
How to open a business for installing plastic windows. Equipment for the production of plastic windows

Attention! A complimentary business plan offered to download below is approximate. Business plan that best meets the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

I want to tell you my story. I, Maxim Tereshkov, manufacturer plastic windows in Saratov. I decided to create my own business, as well understand this production well. Under the office I bought a room on the first floor of a local supermarket, before it was a mobile shop store. And the production itself is in the leased workshop in the industrial complex.

Create a business plan for the production and installation of plastic windows

Creating a window business, I have already knew exactly what happens to. Once I myself worked for the production of PVC windows. I started from Niza himself - he turned out leaflets with a company's advertising, which then worked.

Then he began to install windows from customers, but my ambitions just ruined me. And so after 3 years I decided to open my business. After all, just the moment that the plastic windows were gaining popularity, plus it real income And you are no longer a simple worker, but the owner of the company.

On the production of windows, at that time, I knew only superficially. In addition to a huge aspiration and ambitions, I had nothing more. I knew for sure to correctly build a business and not at a loss need a good business plan.

Without him, a novice entrepreneur just nowhere. Without a business plan, you do not know how much money you need to start, in which volumes it is necessary to purchase the material for which criteria to choose the staff, which equipment should be in production and many other little things for the business, which I have never suspected before.

During modern technologieswill not be much difficulty download the ready-made business plan from the Internet. What I, however, did. I downloaded six business plans.

First, it is worth noting that not all of them are first freshness, which means not accurate in the calculations today. Secondly, I found many mistakes and no correspondence, after which I concluded that free cheese only in mousetrap.

What to do? After all, ordering a ready-made business plan from a specialist, at that time, for me it was very expensive.

Buy a working business plan really not very cheap

And even more so if it is done under the order. The only option remained is to buy a business plan template for plastic windows. The best argument was that the business plan template would cost me just a couple of hundred rubles.

Above the template, naturally had to work.

In order to save, I decided to do everything myself. First of all, I recalculated all the calculations, adding today's prices to the corresponding names in the template.

Changed the cost of expenses, as the building under the office has already been bought.

I received the final result with my spouse, it is by education economist and a little understandable in business plans. That's all, ready!

For an individual business plan, you need not so much: to buy a business plan template for "funny" price, adjust some data, not without third-party help, and get a ready business plan.

And now my business flourishes. In my disposal a team of these specialists. If we talk about numbers, the average monthly turnover of the enterprise is 2 million rubles.

Excluding all the estates I get 300 thousand rubles per month. Even to imagine scary, which could be with my company, if I had not bought a business plan template, which helped me in the development of production.

Production of windows PVC

Some useful information and a brief presentation of a business plan of plastic windows:

Inexpensive business plan for production of plastic windows

We will get acquainted with the business plan of the enterprise for the production and operation of plastic windows. To create a full-fledged and developing company, the initial capital is needed in the amount of 9410000 rubles, which you will get a loan by making a loan. The implementation of the project will occur for 2 years.

The company produces window and door structures, and also provides a number of services. This is the manufacture and installation of windows, glazing production for balconies, wholesale and retail sales, finishing works and much more. Usually the company has many proposals, it is associated with high competition.

Start Business and Documents

To start work, you will need: legal registration of the company, office building and production, sketches of products you are going to make, material suppliers needed for your products, personnel and good marketing company.

The premises of the workshop must be at least 200 square meters, necessarily equipped with all the necessary communications. Make a detailed description of windows, doors and other products manufactured.

Create price lists for convenient calculation of the order. Provide computers in your office.

For each type of product, there is% waste that needs to be taken into account in preliminary calculations. Plan the volumes of products on the basis of existing orders, or from sales volumes in previous quarters.

All materials are usually supplied with 3 firms. The firm that manufactures double-glazed windows, a firm that makes the plastic profile itself and the company supplies accessories.

Equipment costs, advertising and more

The company must be ready for constant expenditures: wastings for materials, electrics, utilities, advertising costs, taxes and wage workers.

The staff must be selected very checked. It is desirable that your employees have already had experience in the destination. Qualified personnel - the key to the success of the company!

Based on the research data, the number of enterprises for the production of windows in the consumer market is constantly increasing, the client base remained the same. This indicates the need to spend a high-quality and actual advertising campaign. Advertising can find a place on television, on the Internet, newspapers and magazines, bigboards, booklets and the like.

Organization of production

For the production of windows you need special equipment and tools. For example: several types of saws for different materials, a torchester machine, a shurthold machine, a drill, a milling machine, welding for plastic, machine for stripping, compressor, etc.

Usually, in a set with new devices there are interchangeable details. From additional tools will be useful tables and racks, carts, suckers for champs, special clothing staff, office equipment, a couple of trucks and another small tool that will be needed in the work.

Despite the high level of risk, your turnover will be 11,548,4204.4 rubles. Monthly costs are equal to 565545 rubles. Total net income 72180310,61 rubles. Thanks to the demand for products, the company is promising and revenue.

At the time of the birth in Russia, the plastic windows market, owners of companies received huge profits. Then, more and more competing companies began to appear on the market, it was becoming more difficult to get clients. .

Now the newly formed firm is difficult to consolidate in the market, but everything is possible with a competent business plan. Before proceeding to the registration of the company, you need to familiarize yourself with the concept and risks of this business.

A huge percentage of people have not yet replaced wooden windows on plastic, plus the number is growing annually construction facilities. All this suggests that the demand for windows remains stable, and there should be no problems with the sale of products.

Nevertheless, before doing something, it is necessary to analyze the situation in the city - an approximate percentage of people who do not replace windows, the number of competing companies, etc.

There are two ways to maintain this business:

  • production, sale and installation of windows;
  • sale and installation.

If you yourself plan to produce windows, profiles and components, you will need a big starting capital (60-100 thousand dollars), which will be purchased production equipment, selection and training of personnel, procurement of raw materials and materials, obtaining a license, etc.

The second option is simpler - you become a dealer of a large manufacturer of plastic windows whose products are well advertised. You are exclusively installing the clients' windows and search.

For the opening of such a business requires a small starting capital, specialized knowledge is not needed, it is less energy-price. Plus consists also that the company's products already cause confidence from the consumer, you just have to emphasize this in your company's advertising.

The second business option can be used as a preparatory stage to the opening. own production. After the accumulation of the client base and experience, work in this area, as well as the acquisition of business connections to make production will be much easier.

The business plan for installing windows is more convenient to divide into 2 parts: manufacturing and financial.

Production part includes 5 base moments:

  • Room. It is necessary to remove the room under the office and under the warehouse where the windows will be stored.
  • Equipment. Includes office equipment (computer, phone, fax), software, office furniture, etc.
  • Transport. Depending on the volume of work, you will need one or more cars to deliver windows to the client's house. For these purposes, you can use Gazelle trucks with special metal structures ("pyramids") in the body for fastening windows.
  • Staff. You will need office workers, a team of masters on the installation of windows, an accountant (accounting can be passed on outsourcing), driver, security guard, etc.
  • Advertising windows. There are a large number of advertising channels - printed press, online promotion, radio, television, banners and banal ads of ads.

The financial part of the business plan of the company involves the costs of:

  • Rent;
  • Wages;
  • Buying and servicing the car;
  • Purchase of office equipment;
  • Advertising support, etc.

Some large companies The production of windows provide their dealers training, promotional support, free software for calculating the cost of services, etc. Additional earnings can be obtained by cooperating with forged lattice production.

You will be purchased from a discount partner with a discount, and it will be able to implement products through your customers.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Plastic windows are popular for a long time, only 30% of the population replaced old glass windows on them. Business for the production of plastic windows has great prospects in Russia. You can manufacture Balcony modules, doors and other plastic structures in addition to windows. In the article, consider the production of plastic windows as a business and make a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of production of plastic windows

Analysis of consumers of plastic windows. Circuit market

Table below Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the production of plastic windows. It is possible to allocate that the main target audience is the people who have an apartment, a house and want to put new windows (enterprises buy the installation of windows is already significantly less). In addition to production, the company can engage assembly worksuch as: installation and fastening of plastic structures.

Characteristic of plastic windows

The most popular plastic windows, then go aluminum structuresAnd then wooden windows.

Plastic window consists of double-glazed windows, fittings and profiles. Profiles are characterized by color, shape, number of cameras. The price depends on these parameters.

The most common folding windows, opening not in a horizontal plane, but to vertical. They are better suitable for apartments in high and medium floors. Folded windows with strong winds do not allow rocking the sash, safer for young children.

Traditional windows open the inside of the room. The windows opening both outside and inside is a very convenient option, usually equipped with a fixation function to protect the window from sharp impacts. There are other types: harmonica, coupe, etc.

How to open the production of plastic windows: Documents

To register in the tax business for the production of windows from plastic, you can create an IP or LLC. Below in the table will analyze the main advantages of each legal form. When registering on OKVED, choose the following codes:

  • 25.2 - Production of plastic products.
  • 25.21 - Production of plastic plates, strips, pipes and profiles.
  • 25.23 Production of plastic products used in
  • 25.24.9 Providing services in the field of production
    Plastic parts.
Form of business organization Advantages of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used for opening small business (50-80m²). Number of personnel from up to 50
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified application for a notary in form No. 21001;
  • application for the transition to UNVD or USN (otherwise it will be the default);
  • copy of all passport pages.
LTD ( limited Liability Company) Used to open major business production business, to obtain borrowed moneyas well as scaling.
  • statement in form No. 21001;
  • charter LLC;
  • decision on the opening of LLC or the Protocol in the presence of several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (4000 rubles);
  • certified by the notary copies of passports of founders;
  • application for transition to UNVD or USN.

According to law statutory capital Ltd. can not be less than 10,000 rubles.!

Select room

When selecting the premises, consider what you need to organize in addition to the production part of the business of the sale of ready-made structures. You can combine both components in the same room, but still the office is better to search in a densely populated area, and the workshop will be located outside the city.

When choosing the room, calculate the possibility of expanding the business, focusing on an increase in the planned volume of production.

The premises for the manufacture of 15-20 window structures should meet the following requirements:

  • square at least 200 m²;
  • availability of warehouse space;
  • the height of the ceilings is 3-4 m;
  • good ventilation, indoor temperature not higher than 18 ° C;
  • resistant electricity supply with a frequency of 50 Hz, voltage 380 V;
  • proper coverage of jobs;
  • the possibility of installation in a separate room of the compressor for machines with a pneumatic type of clamps.

On the territory of the workshop must be a fire shield, a first-aid kit, evacuation plan.

Registration of documents

The cost of issuing documents will be 40000-100,000 rubles. This includes:

  • registration of IP;
  • permissions from SES and firefighters;
  • licenses, certificates of conformity;
  • other permits and references.

Registration lasts long enough, so make the documents in parallel with the purchase of equipment.

Equipment for windows

If you plan to make components yourself - profiles, accessories, double-glazed windows, purchase equipment that satisfies such needs. But usually such expenses are not justified, better lay connections with manufacturers and suppliers of components.

The main list of equipment for the production of plastic structures:

  • saws for cutting plastic (window profile;
  • drainage machines;
  • saws for cutting metal reinforcement;
  • screwdrivers;
  • end milling machines;
  • copy milling machines;
  • stripping machines;
  • welding machines;
  • glazing machine;
  • stropicorow.

Pre-study all the offers for the sale of machines for the production of plastic structures, the price variation on the machines is quite large. Hermann machines are the highest quality and expensive. If the starting capital is limited, select the option cheaper or buy used equipment.

For a complete set of the workshop for the release of 15-20 windows in the middle price category, 1,80000-200,000 rubles will be required.

Technology production windows

The production technology of plastic windows is as follows:

  1. Preparation of PVC windows and reinforcing profiles
  2. Welding profiles
  3. Removal of unnecessary parts (cleaning angles).
  4. Installation Instost
  5. Preparation of fittings.
  6. Installation of fittings.
  7. Glass windows

It is important to comply with the techniques of production techniques, the performance of work is neatly and efficient. For each stage of work, you need your equipment, the poet acquire full set. Without good machines and employees ( especially good millingovers) Competitive goods are difficult to do.


The following employees will be needed:

  • the boss is followed by the work of the enterprise;
  • technologist - organizes the work of employees, need 1 technologist to shift;
  • workers for maintenance of machines - 3-4 people per shift; The total number of employees depends on the number of shifts;
  • engineer - supports equipment in a technically good condition;
  • the storekeeper - keeps receipt and shipment of goods;
  • employees in measurement and installation of windows - 3-4 people per brigade, the total number of measurers / installers depends on the number of brigades;
  • drivers - 1 person on the brigade;
  • customer service manager to the sales office - 1-2 people;
  • accountant in the sales office - 2 people.

Please note that the bulk of the work is to spring, summer, autumn. In winter, orders are usually small. So that workers do not move to other firms, stimulate them before the end of the season. Otherwise, you will encounter fluidity of frames, which will adversely affect quality.

Sales and advertising

Consider the seasonality of the services provided. In winter, demand for plastic structures is sharply reduced. In the cold period, make focus on the installation of balcony modules and windows in industrial buildingshouses under construction. To do this, enter into contracts with construction firms. Attract private clients by arranging discount season, all sorts of stocks.

Financial planning

Sample expenses in thousands of rubles per year:

  • office rental - 90;
  • rent of the manufacturing workshop - 250;
  • purchase and maintenance of equipment - 1000;
  • advertising - 100;
  • employee salary - 2000;
  • consumables - 1000;
  • acquisition and maintenance of cars - 400.

Only 4840 thousand rubles.

Estimated income in thousands of rubles per year:

  • sale of plastic structures - 3000;
  • implementation and installation of windows - 2500;
  • sale of modules - 1800.

Total income - 7300 thousand rubles.

Based on the calculated calculations, the payback period of the business is less than 12 months.

Below in the table, we present the main risks with which the enterprise may encounter.

Of all kinds of possible risks, the most significant are: addiction from suppliers, rising prices for raw materials and materials, price policy of competitors.

Evaluation of business attractiveness magazine site

Profitability of business

(3.8 out of 5)

Attractive business


Payback project

(3.7 out of 5)
Easy business creation

(1.1 out of 5)
Business for the production of windows attracts with its high profitability, but it is extremely difficult to enter it. The most attractive is the segment of windows for people than servicing business and enterprises. The complexity of the business in great competition and the capture of the market by large players.

Table of Contents Business Plan at the top of the window business:

  • Benefits of PVC Dealership Business
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Contact with client
  • Froze
  • Delivery
  • Installation of windows
  • Organizational matters
  • Taxation
  • Financial plan
  • Minimal plan
  • Optimal Plan
  • Comparative analysis of plans
  • Profit from the sale window
  • In custody

Main topics: business windowtypical business plan "Plastic windows"

Description of the business project "Plastic windows"

Project goal: Creation of profitable business for the sale and installation of plastic windows and other products from PVC and aluminum.

The business plan calculated two options for organizing sales of plastic windows:

  • option with minimal initial investments.
  • option with optimal investments.

Benefits of the dealer business of windows

  • Small capital investments Compared to the organization of plastic windows.
  • Less risk of bankruptcy due to the lack of sales needed to maintain business.
  • Fast payback.
  • High profitability.

Disadvantages of dealership of plastic windows

The disadvantage of the dealer business is the dependence of the dealer from window manufacturer.

Important moments in which business dependence is manifested mostly:

  • Dates of the manufacture of plastic windows.
  • Price finished products.
  • Requirements for the minimum sample size.
  • Information and promotional support, providing product samples.

Fortunately, this deficiency can be turned into an advantage if you choose window supplier.

Company SQADAT started his way to window business From the sale of windows, gradually developing its dealer network, expanding the range, improving the terms of cooperation. We do not know how to familiarize the problems faced by an entrepreneur who came to window business.

We cooperate with the largest in Chernozem window manufacturers. To date, our network has, which we deliver in the shortest possible time. At the same time, we do not put the conditions for the monthly volume of dealer purchases, even when ordering one window, keeping the competitive price of the product.

Highlights of the window business

Advertising and marketing

The most important criterion for success in the window business is how you can organize sales. If you succeed in providing regular customer handlers, consider that 50% of success in your pocket.

IN business windows Very high competition. This causes certain difficulties and fear of novice entrepreneurs. Fortunately, there are still unoccupied market niches, providing reliable sales.

When organizing the work of the new dealer, we give recommendations on the windows market, as well as we develop a personalized advertising strategy with regard to financial opportunities Partner.

In addition to customer calls, the sales chain includes:

  • First contact and communication with the client.
  • Measurement of windows by a specialist.
  • Installation of the window.
  • Warranty service.

Contact with client

When you first handle the client, first of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the manager's communication, speech, sales skills. From how good your manager is, will depend how many people will be recorded on the measurement. If desired, your manager can pass internship in our company.


Measurement there are two types:

  • in the first case, the specialist only produces window window and transmits the size of the office. Next, the manager is associated with the client and clarifies the exact price of the window. The sale function lies on the sales manager.
  • in the second case, the engineer, in addition to the measurement, also performs the functions of the sales manager. He picks up the client a window system depending on its needs and financial opportunities.

Quality windows, warranty and service

In the long run important role plays not the price, but the quality of plastic windows.

Savings on high-quality components leads to the fact that with the growth of sales you will have to invest more and more funds in warranty service, adjusting accessories and other trips to the dissatisfied customer.

All saved funds received as a result of selling cheap windows will come to the service. A company that is going to work on the market long enough cannot afford such luxury as poor-quality windows.


Two options are possible:

  • You acquire a car for transportation of windows, get a license for transportation and hire the driver. At the same time, significant cost savings are achieved at the expense of its own delivery of windows and materials.
  • You use the services of cargo carriers. This option does not require large investments for the purchase. truckBut does not allow saving on delivery.

Installation of windows

From the installation of windows, as well as the quality of the products themselves depends on the success of your business business. With proper installation, the window will serve for a long time, and the client will recommend your company to its relatives and acquaintances. As a result, you will acquire additional customers.

To implement plastic windows no building license.

There are also different construction norms And GOST to the mounting seams, which, by the way, was recently canceled.

Organizational matters


Business retail windows individuals falls under special regime taxation - UNVD ( Single tax on the imputed income).

If you carry out the installation of windows - your activity is classified as domestic services, and also falls under UNVD and requires the mandatory design of the construction license.

When working S. legal entities You can apply either simplified UPN mode, or the basic system is based on. In our opinion the best way For business windows - this is a USN with an object of taxation income minus costs.

You can also get more detailed advice in our company.

Financial plan

Depending on the initial investments, we calculated two typical business plan of the windows: minimal and optimal.

Minimal plan

Suggests the opening point of sales in mall, use of freight service services to deliver windows.

The business plan is characterized by minimal investment and risk. However, the development process is slowed down by reducing profits from delivery and small advertising investments. Suitable for novice businessmen, to test their strength in business windows.

Optimal Plan

A good option for experienced businessmen in the presence of starting capital. It involves the rental of a separate office, increased advertising investment and the purchase of a car for transportation of windows. A distinctive feature of this plan is an accelerated sales and profits and a relatively high level of risk associated with increasing break-even point.

Regardless of the selected plan, it should be remembered that the main consuming part in the first stage should be the investment in attracting new customers.

Comparative analysis of plans

Profit from the sale window

With the right organization of sales, average earnings from one sold product is more than 2000 rubles.

In custody

There are many subtleties in the window business with which you can cope with an experienced partner who can always help.

With a commercial offer for future partners, you can get acquainted here :.

If you have any questions about organizing a window business, write to us on or call us on the phone: Get wholesale applications on windows from this site in your city: Become a representative. We will try to help you.

Good luck to you in business windows.

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