
The main linguistic families of East Asia. Language families and groups of Foreign Asia. Studying a new material

Ministry of General I. professional education Rostov region GBOU SPO RO "Kamensky Institute of Construction and Car Service".


Under the discipline "Geography".

on the topic: "Ethnolinguistic and religious composition of subregions of foreign Asia".

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In foreign Asia, more than a thousand peoples live - from small tribal ethnic groups, numbering several hundred people to the largest people in the number of people. Four people of this region (the Chinese, Hindusans, Bengaltsy and the Japanese) have more than 100 million people each. Eight more nations (Panjabtsy, Biharians, Yavalents, Koreans, Telugu, Marathi, Tamils \u200b\u200band Viegets) are from 50 million to 100 million people. The same peoples are "millionaires" here 107, and they account for 98% of the population of the region.

The peoples of foreign Asia are about 15 linguistic families; There is also no such linguistic diversity in any other large region of the planet. The largest of them in the number of people is a Sino-Tibetan family, sharply dominant in East Asia. In second place there is an Indo-European family whose peoples are resettled mainly in the northern part of South Asia, in Iran and Afghanistan. The third place belongs to the Austronesian family, presented primarily in the island world of Southeast Asia, the fourth - the Dravidian family, in whose languages \u200b\u200bpeoples of the southern part of South Asia, the fifth - an Avruzia-and-the-domed family, represented by some indochy peoples. Further follows the Altai family, the peoples of which, as it were, the northern border of the region from the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean, Thai (Paratec) family in Indochita, Afrazian (Semito-Khamita) family represented by the relatives of the Arab peoples of South-West Asia.

Depending on the national composition and nature of ethnic relationships, a prominent domestic ethnographer and the ethnogeographer S. I. Brooke subsected the countries of Foreign Asia into four groups. For the first of them, he was attributed homogeneous nationally, where the main people is more than 95% of the total population. The second group included those where the main people is 70-95% of the total population, to the third - countries where the main people own only about half or more (but not over 70%) of the entire population. Finally, the fourth group is formed by countries inhabited by many major peoples, none of which makes most of the population. All these groups are shown in Table 29.

The first group includes Japan, both Korea, Bangladesh, related to the number of the most typical single-nation states in the world, as well as some Arab countries in South-West Asia.

The second group, the largest, includes all other Arab countries in South-West Asia - are also almost odonational, where foreign national minorities are mainly associated with labor migrations. A certain exception is only Iraq with a significant layer of Kurds. Of the non-monastic countries of South-West Asia, Turkey, Israel and Cyprus are also included in the second group. In Turkey, the main national minority also form Kurds, in Israel - Arabs-Palestinians, whose share due to higher population growth has increased from 10% in 1950 to 19% in our day. The population of Cyprus consists of two main ethnic communities: Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

South Asia countries are presented in the second group of Sri Lanka, the states of Southeast Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Singapore, and Central and East Asia - Mongolia and China. Most of these countries are already multinational, but with a sharp predominance of the main nation. China is the most striking example of this kind, where national minorities are less than 9% of the population, but this corresponds to 115 million people. Of the 56 minorities 16 have more than 1 million people. And the areas of their distribution (five autonomous regions of China and the province of Guanus, Qinghai, Guizhou and Hainan) occupy 6 million km2, or 63% of the country's territory. Thailand is a multinational country inhabited by more than 30 nations, which belong to the four language families.

The third group includes five countries of Southeast and South Asia. Pakistan is also most typical of them - also a multinational state, but with a more uniform composition, since all four main inhabiting his people belong to the Indo-European family.

The fourth group includes five more states. These are the two countries of Southeast Asia - Indonesia and the Philippines, similar to those with a very large number of peoples (in Indonesia from 100 to 350, in the Philippines approximately 75) for the most part they belong to the Austronesian family and are relative to each other. As for Afghanistan, this is obviously one of the countries of Foreign Asia with the most difficult national (ethnic) composition. The entire South and the Northeast of Afghanistan are inhabited by Iranian-speaking (Afghans-Pushtun, Tajiks, Hazaraza), and the North-West - Turkche-Panitary (Uzbeks, Turkmen) peoples. The total number of peoples exceeds 30. Part of them still retains a tribal division. It is also an Iran - a south-western Asian state inherent in ethnically, inhabited by more than 40 nations. And this, finally, India is the most multinational country of the world, which is inhabited by more than 500 nations, nations and tribal groups speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof four language families. 29 nations of India have more than 1 million people.

Summarizing all this, it is necessary, apparently, to argue that more homogeneous national population is characteristic primarily for Eastern and South-West Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan. In Southeast Asia, the polyethnic composition of the population prevails in the archipelago countries (Indonesia, Philippines), as well as in Horny Indochite, is one of the most complex in ethnically affected areas of the world.

For many countries of Southeast Asia, the presence of a relatively large Chinese diaspora. The total number of such ethnic Chinese, or, as they are called here, Huqiao ("Chinese guests"), reaches 40-45 million people. They moved here from South China in the colonial period of the history of foreign Asia, forming a significant layer of predominantly urban residents - merchants, Roshovists, minor employees, artisans. Huatsiao still retain their tongue, religion, features of a living place, without losing and connections with historical homeland.

Naturally, such a complex composition of the population of countries of foreign Asia could not help but lead to acute interethnic conflicts, which are usually heated also by economic, political, religious contradictions, long-standing territorial disputes, as mentioned above. It is characteristic that a sharp deterioration in the economic situation in Southeast Asia in 1997-1998. In connection with the financial crisis, accompanied, for example, in Indonesia, mass performances against Huqiao.

Religions of Foreign Asia

Asia is the part of the world, where all the largest religions of the globe originated, including three world. In the future, some of them spread predominantly in other parts of the world, but most remained mostly Asian. First of all, this refers to such global religions as Muslim and Buddhism.

Muslims of Foreign Asia are very widely distributed: more than 800 million people profess this religion, or more than 55% of all followers of Islam in the world and 20% of all residents of this region. In many countries of foreign Asia, Islam is not only the dominant, but also a state religion. This is also evidenced by the official names of some states - such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan (with the capital of Islamabad, i.e., the city of Islam), Islamic state of Afghanistan. This is also reminded by the image of the crescent and the presence of green on the state flags of many countries. For example, the Green State Flag of Saudi Arabia is a monarchical standard of the founder of the Saudites dynasty, the first king of the country Ibn Saud. The inscription on the flag is the initial phrase of the Quran: "There is no God, except for Allah, and Magomet - the prophet."

Malaysia and Brune, and in East Asia - in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Area in the north-west of China. As reflected in the same figure, Muslims of most Asian countries profess Islam Sunni sense, i.e., along with the sacred Scriptures of Islam - Koran, His sacred legend is recognized - Sunna. The main stronghold of Islam Shiite was and remains Iran. But Shiites also prevail in Iraq, in Bahrain and are quite widely represented in Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan.

Muslim cult comes from the fact that, according to the Qur'an, the whole life of a person is being considered as the service of God and prepare for the afterlife by passing the tests that Allah presented. The most important rites of Islam include the reading of the Quran, which should be in every family, Namaz - prayer, which is supposed to be done five times a day - from dawn to the beginning of the night, compliance with the post during the month of Ramadan, Sunnat, or circumcision, filing alms, worship holy places. Special importance has a hajj (hajzh) - pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, - who should strive to make every adult Muslim in his life, be it a man or woman.

To the shrines of Islam in Mecca - Mohammed Motherland - applies primarily by the main mosque of the Muslim world Al-Harama. In the courtyard of this mosque, which accommodates up to 300 thousand people, is the quadrangular stone building of Kaaba ("Kaaba" means "cube"), in the northern wall of which the round black stone went into the silver hoop, which is apparently, of meteoric origin, which is the main The object of worship of Muslims, because, according to legend, he was sent from Heaven Allah. In the medina, the main shrine of Islam is considered a mosque built on the place where, by legend, Mohammed died. And in all over the homeland of Islam, there are 35 thousand mosques, which are the necessary affiliation of all city districts and villages; They are equipped with electricity and water, are removed by carpets.

Muslims start their christmas report from that year when Muhammed moved from Mecca to Medina (in Christian christianity, this corresponds to 622 N. e.).

Hadja's geography covers the entire Muslim world (Fig. 82). The number of pilgrims in the second half of the XX century. Recently increased. Even in the early 1950s. It rarely exceeded 100 thousand people, in the late 1970s reached 1 million, and in the late 1990s. - 2 million people and more.

Pilgrims, who in former times had to cross the desert on the camels or twist on small ship's shods, now arrive in Jedda by airplanes or sea courts. From Jeddah, they are sent to Mecca, in the distant surroundings of which a huge camp camp is broken for them. Hajj is performed in a strict term - from 7 to 13th the number of the last, twelfth month lunar calendar (Zul-Hij Ms). This is due to the fact that, according to legend, it was these days in 632, Mohammed made his last visit to Mecca. He, according to legend, determined the main procedure of Hajj, which, as it were, symbolizes some events associated with the life of Ibra-Him - Biblical Abraham, who is considered afficient and Arabs, and Jews. This procedure is very difficult. On the first day, pilgrims dressed in new white clothing must listen to the sermon and walk around Kaaba seven times, then one more time to run between two hills and prayed on each of them by contacting Mecca. On the second day, the Army pilgrims visits the arafat mountain located 20 km from Mecca. On the third day, it remains in the Valley of Arafat, performing different religious rites, on the fourth - returns to the near neighborhood of Mecca. And in the last days of Hajj Pilgrimniki - like the entire Muslim world - celebrate the most important holiday, the feast of the sacrifice (in Arabic - ID al-Aja, and in Turkic - Kurban Bayram). As sacrificial animals, sheep or rams are used, but sometimes also bulls, cows, camels. In order to satisfy the need for such animals, Saudi Arabia has to additionally buy hundreds of thousands of sheep's heads and rams in Australia and New Zealand. It can be added that as the number of pilgrims increases during the Haja, there were increasingly difficulty incidents: hundreds, even thousands of Muslims die from the crown and emerging fires. Therefore, the ministry of Hajja Saudi Arabia in lately pays a lot of attention to ensuring its safety. The second of the world's religions presented in Foreign Asia, Buddhism. Buddhists here more than 530 million, therefore, it is in this region that almost all Buddhists of the world are concentrated. They are in the eastern, and in southeastern, and in South Asia, but - like Sunnimites and Shiites in Islam - here also distinguish adherents of the two main directions of Buddhism - Fryana and Mahayana (Fig. 81).

Cryana, which is also called southern Buddhism, prevails in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, but its supporters are also found in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and in other countries. According to exemplary calculations, Cryana profess almost 2/5 of all Buddhists of Foreign Asia. Mahayana, or Northern Buddhism, is common among the Buddhists of Japan, Korea, is found in China, Vietnam and in a number of other countries. As for the crowns, it is characterized by division into numerous sects (schools). In total, Mahayan is confirmed by a little more than 1/2 of all Buddhists. The rest of them accounted for by the third direction of Buddhism - Lamaism, which is often considered one of the currents of Mahayana.

Lamaism dominates among believers in Mongolia, in two regions of China (Tibet, inner Mongolia), in Nepal, Bhutan.

The administrative center of Tibet - Lhasa - from the beginning of the XV century. He served as the location of the high priest of the Lamisian Church of the Dalai Lama. The huge Palace of Potala, who was his residence, was supposed to cause a sacred trembling in the residents of a mountainous Tibet, pilgrims, who came after long-weary to the citadel Lamaism. However, in 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama emigrated to India. In Mongolia, Lamaism became an official religion at the end of the XVI century. Then the first Buddhist monastery was built. By the time of the revolution of 1921, such monasteries were already 750, and the share of monks in all the male population reached 40%.

The third world religion is Christianity -Instanding in Foreign Asia is quite limited. The dominant religion is only in the Philippines (Catholicism, planted by Spain in this ex-colony) and in Cyprus (Orthodoxy). In Lebanon, where Christianity penetrated immediately after its occurrence, Christians make up 1/3 believers.

But national and regional religious proliferated in this region are very wide. First of all, it includes Hinduism, Confucianism, Sintoism and Judaism.

Hinduism in the number of adherents (950 million people) is much inferior to Islam, but significantly exceeds Buddhism, and 99% of all Hindus of the world are residents of Asia. Nevertheless, Hinduism is usually not related to world religion - for the simple reason that (despite the presence of Hindus in Nepal, Bangladesh), the overwhelming majority of them (94%) are concentrated only in one country - India.

Confucianism is the prevailing religion in his homeland - in China. However, it is quite difficult to determine the number of its adherents, because in China, as specialists noted, the phenomenon of polyconfessionality is distributed, when the same person can send cults of two, or even three religions - usually Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

This polyconfessionality is also characteristic of Japan, but in it, along with Buddhism, syntoism is common (the word "SINTO" in the literal translation is "the path of the gods"). After the Revolution of Maidzi in the middle of the XIX century. Sintoism in this country was erected into the rank of state religion and remained such until 1945.

Judaism - one of the oldest Eastern religions - now in foreign Asia is represented only in Israel (where, by the way, only 1/3 of all adherents of Judaism in the world concentrates). Judaism here is a state religion. Like any other religion, it has many features, specific features.

On Saturdays, Judaists are prohibited not only to work, but even to light and extinguish fire. They can not be worn by clothes made from different fibers, and at the same time pockets should be above the belt. Men must always walk with a covered head. It is impossible to use pork, horseback, encouraged, some other types of meat, and meat food should be prepared specially. It is forbidden to mix meat and dairy products. And the years of the Judaists lead from the creation of the world, which, according to their beliefs, occurred more than 5,700 years ago. For example, 2008 on this chossing - 5769th!

Finally, in foreign Asia, there are still quite large foci of spreading local traditional beliefs. They are located in populated by small peoples mountainous areas of South China, Indochina countries, Indonesia. Almost every village there are specialists in black and white magic, sorcerers and shamans. In the Indonesian outback, people believe that if several times in life change their name, then it is possible to mislead the evil spirits and protect themselves from diseases and various kinds of everyday unfortunately.

It has already been said that in many countries of the region, religious contradictions are closely closed with ethnic and others. It remains to add that in some cases they act on the fore. An example of this kind can serve as a Lebanese Arab country, where one part of the population confesses Islam, and the other is Christianity. According to the Interfaith Agreement, the President of Lebanon should be a Christian, Chairman of Parliament - Muslim-Shiit, and the Prime Minister - Muslim Sunnit. Such a complex religious composition was the cause of hostility, religious fanaticism, which led to the 16-year-old Civil War in this country (1975-1991).

The differences between Muslims and Christians led to clashes on the South Philippines, between Judaists and Muslims - in Israel, between the Hindus and Muslims in India, between the Hindus and Buddhists in Sri Lanka. But recently the world community is most concerned about the aggressiveness of some directions of Islam. An example of this can serve as followers of the Wahhabis sects, especially intolerable to all dissent.

In foreign Asia, more than a thousand peoples live - from small tribal ethnic groups, numbering several hundred people to the largest people in the number of people. Four people of this region (the Chinese, Hindusans, Bengaltsy and the Japanese) have more than 100 million people each. Eight more nations (Panjabtsy, Biharians, Yavalents, Koreans, Telugu, Marathi, Tamils \u200b\u200band Viegets) are from 50 million to 100 million people. The same peoples are "millionaires" here 107, and they account for 98% of the population of the region.

The peoples of foreign Asia are about 15 linguistic families; There is also no such linguistic diversity in any other large region of the planet. The largest of them in the number of people is a Sino-Tibetan family, sharply dominant in East Asia. In second place there is an Indo-European family whose peoples are resettled mainly in the northern part of South Asia, in Iran and Afghanistan. The third place belongs to the Austronesian family, presented primarily in the island world of Southeast Asia, the fourth - the Dravidian family, in whose languages \u200b\u200bpeoples of the southern part of South Asia, the fifth - an Avruzia-and-the-domed family, represented by some indochy peoples. Further follows the Altai family, the peoples of which, as it were, the northern border of the region from the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean, Thai (Paratec) family in Indochita, Afrazian (Semito-Khamita) family represented by the relatives of the Arab peoples of South-West Asia.

Depending on the national composition and nature of ethnic relations, a prominent domestic ethnographer and the ethnogeographer S. I. Brooke subdivided the countries of Foreign Asia on four groups.By the first one, he was delivered homogeneous nationally, where the main people is more than 95% of the total population. The second group included those where the main people is 70-95% of the total population, to the third - countries where the main people own only about half or more (but not over 70%) of the entire population. Finally, the fourth group is formed by countries inhabited by many major peoples, none of which makes most of the population. All these groups are shown in Table 29.

IN first groupjapan, both Korea, Bangladesh, relating to the number of the most typical single-mounted states in the world, as well as some Arab countries in South-West Asia.

Second groupthe largest, includes all other Arab countries of South-West Asia - in general, almost one-demonic, where foreign national minorities are mainly related to the labor migrations of the population. A certain exception is only Iraq with a significant layer of Kurds. Of the non-monastic countries of South-West Asia, Turkey, Israel and Cyprus are also included in the second group. In Turkey, the main national minority also form Kurds, in Israel - Arabs-Palestinians, whose share due to higher population growth has increased from 10% in 1950 to 19% in our day. The population of Cyprus consists of two main ethnic communities: Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

South Asia countries are presented in the second group of Sri Lanka, the states of Southeast Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Singapore, and Central and East Asia - Mongolia and China. Most of these countries are already multinational, but with a sharp predominance of the main nation. China is the most striking example of this kind, where national minorities are less than 9% of the population, but this corresponds to 115 million people. Of the 56 minorities 16 have more than 1 million people. And the areas of their distribution (five autonomous regions of China and Guanus, Qinghai, Guizhou and Hainan) occupy 6 million km 2, or 63% of the country's territory. Thailand is a multinational country inhabited by more than 30 nations, which belong to the four language families.

In Vietnam and in Myanmar, Vieget and Burmese also prevail rather sharply, but they are concentrated, respectively, in the Mekong and Iravadi pools, while extensive mountain areas are populated with numerous (from 30 to 50) smaller peoples.

Table 29.

Grouping countries of foreign Asia in the nature of the national (ethnic) composition

IN third groupit includes five countries of Southeast and South Asia. Pakistan is also most typical of them - also a multinational state, but with a more uniform composition, since all four main inhabiting his people belong to the Indo-European family.

IN fourth groupthere are five more states. These are the two countries of Southeast Asia - Indonesia and the Philippines, similar to those with a very large number of peoples (in Indonesia from 100 to 350, in the Philippines approximately 75) for the most part they belong to the Austronesian family and are relative to each other. As for Afghanistan, this is obviously one of the countries of Foreign Asia with the most difficult national (ethnic) composition. The entire South and the Northeast of Afghanistan are inhabited by Iranian-speaking (Afghans-Pushtun, Tajiks, Hazaraza), and the North-West - Turkche-Panitary (Uzbeks, Turkmen) peoples. The total number of peoples exceeds 30. Part of them still retains a tribal division. It is also an Iran - a south-western Asian state inherent in ethnically, inhabited by more than 40 nations. And this, finally, India is the most multinational country of the world, which is inhabited by more than 500 nations, nations and tribal groups speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof four language families. 29 nations of India have more than 1 million people.

Summarizing all this, it is necessary, apparently, to argue that more homogeneous national population is characteristic primarily for Eastern and South-West Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan. In Southeast Asia, the polyethnic composition of the population prevails in the archipelago countries (Indonesia, Philippines), as well as in Horny Indochite, is one of the most complex in ethnically affected areas of the world.

For many countries of Southeast Asia, the presence of a relatively large Chinese diaspora. The total number of such ethnic Chinese, or, how to call them here, huaciao("Chinese guests"), reaches 40-45 million people. They moved here from South China in the colonial period of the history of foreign Asia, forming a significant layer of predominantly urban residents - merchants, Roshovists, minor employees, artisans. Huatsiao still retain their tongue, religion, features of a living place, without losing and connections with historical homeland.

Naturally, such a complex composition of the population of countries of foreign Asia could not help but lead to acute interethnic conflicts, which are usually heated also by economic, political, religious contradictions, long-standing territorial disputes, as mentioned above. It is characteristic that a sharp deterioration in the economic situation in Southeast Asia in 1997-1998. In connection with the financial crisis, accompanied, for example, in Indonesia, mass performances against Huqiao.

Religions of Foreign Asia

Asia is the part of the world, where all the largest religions of the globe originated, including three world. In the future, some of them spread predominantly in other parts of the world, but most remained mostly Asian. First of all, this refers to such global religions as Muslim and Buddhism.

Islamin Foreign Asia, it is very widely common: this religion is being professing over 800 million people, or more than 55% of all followers of Islam in the world and 20% of all residents of this region. In many countries of foreign Asia, Islam is not only the dominant, but also a state religion. This is also evidenced by the official names of some states - such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan (with the capital of Islamabad, i.e., the city of Islam), Islamic state of Afghanistan. This is also reminded by the image of the crescent and the presence of green on the state flags of many countries. For example, the Green State Flag of Saudi Arabia is a monarchical standard of the founder of the Saudites dynasty, the first king of the country Ibn Saud. The inscription on the flag is the initial phrase of the Quran: "There is no God, except for Allah, and Magomet - the prophet."

Judging by Figure 81, Islam completely (with the exception of Cyprus and Israel) dominates in South-West Asia. From the countries of South Asia, Muslims are significantly dominated in Pakistan, Bangladesh and in Maldives, but a noticeable layer (13% of the population) they form in India. In Southeast Asia, Islam is presented in Indonesia - the first on the total number of Muslims (210 million) country of the World,

Fig. 81.The main religions of the believing population of Foreign Asia

Malaysia and Brune, and in East Asia - in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Area in the north-west of China. As reflected in the same figure, Muslims of most Asian countries are confess islam Sunnie sense,i.e., along with the sacred Scripture of Islam - Koran - recognize his sacred legend - Sunna. The main stronghold islam Shiite Skiniran had and remains. But Shiites also prevail in Iraq, in Bahrain and are quite widely represented in Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan.

Muslim cult comes from the fact that, according to the Qur'an, the whole life of a person is being considered as the service of God and prepare for the afterlife by passing the tests that Allah presented. The most important rites of Islam include the reading of the Quran, which should be in every family, Namaz - prayer, which is supposed to be done five times a day - from dawn to the beginning of the night, compliance with the post during the month of Ramadan, Sunnat, or circumcision, filing alms, worship holy places. Special importance has a hajj (hajzh) - pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, - who should strive to make every adult Muslim in his life, be it a man or woman.

To the shrines of Islam in Mecca - Mohammed Motherland - applies primarily by the main mosque of the Muslim world Al-Harama. In the courtyard of this mosque, which accommodates up to 300 thousand people, is the quadrangular stone building of Kaaba ("Kaaba" means "cube"), in the northern wall of which the round black stone went into the silver hoop, which is apparently, of meteoric origin, which is the main The object of worship of Muslims, because, according to legend, he was sent from Heaven Allah. In the medina, the main shrine of Islam is considered a mosque built on the place where, by legend, Mohammed died. And in all over the homeland of Islam, there are 35 thousand mosques, which are the necessary affiliation of all city districts and villages; They are equipped with electricity and water, are removed by carpets.

Muslims start their christmas report from that year when Muhammed moved from Mecca to Medina (in Christian christianity, this corresponds to 622 N. e.).

Hadja's geography covers the entire Muslim world (Fig. 82). The number of pilgrims in the second half of the XX century. Recently increased. Even in the early 1950s. It rarely exceeded 100 thousand people, in the late 1970s reached 1 million, and in the late 1990s. - 2 million people and more.

Pilgrims, who in former times had to cross the desert on the camels or twist on small ship's shods, now arrive in Jedda by airplanes or sea courts. From Jeddah, they are sent to Mecca, in the distant surroundings of which a huge camp camp is broken for them. Hajj is committed in a strictly defined period - from 7 to 13th the number of the last, twelfth month of the lunar calendar (Zul-Hij Ms). This is due to the fact that, according to legend, it was these days in 632, Mohammed made his last visit to Mecca. He, according to legend, determined the main procedure of Hajj, which, as it were, symbolizes some events associated with the life of Ibra-Him - Biblical Abraham, who is considered afficient and Arabs, and Jews. This procedure is very difficult. On the first day, pilgrims dressed in new white clothing must listen to the sermon and walk around Kaaba seven times, then one more time to run between two hills and prayed on each of them by contacting Mecca. On the second day, the Army pilgrims visits the arafat mountain located 20 km from Mecca. On the third day, it remains in the Valley of Arafat, performing different religious rites, on the fourth - returns to the near neighborhood of Mecca. And in the last days of Hajj Pilgrimniki - like the entire Muslim world - celebrate the most important holiday, the feast of the sacrifice (in Arabic - ID al-Aja, and in Turkic - Kurban Bayram). As sacrificial animals, sheep or rams are used, but sometimes also bulls, cows, camels. In order to satisfy the need for such animals, Saudi Arabia has to additionally buy hundreds of thousands of sheep's heads and rams in Australia and New Zealand. It can be added that as the number of pilgrims increases during the Haja, there were increasingly difficulty incidents: hundreds, even thousands of Muslims die from the crown and emerging fires. Therefore, the Hadja Saudi Arabian Affairs recently pays a lot of attention to ensuring its security.

Fig. 82.Pilgrimage in Mecca

The second of the world's religions presented in Foreign Asia, Buddhism. Buddhists here more than 530 million, therefore, it is in this region that almost all Buddhists of the world are concentrated. They are in the eastern, and in southeastern, and in South Asia, but - like Sunnimites and Shiites in Islam - here also distinguish adherents of the two main directions of Buddhism - Fryana and Mahayana (Fig. 81).

Hynayawhich is also called southern Buddhism, prevails in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, but its supporters are also found in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and in other countries. According to exemplary calculations, Cryana profess almost 2/5 of all Buddhists of Foreign Asia. Mahayanaor Northern Buddhism, distributed among the Buddhists of Japan, Korea, is found in China, in Vietnam and in a number of other countries. As for the crowns, it is characterized by division into numerous sects (schools). In total, Mahayan is confessing a little more than 1/2 of all Buddhists. The rest of them accounted for by the third direction of Buddhism - lamaism,which often consider one of the currents of Mahayana.

Lamaism dominates among believers in Mongolia, in two regions of China (Tibet, inner Mongolia), in Nepal, Bhutan.

The administrative center of Tibet - Lhasa - from the beginning of the XV century. He served as the location of the high priest of the Lamisian Church of the Dalai Lama. The huge Palace of Potala, who was his residence, was supposed to cause a sacred trembling in the residents of a mountainous Tibet, pilgrims, who came after long-weary to the citadel Lamaism. However, in 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama emigrated to India. In Mongolia, Lamaism became an official religion at the end of the XVI century. Then the first Buddhist monastery was built. By the time of the revolution of 1921, such monasteries were already 750, and the share of monks in all the male population reached 40%.

Third World Religion - christianity -presented in Foreign Asia is quite limited. The dominant religion is only in the Philippines (Catholicism, planted by Spain in this ex-colony) and in Cyprus (Orthodoxy). In Lebanon, where Christianity penetrated immediately after its occurrence, Christians make up 1/3 believers.

But national and regional religionsdistributed in this region very widely. First of all, it includes Hinduism, Confucianism, Sintoism and Judaism.

Hinduismaccording to the number of adherents (950 million people), ISLAMU is much inferior, but significantly exceeds Buddhism, and 99% of all Hindus of the world are residents of Asia. Nevertheless, Hinduism is usually not related to world religion - for the simple reason that (despite the presence of Hindus in Nepal, Bangladesh), the overwhelming majority of them (94%) are concentrated only in one country - India.

Confucianism- The prevailing religion in his homeland is in China. However, it is quite difficult to determine the number of its adherents, because in China, as specialists noted, the phenomenon of polyconfessionality is distributed, when the same person can send cults of two, or even three religions - usually Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

Such polyconfessionality is also characteristic of Japan, but in it, along with Buddhism, it is distributed shintoism(The word "SINTO" is literally translated - the "path of the gods"). After the Revolution of Maidzi in the middle of the XIX century. Sintoism in this country was erected into the rank of state religion and remained such until 1945.

Judaism -one of the oldest Eastern religions - now in foreign Asia is represented only in Israel (where, by the way, only 1/3 of all adherents of Judaism in the world are concentrated). Judaism here is a state religion. Like any other religion, it has many features, specific features.

On Saturdays, Judaists are prohibited not only to work, but even to light and extinguish fire. They can not be worn by clothes made from different fibers, and at the same time pockets should be above the belt. Men must always walk with a covered head. It is impossible to use pork, horseback, encouraged, some other types of meat, and meat food should be prepared specially. It is forbidden to mix meat and dairy products. And the years of the Judaists lead from the creation of the world, which, according to their beliefs, occurred more than 5,700 years ago. For example, 2008 on this chossing - 5769th!

Finally, in foreign Asia, there are still quite large foci of distribution local traditional beliefs.They are located in populated by small peoples mountainous areas of South China, Indochina countries, Indonesia. Almost every village there are specialists in black and white magic, sorcerers and shamans. In the Indonesian outback, people believe that if several times in life change their name, then it is possible to mislead the evil spirits and protect themselves from diseases and various kinds of everyday unfortunately.

It has already been said that in many countries of the region, religious contradictions are closely closed with ethnic and others. It remains to add that in some cases they act on the fore. An example of this kind can serve as a Lebanese Arab country, where one part of the population confesses Islam, and the other is Christianity. According to the Interfaith Agreement, the President of Lebanon should be a Christian, Chairman of Parliament - Muslim-Shiit, and the Prime Minister - Muslim Sunnit. Such a complex religious composition was the cause of hostility, religious fanaticism, which led to the 16-year-old Civil War in this country (1975-1991).

  • III Maintenance of the brake equipment of rolling stock (general provisions)
  • III control of electropneumatic brakes of motor wagon rolling stock

  • The total population of foreign Asia is 1646.8 million people - 56% of the total population of the globe. Along with the large concentration of the population, focused in the valleys and especially in the delta of large rivers, there are huge spaces, completely unnecessary or populated very rarely. For example, anterior Asia in the area exceeds South Asia by 40%, and its population is 6 times less. More than half of the population of foreign Asia focuses on the territory constituting only 7% of its area.

    The population of Asia grows relatively rapid pace: with 1920 to 1959 it increased by 680 million.man or 70% (for the same period the populationEurope increased by 28%, and the globe as a whole - by 62%). Annual increase over the past nine years (1950-1959) on average was 27.5 million people; China accounts for half of this increase (more than 13.5 million people). For decades, Asia's population increased as follows: 1920-1930 - by 11%, 1930-1940- by 13%, 1940-1950, by 13.6%, 1950-1959- on 19.6 %.

    The acceleration of population growth is due to a sharp reduction in mortality in countries that have been freed from colonial and semi-colonial dependence, where measures are energetically held to improve material well-being, combating epidemics, etc.

    With an average increase in 19.6%, for the period from 1950 to 1959, the population increased by individual countries as follows (%):

    Since emigration beyond the limits of Asia is relatively small, the dynamics of the number is mainly determined by the natural movement of the population.

    The average annual increase in 5 years (1954-1959) amounted to an average of 1.9% (fertility - 4.2% and mortality - 2.3%). These indicators vary by countries in large limits (Table 58).

    The available discrepancies between data on the overall increase and natural increase (in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Iran) are mainly due to the imperfection of statistical accounting in these countries.

    Foreign Asia is extremely complex in its ethnic clear composition. There are several hundred ethnic communities on the most different levels of development of ethnic communities and belonging to many linguistic families and groups.

    In many countries, Asia launched a struggle aimed at conquering and strengthening political and economic independence, which inextricably linked the processes of national consolidation, which are expressed in the cohesion of small ethnic communities into larger, in combining tribes and tribal groups in the nationality and transformation of these nationalities in the nation In the development and consolidation of economic, political and cultural ties between the peoples of each country separately between various states.

    Until World War II, most of the countries of Foreign Asia were in colonial or semi-colonial dependence on imperialist states - England, France, Holland, Portugal, USA. With the increasing of national liberation movements, many countries have been freed from colonial dependence and stood on the path of independent state development. According to the socialist path, the People's Republic of China, the Mongolian People's Republic, the Korean People's Democratic Republic and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam are developing. The population of these countries is about 42.8% of the population of foreign Asia. After the Second World War also made politician independence of India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and many others; The population of these countries is a total of almost half of the entire population of Foreign Asia

    Colonial regime until now, is maintained only in Individuals of Asia: in the eastern part of Timor, Singapore, British colonies and Protectors on the island of Kalimantan (Northern Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei), in the Maldives and Bahrain Islands, in Aden, Oman and Muscat, Neman and some others. The population in all of these possessions is 8.3 million people, i.e. 0.5% of the population of Asia.

    Asia is the area of \u200b\u200bthe emergence of the ancient civilizations: in two-range on Utah Mesopotamia (end IV - the beginning of the III Millennium BC. Er), in the Indus basin (beginning of the III Millennium BC), in the valley of the river. Huanghe in the Northern District of China (Middle II Millennium BC. Er).

    The formation of many language families of Asian peoples belongs to the V-II millenniums BC. e. The most ancient are the languages \u200b\u200bof the Semitic Group of the Seven Hamitsky Family, are widespread and now in Arabia and in other areas of Front Asia; They told Akkadov, Babylonians and Assyrians, Aramey, Phoenicians, Ancient Jews, Arabs. On Iranian Highlands and in the northern regions of India, the Iranian and Indian groups of the Indo-European family have developed. In Industan, the languages \u200b\u200bof the Dravidian family were distributed, which were gradually pushed out to the south as the Indo and Ganges of the ancient Aryans enter the peoples of Indo-European language family to the Indo-European Language Family.

    In the central and northeastern regions of Indian, there was a region of distribution of the Munda language, and at the Indochinese Peninsula - close to them languages \u200b\u200bof the Mont-Khmer family. The languages \u200b\u200bof the Indonesian group of the Malaysian-Polynesian family, apparently, have developed in the seaside strip of the southern regions of China and from here spread in the II-I millenniums BC. e. East Indochier and Indonesia.

    In the central and northern part of China, the peoples of the Sino-Tibetan language family were formed, gradually spreading to the south, within the limits of Indochina, where they strongly fastened the Mont-Khmer lived there. To the north, as well as to the northeast of the field of distribution of Chinese-Tibetan peoples, the zone of the formation of the peoples of the Altai language family was lying. With this last family, the Korean language is associated. The Japanese is most often allocated as an isolated, i.e., a language that does not belong to any family.

    A large influence on the change in ethnic geography was provided by numerous population migrations. During the transition from the projection to the class society and later in the era of developed feudalism, the anterior-Asian and Central Asian nomads-workers moved over long distances and created huge states. So there was an extensive Arab Caliphate in the VII-VIII centuries., The Giant Empire of Genghis Khan in the XIII century, Turkish and Iranian states in the XIV-XV centuries, the Empire of the Great Mughals in Northern India at the beginning of the XVI century. etc.

    Penetration from the end of the XV century. The Asia of European colonialists brought many disasters to Asian peoples, delayed their development. With the emergence of capitalism in a number of Asia countries, the movement of the population has begun, caused by the class bundle of the peasantry, the alentmade and the ruin of its significant part. Emigration has increased from someranges asin in eroad and beyond the continent. From the second half of the XIX century. Greater scope acquired the migrations of the Chinese, which were in search of work mainly in the countries of Southeast Asia, where the colonialists began to develop a plantation economy. Large groups of Indians for the same reason were emigrated to Ceylon, central and southern America, to South Africa.

    Large sizes have reached migration related to World War II and post-war events (return to Japan Japanese from China and Korea, the repatriation of the Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians from Turkey and return to Turkey Turks from the Balkan countries, the relocation of Jews from various countries of Asia and Nevasia countries in Israel, etc.).

    Large movements of the population were caused by the colonial wars of imperialists, clashes of national and religious groups, etc. So, in the division of British India into two states due to provocative policies of the English imperialists, relations between the Hindus (i.e., the Indians who profess Hinduism) and Muslims As a result, 8.7 million people of the Hindus moved from Pakistan to India and 7.1 million Muslims - in the opposite direction.

    Indo-European language family (displaced within all continents) is represented in Asia in two groups - Indian and Iranian; Of the peoples, the seven-Khamita family, two thirds are settled in Africa, and the peoples of the Altai family also live within the USSR.

    Most countries of Foreign Asia are multinational. More or less homogeneous nationally only Arab countries on. west of Asia, as well as Japan and Korea; All other are distinguished by an extremely complex ethnic composition.

    Ethnic restruts are even more enhanced due to the fact that many nations are dismembered by government borders into several parts. So, for example, Kurds live compactly within four states (Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria), Belooh - three (Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan), Afghans (Pashtuns) - two (Afghanistan and Pakistan), Bengaltsy and Punjabs - two ( India and Pakistan), etc.

    Foreign Asia in its geographical, ethnic and cultural features is clearly divided into four parts - Eastern, southeast, southern and front.

    East Asia. China, MNR, Korea and Japan are included in East Asia. Korea and Japan, as already mentioned, belong to the number of the most homogeneous countries of the world. In each of them, the main people (Koreans and the Japanese) is more than 99% of the population.

    In Japan, except for the Japanese (92,560 thousand people), Aina lives (on the island of Hokkaido, about 20 thousand people) - the remnants of the oldest population of the country undergoing reinforced assimilation, as well as Koreans and the Chinese. In the period preceding the Second World War, over 5 million of the Japanese moved to Korea and China to colonize the territories captured by Japan; After the war, they were all forced to return to Japan. Many Japanese emigrated to the United States (in the United States there are 380 thousand people living in the USA, including in the Hawaiian Islands - 220 thousand), Brazil (250 thousand people), Peru (25 thousand people). Among the Japanese, the ethnographic group of Ryuksytsev (residents of Ryu-Ky Islands) are distinguished, about 850 thousand people who differed in language and culture, but currently already losing these differences as a result of violent assimilation. Japanese is made up isolated place among the languages \u200b\u200bof East Asia. Some researchers noted the similarities of the Japanese Language with Malaysian-Polynesian, as well as with Korean language and through it - with the languages \u200b\u200bof the Tungus-Manchurian group of the Altai family.

    In Korea, except for Koreans (34 150 thousand people), the cities live a small number of Chinese (about 50 thousand people). During the years of Japanese domination (1910-1945) Much of Koreans emigrated from Korea and border areas of Northeast China, as well as to Japan. Currently there are about 1300 thousand Koreans in China and 615 thousand in Japan (mainly in the areas of Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto, Yamaguchi), 314 thousand Koreans live in (various areas of the USSR. Koreans speak a language that alone linguists They consider the special branch of the Altai family of languages, others - an isolated language in the linguistic classification system.

    The main mass of the population of the Mongolian People's Republic (89%) is the peoples of the Mongolian group - Mongols-Khalha, Ohrata and Buryats. Mongols-Khalha, or Halhasse, are the most cohesive group of all the mongony-language peoples. Their number is 709 thousand people. They are the main core, around which are consolidated into a single socialist nation and other Mongolian groups (Orata - 71 thousand, Buryats - 28 thousand). The Turkic peoples of the MTR include Kazakhs, Tuvints, Uryanhayz-Montchak (Cokchlutany) and hotons, separated in the western part of the country. Their total number is 62 thousand people.

    The People's Republic of China is a multinational state. In addition to the Chinese, there are even more than 50 nationalities in its territory, and although their number is only 6% of the total population, the region of their settlement covers more than half of the country.

    The peoples of China are reset as follows. The Chinese (self-calf - Han) live in all provinces of the country. Their total number. - 652.7 million people, including in the PRC - 636.5 million. The main mass of them is resettled in the eastern part of China. The Chinese are the people of ancient civilization, threatening a huge contribution to world culture and has a significant impact on neighboring peoples. In their number, they are much superior to all other nations of the world, making up 22% of the total population of the earthly ball and 40% of the population of Asia. The historical center of the formation of Chinese nationalities is the pool of the River Juanhe. From here, the Chinese spread to the South, North and West and gradually assimilated the peoples of Mont-Khmer, Zhuang-Dong, Tibeto-Burmanskaya, Mongolian, Tunguso-Manchu and other groups. Currently, the Chinese are relatively small only in two regions of the country: in Tibetan and Xinjiang-Uygur autonomous regions. In all other major areas, they constitute the absolute majority of the population. Even provinces such as Yunnan and Guizhou, who are historical centers of formation different groups National minorities, as a result of Chinese relocations, turned out to be more than two thirds in populated Chinese. Inner Mongolia and Dunbay - the Mongolian and Tunguschurchursian Motherland are 90% populated by the Chinese, although the Chinese colonization of these areas acquired great scope in the last quarter of the XIX century.

    Living in a huge territory whose parts were poorly interconnected, individual groups of the Chinese retained their local differences. Due to the long-term political and economic fragmentation, many dialects and Chinese dialects continue to exist. Chinese is divided into eight large dialects, each of which includes a number of loving. The main dialect is the North, is the state language of China and the conversational language of the overwhelming majority of the population of the Northern, Central and Southwestern China (there are more than 70% of all Chinese). On the basis of the northern dialect, a single conventional language of Jautunhua is gradually formed, which over the past decades has become widespread.

    Many Chinese live beyond China. In the recent past, due to the feudal and imperialistic oppression, the peasants left their native places and emigrated abroad.

    Most of all now the Chinese in the countries of Southeast Asia: in Thailand - 4.5 million, Malaya - 2.5 million, Indonesia - 2.2 million, Singapore - 1.2 million, Vietnam - 0.9 million Man, etc. About 370 thousand Chinese live in America, most of all in the United States (260 thousand people). The total number of Chinese outside the China is 16.2 million people.

    National minorities populate the whole western part of China, as well as a number of districts in the south and north of the country. In the south and south-west, in the provinces Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, in the Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area of \u200b\u200bPI in Tibet, peoples relating to the Sino-Tibetan family and constituting about 70% of the total number of national minorities. According to its origin, language and economic and cultural characteristics, they are closely related to the peoples of Southeast Asia. Over 20% of the total number of national minorities constitute the peoples of the Altai family, separated in the north and north-west of China, in the autonomous districts of Xinjiang-Uigur, inner Mongolia, as well as in Dunbee. They have a lot of common features with the peoples of Central Asia and Siberia. Small peoples of that and other language families come into contact only in the northern part of the province of Qinghai, where in one small area it is concentrated to a dozen nations. In all other places between the territories where the small peoples of these two families live, are areas populated by the Chinese, or the mountain deserts, where the population is generally absent.

    The most difficult in ethnicity is the South West China. Here, on a relatively small space that occupies parts of the three provinces (Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan) and Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area, there are about 30 nations: Zhuana, Tibetans, Izzu, Miao, Bai, Tai, Bui, Nasi, Kava, etc. (Including only in one province Yunnan - 25 nations).

    Compact groups (national minorities live in Tibet and semi-desert areas of inner Mongolia. They have also been preserved in the distant oasisis of Xinjiang. In all other areas, the peoples are very mixed. In some cases, rivers, the territories are occupied by the Chinese, interfluries and mountain areas - national minorities.

    The cities of the People's Republic of China are distinguished by a kind of ethnic. As in many other countries, among the city inhabitants, peoples prevailed, which were at a higher level of socio-economic development. The overwhelming part (population of the CNR cities (with the exception of the Tibetan district and the southern part of Xinjiang) make up the Chinese and in a small number of Hui (Dungan), and in Northeast China also manchura. The percentage of Hui increases sharply in the cities of Gansu and Qinghai provinces and autonomous regions - Ninxia-Hueokom and Xinjiang Uigur. In the cities of the southern part of Xinjiang (Kashgaria) there are almost some Uigurs, and in the cities of Tibeta - Tibetans. In last yearsIn connection with the industrialization of national outflows, there is a tendency to increase the percentage of small peoples among city inhabitants, especially in the areas of settlement of national minorities.

    Everywhere where national minorities live compactly, autonomous districts, districts and counties are created. Their borders are set taking into account local historical, as well as economic conditions. The national autonomous regions include part of the territory with the Chinese population. This contributes to the elimination of the economic backwardness of small nations.

    Of the largest national minorities of the PRC, the following should be noted.

    Hui (4000 thousand), which are part of the Chinese group, do not differ in the language from the Chinese. They are highlighted in a special nationality on some economic and household peculiarities and mainly on religious affiliation (Hui - Muslim Sunnites). They live in the Ninxian Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Henan, Hebei, Qinghai, as well as in all major cities of the country.

    The number of peoples of the Zhuang Dong group reaches 11,540 thousand people, including Zhuanov - 8100 thousand (in their number they are the largest, after the Chinese, the Natopolis of the PRC), Bui - 1450 thousand "Dong - 800 thousand, Tai - 550 Thr., Li - 400 thousand, etc. All these nations are resettled in the south of the country, in Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area and in Guizhou, Yunnan Provinces, Hunan and Guangdong. The peoples of the Zhuang Dong group (outside China are usually called Thai or Tai-Zhuang) live in almost all countries of the Indochinese Peninsula.

    The main area of \u200b\u200bthe resettlement of the peoples of Tibeto-Burmese Georgia is a Tibetan district and three provinces of the southwestern PRC: Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. Tibetans and related to them (nations live also in more northern provinces - Qinghai and Gansu, and outside the People's Republic of China - in the northern border areas of India. The largest peoples of this group are Tibetans - 3200 thousand, Izzu - 3750 thousand, Bai - 650 thousand, tucia - 630 thousand people, etc.

    The peoples of the Miao-Yao group live in the southern regions of China and in the northern parts of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and occupy, as a rule, mountain ranges; They are resettled everywhere, small groups located at a great distance from each other. The number of Miao in China - 2900 thousand, Yao - 770 thousand people.

    The peoples of the Turkic Group (Uigur - 4200 thousand, Kazakhs - 580 thousand, Kyrgyz - 80 thousand and other smaller) are resets in the western regions of China - in Xinjiang, Gansu and Qinghai. They are quite abruptly different from other nations of China, as they live apart, in places where immigrants from other areas of the country are a bit. This is largely due to the previously existing ban on the resettlement of the Chinese in these areas, with the physico-geographical conditions of Western regions of China (most of them did not imagine interests for the Chinese farmers, as they are engaged in deserts, semi-deserts and high mountains), and partly and With the religious isolation of local Turkic-speaking peoples professing Islam.

    The peoples of the Mongolian group (1976 thousand people) populate the huge areas of steppes and semi-desert north of the Great Wall of China; Separate small groups of them spread south to Tibet and central districts Yunnan Province.

    Tunguso-Manchurian peoples (2830 thousand people) are resets in Northeast China scattered groups. Manyzhura, in terms of the number of components of these peoples (99%), also form colonies in many major cities of China. Only a small part of Manchurov retained the National Life, Language and Writing; All the others, although they showed themselves at the census by manchurs, under the influence of a higher Chinese culture are assimilated by the Chinese.

    Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia in its ethnic composition is sharply divided into two parts. The peoples of the Indochinese Peninsula (without Malaya) have a lot of features relating to them with neighboring people of China and Industan. Indonesia, Philippines and Malaya (as well as the Malganas Republic in Africa) are populated nearby the peoples of the Indonesian group of the Malaysian-Polynesian family of languages.

    Ethnic composition Indochina is highly difficult, which is explained by the history of its settlement - by migration flows, which are sequential waves from the north for several millennia. The northern parts of the Indochina, together with the neighboring provinces of the Southwestern China, constitute one of the most complex in ethnic terms "of the globe. Here are several dozen peoples in a relatively small space. The overwhelming part of the population of Indochina is the peoples of the Sino-Tibetan family (88.3% The total population), as well as Mon-Khmer (9%); the latter is almost fully accommodated in the described area. There are significant differences in the settlement of the plains and mountain areas. In the valleys of the Red, Mekong, Menama and Iravadi live all major peoples of Indochina - Vietnamese, Khmers, Siamese, Lao and Burmese, who constitute almost 80% of the total population of this area. Many dozens of small peoples are resettled in the mountainous areas, which are in the earliest stages of ethnic community and representing essentially breeding groups. Separate groups are still poorly connected. among themselves in economic and cultural relations.

    All countries indochy - multinational states. National minorities are in Laos - 41, Burma - 29, Thailand - 28, Cambodia - 15 and Vietnam - 15%. In Burma, Laos and Vietnam, their resettlement area covers more than half of the entire territory.

    In Burma, national minorities surround the actual Burmesers, as it were, underground, from three sides. Shans, Mona and Karen live in the east, in the north - swing, in the West - ranks and Naga. National autonomous states have been created in these areas: Shan, Kaczynskoye, Karensky, Kaya (Karenny), as well as the Special Ginsky District. However, it should be noted that due to the movement of the Burmese in the mountainous areas and a strong mixing of the population, in any of the autonomous regions, the main nationality does not constitute the majority. In some cases, most of the people are resettleged outside of their national autonomy: only one sixth part of the ranks lives in the Chinsky district, and in the Kachinsky state - one third of Kacins.

    In Thailand, two close to the people - Siamese and Lao populate the main part of the territory of strange. In Delta Menam, the Chinese live with them. National minorities are resettled in the outskirts: Malays in the south-east, Karen - in the West, Khmer - in the east of Thailand.

    In Cambodia, Khmer is resettled in the central lowlands. Together with them in the cities and around the lake, Tonon-Sap lives Vietnamese, Chinese and Chama. Mountain outskirts of the country in the north and east are populated by mountain khmers.

    In Laos, the placement of peoples has a clearly pronounced vertical zonality. Lao live in the valleys of rivers, then mountain monas and tai are located, and at large altitudes - Miao and Yao.

    In Vietnam, all the lowland areas are occupied by the Createscent Vietnamese, mountainous minorities. In the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, two autonomous areas of national minorities have created in the field of compact settlement - Viet-tank with a population of over 800 thousand people (mainly THO, Yao and Nung) and Tai Meo with a population of 330 thousand people (mainly Miao and Thai) .

    The peoples of the Indonesian group of the Malaysian-Polynesian language family almost completely populate the island world of Southeast Asia, and also Peninsula Malacca. All of them are close among themselves in language and culture and now it can be about folding within the Indonesia of the Unified Indonesian Nation based on the increasing dissemination of the Obsshenonezian language "Bahasa Indonesia" (options of the Malay language), as well as the Unified Philippine Nation based on Tagalog .

    The main part of the population of the Malay Federation and Singapore is Malays, Chinese and immigrants from India (mainly Tamila). The percentage of the Chinese has increased all the time, as before the victory of the People's Revolution in China, the number of people who came here significantly exceeded the number of people who left. Only after 1949, this percentage stabilized and is currently approximately 45. Among the urban population of Malaya and Singapore, the Chinese are almost 70, Malays - 17, Indians - 11%. Over half of all Chinese and about 40% of Indians live in cities, at the same time among the Malayans of the city inhabitants, only 14%.

    In Indonesia, about 100 peoples are resetted, the overwhelming majority of which belongs to the Indonesian group of the Malaysian-Polynesian family. The exceptions are only Papua Russian peoples in Western Iriana and North-Halmmets in the north of Molukky Islands, speaking in an isolated position in the linguistic classification system. About 2.2 million Chinese and a small amount of Arabs and immigrants from India live in cities and districts of development of the plantation economy.

    For more than four fifth of the country's population, the peoples of two linguistic subgroups are: Javanese and Malay. The first is the largest people of Indonesia - Yavantans, as well as sounds, Madurians and the small peoples of Java Island. To the second - several peoples, usually united by the overall name "Malayans" (RIAU, Jambier, Palembankans, etc.), and, in addition, Bandjara, Minantkabau, Reggang Leboneg, Ampat-Lavana, Selands, Pysemakhi, Croe, Lampongi , Bugs and macassers. Almost 90 nations have only 17 million people - less than one fifth of the entire population.

    On the island of Java live almost exclusively yavants, sounds and Madurians; Only in the Jakarta area there are significant groups of Malayans. The island of Sumatra is populated in the southern and eastern parts of Malayers and close to; him nations; Malays also live in the coastal areas of the island of Kalimantan and other islands. In the north-west, Sumatra Russens Ache and Bataki; In the areas of development of the plantation economy in the northeast of Sumatra, many people from other islands, primarily Javanese, as well as the Chinese. All the inland areas of Kalimantan are occupied by various peoples (Ibans, Kayana, Keni, Bahau, Clementa - "Data Sushi", Ngadj, etc.), often united under the overall name "Data". The island of Sulawesi is settled by Bugs, Makassars, Toragzhi, Minahasi, Gorontal, and others. Further, in the east, there are many relatively small peoples in the Small Probe and Molukskie Islands, the settlement of which is often limited to only one small island (and the names of the peoples are often accepted by the names of the islands ).

    About 40 peoples live in the Philippines, also close to the language and belonging to the Indonesian group; The largest of them live on coasts, smaller mountain peoples - inside the islands.

    In foreign literature, all the peoples of the Philippines, mainly on religious and anthropological signs, are combined into four groups. The first group includes major developed peoples, professing Christianity; They are numbered eight (Visaya, Tagalla, Iloki, Bicolas, Pangasinans, Pampagans, Ibanagi, Sambal), a total of 24.4 million people, almost 90% of the country's total population. In the south of Philippines, the so-called moro (Mahindano, Suul Samal, Lanao, Yaksa, are all 1105 thousand people), are presented to Islam, and therefore quite sharply different in their culture and everyday life from other peoples.

    In the mountainous regions of the two largest islands - Luzona and Mindao - lives over two dozen relatively small peoples, which official statistics are combined into the group of "Shapnikov" ("Pagans"), the total number of them (1,100 thousand, and, finally, the most hard-to-reach mining And forest areas occupy the most ancient population of the country - Negritos of ATE (40 thousand people).

    South Asia. South Asia includes four states - India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Nepal and, moreover, two principalities in Himalayas - Bhutan and Sikkim (Protectors of India) and Sultanat Maldives (UK Protectorate). The overwhelming majority of the peoples of this area speaks in the languages \u200b\u200bof two families - Indo-European and Dravidskaya (523.3 million people - almost 98% of the total population). In the central and northeastern part of India, the peoples of the Munda family (5620 thousand people) live. On the northern and eastern borders of this grip of countries (mainly in Nepal and Indian state Assam), the peoples of the Sino-Tibetan family (6032 thousand people) are reset.

    The Indo-European family is represented here by two groups - Indian (406,382 thousand people) and Iranian (7648 thousand people), which mainly occupy the northern regions of India, the entire Pakistan, as well as most of the island of Ceylon. Almost all the peoples of the Indian group are rather numerous and live compactly, settling large spaces in India and Pakistan; Some of them are dissected by government borders into two parts. Seventeen peoples of this group are more than one million people each, and three people - Hindusans, Bengaltsy and Biharians - more than 50 million people and belong to the largest peoples of the world. It should be noted that most of the peoples of the Indian group are very close to each other and consist of many ethnographic groups speaking various dialects. The process of national consolidation is not completed in the two largest peoples of Northern India - Hindustsev and Bihar residents, as well as Rajasthats. Large ethnicity is characteristic of Bengal, Marathov and some other nations.

    In the languages \u200b\u200bof the Iranian group, Pashtunov (6520 thousand people), living in border with Afghanistan regions of Pakistan and who are part of the Afghan nation, and Belochi (1100 thousand people), separated in the south-west of Pakistan, as well as in the neighboring regions of Iran and Afghanistan . Peoples far North And the North-West of India and Pakistan (Kashmirtsy, Tire, Koh, Kohistans), included in the Indian Group, are allocated to a special Darque Group with some linguists. In their language and cultural characteristics, they occupy an intermediate position between the Indian and Iranian groups.

    In the languages \u200b\u200bof the Dravida family, the majority of the peoples of the southern regions of India says (109,032 thousand people). The four of the largest peoples of this family - Telugu, Tamilov, Malayali and Cannar - account for more than 100 million people. On the Central Indian Highlands, individual groups (melted messengers, kandhi and oraons, partially retaining tribal division. In Western Pakistan, Bragui says, living together with Beluhdi and strongly asymigreed.

    Mundah languages \u200b\u200bare considered to be the languages \u200b\u200bof the ancient aboriginal population of South Asia. The largest peoples speaking these languages \u200b\u200b- Santala, Munda, Ho, Savara, Cork - live in the mountainous areas in separate small groups, many moved to the plantations of Assam and in the industrial centers of Bengal and Bihara.

    Sino-Tibetan Family Presented in South Asia mainly by the Tibeto Burmese group. The most numerous here are the Himalayan peoples of Nepal (Nevars, Magari, Paradise, Limba, Tamandi), as well as close to the Tibetans of Bhotia and the peoples of Bara-Bodo, Cookies and Naga, which are close to the Burmese subgroup.

    At the end of the XIX and the first quarter of the XX century. There was significant migration from Industan countries. Currently outside India and Pakistan there are about 5 million immigrants from these countries. Most of them in neighboring countries of Asia - Ceylon (1000 thousand), Malaya (718 thousand), Burma (700 thousand), Singapore (135 thousand). In Africa, many immigrants from Industan: in the South African Republic (440 thousand), on the island of Mauritius (425 thousand), in Kenya (170 thousand), Tanganic (80 thousand), Uganda (72 thousand). Large groups of Indians live in the Federation of West Indies - 330 thousand, in British Guiana - 250 thousand, Dutch Guiana (Suriname) - 80 thousand, on Fiji Islands -\u003e 183 thousand people from India and Pakistan refer to two language families - Indo-European (Indian Group) and Dravidskaya. In terms of the number of representatives of these two families are about the same, but the peoples of the Drabid Language Family (Tamila, Telugu, etc.) are resets mainly in Asia, and the Indian Group (Hindupetanians, Bangalants, Gujaratsy, Sindhi, Marathi) - in Africa, America and Australia.

    Indian and Pakistani governments are vigorously implemented among the peoples of their countries uniform languages \u200b\u200b- Hindi in India and Urdu in Pakistan. In India, according to official terminology, all major peoples are called "cultural and historical communities". Most of them have "linguistic" states (i.e., states with more or less homogeneous national composition); 14 languages \u200b\u200brecognized as official languages \u200b\u200bof India and individual states. And although it is hardly possible to agree with the official definition of the entire population of India as a single "Indian nation", it is impossible to deny his very large national political community.

    Otherwise, things are in Pakistan, consisting of two territorially broken parts, the national contradictions between which are very sharp. Interests of the Bengal Bourgeoisie of Eastern Pakistan, artificially torn off from the neighboring regions of India, faced with the interests of the politically dominant Panjabskaya, as well as the Sindki bourgeoisie of Western Pakistan. Pakistan's ruling circles reject the presence of different nations in the country and do not provide them with any national rights.

    Front Asia. The overwhelming majority of peoples of anterior Asia are part of three language families: Indo-European, Altai and Semit Hamitskaya. Outside these families remain relatively few peoples (Georgians, Lases, Circassians, Bragui, etc.), which constitutes about 0.5% of the total population of anterior Asia. All language families within the above-described territory are mainly represented by each single group: Altai - Turkic, seven-Khamita - Saint, Indo-European - Iranian; Some small peoples, mainly from among those for whom, anterior Asia is not the main habitat (Albanians, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Greeks, etc.), belong to other groups of the Indo-European family.

    The peoples of the Iranian group (33.7% of the total population) inhabit the most part of Afghanistan and Iran (with the exception of their northern regions), southeast of Turkey and the North Iraq. The peoples of the Turkic Group (32.1%) occupy the Western and central part of Turkey and some areas in the north of Iran and Afghanistan. The Semitic Language Group (31.5%) belongs to the Arab peoples of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, as well as Assyrians and Jews.

    In total, about 60 nations live in Front Asia. Most of them are resettled compactly, the minority is scattered by small groups on an extensive space (Armenians, Circassians, Georgians, Greeks, various Turkic groups of Iran, etc.). Large peoples in the area are a bit, but they are the main part of the population. Arabs, Turks, Persians, Kurds, Azerbaijanis and Afghans make up 82.5% of the total population of anterior Asia and populate about 85% of its territory.

    The complexity of ethnic composition in individuals of anterior Asia increases when moving from west to the East. Arab countries, with the exception of Iraq and Syria, have a relatively homogeneous national composition. In the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, mainly in coastal areas, except for Arabs, a small number of Persians, Belukhi, Indians, Africans are resettled. In Iraq, Kurds, Assyrians, Turkmen and Circassians, in Syria - Kurds, Armenians, Jews and Circassians, in Jordan - Circassians are also lived in Iraq. A peculiar group of the population of Syria and Lebanon (although speaking mostly in Arabic) amounted to Levancets - descendants of European, mainly Italian and French colonists who moved here during the times of crusades and through marriages mixed with the local population. Arabs are a group of nearby peoples. They enjoy a single common language literary language, along with which there are a number of so-called spoken languages: Arabian, Iraqi, Syrian, are all close to each other, but not always before mutual understandability. There are many elements of the general culture, manifested in material life, traditions and especially in spiritual life - oral and visual folk creativity, literature, art, science. But at the same time, the cultural features of various Arab peoples are very noticeable, generated by various historical and geographical conditions, cultural influences, etc. The number of Arabs in Asia - 26,939 thousand: except for the actual Arab countries in Asia and Africa, significant compact groups of Arabs There are in neighboring countries (Iran, Turkey, Niger, Mali, Zanzibar, Ethiopia, etc.), as well as in the cities of France, USA, Argentina, Indonesia.

    90% of the population of Israel currently make up Jews. Arabs here are only about 200 thousand, they are resettled mainly in the north of the country, in Galilee, part of them lives in the Negev desert and around the Tiber Lake. During the Arab-Israeli War (1948-1949) and in subsequent years, most Arabs were expelled from the territory busy by Israel. Currently, about 900 thousand Arabs - refugees from Palestine live in neighboring countries.

    The Jewish population of Palestine began to grow from 1919. By the time of the formation of the state of Israel (1948), the number of Jews in Palestine reached 657 thousand, which was about one third of the country's population. The position has changed dramatically from May 1948. The Jewish population went to the newly educated state at the time of the Hitler's invasion. From May 1948, more than 1 million people arrived in Israel to Israel, including 44% of Europe, 29% of Asia, 25% of Africa. Official language in Israel - Hebrew language Hebrew, but the immigrants are still little owned by them and retain the languages \u200b\u200bthey enjoyed before arriving in Israel (Yiddish, Spaniard, English, Arabic, etc.).

    The indigenous population of Cyprus - Greeks make up 80% of the total population of the island. In addition to them, Turks (18% of the total population) and about 5 thousand Armenians are resets here. Turks hit the island in the XVI century. (After capturing the island of the Ottoman Empire) and now live mixed with the Greeks. It's hard to find at least one significant locality In Cyprus, where there were no people of the other nationality. Nevertheless, it can be noted that the percentage of the Turks is slightly higher on the coast and in major cities and below in the inner areas of the island.

    The existing idea of \u200b\u200bTurkey as a country is relatively homogeneous nationally incorrectly. The ruling circles of Turkey include all small peoples of the countries speaking different languages \u200b\u200bto the Turks. National minorities are not allocated in official reference books, and their numbers can be judged only according to their own language, and in some cases - by religion. Currently, national minorities account for about 14.4% of the total population of Turkey and populate almost a quarter of its territory. Here lives at least 15 nations focused in certain areas. The Turks make up most of the 55 provinces of Turkey from 64. In addition to Kurdistan and border with Syria, the plains, where Kurds and Arabs live, in the rest of Turkey, they are resettled mainly by Theїric with minor intersions of other peoples.

    Outside Turkey, the Turks live in Cyprus (98 thousand), in Bulgaria (665 thousand), Yugoslavia (220 thousand), Greece (110 thousand) and in other countries. In ethnically, the Turks have little common with those Turkic tribes that have penetrated the territory of modern Turkey in the XI-XIII centuries. In the process of centuries-old communication with the local indigenous population (Armenians, Georgians, Greeks, Arabs, Kurds, etc.), the Turkic tribes were mixed with him. Thus, modern Turks in ethnographic, anthropological and linguistic terms differ from other Turkic peoples.

    Iran is the most complex in the ethnicity of the country of Front Asia. About 30 nations are sequented here. The peoples of the Iranian language group pO is about 73.4%, and the Turkic - 22.4% of the total population of the country. In addition to Persians, there are many Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Lours, Bakhtiars, Bakhtiai, Turkmen, Turkmen, and other peoples that occupy almost all the outskirts of the country and components of more than half of its population. Official statistics do not recognize the presence of national minorities in the country, considering their tribal groups of Iranians. In the 1920s, national minorities were partially evicted from their habitats and are resetted by small groups among the Persian population. Modern administrative provinces (Astana) were created with such a calculation so that the largest peoples are within a few provinces. Persians in Iran are resettled by a wide strip stretching from the lake cutter in the north-west to the Omansky Bay in the south-east. Everywhere, with the exception of Iranian Azerbaijan, they constitute the bulk of the city's population. They also live in neighboring countries with Iran - Afghanistan, Iraq and other Arab countries.

    Afghanistan is also a multinational country, and Afghans make up a few more than half of the total population. On a relatively small area, 23 people are reset. The entire southern and northeastern part of the country is occupied by Iranian-speaking nations (87%), and the northwestern part of the Turkic-speaking (12%). In the East, on the border with Pakistan, peoples belong to the Indian Group or occupying intermediate (between the Iranian and Indian Group) in the linguistic classification system. It should be noted an extremely complex nature of the settlement north of Hindukush, where relatively small areas are inhabited by at least two-three peoples. Afghans (Pushtuns) are resettled on both sides of the Afghan Pakistani border. In Afghanistan, most of them live south of the Hindukush Ridge. Among the part of the Afghans are preserved division on tribes and childbirth. The largest tribal unions: Drani and Gilza (each of them has more than 1.5 million people). Other large tribes: Dzadzi, Dzadrana, Vardagi, Mangal, Vaziri, Momand, Safi, Shinvari, Cakar, etc. The modern border between G by Afghanistan and Pakistan divides many of these tribes into two parts.

    In the latest editions of both Soviet and foreign, even the numbers of the total population in terms of countries in general ranges in large limits (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen). Especially scarce information, the national composition of these countries. Therefore, in the preparation of this volume, various literary data were widely used.

    Detailed instructions on sources of determining the number of peoples are given in footnotes to the tables of each separately. Even with a quick consideration of these sources, it becomes clear that direct instructions on the national composition are available only by few countries. The census at different times was carried out in most countries, but almost everywhere there is no correspondence series over a number of years. In addition, in some major countries, the last census were a long time ago (in Bir me - 1931, Laos -1936). In total, after World War II, the census were in 34 countries out of 45.

    Even worse it is covered with the coverage of issues related to the national population. A comprehensive material with an indication of ethnicity is contained only in the censuses of China, Ceylon, Malay, Singapore and some Asian colonies of England. It should be especially necessary to dwell on the census of China's population conducted in 1953. This is perhaps one of the few censuses in the world, the data of which does not require the corresponding number of those or other peoples. This was facilitated by the fact that, before processing the census materials, Chinese scientists had a great job in the areas of settlement of national minorities to determine the ethnicity of various groups of the population. In all other cases, we had to carry out various literary materials, to carry out the division of those peoples that were combined into groups (for example, Indians, Indonesians, Africans) or, on the contrary, combine various tribal and ethnographic groups allocated by the census as independent units.

    The large group consists of countries, in the censions of which contain indicators about the language (native or conversational); These include India, Pakistan, Turkey, Cyprus, and other census, taking into account the native language, very often contain unnecessarily details, they give not only independent languages, but also dialects and dialects that are part of these languages. For example, in the census of the population of India, 1951, over 700 languages \u200b\u200band dialects were allocated; In determining, on the basis of these materials, the ethnic composition of the population it was necessary to carry out great work on their association. It should also be borne in mind that the indicators of the native (and even more so according to the conversational) language exaggerate the number of dominant or most developed nations (for example, the Turks in Turkey).

    In most Muslim Asian countries, the population is taken into account mainly on religious signs and in the number of national minorities are included, not professing religious religious in this country. In a number of Arab countries, minorities ("Minorities") include not only all non-Muslims, but also those who profess the various concerns of Islam, who are not dominant in this country (in Syria, for example, the Sunnites are 69% of the total population; all others - Representatives of other Muslim sense and sects, as well as Christians and Judaists, are among minorities). It is clear that data on religion can be used to determine the national composition only in a limited number of cases (in determining the number of Armenians, Jews, Assyrians and some European peoples).

    In some cases, it was necessary to use the information of very old censuses (for the Philippines, the determination of the number of small peoples was made using a 1918 census data and even 1903). However, in these cases there were almost always indicators of current accounting of the population at a later date or materials of expeditionary surveys. An example is Vietnam, where last census Population was held in 1936, and very detailed data on the number of all nations were published in 1957.

    It should be noted that in many countries there is current accounting of the population of foreign origin (the Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Europeans, etc.); These data are published on various dates in the intervals between population censuses.

    In addition to the censuses, the data of which were usually taken as the basis for determining the number of peoples, estimates were used in various reference publications, the general descriptions of countries, monographs on one or other peoples or tribes, in numerous descriptions of travelers, etc.

    Finally, there is a small number of relatively small peoples, there are no direct data on the number of direct data. In these cases, information about the territory occupied by them, the presumptive density of the population, etc.

    Thus, the digital data of the present volume on the peoples of foreign Asia has a different degree of accuracy. However, almost in all major peoples (about 90% of the total population) they are based on the correspondence indicators and are quite reliable. As for the rest of the peoples, various materials were used to establish their numbers, mutually complementing and adjusting each other.

    The numbers of the peoples in 1959 are calculated, since most of the population censuses we used before this term. In general, the initial data of 83% of the total population belongs to the 1950-1960 period, including 15% of 1955, all other materials refer to more early timing Or are not data census data. Recalculation in 1959 was made by extrapolation, taking into account changes in the total population in each country and therefore the figures are given, if possible, rounded. The extrapolation was not applied to those peoples for which there are certain information for the year of calculus, or data that makes it possible to establish the dynamics of their number from the moment of census until 1959 (there are information about the natural movement of the population, migration processes, etc.).

    The video tutorial is dedicated to the topic "Population of Foreign Asia". This lesson will help you to form knowledge about the population of the region, identify the patterns of forming the population of foreign Asia. The teacher will tell you about the basic characteristics of the population of Asia, will result in examples of the largest peoples, cities, countries.

    Topic: Foreign Asia

    Lesson: Population of Foreign Asia

    The population of Asia exceeds 4 billion people. Many countries in the region are at the "demographic explosion" stage.

    All countries of the region, with the exception of Japan and some countries in the transitional stage, belong to the traditional type of population reproduction. At the same time, many of them are in a state of demographic explosion. Some countries are struggling with this phenomenon, conducting demographic policies (India, China), but most countries do not conduct such policies, the rapid growth of the population and rejuvenation continues. Under the current growth rate of the population of the country of foreign Asia, food, social and other difficulties are experiencing. Among the subregions of Asia, East Asia further retired from the peak of the demographic explosion. Currently, the greatest growth rates of the population are characteristic of the countries of South-West Asia. For example, in Yemen, an average of almost 5 children accounts for one woman.

    The ethnic composition of the Asian population is also extremely difficult: more than 1 thousand peoples live here - from small ethnic groups who have several hundred people to the largest people in the number of people.

    The largest peoples of foreign Asia in the population (more than 100 million people):

    1. Chinese.

    2. Hinduscan.

    3. Bengaltsy.

    4. Japanese.

    The peoples of foreign Asia belong to about 15 language families. There is no such linguistic diversity in any other major region of the planet.

    The largest linguistic families of foreign Asia in terms of population:

    1. Sino-Tibetan.

    2. Indo-European.

    3. Austronesian.

    4. Dravidian.

    5. Austro-Azia.

    The most complex in ethnolinguistic terms of the country is India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. India and Indonesia are considered the most multinational countries of the world. In Eastern and South-West Asia, with the exception of Iran and Afghanistan, a more homogeneous national composition is characteristic. The complex composition of the population in many parts of the region leads to sharp interethnic conflicts.

    Foreign Asia is the birthplace of all the largest religions, all three world religions originated here: Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim.

    Christianity: Philippines, Georgia, Armenia, a significant proportion of Christians in Kazakhstan, Japan, Lebanon.

    Buddhism: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Mongolia.

    Islam: Southwest Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh.

    Among other national religions it is necessary to note Confucianism (China), Taoism, Sintoism. In many countries, inter-ethnic contradictions are based on religious grounds.

    Fig. 2. Temple of the Merry Coffin in Jerusalem ()

    The population of foreign Asia is uneven: population density ranges from 1 to 1200 people. per quarter. km. In Bangladesh, the average population density is 1100 people. per quarter. km. In some cities of Foreign Asia (Manila, Mumbai, Dali) population density exceeds 10,000 people. per quarter. KM! At the same time, the density of the population in Mongolia is less than 2 people. per quarter. km.

    The population density, national, religious composition of the countries of the region has the influence of migration. The main centers of immigration were the countries of the Persian Gulf, Singapore, big cities China, and emigrations - Philippines, Pakistan, Uzbekistan.

    The growth rates of the city's urban population are very large. But despite this, in terms of urbanization (less than 45%), foreign Asia stands on the penultimate (in front of Africa) among the regions of the world. China and India are leading on the total number of urban and rural residents, but in percentage The level of urbanization in these countries is low.

    The largest cities of foreign Asia in terms of population:

    2. Shanghai.

    3. Mumbai.

    4. Jakarta.

    6. Manila.

    9. Istanbul.

    10. Manila.

    For rural settlement The most characteristic rustic form.


    Topic 7, P. 1

    1. Name the largest peoples of Foreign Asia.

    2. Give examples of countries of foreign Asia with a demographic crisis.



    1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 CL: Textbook for general education institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2012. - 367 p.

    2. Economic and social geography of the world: studies. for 10 cl. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 400 p.

    3. Atlas with a set of contour cards for the 10th grade. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Martographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


    1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

    Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

    1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drab. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

    Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

    1. Thematic control of geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambarcumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 s.

    2. The most complete edition model options Real assignments EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

    3. Optimal assignment bank to prepare students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial / Sost EM. Ambarcumova, S.E. Dukov. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

    4. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

    5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of EGE 2011. - M.: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

    6. EGE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

    7. Geography tests: Grade 10: to the textbook V.P. Maksakovsky "Economic and Social Geography of the World. Grade 10 "/ E.V. Branches. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

    8. Textbook on geography. Tests I. practical tasks Geography / I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

    9. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2009. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 s.

    10. Single State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 s.

    11. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

    12. EGE 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

    13. EGE 2012. Geography: typical examination options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

    14. EGE 2011. Geography: standard exam options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

    Materials on the Internet

    1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( ).

    2. Federal portal Russian education ().

    In Europe, all languages \u200b\u200bto one Indo-European family, with the exception of isolated Basque, Turks and Gagauz to Altai, Hungarians and Finns to Urals, Maltese to seven-Khamita. In Asia, several language families:

      Sino-Tibetan (more than 40% of the total population is more than 1 billion) - Hanz, Tibeto-Burmese, Hui (Muslims), Himalayan peoples, Naga, Kacins, Karen, etc.

      Indo-European (900 million) - Iranian branch (Pushta, Tajiks, Kurdis), Armenian group, Albanian gr., Greek c. (Greeks, Caracachans), Indoary Branch (Hindi, Urdu, Bengaltsy)

      Austronesian (250 million) - Indonesians (about 100 nations), Melanesians, Philipins, etc.

      Dravida - Telugu, Tamily, Gundy in India, Bragui in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

      Austro-Azia-Singhal, Munda in India, Viegets, Mona, Khmer, Gajan in Taiwan, Miao-Yao, Malactsy, Nicbars, etc.

      Altai - Turkic, Mongolian, Tungso-Manchur Group, Japanese and Korean Languages

      Paratai (Kadai) - Thais, Lao, Siamese, Shana, Zhuhans, etc.

      Afrazian - Arabs, Jews, Assyrians, Amhara, Tuaregi, House, etc.

      Papaskaya-Tadorians, Buin, Sentany, etc.

      Transnovogvinskaya - Eng, Bunak, Chimba

      Andamansky - onge and others.

      North Caucasian: Group Ado-Abkhasskaya, Nakho-Dagestan.

      Carvela - Georgians, Lases

      Ural-Yukagirskaya - Finno-Ugry, Sophia, Yukagira

      Chukotsko-Kamchatskaya - Chukchi, Koryaki, Itelmen

      Isolated - Bugs, Ains, Kets, Nivhi

    Hatsky, Sumerian, Etruscan, Urartsky

    Classification on HTT.

    There are several economic and cultural types of assigning and producing farms. HTT acts as ego-forming signs and determine the number of peoples from several thousand to several million.

    The role of economic and cultural characteristics and the lifestyle associated with them in the folding of groups of ethnic groups of nomads and farmers. The nomads of anterior Asia include Turkic, Iranian, Arab tribes and have a common self-awareness. Nomads of Bedouin (Arabs) are opposed to themselves from democrebers and sedentary farmers (also Arabs). In the nomads of India, a peculiar cultural and economic community originated gypsy - descendants of small tribes of Indoariyev from the lower castes, gadels, trainers, blacksmiths, potters and weaving specials that moved in 1 thousand AD. Through Iran, Malazia, Egypt, Spain.

    There are ethnocon confessional communities inside the Ethnic Sheet - Serbian (Bosnians), the Jesids in Iran, Iraq, Bind in Iran, Druz Syria and Lebanon, Syria Nashai, Arabs Catholics Maronites Lebanon (about 600 thousand people), Hispanic Moro Muslims in the Philippines.

    HTT Eurasia.

      Hunters, collectors and fishermen. This is stray andamanians, Vedes, part of Munda and DravidsIndia. Collected mainly honey, wood, resin, rubber, camphor. Hued with a bow and arrows, the products of the future did not prepare. Stray hunters Malakki, Kalimantan also used Luke and casuals, did not have skill to make clay dishes. To this type related aina. Japan and small nations of southern China.

      Manual (honey) farmers. In the front of Asia, there was only in Turkey, in South Asia cultivated terraced fields, growing millet, beans, rice, vegetables and fruits. In Nepal and India at the mountain taev, monov., papuans. Guinea djakov Indonesia used high-firing agriculture with irrigation, combined with collecting, snake fishing.

    In Central Asia, a two-way stick with a leg support and a stone ripped knife was used. In 5 c. Before used in the valleys of millet, tarot, yams, rice. The housing-fire agriculture was combined with breeding pigs, dogs, in Tibet, cultivated Oats, barley, buckwheat.

      Cattle breeding. Separated from manual farming another 2 thousand to one. In front and Central Asia prevailed extensive pasture With three types of nomadic: meridian At Kurds and Pashtunov, vertical In Iran I. stationary in Turkmenistan In addition, in the anterior Asia was also hedicochoe pasture with caravan trade. Discount The cattle breeding was in the mountains of South Asia and the people of Todd, as well as in the north-west of Pakistan in Arabs, Pashtunov, Kurds and Beluji. Semi-seated pasture, combined with honey farming, for example in Yu.V.A. on about. Maura.

    The high development of the crafts was combined with half-blooded cattle breeders with agriculture and metalworking (Damascus steel, jewelry, as well as with carpetcase, pottery, skin treatment and sheepskin and doodle, stone carvings, bones and wood.

      Parent farmersseparated by a) pastry farmers wet tropics and subtropics (riceged group), collecting 2-yields per year with bay rice growing. (mainly in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indochina countries). Grilled sugar cane, corn, beans, carnival cultures, cotton, tea, tobacco, opium poppy, on the islands coconut palm. Rice, millet, millet, fruits, jute, coconut and rubber palm have grown in the valleys. The tools of labor - plow, harrow, stone mills. Animals bred large cattle, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, camels. Belf and Pashtunov prevailed half-pastoral cattle breeding combined with pasha agriculture. b) parent agriculties arid subtropical zone with a predominance of seeding wheat and millet, and in part and corn. (Pakistan, C-Z India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Arab Countries of Angement). in) babe agriculture of virgin lands With the cultivation of solid varieties of wheat, barley, tute wood, batt, dates, citrus, coffee, cotton, tobacco, grapes - in front and Central Asia. Until recently, a wooden plow, hoe, sickle, harbor of branches remained, handmade. Used grave wheels. It was combined with stall and distant animal husbandry - breeding goats, donkeys, horses, sheep, camels. On Tibet, high-mountainous sudium rice, buckwheat, oats, barley, swallowing the slopes with a heavy plow with a wide loem and poloz.

    In the arid zone 10 tons. BC There was an irrigation pastry agriculture with lifting wheels, channels, dams or wells with a connecting gallery (Kiryaznaya).

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