
When to take and give debt over the lunar calendar - the advice of the astrologer. How to give and take money in debt not to attract financial problems

Duty to give money or not:

1. In your family it was seen so instituted - to solve its own financial difficulties And you should not take money in debt, especially give. And when you are asked to lend money, you just wonder - how to afford to ask for money in debt.

2. You have anxiety for your money - suddenly the debt will not be returned, then go to demand it, somehow return, it is better to refuse immediately. Perhaps somewhere in the depths of the soul, and if you look deeper (the history of the kind), then the debts did not return to your boring and you do not like to give debts (most likely you do not even know it) and you are involuntarily waiting for the same behavior from your debtor .

Analyze your life and life of your ancestors, honestly answer your questions and accept any answers.
Few people know that it is possible to give a debt only the same amount with which you agree to part forever. Even if the money asks a person in which you are 100% sure. Giving in debt, always keep in mind that, perhaps, you will not be returned to you. Based on this, determine the amount of the amount you can give in debt.

Money in debt - folk signs:

The people there are an opinion that it is better to give money to the debt to other people than to take money to the debt. And as always, the people are right, because folk signs were in centuries. The main thing in the folk accept is to feel when you give money in debt, you run cash flow And ask to return to you in more, bring with you "friends", but it is important to comply with certain monetary rules:

* Remember, the folk wisdom says that on Monday, the 13th of each month, the 13th on Friday, April 7, February 13, for the Annunciation, Baptism (in large church holidays) the money in debt can not be given, because They will leave irretrievably, and everything. On Sunday, it is also not necessary to give a debt - money may not be returned. Do not learn and on Tuesday, otherwise risks yourself all your life live in debt.

* It is impossible, giving money or taking debts, transfer bills from hand to hand: along with money there may be a negative energy of another person, for example, the energy of poverty or bad luck. The same rule acts and when buying any goods or products in stores or in markets or when submitting alms. Place money on the counter, and when filing alms - serve bread go throw the coin into the header.

* It is impossible to lend and return debts in the evening. When darkness is thickened above the ground, the time of unclean power comes. Therefore, in the evening, it is not necessary to engage in financial affairs: the evil spirits in two bills can be diagnosed or, worse, take away your blood. But if, so the circumstances have developed and you are forced to make a certain financial operation. After sunset, before the transfer it is necessary to put money on the floor, and the person to whom they are intended should be thickened and raise them.

* Be sure to put the condition so that you return the debt bills of the same dignity that they took, but not in small money.

* Property in advance so that the return time does not coincide with a decreasing moon. And do not forget to use such security whispers, which are pronounced about themselves three times: "Not at wagon, but now I give, then I will doubly get. Exactly!" Or "occupied (a), did not give (a), not on that, (the name of the debtor), attacked (a)! Relief, yourself (a) bring! May it be so!". In this case, the debt will definitely return to you, because the debt is shipped.

* It is better not to give money to the debt to a person, in front of whom you yourself must or something owes him. He may not give a debt or pull with his return, considering that it has a moral right.

* It is better to always give and give money (bills) not in the deployed form, but in the rolled. If the bill is simply folded in half, even slightly, this is already enough. In this form, it can be given and give, without worrying. Covers must be folded so that its ends are addressed to who gives it. And if you give money in an unfolded form, it means that you, as if with all my soul we part with them, so to speak ... Do not hesitate to give money so much. Those who do not know about this accept will take money from you, and they will unfold them. And they won't say anything. (Of course, if you did not fold the bills more than once, just in half, or if they did not screw in the tube). And those who know about it will understand, and they will not tell anything either (because for sure, once they know, they themselves do that). And this sign concerns not only the favor of money. It is always desirable to observe it: when you buy anything, pay any services, etc.

* It is impossible to give money and take them into debt of hand to hand. It is necessary to lie on the table (but not for dining), on the bedside table, on the chest of a chair, a stool, a stool, well, or in the extreme case on the floor or to the ground.

* Not very famous signs about money: you can not give money sums, end and zero-tested: 20, 200, 2000, 20000, etc. Most likely, this money will not be returned.

* Modern Signals: Let's debt money, especially large sums, secured and on receipt.

Money in debt.

Giving money in debt, do it easily, think that your money will benefit a person, transmit positive energy with them, because the BoMrang law will work and you will return with a hundredfold.

Knowing your positive attitude to help asking as a consecration, feeling the joy of what helped the neighbor, you can easily react to the return of money debt. You just need to think about the current situation:

* why it happened to you

* why did not return money debt,

* What did you do wrong in this life

* what you need to change in yourself,

* What are you paying for?

Thinking over questions, you will come answers: you have too much dependency on money, distrust of people, condemnation of those who take money or will not return debts.

If you feel that you do not want to give a debt - do not do it. Such money will not bring benefits and satisfying you or your debtor.

Give money into debt to solve you. Just do you know what folk sign Works in your family, personally you have. Remember that in the Bible written in the Bible: "Yes, I will not attend the hand of the giving."

How to take money in debt:

Duty is one way to overlap the cash flow into your life.

There are two approaches to debt:

* Debt is an opportunity for the development of your business, profession, learning, movement forward.

* Duty - to the fact that you have not yet earned, "did not grow up" in your development system, but you really want to have.

In the first case - you use money for development - in order to bring the utility to people, peace, to yourself. In the second case, you are just blocking cash flow, cash energy, because Violate one of the laws - "We are given according to our needs."

If you do not receive the amount of this level, then there is no need, it means you just need to "pea". At your level, large amounts of money obtained in debt will only worsen the situation. Such debts can make you in a vicious circle, where there is only a desire to have, get, but there is no need to give. Very often, such a circle leads to huge debts and serious financial problems.

Therefore, to make money in debt depends on how you feel about this issue and why you have money to spend them to satisfy momentary desires or use to achieve your goals.

To take money in debt when you need it and give when they ask, learn to love and accept yourself and your opinion about debts. Understand the reasons why you are hard to take or give money in debt. Stop condemn people who do not fulfill their obligations - and such people will not meet in your life. If you constantly lack money, think about how to minimize costs and increase income, calculate your personal budget.

If you take a debt, do it consciously and purposefully.

- When you give duty, keep the fig in your pocket (do your left hand).

- The debt must be given in the morning so that the money is kept (so there is).

- You can not let go of money or bread in the evening, it will not be in the house, nor the other (salt can not be given to neighbors at all).

- On Monday, you do not pay money on Monday, and then all the money from home will leave (there is a folk wisdom that says: do not let money in debt).

- Who eats a lot of blueberries, the poverty is not terrible (folk sign promises money, doctors guarantee good health A man who regularly consumes blueberries).

- Bleed the rubles in the trifle - to tears, large bills Small - to the spent (it is better to spend money without running out).

- The sun is the village - from home the garbage does not do it, rent output (very correct sign).

- After leaving guests, shake up the tablecloth to the street so that the money was found.

- On the table, do not sit, it's to poverty.

- If you have a beggar and looks in your eyes, give him a coin and say: the moths of the Isus of Christ, he will wish.

- Nurse must be filled with silver, copper thread so that it does not impose himself. It is impossible to give up paper bills (very correct sign).

- You can not whistle in the house - all the money will be allowed (the old sign).

- If you give someone a kitten or a puppy or another animal, you need to take a money in payment.

- Empty bottles on the table can not be kept to ruin (to grief, to quarrel, to tears).

- You want money to arrive, keep all paper money in the wallet to yourself face (very good sign).

- to more money It was, put in the wallet of the osine leaf (this sign is considered folk wisdom).

- In order for the money in the house there is, in each corner, put on the coin (the main thing later they do not touch them).

- When you come to you big money, post down some monetary check And always carry with me so that she attracts the other money to themselves. Never waste it and do not run.

- If the blood goes the nose, the caps on the most big Couple. In the wallet, such a few will come.

- To make money in the house, put a broom stick (superstition).

- To see the excrement in a dream - to the money. The more excrement, the more you get money.

- Do not stand on the threshold, and then money will be hard in the house to pass (folk sign).

- Nails cut off on Tuesday or Friday, to make money.

- Do not put money on the table, it is to money losses (rather life observation than the sign).

- When the left hand itches, an unexpected money will come.

- Birds above you noted, to the big cash parish (sign).

"So that the money is large to come, in the young moon, the smooth cat with white legs on the wool and the cheeses in the mustache, and he himself (a) sentence:" Koteshok-Batuschok, give us money, perhaps you are more. "

Money does not like light.

When there is no money, there are many desires where to spend them, and the more the amount, the less the desires becomes.

The greater the amount of money, the sooner it increases, (money attracts money).

Money does not give, if there is any duties of cash or other in front of the debtor.

It is impossible to give to the debt to a person in front of which you have any duties, he will not return a debt, believing that he has it right.

It is impossible to give money in debt if there is no mechanism for returning.

Money needs to love, constantly think about them.

When you return say: "So that you have always been and I have multiplied with me," passing bills from hand to hand.

Money must be kept in the house ("Money for money goes"), and regularly recalculate.

Never mine bills, do not tear, not trample with legs.

There must be a coin under the threshold (silver). Speaking through the threshold to speak: "I am home and money for me."

Coins must be in the corner of the room. The greater the hill, the stronger the vibration. Do not sweep, do not take.

Do not borrow on Tuesday and on a decreasing moon. And also in the evening.

Do not take money from hand to hand - they are good damage.

Generously let the tips for a well-done work - you will return three times more.

Economic law - the higher your income, the more your expenses. "How and how much it came, and so much will leave."

Do not occupy and do not return money in the evening. If there is hopeless situations - put money on the floor, the table, the end. Only not at the dinner table.

For everything you need to pay.

The more you give, the more you get.

Having taught, say: "So that I have always been and you have multiplied with these mutual rods, you closure a money circle

Take money with your left hand, give right.

Remember, returning money, you return the energy.

Money should always be in circulation. It is impossible to save money "on your pocket", better for the purpose of accumulation to use the bank, to reduce the risk of several different banks. Money loves turnover, as they are their native environment.

It is necessary to receive money with pleasure, and to part with them without regret.

Never position the goal is to accumulate money, because the money may not be a goal, but are only a means to achieve goals. (Possible goals achieved by money - Apartment, car, trip abroad, etc.).

Respect for money. If you saw a coin on the road, be sure to lift, because if you pass by, you show your disrespect for the egregor of money, he does not need to worship, but respect.

Contact money politely.

When they come to you, talk with them, for example, "Hello, my coins, my little crispy paper" or you can also say a "magic" phrase: "Money for money."

When they go away from you, tell them: "Goodbye, my coins, my little crispy paper, I hope we will see you soon."

Signs that will bring you money.

So that the money went to your home, you can not spend a single ruble on the salary day, the whole amount should spend the night of the house. Some priests of everyday wisdom advise to maintain a major bill, which, they say "charged" by your energy will begin to attract money to him. There will be no money: if you whistle in the room, crumbs from the table to clean your hand. You can not blame the neighbor bread and salt - wealth can leave your home and go to another family. So that in the house we started the money broom to put the handle down.

On Wednesday afternoon is best to increase the salary. Do not take money on Monday, do not blame on Tuesday and do not give debt on Friday. To give and loan will certainly in the morning, because Any action with money in the evening is fed up. And in general, try it once does not occupy, but more often to give in debt, you are programming money to come back to you.

Clothing pockets hanging out for the season in the closet, supply small dignity bills; And the money does not like torn pockets or torn buttons.

Never hold your wallet blank, let him lie at least a coin. All bills should be located face-to-owner. In the smallest department itself, store the triangle of the bill in one dollar. Also in the wallet should be a "happy coin" (the first earned, received from a good person, from a successful transaction, etc.). This coin cannot be spent - she is a happy mascot of wealth, otherwise money will be offended and will not go into hand.

Throw through three coins with holes in the middle of a red ribbon and constantly worn in her dog. Every time, opening a wallet, gently stroking the talisman - he will respond a profit.

(won, earned by the dishonest path, found, presented, etc.) do not bring happiness and therefore should not be delayed in your wallet. Speak them in need or immediately spend. Signs that will bring you money.

Learn how to give money to debt - the signs of our ancestors will teach you to approach this case correctly from the point of view of magic. Proper money treatment is a guarantee of connecting to money egregor, which means that the guarantee of enviable material situation.

In the article:

Duty money - signs about the loan

If you take away from someone, you take them with your left hand. Signs about money in debt says that if you take them in this way, it will be easy to give. People who take borrowed money with their right hand are constantly experiencing problems with their return.

Many actions seem much more moral, if you look at them through your fingers who keep money.

Borrow preferably large bills. They symbolize powerful. Such a loan will attract financial streams to you and, accordingly, new sources of profit.

Borrow - in principle, not too good sign. In the old days, they thought: everyone is given according to the possibilities. If you do not have money to fulfill your desire or satisfaction, it means that you are not at the level that is needed for this. In this situation, the debt is not a way out. Our ancestors never occupied money in order to buy new expensive clothing or make others who do not have the practical value of the purchase.

Duty should benefit and bear new opportunities for development. So, to take without special consequences on business development, training, receiving any professional opportunities. It is unlikely that such debts you beat yourself in poverty. Rather, on the contrary.

Overdue loans - very bad sign. If you do not return debts, you worsen your relationship with. Financial obligations required to perform. Our ancestors believed that a person whose word was worthless, would never live in prosperity. Before trying to establish your financial situation, deal with debts.

How to give money in debt - Signs of our ancestors

Claply give you - and you will love you, and will love forever if someone does not give two hundred.

Regarding how to give money to debt, signs are recommended not to do this. "From hand to hand". It brings poverty as to who occupies and to the one who gives in debt. In order to avoid the negative value of this belief, put the bills on any surface - the table, the chair, the end. Let the one who you give them will take them yourself. Perhaps you noticed in stores special money tanks? They serve for the same purpose - with bills and coins. Money passes through a lot of hands, and not every owner was the owner of pure energy.

If you are interested in how to give money to debt, signs advised to give bills with their right hand. Debts should also be right hand. This is a sign to well-being. When you receive your money back, left hand to Kukish behind your back. It will save you from the evil eye and the negative emotions of your debtor. Not a fact that there are those available, but it is better to protect themselves.

Give and return debts better small bills. Large symbolize powerful flows Cash energy with which it is better not to part. If you give only minor money, regardless of their amount, this will make a profit in the future.

Do not give money if there is anxiety about this. This often happens in people who subconsciously expect karmic punishment for non-report loans. For example, if you yourself do not give debts or your relatives are different, you can hardly hope that you will return money on time. You can only give money in debt with a light heart - think that everything will come back.

Ask the debtor to give you money by the same bills that you gave him. Give a debt with minor money is a common magical way to enrich someone else's account. It is already described above. If you wish to do this in a similar way, you can ask the debtor larger bills. This simple trick will take money from him and will send it to you. You can ask the debtor to give a little great amount, at least one ruble more. This is to income growth.

There are special conspiracies that pronounce about themselves while you convey money to a person in need. They oblige him to give duty, protect you from losses, and sometimes work as conspiracies to attract money. Here is one of these texts:

Not at wagon, but for profit, now I give, then I will get doubly. Exactly!

And one more similar plot:

Occupied (a), did not give (a), not on that, (the name of the debtor), attacked (a)! Relief, yourself (a) bring! May it be so!

Some conspiracies can be said out loud, and it is unlikely that their texts will upset the borrower. Here is an example:

So that I have always been, and you have multiplied.

Such a good wish in conspiracy does not have any bad consequences. With the help of these words, you can insure yourself from ruin, non-payment of debt, and also make sure that the borrower has the opportunity to pay with you honestly.

When you can give money in debt - Signs about the right time choosing

These are rich invented what to talk about money in native.

By signs, money is not allowed during descending moon. This moon phase is not suitable for monetary operations at all. No conspirers and rituals for enrichment are not conducted during the descending of the night shone. During this period, it is better to avoid large spending if possible. From the point of view of the rules of money egregor, material aid neighbor is good. Help is a close man in the form of a downlings of money always pays off - the Universe gives one who leaves other people in the misfortune. But during a decreasing moon, cash energy breaks outside the human world, so your money is leaking, and they will not return. Perhaps the debt will not be returned at all, and maybe you will immediately spend the return funds to solve new problems.

It is also better to ask for money in a growing moon. So cash will arrive. It does not matter what it is a loan, and not your personal income - this money will only bring good. If the person who you took into debt is not superstitious, try to give him a debt on a decreasing moon. The moon will decrease, and all your debts will go after her. True, the person you owed, it will not bring anything good - his financial situation will worsen.

It is not customary to give debts and give in debt at the beginning of the week. Monday - the worst day for this. This belief promises poverty and ruins both the debtor and the borrower. They do not give a debt and do not return debts also on Sunday - this day our ancestors separated from the rest to the work of spiritual affairs, and not material difficulties. To give a debt on Tuesday - to become a debtor for life. It is impossible to give debts on Friday and Saturday. There are only two more favorable for lending to the money of the day - Wednesday and Thursday.

The given 13 numbers of any month, if you believe the legends, will leave irretrievably. The negative meaning of this number is recorded quite a lot of bad. Especially common such beliefs in the West are common. The same applies to 31 numbers - this is the number 13 written by the ass in advance.

Do not take money before. Regarding when to give money to debt, signs are unanimously allowed to do it on the eve of the holidays. Distribute debts before the new year - very good sign, to stability and good income next year. But take a debt better after the end of the holidays. Or you should give money before the new year. Meet New Year In debt - very bad sign, will pay for a whole year with creditors and live in need. It is impossible to occupy on January 1 - to poverty and life in debt for the whole year.

Do not give and do not take duty during church holidays. This belief is particularly negative, if you do this for Christmas, Easter, Annunciation or Baptism. In church holidays, it is supposed to think about the divine. In most saints, it is forbidden to work, including, and conduct any financial operations. Take care of your problems after graduating from the holiday.

The problem is not to have money on black caviar, but in order to find the taste in it.

It is impossible to give money to duty at sunset. This period in its influence is similar to the decreasing phase of the moon. Of course, the effect of time of day is much weaker than the influence that has a phase of the moon on the world. But also to follow this take it easier - it is enough to ask for the one who came for money, to go to the next day.

Sometimes you have to give someone money loan or occupy for yourself. Not all people believe in the signs, but when it comes to money, caution does not hurt. If you carefully examine all the rules and comply with them, financial well-being will only increase.

How to give money to debt

Before leaving cash, you need to understand when you can do it, and when not. It is important to understand what people should not be in debt, and what conditions must be observed.

What time is it impossible to lend money

Not every date or time of the day is suitable for this. In order not to have any problems, you need to know when you cannot give money. Signs:

  1. In the evening, at twilight time. Positive monetary energy is confused and lost in the dark. If in the daytime it does not work, then you need to light the lamp, the lamp or a candle and put cash to the ground. The borrower should raise them.
  2. In the period of decreasing moon, favorable consequences with these money will be only at whom they lent them. For his own well-being, it is worth waiting for a growing moon.
  3. It is impossible to do this during the period of church holidays - Easter, Christmas, Baptism, Annunciation and others.
  4. Any month of the 13th. Especially unsuccessful is the 13th February.

It is worth remembering what day you can not give money to debt:

  • on Sunday, they are most likely not given back;
  • on Monday - the money will stop working, will be lingering for a while;
  • on Tuesday, debts will be pursued until the end of life.

Despite the fact that Thursday and Friday - favorable days are excluded pure Thursday and a passionate Friday, as these holidays.

Convenient time for this procedure

If they are often asked to borrow money, you need to know when you can give money into debt. Signs:

  1. During the daytime, it is desirable during sunlight.
  2. It is best to do this in the morning, before lunch, in the morning.
  3. And give a debt, and it is necessary to take it back on a growing moon. This contributes to the money growth.

Who can give money in debt, and who does not

Not every person can be guaranteed, otherwise the giving may have financial problems:

  1. If you lend money to a poor or unbelievable person, then upon return, it will give his negative poverty and failures.
  2. You can heal and stay completely without money, if you give in the debt to those who have not been delayed for a long time.
  3. Do not lend finance to friends and relatives. This can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings.
  4. But if you give a wealthy person, then the positive energy of his success and wealth is transferred to the one who lent.
  5. You should not give in debt to the one who ever lent. This will lead to quarrels with this person. Losses are also possible.
  6. No need to share with those who themselves should now, and it does not matter what is a service, for example. This person will assume that he may not return debt as he wants, because he helped first.

Sometimes it is difficult not to help a close or very needy person, but do not forget about yourself.

Other conditions for completing money

In order not to get the negative energy of another person and do not give it his positive, cash does not pass from hand to hand. You need to put bills anywhere: chair, bed, table, yes at least on the ground. You can not use a dining table for this. It is desirable that the surface is from wood, then she will absorb the whole negative. If debt is returned, but there is nothing wooden nearby, immediately at the arrival home you need to find such a surface and leave money for it for an hour.

You can not give amounts in which there are 2 and 0 numbers (for example, 200, 2000). Covers must be folded at least twice and keep the ends to themselves. Otherwise, it turns out that money is given openly, with a soul - that is, forever. They need to be given right hand, and take the left left. A man thinks the left hemispheres of the brain logically, and it is responsible for the actions of the right hand. Therefore, the money should be consisious, but you can pick up with emotions.

Give me a debt is recommended by the largest bills. It turns out as if you give less money (if you count the number of bills). If the debtor is trying to return cash with bills of less, it is necessary to explain that it is bad sign. Let him exchange and return the debt with the same bills that he took, or larger.

Do not regret the past money: it is believed that they are returning at the moment when a person does not expect this at all. It is impossible to look at a person, especially in his eyes when giving money. In this case, this situation will always be repeated. You need to think more often, because it always returns more.

When I give up, you need to say loud to the phrase so that the borrower heard:

"The money is a pity, but it is necessary, yes to a good deed and good people. Help and come back not by time, and by time ".

It is necessary not to just speak these words, but feel that money is not sorry, to mentally wish good luck. It is more useful to hang out money than to occupy yourself. Energy of wealth is attracted to someone who shows the ability to have money and not to spend their in vain.

How to make the debtor no longer asked money

Several simple actions will help get rid of an annoying person:

  • give money a little more than he requests and ask for surrender;
  • if there is nothing to give a surrender, he must exchange another on your bill in any way - for example, buy a rummy or pay for travel on the bus;
  • this bill must be stored until a person returns debt;
  • after a complete refund of the debugged funds, you need to give it to him.

After this procedure, this person will no longer want to take into debt of the one who completed all items.

How to give debts

It is not necessary to think long for a long time, on what day of the week it is better to give a debt with money: the rules are almost the same as when lending to own funds . Therefore, favorable days for the return of funds - Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. But on Friday, it is impossible to give money.

So that money is always kept, return debts you need early in the morning. You need to give with gratitude. You can add a little more than occupied. At the time of returning a debt must be said:

"Let you always be found, but I will bring up."

To speak out loud to hear the debtor.

If you do not return the money to the right moment or at all forget about the debt, this in each case takes part of the financial well-being. No wonder they say that there are no happiness money for happiness. You should not borrow money from those people who do not like, otherwise all negative energy will remain in the house. Return debts best with the most small bills.

You need to take money in debt only in acute need: to the simplest food or housing payment. Deborrow funds will bring some trouble, if you buy, for example, sweets or object of clothing. Extra borrowed money closes and block financial energy. A person who has not yet risen to a certain level will not earn a large amount of money. And those that are borrowed, only worsen the situation.

The main rule that will allow multiply own funds: You need to share knowledge about money with other people and not be afraid to give a debt. And then the positive money energy will be returned doubly. But you should not think about money, if I do not want or not enough.

Signs for time when you can not give money to debt or take them, knows a large number modern people. However, not all adhere to them. Do you want to protect your condition or dream of multiplying capital? Then this article is specifically for you. Read the presented material, remove useful moments and follow them. You will be able to save your well-being, calm and stop borrowing money when they are missing.

Signs helps to protect the condition and increase capital

Signs coming from antiquity

No wonder, most of the well-known will come to us from deep antiquity. Do you remember how your ancestors lived? Many of them rose from the knees and left you states, apartments, cars and something else. But once and they were not so easy ...

If you deepen in history, then you can remember how many wars, hunger strikes, crises had to endure the past generation, but we should not forget them, since they presented us with this calm life and everything that we have was made possible thanks to our ancestors. And this is: technologies, strategies, signs, etc. Today, consider the monetary signs to which the relatives of them were sometimes treated:

There are signs that entail poverty, ruin (observe them and live in sufficiency):

  • do not remove crumbs from the table with a naked hand (to poverty);
  • do not sit on the kitchen table (to ruin);
  • empty dishes on the table - empty in the wallet;
  • do not take out and not to sweep the garbage from the hut in the evening (drive away good luck and wealth).

Can commendations about money to make you rich? The answer to this question, every person chooses for himself, based on his faith in signs. If you believe and observe most monetary admission, they will definitely help and attract to your home comfort, warmth of home and financial well-being. Otherwise (do not believe), do not even try to stick to them, nothing will come out of this.

Monetary magic

And you knew that with the help of a penny, you can attract finances? Such a sign belongs to the section of the magic and was classified during the expulsion of witches. But today, this technique is once again open. Remember, act only in the case of faith in the signs, otherwise the result will be negative.

Coin advantage 1 kopeck is able to influence the well-being of a person

In the magic of the coin, 1 kopeck has tremendous power and is able to influence the well-being of a person. Many legends and believes are associated with such a coin. With it, you can carry out energy binding to a specific place. There is a tradition to throw a penny in the sea or fountain to make sure this place. With a penny, you can attract money. The main thing is to know as and when, and follow easy tricks.

Remember the old proverb: "Kopeck ruble saves"? Always leave a penter in your wallet, then the financial crisis does not overtake you (an important sign for a modern inhabitant).

In the magic of attracting money there is a ritual that the coin found is customary, then and only then it will bring good luck. Remember, it is impossible to leave it to yourself (spend or give as alms). After reading this, remember about the energy, and think for what purpose they drove the coin, or did you lose it?

Old, battered coin can bring good luck. Keep it in the wallet and do not waste, because it is good luck talisman. And over time, hurt.

To improve business (for example, trading), crumble the handful of trifles at the entrance and through the territory of the store, they will attract buyers as well as money in your wallet.

You can spend a certain ritual contributing to financial prosperity. Throw a penny through the left shoulder, cross and tell me: "I give a penny, get twice as much." The main thing is to believe and after a while after the ritual you will have money in the wallet.

Stop thinking about your financial problems, debts and failures. Believe in the signs and start treating them with faith, then your life will change for the better.

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