load of the load, which each separately taken structural part will be given in, and in accordance with these data, the required section is selected.
  • stiffness calculationThe value of this indicator determines the level of marginal movement, or deformation. Verification of all likely movements is made to determine the conservation of the required operational characteristics of the references.
  • calculation of sustainability Resilience parameters may be lost much earlier than coefficient facilities. Of paramount importance here has absolutely accurate calculation of the stability of future refinery designs.
  • calculations of nodesCalculation of calculations is carried out in the process of the development of KM, and are clarified at the stage of creating KMD (metal structures).
  • calculation of progressive destructionThis implies monitoring the effect of sudden destruction on the design of the refinery. For the product of such a calculation by excluding one part, a sharp destruction of a certain design element is simulated - columns, beams, etc. When the design of the design occurs when withdrawing one of its parts, the only solution in this case is a complete recalculation of the project.

Qualified specialists of our organization are able to calculate any refinery designs regardless of their level of complexity. Estimated operations And the actions for each project are made on the basis of two software packages, the results of which are then checked. These results should be practically identical, only minor discrepancies are admissible.

Going to the site of our organization, you can find information about the multitude of projects whose developers are our engineers. At the heart of the calculations involved programs such as SCAD and RobotStructureAlanalysis. If there is a need to familiarize with more full list Referring to the NPZ projects you calculated, you can get such information or by calling us or by visiting our company's office.

The customer project documentation enters the printed form or in the electronic version. The contract establishes the number of printed copies. Electronic information conservation format may be offered on Flash drives or CDs - option is negotiated by the customer's accumulation.

Among the most frequently used types of issuing a project are:

  • DXF is distinguished by universality, so it is distributed among customers because of the ability to maintain all standard drawings in one plane, but also layouts in 3D.
  • DWG is generally accepted for engineering programs. Using AutoCAD, Autodesk formats, two- and three-dimensional design projections can be maintained.
  • IFC is a special format of IndustryFoundationClasses files, designed to ensure the exchange of explanation between certain programs. This version is free, since it does not have a specific copyright holder.
  • PDF is one of the most common Adobe formats thanks to the ability to quickly and convenient viewing of the material of any type - text, tables, drawings, 3D projections. A formatted file with a large number of pages does not represent complexity for printer printing.

The electronic transmission of the project should contain drawings, explication, and a 3D rennet model. When the customer has intentions on their own erecting refinery, then NC (LSTV) format files are given to managing numeric software.

Control accompanies all stages of the refinery design without exception for guaranteed quality of documentation, the implementation of further manufacturing and installation processes. Our organization provides such mandatory control levels:

  • The inspection of the development engineer is a significant process, during which materials are subject to careful consideration by a specialist. In case of detection of errors, the engineer immediately eliminates them. At this stage, qualified workers annul the majority of shortcomings. We use the method of interpretess working on the project engineers. It helps to avoid mistakes in the process.
  • Regulatory control. Engineers are checked by the compliance of project documentation for established qualitative standards for the design and manufacture of refineries, prepared by the project department. This stage involves the correction of design and content to eliminate errors. Construction solutions This work does not concern, but is directed only to ensure that the design responds to the prescriptions.
  • Control functions of the chief engineer of the project. The leading engineer, being legally responsible for the customer, is interested in ensuring a qualitatively high result of the work at the first stage, that is, design, even before the customer receives a project. The chief engineer is assigned the responsibilities of coordination and approval of absolutely all design solutions.
  • Automatic control of the software package. Progressive programs that accelerate and facilitating the work on the design of refineries are automatically facilitated, contribute to preventing quality control errors. They are programmed so as not to be issued and incorrect data missed. Therefore, projects developed by applying such programs serve as a guarantee of the accuracy of the installation of refinery.
  • Author's supervision, Schiefmanthma. High qualification engineers accompany the quality control of various levels of work produced, such as design, manufacturing, construction, transmission to the operation of the developed project. Such control is a guarantee of a high degree of reliability and quality of manufactured refineries.

At the request of the customer, the competent employees of our organization can produce many types of refinery quality control, such as non-destructive testing.

In the process of cooperation, the project solution can act already created ready project. Such solutions are systematized in our catalogs. In each finished project, the necessary amendments are made according to customer requirements for the future refinery. The process of adjustment is not as timeally consuming in comparison with the sperguing formation of project documentation and has a reduced time frame for the work of all works. A similar type of cooperation of the customer and the Contractor can also bring economic benefits, as it allows to reduce financial costs by more than 50%.

The impressive amount of orders and developments in this area gave us the opportunity to make a catalog of examples of refinery.

Typical structures can be classified according to the following types:

  • Designs with Farm Roofs
    Such structures are often used in production, therefore, with a high probability, it can be argued that it is easy to choose the prospective options from the catalog. Farm structures can have a different configuration of a square pipe or round, or from sprayed corners.
  • Designs, the configuration of the roof of which is represented by the welded beams with variable cross section
    It is also frequent, therefore, in our list you can choose the corresponding to your request.
  • Constructions based on the use of thin-walled elements
    The creation of thin-walled elements involves the use of a minimum volume of metallic raw materials. A thin-walled design can be pre-equipped, made with a thickness of the walls of rolled 2-4 mm. At low metal, this material is characterized by savings, which implies increased demand. Suitable similar designs to create low-rise buildings.
  • Awning structures
    These structures are characterized by roofs with a non-hard-type coating, often represented by polymeric materials. Tent structures serve as temporary shelters or unheated premises.

If you have difficulty with choosing a design type, you can contact our employees. They will clarify about the positive and negative sides of each structural type, the details will lay out, contribute to the choice of an option that will more accurately comply with the query.

Since we only contain the basic examples, classified by constructive specificity, with the full volume of projects produced by us, can be found in the management department of our specialists. Received reference samples are developed on the basis of progressive methods of three-dimensional modeling.

The technologies of design of metal structures are in the constant dynamics of development. We set ourselves the tasks of continuous improvement in the quality of the design of the refinery, the introduction of all sorts of innovations, and in parallel we strive to increase the methods and skills already mastered by our designers. For us, continuous development is important, so the study of developments from around the world and the embodiment of them into our production process is one of the main tasks. Our organization has established a learning process to expand the qualification skills of personnel, the study and implementation of world practice in the field of modernized developments. Operation of modern technological programs helps to achieve the automation of the working cycle, and cuts off the increased labor-intensity of the constructor, which is associated with the calculations of different types Vedomosti and reporting.

Not so long ago, maps on the cutting of sheet and rolling profile were made from hand, which assumed a high laboriousness of execution. Today, automatic security is used to facilitate this kind of labor.

  • Definition of a technological map
    This is a documentary for the manufacture of refined refinery, which is formed in conditions of intra-water flow rates. Having an asset of software complexes that meet all modern requirements. For our organization, the compilation of a similar card according to the stated mind is a matter of several minutes.
  • Card cutting sheet profile
    Its content is the schemes in which it is described in detail how it is necessary to "color" all the components on the prepared sheets, so that the waste amounted to the smallest. The program itself scans not one hundred options, as part should be located on the sheet, and selects the most optimal option from their number. So at the exit you can save materials with savings of 5-7%. This map It is a task on the execution of the cutting on the plasma cutting method.
  • Card cutting rolling profile
    It has information on how to put the parts made of rolled steel on the twelve meter canvas. Its use is significantly saved by material. Our organization performs cards on the recollection of rolling profiles at an automatic level, so such a free service. The basis of the creation of such cards implies an unmistakable calculation of the percentage of cutting and makes it possible to give the final cost of the project to produce the product. To do this, enter such data as the project mass and the percentage of cutting.

The process of assembly and installation of the refinery is almost always a complex procedure. Our organization is ready to take over the responsibilities for maintaining author's supervision, examination and support of the project by profile specialists for the entire period of construction. The service implies that the engineer is responsible for the refinery project, is present personally upon installation. The responsible person of the author's supervision is carried out by controlling operations that require the maintenance of the right and consistent rules of work on the installation of the refinery. The approximate time of finding a representative at a given facility is 1-2 weeks. If there is an agreement with the client about the establishment of another time segment, employees are organized at each stage, which implies a better guarantee of product quality.

By entering into the contract, the parties immediately establish the payout criteria, the period of work of the author's supervisory specialists accompanying the project during construction.

The organization designs the refinery, provides a full package of services, the total stage of which is the commissioning of the finished product. Employees of our company of various specialized areas have extensive experience in implementing refinery projects. To warn from doubtful related enterprises and save time, we recommend that you order work on design, manufacturing and installation in our organization. We have all the components for this: modern machines, many implemented projects, the practical location of the production - the climb of Moscow.

Organizates at its disposal department of installation and brigade of specialists in conducting installation work. Under the responsibility of specialists of our organization is the high quality of the executable work of any stage of the manufacture of refined refinery, the same applies to the construction facility.

To carry out the tasks of designing the refinery, the enterprise is obliged to be within the SRO - self-regulating organization. Our membership in the SRO has a period of more than six years. We provide the client or via email, or the original in the office, confirming its documentation.

The preparation of project documentation developed not within the Russian Federation, and the unlimited of Russian standards and rules is subject to complex examination. Project documentation formed by foreign experts requires reflashing. Everything must be adapted to the existing rules of the Russian Federation "from scratch": the relevant documentation calculations, drawings, the calculation of loads on the entire refinery design. These source documentation processing operations are design. The design of the design is a significant proportion of time in comparison with reflashing, as the coordination and adoption of most design solutions and issues have already been held.

The circumstance, the defiance of reflashing, also consists in the need for the adaptation of part of the KMK regulated parameters russian legislationSince in initial form may contain erroneous data on the tonnage of the design and adopted design solutions. In this case, reflashing is an opportunity to reduce the mass of the design and saving financial costs.

M.: Chemistry (RSU Oil and Gas. Gubkin), 2012. - 440 p. - (tutorial and tutorials For higher students educational institutions). - ISBN 978-5-98109-104-9 The main information about the engineering, the components of the design, standards and norms of project documentation for construction, management and organization of the design of refinery and petrochemical plants and installations are described. LED issues related to the creation of the technological part of the project, the calculation of equipment and equipment. The problems of energy supply of enterprises and design solutions In the area of \u200b\u200bthe organization of production, the protection of nature, the supply of factories with raw materials and auxiliary means.
For students of oil and petrochemical universities and faculties; may also be useful to engineering and technological specialists of enterprises and design organizations Oil refining, petrochemical and related industries. ContentPreface
Introduction General information about the design of industrial enterprisesBasic information about engineering. Classification of engineering
From the history of the development of engineering
Forms of the provision of engineering services
Comparison of international I. russian activities Engineering companies
Composite parts of engineering. Key processes to create an object of capital construction
Concept of design. Composite parts design
What is the project?
Composite parts design
Preinvestment phase project
Basic concepts
Stages of the implementation of the pre-investment phase. Pre-project documentation
Project analysis
Engineering and geological surveys on the construction site. Choice land plot for construction
Investment phase of the project
Stages of development of project documentation
The composition of the project documentation
Task for design and main source data for design
Composition of project documentation sections and requirements for their content
State Specialization and Approval of Project Documentation
Detailed (working) design
Author's supervision of the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures
General provisions
Organization and exercise of author's supervision
Standards and norms of project documentation for construction (SPDS)
The cost of project I. exploration work. Regulatory design duration in the oil refining and petrochemical industry design management. Design organization
Design management

Design organization
Comparison of methods for designing foreign engineering and Russian project companies Development of designs of design and estimate documentationDevelopment of the technological part of the NPZ and NHZ project
Modern oil refining schemes and production of petrochemical products
Main types of recycled raw materials
Source data for the development of the project technological part
Drawing up material balances of production and patterns of material flows of the plant
Drawing up diagrams and balance sheets using software
Foreign balance of refinery
Determining the need for reagents, catalysts, compressed air, nitrogen, hydrogen
Industrial safety and labor protection
Design of the technological part of installations and workshops (industries)Technological settings included in the plant
Source Materials for Designing Technological Installation
Development of a technological installation scheme
Technological tasks related specialists
Equipment design equipment pipelines
Layout equipment
Drawing up specifications
System automated design oil refineries
Three-dimensional pipeline design and creating a three-dimensional model
Equipment and equipment. Basics of technological calculation. Equipment suppliers
Distified columns
Absorption columns
Heat exchangers
Tubular furnaces
Modeling technological processes
Designing of public facilities
Reception and storage of raw materials
Preparation of commercial products
Storage of commercial products
Shipment of commercial products
Supply with reagents, catalysts, lubricating oils
Supply with compressed air, nitrogen and hydrogen
Fuel supply system
Laboratory control of production
Technological pipelines
Scheme of the planning organization of the land plant
Plant accommodation. Situational plan
Principles of constructing the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot of refinery and NHZ
Transport communications
Relief Organization vertical layout. Drainage from the site
Transport systems
Improvement and landscaping industrial platform
Protection of the company
Title list of enterprise objects
Energy supply of the company
Heat supply
Power supply
Water supply
Security ambient from contamination of harmful emissions of the refinery and NHZ
General provisions
Sources of harmful emissions into the atmosphere
Design solutions to reduce the pollution of the atmosphere
Wastewater: sources of their formation, characteristics, sewage systems
Claiming facilities
Establishing maximum permissible and temporarily agreed emissions for reference and NHZ
Environmental protection measures
Design of sanitary protection zones
Development of mounting and construction parts of the project
Mounting design
Construction tasks
Construction design
Cost of construction and calculation of technical and economic indicators
Determination of the estimated cost of construction
Technical and economic indicators of the refinery and NHZ Engineering Procurement and SuppliesProviding refined refinery and NHZ equipment and materials
Project material and technical support
Organization of the acquisition of equipment under construction and reconstructed enterprises
Organization of equipment acceptance
Experience in the organization of supply of equipment by foreign companies Organization of the construction of refinery and NHZImplementation of investment projects
Participants in the investment and construction project
Construction methods and options for organizing investment and construction processes
Stages (launchers) construction
Issuing a construction permit
Engineering in the organization of construction of objects
Insurance of construction and installation works and services
Organization of quality control in construction
Construction control (technical supervision)
State Construction Supervision
Engineering Procurement and Supplies
Organization of commissioning work
Issuance of permission to enter the object of operation
Acceptance of the completed construction facilities
Completion of the investment and construction project ApplicationsApproximate list of responsible building structures and work hidden by subsequent works and structures, the acceptance of which is issued by acts of intermediate acceptance of responsible structures and acts of examination of hidden work
List of recommended federal laws, government decisions, regulatory and instructive documents (standards, lowering, norms, rules, positions of state and industry-level) used in design
Limit amounts of hazardous substances, the presence of which on a dangerous production facility is the basis for the mandatory development of industrial safety declaration
Recommendations for selective verification of the quality of the main types of construction and assembly work
The main terms, concepts and positions used in the implementation of investment construction activities in Russian Federation
Recommended literature

Designing refineries and mini refinery. We do everything in the same complex!

Design mini refinery based on installations own production, It is one of the priorities of LLC NPP NOPROM. To date, we have developed more than 130 projects located both in the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries. The composition and content of the design work performed meets the requirements of the "Regulations on the composition of the project documentation sections and the requirements for their content" approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02/16/2008 No. 87.

No identical projects! Each project is an individual study of all the wishes of the customer !!!

Questions to the customer, before the start of design, an oil refinery based on small-class installations.

To determine the possibility of obtaining approved government agencies, the act of choosing the site for the construction of a low-tonnage refinery, the customer must provide the following documents:

  • the situational plan of the land plot with a radius of 1.2km (can be requested in the district site of urban planning);
  • the plan of the site M 1: 500 (must be present in the documents for the leased or owned land).

After considering the documents listed above, the coordination of the selected equipment and the reservoir park, we will be able to make a preliminary arrangement scheme for the placement of buildings and equipment, a description of the production to give its conclusion to further develop a project in Russia and the CIS countries.

Design mini refinery

The customer provides:

  • an act of selection of a plot for the construction of mini-refinery (already existing and coordinated);
  • land Situation Plan with a radius of 1.2km (already existing and coordinated);
  • engineering and geodesic report with the topographic plan of the site M 1: 500;
  • technical conditions for connecting to engineering and technical support networks (provided by the organizations servicing networks); Provision is possible in the design process
  • report of engineering and geological surveys for construction site;
  • task for design - annex to a design contract.
  • a letter from hydrometeorology with certificate from them on the background concentrations of harmful substances and other characteristics in the construction area.

A more detailed list of documents required in the process of designing Mini refinery is determined at the time of the conclusion of the design contract.

The composition of the project documentation

Since 2009, a new one has come out legislative act separating design stages on the project and working documentation and the determining composition of project documentation subjected to state expertise.

The company LLC NPP NOVUPROM in Russia is developing the stage P and stage R. Below is a list of project documentation that fully ensures the full delivery of the project for examination.

Text part of the project

  • Explanatory note
  • Collection of equipment specifications, products and materials
  • Architecturally building solutions

Operating documents

  • Temporary Localization Plan of Emergency Situations
  • Temporary technological regulation

Special sections of the project

  • IM HM
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Localization plan for emergency bottling
  • Occupational Safety and Health

Graphic part of the project

  • General plan
  • Architectural and construction solutions
  • Constructive and volume planning solutions
  • Production technology
  • Technological communications
  • Automation of production
  • Power equipment
  • Interior lighting
  • Outdoor Lighting
  • Heating and ventilation
  • Water pipe and sewage
  • Introprotable water supply and sewage networks
  • Heat mechanical solutions of thermal networks
  • Distribution network automation
  • Intracustic power supply networks (VH lightning protection and grounding)
  • Project organization of construction

The volume of a full-fledged project is more than 1000 drawings and more than 15 volumes of the descriptive part.


After the design of a mini refinery is completed by the Customer gives the project to GosExpertiz. GosExpertiza takes a draft for consideration and issues its conclusion according to a standard time after 3 months. During one month, errors allowed when designing and substantiates the illegality of expertise comments.

After that, the examination issues its positive conclusion, on the basis of which the construction permit is obtained.

Design of oil refineries

The oil refinery is, first of all, an object with well-thought-out infrastructure, a complex complex of facilities, equipped with various engineering systems, including fire and industrial safety systems. Therefore, the design of refineries must be accompanied by a thorough design study and carried out exclusively by professionals that have serious experience in implementing such projects.

In general, the design of refineries is carried out as follows. After the customer's appeal to the specialists performing the design of refineries "from and to", a working draft refiner is created. This project includes several stages:

  • First of all, the main objectives of the establishment of an oil processing enterprise are formed and an investment analysis is carried out.
  • The next stage of designing oil refineries - the choice of a plot for the construction of the refinery and receiving permits for this construction.
  • Then follows the design of refineries of refinery
  • Next, the necessary equipment is completed and construction and installation works are performed, after which there is a turn of commissioning work.
  • The completion stage of the process is the commissioning of the refinery.

What parameters are taken into account when creating a working project?

Designing oil refineries is carried out with the obligatory taking into account the depth of oil refining. This parameter depends on the choice of technologies used to obtain the desired petroleum products. A rational choice of technologies and suitable equipment best optimizes the production process and significantly reduces it.

When choosing a plot for the construction of the refinery, the requirements of the regulatory documentation are taken into account, where certain restrictions are indicated. In particular, an employee of a company engaged in the design of refinery should be aware that the distance of the oil processing enterprise to residential neighborhoods should be at least 1 km; From the installation of the category Ans to the territory of the adjacent enterprise from not part of the plant - at least 200 m and also at least 200 m - to the shores of water bodies. As a rule, a specialist, leading design of oil refineries, first creates a draft version of the project, where the necessary objects are placed, taking into account all fire gaps. And only after that it starts the design of the selected size and configuration.

Among other things, the design of refineries includes the development of documentation, which is provided to the customer both in paper and in in electronic format. Separate documents - for example, the task for the design of the oil refinery is compiled jointly with the customer. However, most of the documents: from explanatory notes A graphical design of the construction organization is being developed by an employee of the project department.

If you are interested in qualitative performance of any service, whether the design of refineries or the manufacture of equipment for the refinery, we will be glad to see you in the office of our company. Responsible going to the case, attentive attitude to the wishes of the Customer, coupled with many years and successful experience in the design of refineries - a guarantee of an effective result for our new and regular customers.

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