
Analysis of the concrete market in B2B segment. Business for the production of reinforced concrete rings. Business concrete concrete underwater stones. Current volumes and vacation prices

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The entire concrete market can be divided into two components:

  • Commodity concrete;
  • Construction solution.

Over the past five years, two periods can be distinguished in the concrete market:

  • Growth production increases until 2008. This situation in the market of non-metallic building materials is explained by the fact that construction volumes are constantly increasing in the country.
  • The fall in the volume of concrete manufacturing and recovery in 2009-2011. Negative dynamics was observed due to the financial crisis and suspension of construction.

Dynamics of concrete production

In 2011, in the Russian Federation, the concrete market capacity was 27, 5 million m 3, and according to the results of the previous year - 31.1 m 3, in 2009 - 26, 3 million m 3. As can be seen from the schedule, in 2010, a positive increase was 18, 4% or 4.8 million m 3, and in 2011 a decline was noted by 12% or 3.66 million m 3.

Geographic production structure

Central federal District He is a leader in the production of commercial concrete. The volume of concrete manufacturing in this district in 2009 amounted to 9,653 thousand m³. The figure below shows a table of distribution of the release of a concrete mix in 15 leading federal districts in 2005-2009, thousand m 3.

Oddly enough, but in 2011 the championship also belongs to the Central Federal District. Its share in the total market volume is 36%.

The second place occupies the North-West Federal District (16%), and the third - Volga Federal District (13%).

Territorial structure Concrete production in the Russian Federation.

The production of concrete on federal districts amounted to:

  • The Central District implemented 9,953.2 thousand m 3;
  • North-West Socialists Put 4,476.4 thousand m 3;
  • Volga district sold 3,704 thousand m 3;
  • The Southern District produced 3,180.3 thousand m 3;
  • The Siberian District implemented 2,888.9 thousand m 3;
  • Far Eastern district put 1,601.2 thousand m 3;
  • The Ural District sold 1,61.9 thousand m 3;
  • The North Caucasus District implemented 524.3 thousand m 3.

Prices for concrete

In 2009, concrete prices decreased by 30%. In the last quarter of this year, retail market prices approached the cost and reached minimum meaning. Pricing statistics by year shows less severe fall.

Average prices for buying concrete contractors, rubles for 1 m3.

In January 2008 average price Commodity concrete was 3901 rubles per 1 m 3, in 2009 - 4,442 rubles per 1 m 3, in 2010 - 3578 rubles per 1 m 3.

Comparative prices for concrete mixes in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In March 2013, the prices of concrete on the granite and gravel crushes began to decline both in the Moscow region (by 25.5 rubles) and in Moscow (by 40 rubles). But, some manufacturers began to raise the price.

These changes are very well noticeable on the C20 concrete graph:

  • At the beginning of the previous 2012, the prices of concrete on gravel in MO were lower than in the capital of Russia.
  • At the end of 2012, prices for a concrete mixture of MO were subject to negative dynamics than in Moscow.
  • As a result, starting from March 2013, the average cost of concrete B20 on the gravel crushed it was higher than in the capital of the country.

Concrete Market Development Opportunities

The concrete market in the Russian Federation is promising. As in our country is expected extensive path of development - an increase in construction volumes to meet the needs of people and economies in the required number of commercial and residential real estate objects. (in Europe construction activities It goes through the intense way - old objects are replaced with new).

It is worth noting that many manufacturers that make cement include in their range of goods and concrete. Due to this, they manage to reduce costs and increase production efficiency. But, despite the fact that the volume of construction and the number of manufacturers in the country increase, there are a number of problems.

First, most concrete plants are outdated. Secondly, the supply of rubble and sand is poorly organized in Russia. Thirdly, the durability of the constructed structures depends on the correctness of the selection of concrete.

Therefore, the future for those producers who are responsible for both the quality of concrete and its selection.

Concrete manufacturers reached the pre-crisis level of sales. Plans to launch new capacities. What is the general situation in this segment of the construction and industrial market of the St. Petersburg region?

Tangle problems

According to experts, concrete market is characterized by heterogeneity and high competition, there is no information security of concrete producers, change regulations (GOST and SNiP), but few of the manufacturers know about it. There are one-day firms on the market with low level Professionalism. Often, builders are saved on everything, including in laboratories designed to conduct input control of building materials. From such a situation, manufacturers of high-quality concrete suffer because they cannot resist this dumping.

The quality of concrete products affect the following factors associated with the raw material component:

    inconsistency of the actual quality of aggregate certificates and passports;

    the emergence of semi-pedago industries of additives with doubtful product quality;

    mixing of different products In the cement cocktail when delivered from elevators.

Among the key problems, specialists call the lack of training system in the industry, relevant to new requirements, a sharp reduction in scientific personnel and the number of training centers of specialists, limiting the influx of young scientists. The collapse of domestic building science led to a reduction in the number of scientific institutions. In many industries, there is no information component on the quality issues of the production of concrete, there is no and prompt response to the recommendations developed by the Resessions to eliminate the problems selected in the production. Against this background, there is an increase in demand for trade concrete, which is estimated as a post-crisis trend.

Thus, according to the estimates of LSR-Basic CJSC, in 2011, the capacity of the St. Petersburg market was 4.8 million cubic meters. m of commercial concrete and solutions. In 2012, demand rose by about 20%. At the same time, many experts often do not take into account the share of small producers, and meanwhile their presence is noticeable. There is every reason to argue that in 2012 the market went to the pre-crisis level for the main indicators.

Zigzags competition

Competition in the concrete market is higher than in many other industries. For example, more than 120 concrete mixing units (BSU) operate in St. Petersburg. About half of them belong to the companies known in the market, and the volumes of other producers are insignificant.

Over the past two years, the top three leaders remain unchanged: this "union 45" (which recently became part of CJSC "LSR-Basic"), "Beaton" and "Lenstroydtal".

New productions for last years Not much launched. We have more often changed the owners of the existing plants, which was associated with a severe economic situation.

Event for the industry has become bankruptcy large company "SZNA-BETON" and the appearance of a new player in its place - "Taxi Concrete". The company owns two production sites in St. Petersburg with a capacity of 250 cubic meters. M concrete per hour. New owners appeared at the large company LenstroyDal. Despite all the peripetics with the change of owners, the firm was able to maintain strong position in the market of commercial concrete.

The manufacturers emphasize that under the past years there was no need for new facilities, but now this question again becomes relevant due to the fact that the proportion of integrated development projects has increased significantly. Approximately 55% of the commodity concrete still goes to the needs of housing buildings.

Price and ...

As for prices for products, they increased slightly, and this growth in the 2012 season was caused not so much by the increase in the value of raw materials, as an artificial deficit associated with the neurimicity of railway supplies.

According to analysts, the idea of \u200b\u200bseparating the fleet of rolling stock and transport infrastructure in the conditions of a non-deformed competitive base led to the fact that the consumer began to pay for the delivery of his goods at least twice. The first time - on the transport rate of Russian Railways for transportation, the second time - PGK or another landlord for the provision of cars. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the owners of the wagons transferred them to the long-term rental of intermediaries, the tariffs of which are not regulated by the state. And today the profit of such companies often exceeds the profit of manufacturers. Thus, in contrast to sales volumes, the price of concrete has not yet returned to the pre-crisis level.

According to the research company "Decision", in the spring of 2012, the most popular brand B25 cost an average of 3,481 rubles. per cube. M. This is much lower than the pre-crisis 2008, according to the regional pricing center in construction (RCCC), in 2009, the trade concrete fell by about 50%, in 2010 - another 17%, in 2011 on the wave of universal Rise prices expected to go up, and by the end of the year the manufacturers played about 25%.

Concrete is becoming more expensive due to the increase in cement prices. In 2012, significant growth was not marked. In the near future, small oscillations are possible due to the rise in price of raw materials or the growth of tariffs for transportation. Experts remind that over the past years, problems with the supply of cement (main raw material) have repeatedly arose in the midst of the season, but now the situation must change.


Today, builders actively discuss the problem of monitoring the quality of concrete. When the sharp smell of the ammonic alcohol appeared in many new buildings of St. Petersburg, the manufacturers did not remain aside from the scandal. It was obvious that the source lies in concrete.

At first there was a version that the additive "CEMAKTIVE" was to blame. However, the smell discovered on those objects where this supplement was not applied. There is still no single version. Many experts state that the problem is incorrect dosage of the components of the concrete mix. Indirect signs of reason: the weakening of quality control and, possibly, the desire of any of the contractors to save during the construction period.

However, as experts indicate, the solution of the quality problem must be started not from manufacturers of concrete, but from producers of raw materials. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the stability of its receipt. In addition, it is extremely important to properly organize input control of all components, including additives for concrete, among which there are frank falsificates.

The enterprise, which is calculated to release a qualitative concrete to the market, should conduct phased control of the quality of concrete mix on all technological converts. Even nonspecialists know: the final quality of concrete largely depends on the quality of the feedstock. But this is just one of the problems.

As mentioned above, concrete producers are forced to use cements of several suppliers immediately, because their products are characterized by chemical and mineralogical composition, grapplation rates, the pace of the durability, and also requires different temperatures and heat-vigorous processing. It is impossible to obtain a concrete mix of consistently good quality if it is made of cement cocktail and non-metallic materials, of which the supplier has dropped a small fraction for subsequent resale.

The quality of cement remains today the main problem of construction. The transition to the European labeling does not mean that the cement began to possess the same quality. Cancellation of customs duties led to the saturation of the market by imported cement, which has positively affected the price policy of cement monopolists.

No better situation with aggregates. The transition of quarries in the hands of many small owners who are not able to create a processing factory on a career leads to the release of low-quality raw materials that do not respond to NTD. In connection with the current situation - limitations raw Resources - It is almost impossible to get fillers of the required quality from the career. If today the laboratory of the plant on the input control will fulfill the requirements of GOST according to aggregates, the plant will remain without materials.

The actual quality of aggregates does not comply with certificates and passports. It is necessary to display on new level Relationships of manufacturers and consumers of enterprise products. Today, the supply of materials on the plant go through the chain of numerous freight forwarding and intermediary organizations. The use of tracked technology, as a rule, leads to the grinding of rubble and, accordingly, the deterioration of it qualitative characteristicsAnd cemeleevators - to the formation of a cocktail from a variety of cement.

The guarantee of satisfying the growing need for concrete, especially monolithic, are the successes achieved in many countries in creating new types of concrete, which meet modern requirements in construction, in particular: polymer concrete systems using polymer resins and other materials as modifiers of concrete mix, concrete based on higher-strength Cements with improved properties ensuring an increase in tensile strength, as well as concrete with increased elasticity and durability at a high degree of convenientness.

According to the first results of the 2016 construction season, the concrete market participants made positive conclusions. Against the predicted collapse of the demand by 30%, the narrowing of the segment by 8% was observed. It is in Moscow, in the regions the indicator is slightly higher - at the level of 10-12%. Positive Moment Manufacturers consider the fact that an 80% sales drop was provided not large construction organizations, and private developers.

In the autumn sales of all products of the concrete nomenclature remain at the level of summer, but by the end of October a small excitement is expected. The builders will try to catch the concrete to buy before the next appreciation projected for the winter.

Trends of the 2016 Construction Season in the market of concrete materials

The key trends of the autumn market specialists called:

  • the gradual restoration of the private sector activity: if in April, more than 90 orders came from medium / large construction organizations, then in September, the share of private buyers of small parties has already accounted for 15% of orders;
  • slow price increase: In the light of the next innovations on the field of transport delivery and customs transportation of equipment, the cost of concrete will steerly grow into a non-seasonal, but manufacturers make a lot of effort, making this growth in progressive;
  • demand remains in shortage: according to the data from Moscow producers, the capacity of the demand market today is blocked by a proposal more than doubled, which creates its threats for an inexperienced buyer.

The basic problem associated with the production of concrete and products from it is a growing number of newcomers of the segment. Young companies without their own power, but with some reserve financial opportunities Offer material at a rush price. In 99% of cases, its cost (5-8% below the price of the decent manufacturer) is ensured by the quality of the used raw materials.

Problem problems

In other words, Moscow is flooded with a low-grade concrete, which is issued for high-quality building materials. Large representatives of the industry are confident: an experienced builder will not go to such savings, but in civil construction The current situation can lead to serious accidents. And it concerns all concrete products:

  • any long-term structure consists of 60% of concrete, which determines its durability (today's savings in 5% on the material will reduce the service life of the object in tens of times);
  • the same stove channel B4, widely used in the arrangement of wells and communications - is responsible for the period of insonvenation work engineering systems and the safety of their users (the quality of the product should not cause doubts);
  • construction mixtures made of low-grade raw materials can be toxic and short-lived.

All: All: Manufacturers, buyers and control bodies, are confident by experts. The first determined the actions algorithm for themselves. The quality of concrete is necessarily reinforced by a serious manufacturer of relevant documentation (including voluntary certificates). Many companies practice contractual sales of parties and guarantees on their own products, the opening of their laboratories.

Contribution of the Buyer Building Materials in the Reliability of Future Construction

What should the buyer do?

  1. Work with experienced market participants. A serious plant, which is represented by large capacities and works in the regional market for a long time, will not risk a reputation to artificially keep prices.
  2. Choose material at a reasonable price. There are non-price methods to save on the purchase - deliver products with their own vehicles (if it is a cellular concrete in blocks, for example), take advantage of the right to a discount on a permanent customer, to take part in the promotion.
  3. Always check the products for compliance GOST 7473-2010. Work with factories that are ready to confirm their reliability voluntary certificates.

By the end of 2016, according to experts, concrete will rise in price by 5-7%. The most widely used mixtures based on it will grow in price by 10-12%. Finished products (blocks, plates) This trend will affect the least. The predicted price increase will be 3-5%. But by March - April, experts are waiting for their optimization and stabilization.

Brick market

In the Irkutsk region there are over 60 natural stone deposits, sand, gravel, clay for the production of bricks. Now in the Irkutsk region there are two large plants for the production of bricks, which produce it in the amount of more than 100 million pieces per year. According to the administration of the region, this volume satisfies the demand of construction organizations by only 60%. The main market for Cypria and Stone is the construction organizations and private developers of Siberia and the Far East. Previously existing competing organizations, located in Bratsk and the area, ceased their existence. At the moment, the "fraternal brick factory" is the only enterprise in the city, which is engaged in the production of bricks and stone ceramic.

According to the regional administration, over the 10 months of 2007, 80.6 million conditioned bricks were produced in the region. According to the analytical department of one of the journal, the real production of bricks in the area is a quarter more (108 million pieces). Moreover, 88% of this building material produces two Irkutsk plants who release it to counterparties from other cities in the region. If last year, the lack of bricks on the market was due to the modest shipping capabilities of the Irkutsk ceramic plant, then this year it will provoke the distortion of the largest Irkutsk developer.

The concrete market of Irkutsk consists of 28 companies - concrete producers, 33 plants and more than 230 concrete mixers. And, at least 150 cars belongs to private transport companies. The largest players in the concrete delivery market are five traders, whose fleet has five mixers, plus several
Concrete pumps. The total profit of the so-called mixers due to delivery, discounts and cheating can reach 40% of the cost of the mixer (the volume of concrete in one mixer pulls for 10-15 thousand rubles). Therefore, the ongoing arsions of "concrete mixers", according to the sources of the magazine "Supermarket of new buildings",related to the fact that manufacturers began to take attempts to independently earn money.

The situation in the production of commercial concrete for which cement is raw material, entirely depends on the processes occurring on the "Angarsk Mining and Cement Combine". Production capacity of the enterprise on this historical stage - The value is permanent, so there is nothing to make newcomers in the concrete market that they will not be able to organize a small victorious war for resources.
The idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring his own concrete concrete market most often visits construction companies: Thus, they plan to reduce their dependence on jumps of prices for a commodity concrete in the peak of the construction season. And the indexation of prices for building materials, the content of which in square meter The residential building is up to 0.5 cubic meters, this year can reach a 30% mark.

"Concrete deficit this year is inevitable," the market participants are confident. The most objective reason for this is a shortage of cement and inert materials (sand and rubble) mined in already developed careers. Development of a deposit located 40 kilometers from Irkutsk will increase their cost by almost 30% -
pm. Vyacheslav Kopaev, Head of Marketing and analytics and analyst analysts is confident that the production facilities of concrete enterprises are per week per six months. However, this operation will entail the costs of organizing subsidiary services, to open cement warehouses, for the purchase of special equipment and so
Further. Beetone this year equipped warehouses for storing 6 thousand tons of cement, which cost the largest concrete player in a third of the cost of the plant. These reserves will allow working in those periods when there is no cement on the market at all - no money. However, these "slipping" will have enough for a maximum of two weeks. On the market
There is a question about the uninterrupted production of concrete during the construction season. No matter what money. The main thing is that it be.

Wait for change and the delivery market of concrete. Large manufacturers gradually exclude YUR. Persons from the client base: if last year 75% of Beetone products consumed exclusively construction companies, then this year the sales department will create a favorable climate for physical. Persons. The most interesting turn
The plot in the concrete history of this construction season will be a significant increase in the share " Fasting "in the Beetone Sales Structure." Bees "This is explained by the fact that stable deliveries are important for this developer. The second largest concrete player
Region - EeronShik - affined to this construction company. Other players still hope that control over 30% of the market of commercial concrete, which occupy these companies will not allow the cost of the cubic meter to increase the cost. However, according to Sergey Shtyirev, Deputy Director for the Development of the "East Siberian ZbBC Plant", in this situation, even the fact of such a statement is capable of rising prices.

Modern market of concrete plants. Major trends.

In connection with the global financial crisis in the fourth quarter of 2008, the market of import concrete plants began to decline dramatically. The decay trend in the current year continued. Only for the first half of 2009, the importation of concrete plants into the country decreased by almost 90%. Analyzing the current state of the economy can assume that the fall in the market will continue in 2009-2010. The geography of supplier manufacturers is reduced to 3-5 countries. More than 60% of imported concrete plants last year amounted to the plants of Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian manufacturers. The largest share of imports of concrete plants in Russia has producers from China (30%). The share of German factories in the Russian market is approximately 15%. In the fourth quarter of 2008, almost all Turkish, Chinese and Finnish producers reduced the volume of importation by 25-90%. At the same time, some German manufacturers, such as Elba. , increased it. This year, the import of concrete plants to the Russian market has declined more than 10 times. At the same time, some suppliers use a crisis to bring new brands to the Russian market, for example, ARCEN POLSKA, HONGBO (Korea).

Chart number 1. Dynamics of changes in the share of countries in imports of concrete plants (in%, first half of 2007-2009):

In general, about 20 large and up to 40 small brands of concrete plants are represented in the Russian market. The market is characterized by a strong competitive environment. There is an increase in competence and awareness of buyers. The main exporting countries BSU are: in the high price segment - Germany and Finland, in the low price segment - China and Ukraine.

Graph number 2. Comparative dynamics of the growth of imports of concrete plants by country in the first half of 2008 and 2009. (in% to the previous period):

Kraft Invest

Kraft Invest It is an exclusive distributor Elba.(Germany) on site Russian Federation. The company's sales in 2008 grew by 48% compared with 2007. The ELBA brand in 2008 in terms of importation rose from 5 to 3rd place and kept this position in the first half of 2009. The share of the brand in the market of concrete plants in the premium segment in the second quarter of 2009 is estimated at 25%. Kraft Invest It has all the resources for the supply of concrete equipment throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. A developed logistics system allows you to deliver the product to the right place and at the right time. The most active regions of the consumption of technology: Central, Northwest and Southern Federal Districts. Assortment matrix Elba. Enough and applies to the category of premium class. The list of leading products includes equipment for the production and laying of concrete: concrete plants, individual modules and mixers For concrete factories; Concrete pumps stationary and on the car chassis.

In the nomenclature of the ELBA concrete plants, four main types can be distinguished:

  • Stationary concrete plants of a tower type with a capacity from 100 m3 / h;
  • Semi-stationary concrete plants of a modular type with a capacity from 30 to 245 m3 / hour;
  • Mobile concrete plants with a capacity from 60 to 120 m3 / hour;
  • Mobile concrete plants of a compact type with a capacity of 30 m3 / hour.

Kraft Invest group One of the first in the construction market of Russia began to promote mobile plants For the production of any concrete mixtures and solutions directly on a construction site.

The customer when using such a concrete plant at the facility receives the following advantages compared to the conventional concrete supply scheme:

  • The cost of concrete is lower due to the absence of shipping costs to the object;
  • The ability to promptly get the minimum volume of concrete mix;
  • No need to "choose" the entire volume of the concrete mixer;
  • The possibility of more rational use of other construction equipment due to the supply of concrete directly to the construction site;
  • Independence from the road situation in the city.

Stationary type concrete plants have important advantages. If the buyer's objects of concrete plants are located so that on the way there is no "plugs", if it has a large fleet of concrete mixers, it is advisable to have a high-performance stationary concrete plant. In this case, there is the possibility of receiving and storing a large amount of inert materials and cement, which reduces the cost of concrete. In the industrial zone cheaper land rental, electricity, etc. Of course, there is a smaller number of personnel, which will be enough to serve one BSU, and not several mobile concrete plants. In this case, savings due to the volume of concrete production is achieved. The trend of recent time to increase use in the road construction of concrete, prompted specifically to develop for russian market New Mobile BSU models. In the near future, these new items will go on sale. Thus, stationary concrete plants and mobile concrete plants can be successfully used depending on the specifics of business and conditions of application. IN this moment gives a warranty for products for a period of 24 months. It provides round-the-clock service with operational departure to the place of work and the urgent delivery of spare parts. All work is carried out certified specialists who have been trained in Germany at the manufacturing plant. In the circle of our customers there are construction companies that have placed a mobile or semi-united concrete plant on construction siteAnd there are those who posted the BSU (stationary concrete plant) on its own production base. To the first following - CJSC "SSMU" LENSPETSMU " in St. Petersburg and Inteko Group of Companies In Moscow, to the second - LLC "Combine" Mosinzhbeton " In Moscow I. LLC "SZNAK BETON" in St. Petersburg.

Today's economic situation causes stagnation or decline in sales. Our main task we see an active incentive demand. We have the same as a complex of measures, as a result of which the attractiveness of the goods increases.

We offer our customers very profitable terms Cooperation:

  1. Prices are recorded in ruble equivalent at the level of 2008;
  2. Flexible payment terms: We offer a minimum advance and installment payments;
  3. Delivery time is reduced to a minimum - ready-made plant from a warehouse in Germany for 2 weeks;
  4. The company has the opportunity to offer a potential buyer a source of financing with the cost value of cash resources.

The developed events in the second half of the end of the year is difficult to predict, because All potential consumers are waiting for autumn when either another fall in the economy can occur, or its growth will begin. Therefore, systemic demand at the moment is absent on the market. However, I would like to add that many of our long-standing partners consider the possibility of acquiring new concrete equipment to expand production and in conditions of liquidity deficit. And among our potential buyers there are those who work with government financing, and those who work on their money. Kraft Invest Always open to dialogue with its customers and participants in the construction market. Rada is provided best conditions For your old and new customers.

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