
The number and placement of the population. Placing the population of Russia. Territorial structure of the population of Russia on the subjects of the Federation Placing the population through the territory of the Earth

Population size - quantitative characteristic The combination of all people living in a certain territory, the most common and in demand by the demographic situation.

The specifics of this indicator lies in the fact that the population is:

  • the initial indicator of the socio-demographic and economic development of the country;
  • The basis indicator, as it serves as the basis for calculating many macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP I am inflation. It is also necessary when calculating relative indicatorscharacterizing the intensity and dynamics of demographic processes.

The population of the world throughout history steadily increases. According to the calculated data in 4000 BC. Only 4 million people lived on Earth, in 1000 BC. - 50 million. At the beginning of our era, there were already 300 million people on Earth., By the end of the I thousand AD. - 400 million, in 1500 - 500 million, 1820 - 1 billion, 1900 - 1.6 billion, 1960 - 3 billion, 1993 - 5.65 billion, October 31, 1999. Population Earth was 6 billion, and on November 1, 2011 - 7.0 billion people.

In early 2014 at the 47th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development in the report of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, it was stated that the population of the Earth reached 7.2 billion people.

In the history of mankind there were periods when the population is even temporarily, but significantly decreased: in the XIV century. The plague claimed about 15 million people; In the XIX century In India and China, 25 million people died from hunger; At the beginning of the XX century. From Spanish influenza ("Spanish") in Europe and Russia - approximately 20 million people. ; But the greatest losses occurred during the Second World War - about 60 million people.

According to the UN forecast (2014), by 2025 the population of the Earth will reach 8.1 billion, and by 2050 - 9.6 billion people. (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1

Periods of increasing the population of the world

The number of residents is an absolute momentum, which indicates the size of the Company as of a certain date (usually at the beginning or end of the year). To avoid the abundance of the population and to achieve comparability of data, in demographics resort to the calculation of the central population.

The average population is a conditional estimated value, which reflects the number of society for the period of time as a whole. To find it uses several calculation methods.

1. If there are data at the beginning and end of the year, the formula of a simple arithmetic average is used to calculate the average population:

where S - average population; S h is the population at the beginning of the period; S K is the population at the end of the period.

The advantage of this method is the availability of data and ease of calculation. The disadvantage of the average population according to formula (3.1) is that its changes within the period under consideration are not taken into account. So, for any resort town, the average population calculated according to the beginning and end of the year will be significantly less excluding the seasonal stay of holidaymakers who use transport services, catering etc.

2. If there are data for equal periods of time (at the beginning of each month or year), then the middle chronological formula is applied:

where s 1 S n - The first and last levels of a number of population dynamics respectively.

The advantage of this method is more accurate compared with the first calculation of the average population, and the disadvantage is that the number of days by months is different, and besides the usual there are both leaps.

3. If the population data is available for unequal intervals of time (for example, on January 1, March 1, July 1, etc.), the formula for medium chronological weighted is applied:

where t. - The time interval between each two neighboring levels in a number of population dynamics.

Such a calculation takes into account the length of the time intervals between the existing information about the population, but does not record the qualitative features of one or another period of time.

4. If there are data on the population for a relatively long period of time, for example, at the beginning of 2004 and 2012, then the average logarithmic formula is applied:

The use of this formula when calculating the central population can be substantiated in the impossibility of obtaining detailed data.

The average population is an absolute indicator that allows you to judge the demographic "weight" of a country, territory, etc. (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2.

10 countries with the greatest population

10 countries with the smallest population


Population, people

The proportion of the world's population,%


Saint Kitts and Nevis



San Marino.

A source: Chinese Official Population Clock. URL: Data.stats.gov.cn/english.

From the point of view of management, the change in the quantitative size of the Company for a certain period of time may result in:

  • to an increase in population;
  • stabilization of population number;
  • Reducing the population.

The last option is called depopulation. The process associated with a decrease in the number of residents of any country or territorial unit. Depopulation as a result demographic development Society took place in history more than once, for example, in the second half of the 20th century, when it was manifested in France, in Germany and some other countries, including since the early 1990s and the Russian Federation.

The following signs apply to the classification of varieties of depopulation.

  • 1. Depending on forms manifestations: a) one-time; b) repeated; c) solid depopulation.
  • 2. Depending on character: a) stable; b) Intermittent depopulation.
  • 3. Depending on duration: a) short-term; b) medium-term; c) long-term depopulation.

To assess the development of the depopulation process, such indicators are used as:

where D - depopulation size; S KP , S N.P, is the population population and the beginning of the period, respectively;

where k d - coefficient of depopulation; S i s 0, S - Actual, basic and average annual population, respectively.

From the standpoint of the state, ignoring any questions relating to depopulation as an unfavorable scenario of changes in the population can lead to problems in the way of the development of society.

Great importance in the development of countries and regions has the placement of the population.

Public accommodation is the settlement of residents by countries, regions, in urban and rural areas.

It is characterized in the following conditions:

  • natural climatic. The population is more focused on territories, better adapted to life. Places with extreme natural conditions, such as deserts, glaciers, highlands, do not create favorable prerequisites for people's lives;
  • historical. According to research by many scientists, the formation of human society took place 40-50 thousand years ago, initially in South-West Asia, Northeast Africa and Southern Europe, then people spread throughout the old world, by x millennium BC. settled North and South America, at the end of this period and Australia;
  • socio-economic. With the development of society, the quality of life turned into one of the determining elements of the population.

The following groups of indicators are used to characterize the population.

  • 1. The proportion of the country's population, region in the total number of world, continent, etc. Currently, the greatest part of the world's population lives in Asia (more than 60%).
  • 2. The physical density of the population, calculated as the ratio of the total population to the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory in square kilometers. Its value allows us to evaluate how many people fall on one square kilometer, and shows the degree of population of regions or countries.

Depending on the level of population density (Table 3.3), three groups can be distinguished:

  • Very high - over 200 people / sq. km;
  • Average - 40-200 people / sq. km;
  • Low - 2-40 people / sq. km.

Table 3.3.

Population density of some countries

Rank by density

Area, square. KM

Population, people

I Utility, people / sq. KM






A source: Chinese Official Population Clock. URL: Data.stats.gov.cn/english.

The average population density of the world as of 2013 is 52 people / sq. km, or 48 people / sq. km taking into account Antarctica. Physical density increases with increasing population (in 1890, the average population density of the world was only 12 people / sq. Km).

Separately, the economic density of the population can be calculated, i.e. Only in relation to economically mastered territory. It may differ significantly from the physical density of the population. For example,

for Russia, a large discrepancy will be observed for the regions of Siberia and the Far East.

The population density in Russia as of 2014 was 8.4 people / sq. km. The lowest population density in Russian Federation In the Chukotka Autonomous District - 0.07 people / sq. M. km. The highest density of the population in the Russian Federation - in the Moscow region (including Moscow) - 409 people / square meters. km; In the Moscow region without Moscow, 160 people / square meters. km, in Moscow itself - 4822 people / sq. M. km. ( A source: GKS.RU - federal Service State statistics.)

Information on the population density or degrees of population is of great importance in solving issues on the socio-economic development of one or another territory, the development of transport and trading networks, the construction of social institutions.

  • 3. Distribution of residents between the city and the village. This is one of the most important characteristics of the population. The main indicators here include:
    • The number of urban and rural population;
    • The proportion of urban and rural population;
    • The number of urban residents per 1000 rural;
    • the number of cities by category;
    • Distribution of settlements but the number of residents.

These indicators reflect the distribution of residents between the city and the village, are used as the characteristics of socio-economic development of society. The ego is due to the fact that the availability of transport, trade facilities, educational institutions, health care, etc. The cities are much wider than in rural areas. At the same time, information on the distribution of the population, depending on the place of residence, allow the management bodies of various levels to build more efficient socio-economic policies.

To assess the degree of uniformity of population placement in demographics, such an indicator is used as the territorial concentration index:

where S I - The share of the area of \u200b\u200bthe i-th region in common Square territory of the whole country; P I - The share of the population of the I-th region in the total population of the whole country.

It allows you to highlight the centers of people as in regional aspectand as applied to placement in urban or countryside.

Under the settlement item is meant the place inhabited by people, or the primary unit of the settlement of people within one built-up land plot (city, urban village, village, etc.).

Mandatory feature settlement - The consistency of using it as a habitat from year to year. In Russia, there are the following settlements: Arban, Aul, Vyselok, City, Country village, Village,

zaimka, Kislak, place, graveyard, settlement, town of urban type, village with station, fixing, working settlement, village, Sloboda, Stanitsa, Ulus, Manor, Farm. Despite the varieties of settlements, as a rule, their two main species - urban and rural settlement.

The city is considered a large settlement that performs production, managerial, organizational, cultural functions. Running, cities form urban agglomerations. Modern cities are divided into small (up to 50 thousand inhabitants), medium (50-100 thousand), large (100-250 thousand), large (250-500 thousand), the largest (500 thousand-1 million) and Millionaire city (over 1 million inhabitants).

IN international Practice The urban population includes persons living in urban settlements, and to rural - persons living in rural areas. At the same time, there may have several criteria for city or rural settlement:

  • economic - employment of the population by non-agricultural labor;
  • quantitative - achieving a certain number of residents;
  • legislative - Assignment to the settlement of the status of the city special legislative act;
  • historical - Assignment to the settlement of the status of the city historically.

However, these requirements of criteria are not rigid, they are often linked to each other. The inconsistency of the settlement of any of the criteria (primarily formal, especially by the number of residents) does not carry the automatic loss of the city status, since this requires the adoption of the relevant regulatory legal act (regional law), and minor fluctuations in the population are quite natural.

In Russia, since 1939, the unity of the first three criteria is used, and the status of the city is determined by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In Russia, the city may be a settlement with the number of residents of more than 12 thousand people, among which 85% are workers, employees, as well as members of their families, and which should not be occupied in agriculture. At the same time, two types of cities are distinguished: regional (regional, regional, republican, etc.) and district significance. However, in Russia there are quite a lot (208 out of 1092) cities with a population of less than 12 thousand people. Their status of the city is associated with historical factors and changes in population.

In the XIX century The growth of industrial cities has become a massive, and XX century. It is considered a century of urbanization. Urbanization (lat. urbanus. - urban) - the process of increasing the number of urban population, the growth of cities, raising the role of cities in the development of society. The consequences of urbanization often have not only positive, but also negative: on the one hand, accessibility and comfort, on the other - overcrowding, poor ecology, transport problems. This is evidenced by the following data: in 1900, 13% of the population lived in the world, and by 2000 - already 47%. Currently, more than half of the inhabitants of the planet live in cities. In Russia at the beginning of 2014 urban population amounted to 106.6 million people, or 74% of the total population.

In the practice of international statistics, the concept of "agglomerated territory" was distributed. Urban agglomeration Territorial and economic association of several settlements, usually urban, on the basis of a large-scale multicomponent system with developed production, transport and cultural ties.

As a type of agglomeration since the middle of the last century, such a phenomenon as a suburbanization process of growth and development of large cities began to manifest itself. The growing standard of living allows people to build houses " rural type"In the suburbs, cottage settlements, running away from the shortcomings of urban life - air pollution, noise, etc. With such a situation, the load increases as on public transportAnd on the throughput of roads due to the use of personal cars. In Russia, the first manifestations of suburbanization were observed in the district of Moscow, where this process acquired one distinctive feature: not deciding to abandon the city apartment, many residents of the metropolis are carried out most of the time on country cottages, as a result of which transport problems have significantly increased. In small countries with high population density, such as Belgium and the Netherlands, the suburbs occupy almost all free space, ousting natural landscapes. In the USA, South Africa, Britain, Surbanization is accompanied by the so-called white flight (eng. white Flight): The central areas of the cities are settled by representatives of the Negroid race, while the White Population moves to the suburbs.

The concept of suburbanization is close to the concept of rumbanization (from the English. rural - Rural - the spread of urban forms and living conditions for rural settlements. Such a process involves migration of urban population in rural settlements, travel to the countryside economic activityinherent in the city. In Russia since the beginning of the XXI century. This phenomenon is observed mainly in the Moscow region - industrial enterprises and warehouses derived from Moscow are being built in many rural settlements, the overwhelming majority of the population leads an urban lifestyle.

Reducing the number of rural population and an increase in urban is associated largely with the development of agricultural production, the introduction of equipment and technologies, as a result of which labor is released. It is very clearly visible to the example of economics developed and developing countries. So, B. developed countries Agricultural production is occupied from 3% (United Kingdom) to 15% (Italy, Portugal) of the total number of employed. At the same time, more than half of the active population are employed in Asia, Africa, Latin America in agriculture.

Another reason for increasing the urban population is the legislative decision on the transfer of the settlement from one type to another (from rural to urban). Such a process was held in Russia in the middle

last century due to the policy of industrialization. An example in recent history can be an accession to Moscow new territories (mostly rural) and the formation of the so-called new Moscow.

  • The paragraph uses United Nations Population Information Network, United Nations Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN Information Network, United Nations Population Department - Department of Economic and Social Affairs) from Un.org/popin/.
  • The most massive influenza pandemic in the entire history of mankind in absolute numbers in both the number of infected and the dead.

Analysis of population accommodation is an important task of the geography of the population. Most often it is determined by the number of residents per square kilometer.

Subject: man on planet Earth

Lesson: Planting the population on planet Earth

How people are placed on the earth's surface.

What reasons affect the placement of people on the planet .

People on the planet are extremely uneven (see Fig. 1). Approximately 1/10 of the sushi is still uninhabited (Antarctica, almost all Greenland and so on).

The main indicator characterizing the placement of the population is the density of the population. The average population density of the Earth is 40 people / km 2. However, the unevenness of the location of the population in different regions and countries of the world is enormous. The population density indicator ranges from tenths to 2000 people / km 2.

The population density is the number of residents per km² of territory.

Population density Foreign Europe And Asia is more than 100 people / km 2, in North and South America - about 20 people / km 2, and in Australia and Oceania - no more than 4 people / km 2.

For other estimates, about half of the sushi has a density of less than 1 person per square kilometer, on 1/4 density range from 1 to 10 people per 1 square meter. km, and only the rest of the sushi has a density of more than 10 people per square kilometer. In the populated part of the Earth (Okuman), the average population density is 32 people per square meter. km.

In the eastern hemisphere lives 80%, in northern - 90%, in Asia - 60% of the total population of the Earth.

Fig. 1. Countries - "Recordsmen" in population density

Obviously, a group of countries with a very high population density is allocated - over 200 people per square kilometer. It includes countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Israel, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, El Salvador, etc.

In some countries, the density indicator is close to the medium-level - in Ireland, Iraq, Colombia, Malaysia, Morocco, Tunisia, Mexico, etc.

Some countries are characterized by lower density indicators than the Middle Middle, in them it is not more than 2 people per 1 km 2. This group includes Mongolia, Libya, Mauritania, Namibia, Guiana, Australia, Greenland, etc.

People are unevenly distributed on the hemispheres of the planet. Most of them live in northern (90%) and east (85%) hemispheres. Various population accommodation for individuals, their parts and especially by the countries of the world.

The uneven placement of the population on the planet is explained by a number of factors.

For people's life, heat and moisture, relief and soil fertility are of great importance, sufficient air. Therefore, cold and arid areas are weakly populated, as well as high mountains.

Fig. 2. City on the plain

First, it is a natural environment. For example, it is known that 1/2 of the population of the world is concentrated on lowlands (see Fig. 3).

Humanity has long been to the sea (see Fig. 2). The proximity to Him made it possible to produce food and maintain economic activities related to marine fishing. Sea Paths Opened communication with other land areas. Although they make up less than 30% sushi; 1/3 people live at a distance of no more than 50 kilometers from the sea (the area of \u200b\u200bthis strip is 12% sushi), - the population is like shifting to the sea. This factor was probably leading throughout the human history, but his influence as the socio-economic development weakens. And although extensive areas with extreme and unfavorable natural conditions (deserts, tundra, highlands, tropical forests, etc.) are still weakly populated, all the same natural factors cannot be explained by the expansion of Okumen areas and those huge shifts in the placement of people who happened over the last century.

Fig. 3. City by the ocean

Secondly, a highly strong influence has a historical factor. This is due to the duration of the human settlement process on Earth (about 30-40 thousand years).

Thirdly, the modern demographic situation affects the population. So, in some countries the population increases very quickly due to high natural growth.

In addition, within any country or district, how small them would be, the population density is different and varies greatly depending on the level of development of productive forces. It follows that the indicators of the average population density give only an approximate view of the population and economic potential countries.


Read § 12. Answer questions:

Why is the average population density of the Earth constantly growing?

What reasons affect the placement of people?



1. Geography. Earth and people. Grade 7: Tutorial for general. Uch. / A.P. Kuznetsov, L.E. Savelyeva, V.P. Drones, series of "spheres". - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.

2. Geography. Earth and people. 7 CL.: Atlas, Series "Spheres".


1. N.A. Maximov. Behind the pages of the textbook geography. - M.: Enlightenment.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Tests. Geography. 6-10 kl.: Educational and methodological manual / A. A. Lethagin. - M.: LLC "Agency" CRP "Olymp": Astrel, AST, 2007. - 284 p.

2. Textbook on geography. Tests I. practical tasks According to geography / I. A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

3. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V. P. Bondarev. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 160 p.

4. Thematic tests for preparing for final certification and the exam. Geography. - M.: Balam, ed. House RAO, 2011. - 160 p.

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

4. Textbook on geography ().

5. Geographical reference ().

The population density in these areas reaches several hundred people per km2., While the average population density of the Earth is 40 people per square kilometer, and 15% of sushi is not populated at all.

Such uneven accommodation of the population is caused by a number of interrelated factors: natural (weak territories of territories with unfavorable natural conditions), historical (the earlier person has mastered the territory, the more its number), demographic (the higher, the greater the number) and socio-economic (the better Mastered the territory, the network developed, industry, etc.).

By the nature of the settlement, the population of the world can be divided into urban and rural.

Urban settlement

Cities arose in antiquity as the centers of administrative authorities, trade and crafts. Definition of the city B. different countries Differently. For example, in the US, the city is considered to be the settlement of over 2.5 thousand people, in India - over 5 thousand, Japan - 30 thousand, and B, and - only more than 200 people.

Currently, cities are becoming the main form of resettlement of people, this is evidenced by the change in the relationship between urban and rural population over the past few years.

The process of growth of urban population, an increase in the number of cities and their strengthening, raising the role of cities in modern world called. Now urbanized areas occupy 1% sushi, but they already live with 45% of the population.

This process is characterized by:

  • rapid growth rates of cities;
  • by sprinkling cities, the formation of urban agglomeration;
  • concentration of population in large cities.

Millionaires are highlighted, the number of which has exceeded 300. Closely located cities are often merged, forming agglomeration. Example

The main patterns of public accommodation.
About 70% of the population is focused on 7% of the territory, and 15% of sushi are completely unfurked territories.

90% of the population lives in the northern hemisphere.

Over 50% of the population - up to 200 m above sea level, and up to 45% - up to 500 m. Above the sea level (only in Bolivia, Peru and China (Tibet), the border of the human habitat exceeds 5000 m)

about 30% - at a distance of no more than 50 km from the shore of the sea, and 53% - in the 200-km coastal strip.

In the eastern hemisphere, 80% of the population is a medium density: 45 people / km 2 per 1/2 sushi population density less than 5 people / km 2 Maximum population density: Bangladesh - 1002 people / km 2

Population density in the world

People on the planet are extremely uneven. Approximately 1/10 of the sushi is still uninhabited (Antarctica, almost all Greenland and so on).

For other calculations, about half of the sushi has a density of less than 1 person square kilometer, 1/4 density ranges from 1 to 10 people per 1 square meter. km and only the rest of the sushi has a density of more than 10 people per 1 square kilometer. In the populated part of the Earth (Okuman), the average population density is 32 people per square meter. km.

In the eastern hemisphere lives 80%, in northern - 90%, in Asia - 60% of the total population of the Earth.

Obviously, a group of countries with a very high population density is allocated - over 200 people per square kilometer. It includes countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Israel, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, El Salvador, etc.

In some countries, the density indicator is close to the medium-level - in Ireland, Iraq, Colombia, Malaysia, Morocco, Tunisia, Mexico, etc.

Some countries are characterized by lower density indicators than the Middle Agency - it is at no more than 2 people per 1 km 2. This group includes Mongolia, Libya, Mauritania, Namibia, Guiana, Australia, Greenland, etc.

Causes of uneven settlement

The uneven placement of the population on the planet is explained by a number of factors.
First, it is a natural environment. For example, it is known that 1/2 of the population of the world is concentrated on lowlands, although they make up less than 30% of sushi; 1/3 people live at a distance of no more than 50 kilometers from the sea (the area of \u200b\u200bthis strip is 12% sushi) - the population is like shifting to the sea. This factor was probably leading throughout the human history, but his influence as the socio-economic development weakens. And although extensive areas with extreme and unfavorable natural conditions (deserts, tundra, highlands, tropical forests, etc.) are still weakly populated, all the same natural factors cannot be explained by the expansion of Okumen areas and those huge shifts in the placement of people who happened over the last century.
Secondly, a highly strong influence has a historical factor. This is due to the length of the process of human resettlement on Earth, (about 30 - 40 thousand years).
Thirdly, the modern demographic situation is affected by the population. So, in some countries the population increases very quickly due to high natural growth.

In addition, within any country or district, how small them would be, the population density is different and varies greatly depending on the level of development of productive forces. It follows that indicators of the average population density give only an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bthe population and economic potential of the country.

Such uneven placement of the population is caused by a number of interrelated factors: natural, historical, demographic and socio-economic.

The population is placed on the territory of the globe very unevenly. This is due to the influence of a large number of factors that can be divided into three groups.

· Natural. We defined in the settlement of people before the transition of humanity to farming and animal husbandry. From the most important here you can select absolute height, relief, climate, the presence of water objects, natural zonality as a complex factor.

· Socio-economic. These factors are directly related to the development of human civilization and their influence on the placement of the population intensified as the productive forces. Despite the fact that human society will never fully acquire independence from nature, currently the factors relating to this group are determining the formation of the Earth settlement system. These include the development of new territories, development natural resources, construction of various business objects, population migration, etc.

· Environmental factors. In fact, also belong to socio-economic. However, starting from the last quarter of the XX century, their effect has increased dramatically, which has become the basis for their allocation into a separate group. The influence of these factors is already determined not only by separate local events (Chernobyl accident, the problem of the Aral Sea, etc.), and increasingly acquires a global nature (problems of pollution of the world ocean, greenhouse effect, ozone holes, etc.).

Historically, most of the population lives in Asia. Currently, in this part of the world there are more than 3.8 billion people (2003), which is over 60.6% of the population of our planet. Almost equal to the population of America and Africa (approximately 860 million people, or 13.7%), are significantly lagging behind the rest of Australia with Oceania (32 million people, 0.5% of the population number of the world.

In Asia, mostly there are most countries that have the greatest population. Among them, according to this, the leader has long been the leader (1289 million people, 2003), further india (1069 million people), USA (291.5 million people), Indonesia (220.5 million) pers.). The population of over 100 million people have seven other states: Brazil (176.5 million people), Pakistan (149.1 million people), Bangladesh (146.7 million people), Russia (144.5 million . people), Nigeria (133.8 million people), Japan (127.5 million people) and Mexico (104.9 million people). At the same time, the population of Grenada, Dominica, Tonga, Kiribati, Marshall Islands was only 0.1 million people.

The main indicator of the population is its density. This indicator is growing as the population increases and now on average in the world it is 47 people / km. However, it is essentially differentiated by region of the world, countries and, in most cases, according to various regions of countries, which is determined by previously called groups of factors. Among the parts of the world is the highest population density in Asia - 109 people / km and Europe - 87 people, America - 64 people / km. Africa and Australia with Oceania are significantly lagging behind - respectively, 28 people / km and 2.05 people / km. The differences in the density of the population in the context of individual countries are even more expressed. Typically, small ones are more tightly populated. Among them are especially allocated by Monaco (11583 people / km, 2003) and Singapore (6785 people). Of the others: Malta - 1245 people / km, Bahrain - 1016 people / km, Maldives - 999 people / km. In the group of larger countries, Bangladesh leads (1019 people), a significant density in Taiwan - 625 people / km, Republic of Korea - 483 people / km, Belgium - 341 people / km, Japan - 337 people / km, India - 325 people / km. At the same time, in Western Sahara, the density does not exceed 1 person / km, in Suriname, Namibia and Mongolia - 2 people, in Canada, Iceland, Australia, Libya, Mauritania and a number of other countries - 3 people / km. In the Republic of Belarus, the density rate is close to the average and is 48 people / km.

Demographic factor

Demographic factors have a great influence on the rational placement of productive forces. When placing individual enterprises and industries, it is necessary to take into account both the demographic situation, as well as a promising situation, as well as the future increase in production itself. When placing the construction of new business objects, it should be borne in mind that the population in working age is reduced. Therefore, the task of saving labor resources, more rational use, the release of labor as a result of the integrated mechanization and automation of production, the best organization of labor.

The modern demographic situation is characterized by a large uneven settlement. The areas of the European part of the country are more tightly populated: the Central, North-West, North Caucasus. At the same time, the districts of Siberia and the Far East, the North have a very low population density.

Therefore, in the construction of new large industries in the East and the North of the country, it is necessary to attract labor resources from multiple European regions of the country to these areas, to create a favorable social infrastructure for them in order to consolidate these personnel in newly mastered areas with extreme conditions.

In connection with the growth of production in the eastern regions of the country and the acute deficit in them, labor resources, especially highly qualified personnel, are tasked with the tasks of all-time intensification of production, accelerating the training of qualified personnel and attract labor resources from European regions of the country.

Of great importance is the labor factor and in the promising development of agriculture, where there is a significant drawback in labor resources. Only the solution of the most important social problems on the village, private property On earth, rapprochement of the levels of life of the city and village, the full development of housing construction and other infrastructure industries will provide an opportunity to consolidate personnel, especially youth, in the village.

An important part of personnel policy affecting the development and placement of production is the factor wages, especially for the districts of the North, Eastern districts, that is, the areas of workforce with extreme conditions, weakly populated.

Population accommodation - This is the result of the spatial distribution of the population for a certain period of time. The most important characteristic of the placement is population density - The degree of population of the specific territory, the number of a permanent population coming to a unit of the square (usually 1 km 2). With a medium-level population density indicator, about 45 people / km 2 in some countries it exceeds 500 (Table 4.11).

Table 4.11

World countries with the highest average population density as of 2015

Examples of such countries can be Monaco, Singapore, Bahrain, Mauritius, etc. Especially high indicators in small and microculars: in Monaco - more than 18,000, in Singapore - more than 7,000, in Malta - over 1200.

On the other hand, Antarctica does not have a permanent population at all, and in Greenland 1 people account for 35 km 2. The largest areas of the country of the world - Russia and Canada - have a population density of only 8.5 and 3.4 people / km 2, respectively. Such unevenness in placing the population of the Earth is related to the fact that humanity has long been concentrated in areas with the most favorable conditions for economic activities (Table 4.12).

Table 4.12

World countries with the lowest population density as of 2015

Currently, the most densely populated areas with the density of the population over 300 people / km 2 are only 7% of the land area, but there are more than 70% of all mankind in them. About 15% of the Sushi area - desert, impassable forests, highlands - almost not populated.

Maintenance of the population - This is the process of distribution and redistribution of the population on a certain territory, as a result of which a network of settlements appears. The most important pattern of population settlement is the compliance of the forms of resettlement the level of development of the economy. For primitive society, the slow economic development of the territory was characterized. Therefore, the resettlement of the primitive era was dispersed, often it was nomadic. When moving to the agrarian era, a settled form of resettlement is fixed, networks of settlements - rural and urban are created. However, the overwhelming part of the population in this era lived in rural settlements. The industrial society is inherent in the concentration of the population in the cities, and in the post-industrial distinction between the city and the village in the social and economic sense they are erased, since the city's lifestyle applies to the countryside. This phenomenon got a name rurbanization.

Currently, there are two main forms of population settlement: rural and urban. About 47% of the Earth's population lives in cities, and the share of citizens in the world grows. The historical process of increasing the role of cities in the development of society, the wide distribution of the urban lifestyle and urban culture is called urbanization (from lat. urbanus - urban). In a narrow sense, under urbanization, the growth of cities, especially large, and increase the share of citizens on any territory. The main indicators of urbanization are its rates, level and form.

The rate of urbanization shows the speed of distribution of this process in the world as a whole and in its separate parts, and the level is the proportion of the population living in the cities. During the entire history of mankind, the growth of cities took place at a very slow pace. Back in the middle of the XIX century. In cities, only about 4% of the population of the Earth lived. The fracture occurred only in the XX century. And was associated with the industrialization of the world economy. Over the past century, the share of citizens in the world has increased almost 4 times - from 13 to 47% of the world's population. And the number of urban population for the same period increased 13 times. At the beginning of the XXI century. More than 3 billion people lived in cities. The rapid increase in urbanization, whose peak fell on the second half of the 20th century, when the rate of urbanization reached 2.6% per year, got the name of the "urban explosion". By the time he coincided with a demographic explosion. At the beginning of the XXI century. The urban population grows about three times faster than rural, although the natural population growth in cities is two times lower than in rural areas. This means that cities grow to a greater extent due to the mass migration of the rural population. Currently, the average rate of urbanization is about 2% per year, but they are very different in the countries of the world. For developed countries of the world, entered into the post-industrial stage of economic development, they are less than 0.3% per year. In these countries, the level of urbanization is high (more than 70%), and the growth of the urban population has practically stopped.

In developing countries, urbanization rates are significantly higher - about 4% per year. They are especially great in West African countries, South Asia (8-13% per year), i.e. Where the level of urbanization is still small (less than 1/3 at the medium level for developing countries 4/5), and the pace of natural population growth is high. The agricultural sector of these countries is not able to feed the rapidly increasing rural population, which is forced to look for work in cities.

In general, the highest level of urbanization is characteristic of developed countries, micro-states, as well as for countries in which, due to natural conditions, agriculture is hampered (Table 4.13).

Table 4.13

World countries with maximum urban population shares as of

for 2015

The lowest rates of urbanization are the least developed countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania, whose economy is in the agricultural stage of development (Table 4.14). The phenomenon in this group is Liechtenstein - the developed micro-state of Europe with a low share of the urban population.

World countries with minimal shares of urban population as of

for 2015

The share of urban population,%

Papua New Guinea

Australia and Oceania

Trinidad and Tobago

Latin America


Sri Lanka

Saint Lucia

Latin America

Currently in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, Latin America, Australia and European CIS countries, the level of urbanization is 3/4 of the population; In Asia and Africa - about 1/3. However, about 70% of the citizens of the planet live in developing countries (primarily in Foreign Asiawhere their total quantity is 1.5 times higher than their total number in developed countries), which reflects the general global tendency to change the share of regions in the population of the world.

The main form of urbanization is the actual city or urban settlement. The city is among the settlements of certain humanities, performing specific, mainly non-adventural (industrial, transport, cultural, administrative-political and other) functions. The population (humanity) of the settlement, after which it is already considered the city, varies in different countries. For example, in Russia it is 12 thousand people, in the USA - 2.5 thousand, in the Netherlands - 20 thousand, in Japan - 50 thousand, and in Iceland - only 200 people.

One of the peculiarities of modern urbanization is the concentration of the population in the largest cities with the population of more than 1 million people, or hyperurbanization. The largest number of millionaire cities is located in China, USA, India, Brazil and Russia. The same countries are leading in the absolute number of citizens. In addition, in the world there are 16 "Supergorodov" with the population of more than 10 million people. Each (Table 4.15).

The largest cities of the world with a number of more than 10 million people. As of 2015


Number of residents, million people.



Europe Asia


São Paulo.






Most of them fall on developing countries. However, for modern urbanization, not only the growth of cities is characteristic. The suburban zones are growing. This process is called suburbanization. The city is no longer a point. It gradually grow up, including the neighboring settlements and satellite cities. Suburbanization leads to education urban agglomerations - systems of urban settlements related to each other intensive industrial, labor, cultural and recreational relations. Further development of urban agglomerations can lead to their merchandise and education megalopolisov (from Greek. megas - Huge I. pOLIS - City) - the highest form of concentration of urban population. Megalopolis is not a zone of solid urban development: approximately 90% of its area occupy open spaces: cottages, fields, forests, transport routes, reservoirs, free lands. However, there are close socio-economic ties between the formulating agglomerations and the constant movement of the population. The number of megalopolis in the world is still small. In the United States allocate five megalopolis, which lives about 50% of the country's population. This is an atlantic stretching from Boston to Washington, or Bosvash (60 million people); Prioznaya - 40 million people. (Chicago - Detroit - Pittsburgh, or "Chipits"); California - 22 million people. (San Francisco - San Diego, or "Sansan"), East-Florida (Miami) and Primexican (Houston - New Orleans) Megalopolis are still at the formation stage, and the population is about 10 million people. In Japan, there is Megalopolis Tokaido (Tokyo Nagoya - Osaka) with a population of more than 55 million people, where more than 40% of the country's inhabitants live. But the record holder in terms of population among megalopolis is certainly European - about 100 million people, or almost 1/4 of the population of foreign Europe (without sleep)! European megalopolis is a gigantic accumulation of cities located in many countries. It extends from Manchester and London in the North-West of Europe through the Dutch Earlings (Amsterdam - Hague - Rotterdam) and then through the Rour Oblast and Frankfurt am Main in Germany, Paris in France on Rhine, capturing Switzerland (Basel) and Italy, and Ends in Milan. Due to the form, curved from the North-West to the southwest, this megalopolis was called the "European Banana".

Despite the "urban explosion", about half of the inhabitants of the Earth still live in rural settlements. Especially high, the share of the rural population in foreign Asia is 65% and Africa - 70%. In China and India, the share of rural residents is respectively 70 and 73%. But leading in the share of the rural population of the country of tropical Africa (Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda) and South Asia (Bhutan and Nepal). Depending on the natural conditions, as well as from the historical traditions of a particular country, in rural settlement, two forms can be distinguished: group (village, village) and dispersed (farm, farm).

In adverse climatic conditions, the permanent population is often absent. Here, especially in the arid climate (Northern and West Africa, South-West and Central Asia), there are nomadic form of settlement to this day. The number of nomads in the world is about 25-30 million people.

Moving people across the boundaries of certain territories with a variety of place of residence forever or for more or less long time is called mechanical movement of the population or migration (from lat. migratio - Resettlement). Migration person is called a migrant. Migrations exist as well as a long time, like the human himself. At the dawn of the history of mankind, the process of settling the mainland took place, then the great relocation of peoples in the IV-VII centuries. and the great geographical discoveries of the XVI century, the settlement of America and Australia in the XVII-XIX centuries. Nevertheless, it can be said that in general, in the conditions of the traditional economy, people led a settling lifestyle. Migrating them could only force some extraordinary events, such as hunger and deprivation, caused by the invasion of the enemy or an unexpected natural cataclysm (flooding, volcanic eruption, climate change). But gradually, as the industrial approval, and then the post-industrial society, there is a transition from a settled way of life to the growing territorial movement of the population. This process called a migration transition is associated with progress in the field of transport and means of communication, formation first national, and then world labor and capital markets.

All variety of migration processes can be reduced to several types. One of the main signs of allocation of migration types is the purpose of the intersection of state borders by migrants. On this basis, there is an external migration divided by emigration (departure from the country), immigration (entry into the country) and internal migration. A foreigner coming on legal grounds to the country with a view to permanent residence And the work is called an immigrant, and a person leaving the country in order to change the place of residence - an emigrant. Another type of external migration is reedamigration, or the return of the migrant to the homeland.

Internal migrations include the movement of the population within the same country. Its main direction, especially in developing countries, from the village to the city. Such migrations increase the level of urbanization in the country. In accordance with the temporary criterion, constant (irrevocable) and temporary migration (refundable) are distinguished. To temporary migration seasonal.It is connected either with seasonal agricultural works, such as livestock distillation to another pasture, harvesting, etc., or with socio-cultural activities: a ride to study, for rest, for treatment, etc. Pendulum Migrations - Regular movement of the population from one settlement to another to work or study and back - also refer to temporary migrations. Such migrations were developed under the conditions of suburbanization. Important for disclosure of the entity of migration processes has the classification of migrations for reasons (motifs) and according to the methods of implementation. Among the motives of migrations it is necessary to allocate socio-economic (labor migrations), political, military, religious, national, environmental. The consequence of the increased influence of the latter was a significant increase in the world of refugees. The special type of labor migration is the "mind leak" - departure of qualified specialists from developing and post-socialist countries in industrialized, where they can work in best conditions And for big money. According to the method of implementing migration, there may be voluntary, forced (refugees) and violent (deportation). According to statistics, at the beginning of the XXI century. There were more than 25 million refugees in the world, and 3/4 of their numbers fall into developing countries of Asia and Africa. Military actions in Afghanistan led to flight from a country more than 6 million people., Inter-ethnic conflict in Rwanda and Burundi drove about 3 million people from emerging places., And civil wars in Somalia and Liberia are more than 1 million people. Each. Recently, refugee streams have increased in relatively prosperous and calm Europe. For example, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the subsequent military conflict in this region and the practice of "ethnic cleansing" (violent movement of the population in order to create ethnically homogeneous territories) and the deportations of the population led to the flow of refugees whose number exceeded 3 million people. The emergence of refugees contributes to life-threatening person to the deterioration of the environmental situation in areas of residence caused by technogenic catastrophes (for example, refugees from areas adjacent to the Chernobyl NPP) or natural cataclysms (an example of a volcano on the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean in 1997 is the example of the latter case. , forced to leave the island most of its population).

On the start XXI in. The volume of international migrations exceeded 150 million people., and the average annual growth rates of the number of migrants were 2.5%. In the modern world, three main areas of attraction of migrants can be distinguished (Table 4.16).

Countries of the world leading by the number of migrants as of 2015

Number of immigrants, million people.

The proportion of immigrants in the country's population,%



Europe Asia


Great Britain



Australia and Oceania

This is primarily North America and the EU - over 25 million migrants in each region, then the countries of the Persian Gulf - 10-15 million. Among other countries attracting migrants should be called Australia, South Africa, Israel, Brazil and NIS Asia. In Russia, there are also a migration increase in population. For the period from 1989 to 2002. The country left 5.4 million people, and arrived - almost 11 million in this way, the migration increase in Russia for 13 years amounted to more than 5.5 million people. About 45% of the population of Israel and 20% of Australia also arrived in these countries due to the border, i.e. Almost 2.5 and 5 million people. However, in these cases, statistics do not take into account the data of people as immigrants, as they receive citizenship of the arrival countries (naturally) and therefore are no longer foreigners. The main suppliers of migrants are South countries (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh), Southeast (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) and South-West Asia (Turkey, Iran and Yemen), North (Egypt, Algeria and Morocco) and tropical

(Congo) Africa, Southern Europe (Portugal, Greece and Spain) and Latin America (especially Mexico).

Labor migration leads to serious economic consequences both for countries importing countries and for its exporters. The country's foreign labor force use it as a factor in the development of its productive forces. Immigrants make it possible to function normally to the branches of the economy of labor importing countries that lack frames. Therefore, immigrants work mainly on those production that are not in demand from the local population due to their labor intensity, low pay and impersonality. So, for example, at present, foreign workers are in France more than 35% of employed in the automotive industry, in Switzerland - 40% of all construction workers, in Kuwait - almost 100% working in oil production. Migrants are also attracted to those areas of economic activity, where countries, their host, lacking specialists of the right profile. In this case, the governments of these countries save large funds in training. For example, as a result of the "leakage of the minds" of the United States saved in the field of education and scientific activity For the period from 1965 to 1990. More than $ 15 billion in the share of immigrant workers engaged in the country's economy, the world leads the state of the Persian Gulf - 65% on average in the region. In Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia Their share was 70-80%, and in the UAE - over 90% of the country's workforce.

Labor migration brings positive economical effect Country exporters of labor, as it contributes to the normalization of the situation in their labor markets and reduces unemployment. So, in Pakistan in the second half of the 1990s. Migration abroad made it possible to reduce unemployment by one third. A similar situation is also in neighboring India and Bangladesh. Moreover, studies show that the migration of labor contributes to an average wage and income of the poorest part of the donor countries. The emigration of labor contributes to the growth of the qualifications of workers leaving abroad. Abroad, migrants join more modern technologies, higher standards of discipline and organization of production, which increases the quality of labor resources of their countries when returning immigrants to their homeland. Important for the economies of labor exporting countries has an influx foreign currencythat migrant workers are transferred to their relatives.

  • 6. 7.
  • 2) US;
  • 3) United Kingdom;

What types of migration can you call? Give examples.

What caused international labor migrations from developing countries to developed?

What countries are the greatest refugee outflows in recent decades?

What are the main immigration centers in the world you know?

Test tasks

The medium-sized population density of the world is:

  • 1) from 5 to 10 people / km 2;
  • 2) from 20 to 25 people / km 2;
  • 3) about 100 people / km 2;
  • 4) from 40 to 50 people / km 2.

Select two countries in which the highest population density indicator is recorded:

  • 1) Canada; 4) Monaco;
  • 2) Bangladesh; 5) Russia;
  • 3) Australia; 6) Kazakhstan.

Select the capital of countries with the smallest population density indicators:

  • 1) Seoul; 4) Washington;
  • 2) Tokyo; 5) Brussels;
  • 3) Canberra; 6) Shanghai.

The average valuation of the urban population is:

  • 1) less than 20%;
  • 2) from 20 to 30%;
  • 3) from 30 to 40%;
  • 4) from 40 to 50%;
  • 5) more than 50%.

Select European states with the maximum indicators of the urban population:

  • 1) Argentina; 5) Israel;
  • 2) United Kingdom; 6) Albania;
  • 3) Belgium; 7) Germany;
  • 4) Russia; 8) Netherlands.

Select the region with the lowest urbanization rate:

  • 1) Africa; 4) Australia and Oceania;
  • 2) North America; 5) Europe;
  • 3) Asia; 6) Latin America.

Highlight the country whose capital is the largest city in the world:

  • 1) China; 4) Japan;
  • 5) India;
  • 6) Brazil.

Explain the features of the urbanization of North Africa countries. Write down the conclusions obtained.

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