
Cash flow. What did you say rich dad? We attract cash stream powerful cash flow

The most important word in business and investment -

To date, many people are in a difficult financial situation, because too much money leaves their pocket, and it comes very little. If you are going to be financially prosperous, you need to learn how to direct more cash flow into your pockets.

I learned that there are three models of cash flow. Poor, middle class and rich.

Poor cash flow model

You will often hear those who tried with all their might, but says "I live from paying to pay." Unfortunately, they barely cope with paying all monthly expenses. They work hard, often in two works, so that only the ends meet with the ends, but they always remain in a difficult position, because they will simply turn on the spot.

The cash flow model of the poor looks like this:

Middle Class Money Flow Model

The middle class also often lives from paying to pay, but for other reasons and in another way. Here's what the model of the middle class looks like:

This model is typical of our perfect society. After all, people who live according to this model are likely to have a highly paid job, good houses, Cars I. credit cards. This is that my rich dad called the "working class dream."

Having postponing some money on a retirement account, the middle class spends money on various kinds of toys and liabilities that do not put money in his pocket, but get them. This is "rat run".

Over time, you build a lifestyle at which you need to either save work, or find a higher paid one, or work overtime. And if you are fired, everything goes with collapse.

Often, when people play my "cash flow" game, they see it for the first time. Overcoming obstacles in the game, they learn financial literacy And they begin to understand that they are in a difficult financial situation, although they look quite consistent on the outside. After the game, some people begin to think like rich.

Money flow model of rich

This is a cash flow model of the rich:

The rich dad wanted me and his son thought this model since childhood. He never wanted us to attract us the idea of \u200b\u200bhighly paid work. He wanted us to develop thoughts only about assets and incomes in the form of capital growth, dividends, rental income and interest from business and real estate.

Think like rich

If you want to be successful in the information age, then the faster you will develop your financial and emotional intelligence, the faster you will feel financially safe and gain financial freedom. Nowadays, when jobs are becoming less and less, such a cash flow model has more meaning for me. And in order to achieve this model, you need to see the world from the point of view of a businessman and investor, not an employee and a specialist.

One of the most important things to whom my rich dad taught me is to control my personal cash flow and cash flows in the world. He taught me to control the global cash flow, watching three things:

  1. Jobs: Many jobs that previously were generously paid, no longer exist in America. They are now abroad USA.
  2. People: The flow of jobs from the USA made many to look new job. This often requires moving to a new city or even a country where certain industries flourishes. I like to invest in the markets where people are staying, and not in those from where they go.
  3. Cash: During the Great Recession, we saw that the funds were treated from the stock market in savings, bonds, and gold, in other words, in safe places. Today the money flows back to stock marketbut will you for a long time? In order to be rich, you must see the luck, where the money flows and, accordingly, before others get there.

Last week we talked about. To be able to use the debt is one of the most important skills to which a person can learn. And an important lesson is that only the debt that makes the money to flow to your bank account - a good debt.

I and my partners create their own cash flow, watching the world movement money. For example, we invest, taking loans to buy residential buildings in areas where there are good jobs, sites where people and money are in motion. Simply put, real estate is worthless if there are no jobs. Workplaces attract people. And where there is a movement of people, there are cash flows. It's just, but most people are not trained to search. As a result, cash flow suffers.

Definition of cash flow, cash flow analysis

Information on the definition of cash flow, cash flow analysis

1. Definition


In the form of signs


2. Analysis of cash flows

3. Cash flow control system

4. The main factors affecting the cash flow

5. Briefly about the main thing

1. Definition Cash flow

Cash Flea or Cash Flow is a range of numbers, consisting of a sequence of obtained or paid money distributed from its economic content. The basis of cash flow management lies the concept of money circuit. For example, money is converted to stocks, receivables and back to money, a closic cycle of the company's working capital of the company. When the cash flow decreases or overlaps completely, an insolvency phenomenon occurs. The lack of funds the company may even if formally remains profitable (for example, the timing of the company's customers is violated). It is with this that the problems of income, but illiquid companies standing on the verge of bankruptcy are connected.

Generally accepted payment flow designation - CF. The designation of the numerical series is CF0, CF1, ..., CFN. A separate term of such a series may have a positive and negative value.

In essence, the cash flow is the difference between the income and costs of the subject of the economy (usually it is about the company), expressed in the difference between the payments received and paid. In general, this amount retained profits Firms and its depreciation deductions (see amortization), saved to form a source of funds for the future update of fixed capital. In other words, cash flow - clean amount Money actually received by the firm in this period. In many translations, this concept is expressed by the terms "cash flow" or "stream cash cash", What is clearly unsuccessful because the words" Cash "in English and" Cash "in Russian are very different in the circle of concepts covered by them. For example, the cash flow includes depreciation deductions or change records in bank accounts Firms (with non-cash calculations): Neither others have absolutely no relation to cash in the generally accepted value.

2. Analysis of cash flows

Analysis of the flow of cash flows is essentially determining the moments and values \u200b\u200bof the tributaries and cash outflows. The purpose of the analysis of cash flows is, above all, analysis financial Sustainability and profitability of the enterprise. Its initial moment is the calculation of cash flows, first of all, from the operating (current) activity. Its initial moment is the calculation of cash flows, first of all, from current activities.

The cash flow characterizes the degree of self-financing of the enterprise, its financial strength, potential, yield.

The financial well-being of the enterprise largely depends on the inflow of cash providing its obligations. The absence of the minimum-needed cash reserve may indicate financial difficulties. Excess cash may be a familiar fact that the enterprise suffers losses.

Analyze cash flows are conveniently using a cash flow report. According to international Standard IAS7 This report is formed not by sources and areas of use of funds, but on the areas of the company's activities - current, investment and financial. It is the main source of information for analyzing cash flows.

Component parts cash flow report is the receipt and disposal of funds in the context of the current, investment and financial activities Organizations.

Current activities include impact on cash economic operationsaffecting the size of the organization's profit. This category includes such operations as the sale of goods (works, services), the acquisition of goods (works, services) necessary in the organization's production activities, payment of interest for a loan, payments wages, transfer taxes.

Under investment activities, the acquisition and implementation of fixed assets, securities, issuing loans, etc.

Financial activities include receiving from owners and return fund owners for the company's activities, operations on redefined shares, etc.

The compilation of the cash flow report suggests:

Determination of funds as a result of the organization's current activities;

Determining money as a result investment activity organizations;

Determining money as a result of the financial activities of the organization.

This uses balance sheet data and income report.

Report on profit and loss shows how profitable to organize activities in the analyzed period, but it cannot show the receipt and disposal of funds in the current, investment and financial activities of the company.

Profit and loss account is compiled by the method of accrual, when income / expenses are recognized in the period of their occurrence, and not in the period of receipt / disposal of funds.

In order to identify cash flow, it is necessary to transform profits and loss statements. At the same time, adjustments are used, according to which revenues are recognized only in the amount of funds actually received, and expenses in the extent of actual payments.

There are two methods of transformation of the income statement: direct and indirect.

With the direct method of Cash Flow, each income report and loss article is transformed, in the process of which the actual flow of money and the actual consumption is determined. With an indirect method, the transformation of each profits and loss article is not intended. According to this method, the starting point of the calculation is the magnitude of the annual profit (loss) for the analyzed reporting period, which is adjusted by adding all expenses that are not related to the movement of funds (for example, depreciation deductions), and subtracting all incomes that are not related to cash flows.

Before drawing up a cash flow report, first of all, it is necessary to find out which accounting article for at least two periods was the source of cash flow formation and which caused its consumption. This is done using a table showing the sources of education and consumption of the enterprise funds. First calculates the change in each balance sheet after which this change refers to sources or consumption cash funds In accordance with the following rules:

The source of available money is any increase in the article referred to "obligations" or to " Own capital". As an example, you can bring bank loan.

Any decrease in active accounts is also a source of money flow. Examples: Sale non-current assets or reducing stocks.


Consumption of cash funds represents any decrease in the account, assigned to the "obligations" or to "own capital". An example of consumption of available funds - repayment of the loan.

Any increase in active balance sheet items. Acquisition of non-current assets, stock formation are examples of Cash Flow consumption.

Education and CASH Flow consumption occur in any form of the company. The table below shows which operations relating to a particular field of activity (production, investment, financial) caused an influx (+) and what caused the outflow of cash outflows (-).

The source of available money is any increase in the article referred to "obligations" or to "own capital". As an example, you can bring a bank loan. Any decrease in active accounts is also a source of money flow. Examples: sale of non-current assets or reducing stocks.

3. Cash flow control system

When constructing a cash flow control system, it is important to optimize the relevant business processes, for which it is necessary to determine:

The composition of the Central Federal District, for which funds budgets are formed and monitored;

The participants of the process, that is, employees of the Company acting as initiators of payments, controllers of the fulfillment of internal regulations, acuptants;

The obligations and powers of each participant in the business process, in particular, to identify payment limits, and those responsible for making decisions on one or another payments;

A temporary chart of passing payments, in particular, to set the timeline and sequence of passing applications for payment.

Plaguing and control;

In the future, this will reduce the labor costs of top managers of the company (general and financial directors) to control the consumption of funds. If earlier they had to be viewed and signing every application for payment, now, when the amounts of expenses are approved in budgets, and the procedure for harmonizing payments is formalized, monetary flow control can be entrusted to the financial manager. Accordingly, the Financial (General) Director will coordinate only a limited amount of payments, as a rule, super-luminous, large or irregular. For example, the amount of payment for the rental of the office is enough to agree once when approving the budget, leaving the control of the prepayment procedure itself and comply with the amounts of the budget for the financial manager.

Correctly built business processes help solve another relevant task - to minimize the risk of abuse from the enterprise employees by separating the functions of payment of payments and their initiation. For example, the head of the business destination accepts all applications for paying for its TsFO and is responsible for budgeting, and an employee financial Service (This may be a financial director, financial manager) controls the compliance of applications to budget limits and the implementation of regulatory procedures payment system.

Effective cash flow management increases the degree of financial and production flexibility of the company, as it leads to:

Improving operational management, especially from the point of view of balance of cash flow and spending;

An increase in sales and cost optimization due to large way of maneuvering company resources;

Improving the efficiency of debt management and the cost of their service, improving the conditions of negotiations with creditors and suppliers;

Creating a reliable base to assess the efficiency of each of the company's divisions, its financial state generally;

Enhance the liquidity of the company.

As a result, a high level of synchronization of receipts and spending of funds in terms of volume and in time allows to reduce the real need of an enterprise in the current and insurance balances of monetary assets serving basic activities, as well as a reserve of investment resources for real investment.

Such balancing of the tributaries and cash outflows at the planning stage is carried out by developing a budget of cash flow (BDDS), the format of which depends on the specifics of the business specific enterprise. The result of calculations is the definition of a net cash flow for the budget period, reflected on a separate line As a "cash growth or a decrease", depending on its value (positive or negative) and the balance of cash at the end of the planning period. If the latter is negatively or less than the minimum set standard, then, firstly, an analysis of the tributaries and cash outflows in order to identify additional reserves, and secondly, a loan plan to attract external sources of financing is drawn up.

The decision to attract a loan is made under the condition of greater economic feasibility of this method of external financing compared with other available cash rupture coating methods (increase in debt of buyers, change conditions commercial loan, increasing sustainable liabilities). Currently, banks offer various credit products: overdraft, urgent loans, credit lines, bank guarantees, letters of credit, etc. To eliminate short-term cash ruptures, the use of overdraft is considered preferable, but with constant use of borrowed capital, the choice of species credit products Must be based on the account of the actions of financial and operational levers.

4. The main factors affecting the cash flow

All factors affecting the formation of cash flow can be divided into external and internal. External factors include: Commodity and financial markets, the system of taxation of enterprises, which has developed a lending practice of suppliers and product buyers (business turnover rules), the system of settlement operations of economic entities, the availability of external sources of financing (loans, loans, target financing).

Among the internal factors should be highlighted by the stage of the life cycle, on which the company is located, the duration of operational and production cycles, seasonality of production and sales of products, depreciation policy of the enterprise, the urgency of investment programs, personal qualities and professionalism of the enterprise governing link.

Building a cash flow control system of an enterprise based on the following principles:

Informative reliability and transparency;

Plaguing and control;

Solvency and liquidity;

Rationality and efficiency.

The basis of the management is the availability of operational and reliable accounting information generated on the basis of accounting and management accounting. The composition of such information is very diverse: the movement of funds in the accounts and in the cash office of the enterprise, the receivables and payables of the enterprise, budgets tax payments, graphs of issuing and repayment of loans, paying interest, budgets of upcoming procurement, requiring pre-payment, and much more. The same information comes from various sources, its collection and systematization must be debugged with special care, since the delay and error in providing information can lead to serious consequences for the entire company as a whole. At the same time, each enterprise independently determines the format of the provision, the frequency of information collection, document management scheme.

But the main role In cash flow management, it is assigned to ensure their balance of time, volume intervals, and other essential characteristics. To successfully solve this task, you need to implement the planning, accounting, analysis and control system at the enterprise. After all, the planning of economic activity of the enterprise as a whole and the movement of cash flows in particular significantly increases the efficiency of cash flow management, which leads to:

Reducing the current needs of the enterprise in them on the basis of an increase in the turnover of monetary assets and accounts receivable, as well as the choice of the rational structure of cash flows;

Effective use of temporarily free cash (including insurance residues) by implementing financial investments of the enterprise.

providing a surplus of funds and the necessary solvency of the enterprise in the current period by synchronizing the positive and negative cash flow in the context of each time interval.

Thus, cash flow management - the most important element financial Policy Enterprises, it permeates the entire enterprise management system. The importance and importance of managing cash flows in the enterprise is difficult to overestimate, since not only the sustainability of the enterprise is depends on its quality and efficiency, but also the ability to further develop, achieving financial success for the long perspective.

5. Briefly about the main thing

Cash streams reflect income and expenses economic Subjects. By analyzing cash flows, you can find out the degree of financial stability, self-financing of the enterprise, its financial force, financial potential, yield. Cash flow management is the most important part of the financial policy of the enterprise, which permeates the entire management system of the enterprise.


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Pure cash flow is one of the main business performance indicators, designed to answer the question of the leadership "And where is the money?". Read what the indicator is from which components it is formed and how to calculate it. And also see an example of calculating the net cash flow.

What is this article:

What is a pure cash flow

Pure cash flow (CDP) is the result of the summation of all the inflows of cash and cash outflows (with a minus) on the project in terms of time intervals, usually months or years. The indicator is used to calculate economic efficiency investment project as well as for creating a report on the cash flow of the company Over the past period.

The influx and outflow of capital is the receipt and refund of loans and loans, the payment of dividends to shareholders - not used in the calculation of the CDP investment projectbecause otherwise the picture of the investment attractiveness of the project will be distorted.

Clean cash flow formula

Before talking to how to find a clean cash flow, consider what it consists of. CDP includes:

  1. Cash flow from operating activities (OCF).
  2. Cash flow from financial activities (FCF).
  3. Cash flow from investment activities (ICF).

Therefore, pure cash flow is determined by the formula:

where the i-temporal interval is usually a month or year

The division of cash flow to the operational, financial and investment carries an important semantic load. Having received total result In the form of cash flow, you find it difficult to answer which of the areas of the company's activities have a positive (or negative) effect on changing funds.

Is the operating activity loss? Or is it high lover gives a negative effect in the form large sums Percentage payments? Or in reporting period Company invested in a new project, purchased new equipment? Sharing a cash flow into the components, you will clearly see all trends in your business and make the right conclusions.

Imagine clear cash flows belonging to each component.

Picture. Pure cash flow

Depending on the specific situation, the same cash flows may relate to different types Activities. For example, interest on the loan can be both financial activities if the loan is taken to finance the current business and the investment, if the loan is spent only for a new business direction. Leasing payments can also be both operating cash flow and financial, and investment.

Users of information about pure cash flow

The company provides information on the net cash flow in the cash flow statement (ODDS, in foreign practice Cash Flow Statement). It refers to the regulated reports, because the importance of it is hard to overestimate. In the cash flow report, all information about changes in the company's money during the reporting period is collected.

For the company's manual, a net cash flow is company Liquidity Management Tool . That is, focusing on the data of the cash flow report, managers can evaluate whether the company can pay off accounts debtWhether there will be enough money to invest in new projects or vice versa, it is necessary to look for ways to external financing activities.

The cash flow report serves creditors and investors the basis for the adoption of investment decisions, shows how successful the company can manage money whether it will pay dividends and so on.

Methods for calculating pure cash flow

In order to calculate a net cash flow and fill out a cash flow report, you can use a direct or indirect method. The choice of the method of calculation suitable for you depends on the current accounting in your company, from the completeness of the source data on income and expenses and on your goals, of course.

Direct method

The method is based on direct use of data accounting accounts of the company. To use, it is necessary to conduct preparatory activities, that is, a system of accounting analyst is necessary to configure the accounting analyst in the accounts.

  1. Fill out the reference book of activities. Make operational activities, financial activities, investment activities.
  2. Fill out a certificate of certificate of money, making everything you need for accounting.
  3. Assign the type of activity, the certificate of cash compensation or cash flow rate.

As a result, at the end of the reporting period, you will get a net cash flow, designed in the form of a cash flow report on a direct method.

It will look like, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. ODD example (fragment)

The advantages of this method are considered:

  • the ability to show sources of cash and cash flow, conduct analytics for counterparties, treaties, nomenclature, etc.;
  • direct binding to the budget of cash flow and light plan-fact analysis;
  • easy to build a payment calendar based on data.

Cons direct method also has, they are as follows:

  • labor consumption. If a direct method of accounting for DDS is used in the company, then performers in the field need to fill out at least two additional analysts for each movement. With large volumes, this is a catastrophic amount of labor;
  • based on ODD formed by the direct method, it is impossible to determine the relationship financial results and changes in cash.

Indirect method

The indirect method is considered simpler for calculating the net cash flow, although standards international Reporting Recommend to use direct method. In order to make calculation of the CDP indirectly method, you can have the deployed data on the accrual of income and expenses of the company during the reporting period.

It is necessary to act according to the algorithm:

  1. Take a statement of financial position and report on the Company's total income for the reporting period.
  2. Form the ODD structure, for example, in Excel, as shown in Table 2.

table 2

  1. Fill out a consistent report, subtracted (adding) from the amount of the net financial result of a non-monetary operational operation.

These operations include:

  • depreciation of OS and NMA;
  • income / loss against the disposal of OS and NMA;
  • income / loss against OS and NMU reassessment;
  • income tax costs;
  • income / loss against currency revaluation;
  • creating / write-off reserves;
  • write off hopeless debts.

As a result, you will receive a net cash flow from operating activities.

  1. Next, enter the table positive and negative cash flows from financial activities, such as:
  • obtaining loans;
  • return of loans;
  • financial lease obligations;
  • contributions to share capital.

The result will be a pure cash flow from financial activities.

  1. Finally, enter all monetary operations Investment nature, such as:
  • acquisition of fixed assets, NMA, financial non-current assets;
  • sale of non-current assets;
  • obtaining dividends;
  • provided loans and interest on them.

Thus, you will form a CDP from investment activities.

  1. The last step will be the summation of cash flows and obtaining an indicator calculated by the indirect method.

The advantages of the use of an indirect method include:

  1. Fast and simple filling ODD.
  2. The ability to visually see sources of cash flow and identify reserves of its optimization.

Disadvantages of the indirect method:

  1. On its basis it is impossible to form a budget of cash flow.
  2. Nefinananist will be difficult to understand it and analyze.

When using both direct and indirect methods, it is necessary to make the change in money changes for the period. Check what is equal to a clean cash flow, whether equality is performed

CDP \u003d DS Kon.P - DS Nach.P

If so, you filled out ODDs correctly.

Example of calculating pure cash flow

Pure cash flow uses not only for the cash flow report over the past period. It is a key investment planning parameter. All investment indexes and parameters are calculated on the basis of this indicator. Consider on the example how to form a CDP of the investment project and avoid common errors.

Market wholesale trade Digital mobile technology, considers the investment project of opening a network of retail sales points in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The project has a useful and regulatory period - 3 years (hereinafter company's strategy can be changed).

At the first stage, it is planned to purchase equipment (racks, slave lighting, commercial equipment, etc.) for $ 20,000, installation and commissioning of this equipment will be $ 3,000 and another $ 900 is required in a year. The total revenue of the company at the end of the first year of the project is expected to be $ 120,000, from which the project must bring $ 40,000. Following the first year, dividends payments to shareholders in the amount of $ 6,000. Expected operational cash flows expressed in the initial prices of the initial year Investments can be estimated from Table 3 below (the liquidation cost of the equipment is not taken into account).

Table 3.. Expected operational cash flow projects

The initial investment company sells by 40% borrowed capital Under 14%, the loan should be repayed for 3 years (the method of repayment of borrowed capital is annuity). Previously, the company suffered the cost of marketing market research in the amount of $ 5,000.

We form a net cash flow on the project. To do this, I will initially understand what payments we will include in the calculation, and which is not.

Costs for the purchase of equipment, its installation and commissioning include in the CDP. These are investment cash flows. Wherein initial costs It is necessary to reduce the share of financing from external sources in the amount of 40%.

The initial costs will be equal: (20 000 + 3,000) * 0,6 \u003d $ 13 800

Project revenue, variable costs and constant costs are also included in the CHDP. These are operating cash flows. Depreciation should be allocated from constant costs and exclude from the CDP. Depreciation is a non-monetary operation.

But the depreciation must be taken into account when calculating the forecast income tax, which should be included in the operating cash flow.

Getting and refunding a loan should not be taken into account in a pure money flow, as it is an influx and outflow of capital, and interest for the use of the loan - follows. They will relate to financial cash flow.

The costs of marketing research, like all other previous costs incurred (non-returnable - Sunk Costs), consider in the CHDP on the project should not be. Criterion - Although these streams are related to the expected flows on the project, but they cannot be monetized.

Dividends to pay and other general cash flows (such as credit, bond issuing, acquisition financial assets) Not taken into account in the CDP, as this contradicts the rules of "relevance".

IN last year The project's actions should be included in the terminal value of fixed assets, because you will have the opportunity to implement fixed assets on the free market if the need for use will disappear.

The terminal value of fixed assets is considered by the formula:

Sile - σam \u003d 20 000 + 900 - (7 400 + 8 500 + 3,000) \u003d $ 2 000

The final CDP on the investment project is formed in Table 4.

Table 4.. Final ChDP on the project

Amount, US dollars

Investment flows

Fixed assets + installation

Operating flow

Variable costs

Constant costs minus depreciation

Financial flows

Interest on credit

(13 800)

In conclusion, we note that the control of a net cash flow is the second most importantly after controlling the cost-effectiveness for the financier. Observe in the mechanisms for the formation of the CDP in your company and get an effective tool for influencing monetary mass In appeal, and at the same time find the answer to such an important question of the leader "Where is the money?".

Learn to subjugate money energy more difficult. But the most interesting thing is that having mastered this most dense material energy, with other energies it will work much easier. First you need to understand that the energy of wealth is the same energy of creativity, love, sex, pleasure and abundance. Throw thought out of the head like - "I am happy in love, so I'm not lucky with money" and on the contrary - "everything is good with finances, so everyone uses me, there is no love." Faster than the energy of wealth will come to you for the handle with love. Men is important to always remember that wealth comes through his love for a woman, giving and care. An unlawful woman will "disturb" to his man to reach peaks. And women should try to remember that prospecting in the family will come to the family faster through her self-assumptions, the ability to enjoy with you. If the men have no man now, then it is all the more you need to learn to love yourself, pamper and dress up, give yourself an emotional discharge. It happens that the man is, but it "as if not." Sadly, but it is not uncommon. And the woman takes on male responsibilities - from the inspirational turns into a getter. Such a woman should still try to pay women's qualities in themselves, and not to give forces to re-educate their half. Why is it important to adjust the relationship between a man and a woman on the way to sufficiency? Because the bias in relations directly affect the reality in which we live. Dissatisfaction partner automatically makes us dissatisfied and material reality. When relationships are settled, other things are stabilized.

It should always be remembered - money does not tolerate when they are worried about them. The most reliable I. fast way Become a very poor and unfortunate - it is constantly worried that you are not enough. Even if the situation in which you turned out to be complex and requires an immediate solution, even then should not spend your energy on experiences. It is necessary to calmly solve the problem, if it is possible or just switches to other thoughts and affairs. It is quite difficult to learn this, because since childhood we study to worry about everything - will punish, two will be put, etc., but having mastered this method, you will get a magic wand in solving problems. This method will not bring millions, but there will be less problems with money.

If you do not want to be content with small, then first of all you need to expand your internal financial horizons. Consider medium monthly income Over the past year, this is your real framework. This is your financial ceiling today. Do not be afraid to ask the universe more than you get now. Record what you wish to spend money. Do not lie to record your material desires, you can already increase your cash flow.

Remember, money comes to a specific goal - dinner in a restaurant, a new dress, English courses, a trip to Tunisia or charity, and maybe you have a big dream? For the universe, all dreams, plans and goals are equivalent. Do not worry about the scale of your desires, but also do not neglect small details.

Another secret is the law of tithing. Give 10% of revenues monthly to charity. Check yourself how it works.

For those who deal with the development of spirituality and self-improvement - you first need to establish the material side of life. Without a solid material foundation, you will not turn in its development back. If you are told that the dengue is not the main thing or it is evil, then run from these sages for the thirty lands. If you, of course, did not grow up already until Christ Consciousness.

The monetary question worries absolutely every person. The difference is only only to the degree of this excitement. Someone thinks about how to increase their capital, and someone about how to pay for the apartment and to buy products. But the question is: "How to attract money to your life and do not need anything?" We ask almost everything, with the exception of Buddhist monks and other enlightened, which are practically not contacted with society and live in their individual worlds.

The desire to live with adequately and have a lot of money absolutely normal, although many people shy this and are not afraid of what to say, but even thinking about it.

From the installations of our parents who, by the way, lived in a completely different era, we made our money judgments. For the most part, all this comes down to the fact that money is evil, a lot of money can only be in dishonest people and gangsters, and normal people cannot flourish and live in luxury.

Or what if you get a lot of money today, tomorrow you will be taken away, it looks like a terrible prejudice of the same time that if you laugh a lot, then you will definitely cry soon. Remembered this? It's just awful, agree. You can laugh and rejoice as much as your soul, and it is very helpful, this most you create around yourself a positive field. Also with - you can have them as much as you want, and the more you will have them, the more to you will arrive (money for money).

The fact that a spiritual person cannot be interested in a material issue, we also heard a lot. But now, when we enter into a new era, when we begin to understand that we are for many years (if not a centuries!) Cheat, and that all our thoughts and desires are materialized if we invest our energy and emotions in them, this statement has long ceased be the norm and rule. Each person deserves to live with dignity, and money in the hands of each individual person can become both evil and good.

How to attract money in your life?

Yes, everything is simple enough! First you need to work on yourself and find all the limiting beliefs and programs that prevent prosperity to enter your life. And then you need to work on your thinking, consciousness, views and installations.

Remember one very simple, but powerful phrase: "Where thought is there and energy!" If your thoughts are aimed at need, then this is what you will receive from life. And if your thoughts are aimed at prosperity and joy, then you will receive. Life is a mirror that reflects all our thoughts painted by emotional experiences. What you concentrate your attention, then it is reflected in your life!

Often, people ask such a question: "Why am I constantly setting up on a positive wave, meditating, visualizing, I read affirmations, but nothing happens in my life? Failures continue to pursue me, problems are not allowed and the mood "carousel" is up, then down. " And the thing is that all your thoughts are reflected in your life, but ... with a delay! Above any change in consciousness should work, at least 21 days.

Also, the problem may be that in the depths of the soul you do not believe in your luck, you do not like yourself, you do not think that you are worthy of something. And in this case, your mirror reflects you exactly. You can automatically read and read affirmations and configure, but if you do not have a response if you do not feel joy, then all this is meaningless. And, of course, it is meaningless and in the event that you do not see it all with your inner vision, that is, not visualizing.

So, right from today, start changing your attitude towards and flourishing, performing simple exercises - visualization.

Visualization of wealth

Visualization is a mental reconstruction of the desired event. This reception has long been used in psychology. To increase the money and opening the cash flow, there are separate methods, and today I will tell you about some of them. The meaning of visualization is to learn to interact correctly with money energy and enter the stream.

Visualization "Money Magnet"

This method does not require strong energy costs and it is very simple to execute. The essence of the exercise is in the presentation of itself with a monetary magnet. Imagine yourself with a magnet, and having achieved the most clear sensation, start imagining that money is sticking to your body. When there are a lot of them, mentally assemble this money in several packs and fold them into an imaginary safe (wallet, suitcase, etc.). It will be your advantageous place in which you will fold the packs of money. This action fixes the cash flow and gives a feeling of wealth. Thank the Universe for your and prosperity!

Visualization "Money Tree"

This method will require stronger energy costs than the first. If you have difficulties with visualization and entry into the image, then practice the first method. If your imagination works well, and you know how to call various sensations in your body, you can easily become a monetary tree.

Stand straight, straighten your back, spread your hands and feel a pleasant tension in the whole body and in the muscles. Close your eyes and more clearly feel like a tree: you have powerful, strong roots that connect you from the ground and a huge green crown, which stretches to the sky. Only instead of leaves at this crown - money. Feel the pleasant severity of your foliage: green, rustling and transfusing, and then lightly roll up and knead hands, feeling as part of foliage falls to your feet. Then we reincarnate again in yourself, take this money, count and fold them in packs, and then in a secret place (also as in the first method). Finish the exercise with gratitude.

Choose the exercise to which you have a soul and perform it daily. And to study hidden fears and blocks that prevent you from flourishing, I advise you to use the energy setting to the cash flow

Do not dwell on shortcomings and need, sharpen your attention on joy and expect pleasant wonders from every day!

Prosperity to you, joy and fulfillment of all your desires!

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