
Maternal certificate as an initial fee. Mortgage for maternity capital. Conclusions: In which bank to take a mortgage

The legend walks on the Internet, allegedly stood in one of the cities there was a unique telephone booth, to which the queue was built out of people in need of supporting another person. After the coin fell into the slot, a handsome pleasant female voice sounded in the handset and uttered the right and very important words for any person - pleasant words of support.

The fact that everything will be fine is that he loves, that they believe in him and that he will cope with everything. From the telephone booth, people came out with happy, slightly confused persons. But these words were very necessary. Probably, among their loved ones and relatives, there were no those who could say such words at this time. Namely, at that moment, the support words were so necessary.

In the dictionary of the Ozhegov, the word "support" matters - assistance, assistance. It is not necessary to wait for heavy life situations to assist another person. Remember how we tongue words support our kids who make the first steps. We do not talk about what they are clumsy and that they still do not know how to walk. On the contrary, we encourage them, the incredible number of times we speak about how wellholds they are, and our kids, satisfied with the praise, try our best.

What happens later when children grow up, we know perfectly well. Greater, children are less likely to hear from us the words of support necessary to them in various situations.

Recently, the adult daughter of my friend first participated in the competition of oriental dances. After she ranked first and hit everyone with his stunning take-off at the pedestal of Honor, her daughter asked her mother, what a place in her opinion, she could take. "Well fifth, sixth ..." Mom said, knowing about the talent of his daughter, but considering that this is her first big competition. "Eh, Mom, badly you think about me." - answered her daughter.

To any of us is important to know and understand that you believe in you and your undertakings are supported. It is especially important when we change something in our lives and at this stage there are doubts. Here, more than ever, valuable any word of encouraging from loved ones. Understand dreams, hopes, the desire of another person is not so difficult. But perhaps only when you love.

Sometimes it happens to be supported. Just said a few words: "You will succeed. You are the best. You are super! Well done! It's important to me!".

I do not know how anyone, but my wings grow from such words. And obstacles that stood on the way seem very small and frivolous. Dwinkles energy, a good mood is added ... in general, solid positiff!

Despite the abundance of everyday tasks facing the heads of companies, I am very respectful about those who are assessed by the work of its employees before the whole team. For example, in many network companies, the "recognition" factor is in the first place, inspiring partners for further feats and accomplishments.

How to support?

Universal encouraging words can be found a lot. When you do not know how to support and cheer up another person, ask yourself what words would you like to hear in such a situation? These are the pronunciation. Just say sincerely, and everything will definitely work.

Do you need a lot of people? It happens that a person can be supported without words. Smile and friendly patting on the shoulder can raise the fallen mood. Sincere congratulations at the moments of joy will be an excellent start for further accomplishments.

We all know that you are faster and more fun with a good mood. It is possible that the anecdote or someone's story told in the topic will be an excellent "lift of mood", which will undoubtedly increase efficiency and performance.

Service of a good mood "You -Super!"

With this service, you can remind your loved ones, relatives and friends about what they are cool! " Using the project "You are super!" A real person will call your loved ones, friends and acquaintances, to say simple, but nice things: they are cool and awesome! Or will say what you yourself want! "

Service paid, but it small money For such a great case, believe me. Voice examples can be heard on the site itself, and you will hear how much surprise is a person from surprise and encouraging words from an unfamiliar person. After all, live and real people call.

Here it was possible to subside on the topic, from whom we would like to hear the words of support, from friends or strangers to us ... but the idea is so good - to honest money, giving a lot of positive emotions and charge for the whole day that you want to discuss, think It is unlikely to be found.

Think someone from your loved ones needs today's words of support? It is possible that pleasant and unexpected calls will make a variety and become an excellent motivator.

The main thing is that we do not stop at the same time believe in yourself and in our own strength. Apply effort, try, do not stop there, and believe in yourself and the success of your business. Work on feelings and relationships to yourself and to other people, and everything will be done with you. I am very sincerely, dear readers, I wish.

You are super! You are the best!

And all in your hands!

Check more in less time together with

Welcome! The topic of our meeting today maternal capital and mortgage. Read the post to the end, and you will learn: how the mortgage is happening with maternal capital, the Mortgage program Maternal capital in the top - 5 banks of the country (how the mortgage conditions are also being implemented), maternity capital and military mortgage (Features of receipt and repayment), how to send maternity capital to the mortgage account. Start!

At the birth of a second child, parents do not always know all the conditions and features of obtaining mortgages with state support and maternal capital . To obtain the Matkapalo (for a mortgage), there must be two children. He is issued to the mother of two (or more) children. It is paid after the emergence of the second child, regardless of that twin, triple or adopted child (also has no effect, the number of children who appeared after the second, and whether parents are divorced).

The Russian program of disposable assistance is envisaged only for Russian citizens. Therefore, if the mother and child possess Russian citizenship, they are provided with maternity capital, even when they live abroad.

This legislative project started from 00.00 hours from January 1, 2007. If the birth or adoption of the child, it happened before this date, the parents will not be paid family Capital. If the 2nd child appeared before the date, began the action of the bill, when the third (fourth) child appears, you will still find the mat. capital.

Often, the means receives the mother, but there are complex or even accidents occur. In the event of the death of the mother (2nd child), divorce With the loss of motherhood rights, funds are laid out, but if both parents died, finance is provided by the child.

The child will be able to use the capital, after the age of majority and only the goal specified by the law:

  • Loan payment (PF exhaust debt);
  • Mortgage on the amount of maternal capital;
  • Obtaining education.
  • Mom pension.
  • Soc. Adaptation of disabled children.

If a divorce is a divorce and wife, family capital is not divided. Even if the spouses decided to divorce, the dotation remains to belong to its owner. It often happens that bold thinks that it will be able to sue or share the means of family subsidies. But when there is a divorce, housing (acquired at the expense of subsidies) can only be considered for even division.

When the program started in 2007, it was possible to spend on housing, to teach the child and formation cumulative pension. Later decided to use family subsidies, to harvest mortgage maternal capital (extinguishing contributions). And in 2011, the use of money was allowed to transfer the certificate owner to the front account.

Thus, the family could build housing on their own. In 2015, they canceled the restrictions on the use of money mat. capital, in order to extinguish an initial fee by mortgage. Also since 2016, the certificate can be provided for payment, technical devices and adaptation of disabled children.

We remind you that wait for 3 years a child to take a mortgage no longer necessary!

How to take (technology)

The most popular way to dispose of the Matkapalo is to buy an apartment or a house. Let now, perhaps, you don't need it, but you can take real estate in the future and pass until the child is growing. The appearance of maternal capital dispersed the construction market and became indirect cause of price increases, especially in the economy segment of studios, which were essentially an analogue of an investment contribution.

There are two options to buy housing with a mortgage and a carcipal:

  1. buying an apartment in a mortgage. You can extinguish it completely or part at the expense of capital. (Must be your first installment, as a rule).
  2. To direct the means of maternal capital to pay PV on the mortgage. (Then in most cases own funds On PV is not needed, but there may be exceptions).

Mortar morte is now presented in essence two legal lending formats:

  1. Mortgage with mat Capital as PV. Technology next. Mortgage issued on complete value housing. As soon as the mortgage loan is obtained, it is necessary to urgently contact the PF to enumerate the Matkapalo to the Bank for the mortgage embedding. Two months you are waiting for the listing and pay a loan with the full amount. Next comes mat Capital and reduces debt to the bank. As a result, you have a payment or mortgage period (currens the bank).

This option of using maternal capital is one of the ways. The rest of the ways can be viewed in a separate post.

  1. Mortgage loan for maternity capital. Bank, MFI, developer or real estate agency can issue a loan in the amount of capital to buy real estate. The remaining amount or you have to be in your arms, or you get it in a mortgage. After receiving the loan, you also go to PF and within two months we are waiting for the transfer of funds to the loan quenching. As a rule, an extra charge is taken for such a service.

All other ways to cash out the maternity capital are illegal. Be careful not to get problems with the law. Recommended free consultation With our lawyer (form at the bottom) by ways of using Mom's capital. It will save you time and money, and also will save from many problems.

How to take a mortgage for maternity capital - this question will be the answer below.

You must use the program "Mortgage Plus Maternity Capital ». It is in almost all major and small banks. In the next part of the post, we will tell about the conditions in a number of them.

Depending on the bank, the procedure is as follows:

  1. We are determined with the bank.
  2. Preparing a package of documents.
  3. Apply.
  4. Mortgage is seen from two to seven working days.
  5. We get approval.
  6. We are looking for a real estate option (you can buy an apartment in a mortgage in a new building, secondary, buy or build a house, pay Pai in the housing cooperative).
  7. We provide documents on housing in the bank.
  8. Sign up credit contract.
  9. We get a mortgage.
  10. We register a deal in justice.
  11. Calculate with the seller.
  12. Urgently run to PF and provide documents for repayment of mortgage maternal
  13. We are waiting for a month of consideration of the application and 10 days to transfer funds Mat Capital
  14. Apply to the bank for a new payment schedule.

You can take a mortgage with maternal capital:

  • New building
  • Second
  • Ready house
  • Pay for the construction of the house
  • Mat Capital can be inserted into the PAI utilities.

The minimum amount of mortgage for maternity capital from 100,000 rubles (Rosselkhozbank).

A number of banks on this program requires an initial contribution from 5 to 10%. What are banks and under what conditions you will learn next.

Requirements for a mortgage loan

Special conditions that differ in other loans required by borrowers are not observed. In any suitable bank, an application is made for a mortgage, then it is considered by the bank employees (1-3 days). It is easy to issue a mortgage, if you have the necessary documents and mortgage conditions:

  • Stable average salary;
  • Work experience, not less than one year;
  • Work at the last place of work, at least six months;
  • With me should be, certain documents - confirming personality, solvency and employment;
  • It is necessary to own a certificate - family capital and a certificate of its residue;
  • Initial contribution (in a number of banks).

In general, the normal level of earnings, stable work and the right to use state aid. Performing the above-mentioned conditions, it is possible to make a mortgage mortgage. Is it possible to calculate what apartment will it turn out to be purchased, on the average number of money provided to pay a loan per month? Of course, it is possible to calculate.

Use our mortgage calculator. It allows you to make calculation including taking into account the matt of capital. With it, the monthly payment is calculated. You can understand how much to invest (invest) funds, for one or another contract, is it profitable.

Military mortgage

Also, when receiving maternal capital, you can repay the military mortgage. This was possible in 2012, a member of the family issued a military mortgage, now the maternal capital, you can extinguish. It turns out a military mortgage to her husband, it can be paid for a wife's subsidy.

Military Mortgage Maternity Capital can work together, but there are a number of nuances:

  1. Under the conditions of the military mortgage, it is assumed that housing will be owned only by a serviceman, and the PF will require equity ownership incl. And for children. Not every bank will go On these troubles.
  2. To direct the means of maternal capital on the military mortgage is beneficial. At the same time, you can save money on NIS and then apply them when the other apartment is cleaned.
  3. As the first contribution of Capital + military mortgage, it is possible to use it, but it will be difficult to carry out such a contract through Rosvoenipotek and the Bank.

To solve these moments, you need to contact the bank or for advice to our lawyer.

Top 5 banks' proposals


With the help of this bank, it is purchased or ready housing on credit. There is an opportunity to issue a mortgage loan under Matkapital, and for the first contribution or part of it. Mortgage loan for maternity capital is obtained on the following conditions:

  • The amount of 300 thousand rubles.
  • Rate from 8.9%
  • Insurance of life 1% of the amount (with refusal of + 1% to the rate)
  • Term up to 30 years.

The advantage of this bank is the ability to take into account additional income without confirmation. Sberbank issues itself great amount Mortgages, with other things being equal among other banks.

VTB 24

There is a program "Mortgage Plus Maternity Capital".

  • The amount of 600 thousand to 60 million rubles.
  • Rate from 9.7%
  • Term up to 30 years.
  • Insurance from 0.5%

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the mortgage using maternal capital is issued with the mandatory PV from 5%. This is a certain minus. But there is a plus. In VTB 24, dependents are not taken into account when calculating solvency, and this increases the approved mortgage amount.


Mortgage is provided with maternal capital.

  • Amount of 300 thousand
  • Rate from 9.9%
  • The term of 360 months.
  • Insurance is very cheap from 0.2%

In Uralsibi. good rates. The bank is not very deeply looking at the credit history, which will allow you to go through the mortgage if there were small "sins" with the payment earlier on other loans. But the bank requires 10% PV to maternal capital, if you have a bank form, and not 2 ndfl.


The program "Mortgage + Maternal Capital":

  • The amount of 600 thousand rubles.
  • Gives a mortgage from 9.9% per annum,
  • The term of credit is 1-25 years.
  • Insurance from 0.2%

In Raiffeisen, very good bets. They also like VTB 24 do not take into account dependents, but if you have a bank's form, then you need to have 10% PV of own funds. You can take a cottage in the mortgage.


Provides under the maternal capital of the mortgage under the following conditions:

  • Rate from 9.4% per annum,
  • Credit Credit may, for up to 25 years
  • The bank may occupy, in a sute from 100 thousand, up to 20 million rubles.
  • Insurance from 0.3%

Mortgage for maternity capital - provided for all bank programs. During the registration of a loan for real estate, you can buy: a house and a plot, apartment, accommodation with participation in the construction, a plot of land for residential building, an unfinished object with Earth.

How to pay off a mortgage maternal capital

The law allows the use of maternity capital to a mortgage. And parents different methods Its payment, even already existing mortgage.

Capital, most families (when divorced, mother or father, is spent on an apartment in a mortgage, an apartment in a mortgage is the only chance for most families. But it is worth knowing that capital pays only the accrued amount for payment. And penalties imposed during the delay of payment, you can only extinguish with cash. The mortgage, decorated on the father, is covered by the certificate written in the name of the mother of children.

When closes mortgage, Maternal money, the borrower has the right to demand from a financial organization, to return part of the insurance premium. The terms of the mortgage loan, oblige insurance, and the magnitude of the annual insurance is significant. Therefore, you should not miss the chance, return some amount of cash.

Often with the compensation of money, there are no questions, but if suddenly something is wrong. These questions are rapidly solved, by referring to lawyers (fill in a special form in the right corner on our website).

And do not think that the option with the involvement of maternal capital will affect credit history. The fact, early repayment of the loan, is positively displayed on credit history.


The head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko proposed to extend the validity of the program Maternal capital"Until 2025, which will help a large number of families to get support.

Also, it should not forget about the draft law on the allocation. We wrote about him earlier.


Maternal capital with mortgage is very convenient and factive way decide housing problem And even overcome. Nested in housing mat Capital can bring stable income from rent. And if, all legislative conditions are complied with, during all procedures, then there will be no bad effects and as a result, the family can greatly reduce the financial load and raise the standard of living.

Maternal Capital for the purchase of an apartment - It is really profitable. It is a pity that in 2019 this program will be suspended.

What do you think it last year Capital Mat? Postpone in the comments.

When the family gets the right to state support at the birth of the second child, the most difficult question For her - in which bank can you make a mortgage on favorable terms? Consider the rating of banks offering maternity capital as the initial contribution of the mortgage.

Given the statistics of past years, the most sought-after sending of state aid is "Improvement housing conditions" The state strictly regulates the conditions for the use of maternal capital. According to federal law Permission to use funds partially or in full may be considered by the FIU 3 years after the child's appearance in the family. There is an exception to this rule: funds from the capital of capital can be used until the three-year-old child in the framework of obligations related to housing loans.

Considering the fact that the total amount state support In the amount of 453,026 rubles in 2018, there is not enough for the acquisition of its own housing, it remains to consider options mortgage lending. When making a housing loan, banks put forward a mandatory requirement - payment of the initial contribution. As a rule, it is 20% of total amount loan. By issuing a property purchase agreement for no more than 2,265,000 rubles, the total amount of family capital is fully enough to pay for the first contribution.

Requirements for the borrower when making a mortgage

To use maternity capital, as an initial mortgage fee in 2018, the borrower must comply with the standard requirements for banks:

  • The presence of good credit history;
  • Permanent income (monthly mortgage contribution should not exceed 40-50% of your income);
  • The duration of continuous operation (6 months, in some banks - 3 years).

Maternal banks

Of the whole set of credit institutions in the Russian Federation, you can only be called some banks representing programs mortgage loans As part of the use of family capital. Consider financial institutions With the most profitable mortgage programs under the mat Capital in 2018:

  • Sberbank of Russia;
  • Deltacredit Bank;
  • UniCredit Bank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Bank Russian capital.

The criteria for the work of banks with maternal capital differ in the size of the initial contribution, the type of housing acquired, interest rate, credit period.

Mortgage plus maternity capital in Sberbank

Sberbank proposes to issue a loan for living real estate, sending funds from the capital to pay for the initial contribution. Potential borrowers can take advantage of one of the programs presented:

  • Purchase of finished housing;
  • Buying housing under construction.

Credit for the purchase of finished housing

The program operates in the framework of the action for young families with a basic interest rate of 8.7% per annum. Subject to the design of the electronic registration right of ownership annual percentage The loan decreases by 0.1%. These interest rates are relevant, subject to the receipt of a salary on the Sberbank card, or if the real estate object chosen by you was built on credit funds of the bank.

In case of non-compliance of the above requirements, allowances are provided:

  • + 0.5% if you are not a member salary project Sberbank;
  • + 1% If you did not use the life and health insurance program, according to the Bank's requirements.

The participants of the program "Young Family" can count on a discount on the annual interest rate by 0.5%. Mandatory condition - the age of one of the spouses should not be older than 35 years. Such a discount can take advantage of single parents up to 35 years old.

The maximum loan period is 30 years. The initial contribution of 15% can be paid from maternal capital. You can send an application online on the portal "Domklik". When buying an apartment on Domclick.ru you can save, receiving a discount of 0.3%.

Sberbank offers a mortgage loan for the purchase of an apartment in a new building for maternity capital. The terms of the loan provide for a reduced interest rate - from 7.4% per annum. Interest rate on general conditions is 11.5%. To reduce it to 7.4%, it is necessary:

  • Purchase real estate in certain developers (the loan rate is reduced from 1.5-2%, depending on the loan term);
  • Establish an electronic registration of the transaction (-0.1%);
  • Use life and health insurance in Sberbank Insurance company (-1%);
  • Confirm your income documented (-0.4%);
  • Receive salary on the Sberbank card (-0.5%).

The discount from developers is valid only under a loan period of up to 12 years.

The terms of the action "Acquisition of housing under construction" provide for the possibility of issuing a loan with two equal parts. The first part is issued after registering the contract. participation, the second is before signing the gear ratio.

The loan is issued for a period of up to 30 years. The maximum amount is 85% of the cost of real estate purchased on a loan or other object decorated in a deposit. The initial contribution (15%) is possible to pay for maternal capital.

Mortgage for maternity capital in DeltaCredit Bank

Purchasing real estate in the mortgage with the help of DeltaCredit Bank, you can count on the possibility of using the capital mat as an initial contribution or early repayment obligations. The size of the initial contribution ranges from 10-40% of the total amount and depends directly from the type of real estate you chose. If the amounts of maternal capital are not enough to repay the first contribution, the borrower must make additional funds.

The potential borrower can choose real estate both in the primary and in the secondary market. The choice of the type of housing is quite wide. It may be:

  • The apartment is the initial contribution of 15%;
  • Share in the apartment - 10%;
  • Room - from 10%;
  • Country house - 40%.

Deltacredit Bank does not advertise the size interest rate According to the mortgage, arguing that this factor of the loan agreement is considered individually. In this direction, a special program "Appoint your bet" was developed, the principle of operation of which is to reduce the loan rate when an amount equal to a certain percentage of the total loan amount.

Thus, the mortgage rate on the loan decreases by 0.5% with a sum of 1% of the total cost of the loan, by 1%, by payment of 2.5%, by 1.5% by paying 4.5%. Used credit calculator On the official website of the bank, you can find out the size of the base rate - 10, 75%.

The frequency of repayment of the mortgage in Deltacredit Bank - 1 time in 14 days. This allows each year to carry out additional 2 payments, which contributes to the reduction of the loan period.

Mortgage for maternity capital in UniCredit Bank

The mortgage in UniCredit Bank can be taken for a period of 1-30 years, paying the initial contribution of from 20-50% depending on the type of residential real estate:

  • 20% - when buying an apartment or apartments;
  • 50% - when buying a residential or garden house, townhouse or cottage.

In this case, the size of the initial contribution may be reduced by the amount of maternal capital. One of the main conditions of the bank when issuing a loan is to purchase an apartment in under construction residential buildings or land plot With a living house located on it, from a specific list of objects.

The maximum loan size is 9,000,000 rubles. The interest rate is fixed, with an initial contribution of 20% - 10, 9%, in the amount of 50% - 12.25%.

The obligatory requirement of the creditor is the location of the employer and the address of the registration of the transaction participant within the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Maternity capital, as an initial mortgage fee in VTB24

VTB24 offers 3 options for using maternal capital:

  • As an initial contribution of mortgage;
  • For repayment of the loan;
  • Increase loan amount.

The interest rate on the mortgage loan in VTB24 depends on the loan period and the size of the initial contribution. The minimum rate is 11.9%, the maximum is 14.45%. The conditions for participation in the "Mortgage + Maternity Capital" program determine the minimum amount of the loan in the amount of 600,000 rubles. The initial contribution can not be less than 10% of the cost of the apartment. The maximum loan period is 30 years.

VTB24 is 2. credit Productoperating within the program "Mortgage + Maternity Capital":

  • New building;
  • Secondary housing.

Mortgage for Material Capital in Bank Russian Capital

Young families who are owners of maternal capital can take advantage of mortgage lending programs from the Bank of Russian Capital. The certificate can be used to reduce the size of the initial contribution and increase the sum of the mortgage loan. The "Maternal Captal" option is compatible with the following mortgage programs:

  • Purchase of finished housing;
  • Acquisition of housing under construction.

The interest rate on loans is a variable and can be indexed depending on the value of the index consumer prices on goods in the Russian Federation.

Acquisition of finished housing

The program is aimed at purchasing an apartment in a residential building or townhouse on the primary or secondary market, including in the house of a blocked building, on preferential terms. The amount of interest rate varies from 9-11.1% per annum, depending on the sum of the initial contribution. The minimum initial fee is 20%. The loan is issued for a period of 3-30 years in the amount of up to 20 million rubles.

Acquisition of housing under construction

It is possible to purchase Russian capital under the mortgage program of the bank under construction only in facilities accredited by AHML. Borrowers can acquire real estate in facilities under construction by entering into a contract of participation in equity construction.

  • Annual loan percentage - 9%;
  • The minimum loan period is 3 years, maximum - 30 years;
  • Loan amount up to 20,000,000 rubles.

Conclusions: In which bank to take a mortgage?

By comparing the conditions for issuing mortgage loans for banks of competitors, it is possible to say with confidence that the Sberbank of Russia is the most profitable program. This is a confirmation of this is the lowest loan rate - 7.4% per annum and the fact that the amount of maternal capital is enough to use as an initial contribution (15%) when buying real estate, worth up to 3 million rubles.

How to make a mortgage with maternal capital?

What documents should be submitted to the FIU when making a mortgage for maternity capital?

To make a mortgage with the involvement of maternal capital, it is necessary to prepare 2 packages of documents: to the bank and in pension Fund.

Documents for the FIU:

  • Certificate owner personality certificate
  • Statement of the established sample on the transfer of money to the bank;
  • Original certificate of family capital;
  • When designing mortgage contract On the spouse, it is necessary to submit his passport and the certificate of marriage registration;
  • A copy of the mortgage lending contract;
  • Notarized obligation about equity registration ownership (no later than 6 months from the date of repayment of the loan);
  • Technical documentation for the object of real estate confirming its compliance with housing conditions.

Documents requested by the Bank for Mortgage Credit for Maternity Capital

There is a standard package of documents required by banks to use maternal capital as an initial contribution to a housing loan. This list can be supplemented in connection with the individual requirements of the credit institution.

  • Photocopy and original certificate of capital mat;
  • Certificate of the amount of the balance of funds issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Help 2 NDFL for 6 months;
  • Reduss;
  • Copies of the latest taxed declarations;
  • Real estate purchase agreement;
  • Applicant passport;
  • A copy of documents establishing the right to purchase housing;
  • Copy of the cadastral passport.

How to get maternity capital?

Before contacting the bank with a statement for making a mortgage loan for maternity capital, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate. It is issued in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when providing a mandatory package of documents:

  • Certificate of the birth of the second child;
  • Mother's passport;
  • Application for obtaining a certificate of the established sample;
  • Reduss;
  • Form 9.

The application is seen within one month, then the certificate should be issued.

Requirements for real estate

Maternal capital can be aimed at purchasing residential real estate in strict accordance with the following conditions:

  • Real estate must be within the Russian Federation;
  • Availability of connecting the necessary communications;
  • Recognition of residential real estate suitable for residence;
  • It is drawn up in the share ownership of the whole family, including children.

In case of non-compliance with the conditions described above, the FIU may refuse to use the funds of the capital mat.

The procedure for making a mortgage loan with the involvement of maternal capital as an initial contribution

The design of the transaction requires simultaneous interaction with two organizations: the Bank and the Pension Fund. The first thing to start - to file required documents In the FIU to obtain a certificate. As soon as the application is reviewed, and you will receive the appropriate document, you can start monitoring mortgage programs In various banks working within the framework of state support.

The next step is to collect the desired package of documents for registration of the contract of mortgage lending. The contract must contain the conditions for the use of maternal capital. Next, we appeal to the FIU with a statement for transferring money to the appropriate credit Organizationpresenting for this full list documents.

After the FIU translates money to the bank, the deal can be considered. It remains only to regularly pay loan contributions. After the full payment of liabilities, you can proceed to registration of housing in Rosreestre in the share ownership of each family member.

Important moments

When contacting the Pension Fund with a statement to transfer maternal capital to a credit institution, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the service. The fact is that the amounts of accruals are formed with periodicity once every six months. For example, if you plan to issue a mortgage loan in winter, refer to the PFR statement in advance in summer.

To ensure additional guarantees for the bank, the design of the mortgage loan with the involvement of the capital matters is accompanied by mandatory insurance. It should also be remembered that the acquired property object will be under the encumbrance of the Bank until the fulfillment of obligations. Accordingly, the subsequent transactions about buying and selling or donation are excluded.

Given the statistics for 2015-2016, the most popular option for the use of family capital is recognized as an improvement in housing conditions. According to Rosstat, a large part in the purchase and construction of new housing is dealt with transactions for which borrowed funds are attracted - mortgage using maternal capital.

By the beginning of 2019, not all families possessing certificates decided to use the funds received. The periodic decline in the Central Bank of Russia key rates, which began after the crisis of 2014, opens up more opportunities to participate in the program. On the basis of declining interest on bank creditThe mortgage under the maternity capital becomes available to a wide circle of families.

Studying the possibilities of applying subsidies and those programs that offer mortgage organizations and banks to families will help to understand how to take a mortgage for maternity capital.

Mortgage for Maternity Capital

The widest possibilities of application social payments Designed in terms of using it for family housing. Mortgage with the participation of maternal capital is separately included in the list of applications of the subsidy, which is directly spelled out in the legislative standards.

The procedure at which mortgage loan is issued for maternity capital is reduced to the following:

  • the borrower receives credit funds for real estate;
  • maternity capital are redirected to the bank's accounts, the amount is subtracted from the agreed part of the mortgage funds;
  • the real estate transaction is pledged to the bank;
  • after full payment of the loan, the borrower declares the property in the property as it provides for the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Options for applying subsidies to ensure the best housing conditions are detailed in FZ No. 256 (12.29.06) and in 862 Government Decree (12.12.07).

Legislation allows:

  • purchase new real estate;
  • invest in housing subsidy;
  • reconstruction of the house, increasing its living area.
Important! The limited amount of payment does not allow you to pay for the purchase or work entirely. Therefore, families are invited to add to the maternity capital own funds or attract borrowed. Download for viewing and printing:

At the same time, programs are progressing in financial and credit institutions so that the mortgage with the maternal capital will be in demand by the program participants. Specially for them are offered lending conditions for a reduced percentage, fringe benefits In terms of consideration of applications, etc.

How to make a mortgage with the involvement of maternal funds

The target procedure for using a subsidy implies special duties of executive bodies. To understand the order of obtaining social payments, it should be considered, which represents a subsidy and in whose conduct is located.

Where MK is stored to demand

Family capital means are not cash, but rather virtual. The possibility of their movement is allowed only through channels of cashless calculation. The exception is a lump-sum payment, the possibility of which was legally provided for the period of crisis.

Tools up to the moment when the family comes to the direction of one of the selected goals, is stored in the accounts of the Pension Fund. Therefore, before issuing a maternity capital under a mortgage for permission to contact the FIU.

If the use of a subsidy does not contradict the law and presented all the required documents, the FIU transfers funds to the recipient's accounts.

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Terms of Funds

Mortgage for maternity capital in 2019 can be implemented as part of the targeted use of funds.

Under the terms of the permitted target use Social payments fall:

  • loans for the purchase of residential facilities;
  • their construction, reconstruction and repair;
  • at housing, located in the construction process.

Submit documents for sending funds to a mortgage loan with maternal capital can mother - certificate owner, as well as father, as a spouse of the certificate owner.

Important! Microfinance organizations in 2019 have no right to be recipients of family capital. The state excluded them from the list of financial organizations admitted to transactions, with the inclusion of budgetary funds.

Requirements for real estate

Mortgage at the expense of maternal capital requires the right choice of future housing.

You can purchase:

  • a private house;
  • apartments (in new buildings, in the secondary market, under construction);
  • shares in apartments or houses.
Important! Mortgage under Matkapital will be fasterly approved by the Bank, if a purchased apartment is drawn up. Despite the absence of legal obstacles, banks reluctantly allocate mortgage funds for the purchase of private houses, as well as for the construction of real estate.

Requirements for subsidizing program for housing in the following:

  • the property is within the Russian Federation;
  • accommodation must be provided with the necessary communications;
  • accommodation must be suitable for families;
  • a bought property of real estate Family is obliged to issue in equity property, be sure to include in the list of owners of all children.

If the housing will not satisfy the conditions described above, the FIU will refuse to issue funds.

Order of receipt

Mortgage design depends on what resources the family has other resources.

Providing options:

  • mortgage in the amount of MK without additional investment of the family;
  • adding family savings to subsidies for the purchase / construction of housing;
  • sale of existing real estate and buying new with the attachment of MK and borrowed money.

In any case, the family will need to cooperate at least with two organizations - the bank and the FIU. If you are supposed to buy a housing, then its seller will turn into the transaction. And if necessary, sell existing housing, buyer will be added to the transaction participants.

Tip! The transaction in which the mortgage with the Matcher is included, will pass more smoothly if you entrust it to the coordination of the experienced realtor. It will help streamline all organizational processes, check the purity of the transaction and secure the participants from possible trouble.

To get the money you should pass several stages:

  1. Submit an application to the FIU to design a certificate.
  2. Monitor mortgage programs in various banks providing this product.
  3. Contact the bank, collect the necessary package of documents and make an appeal to receive a loan.

When applying should be determined by the procedure in which mortgage and maternity capital will interact, the conditions will be fixed in the contract.

Possible options are two:

  • payment of the first contribution of a housing loan;
  • making funds in the payment of the total amount of debt.
Attention! Mortgage facilities can not pay off debts, penalties and fines for overdue contributions by housing loans.

For consideration by the application, the Bank will need time. The solution may be - approval of the loan, refusal or presentation of additional requirements for the borrower. The latter may be needed for a more detailed study of the borrower.

  1. Appeal to the FIU with a statement on the transfer of money and the provision of documents on the family and the upcoming transaction.
  2. When approving the FIU and the Bank, a loan agreement is concluded and drawing on housing.
  3. The FIU translates money to the bank, the borrower performs regular contributions on the mortgage, according to the contract.
  4. After full repayment Debt housing is registered in Rosreestre in equity property, decorated for each family members.

If at the specified period, the borrower will not be able to pay, then the Bank will be launched by the debt collection procedure. At the same time, the MK means will remain in the bank.

Important! It should be prepared for the design of the transaction takes a long time. The minimum period of all operations is a month.

Requirements of credit and financial organizations to borrowers

The presence of a certificate does not mean automatic approval by a housing loan.

Based on the analysis of the requirements, it can be determined that approval can be obtained if the borrower:

  • officially employed, has constant earnings and is able to confirm the income of reference 2- NDFL;
  • it has a minimum experience at the last place of service at least six months, and the total over the past five years is at least a year;
  • has a good credit history;
  • receives income at which will be able to produce regular loan payments.
Important! In the absence of official employment, it is impossible to get the bank's approval. Conditions will not allow banks to issue a loan without official confirmation of the regularity of obtaining earnings and its size.

How to use maternity capital to a mortgage

Legislation allows two options for using a subsidy when buying housing or its construction using borrowed funds: mortgage with the initial contribution of MK and paying the principal debt.

Each optional has its advantages.

Initial fee or main loan amount

When accepting financial Organization Decisions on mortgage mandatory condition For the borrower is a part of the amount. This is a kind of insurance.

The first contribution, depending on the requirements of a credit and financial institution ranges from 10 to 25% of the requested amount. Since 2015, legislators have been allowed to use MK as an initial contribution. Before the introduction of 131 FZ (05.23.15), such use of the subsidy was prohibited.

However, this feature has its drawbacks:

  • not all banks welcome such use of the subsidy, since the provision of mortgages in this case is more risky;
  • the risk is associated with the refusal to apply reduced interest on the loan, especially in banks with conservative policies or state support;
  • the amounts of the provided capital may not be enough for the initial contribution.

In the latter case, if there are no free funds for surcharge for the first installment, it remains only to take a mortgage according to the program of low initial payout.

Download for viewing and printing: Attention! Interest on such proposals is significantly higher.

An example of maternal mortgage design as a first contribution, and as part of the principal debt:

In some banks on such conditions, mortgage is not available. The first contribution by the terms of the bank must be supplemented, at least 5-10% of the amount. The remaining amount of MK can remain in the FIU to demand, or aims to repay the principal debt.

Use of MK funds, not expecting three years

Since 2015, legislators have introduced one of the urgent exceptions to general rules Use subsidies. After long discussions, it was allowed to use the tools at once, how the certificate is received if the funds are sent to the bank.

In 2019, it is allowed to take advantage of maternity capital, without waiting for three years, at any stage of lending:

  • upon receipt of a new mortgage loan;
  • when paying the principal amount of mortgage debt, taken before or after receiving the right to certificate;
  • when closing the loan, regardless of its opening.

The opportunity to immediately make an initial contribution to the maternal capital of Mortgage assumed the expansion of access to families to obtaining loans. However, banking wires, obstacles and failures in providing mortgages under such conditions significantly reduced the effect of the decision.

Required documents

So that the mortgage with the involvement of maternal capital is approved, will have to provide two sets of documents: for approval to the bank and the FIU.

Documents in Bank Documents in the FFR
applicant's passport with registrationpassport of the person addressed to the provision of funds with registration (if his representative acts, then he must have a power of attorney)
SNILSapplication for the transfer of funds to the bank
Innif registration banking contract produced on the spouse, it is required to submit a certificate of marriage in the FIU and his passport
help 2- NDFL applicant (and relatives, if their earnings are taken into account by the Bank)copy of a registered agreement with a mortgage bank
extract from tax confirming additional incomeobligation certified in the notary on the ownership of property after payment of the loan (the maximum period established by law - half a year from the date of repayment of the loan)
housing purchase agreement and technical documentation for itdocuments for the object of real estate confirming that it satisfies the conditions (bope, technical documentation)
letter from the FIU that funds are available

Bank and PFR have the right to request additional documents.

Mortgage banking programs - how to choose

Before you take a mortgage, you should study in detail the products offered by banks.

To make the right choice worth compare important indicators, such as the:

  • percentage annual bid;
  • the minimum amount of mortgage under the maternity capital;
  • the deadline for which a loan is provided;
  • the amount of the first contribution;
  • penalties, commissions and moisture on late payments and early closure of the loan.
Attention! If there is a need to pay the initial contribution of the amount of the subsidy or housing is purchased at the construction stage, you should learn in advance about the possibilities of the mortgage. On such conditions, not every bank works.

Terms of mortgage loans for maternity capital in banks

Sberbank VTB Raiffeisen Bank Tinkoff Ref
percentage annual bidfrom 12.5%from 11.4%from 10.9%from 12.75%from 9.1%
minimum amount of mortgagefrom 300,000 rubles.from 500,000 rubles.from 500,000 rubles.from 300,000 rubles.from 435,000 rubles.
timeup to 30 yearsup to 30 yearsup to 25 years oldup to 30 yearsup to 30 years
first contributionfrom 10%from 20%from 0%from 0%from 20%
Housing under constructionyesyesyesyesnot
Maternal capital for the first installmentyesnotyesyesnot
Tip! Banks taking maternity capital when making a mortgage, quite a lot, and information on banking products often changes. Therefore, fresh data on the conditions for the provision of mortgages and the requirements of banks is better to know on their official portals.

In addition to banks, mortgage capital Mortgage can be provided by the funds of mortgage lending. Accredited organizations have state support and provide the so-called " social mortgage" Interest on it is usually lower than banking. Conditions and requirements differ depending on the region.

Tip! Specialists advise you to take a mortgage for no more than 10-15 years. With a longer period, the amount of monthly payments is reduced insignificantly, and the overall overpayment increases significantly.

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Due to the general availability, the mortgage service in Sberbank is becoming increasingly prevalence among the population, in particular, great interest is shown to lending to housing under (family) maternity capital, which serves as an initial contribution. Sberbank dominates the mortgage loan provided by young parents.

  • as an initial fee;
  • in the form of a partial debt payment (early repayment of the current loan, etc.).

List of necessary documentation for submitting an application for Sberbank under the program "Mortgage + Maternal Capital"

One of the advantages of family capital is the ability to make a mortgage without a downstream contribution. To provide a loan, you need to prepare a certain documentation, namely:

If necessary, additional documents may be required, the complete list of which can be provided by the manager and the contact center operator. The proof of creditworthiness will not prevent the maximum documentation.

After submitting an application for a loan, Sberbank will decide, it may take up to three days. The next step can be accepted for the search for housing (buy an apartment is possible both in a new building and in the secondary real estate market).

After the transaction and issuing credit funds, you should write a petition to the Pension Fund, where it will noted that the maternal money money is intended to spend on the mortgage. At the same time, Sberbank should take a certificate of debt on the loan agreement.

The advantages of mortgages in Sberbank with maternal capital as an initial contribution

Housing lending to family capital, spent as an initial contribution, contains a number of advantages:

  • lack of commission;
  • the ability to apply as a deposit of purchased property and other real estate;
  • it is possible to attract co-coaches;
  • due to the privileges provided, reduced interest;
  • it is already an optional waiting for the onset of three years by a child. Since 2017, maternity capital can be investigated or expansion. housing at any time.

Based on the laws of the Russian state, the accomplishment of real estate operations of near-family relatives and children has restrictions. Owners of certificates need to be aware of this. Maternal capital will be awarded the family in which the second child appeared.

Present state Help It turns out only once, regardless of what the number of children and purely in non-cash payments. In 2017, the value of the certificate document in the monetary equivalent is 453,026 rubles. Every year, the monetary value of maternal capital is indexed.

Application Capital Applications

Financial resources from maternal capital can be used on:

  • enhance the comfort of housing;
  • posted by the educational process of the child;
  • increase the size of the mother's pension;
  • social adaptation of disabled children.

Also, one of the embodiments of transactions through a certificate is to purchase real estate from relatives. Such transactions are committed to obtain real estate a significant area or housing improvement.

Legal nuances

It should be remembered that before issuing an apartment purchase agreement, it is necessary to identify that the mortgage is framed with the parent certificate as an initial contribution, such an action will relieve possible legal problems when buying real estate.

The transaction between relatives using maternal capital by law is not prohibited. To buy, for example, an apartment from parents under the mortgage of Sberbank, it is necessary that they (parents) have a different property for their property. Only in this case, Sberbank will approve you like a similar deal!

The obligation of the design of common share ownership

If one family expresses a desire to acquire real estate in relatives, this operation Purchase - sales are committed in the indispensable attraction of children. However, the agreement can be recognized not legitimate if at the stage of its conclusion at least one child - the seller of the apartment, did not achieve the majority, as it will re-read the current right.

However, in Article 37, paragraph 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it was noted that neither the guardian nor the trustee, as well as their nearest relatives, do not have the right to carry out transactions with the pupil, except when cases when real estate Provided by the ward as a gift or in free disinterested use, and along with this it is forbidden to be a representative of the pupil when making agreements or court cases between the pupil and his spouse of the guardian and their closest relatives.

Initially, property is drawn up only on parents - spouses, in the form of a common joint ownership. At the same time, the contract for the purchase and sale of real estate can be compiled in simple writing. But the FIU will list the maternity capital in Sberbank only after the borrowers provide a notarial obligation into the pension fund that later after the repayment of the mortgage and reliating the burden in the form of a pledge due to the law in favor of Sberbank, all family members will be allocated.

At the final stage of the mortgage, the overall share propertySince the housing purchased accommodation is drawn up for each family member. After harming the mortgage, the spouses through the notary make up either the contract of donation to children or the agreement on the definition of shares.

In the Law of the Russian Federation "On Maternal (Family) Capital", it is written that a person who used the means of maternity capital to buy real estate must register this property into the total ownership of a person, on the hands of which has the certificate received and his family (spouse (-U -U) , children).

If the total share ownership agreement is drawn up on both spouses and children in the contract of sale and children, then in this case the notarial form of the contract is required, or as an alternative to spouses, it is necessary to draw up a marriage contract for future housing (also this option is cheaper). Tariffs for a notarized ID of transactions are approved in each region of their own. But the difference between the cost of the notary certificate of the transaction and the marital contract of approximately 7000 is 10,000 rubles.

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