
Credit secured by commercial real estate for farmers. How to take a loan secured by commercial real estate to legal or individuals - a review of banks' proposals. Favorable offers from banks

Today, domestic banks offer citizens different kinds Loans, among which a separate category is a loan on the security of commercial real estate by an individual, including the purchase of non-residential premises going on a loan.

If you compare the purchase of commercial real estate objects or their design on bail to obtain credit funds, the process is quite similar to a similar operation with apartments or residential houses. from .

For reference! Commercial mortgage, i.e. Receiving money or for the purpose of acquiring, or on the security of non-residential premises, differs from ordinary mortgage loans Only a package of documents: special in addition to it is additionally included in the special counseling and building documentation.

What documents do you need?

Before you take a loan secured by commercial real estate, an individual in a bank or other credit institution is provided with documentation, a list of which each creditor has its own. The list of documents required to consider the application for this category of loans is necessarily present:

  • profile application of an individual who wants to get a loan;
  • passport and other documents certifying the borrower;
  • documents confirming human solvency (information about income from the place of work, information on obtaining dividends from business, financial and management reporting individual entrepreneur, etc.);
  • TEO receive financing if the loan is issued for investment or business purposes.

On the commercial real estateDecorated in deposit, the following documents will be required:

  • documents confirming the ownership of non-residential object;
  • technical I. cadastral documents;
  • certificate / extract from the USRP to real estate;
  • report on the assessment of an object issued by an estimated company accredited in the bank or other independent appraiser, etc.

Credit for the purchase of a commercial real estate object

The design of a commercial mortgage is one of the common and available methods For ordinary citizens to organize a private business or increase passive income.

Fact! Buying non-residential business real estate on credit is often more profitable than its acquisition in conditions of a one-time calculation. Credit organizations know this, and therefore develop and offer similar credit proposals.

Credit rate

Loan secured by commercial real estate individualimplies a more individual approach than standard consumer loans. That is why tariffs and interest rates may also have a private nature.

Today, the plug of bets on the loan secured by commercial real estate is laid in values \u200b\u200bfrom 12.5% \u200b\u200bto 24% per annum.

Requirements for the borrower

Bank or any other investor when issuing credit moneyFirst of all, it is guided by the purpose of making a profit. However, financing occurs only if all risks associated with this are justified and minimized. In order to avoid troubles in the future in the form of the overdue or non-debt of debt on the part of the borrower, a number of requirements are formed to the bankproof.

The basic requirements for a citizen who receives a loan secured by a commercial real estate is determined by the terms of the loan in each individual bank. Most often, these requirements are similar to those presented to borrowers during the mortgage making on the living real estate.

The standardized nature of the requirements is divided into categories:

  • availability of Russian citizenship. This requirement is presented by most of the credit proposals and only a few lenders agree to issue money to the non-resident of the Russian Federation;
  • age. Unlikely loan secured by commercial real estate individual will be received if the borrower has not reached 21 or it is over 60 years old;
  • place of registration and actual accommodation. Lenders often put the conditions so that the object of pledge is in the same region where the borrower is registered or permanently resides;
  • income level. How many banks require, a monthly loan fee should not exceed 40% of the total income of the potential borrower per month;
  • credit rating. This indicator combines various options for assessing the risks of the loan issued to a specific physical face. It includes and credit history man and evaluation on various socio-economic factors: the duration of employment experience, financial Rating Employer companies, characteristics of financial and redeemed obligations of the future borrower.

Credit amount

How much money will be able to receive an individual as a loan on the security of business real estate often limited the corridor of 0.5 - 120 million rubles. The specific amount to extradition is determined by the value of the object of pledge and its liquidity.

Also, the amount of the loan will affect the previous cooperation of a citizen with a bank (for example, there are already redeemed credit obligations, a person is serviced in the bank for a salary, investment or savings project).

The duration of the loan agreement

The time of the loan agreement on a commercial mortgage may be from six months to 5 years, and in some cases and 8 or 10 years.

Methods of return debt

The loan refund scheme is determined by the compiled in credit organization Repayment schedule and may be as repayment by annuity (equal) payments and differentiated (decreasing).

Positive and negative cases of lending on bail

Obtaining a loan on the security of commercial real estate individual has the following advantages:

  • this is a real and simple chance to become a businessman or increase your passive income;
  • you can take relatively great amount money for a long time;
  • this type of loan is issued by loyal conditions with an individual approach in each individual case.

Of the minuses, it is only possible to note that often new customers of banks can take advantage of the limited credit proposals.

Loan secured by commercial real estate individual - Facts Was Last Modified: June 13th, 2018 by Alexander Nevskiy

Loans up to 100 000 rubles

  • up to 100 000órules
  • 1 year.

Consumer loans

  • 50 000 - 3 000 000 rubles
  • up to 7 years old

When providing the liquid collateral, the banks give citizens larger cash in temporary use. If the obligations under the Agreement will not be fulfilled, the rights to property go to the lender. Registration of the loan secured by commercial real estate to expand business or acquire additional trading platforms to the mortgage refers to this category of secured loans.

What is a loan secured by commercial real estate

Under this procedure, the loan is implied, where payments are advocated non-residential premisesused to profit. Credit under bail non-residential real estate Entrepreneurs are often taken to replenish current means. Mandatory to inform banks about the goal of making money, but such a requirement may be provided for by the lending program in a particular organization.

What real estate can be a pledge

There are strict restrictions on property that can be used as a loan. Liquid commercial real estate is subject to objects applied to profit or capital growth. Such property is not suitable for living and brings an entrepreneur stable income. Protected property can perform:

  • Office real estate. It includes cabinets, buildings, offices, business centers.
  • Industrial property. This category includes manufacturing workshops, warehouses, objects for storage of goods.
  • Retail real estate. These are shops, fitness centers, hotels, shopping centers etc.

Purpose of credit

Representatives of large and medium-sized businesses enjoy this banking proposal to expand their scope. They acquire new equipment, land for the construction of workshops or centers retail. More often they take non-target loans for a large amount. With representatives of small business, everything is different. They are absolute bank, bank intez and others financial organizations Provide loans only for certain purposes:

  1. Buying non-residential real estate objects for entrepreneurial activities.
  2. Repairs commercial propertyused as collateral.
  3. Construction of an object for carrying out entrepreneurial activities.

Who can get a loan secured by commercial real estate

This service can take advantage of not only the owners of large industrial enterprises, but also beginner businessmen. The loan secured by commercial real estate is provided to individuals if they provide a detailed TEO and a business plan. The minimum loan period for all types of borrowers in many banks is 6 months.


Registration of commercial mortgage is one of the most affordable ways to organize your own business for citizens or an increase in the size of passive earnings. Loan can be decorated in the form of a one-time payment or credit line. The selected financing form affects the interest rate. Banks issue loans secured by commercial real estate to individuals if they can confirm their own solvency. The advantages of this method of lending:

  • individual approach for each client;
  • the loan repayment period is established by an individual.

Legal entities

Representatives of large and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of this banking service. Loan size for them will be higher than for individual entrepreneurs. Funds transfer to the current account specified in loan agreement. Money can be listed on the map if it is involved for settlements with business partners. This should be reflected in financial Policy Companies.

Individual entrepreneurs

Credit secured by commercial real estate can receive representatives of small businesses. After issuing a loan agreement, money can be listed on a bank card, a current account or issued in cash at the checkout. An individual entrepreneur may instruct the design of a loan to a trusted person. When making documents and obtain a monetary loan, the attorney must submit a notarized power of attorney.

Lending terms

Financial institutions share all customers in terms of revenue and business scale. These indicators affect the maximum loan amount. Are considered credit applications On time from 2 to 10 days. Not only individual entrepreneurs can take a loan, but also individuals, open or closed joint Stock Companycorresponding to the following requirements:

  • owners of a business or a significant part of it;
  • the sole executives of the institution or enterprise.

Method of receipt

As a result of the conclusion of the transaction with the Bank, the client receives a loan in one of the selected species. It may be a credit line or a regular loan. With the first way, the client receives the money in stages when they need them for private operations. The maximum and minimum amount of credit line establishes the lender. Additionally, the time limit may be imposed on the use of funds.

Lending limit

Making a loan on the security of the store, the borrower can get the amount constituting not more than 70-80% of the value of the stored property. This restriction is called lending limit. It can be minimal and maximum. The value of the limit is determined by the market value of the collateral and the solvency of the client. After a complete loan payment of banks increase the maximum loan amount, which the borrower can take.

Interest rate

In case of mortgage lending, the calculation of the overpayment is an individual approach. Not only the liquidity and cost of the object, but also the credit history of the borrower, i.e. Founders of the enterprise or one legal entity. Today, banks are engaged in providing a loan under 18.25% per annum. A smaller interest rate is prescribed to borrowers who are permanent customers financial institution.

In which bank is better to take loans on the security of commercial real estate

Many financial organizations in Russia are engaged in issuing loans to medium and small businesses. Some of them require additional provision that can be removed during delay. Other companies are limited maximum size loans a few million rubles. Beginner entrepreneurs are best to make a loan with a pledge of purchased or already purchased commercial real estate in one of the following banks:

  • VTB 24. Commercial mortgage available for individuals and legal entities. Money is issued on the security of real estate if the borrower was able to confirm the solvency and the availability of the company's current tax burden. Be sure to need a guarantor.
  • Rosbank. Loans are issued after agreeing to the acquired property of real estate with the organization. Money is transferred to the account in Rosbank. The main requirement of the bank is to issue insurance for the selected property.
  • Rosselkhozbank. Be sure to require the guarantee of investors or major shareholders of the enterprise. Money is transferred to the current account, open in this financial institution.
  • Promsvyazbank. Legal and individuals can issue a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate. Under the terms of the loan, the owner of the business can not receive more than 50 million rubles. With the size of the loan less than 30 million rubles mortgage agreement Not issued.
  • Loko Bank. Liquid objects are considered vehicles, Industrial equipment, real estate.

Credit conditions for small business secured by commercial property in Russian banks:

Lending time

Permissible amount, million rubles

Acting rate,% per annum

An initial fee


Guarantor is needed. You can decide for 6 months.

Up to 36 months

Early repayment of the loan without commissions. You can get a delay for 6 months. The loan repayment is made by annuity payments.


Defret on the payment of debt can be decorated for 12 months. For all operations, the Commission is charged. Repayment of debt according to individual graphics.


Up to 36 months

0% (the loan amount is fully ensured by the market value of the collateral)

Possible postponement of the repayment of the principal debt for 12 months. Reduced rates in letter of credit.

Loko Bank

The length of the business is 12 months and more. Repayment of loans is carried out by differentiated payments. It is possible to develop an individual schedule with postponement of payments up to 6 months.

How to issue a loan

At the first stage, the potential borrower must submit the constituent and financial documents of his company to the lender. After specialists learn all the papers, the Bank will decide whether it is advisable to provide a loan on the security of real estate to the face. The term of consideration of the application is 2 days. If the company has passed the check, then follow the procedures listed below:

  • Evaluation of the property of the borrower by an independent expert. It is carried out in order to find out the true price of collateral. The estimation of the value of the property can be carried out by an expert hired by the owner or bank.
  • Inspection of real estate object. As part of this procedure, the borrower will ask for property documents. Bank specialists will be checked, there are no interference to implement the object.
  • Conclusion of the contract and the issuance of a loan. Banks offer the very following profitable terms borrowers owned by real estatewhich is in high demand in the market.

Application for a loan

Apply for a loan on the security of commercial property can be exclusively in the separation of the selected bank. Previously, it is worth learn from the credit institution staff a list of documents that will need to be submitted to design a loan. The term of consideration of the application depends on whether the potential borrower is a bank client and is it ready to submit additional support.

What documents are needed

The final list of references that the owner of liquid real estate should submit to make money is determined by the lender. The potential borrower must prepare papers in advance confirming its solvency. These may be extracts from accounts / deposits from other banks or references, which displays the company's profit for last year. The list necessarily contains the following documents:

  • profile application of the person who decided to take a loan;
  • passport and other documents certifying the identity of applicable;
  • paper confirming the solvency of a citizen / enterprise ( financial reports, certificates about dividends, etc.);
  • feasibility study for financing (if money is taken to implement entrepreneurial purposes);
  • papers confirming the ownership of the mortgage object;
  • technical, cadastral documents;
  • extract from the USRP.

Features of lending secured by commercial real estate in 2019

Banks tighten the requirements for new customers. If an early loan on the security of commercial real estate could receive companies operating 6 months, now the life of the business for submitting an application must be at least 1 year. Interest rates changed. Some banks of new customers issue loans in 2019 exclusively under 20% per annum, while the loan amount does not exceed 60-70% of the value of the pledge.

Repayment of credit

The debt return circuit is determined by the creditor of the contribution schedule. Payments can be annuity, when each month the borrower contributes equal amounts, or differentiated. In the latter case, contributions will have a different amount, decreasing by the end of the loan term. It is more profitable for the borrower to repay the debt on the differentiated scheme. Overpayment will in this case will be less.


Loan termsFrom 1 to 120 months
Interest rate

From 11.0% in rubles 1

Credit currencyRoss RF
An initial feeFrom 20% for agricultural producers,
From 25% for all other borrowers.
The initial contribution is not required when lending to the security of the existing property (s) of real estate.
Delegation of payment of the principal debt

Up to 12 months 2

Credit amount

From 500,000 rubles.
From 5,000,000 rubles for lending to the security of an existing real estate object 3.
The maximum amount of up to 200,000,000 rubles, for individual cities to 600,000,000 rubles 4.

  • Pledge of acquired properties
  • Pledge of property rights under the contract participation in construction, when acquiring a real estate facility under an accredited developer
  • The key to the existing property for the construction period, when acquiring a facility under construction, not accredited developers
  • The guarantee of the property of the property
  • Guarantee of physical and / or legal entities
  • Guarantees of JSC Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship "
Commission for issuing a loanAbsent
Commission for early repayment CreditAbsent

Pledge property is subject to mandatory insurance 5

Penalties for late transfer of payment to repay a loan or pay interest0.1% of the amount of overdue debt. Called on the amount of overdue payment for every day of delay in payment.

1 given interest rate Specifies with a period of lending 120 months. and the loan amount of more than 5 million rubles. The final amount of interest rates is established individually and depends on financial state Borrower, term and loan amounts, as well as collateral provided. Detailed information about credit products PJSC Sberbank For small businesses, lending and documents necessary for a loan, you can get in the branches of the bank serving legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

2 The maximum delay size is specified for individual categories of borrowers. The final amount of deferment of the repayment of the principal debt is established individually for each borrower and depends on its solvency and credit history in the bank on previously issued loans for legal entities.

3 Product is not provided special categories customers, incl. individual entrepreneurs.

4 Maximum loan amount up to 600 million rubles. Specifies in the following cities: Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Balashikha, Krasnogorsk, Mytishchi, Odintsovo, Podolsk, Ramenskoye, Khabarovsk. In other cities in the territory of the Russian Federation, the maximum loan amount is up to 200 million rubles.

5 with the exception of land

A loan for commercial real estate provide legal entities that can confirm the profitability of their activities, secured by the acquired object.

Credit for commercial real estate: what is it

Commercial real estate is necessary for conducting their own business, so often beginner or already existing entrepreneurs have to acquire it on credit. The actions presented make it possible to increase profits and even repayment of the loan does not entail significant losses. What are the conditions for such registration - this question is interested in potential borrowers along with the choice of the bank.

Credit for commercial real estate can take both legal and individuals

It is the design of a collateral makes it possible in the design of a large amount under the loan. Some banks require to indicate the objectives of the property acquired, others are optional.

At the same time, the loan design provides for required condition Acquisition of the facilityrelated to the concept of commercial real estate. First, it should be buildings and structures, which will continue to be issued on entity - organization engaged in business. Secondly, the following objects understand under commercial real estate:

  1. Office buildings and facilities are objects providing for the formation of offices or business centers.
  2. Industrial property is predominantly production facilities, which can include workshops and warehouses for products.
  3. Retail properties are shops, hotels and other facilities where trade will be directly.

When issuing a loan, the type of real estate will be listed in the contract necessarily. This often requires an appraisal organization that cooperates with the Bank and confirms the loyalty of the claimed amount from the borrower.

On targeted appointment

A loan for commercial real estate is not always a loan to buy. Cash is provided by the Bank for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of an object for commercial activities;
  • repair of the already available real estate that the borrower submitted in pledge;
  • construction of an object for its own plan.

The following goals are mandatory indicated in the application and the subsequent contract. These data affect the interest rate and other credit conditions. If the object is only built, it means that an additionally borrower subsequently draws up a deposit agreement.

Who can make a loan

A loan for commercial real estate can be issued not only a legal entity. Here you allocate:

  1. Individuals - Credit for commercial real estate for individuals It is issued only on the basis of submitted documents confirming their own solvency. The presented view of the loan implies the design of a commercial mortgage that can be obtained monetary sum at a time or with the issuance of parts. The method of granting money affects the interest rate and other conditions.
  2. Legal entities - Their loan amounts are much higher than those provided to individuals or individual entrepreneurs. The loan must provide them with all the documentation on the opening of the organization, as well as information on income taken in tax Service. The bank allocated by the Bank is transferred to the company's current account, which is mandatory indicated in accounting postings.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs - These individuals can get a loan on the security of real estate in the standard order. Often, entrepreneurs are sent to submit an application for representatives, which may be permitted, but on the basis of a power of attorney certified in the notary.

For each borrower, a package of documents must be submitted to obtain a loan. Lending conditions B. more than Do not differ from the type of applicants.

Many banks offer attractive conditions for commercial real estate.

Terms of receipt of loan

A loan for the purchase of commercial real estate is provided by banks on the basis of the following conditions:

  1. A loan under commercial real estate is issued in two ways - to acquire the entire amount immediately and on the construction of parts according to the estimated estimate.
  2. For both methods, the Bank establishes the minimum and maximum amount of lending.
  3. In most cases, the limit acts - it is 70-80% of the value of collaborated real estate. Here and resort to the services of an appraisal company.
  4. The average interest rate on the loan in the submitted situation is 18.25% per annum. The rate is calculated individually for each founder of the company, given the credit history and liquidity of the enterprise. Some banks offer reduced percentages to regular customers.
  5. The loan is issued only to those companies and individual entrepreneurs, whose activities are carried out for six months or more. The company must be profitable.

Because a loan for the purchase of real estate is identified by a standard mortgage, the borrower must be made an initial fee - Mounted percentage of market value Commercial real estate.

Credit can be issued on the purchase or construction of real estate

Favorable offers from banks

Today, there should be several interesting proposals for banks that make it possible to strengthen their position in business and get additional profits. Get a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate can be:

  1. Sberbank - It offers the minimum loan rates - from 11.8%. The maximum loan amount - 600 million rubles, which is issued only large cities Russia. The rest may approve the application of 200 million rubles. The initial contribution is 20% and 25% depending on the type of commercial activity.
  2. VTB 24 - The second most popular bank for the provision of a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate. Interest rate - 13.5%. The minimum loan amount is 10 million rubles with a maximum lending period of 10 years. Requires an initial contribution from 15%.
  3. Rosselkhozbank - Differs from the other exceptionally individual credit rate. There are no limits at rates, but it has established restrictions on the amount of lending - from 500 thousand rubles to 20 million rubles. This bank does not require an initial contribution, but its provision reduces loan rates.
  4. Absolut Bank - The minimum interest rate is 17.45% per annum. It does not have established restrictions on loans - allows providing from 60% to 80% of the market value of the selected commercial object.
  5. Uralsib - It offers a commercial lending program at a rate of 13.9% in the amount of up to 170 million rubles. The maximum maturity date is 10 years. Bank issues cash Unified payment without a requirement to make an initial contribution. The minus of cooperation with the bank lies in the commission in 1.2%.

A loan for the purchase of commercial real estate should be taken deliberately, as often entrepreneurs close the case or eliminate one of the departments. The initial fee is not refunded in such cases, and the bank takes the deposit provided to them. Losses in large organizations are becoming weighty - sometimes they even bring the situation before bankruptcy.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state