
BelarusBank: Open the current account. Cashier service ASB "BelarusBank" Banking cards and loans

22 April 2014 28058

By gaining "consumer experience" in Brest, we went to Belarusbank to open the current account. And then you never know, someone wants to translate money to us.

Branch No. 156 of the branch 100 OJSC ASB Belarusbank in Brest ranks second floor of the building at the corner of Mitskevich and Karbyshev streets. Place a brisk and crowded, nearby are the bus station, the city market, the Pedagogical University.

Wednesday, noon.

Regarding recently, a radical reconstruction was carried out in the department, after which the premises of the usual Soviet Sberkassy was transformed into a modern operating room equipped with everything necessary for working with clients. Separate booths, electronic queue, infocioski, tables and soft sofas for expectation, decorative mirrors and clinging unusual design two-color wavy curtains.

Immediately at the entrance there is a table for which the consultant is on duty. In general, everything is convenient and pretty.

Who is where and we are in the bank

Having received a coupon from an electronic terminal, I find out that in front of me in line twenty-four people, and landing on the sofa. For this compartment, visitors are relatively few, but wait will have, especially since four of the six cabins work.

I was invited to the "leading retail banking service technician" in exactly half an hour. To open an account, the specialist consisted of my passport and some minimal amount to be put on the account.

Then we figured out what the current account differs from the deposit, which one I want to open and, finally, that no amount in my case is required.

The contract printed by refrigerated font took three pages. I involuntarily noticed that for force majeure circumstances that may prevent us with a bank to properly fulfill their obligations except fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters include "War and the introduction of military situation".

It seems that before in such documents, the word "war" was not mentioned. Yes, and now it would not be worth considering that a rather detailed list of all sorts of misfortunes "Not exhaustive".

But in principle, when making such a routine procedure, as the opening of the current account, no specific issues arise except one. I need an account, first of all, to receive payment for the work done, and the main question:

- How can I find out what money did the money?

- You need to come to the bank and ask.

- Is it possible any other way, for example SMS-banking?

- It is impossible, the SMS banking service is provided only to the owners of plastic cards. Do you know how much accounts are our accounts? Thousands!

- But after all, the owners of plastic cards, for sure, no less. Is it possible to get information about the receipt of money on the phone?

- It is possible, but when a lot of work, we do not take the phone.

M-yes. Go to the bank in order to wait for half an hour in the queue, make sure that there is no money, is a dubious pleasure and an unpleasant hint that my time is worth nothing. In addition, in this department also two days off.

"Leading Specialist" is young and "blonde", and I am old, HMUR, in appearance - not oligarch (in content, unfortunately, too). It feels that I start it to annoy it. Well, that I, in fact, stuck to her, because the problem of tracking the status of current accounts is characteristic of all banks, in any case, in Brest.

Tomorrow I will call on the specified phone. I hope that the tube will take ...


bank cash loan precious

The purpose of the practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge acquired at the Institute in the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Banks", the skillful use of them in practice.

The tasks of practice are to familiarize themselves with the activities of the branch №201 OJSC Asb "Belarusbank" in Vitebsk:

with the structure of the bank;

services offered by bank customers;

accounting organization;

registration and accounting, as well as the rules for the opening and maintenance of bank accounts for legal entities and individuals;

work with securities;

registration of credit operations;

organization and accounting of bank operations with precious metals;

branch loan portfolio;

procedure for the formation of a reserve for possible losses;

with the financial condition of the studied organization;

with other operations and services.

1. General information about the bank

1.1 Organizational structure of the bank

In this statement of practice, we explore the Joint-Stock Savings Bank "Belarusbank" Branch 201 Asb "Belarusbank" in Vitebsk.

In accordance with the charter of the joint-stock savings bank "BelarusBank", the branch 201 ASB "Belarusbank" in Vitebsk was created by the decision of the Bank's Board.

The aim of the branch is to ensure the development of OJSC ASB BelarusBank on a wide range of services provided in the field of retail and corporate business.

The branch operates on the basis of a model position under the direct organizational and methodological guidance of the regional administration of the Bank, as well as the structural divisions of the head bank.

The branch is not a legal entity, has the status of a separate structural division of the bank.

The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus issued a license to carry out banking operations.

ASB "BelarusBank" operates on the basis of the Charter, in accordance with which the following goals are being implemented:

development of financial relations in the Republic of Belarus;

settlement and cash maintenance, lending to individuals and legal entities;

attracting free funds into deposits (deposits) and on accounts;

attracting additional resources for investment in cost-effective projects for the development of vital sectors of the economy of the Republic of Belarus;

stimulating investment in the economy of Belarus;

promoting integration processes in the field of international financial relations;

active participation in promising projects aimed at solving economic and social problems;

receiving a profit.

The management of the current activity of the branch is carried out by the Director, which is valid on the basis of a special power of attorney issued by the Bank. Director of the branch ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Board of the Bank, the regional administration; conducts a single bank policy in financing and lending; Approves the provisions on the structural divisions of the branch, issues of the provision of operational activities of the branch, establishes the operation of the branch and its structures to the leadership of the regional department.

As of July 26, 2011, the structure of the branch (Figure 1) consists of 2 centers, 11 departments, 4 services, 33 branches (19 branches are located in urban areas, 14 - in rural), as well as 35 branches of RUPS, carrying out money In the Belarusian rubles to deposits.

1.2 Banking products and services

To implement the goals defined by the Charter, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the national classification of the activities of the Republic of Belarus and on the basis of licenses of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the Bank carries out the following banking operations:

· attracting funds for physical and (or) legal entities into deposits (deposits);

· placement of funds raised on their own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payability and urgency;

· opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;

· implementation of the calculated and (or) cash maintenance of individuals and legal entities, including corresponding banks;

· currency exchange operations;

· issuing bank guarantees;

· confidential cash management;

· collection of cash, currency and other values, as well as payment documents (payment instructions);

· issuance in the appeal of bank plastic cards;

· financing under the assignment of money requirements (factoring);

· providing special premises to individuals and legal entities or in them safes for storing documents and values \u200b\u200b(cash, securities, etc.);

· operations with securities;

· lending to legal, individuals and individual entrepreneurs;

· international money transfers Western Union, Blizko;

· money transfers "Strege";

· operations with precious metals: implementation and storage of anniversary coins made of precious metals.

· the implementation of lottery tickets and paying the winnings on them.

The Bank carries out the following activities in accordance with the national classifier of the types of economic activities of the Republic of Belarus:

· insurance mediation (activity of the insurance agent);

· mediation, commercial, consulting activities and activities of the depositary, confidential management of securities on the basis of the license of the State Committee on Securities of the Republic of Belarus and the consent of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus;

· delivery of your own real estate.

The Bank has the right to be licensed to commit only when obtaining permission (license) of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus or other authorized state bodies of the Republic of Belarus.

2. Registration of Custom Customer Service Operations

A cash desk department, together with the corporate business department, a branch is underway to maintain legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (opening accounts, cash-based cash services).

The opening of the accounts is carried out on the basis of regulatory acts, such as: the provisions "On the procedure for opening and closing accounts to legal entities and IP", RB Decisions of the Republic of Belarus dated January 3, 2009 and Decree Decree No. 1 dated January 16, 2009.

To open the current account, legal entities must submit:

.application for opening an account signed by a person who has authority to open an account;

.a copy of the Charter (the constituent agreement - for a commercial organization operating only on the basis of the Constituent Treaty) having a stamp indicating the conduct of state registration - for a legal entity;

.a copy of the certificate of state registration - for an individual entrepreneur;

.card with sample signatures of legal entities, an individual entrepreneur who have the right to sign documents for settlements, and print printing.

.other documents provided for by these Regulations and acts of legislation.

In the case of opening the current account by the Client, to perform its separated division in a statement to open an account, a record is made to indicate the full name and location (address) of a separate division.

The basis of the opening of the current account is the current account agreement - the typical form of the contract of the current (calculated) bank account in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency.

OJSC ASB BelarusBank also discovers subaccount, special, charitable, temporary, correspondent, deposit and other accounts.

Establishment and cash maintenance The Bank's operating department exercises on the basis of current legislation and the relevant contract between the parties in accordance with the current tariffs of the commission's remuneration.

Connecting to the electronic payment system "Client-Bank". On July 26, 2011, the system is installed 275 to clients, with a plan 260. The e-mail network significantly increases the speed of information processing and allows the parties to transfer and accept the following documents:

in the client-jar mode:

· payment orders in national and foreign currencies;

· application application;

· applications for the purchase and sale of foreign currency;

· applications for currency conversion;

· text documents of any content;

in the bank-client mode:

· statements of the client's account state;

· foreign currency courses;

· information on the current status of the account;

· posting archive data.

To identify the transmitted payment documents, the client's electronic signature and a special encryption algorithm, which guarantee the accuracy and confidentiality of information.

Last year, work was carried out to increase the share of payment instructions of clients transmitted in electronic form in the total volume of document management. As of 01/01/2011, the share of electronic document management on the branch was 98.2%, with a planned indicator of 78%.

Formation of a package of documents to close customer accounts in the Bank's institution carries out the corporate business service.

Current account can be closed:

.at the request of the client;

.in the absence of funds on this account within three months from the date of the last debiting of funds from it;

.in the absence of invoice records within three months in the event that it is determined by the contract;

.in case of excluding the client from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs;

.in other cases provided for by law and (or) a contract.

Payment of interest for the use of funds in the account, as well as the revaluation of currency and other intrabank accounting operations do not affect the closing of the account.

The establishment of the bank independently determines the need to close the account due to the lack of funds on this account, the lack of records on the account within three months.

For legal entities, there is such a service as the implementation of investments in deposit deposits in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency.

Types of deposit deposits in the bank - urgent and demand. The conditions of the deposit are determined by the contract and depend on the amount and terms of placement. At the request of the client, the deposit agreement may be provided for the payment of interest - monthly, quarterly, as well as at the end of the deposit storage period.

The main form of non-cash payments is currently bank transfer. Depending on who is the initiator of the payment, debit and credit transfers are distinguished. With the debit translation, the initiator of the payment is the beneficiary, that is, the recipient of funds, this translation is issued by the payment requirements, checks. When loan translated - the initiator is the payer. In this case, payment orders are drawn up, payment requests.

When conducting debit translations through payment requirements, an acceptance or non-accent form of calculations is used. Under the acceptance means the prior consent of the payer, and the disassembled form is used in debiting money from the payer's account without its consent. The payment requirement discharges the beneficiary and submits to the bank serving his bank. When receiving the collection of payment requirements from the client, the responsible executor of the recipient bank checks the correctness of the payment request, after which he sends it to the sending bank. Upon receipt of payment requirements in the bank-sender, the responsible performer checks the correctness of the payment request in terms of filling the obligatory details. Also, payment requirements must be collected with an acceptance application. Requirements accepted by the payer are paid on the day of their receipt to the sending bank:

When conducting credit transfers, payment orders and payment requirements are made. The payer discharges a payment order and presents it to execution in the servicing bank.

If the payer's accounts and the beneficiary are serviced by different banks, the translation is carried out through correspondent (subcorpongondent) accounts.

The procedure for performing operations on deposits of individuals in OJSC ASB BelarusBank is carried out in accordance with Regulation 75.6 dated August 1, 2011.

To carry out operations on deposits, structural divisions of the branch use a single form forms manufactured by the typographical method, as well as using software and hardware, provided that the name, content and order of the graph, rows and text of the forms are preserved.

The bank deposit agreement must be concluded in writing.

Failure to comply with the written form of the bank deposit agreement entails his invalidity from the date of the conclusion of this contract.

The form of the contract and the conditions of the banking contribution for each type of contribution is approved by the authorized body of the bank .

Electronic form should contain details of a document certifying and confirming personality (according to deposits in the name of another person, additionally - details of a document certifying and confirming the identity of another person), which are made in the first operation of the deposit and are not displayed on the monitor screen.

The opening of the contribution account is carried out in the presentation of a document certifying and confirming personality.

The opening of the contribution account is carried out at the time of the conclusion of a bank deposit agreement, which is issued in two copies (when opening an account to another person - in three copies).

The bank deposit agreement is signed by the contributor, and by the Bank - an authorized employee who has a power of attorney to make such operations. One copy of the contract is issued to the depositor, and the other is sent to the Card files for the opening of accounts, or to the Branch Accounting Service (for the Offers of Countryside, working without additional control) .

According to the conditions on deposits at the investor, there is the possibility of additional contributions consumable (with partial removal - if provided for by the contract) operations and removal of accrued income. Also, the investor can take advantage of the service of proxy and testamentary disposal, on accounts open in the bank .

Account closure is made on the basis of an account for closing an account .

For registration of deposit operations made by non-cash, payment orders made by cash are used - profitable and expendable box office documents.

The safety and refund of the attracted funds of individuals is guaranteed according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 22 dated 04.11.2008, "On guarantees of the safety of funds of individuals posted on accounts and (or) bank deposits (deposits)".

3. Registration of loans and other active customer operations

The Bank's credit policy for 2011 formed the main directions in the field of active operations of legal entities and the population.

Bank lending plays a key role in the economic processes occurring in the Republic of Belarus. This role is determined by the scale of bank credit activities, as well as the diversity of its forms and directions. In modern conditions, a bank loan is used as the most important source of funding for investments in the real sector of the economy and housing construction, the acquisition of long-term goods, the development of entrepreneurial activity.

Interest income from active operations in the branch No. 201 OJSC ASB BelarusBank for 2010 was obtained in the amount of 29.8 billion rubles, which almost 2 times the volume of similar income, 2009. Their share in total bank revenues increased to 67.3% from 45.6%. The Bank's credit support is used by 37 legal entities and one individual entrepreneur.

Revenues from lending to legal entities were obtained in the amount of 23.5 billion rubles, or 53.5% of the total amount on the branch.

Interest income from lending to individuals was obtained in the amount of 3.8 billion rubles, the plan was exceeded by 17.9 million rubles. The growth rate of income from private clients amounted to 134.1%.

The loan portfolio of the branch on loans of individuals as of 01/01/2011 was formed in the amount of 29.9 billion rubles, including at the expense of bank resources 27.6 billion rubles, of which in national currency - 22.3 billion rubles, In US dollars - 1.8 million. The proportion of loans to the population in the loan portfolio of the branch as 01.01.2011 was 12.1%.

The number of loan agreements as of 01.01.2011 amounted to 6145. Over the year, 1482 credit agreements were issued, 3230 contracts were repaid. Of the total number of real estate, 214 contracts are issued, consumer needs - 1268.

Commissions for loans to the population for the analyzed period received 202.1 million rubles, with a plan of 241.3 (83.8%).

Overdue loan debts with the population amounted to 9.1 million rubles. on 34 lenders, which is 6.7 million rubles. Less last year.

The basis for the establishment of the organization's credit for the issue of issuance of the organization is to submit the applicant to the establishment of a written petition for a loan signed by the applicant's head and containing source data on the requested amount of the loan, target orientation, repayment periods, interest rate and the proposed provision.

After consideration by the head of the Bank's institution, the petition is sent to the Corporate Business Service (credit service) of the Bank's institution to form a package of documents for issuing a loan and in the security service to verify the applicant's reliability.

The credit worker introduces the applicant with the procedure and conditions for the provision of a loan.

To consider the issue of the possibility of issuing a loan to the Bank by the Applicant, the applicant provides a package of documents:

A letter addressed to the head of the Bank's institution on the provision of a loan, indicating the use of funds, the timelines for the use and amount of the loan, interest rate, the proposed method of ensuring (registered in the book of incoming correspondence of the Bank's institution).

Applicant Application Form .

Financial and accounting reports: Annual accounting balance with all applications to Him, accounting balance at the last quarter date; Profit and loss statement at the last quarter date; Deciphering receivables, payables, goods shipped to balance at the last quarter date (indicating the amount, shipping date); statements on accounts open in other banks over the past three months; certificate of the availability of a card file for off-balance sheet account 99814 "Estimated documents not paid on time"; certificate of credit (other active operations) obtained in other banks at the date of concluding a contract; data on the receipt and use of currency funds (when issuing a loan in foreign currency); Events on financial recovery (for legal entities working).

A document determining the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Extract from the decision of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) or an extract from the decision of the General Meeting of the participants of the economic society about the commission of a major transaction.

A copy of the license to carry out certain types of activities certified in the prescribed manner.

Copies of documents certified in the prescribed manner confirming the reality of credit transactions and forming a portfolio of orders: contracts, contracts with suppliers of goods / services; acts of acceptance and transmission; custom declarations / overhead; Commodity and commodity invoices; invoices; protocols about intent;

Documents to ensure loan obligations depending on the form of provision.

Program (technical and economic and financial indicators) of the company's development for a loan period .

Calculation of cash flow.

Forecast of income and expenses.

Application on payment of payment requirements of the Bank's institution in the order of pre-acceptance on the day of their receipt to the bank.

When considering the issue of granting a loan to the applicant, the current account of which is opened in the Bank's institution, the constituent documents are used in a legal entity to open accounts.

At the discretion of the bank, other documents confirming the applicant's ability to return a loan timely, as well as the Garant or Guarantor's solvency, may be requested.

A copy of the applicant's questionnaire filled in the prescribed manner is sent to the Security Service of the Bank's institution.

Employees of the Security Service of the Bank establish the actual and legal address, check the applicant's reputation in the business world and other issues relating to the reliability of a legal entity. In the event of the establishment of the facts that indicate the impossibility of providing a loan to the applicant, employees of the Security Service for 3 working days from the date of receipt of the applicant's petition in the establishment of the Bank, a report is drawn up, which is represented by the head of the Bank's institution to make a decision on the further consideration of the applicant's documents.

At the discretion of the Chairman of the Credit Committee of the Bank's institution, the term of consideration of the petition can be changed, depending on the degree of complexity of the issues of the issues.

In the case of the leadership of the Bank's institution, on the basis of the analysis conducted by the Security Service (without making a question for the consideration of the Bank's Credit Committee, a decision on the inexpediency of the transaction, further work on studying its conditions is terminated, and the applicant is notified in writing to refuse to issue a loan indicating the reasons Failure.

In the event of a doubt about the accuracy of documents or, if necessary, an additional analysis of the information provided by the credit worker of the Bank's institution before issuing a loan directly with the exit to the enterprise checks the status of accounting, the accuracy of the balance, the real availability of credited commodity and material values \u200b\u200band finds out other issues arising from the study presented documents.

In determining the size of the loan, the conduct of financial analysis uses internal local acts: recommendations on the analysis of the formation of working capital of the organization and determining the need for working capital, recommendations on the financial analysis and solvency of business entities, recommendations on the procedure for implementing Belarusbank asb of active banking operations with interrelated legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The assessment of the creditworthiness of the client is aimed at identifying objective results and trends in its activities in order to prevent or minimize the negative consequences of the issuance of the loan to this client. In each case, the bank determines the risk of which it is ready to take over and the size of the loan that can be provided.

According to the results of the analysis, the class of solvency of the enterprise is determined in accordance with the recommendations on the rating assessment of organizations.

The applicant's legal capacity is conducted by the Bank's legal service on the basis of the following documents:

constituent documents with all changes and additions in which attention should be paid to the correct writing of the full and abbreviated name of the organization, its legal address, the authority of the management authorities in terms of the conclusion of loan agreements, contracts, disposal of the property of a legal entity;

certificates of state registration.

To establish the authority of the head (other authorized person) to the establishment of the Bank, a contract is provided, concluded between the employer and the head of the legal entity, or the power of attorney, in accordance with which the authorized person of a legal entity is given the right to sign contracts, a copy of the order for the appointment of the head and certificate of the head .

The Legal Service (Legal Counsel) verifies the compliance of the contracts submitted to lending (contracts), including contracts (contracts) for implementation, including contracts (contracts) submitted during the lending period within the credit (including renewable) lines, The legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

On the results of the verification for compliance with the form and content submitted by the applicant of the Documents, the legal service for 3 working days from the moment the applicant's submission of the full package of the necessary documents to the establishment of the Bank is a conclusion, which is represented by the Chairman of the Bank's Credit Committee.

A formed packet of documents is sent to the Security Service for the preparation of the conclusion. In conclusion of the security service, the actual and legal address of the applicant is reflected, the fact of registration of a legal entity and registration in the registering and tax authorities, the applicant's reputation in the business world, the relationship of a legal entity with the owner (landlord) for timely rental, the availability of property claims and debts, fulfillment of commitments to previously obtained loans, including those received in other banks, as well as a number of other positions at the discretion of the security service, which later may affect the timeliness of the loan return and interest on it. The conclusion is preparing within 3 working days from the date of submission of the package of necessary documents and is submitted for consideration by the Chairman of the Bank's Credit Committee.

Analysis and evaluation of the credit project.

When analyzing a credit project, a specialist of the credit service is primarily analyzed by the purpose of the requested loan to the nature of the statutory activities of the legal entity, the previous experience of a legal entity with similar projects, the technological feasibility of the project (provision of industrial facilities, material and labor resources), is revealed by the main problems and risks. which may affect the project's implementation, the economic efficiency of the project, the availability of legal support.

Contracts (contracts), trade overhead, customs declarations, other documents confirming the reality of a loan transaction and contracts (contracts) for implementation confirming the sources of repayment of the loan are studied.

Checking the compliance of submitted contracts (contracts) The currency legislation of the Republic of Belarus is carried out by the Currency Operations Service, with the preparation of the appropriate conclusion.

At the pre-contract preparation of a loan project, a credit service, together with interested services of the Bank's institution, offer to customers the most optimal calculations and other schemes.

The loan refund period is set:

taking into account the payback period of the lending project, or another economically sound period for the implementation of the loan project;

based on the graphs of the receipt of leasing payments in accordance with the contract of financial lease;

for legal entities engaged in manufacturing activities - based on the production cycle of processing and material values \u200b\u200b(procurement, receipt, processing) and the sale of finished products;

for legal entities engaged in trade and supply and sales activities - taking into account the turnover of current assets and revenue proceeds from the sale of goods;

for legal entities involved in the activities of an unproductive nature, based on contractual terms for the sale of products, providing services and revenue receipts (taking into account the economically reasonable deadlines for the implementation of this transaction).

Interest for the actual time of use of the loan is charged in accordance with the Bank's accounting policies and are paid on time and in the amount according to the terms of the loan agreement. The Bank's credit service is monitored by the completeness and accuracy of interest accrual for the use of the loan.

The way to ensure the execution of a loan commitment may be:

.Guarantee (guarantee).

.Warranty deposit of money.

.However, the most acceptable for the branch, from the point of view of employees, the way is the deposit.

The lender provides a list of property offered in a deposit, the department's employees are inspected by the actual availability of the specified collateral. If the check object is at a considerable distance, then it is possible to organize an inspection by another nearby structural unit of OJSC ASB BelarusBank. According to the results of the audit, the conclusion is drawn up on the possibility of making the property of the loan to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement. In the case of a positive decision, a pledge agreement is drawn up.

When identifying the facts of implementation, loss, damage to the property provided in a deposit, the Bank has the right to demand restoration (replacement) of the subject of pledge or early repayment of the loan (relevant part) regardless of the term.

During the subsequent verification of the targeted use with entering the place, the loan worker is checked by the data of the paid payment documents of the loan, submitted contracts (contracts), trade invoice and other documents confirming the receipt of inventory of inventory values, acts of work performed with the data of primary accounting, warehouse accounting and the actual presence of credited inventive material values, work performance.

The basis for the commencement of the issue of issuing a loan to the population (for consumer needs) is the application formation application form for a loan. , to design a loan using a bank plastic card and a certificate of credit revenues, established forms in the last three months , as well as a document certifying person, registered at the place of residence (stay) and having a permanent source of revenues in the Republic of Belarus.

Forms practically used in work, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement, in contrast to lending to legal entities, are guarantee and penalties.

Further, the creditor provides certificates about the average monthly income and the amount of retention of its guarantors. Consistent with the provision of a loan report to the auisb (automated information system of commercial banks).

There is also the possibility of issuing loans to individuals who are individual entrepreneurs. This category of citizens must provide the following package of documents:

· certificate of income or certificate of tax inspectorate on the payment of taxes for the reporting period (calendar year or other period in respect of which the amount of income is confirmed)

· information on the income of an individual entrepreneur of the Republic of Belarus-payer of a single tax.

At the stage of consideration of the package of documents, the company's lending service (retail business) is carried out by an adequate assessment of the reliability and creditworthiness of borrowers, which are individual entrepreneurs, takes into account the duration of entrepreneurial activity, which has established business reputation, business costs and other indicators. It is prohibited to provide loans to individual entrepreneurs who have overdue tax debts, overdue debts on active banking operations or having cases of systematic violation of obligations for active banking operations.

The credit officer reports the submitted package of documents to employees of the Security Service and Legal Service for consideration and authentication of the information provided. Employees of security services and legal sign on the application-questionnaire indicating the date of receipt.

In addition to the loan for consumer needs, there is the possibility of obtaining other loans (target), along with the standard package, other necessary documents are also submitted:

· to pay for medical care and services, the acquisition of medicines, medical equipment and devices:

· sanatorium-resort treatment, leisure and tourism:

· for training in higher and secondary special educational institutions.

· on the landscaping of boron sites, including the acquisition and installation of the monument (fences).

From the data provided by the creditor, its solvency is determined.

Before the conclusion of the loan agreement, the applicant presents information on lending conditions and a complete interest rate for the use of the loan.

After making a positive decision on the issuance of the loan, on the basis of the minutes of the Credit Committee meeting, the lending service manager of the population:

declarations two copies of the loan agreement , in the case of plastic cards, the Rules for the use of the credit card and the contract for ensuring the fulfillment of obligations are completed.

If the credit committee is adopted by the Bank's institution of a negative decision on the issuance of a loan in solving a loan committee, the reasons for refusing to issue a loan are formulated. The employee of the lending service in the notice (letter) signed by the head of the Bank's institution (or an authorized officer) informs the applicant about the refusal to provide a loan. Copies of the documents submitted by the loan to the credit to receive a loan in the extradition of which were denied, are stored in the public lending service for one year.

In addition to preferential lending to training in higher and secondary educational institutions in the branch 201, other preferential loans are possible:

· on gasification with natural gas;

· young professionals;

· preferential consumer lending;

· for the construction or purchase of residential premises.

For the operations performed by the branch, on the design of loans according to the collection of remuneration charges fee.

4. Registration of bank operations with precious metals

To obtain measurement ingots in the branch No. 519, the Bank's institutions are submitted to the Office of the Department of the Department for Work with Values \u200b\u200bon the Client-Bank system. Applications on paper, signed by the head (person, authorized) and the chief accountant (person, authorized), bonded by the stamp of the Bank's institutions, are stored in the Bank's institution according to the nomenclature of cases.

The Department of Work with values \u200b\u200bon the basis of applications of the Bank's institutions and the Department of Currency Control and Financial Monitoring Y submits to the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus an arbitrary application application, which indicates: the name and type of precious metal, the mass in the ligature (nominal mass) of the ingots and their number. In addition, the application takes place that the receipt of measuring bars will be made through the collection service No. 519. The application is signed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank.

After receiving the invoice of the Republic of Belarus from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the department of work is preparing a memorial order with additional details in two copies signed by the Director (Deputy Director) of the Department for Work with Values \u200b\u200band the Deputy Chairman of the Bank's Board, to transfer funds for acquired measuring bars . Memorial orders with additional details together with invoice are transmitted to the opera to implement the transfer of funds to the account of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Cash must be listed on the account of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus no later than one business day after the day of the invoice issuance.

The department for working with values \u200b\u200bon the day of receiving a memorial order with additional details is prepared by the disposal of the branch No. 519 to receive measurement ingots in the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Vacation of dimensional ingots by bank institutions branch No. 519 is carried out in the balance sheet value.

To issue dimensional ingots, the Bank's institutions head of the currency cash register No. 519, on the basis of orders, constitutes the specification in two copies behind the signatures of persons responsible for the safety of values, and certified by the seal of the head of the branch of the branch No. 519, and also draws up a transmitted statement of f. 0402090007 Appendix 19 to Instructions No. 211) in three copies for each institution of the bank (division of the Bank's institution), which makes the delivery of dimensional ingots. The first copy of the specification together with the order is made in cash documents of the day on operations with precious metals of the branch No. 519. The third instance of the transmitted statement f. 0402090007 It is fed to the box office documents of the branch number 519.

Measuring ingots together with the second instance of the specification are invested in collector bags or tarpaulin bags separately by type of metal and at the establishment of the recipient's bank.

The prices of the purchase and sale of a bank of measuring ingots are established and changed on the basis of the order of the head (deputy head) of the Bank's institution and act until the entry into force of their new values.

Purchase and sale prices by the establishment of a bank of measuring ingots are established in Belarusian rubles per 1 gram of precious metal in ligature and (or) for the ingot of a particular nominal value.

The calculation of precious metals in the form of measuring bars is carried out in Belarusian rubles with rounding.

The profit included in the sale price is determined on the basis of the established norm of profit to the planned costs associated with the acquisition and implementation (without taking into account the price of the acquisition of precious metals by the Bank's institution).

The sale price of measuring ingots cannot exceed the maximum permissible deviations from the price of selling measures by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus for transactions in operations with legal entities and individuals.

Copies of orders "On the establishment of the prices of the purchase and sale of dimensional ingots of precious metals" are stored in the operating cash desk performing operations with measuring ingots, in a separate folder within a month.

In the case of the sale of dimensional ingots with payment by bank transfer, except for payment using a bank plastic card, the client (representative of a legal entity) submits the application f. 0402250013.

The Client presents a request to the executive to the authority, a passport and a power of attorney for the right to receive dimensional ingots (for a representative of a legal entity), as well as a payment order for transferring funds with a bank marker. The responsible performer, making sure the recipient's personality, makes a check of the adopted documents and to write off the cost of sold dimensional ingots draw up the expenditure cash order. 0402540102 In the amount of instances sufficient to perform operations on all affected accounts, and also makes a mark in the application of payment. Registrations of commercial overheads (TN-1) or commodity overheads (TN-2) on dimensional ingots to be issued to the representative of a legal entity, while the Count "Note" indicates the purpose of the acquisition of dimensional ingots. Expendable cash order f. 0402540102, Application with a mark, Power of attorney, Commodity overhead (TN-1) or Commodity invoice (TN-2) are transmitted to the head office.

Head of the operating cash register on the basis of the application of the client, the commodity and transport invoice (TNT-1) or the commodity invoice (TN-2) prepares the measuring bars to sell.

The representative of the legal entity and the head of the cash register signs the inventory forms of TN-1 or commodity overhead forms of TN-2, after which dimensional ingots together with the first instance (copies) of the TN-1 commercial overhead form or the commodity invoice of the TN-2 are transmitted Customer.

The second copy of the inventory of the TNT-1 inventory or the consumable invoice of the TN-2, the expendable cash register F. 0402540102, the power of attorney of the client remains from the head of the cashier, and then they are fed to the cash documents of the day on precious metals.

In confirmation of the sale of measuring bars for cashless payments, except for payment using bank plastic cards, a customer is issued a receipt from the book with sets of receipts to design banking operations with precious metals F. 0402380014.

Sale of measuring ingots for cash and using bank plastic cards is carried out using special computer systems in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Cashier, having received Belarusian rubles from the client, as well as in the case of payment using bank plastic cards, prints the check, the check number is registered in the registry of sold precious metals, the check is issued to the client together with the measuring fusion and the certificate of the quality of the manufacturer as a confirmation of the sale. The registry is conducted separately for each name of the precious metal, registry is allowed in electronic form.

Registry storage in the form of an electronic document is carried out in the archive of electronic memorial documents.

At the end of the banking day, performing operations for the sale of dimensional ingots, their balances with accounting data. Purchase from the client is subject to measurement ingots, complying with the standards of the ingot producer, with the abbreviation of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, with a certificate of quality of the manufacturer.

Cash worker, carrying out the purchase of measuring ingots, conducts their examination. All operations on weighing and examination of measurement ingots are carried out in the presence of the client.

In the process of conducting an examination and until the issuance of money, the client does not return measuring bars.

If, according to the results of the examination, a negative conclusion on the measuring ingot is made, then it is not bought, but is returned to the client.

If a positive conclusion is made based on the results of the examination, the cash worker makes calculating the value of the measuring ingot.

Payment for purchased measuring bars from legal entities and individuals on non-cash payments, except for payment using bank plastic cards, in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of a client's application (for a legal entity representative), indicating the name, type of precious metal, the number of pieces, Of its bank details, the prices of the units of precious metal according to the order of the Bank's institution "On the establishment of prices for the purchase and sale of dimensional ingots of precious metals" at the date of filling.

In confirmation of the purchase of dimensional bars for cashless payments, except for payment using bank plastic cards, a customer is issued a receipt from the receipt kit F. 0402380014.

When buying dimensional ingots for cash, the cash worker receives the established procedure of cash from the head of the cash register under receipt in the book of accounting f. 0402380124.

Buying dimensional ingots for cash and using bank plastic cards is carried out using special computer systems. When buying dimensional ingots, the check is printed, the check number is registered in the registry column, which is carried out separately for each name of precious metals. Then the cash worker gives a check to the client and makes the calculation with it.

According to the results of the work of the branches of the branch 201 OJSC ASB BelarusBank for 2010 on operations with dimensional ingots of precious metals, an income of 24.3 million rubles was obtained. and sold 3081 grams of gold and 2090 grams of silver. The growth rate was 59.8 (income for 2009 - 40.6 million rubles. And sold 5180 grams of gold and 3030 grams of silver).

Sale of measuring ingots and income for 2009 and 2010

Number otdeleniyaProdano gold, 2009 grams 2010Prodano silver gram 2010Dohody 2009 from the sale of 2009 2010201114928510705308 391 1862 235 826201 / 80309--513 280365 620201/8529410998608103 362 7708 815 580201 / 8617848--987 070441 140201/1062004106764068014 070 9106 107 580201/107876421450607 627 7304 321 310201/11059715210104 707 2802 021 490201/181 ---- 00201/652 --- 953 180030309030813030209040 613 40624 308 546

According to the results of the work of the departments for June 2011, income of 0.2 million rubles was obtained on operations with dimensional ingots of precious metals. and sold 20 grams of silver, (income for June 2010 - 2.21 million rubles. and sold 233 grams of gold).

According to the results of the work of the departments for the 1st half of 2011 on operations with dimensional ingots of precious metals, an income was obtained in the amount of 86.0 million rubles. and sold 3099 grams of gold and 600 grams of silver. The growth rate was 956.6 (income for the 1st half of 2010 - 8.99 million rubles. And sold 1018 grams of gold and 530 grams of silver).

Sale of measuring ingots and revenues for the 1st half of 2010 and 2011.

No. DepartmentPrillary Gold, Gramm 2010 2011Prode Silver, Gramm 2010 Radiations from Sales 2010 20112019573100-1 261 0562 600 030201 / 80118--27 180689 330201/8533512012101902 994 96032 132 640201 / 86-150 --- 506211002101801 991 43028801 720201 / 107158306-1501 451 8207 440 300201/1106724410801 268 8108 683 670201 / 181-7 --- 747 690Tee101830995306008 995 25685 992 490

Tags: ACTIVE OJSC "ASB BelarusBank" Practice Report Banking

If you needed to make some payment or report the details of the card, for translation, it is necessary to know its data. To do this, you can take advantage of various ways.

When signing documents for opening a card account in OJSC Asb Belarusbank, you receive a copy of the contract. With the help of the documents received, you can learn all the necessary details on your card. At the beginning of the contract, you can view the account number, the rows of its action and the details of the bank itself, such as MFIs, the code of the organization and the official name.

When contacting the bank

If you are located near the representative office of Belarus with the original passport, you can approach the specialist and presenting the original passport. After that, the Bank's employee will be able to name all the necessary data of your card account.

Depending on what purpose you need data you can specify the data that you need.

Online banking

For customers who have passed to familiarize themselves with the data of their accounts, will not be any problems. Just go to your personal account and you can view all the necessary information.

In addition, customers who have connected themselves can clarify this information using their mobile phone.

Using the contact center

When accessing employees will also help you learn the details of the card. But for identification, you need to voice the employee number and code word, after which you can get all the necessary information.

To do this, just make it easy to call the reference number - 147.

During the passage of pre-diploma practice in the BelarusBank bank, a complex of services provided by the Bank's operating department of both individuals and legal entities was revealed. The operating department is one of the largest personnel in the bank. It exercises the opening and maintenance of currency and ruble accounts, cash-based cash services. To open the current account, legal entities must submit:

  • 1. Application for opening an account.
  • 2. A copy of the document registration document certified by a notarial or registration authority.
  • 3. Two copies of copies of constituent documents, while at one of them should be affected by the registering organ, and the other is certified by a notarially or registering authority.
  • 4. Duplicate notice to assign a taxpayer accountant (UNN).
  • 5. Help of the social protection of the population of the Ministry of Social Protection on Registration as a payer of mandatory insurance premiums and other payments in the Fund bodies.
  • 6. Card with sample samples and printing, certified notarized.

ASB "BelarusBank" also discovers subaccount, special, charitable, temporary, correspondent, deposit and other accounts.

Cash-based cash services The Bank's operating department exercises on the basis of current legislation and the relevant contract between the parties. His work echoes the lending department, the department for working with individuals and legal entities.

Comprehensive service of legal entities. The bank offers the following set of banking products and services.

Opening and maintenance of currency and ruble accounts, customer service and customer service (subaccount, special, charitable, temporary, correspondent, deposit and other accounts).

Cash and cash service is carried out in compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and on the basis of a contract between the bank and the client for settlement and cash services in accordance with the current tariffs of the commission's remuneration.

Connecting to the electronic payment system "Client-Bank". The e-mail network significantly increases the speed of information processing and allows the parties to transmit and accept the following documents:

in the client-jar mode:

payment orders in national and foreign currencies;

application application;

applications for the purchase and sale of foreign currency;

applications for currency conversion;

text documents of any content;

in the bank-client mode:

statements of the client's account state;

foreign currency courses;

information on the current status of the account;

posting archive data.

To identify the transmitted payment documents, the client's electronic signature and a special encryption algorithm, which guarantee the accuracy and confidentiality of information.

Deposit deposits of legal entities in Belarusian rubles and foreign currency.

Types of deposit deposits in the bank - urgent and demand.

The conditions of the deposit are determined by the contract and depend on the amount and terms of placement. At the request of the client, the deposit agreement may be provided for the payment of interest - monthly, quarterly, as well as at the end of the deposit storage period.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state