
Get permission to build buildings. Permission to build industrial facilities. Such actions will entail a number of negative consequences.

29.01.18 31 347 0

To not go through the courts

Resolution for the construction of houses no longer issue

We write articles but russian laws Change. From August 4, 2018, canceled permits for the construction of private houses. Now instead of them it concerns garden houses and IZhS.

The article still has a lot of useful about the preparation of the site, urban planning standards and address assignment. All this is relevant, changed only formalities. If you are going to build a house - be sure to read.

My brother Oleg received the section of 15 acres near Belgorod on the regional program.

Sergey Antonov

helped my brother start building a house

He wanted to immediately build a house on it, but it turned out that you first need to collect a bunch of documents and get permission in the local administration.

Just come to officials and ask permission can not. First you need to check the status of the site, get the address and cadastral extract, draw the project and situational plan. For reliability, before the start of construction, it is worth conducting geological surveys - however, it does not affect permission. I'll tell you how my brother did.

As correct

By law, it is impossible to build a house without permission. Without documents, it will not be able to sell, change, give or leave inheritance. But in fact, if you build on your site, then a finished house can be legalized through the court. By civil Code can recognize ownership of unauthorized buildingif it matches all standards. In practice, it is sometimes faster, cheaper and easier than to receive permission.

But suddenly it turns out that the neighbor is against the fact that the house is close to his fence? Or through the plot passes the central cable and land work is prohibited. Then the construction is recognized illegal, the house will be taken to demolish, and the owner will pay a fine. Therefore, it's safer everything as it should be.

Extract from registry

According to the law, a private house can be erected only on Earth, which is intended for individual residential building or for personal subsidiary farm. In the land of land should be exactly the appointment of the site - officially. If you yourself think that the Earth is suitable for the construction of the house, this is not enough. Maybe you bought the land for the house, but it turns out that it is impossible to build there. For example, with garden and summer cottage.

The category of the land plot can be viewed in an extract from the unified state register of real estate on the main characteristics and registered rights. The statement is obtained in Rosreestre or MFC. It costs 200 r. If there is a certificate of registration to the site, then the category of land is indicated there.

The house cannot be built in the sanitary protection zone near industrial enterprises, airports, cemeteries and landfills.

In each region, its own rules and laws, where it is painted in detail, at what distance from which objects is prohibited construction. The sanitary zone has fasteners and car wash and even near the power lines.

To understand the subtleties of local land legislation, and if there are suspicions that the site is in such a zone, it is better to contact the local land committee or an interaced center, where there are specialists with the necessary bases and cadastral plans.

My brother received a plot specifically for individual construction in fact in a clean field, so he had no problems. But this does not mean that you will not have them either. There are cases when people buy areas on a large free territory, and then it turns out that this is a water protection zone. And although the appointment of the site is suitable, build houses there are not allowed. Families remain with unnecessary land, loans and without money.

Engineering and Geological Exquisites

Groundwater and different soil density can complicate construction. If you build a house on bad soil, then cracks will go on the walls, and the foundation and the basement will fill. So that this does not happen, it is advisable to carry out engineering and geological surveys.

Firms that are engaged in this, a lot. Specialists will arrive at the site, try the wells at the place of future construction, will take samples of soil and water. As a result, they will prepare a report for several tens of pages, in which there will be different schemes and graphs, understandable only to other specialists. You can ask for geodesists so that they explain in words whether it is possible to start a construction site.

If there is no money on specialists at all, it is worth talking to the neighbors: Sometimes the Council has been more useful to conclude an expert. The owner who has built the house and lives in it for many years, knows all the characteristics of the soil on the plot and will tell you what depths of the foundation and the basement.

65 000 R.

standing engineering and geological surveys in Belgorod

Belgorod company, which brother found, asked for its work 65,000 r. Since the money was right, he decided not to make geological surveys and rely on maybe. Construction still goes, cracks are not yet visible. Brother hopes that he is lucky: he has a plot without slope, dense soil, and groundwater deeply. But you do not advise you so much: the remake will cost more than the research.

Address and cadastral extract

Street, on which my brother builds a house, existed only on paper, so he had to receive the address himself. In the local administration, the future house was awarded the room, and Oleg issued a decree that the site is located at the address with the specific name of the street and the house number.

Receive the address will have to, even if the street exists and there is houses with numbers. For example, if a large plot is divided into two: then one of them will have a new address. Sometimes documents have to issue several months.

Each land plot has its own cadastral number. In fact, this is the address of the plot, but recorded by a special code in common base. Knowing the cadastral number, on the Rosreestra website, you can see where the site is located, on the lands of which category, what kind of area it is. Construction permit can only be obtained for a plot that has a cadastral number confirmed by cadastral discharge.

The brother received the cadastral statement in the local MFC. The application has applied a copy of the certificate of registration of property rights and a document assignment document.

Project and Situation Plan

The project is a drawing of your future house with a plan. Situation plan is a plot drawing with a home located on it. Build you will be on the project. So that you have been allowed to build, the project must be competent from the engineering point of view. The house you thought should not threaten others and you.

A simple project at an engineering or architectural firm will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. Upper price plan is not limited. Purely theoretically, you can draw a project and independently, but this requires engineering knowledge. Ready projects There are online. In addition, the project can make a free company that will deal with your construction - a lot of savings.

The brother graduated from the construction university, so the drawing plan himself. But he still had to check with documents not to miss any of the requirements. Here is some of them:

  1. The distance between adjacent houses, if they are made of wood, must be at least 15 m; If the brick is 6 m.
  2. The distance from the house to the horozpostroeks should be at least 4 m.
  3. The total room area should be at least 12 m², bedrooms - 8 m², kitchens - 6 m².
  4. Gas pipes can not be carried out through the whole house.
  5. Each bedroom must have at least one window.

These are not all requirements - read documents or consult with experts.

Get permission

In Belgorod, construction permission issues local architecture management, in whose territory the site is located. To get permission, brother wrote a statement. It was asked to attach a project and a situational plan, a copy of the cadastral extract and a copy of the land ownership certificate.

Even if the application is accepted, but the permission will not be issued, are obliged to write the reasons for refusal. The official response period is seven days.

A week later, Oleg called and invited to come for permission to build and the town planning plan of the site.

At the urban planning plan, it was indicated where the site is located, its area and sizes.

The plan writes the basic requirements of federal and local legislation, which must be observed during construction:

For all papers to obtain permission from Oleg left for three months. But it can delay. I know the case when only four months left for the address. And it still happens that it is necessary to conduct an intertime or apply the borders to the city plan. It seems that it remains to receive one certificate, but in fact it turns out that everything is just beginning. Sometimes even laws have time to change, while permission is made.

The resolution is really 10 years old, so you can start building the house not immediately, but, for example, in five years. After construction, there are still many paper red tape and expenses.


  1. Check the purpose of the plot in the certificate of ownership or an extract from EGRN.
  2. If there are suspicions that the site is not suitable for construction zone, contact the Land Committee.
  3. If you are preparing the project yourself, observe the SNIVA and regional norms.
  4. Registration of permission can be delayed for several months, so planning the beginning of the construction of the house, taking into account the bureaucratic red tape.
  5. Keep documents, plans and projects. After construction, it will be necessary to execute the ownership of the house and carry out communications. All these documents will be useful.
  6. If you order drawings and plans for contractors, keep contracts. Suddenly it turns out that they did not comply with the norms and now they will not connect gas, - the contract will be by the way.

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According to the requirements provided for by the Urban Planning Code to obtain permission to build an individual residential building, several documents are required. If you miss this stage, then there may be problems with the construction of the building and the introduction of the real estate object. Paper confirms partition compliance project documentation Object plan plan and interviewing territory. If permission is issued in accordance with the Urban Planning Code, the developer has the right to legally build or reconstruct buildings.

What is a construction permit

In the field of construction, taking into account the individual dwelling, the main document is the urban planning code. These norms are focused on the construction of all buildings and structures. According to the city-found construction standardsFor construction requires a permit. It is a paper where the authority confirms the compliance of the design documentation for the construction of the building project planning and the territory of the territory of the territory (when building or reconstructing a linear object).

Who gives out

According to Article 51 of the Town Planning Code Russian Federation, the specified construction permit is issued by the executive body of local self-government at the location of the specified land, including cottage plot. There are some exceptions here:

  • when conducting construction work using subsoil - ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation;
  • when using atomic energy at the object - Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision;
  • for construction work Inside the boundaries of historical settlements - the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized in the field of object protection cultural heritage;
  • when erecting an object of space infrastructure - the State Corporation of Space Activities "Roskosmos".

Why need

The main purpose of permission is to reflect that the implementation of the architectural project of the building was carried out without deviations from the established construction standards and rules. This is necessary to confirm the compliance of the future dwelling requirements of safe accommodation, eliminating the risks of damage environment or infrastructure facilities that are in the construction zone. Documentation must be checked for compliance:

  • requirements of the city planning code;
  • sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • construction standards;
  • requirements fire safety;
  • technical supervision standards.

What is fraught with the absence of permits

The house, whether it is a cottage, cottage or a private residential structure, which is not allowed for building permitting documents, is considered erected outside the law. Such an object cannot be connected to engineering communicationsAnd in the worst case it is threatened with a forced demolition. The developer cannot impede this, otherwise it is attracted to administrative responsibility. It occurs when the non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is found in the construction of the building.

Built without approval by the state, the house will not register BTI. Individualallowed by unauthorized erection, has no right to:

  • sale;
  • rental;
  • donation.

How to get a building permit

To get approval for building a building, it is required to professionally develop the entire project. It is better in this case to contact the specialized organization of any city, whether Moscow or smaller points. It can provide existing projects or develop a new one. Otherwise you will have to assemble yourself full set architectural and construction and engineering documentation. They are applied to the application and are submitted to the relevant federal body, through a representative or multifunctional center.

Art. 51 Town Planning Code

In detail about the bodies, the procedure for issuing permits, legal acts necessary for this documentation, including the project, the procedure for obtaining it is referred to in Article 51 of the Town Planning Code. It contains 23 points. In addition to the procedure for obtaining and documentation, the article states how and who will be conducted by checking papers, which decision can adopt the authority of self-government and the causes in case of refusal. It also contains information about the validity period, recovery by its expiration and transmission in the event of a sale.

In what cases permission is not required

There are a number of cases when the extraction of special permits for the construction of an object will not be issued. They are described in paragraph 17 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code. This case includes construction:

  • garage on the land plot provided for non-commercial use;
  • compact non-vacation structure, such as a kiosk, gazebo, pavilion, summer kitchen, canopy, saucer, shed, cellar, well;
  • auxiliary object for connecting to engineering network or laying its communications;
  • intracinal system connections.

Obtaining a permit for the construction of IZhS

To obtain permits for individual housing construction, it is carried out by the same principle as in the case of objects capital construction. Only here the package of documents is slightly smaller, since these buildings are considered less difficult due to the smaller number of requirements for them. It is also necessary to contact the multifunctional center at the location of the site of the alleged construction.

Features of urban planning regulations

The right holder of the land plot can register only one residential building, which is obtained by permits. The guest house can be attributed to the category of economic and other auxiliary buildings. For this reason, they do not require permission. Attic and balconies are attached to the existing residential structure. They require permission.

An individual residential building cannot be higher than 3 floors. The construction above requires another package of documents. The regulatory limit values \u200b\u200bof the main parameters of the residential house look like this:

  • at least one living room - 12 sq.m. Living room or 8 sq.m. bedroom;
  • separate bathroom - width from 1.5 m for bathroom and from 0.8 for toilet;
  • kitchen - 6-8 sq.m.;
  • corridors - width from 0.85 m.

What objects fall under the category

According to the legislation, the object of individual housing construction (Izhs) is a separate house of not more than 3 floors high, designed to accommodate one family in it. For such objects it is not necessary to collect project documentation. Plots for these objects from each other and from territories intended for common use, are separated by red lines. The minimum distance from them to the erected structures is necessarily complied with the design. Excluding this condition, building permission is not issued.

Application from the developer to local governments

Acceptance of the declaration of the developer for the issuance of permission is carried out through a multifunctional center, which is engaged in the provision of public services. Waiting in the queue should take no more than 15 minutes. The self-government authorities itself are obliged to register within 1 working day. In case of individual development, a document confirming the right to them is needed using subsoil. In case of building a building within the borders of the historical settlement, an appeal description of the external appearance of the object in textual and graphic forms is required, including:

  • the main parameters of the object;
  • color solutions;
  • planned building materials;
  • facades.

Accompanying documents for obtaining a construction permit

When answering a question, what documents are needed to permit for construction, you can use the Gradential Code. The process will take a lot of time. According to 51 article, required:

  • guidelines;
  • project documentation;
  • documents establishing the identity of the applicant;
  • a statement that is written in the local self-government body by the sample already when contacting.

Purpose documents

The first in the list of necessary securities are the right-expanding documents. The main thing in this case is the certificate of state registration of law. Instead, it may be a testament agreement, donation or sale. The first document is obtained through the portal of state and municipal services or with a personal visit to Rosreestra. For certificate registration, a specific package of documents will be required:

  • Confirming the identity of each part of the transaction;
  • inheritance certificate judicial decision or another document serving the basis for registration of ownership;
  • credit contract when buying an object in a mortgage;
  • previously obtained registration certificate;
  • document on payment of state duty;
  • the cadastral passport of the object, if earlier it was not provided to Rosreestr;
  • registration application.

The second step towards the collection of all the paper resolving will be the preparation of project documentation. According to part 7, it is 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it includes it:

  • explanatory note;
  • a copy of the planning scheme of the land plot, where the construction is planned, indicating the placement of the object of capital construction, passages and entrances to it;
  • a copy of the planning organization of the land plot indicating red lines;
  • architectural solutions;
  • project organization of work on dismantling or demolition;
  • the consolidated plan of engineering and technical support, which marks connectivity;
  • project organization of construction;
  • disabled accessibility description social object;
  • conclusion of the examination of project documentation;
  • permission to deviate some parameters;
  • the consent of copyright holders for reconstruction.

This applies to capital construction facilities. Their developer is independently either addressed to special organizations that will do it for a specific fee. To obtain permission to ILS, only the project documentation will be required:

  • urban planning plan of a land plot issued over the past three years before the day of writing an application for permission;
  • the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot on which the locations of IZhS objects are indicated;
  • a description of how the object will look outwardly if construction is assumed in the field of historical settlements.

Conclusion of state expertise

One of the required documents is a positive conclusion. state expertise project documentation. It is carried out by local executive authorities, even in the case of country house. There must be to contact the project documentation package indicated above. Non-state examination can be carried out in any region, but together with the conclusion then it will be necessary to provide a copy of the Accreditation Certificate legal entity, arranged paper.

Town planning plan plot

This document must be issued no earlier than 3 years before the day when the required paper is applied to the resolution. The plan can be taken in the department of urban development and architecture of the city administration. The term of provision is 3 months (according to article 46 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). No fee for such a service is charged. To obtain a plan, the following documents are needed:

  • topographic shooting of a plot with a marking of underground, terrestrial and overhead structures;
  • confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • written by the developer application for issuing a plan;
  • Cadastral I. technical certificate object.

Terms of issuing permits

From the moment of submission of documents, permission is allowed for no more than 7 working days. This is said in paragraph 11 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The issuance of permission to the object of capital construction, which is not linear, or on the construction of a building on the territory that is a historical settlement has been occupied by 30 days, but not more specified in the Town Planning Code of the deadlines.

What to do in case of refusal

Measures to be taken dependent on the cause of refusal. In general, it is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings. They will be listed in the answer, which gave an organization to the application for the issuance of permission. Then you can try to get it again. Another option is to appeal by solving an authorized organization in court, submitting a lawsuit according to an existing form. It should include information about:

  • the destination of the judicial instance, where the claim is submitted;
  • the applicant's full name with the number and other contact information;
  • interested person with the name of the body whose actions appealed;
  • explaining the situation;
  • request to recognize the decision of a certain body illegal;
  • applications with a minimum package of documents - copies of passport, application, documentation confirming the applicant's arguments and a copy of the refusal.

Causes of refusal

According to Article 51 of the Town Planning Code, there are several situations that serve as a basis for refusing permission. The main thing is the lack of even one document from the list required for accepting a positive decision. The basis for refusal is the inconsistency of the materials presented by the construction standards operating at the time of issue. Can not receive a document:

  • if construction is assumed to specially protected zones;
  • if the site is reserved for state needs;
  • in the absence of right-ending documents for Earth;
  • if in 10 days to the authorized body, information was not transferred about the number of floors, height and the area of \u200b\u200bthe designed building or structure, by instance of copies of project documentation and engineering Exquisites, information about engineering networks.

Term of the construction permit

The permitting document for construction is maintained throughout the entire time indicated by the organization's project. The validity period is 10 years. Throughout this time, you can continue to build a house. Until the expiration date, the object must be commissioned. The authority, which issued a document, can and extend it if necessary, or issue them into separate stages of construction.

How to extend

To extend the resolution of the developer no later than 60 days before the deadline, it is necessary to apply for the same body that issued paper earlier. The refusal can be obtained if, before the end of the deadline for submitting this application, it was not started by the construction, reconstruction or overhaul object. For equity construction Additionally, the contract will be required, which reflects the guarantee of the Bank, confirming the proper performance of the developer of the duties relating to the transfer residential premises Citizens whose funds were attracted.

How much is a permit for the construction of a private house

The permissive document itself, according to part 15 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is issued by the appropriate authority without charging the board. Costs can only be associated with the preparation and coordination of documentation. Specialized firms, where developers often turns out, offer their services at a price of 10-45 thousand rubles. It all depends on the complexity and speed of work. In the preparation of documentation in the short time it is necessary to pay extra for urgency. In addition, their tariffs and duties are installed for each region.

Pros and cons Izhs

Owners land plotsintended for IZhS, have a number of advantages. These include:

  1. Earth for ILS can be participants of any state programs Support.
  2. If not common property On the plot, then his owner will not face dependence on other owners.
  3. Due to the registration on the site, his owner has the opportunity to enjoy all social institutions.
  4. In a plot for IZhS, you can build any home regardless of the issues on the translation of the lands to another category.

Even with such a number of advantages, IZH has a number of minuses. The structure cannot be higher than 3 floors, and only one family has the right to live in it. In addition, the site is prohibited from the construction of residential buildings of variable floors and townhouses. In most cases, this does not affect the activities of developers, because a private residential building is more often represented by a single or two-storey building, which is only one in the site.


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The procedure for obtaining a permit for the construction of the house - where to apply and the list of documents

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What is a construction permit?

Construction permit (RS) is a document that is issued by the right holder of the land plot by an authorized executive body and confirms that the project documentation fully complies with the regulated requirements, as well as the project planning and land planning project.

This paper establishes the right of building or reconstruction, allows for construction and installation work on new construction or reconstruct an object, conducting related preparatory operations, work on improvement, external networks, and so on.

Obtaining a construction permission is the legal basis for construction, carrying out work without permission (in cases where its receipt is necessary) is unauthorized construction and is subject to demolition.

What moment is the PC?

The process of registration of building permits is preceded by the entire preservation phase of the project, consisting of several stages. Before receiving permission, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Audit - clarification of the potential of the development of a plot and restrictions.
  2. Sketch project / AFK - "sketch" of the main parameters of the object
  3. Development of urban planning documentation - Project planning of the territory (PPT), the project of the territory of the territory (PMT)
  4. Obtaining a city planning plan of the land plot (GPPU). It indicates the cadastral number of the site, borders, permissible indents from the borders, allowed to use and other information on the possibilities and restrictions of the development.
  5. Development and approval of AGR / AGO. This is a stage of approval with the authorities of the main parameters of the object, its external view and other parameters.
  6. Design - development of project documentation. The project combines architectural, constructive, planning, technological, engineering and other solutions.
  7. Examination of project documentation. The project is sent to the analysis to the state or non-governmental expert organization, after checking the project receives approval (positive conclusion of expertise) or refusal of approval.
  8. Registration of building permit - Final preparatory stage. This document confirms that the project has no deviations from the current requirements, and it can be implemented.

After obtaining permission, the profile contracting is embarking on construction and installation work, and after their completion, the building is commissioned.

Urban-planning audit

Sketch Project / AFK

Examination of project documentation and survey results

Development of urban planning documentation (PPT, PMT)

Obtaining GPZU.


Obtaining a construction permit

Conclusion of compliance (IOS) and commissioning

When you need and when you do not need to get PC?

Obtaining a construction permit is required for any capital ObjectOtherwise, the construction can be recognized as a self-employment, and then the owner will be obliged to demolish it. However, several cases were noted in Hildacodex when the issuance of construction permits is not required:

  • on objects not recognized by capital buildings - canopies, kiosks, etc.;
  • on the buildings of auxiliary (temporary maintenance buildings building production);
  • for overhaul buildings, if there is no change in the design characteristics.
  • on garages and country houses used for gardening;
  • in other cases established by federal and regional legislation.

Obtaining a construction permit in Moscow

Obtaining permission is carried out using the MOSGOSSTROYNESSOR site (as authorized body Local executive), also developer or owner can contact the Moscow portal MOS.RU in the section "Services and Services." The deadline for making a construction permission is 10 working days, during which time a complete set of submitted papers is checked. This service is provided free of charge.

Obtaining PC in the Moscow region

It is carried out through the public service portal, for this you need to first register. You can also contact multifunctional centers operating on the "one window" principle, together with the application is provided with a complete set of documents. Officials check the correctness of filling out documents and their presence, after which the applicant receives permission or motivated refusal.

Composition of materials to obtain permission

Obtaining a construction permit requires the provision of the following documentation set:

  1. Expanding documents confirming the legality of the ownership of the site.
  2. Urban planning plan of the territory decorated according to the requirements of the legislation.
  3. Complete design documentation including explanatory note and a certain list of volumes.
  4. The results of expertise with the positive conclusion of experts (for objects provided for in Article 49 of the RF GDC). If this conclusion was prepared by a non-state organization, documents confirming the right of this organization to deal with expert activities.
  5. Permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction (IPRS, if it was issued in accordance with Article 40 of the RF GKK).
  6. Other documents confirming the eligibility of construction and reconstruction.

Checking documents is carried out within 10 working days, and as a result, the applicant receives a positive response or refusal to provide construction permits. The reason for refusal can be an incomplete set of papers, errors in the project or other situations. The applicant has the right to appeal to failure.

Obtaining PC in electronic form

Obtaining a construction permit in in electronic format It imposes shipment to the applicant's office through the State Service portal, a confirmed signature of an authorized person is installed on the document. If it is required to get in paperThe applicant can do it in the MFC, the passport will be required when applying.

Failure to issue a permit for construction

The authorized body may refuse the issuance of PC in the following cases:

✔ In case of incorrect design of a set of documents in terms of composition, design, insufficiency, and so on.

If the construction parameters do not comply with the parameters of the allowed use installed for this territory (inconsistency of the GPPU parameters)

✔ In the event that construction parameters do not comply with the requirements established in permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction

Despite the seeming simplicity and limitation of an exhaustive list of grounds for refusing to issue a construction permit, the process of obtaining permission from painstaking and requires an understanding of the entire process of agreed actions in the construction process.

Support for obtaining a construction permit

Professional assistance in obtaining permits significantly speeds up the process and avoids in vain spending time. In order not to face the refusal and not start the procedure again, it is necessary to carefully work out the project, attention to the trifles at each stage will avoid annoying errors and long-term improvement. We help customers in collecting document package and successfully solve the most difficult tasks.

Cost of services to obtain a construction permit

The cost of providing services for the maintenance of obtaining a construction permit depends on the composition of preparatory work, the minimum amount is usually starts from 100 tons.

Our company offers customers a flexible pricing policy, the final value is calculated personally in a particular situation.

Why does the earrot development?

Our customers are provided with professional assistance in the preparation and design of permit documentation for the start of construction. All experts have high qualifications and many years of experience, ensures reliability and quality of services at each stage. Take advantage of specialists to get the result in the minimum time!

Article 51 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation states that the local government authority that issues the construction permit is determined at the location of the land plot on which new construction is performed or the existing object is reconstructed. This rule of law is suitable for most cases of construction, but the Codex provides for the same exceptions.

Immediately the question arises, who issues a construction permit if the land is located on the territory of two or several local governments?

In this case, the permit is issued higher organs executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or authorized by the federal executive authority.

In fact, the question is solved by those authorities that will take responsibility for the implementation of such construction on the territory under control.

How is the issue of building permission in Moscow solve?

Other options are possible. For example, who issues a construction permit in Moscow? MosgosstroyNestor is engaged in issuing permits for construction in Moscow. He also monitors all construction facilitiesfor which the construction permit is issued. Transfer of authority to issue permits from local governments of this state Structure Allows you to more effectively monitor the construction and quality of project documentation, which is maintained or reconstruction.

It should be noted that in the territory of Moscow there is a town-planning code of Moscow, adopted by the law of the city of Moscow No. 28 of 28.06.2008, this document unites disparate regulatory acts on urban planning. The Code provides for the adoption of maps of urban zoning, urban planning regulations, restrictions on the use of land plots. Actually, the entire procedure for issuing a construction permit is to verify the developed and approved project document on compliance with such standards that apply to a specific construction site and the object of construction or reconstruction.

From February 5, 2013, it was possible to provide the service of "issuing a building permit" not only in the traditional form - through the "one window" service, but also through the Internet through the personal account of a legal entity at the Moscow Portal of Public Services. You can find a brief instruction on the site http://stroinadzor.mos.ru.

From October 1, 2013, the provision of public services in the construction of urban order objects is carried out exclusively in electronic form.

From January 1, 2014, all requests for public services in the urban planning sphere will be accepted only in electronic form.

Currently, it is possible to obtain in electronic form through the portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (http://pgu.mos.ru/) of seven public services in the urban planning sector:

  • Registration of urban planning plans of land.
  • Issuance of a certificate of approval of architectural and urban decisions of capital construction facilities.
  • Conducting state examination of project documentation.
  • Issuing a construction permit.
  • Issuing a conclusion on the compliance of the established object with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation.
  • Issuing permission to enter the object into operation.
  • Registration of the passport of the coloristic solution of facades of buildings, buildings, structures.

When the issuance of the resolution depends on the features of the object?

Returning to the National Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to mention that other bodies responsible for issuing permits for construction are indicated for a number of objects.

Among such objects:

  • located in special economic zones;
  • located on land plotsgranted subsoil users;
  • objects of nuclear energy, aviation, rail infrastructure, some hydraulic structures and a number of other objects;
  • located within the boundaries of specially protected natural territories;
  • objects of cultural heritage.

For such construction objects or reconstruction, construction permit is issued on the principle of departmental affiliation.

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