
Object of capital construction. Requirements for capital construction facilities. Capital building - what it is

Anyone erected structure is customary to divide on capital and non-capital. Capital assumes not only the construction of structures, but also any exquisure, design or mounting work, as well as the upgrade of existing objects. The city-planning code interprets capital construction as the construction of non-residential or residential buildings, various in-departed objects, with the exception of light buildings in the form of kiosks, hangars, storage rooms, pavilions, etc.

Types of capital building

The object of the capital structure is an independent building with the necessary communications, equipment, overpass, etc.

Types of Buildings:

  1. Buildings or complexes of buildings on separate squares. After the construction of the construction, such buildings will go to an independent balance.
  2. Reconstructed buildings for improving, increase opportunities or capacity.
  3. Restailed buildings for the purpose of their cosmetic or overhaul, internal restructuring, elimination of physical defects, expansion.
  4. Production facilities subject to technical re-equipment, automation or modernization, to increase production areas.

In generalized version, all overhaul objects are divided into:

  • Production. These are buildings erected for industrial purposes, defense or security objects.
  • Non-manufacturing. These are the buildings of a housing and consumer fund, communal, cultural and social.
  • Linear. These are various engineering and communication networks, pipelines, communication lines and power lines, roads, bridges, tunnels, etc.
  • Signs of capital structure

    The main feature is the close relationship of the object with the land resource, i.e. the indispensable presence of the foundation. Additionally, a permit package of documents is needed, which meets all the requirements of the GPSU (urban planning plan of the land plot). It is the presentation of documents that makes the developer to begin construction or necessary reconstruction.

    Types of temporary structure

    The temporary structure object is facilities from lightweight structures, without a bellped foundation base, with missing underground objects. For example:

    1. Facilities for roadside service - auto parking, terminals for payments, telephone covers, etc.
    2. Entertainment facilities - rides, children's / playgrounds, chapito, etc.
    3. Constructions of technical, industrial, utilities - recycling points, cabins, warehouses, carports in parking lots, garages, etc.
    4. Covered underground or air transitions, ramps, etc.
    5. Mobile buildings of team / collapsible type - pantry, warehouses, hangars, auxiliary premises, pavilions, etc.

    Signs of temporary structure

    A distinctive feature of the temporary structure is the briefness of the construction. Usually this auxiliary object, Further, the disassembly or transfer to another territory. Temporary object can be seasonal. The life of its operation is not more than 5 years.

    The construction of a temporary structure does not require a collection of permissive or right-point documentation. Urgent expertise is not required. It is only necessary to establish a type of structure, determine the platform for installing the structure and, if necessary, build a barrier.

    Comparative characteristics of capital and non-capital structure

    • Outfolded foundation - a prerequisite.
    • Fencing and supporting structures.
    • Conducting communications of engineering properties.
    • Binding structures to the land plot, territory.
    • Long service life.
    • State registration of documents indicating the characteristics of the object, location, area, destination, compliance with the norms of SNiP and GOST.

    Nekapply construction:

    • Area no more than 20 sq.m.
    • Light teams / folding structures.
    • No blunt foundation.
    • Lack of underground additional facilities.
    • There is no need to create a different project, registration, etc. Documentation.
    • Lack of specific location, the ability to disassemble the construction and transfer it to another territory for operation.

    Additionally, the following items are considered to determine the capital performance:

    • Building construction and used building materials.
    • Technical solutions used in construction.
    • Size and placement of the object.
    • Fire safety level.
    • Improvement.

    All the above characteristics and criteria are needed to determine the capital performance, which in turn determines the legal and economic side operation of the structure.

    Capital construction Includes the activities of stakeholders, such as government agencies, individuals and legal entities, local governments, whose activities are aimed at improving the construction of new buildings and objects.

    Capital construction With confidence, it is possible to name the most important industry, the foundation for the growth and development of other sectors of the state, is the main resource for expanding reproduction. This construction also includes the implementation of design and search engines, the preparation of the necessary those. documentation for the future implementation of construction, commissioning, assembly and other necessary capital works.

    The process of the construction of new industrial and non-productive structures, expansion and reconstruction, technical re-equipment and modernization of existing objects and is a capital construction .

    With this type of construction, the worn objects are updated.

    Capital construction Usually held in several stages:

    1. Economic and technical confirmation of construction
    2. Technical and Engineering Exquisites
    3. Project creation
    4. Organization of construction and its process
    5. Preparation of the site for construction, construction of temporary structures
    6. Implementation of fixed construction
    7. Commissioning

    There are also 2 ways to implement work with caplement:

    • Contracting. Takes place when concluding a hiring agreement (in a row), and the construction itself is produced by specializing in this companies, organizations, employees;
    • Economic. With this method of construction, all necessary and components are carried out on their own.

    Attachment B. capital construction And the capital construction itself closely interacts with each other. Capital investments are a source of finance for direct construction.

    IN capital investments The following costs are usually included:

    • The cost of inventory and equipment necessary for construction,
    • Cost of construction work
    • The cost of project creation and estimates,
    • Cost of Montaja
    • Different costs of workers performing construction and process management.

    Capital construction It is also divided into species. The following are considered capital construction and its types:

    1. New construction - with this form of construction, a completely new object is erected, on a new platform,
    2. Expanding the existing object - in this case, the extensive structures are expanded by building a new building on the territory of the previous one,
    3. Reconstruction - Modernization of existing structures. With this form of capital construction, the expansion usually does not occur, the technical level improvement is carried out, the reorganization of the object is carried out,
    4. Technical re-equipment - this procedure is similar to the reconstruction, but with technical re-equipment, an increase in the quality of the technical nature of individual sections of the object is improved.

    In the Russian Federation capital construction It has more than 120 thousand building and designing enterprises, organizations. In this industry, approximately 5 million people are involved, which is 10% of the total number of working-age population, which is employed in the national economy.

    The main features capital construction You can call the following features:

    1. If you compare construction with industrial productionThe production of real estate and its use occurs at the site of creation. Resources and implement tools are moving after the completion of the work and the process of creating a new object is reserved. This feature Specifies special forms of management and organization, in order to minimize the loss of time and other costs of transporting equipment and workers.
    2. The construction process takes a long period of time, not only months, but also years can be spent on the construction of a large object. Such a long period of work involves workforce and various means of equipment in construction.
    3. Construction is connected with several sectors of the economy and other organizations and firms. For example, the construction requires materials, the relationship with organizations that deliver or creating the raw materials that are necessary for the construction. With firms and associations of various industries, construction interacts, carrying out activities to order according to the plans of customer organizations.

    Capital construction meaningful and necessary phenomenon for the state and people. With the help of construction, goals are achieved in improving the conditions of facilities of the already erected and created new buildings and public facilities.

    Objects of capital construction, subject to accounting in the state real estate cadastre and other types of cadastrals, are buildings, structures, premises and objects of unfinished construction.

    Buildings, facilities, facilities of unfinished construction, with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, canopies and other similar buildings, belong to real estate.

    Legislative definition excludes temporary buildings from capital construction objects and directly indicates as an example of buildings: kiosk - a building that has no shopping hall and is designed for one workplace of the seller; shed - The construction of a semi-closed type (the roof on the supports with an impertled walls or without them).

    In Russian legislation, the concept of "capital construction" has existed since 2005. The legal designs of real estate facilities in urban planning were used in the previous town-planning legislation, "urban planning activities".

    Consider more details of capital construction facilities (hereinafter - OX)

    By building a terrestrial construction structure, which has an internal space, intended for a particular type of human activity and recreation, or architectural and construction sites, the appointment of which is to create conditions for labor, residence, socio-cultural service of the population, the storage of material values, animal content.

    The building includes engineering and engineering and engineering systems (equipment). The building may also have operating rooms in the underground part. A construction that does not have an overhead part is not a building.

    The building is one of the types of building structures. The main task of the buildings is the spatial organization of household, labor processes and rest people.

    The buildings studies science typology, classifying architectural objects in their comparison on general features:

    Functional purpose;

    Volume planning parameters;

    Regularities of formation;

    Urban planning functions and requirements for them;

    Operational qualities.

    By functional purpose Buildings are divided into four main groups that meet the main types of human activity: everyday life, labor and public administrative activities:

    Public buildings;

    Residential buildings;

    Industrial building;

    Buildings and facilities intended for the needs of agriculture.

    Each of these groups, in turn, its own typological structure, depending on the functional purpose of buildings, or their specifics. The main feature of the buildings on which it is determined by it to one or another group is the appointment of a certain type of building for a specific purpose.

    for example: Public buildings are classified according to the areas of cultural and domestic service of the population:

    1) health care;

    2) science, education and training;

    3) upbringing and training;

    4) physical education and sports;

    5) Mass vacation;

    6) transport and communication;

    7) Public diet;

    8) trade;

    9) household service;

    10) management and administrative activities;

    11) Communal enterprises.

    By surgical Planning Parameters Buildings are classified on floors, planning schemes, functional zoning of buildings on the outline and premises in the building itself.

    for example: Residential buildings are divided into the following types:

    Single-welter (single-storey, attic, two-storey);

    Blocked (two-quartered single, two-storey, four-year-old two-storey; multi-unit single-two-storey);

    Sectional (single tracking three-storey and higher, multisective two-story and higher);

    Corridor, corridor-section;

    Gallery, gallery-section.

    One of the examples of the classification of buildings can be the following scheme (Fig. 2.1):

    Fig. 2.1. An example of a classification of buildings.

    Residential building (The house) consists of rooms, as well as premises of auxiliary use intended to meet citizens of household and other needs associated with their accommodation in such a building. Residential buildings (homes) include residential buildings of permanent type, hostels, shelters, house of a maneuverable foundation, home boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, veterans, special homes for single-elderly, orphanages, boarding schools and boarding schools, other houses.

    Individual residential buildings are separate residential buildings with the number of floors not more than three, intended for living in one family. These are also included at home cottage type (in which there is a small plot of land; Cottages are predominantly two-storey with an inner staircase, on the first floor of which the common room, kitchen, household premises are usually located; on the second floor - bedrooms), single-quality blocked residential buildings, consisting of autonomous residential blocks.

    Apartment house - a set of two and more apartments in a residential building with independent exits either on the land plot adjacent to residential houseeither indoors common use In such a house. Apartment house He contains elements of the common property of the owners of the premises in such a house in accordance with housing legislation.

    Non-residential buildings - These are the design, the appointment of which is to create conditions for labor, socio-cultural service and storage of material values: industrial, agricultural, commercial, administrative, educational, health care, and others.

    In the process of developing the needs of the population of the city, buildings are constantly modified. In addition to well-pronounced buildings, there are many transitional forms.

    In addition to typological classification, i.e. Classification of buildings for its intended purpose, there is a division of buildings on classes In importance. Allocate grade 4 buildings. Each class of buildings impose certain requirements regarding the capital supply (building materials and structures, fire resistance, etc.), the degree of urban planning and national economic significance, characteristics of operational qualities.

    BuildingI. class. These include residential and public buildings that meet increased requirements (public buildings playing a particularly important role in the composition of cities, the living above six floors, etc.).

    BuildingII. class. These are the buildings of mass construction, residential buildings in 4-5 floors.

    BuildingIII class Present low-rise buildings with a small capacity.

    BuildingIV. class. These are buildings that meet the minimum requirements.

    The main components of buildings are premises - This is the functional part of the building, structures or structure separated from other functional parts by physical boundaries (walls) without gaps.

    The premises can be a target room (bathroom, hallway, kitchen room, leisure facilities, etc.). The room is the indivisible functional part of the building.

    Construction - the result of construction, which is a bulk, plane or linear construction system, having a ground, above-ground and (or) underground part, consisting of carriers, and in some cases and enclosing building structures and intended for the performance of production processes of various types, storage of products, temporary stay of people, moving people and cargo.

    The object acting as a structure is every individual structure with all devices that make it a single whole.

    for example:

    The dam includes the body of the dam, filters and drainages, tongs and cementation curtains, waterproofs and waterproofs with metal structures, fastening of slopes, roads by dam, bridges, platforms, fencing, etc.;

    The road in the established boundaries includes an earthen canvas with strengthening, upper coating and a road environment (road signs, etc.), others related to the road, structures - fencing, gatherings, water, cuvettes, bridges not more than 10 m , ditch.

    The structures that are a single object consisting of heterogeneous elements combined with a common functional purpose also include stadiums, including specially equipped sites for occupation of various sports, such as civiced and athletics sites, football and hockey fields, treadmill and pit For jumping. The sites are located on Earth and are the adaptation of it for the purposes of physical education and sports. In this case, these structures were created precisely in this form, which corresponds to their functional purpose.

    Facilities also include: complete functional devices for transmission of energy and information, such as power lines, heat center, pipelines for various purposes, radio relay lines, cable lines, specialized constructions of communication systems, as well as a number of similar objects with all accompanying complexes of engineering structures.

    Buildings. Legislative definitions of the concept " buildings" in Russian legislation there is none. As before, in the legislation of the RSFSR, the term "structure" is used as general concept Buildings and structures. Currently, the concept of "structure" is mainly used either in a single terminological series - "building, structure, structure", or as an equivalent concept of the building, or emphasizes secondary importance: "Residential and economic structures located on garden and country sites", economic structures For pets, build auxiliary use, consumer building (cottage, garden houses, garages).

    Unlike other objects of capital construction, the structure is not an accounting object applied when conducting a single state register of capital construction and state-owned real estate cadastral accounting.

    Objects of unfinished construction - objects whose construction is suspended, mainly due to lack financial means and logistical support. The specified legal term characterizes not constructive features The object of real estate and the functional objectives of its creation, and the process of creating a real estate object and the reflection of the phase of this process in the properties of the object being created. Unlike buildings, buildings or structures, objects of unfinished construction cannot be used in accordance with their appointment until the construction and commissioning is completed.

    And construction that in lately Acquired a special relevance. It is worth considering the concept in more detail and familiarize yourself with its features.

    The concept of capital construction and capital investments

    Capital construction is activities government agencies, legal entities and citizens who are aimed at creating new fixed assets of industrial, commercial and prevalence, as well as the modernization of old objects. It can be called one of the most important industries of the country's material production and the basis for the development of various industries. national economy. In addition, it serves as a source of extended reproduction.

    Capital construction can also include activities on the implementation and survey work, which are required for installation and construction itself.

    Capital investments are the costs that are sent to the extended in their composition include the funds spent on:

    • purchase of instruments, inventory and equipment;
    • the cost of structures, products and building materials;
    • payment of construction and installation work;
    • other costs.

    Costs include acquisition vehicle, Remedy equipment and so on.

    Concept of construction and construction object

    Construction is a combination of construction objects, the construction of which is planned or already implemented. At the same time, one project is provided, but the procedure can be performed on different construction sites. An object of construction is considered to be every single building, which has a separate project and estimate.

    The object of capital construction is a construction, a building or structure, the construction of which has not yet been completed. These do not include temporary buildings, canopies, kiosks and other semi-closed type designs. In the legislation of the Russian Federation since 2005, there is a concept of "capital construction", which is used officially until this time.

    Types of capital construction

    It is worth considering this concept in more detail. Capital construction is divided into the following types:

    • New construction. This species It provides for the emergence of a completely new object, which is constructed on a similar territory.
    • Expansion of the current design. In this case, there is an expansion of previously constructed structures by creating new objects on their territory.
    • Reconstruction. This procedure is an improvement of existing buildings. Basically, in this case, the absolute reorganization and improvement of the technical condition is not performed.
    • Technical re-equipment. This process has similar characteristics with reconstruction. The difference is to fulfill the improvement of construction sites and individual objects. This process allows to achieve improvement of housing conditions in enterprises and contributes to the emergence of new industries.

    Stages and methods for conducting

    Capital construction mainly consists of several stages:

    • justification of the construction procedure Economic and technical;
    • engineering and technical surveys;
    • project creation;
    • organization of construction procedures;
    • preparation construction site and equipment of temporary designs;
    • the main construction;
    • entering the object into operation.

    There are the following methods of work in the process of capital construction:

    • Contracting. It provides for hiring, after which construction work will be carried out by employees or specialized companies.
    • Economic. In this case, all procedures are made by their own.

    It is worth noting that such procedures like construction, reconstruction, overhaul And the expansion of objects must be carried out by experienced specialists.


    Capital construction management is the functional body of the administration of a particular city, which is also included in the system of executive and administrative bodies of local self-government.

    The main goals of the Office are the implementation and implementation of municipal policies. It is held with respect to the construction and reconstruction of buildings related to social infrastructure. Also implemented projects of economic, social and complex development of the city. Capital construction management is engaged detailed planning The city's districts that are subject to development.

    The value of capital construction

    It lies in the fact that construction this type leads to the creation of new industrial enterprises, companies of different types, commercial I. educational institutions, administrative and residential buildings, as well as improved existing objects. The capital construction department provides project creation and their implementation. The facilities of this type contribute to the subsequent development and strengthening of various fields of the national economy.

    The concept of construction legislation

    Capital construction legislation is a collection of acts and norms that regulate public relations that have a place during the construction. With it, the procedure for financing projects is determined. The capital construction department is engaged in the establishment of the procedure for designing and implementing construction and installation work. This legislation also regulates the relationship between entrepreneurs in the field of national economy.

    The legislation of capital construction is in its composition various norms of law: civil, financial and administrative. One of its important features is the system with their help is regulated by processes that include capital and installation work. When they are fulfilled, it is necessary to adhere to standards and they relate not only to the construction process, but also to the materials used, structures and products.

    After reading the material, it can be understood that it is a capital construction, and what distinguishing features it has.

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