
How to arrange the estimate for installation work. Step-by-step instructions, how to read estimates. Example of estimates on the installation of the split system. Revenue estimates and expenses

Costs always need to plan! It is for this purpose that estimates are drawn up, which reflect the preliminary costs of costs.

Without this document, which may be adjusted not to correct, it is impossible to correctly organize expenses.

Why do this document need?

First of all, the estimation is a preliminary layout of the costs that are necessary for conducting any event.

Even a simple business meeting does not do without it! And it is right:

  • estrase allows you to envisage all costs;
  • with her help remove those costs without which you can do;
  • she helps reveal the causes of deviations In the expenses made following the results of the event.

In the general form, the estimate is a document that lists the types of expenses, indicate them money Evaluation Available and output the total cost of spending. In addition, the estimate additionally gives information about the nature and scope of necessary work.

Any strict unified form There is no estimate to compile the estimate.

Therefore, enterprises are developing this form by relying on the federal law "On accounting" No. 402-FZ and guided by its requirements for the details of primary documents. But this can not be done because the estimate is not - it is only a plan of expenses that must be approved by the order by the enterprise. Therefore, it can be represented in some form. Confirmation of the expenses themselves on the estimate will serve precisely source documents - , etc.

However, the estimate and itself serves as an indirect confirmation of expenses - their target direction. To do this, when making an estimated document in its name the event is indicatedWith which listed costs are related. For example, "Estimated to maintain negotiations on the supply of goods." Such a binding helps to classify the costs and attribute them to accounting accounts, and accept tax accounting for purposes.

In what cases does it make up?

Estrase it is always compiled And at any enterprise, regardless of the legal form and form of ownership, as well as on the type of its activities:

  • for any kind of events that plan to organize an enterprise for own non-productive needs (for example, a corporate holiday) and for production needs (for example, a business meeting for the conclusion of the contract);
  • for any types of works or services that the company is going to fulfill with respect to its consumer.

In the second case, the estimated document wears official confirmation:

  • volume and types of work, which are implemented under the contract;
  • finished product or other final result;
  • time that is spent on the achievement of the final result.

In case of drawing up the estimate for conducting any event, its purpose is to transfer future expenses and indicate the reason for their occurrence. Those. For what is paid.

For example, to participate in the translator talks, banquet services, delivery of guests to the meeting place, etc. But very often it is in this form that the string "Source of payment" is present, which indicates the source of financing the event.

Usually, necessity This occurs:

  • when the event is carried out at several companies at once and the estimate indicates the volume of those expenses that each of them agree to pay;
  • if the event organizes the city, and its payment is carried out from different sources - sponsors, which can be done even a private person;
  • if, on the contrary, the event is carried out by the company, but the source of financing is a state, regional or municipal budget, etc.

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Rules of compilation

Estimation is made up face or personswho are appointed for this purpose by order by enterprise. As a rule, in this capacity are subject to what entrusted responsibility for the organization and conduct of the event is assigned. And as soon as this order is published, proceed to the compilation of the residence itself.

The composition of the costs included in the estimate can be regulated in some cases. For example, very often executive expenses are specified and secured in. But mostly the list of expenses depends on the nature of the event and usually changes several times before being finally approved.

As for the sources of income, if they need to be indicated, they usually appear after the estimates of the costs that all participants investors are approved.

The most difficult estimate of the estimate is evaluation of expenses. That is why after the main types of expenses are indicated, are determined optimal options Implementation of these costs.

For example, for banquet services provided:

  • rental of the Hall and the organization of lunch there with the involvement of the restaurant services;
  • removing the hall directly in the restaurant;
  • using the enterprise hall with the involvement of catering services from the restaurant (that is, with departure to the customer).

In the first two cases, the banquet organization will need transport, and this is another cost of expenses. And in the case of catering service, all delivery to the destination is carried out at the expense of the restaurant.

To decide which options better, turn place all good restaurants in the city and transport companies and the cost of their services, choosing the most profitable proposition. So define the remaining cost articles. Therefore, usually drawing up the estimates is not delayed for one day and not even for one week.

As soon as the estimate is ready, she submit to approval The head of the company or a person who is in charge of the company's finances. And after him - to the highest leadership. For the final approval of the estimates, a comparative report for each cost of expenses is often applied to it. This report clearly shows why this option was chosen and such a value of expenses.

After familiarization with the estimates, it is either claimed by order, or send to refinement with comments.

When approving the estimates
The order assigns persons on which the functions of the specific types of work provided for in the estimate are assigned. For example, in the text of the order it may look like this: "Appoint Ivanov V.V. responsible for organizing banquet services. " In addition, the order necessarily indicates from which sources the financing of a particular part of the estimates is funded.

What expenses are in the estimate for events?

Conditionally all estimated costs can be divided into two parts:

  1. maintenance - These are the expenses that are related to the direct organization and implementation of the event:
    • rental of premises or territory for the event itself and banquet services;
    • transportation costs - to deliver guests to the destination and back, equipment, industrial designs, etc.
    • banquet service itself (coffee break, business lunch, breakfast, treating viewers, etc.);
    • Internet, electricity and communication - these costs may not be leased;
    • payment of the work of own employees and freelancers participating in the event or helps it organize and hold;
    • design or platform for receiving guests;
    • awards, premiums or other remuneration;
    • production of printing - business cards, programming, invitations, and other;
    • loading and unloading;
    • consumables - stationery, etc.
  2. overheads - These are the costs that are associated with the event, but without which it would be possible to do. For example, souvenirs, flowers, etc.

The composition of all these expenses depends on the nature of the event and its scale. In addition, a certain percentage of unforeseen expenses is added to any definiteness, so as not to embarrass from the plan. Its value is also individual.

Methods of compilation

Index method - The normative indicators are used, which are adjusted to the current price index. This method can be used provided that there are accurate regulatory values \u200b\u200bof expenses. As a rule, they are provided for construction purposes.

Analog method - When the rates are taken from the estimates of similar activities. But this method is approximate, and therefore the risk remains not to meet in the estimate.

Resource method based on expenses planning based on real value Each value of expenses and subsequent summation of the estimates received. This method is used most often: it gives accurate and actual information about the total cost of the event.

When compiling estimates for sporting events It is important to indicate:

  • type of competition;
  • date and place of it;
  • placement of participants in the hotel;
  • rent of sports equipment;
  • medical care for the competition.

When planning expenses for a festive event (any) in the estimate reflect:

  • the cost of gifts and treats - for this it should be known the number of guests by invitation;
  • the cost of the concert - services of invited artists, rental equipment and platforms, etc.
  • protection of events;
  • festive design.

When preparing estimates with representation expenses It is important to indicate:

  • placement of business partners if they are nonresident;
  • technical support hall for negotiations;
  • business lunch;
  • copy work and translator services.

In general, any estimate at a commercial enterpriseAs a document consists of:

W. budget organizations Everything is more difficult - they can spend funds only on those directions that article 70 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation are provided. Those. on labor payment budget workers, on their business, pay for goods and services for state needs, taxes and fees, and compensation for harm caused by the budgetary institution during its activities. The estimates reflect only these costs based on the fiscal year! In addition, the estimate itself is drawn up according to the rules and in the form, which approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in its order No. 1112 from 20.11.2007.

Report on execution

This report is needed to identify Deviations from the planned level of expenses and their reasons, and for transmission to the accounting department of all confirming the costs of documents in order to further take into account.

The fact that such estimates is expenses and how to make it up, told in the next video material:

Estimation - part working documentation. It is necessary for any construction, any work. By the estimate determine how much money is required by the construction site. How many of them are needed for the production of work? In the article, we tried to tell how the estimate is filled in, where to take data from? What are indexes and coefficients? What makes the estimate cost? Everything is not so difficult, as it seems.

What can this article help?

The article will help a little understand the question. Understand the estimates at the initial level. Here only general concepts About the composition of estimates, examples of estimated on installation. Some of the indices and coefficients. Details of the compilation of the estimate for is considered in MDS 81-35. 2001.

Title page

Consider how to read the estimates, on the example. Estimated on the installation of the split system (table in Figure below) contains 13 graph. There are other types of blanks discharged by the number of graph. But the principle is similar everywhere and information in the graphs is similar. Text position numbers below match the numbers in the image of the estimate of the estimate. An example of estimates for installation is compiled for this article and is not attached to any particular object.

1. At the top on the left there is a block - "coordinated." It is prescribed in it. He who performs work. Indicates the organization and data of the head. It also puts his signature and print.

2. At the top on the right there is a block - "Approve", containing the position, surname, initials and signature of the customer's head. The "Approve" block also puts the seal.

3. The name of the construction site is the place of performance. In one building, several parts of work can be combined.

4. Damage number. By regulatory documents Accepted such a numbering order:

  • the first 2 numbers are the number of the consolidated estimated calculation;
  • the second and third is the line number in its section;
  • the third and fourth is the estimate number in this object estimated calculation.

In the example, the estimate number is not delivered. It is not included in any documentation.

5. Name of the object, works and costs. Description of work with the name and address of the facility.

6. Base. Based on what was the estimate formed? It can be a drawing, technical task. Indicate, for example, the technical task.

7. Estimated cost of work. Amount of estimates by mounting work prescribed in thousands rubles. An indication of the amount in thousands of rubles is regulated by MDS 81-35.2001.

8. Funds for labor payment. How much should you pay the workers theoretically?

9. Regulatory labor intensity. The sum of man-hours is excluding downtime necessary to perform work.

10. Justification of the estimated value. The estimate of the example is drawn up in the current (forecast) prices for the first quarter of 2018 (but there is a monthly indexation). All rates are recorded in 2001 prices, and then with the help of coefficients are translated in the price of the present period. This method is called basic-index.

Sketch part of the estimate of the estimate of the estimate of the split system

Damage cap includes columns:

1. Rates number.

2. Cipher and standard number. Indicates, in what provisions the estimate is drawn up and what order is this regulatory framework. IN this case Far reference book (federal single construction rates) is used. Figures in the name of the rates mean numbers: Collection - Section - Tables - Rates.

3. Name of works, costs and unit of rates. The work itself is described (in the same way as it is prescribed in the racination), the price meter (in this case, 1 split system). Next, the rates are prescribed coefficients to positions and position indices.

4. Quantity. The amount is affixed, given the rates meter. In this example, this is one split system.

Cost unit (block 1). This unit includes the current basic price And its elements.

5. Total / wage.

6. Operation of machines / including wage (machinists).

7. Materials.

Total cost (block 2). It turns out a multiplication of the cost of a unit by quantity.

9. Wage.

10. Operation of machines / including wage (machinists).

11. Materials.

Workers' costs (block 3) not related to machine service, people. hour.

12. per unit.

There is still a breakdown of estimates to sections. Strict rules do not exist. Break logically. The section is always summarized.

What do the digits of the table of estimates mean?

The method of compiling the estimated estimates is a basic-index. It prices are indicated at the price level 2001 and are called basic. To transfer prices to the current level, the base price is multiplied by the index. Direct rates immediately transfer to the level of current prices can not, since there is no index for them. Indexes are for cost elements. The estimate is drawn up in the cost elements.

There are four of them four:

  • labor payment workers - OZP;
  • operation of machines - EM;
  • remuneration of machinists - ZPM;
  • cost of materials.

Where in the table to look forward direct costs:

Where in the table to look for the cost elements:

As in the Fer 20-06-018-04 standard, the cost elements are prescribed. Here you can see what materials entered into a raicy, and which remained unaccounted.

Therefore, to find out the real price of the work, it is necessary to multiply the costs of the elements of the cost of 2001 to the indexes and summarize. If the "Materials" column is filled in the racination, this means that the number of materials is sitting in a unit. This can be viewed in the example of the rates for the installation of the System Split (line No. 1). There are materials not included in the rated. Then they are called unrecorded and fit on a separate line (Positions from 3 to 9 of this estimate).

Estimated coefficients

In addition to indexes there are coefficients. They are accrued on elements single rates. Indicated in column 3. The coefficients can be different (for wooden structures, for earthworks, to dismantle, to work in winter conditions ...). All of them can be found in magazines, compilation rates and in MDS 81-35.2001. The coefficients are accrued on elements of single rates. They can be reduced (for example, to disassembly), and increasing (for example, constraint).

At the end of the estimate, all costs are summed up. In this embodiment, the estimation of the estimates first goes a row of costs in 2001 prices. Then row S. current priceswhere all indexes of rates are taken into account. Then there is a column - "labor costs".

The following two lines:

  • SP (estimate profit).
  • HP (overhead).

The coefficients to them are indicated in the rates. You can learn more about the calculation of the joint venture from MDS 81-25.2001, and the calculation of HP - from MDS 81-33.2004.

After the section "Total" is divided into cost elements.

There is an accrual of unforeseen expenses.

If there are sections in the estimate, the results of the estimates are folded from the outcome of the sections.

At the end, signatures are put and decrypted:

Amounted to (engineer FULL NAME).

Checked (Engineer FULL NAME).

Drawing up the estimation during construction work is necessary, since almost every project has a budget that needs consistent. The article will talk about the basic principles of the development of construction estimates and how to make up the estimate of the service business.ru.

What do you know:

Basic principles of compiling estimation

Any estimate is done to have a plan to fulfill a specific project, but also solves other tasks. For example, drawing up the estimates for construction and other repair work need to:

  • separate the money necessary for various materials, procedures and works;
  • understand and tell the customer how much construction will cost;
  • to govern cash flows uniformly and correct, in accordance with the time and requirements;
  • check the financial feasibility of a specific design.

The estimated calculation during construction shows the cost of materials and works that are necessary for each of the processes separately.

Traditionally, the estimate is an application for the provision of construction services.

The functionality of the compilation of the estimate is one of the innovations of the "Business.ru" service. This is useful to entrepreneurs and users of the system that are engaged in building or finishing work professionally. Also, the ability to draw up construction estimates will simplify communication with the contractors of shop owners who are inserted into the repair of their facilities.

The principles of the compilation of the estimation are spelled out in the Special Guide "Methods for determining the cost construction products On the territory of the Russian Federation "MDS 81-35-2004.

According to him, there are several types of estimates. Basically, the document defines the estimates when working with state regulations and official bodies.

Types of construction estimates

MDS 81-35-2004 allocates such types of construction estimates:

  • local estimates (Primary documents for the construction of large objects and structures: buildings, roads, etc. at the basic price level and the forecast);
  • object estimates (documents with numbers from local estimates compiled with the prices of the current year);
  • consolidated estimates (created on the basis of previous documents, as well as based on the estimated costs of the administrative apparatus). They define the final limit of funds that will be required to build objects.

Important!Methodical recommendations are necessary for professional fertilizers for major state promenes or construction firms. In compiling such estimates, usually use reference books with prices for 2000, and then change them using the coefficient.

If we are talking about small companies when working with private companies or individuals, a simpler version of the estimates is drawn up. The type of such a document differs in the direction of construction: the total estimate on construction works, as well as estimate for finishing, electrical, design, plumbing, roofing, assembly and other types of work.

Estimation for construction work is necessary if a global project is to be: ranging from the construction of a new building, ending with an extension of a new room.

A sample of estimates for construction work is different from other estimates with a large number of positions. For example, it can contain not only a list of assembly, but also dismantling work.

Sample estimates for construction work looks like this:

A sample of estimates for construction work can be compiled independently in the Excel table, and you can use special services to compile estimates. For example, this functionality is available in a cloud accounting system "Business.ru".

Following the work in the service, the finished estimate is also unloaded into Excel, where it can be additionally corrected.

Electrical work is a whole complex of repair work related to electrical wiring. These include the complete and partial replacement of electrical wiring, electrician wiring in a new building and even installing the electrical switch, sockets and lamps.

The peculiarity of such a document is that the basis of the estimates is a list of work with cost. You can make an estimate for electrical work using the Business.ru service.

Example of estimates for electrical work:

After the contract of contractor with the customer, a store is selected with an electrician, where the purchase will be made (or the purchase of equipment is carried out by the client itself through the online store).

Design work is the first stage in building the building. When designing a structure in the estimate, the remuneration of specialists is taken into account. Usually estimated by design work Compiled on special directories where labor and coefficients are calculated. This document has a small number of graph.

Example of estimates for design work:

Estimation for repair work may be the most diverse. It includes sections associated with finishing or minor repairs.

An example of estimates for repair work on alignment of walls in the room, where radiators have already been installed:

Plumbing works are a group of works associated with the installation and replacement of water supply and sewer pipes, as well as with installation and dismantling of washbasins, toilet bowls, cranes, radiators, etc.

Small private companies and IP make estimates on plumbing work without methodical recommendations By wages.

Sample estimates for plumbing works are presented below:

As in the case of a common estimate for construction work, the rather roofing works usually contains not only assembly, but also dismantling work.

The picture shows a sample of estimates on roofing work in an administrative building:

Welding works of a separate estimate are usually compiled only by professional compounds in large construction companies Taking into account guidelines.

However, if minor welding works are performed, then the ratio of welding can be performed in more simple programs To prepare documents. For example, in the cloud service "Business.ru".

Sample fragment of estimates for welding work:

If work is carried out with the recess of the soil or, on the contrary, its backfilling (in the pit), such works are called earthen.

In the estimate for earthworks, the cost of the work themselves (wage of working and foreman), as well as consumables: shovels, bags, etc.

This looks like a fragment of a sample estimate for earthworks, made according to the methodological guidelines:

Dismantling work is a complex of works related to the destruction of the building or its part (for example, walls, windows, doors, etc.).

Usually in such a document, in addition to the cost of dismantling work, the fee is indicated for the garbage descent from the floor, collecting and removal of garbage to the landfill.

Sample estimation for dismantling work:

Installation work - a set of works related to installing something. The estimate of the installation works includes the cost of equipment, as well as the value of its installation.

In the program "Business.ru" you can create a similar estimate that will help sell a set of goods for the installation of technically complex products. For example, when implementing systems " smart House"Or electronic barrier.

By the way, a sample of estimates on the installation work of the barrier, which could print the store for the client, is presented below:

Commissioning works - a set of work after installation of equipment: checking and commissioning of all processes. Usually, the requester during commissioning is in large construction companies, while the ciphers and positions of the standards specified in special reference books are taken into account.

Sample estimates for commissioning works:

Finishing works are the finishing stage of repair. For example, work on sticking wallpaper, laying laminate, installation of doors, etc.

A sample of estimates on finishing works of one of the office rooms is presented below. It includes trim the ceiling, walls and gender.

Estimation on work and materials

Estimation for work and materials - a simplified form of the estimates, which is used with a small repair. For example, if you need to simply paint the walls in your store, the sample of estimates on work and materials will contain only the cost of paint and paintwork.

Estimation for survey work

Exquising works are called a list of work required in order to explore the construction platform. In the estimation estimates include both economic and technical work.

Economic calculations include studies that justify the benefit of building a building in this place. Technical is a complex of cases in the field of geology, geodesy, which are also conducted before construction.

The sample of the estimates for survey work includes, mainly the cost of salary, as well as to deliver specialists to the place of alleged construction (gasoline, car rental, etc.).

The concept of estimated value in construction

The estimation of the estimated cost is used not only the estimates, but also all pro-groups that make up estimates without regulators. In the most general presentation, the estimated cost is the amount of money intended for construction. It is the final amount on which the Contractor and the Customer is based on to determine the amount of funding.

When the estimated cost is derived, prices are taken for construction products, equipment costs (rent, purchase), export and delivery, expenses for wages Workers and their leader.

The estimated cost is determined by direct and overhead costs, as well as the estimated profit of the organization.

Direct costs include the cost of materials, operation of machinery and mechanisms, as well as the remuneration of employees.

Overhead costs in the construction estimate are indirect cash costs that are associated with the organization of work. These include, for example, the remuneration of the administrative apparatus, payment for the use of programs for drawing up estimates and other documentation, the use of mobile communications, lease of the premises of the administrative apparatus, etc.

Estimated profits - money to cover the cost of contractors and stimulating the labor of workers (for example, recycling surcharges).

Top 5 Errors in the preparation of estimates

When drawing up construction estimates, errors occur periodically. Give the top 5 most common mistakes.

  1. Lack of estimates in principle. The customer meets with a forever and recognizes the prices of work in words. The contractor recommended a familiar, so the future client does not doubt his honesty and is simply aware of prices in order to estimate costs.

As a result, the amount of construction costs or repair exceeds all permissible limits. After all, if there is no concrete agreement on materials, the contractor will buy exceeding the required amount of building materials.

  1. There is no composition of work.In a construction estimate, it may be indicated simply the amount of costs to this or that action (for example, repair of the utility room), but does not include the composition of the work.

As a result, it turns out that the contractor in the preparation of the estimate indicated only the main works on this object, and additional, smaller - forgot (specifically or accidentally - no matter in this case). The client has to pay extra.

For example, a ceiling alignment is done in the store. The contractor decided to use the grid and the minimum layer of plaster. But during the removal of the old coating, very large joints are found between the plates, which requires 5 times more consumption of plaster. Customer costs for repairs grow.

  1. Additional work in the estimate. This error may be random or special. Sometimes non-professional builders do not know about the simpler technology and suggest a more complex complex of work. Additional work in the estimate may appear and intentionally to increase the cost of wages.
  2. Exceeding the number of materials in the estimate. The overwhelming amount of materials by more than 15% of the required is not the insurance contractor, but an error. After all, to make a good construction estimate, for example, on the repair of the store, you need to measure all the walls, windows, doorways to clarify the irregularities of surfaces, etc. However, rarely, what contractor comes to the calculations so thoroughly.
  3. Note not all work in the estimate.The unfinished contractor may devote the main part of the estimate of the preparatory work. The customer, without considering fully the estimate, but only seeing the final amount, sees that the price suits it, signs the contract.

As a result, the contractor performs draft work and disappears. The customer, carefully looked at the estimate, sees that he really paid only the preparatory part. As a result, such an "error" in the construction estimate leads to overpayment.

Before carrying out any costs, there are almost always planning. In essence, the definition of approximate amounts sent to certain articles of costs and is a preparation of the estimated costs. And it may concern how to solve everyday issues in a person's life and, in yet more than, enterprises and organizations. Almost everything is engaged in planning costs in one form or another.

Determination of estimates of expenses

Under the cost estimates, it is usually understood that the calculation of all the costs needed to perform the planned works, the production of the product, the implementation of activities related to the achievement of the intended objectives of the organization and other similar situations. Sometimes drawing up a document is performed on voluntary basis. However, quite often the development of cost estimates, as well as its subsequent approval and coordination are the requirement of Russian legislation. For example, the preparation of cost balance and income (which is a kind of cost estimates) - one of mandatory conditions Works of any non-profit organization. Given that their number is large enough, it becomes clear why the question is how to make estimates competently and as much as possible, so much attention is paid.

Non-commercial organizations (NGOs) include:

  • educational (University, Kindergarten or School), Cultural (Museum, National Park or Exhibition) Medical (Polyclinic, Dental Center, etc.) Public and private institutions;
  • HOA, housing and consumer cooperatives;
  • organizations on the protection of the rights of citizens;
  • local and government bodies;
  • charitable funds and organizations;
  • religious associations;
  • divisions of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For all of the above organizations, the annual compilation of costs and income, as well as a final document containing information on its execution. Particularly strict requirements are presented to state government institutions that are partially or fully funded from the budget. In this case, the entire procedure is clearly prescribed, ranging from the timing of the development of the document under consideration and ending with the requirements for its approval and coordination.

Scope of cost estimates

Given the large number of non-profit organizations, the examples of which were given above, becomes understandable to the relevance of the issue of competent compilation of estimates and the subsequent execution. Between the quality of these processes, the level and degree of control over the distribution of considerable part are determined. state budget. It is not surprising that the most detailed is regulated and controlled by those non-commercial organizationsIn the financing of which budget funds are present in one degree or another.

At the same time, we should not forget that estimates are compiled not only where there is state financing. As an example, it is possible to bring the situation, to face with which in real life I had to almost everyone. The level of utility costs in homes that are under the control of HOA is determined, including, and by drawing up cost estimates for the next year, as well as analyzing the execution of the document developed in the past calendar period.

In this case, the estimates must be not only as accurate as possible, which is important for residents at home, not wanting to overpay, but also accessible and easy to check. It is no secret that some representatives of utility services prefer to deliberately complicate the calculations performed - it is much easier to confuse payers and make them large than necessary, amounts for payment.

An equally important area of \u200b\u200bapplying cost estimates is their compilation in commercial organizations, in particular, on industrial enterprises Any form of ownership. In this case, the purpose of paperwork usually performs the calculation of the cost of manufactured products necessary to determine the sale price. Obviously, in modern market conditions The importance of competent execution of this process is difficult to overestimate.

Example of cost estimates

As noted above, the highest requirements for the preparation of cost estimates are imposed on budgetary institutions. So it will be quite logical to consider specific example Nominable such calculation, since the execution of other options in most cases is much easier.

As a similar simple example, you can bring the option of completed cost estimates and incomes of a non-profit organization.

The document consists of two main parts. In the first of these, sources of income formation are indicated, and in the second - the directions of their spending with a clear indication of the amounts on the costs of costs and the implemented programs and distribution through quarters. As a result, after studying the estimates, a clear idea is created as the basic parameters of the organization's activities on the planned calendar period.

As can be seen from the above example, design, coordination and approval of the document under consideration are carried out in an arbitrary form. Much above the requirements imposed in the preparation of estimates of costs and income by the budget institution, form and an example of which are shown below.

Regulatory acts are clearly prescribed by the form of the document, its structure, as well as how to make estimates in such a way that it corresponds to the current russian legislation. In this case, the document cap looks like this.

The calculated part of the document consists of four sections: in the first three contains data on the main costs of the organization, which are summed up in the final fourth.

In this example, there are no costs for the second and third partition, so the final almost repeats the data of the first separation into several modified format. The estimates of expenses are signed to those who amounted to it, checked and the head of the budget institution.

Compilation and subsequent filling of the estimate is perfect deservedly considered the most important stage of any construction or repair work. In most cases, the design of the estimated documentation completes the design of a building or structure. In the case of small amounts of work, for example, repair or finishing, when the project is not developed, the estimate is also necessary. This is explained by the fact that it serves as initial information to develop a variety of accompanying documents related to the effective organization of documents, in particular, the calendar plan for performing work and the schedule for the supply of necessary materials and mechanisms.

Drawing up the estimate will become a process much simple if you trust this work to professionals.

Blank and sample estimates for work

In essence, the document under consideration consists of two parts:

  • the calculation of direct costs, which are determined on the basis of the prices of 2001 and are transferred to current prices by multiplying the appropriate rise in the appropriation, which is set quarterly. Direct costs consist of the following items:
    • cost of materials;
    • the main zp workers;
    • the cost of Um (operation of machines and mechanisms necessary for the performance of work), including ZP machines;
    • calculation of overhead and estimated profits made taking into account the requirements of the standards currently operating at the time of registration.

The disadvantage of this method is that the 2001 rates applied when using it are often not taken into account the realities. today's daySince at the time of the preparation of many technologies and materials simply did not exist. However, when the budget objects and most private major buildings are alternatives, the base-index method does not exist today.

How to make a set to work

As an example of a simplified form of estimates to repair the room, you can bring such a table.

Name of works

Pricing for units.

Cost of work

Dismantling partition

Dismantling balcony doors

Construction of partitions from foam blocks

Plaster partitions and walls

Putty, primer and painting plastered surfaces

Installation of balcony doors

Stuccoing of door and window slopes

Putty, primer and coloring of window and door slopes

In total by estimates

139 080=

The importance of competent compilation and design of the estimate

As already noted, the completion of the estimate allows not only to obtain an approximate amount into which the construction will cost or perform a certain amount of work. This value is necessary to determine the contract price of the object or the stage of work, and both the customer or an investor and the contractor, that is, the direct manufacturer.

But besides this direct functional purpose, competent and patterns, the design of the estimate will allow planning work in such a way that they are produced as quickly as possible and for a smaller price. In addition, the estimate also helps to determine the need for the necessary materials, which, in combination with the calendar plan for the production of work, will develop a schedule for their supply.

The main tasks of the estimates

The development and filling of the estimate allows you to solve three of the most important tasks that are always standing in front of any contractor and the customer:

  • determination of the cost of construction or carrying out any work. IN modern conditions The estimated price is the most important parameter, vital for all participants in the building process. The customer is not interested not to overpay, but the contractor is to get a worthy reward for work. A competently composed estimate allows you to take into account the wishes of both sides and get a suggestive amount;
  • development of a calendar plan. The deadlines for the construction of a building or carrying out any work is often submitted for the customer no less important than their cost. From this depends on timely delivery of the object and, naturally, receiving remuneration, possibly with a premium. Estimation for work performed by sample provides builders with all the necessary information for the development of a calendar plan;
  • development of materials delivery schedule. With a competent filling of the estimates, the need for materials and mechanisms becomes clear that, in combination with the calendar plan, it allows you to draw up a document - a document delivery schedule for uninterrupted work. Effectively working construction organizations do not produce procurement of materials immediately to the whole object - it simply freezes money that is much more efficient to spend something more important in this momentand also requires significant warehousing costs, etc. Also extremely disadvantageous any downtime and workers, which is fraught with no less serious additional costs.

As a result, we can say the following: the design of the estimates allows not only to understand the cost of construction or a separate stage of work, but also effectively plan their implementation.

Basic-index method of compiling and filling estimates

There are several different methods for forming estimated cost. When erecting large objects when filling up the estimate occurs within the framework of the project development, a basic-index method is almost always used. In this case, the calculation is used estimated standards 2001 and translation indices at current prices.

Simplified form of estimates

It is often quite often, especially when construction or repair is performed in charge or in small objects, a simpler form blank is used, which consists only of direct costs. It contains the list of work and rates for them, which can be divided into the same components as in the version described above: the workshop of the workers, the cost of materials and, if necessary, the costs of machines and mechanisms. In this case, the form form after its design and fill looks as shown in the following photo:

When compiling and filling out such a simplified version of the estimate, the contractor's profit is established on the basis of its negotiations with the customer or investor construction.

Form of object estimates for work

Frequently often, especially when erecting large objects, several so-called local estimates are made up immediately, that is, individual calculations for each type of work performed. In this case, to obtain a total cost of construction, they are combined into a common object estimate, the sample of the form of which is shown in the following photo.


The compilation and filling of the object estimate allows you to minimize all the information about the object under construction, even when the individual stages of its construction are performed by various contractors. Often, local estimates are also calculated by them. Therefore, the generalization of all disparate data is extremely important for any customer or investor.

Programs for compiling and filling estimates

Currently, there are many programs that are used in the preparation of estimates. They can be divided into two groups with some sharing:

Free. Are posted on the network on thematic resources. Are freely available.

Professional. Apply to work by specialists. To use, it is necessary to purchase a service distribution.

In the first case, there is no particular need to describe programs, as they appear almost constantly, while having similar parameters:

  • the ability to perform the most simple calculations;
  • lack of updating regulatory bases (if they are present at all);
  • minimum functionality.

Professional estimated programs are used much more active, since without them it is almost impossible to compile high-quality documentation on how large object. The most popular products are currently the following:

Grand Smeta

According to experts, the widespread estimate program. Her advantages are the ability to automate the entire complex. estimated work, the efficiency of making changes to regulatory base and efficient technical support of the product.


The only program that actually competes with the Grand estimate described above. The main advantage of the product is the simplicity of use that allows you to work with it without possessing professional knowledge of the estimator.

1C: Contractor (or 1C: Construction Organization Management)

These programs are not purely estimated. However, they are quite popular due to the fact that 1C is used to keep accounting On the overwhelming majority of enterprises in Russia, including construction. Considered software products Help to compile the necessary estimate documentation, as a bonus, their integration is performed in unified system Management management company.


Simple in mastering and using a program that has quite serious functionality. Used not so often, compared with the Grand estimate and estimates.

WinSmette, Rick and Bag

Software products, whose popularity peak is in the past. However, a certain amount of professional surrenders continue to be used, which is explained by a number of undoubted advantages: a wide functionality, editing capabilities, adjustments, etc.

Basic errors in drawing up estimates

There are several basic types of errors that are found in the preparation and design of the estimate in practice. The most typical are the following:

Error 1. Insufficient detail or excessive integrapion of estimates. Any competently composed estimate must necessarily contain full list and the volume of work performed and, accordingly, the rates for them. In practice, it is often customer and contractor, finding out that the price level arranges both parties, agree on the cost of the stage of work, for example, repair of one room. As a result, in fact, the situation is obtained when the actual amount of any work does not coincide with the initially intended. At the exit - a conflict situation, since it is not clear how to evaluate the rise or cheapening of work;

Error 2. Inaccurate volume accounting. The basis for the estimate for construction must be competently and precisely composed of the statement of volumes, in the case of repair - defective statement. In both situations, the result of the design of the estimate depends on the correctness of their compilation. The error first can lead to a fairly serious distortion of the final value of the calculation, since in most cases there is multiplication to various indices and rates, so the magnitude of the error is increasing all the time;

Error 3. The incorrect application of the rates contained in GESNN and the techs. One of the main problems of the basic-index method, the most common in real life, which was mentioned above is the inconsistency of the available types of works that are found in practice. Therefore, it is quite often necessary to use the available rates "in relation to". This is a special term invented by repetitions for a similar situation. The larger when the estimates are filled with rates "in relation to", the greater the likelihood that the final figure will be incorrect. Naturally, it is worth considering the fact that customers try to use low "applied" rates, and contractors, on the contrary, the most profitable.

In any case, the preparation and design of the estimates should be considered important and extremely necessary in modern conditions the preparatory phase of any construction. Its fulfillment is better to entrust professional and prepared fertilizers, which will make not only the cost of work is optimal for the customer and contractor, but also to organize their effective implementation in the shortest possible time and with the minimum possible costs.

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