
How money is displayed. Favorable ways to output money from Yandex Wallet. Cash withdrawal

Dec 12.

In order to bring WebMoney into cash - there are 4 ways: the output of electronic money at the bank account via Webmoney banking, exchange of electronic money to cash with the help of exchange services, direct money transfer, payment of services and purchases of the electronic currency. In detail about these methods, as well as instructions for the conclusion of funds - we will present you in this post.

Below will consider the following questions:

WebMoney system

Webmoney is international electronic system calculations.

To date, Webmoney is the most popular calculation system in RuNet. For work and business on the Internet without a wallet in Webmoney, just do not do, as all major operations pass through this system. It is on Webmoney that accounts for an overwhelming number of financial flows in our Internet segment. In addition, in webmoney, internal operations are in the form of translation of funds between accounts, money from this system can be credited. How? - Find out on.


Formal certificate

So you are already registered and you have a wallet in Webmoney. To cash out, you will need at least a formal certificate. On how to get a formal certificate in the WebMoney system will be described in detail in the video.

Also to cash out Webmoney you need to choose a bank that will serve your account.

Choosing a bank for mastering WebMoney

Choose a bank and open the score in it - a fairly simple procedure, but in fact there are a lot of nuances in it. As a rule, our person chooses the bank for his fame, as well as by the fact that someone from the close places salary there. But this is not exactly the right approach. When choosing a bank to output WebMoney, you need to be guided by the following criteria:

  • Development of the network of departments and ATMs. It is desirable that it was large bank, whose branches are throughout the country, and several in your city. The same applies to the network of ATMs of this bank, well, if they are not far from your home, as well as in places where you often visit (so that you can make it convenient to remove funds at any time and night);
  • Banking. It is very good if the Bank has Internet banking, with which you can check the status of your account through the Internet, carry out transfers between accounts and make payment for services (communication, Internet, utility bills, etc.). As an additional bonus - the presence of a mobile application bank, the so-called mobile banking, is a mobile application for devices running iOS or Android, which repeats all the functions of Internet banking;
  • Service cost. Specify the bank how much will the card maintenance cost and what percentage of the removal commission money. As a rule, there are two types of cards: the first - when the owner pays fixed amount For the service of the card for the year, and the Commission is not charged for cash withdrawal, the second - when the owner does not pay for the service of the card, but at the same time he will be charged a percentage of cash withdrawal. Which of these types of cards to choose - decide on the basis of profitable, also pay attention to the additional features of the cards, as a rule "served" cards give more opportunities. The cost of the service fee and the percentage of the Commission specify in the bank in advance;
  • Payment system. To date, three payment systems are issued: MasterCard, Visa and Pro100. MasterCard and Visa are American systems, while they are suitable for those who plan to pay the card on the Internet, as well as to use it abroad. PRO100 is the Russian payment system, such a card is suitable for domestic use and will not be available for payment on the Internet and abroad, but it does not depend on the state of international relations (sanctions), since is internal.
  • Communication. Of course, if you have familiar or relatives working in a good jar, then it is also one of the factors that plays in favor of the bank, since if you have questions, you can turn to such a person and, depending on the problem, it is quickly solved.

In the selected bank, it is advisable to open a card account, as using a payment card it is more convenient to remove funds.

Consider the best best banks To cash out money from webmoney.

  • Sberbank
  • "VTB 24"
  • "Russian standard"
  • "Alfa Bank"
  • Bank opening"
  • Bank "Tinkoff"
  • Bank "Avangard"
  • "Svyaznoy" Bank
  • Promsvyazbank

Of the listed banks, we recommend that you choose our choice on the first three: Sberbank, VTB24 and Russian Standard. These banks have a large network of departments and ATMs, good and functional Internet banking (with availability mobile banking).

Output process

To date, there are four ways to master Webmoney, which we will consider below. So, you already have a WMR-wallet, a formal certificate and a bank card in your name - you can output funds.

Banking Webmoney

Standard way to display rubles with WMR. You translate electronic money WM system that produces money transfer to your bank card.

Now choose the "Display" section.

In the Payments field, select the name of your bank, to automatically fill the details of the transfer of funds.

You only have to enter your account number, full name and, if necessary, assign payment.

Enter the name of the payment template, for the convenience of output the next time.

After payment you can see the state of payment.

The transfer of funds can go from several hours to 3, an average of the output occurs within 24 hours.

This species The withdrawal of funds is considered official, and it is one of the most profitable, but protracted in time. You will also be limited in choosing a currency, as the output is made only from WMR wallet and only in rubles.

Internet exchangers

The most common type of output - "Exchanges". The essence is that you pass your electronic money to the intermediary, and he makes a direct transfer of money to your bank card, for a certain percentage, of course. As a rule, such intermediaries have a score in each bank, which allows them through Internet banking instantly produce calculation operations.

To exchange on the Bestchange website in the left column, select the WM Wallet type from which you want to display the means, and in the right column you will select your bank. The table will explain exchangers with the most favorable exchange rate. At the same time, focus not only on the course, but also on the quality of the resource. When the resource is selected - we make an exchange.

Most exchangers have the same type of application of the application for the exchange: Select the type of wallet, WM from which you want to display the means and then the bank in which you are serviced.

Then it will be necessary to introduce the amount of exchange, your WM wallet, account number, full, and, if necessary, make a note.

The advantage of this type of output is that money, as a rule, come almost immediately, maximum for several hours.

In addition, you can output not only WMR, but also means from other WM wallets. Such a withdrawal of funds is not recorded now that in our time it is very useful.


As an alternative, you can use money transfer. The process is the same as in theline:

To transfer to select the desired system

Then make your data by filling out all fields.

Choose a bank and its office.

Fill in the bank details (as a rule, they must be filled automatically).

The translation is made within an hour.

The advantage of the method is that you do not need to open a bank account.

Alternative output

In addition, there is another way to bring Webmoney - transfer for payment of various kinds of services or pay for the purchase of goods in the online store.

Inside the system there is an opportunity to pay mobile services and Internet access. Commission for payment is 0.8%.

A lot of online stores take to pay for the product Webmoney. True for payment of the e-currency The cost of goods is considered as cashless paymentsHowever, the price difference is usually the percentage equivalent to WebMoney.

When using and cashing WebMoney, observe the protection measures to keep the funds in the target and safeness of the scam.

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Undoubted leaders among virtual payment systems remains the Yandex service, but even it does not allow how to bring money from Yandex Wallet without a commission. Most users of virtual wallets are persons working freelancers on the Internet. As a rule, this type of income allows you to perform simple remote tasks, which are paid accordingly. And to lose and no minimum earnings on interest and commission of payment terminals do not really want, so although it is possible to bring electronic Yandex money to cash without commission and is missing, but the service offers the most loyal interest rates on translations.

This service has existed for a long time and enjoyed in pleasant demand, both among citizens of Russia and the countries of the neighboring countries. This is a system, tested by time and experience. Today, Yandex.Money can be noted as the most popular electronic currency portal, which not only establishes minimal commission fees when cashing, but also allows in exceptional situations to take their money without any commission.

Doubtful perspective

The saying "Free cheese can only be in a mousetrap" How it is impossible to better fit below the presented interest-free option of cash cash. In order to make a conceived, you will need a new SIM card operator of MTS cellular communication. So, according to the terms of money from the Yandex system, the replenishment of mobile accounts of the MTS operator is carried out without any commissions and interest.

Therefore, the first step is to remove the finance for a mobile number. To implement the procedure, you must log in to the system and proceed to the "Dissection" menu, after which they select the "Mobile Refill" item.

In the field that opens, enter the number of the cellular operator and confirm the output. There is another way - this is a binding to the electronic wallet of the account that will be cash withdrawn. This feature avoids a complex finishing algorithm for finance.

The rules for the work of the cellular provider establish that at any stage of using the mobile number, the subscriber has the ability to eliminate its card. This is done in the company's main branch, since all means that on their balance sheet contains a SIM card must be returned to the subscriber.

One of the two return options is allowed:

    at once in cash;

    for 60 calendar days on a bank card or a bank account.

Therefore, the second step is to appeal to the company's office to close the SIM card. Despite the fact that, at first glance, this option seems advantageous, there are substantial disadvantages of the method. The main one can be attributed to:

    unreliability of the procedure and the lack of guarantees of return of finance by the operator;

    even if the petition is satisfied, on the face of the problem with terms, which may not be limited to two months;

    the absence of the Commission is offset by the cost of the MTS cellular operator;

    this is a one-time method, because even if the money is once returned, the second time the company on such frauds hardly leads.

Important! There is also a legitimate option - this is sending currencies for payments on the Internet, but it is understood not to send to the bank cards of sellers, but the exchange of finances between the wallets of this payment system.

Budget options

Yandex Wallet is characterized by loyal requirements for the conclusion of finance, that is, each of the removal methods allows you to cash out cash with the smallest commission deductions. But there are some restrictions on issues of border amounts of cashing, which depend on the authorized user or not.

Table number 1 "Limits of the output" (all amounts are presented in thousands of rubles)

The most favorable option, the Commission in only 0.5% of the total amount is the replenishment of mobile operator accounts. At the same time, you can withdraw any amount at a time, and there are no restrictions on the removal limits of the electronic currency.

The payment system offers its users the possibility of making a personal plastic card from the Yandex system. There is only one option where to get it. This is the order of the plastic media in the system itself and only after authorization as a user.

After entering your wallet, you need to proceed to the "Order Map" menu, which opens access to the selection of the type of map and enter the required personal data. The manufacture and sending of plastic media to the address is 200 rubles. But the subsequent use of the card to shoot its savings is completely free. And the possibilities of free use of the resource are preserved for the owner for three years.

Attracting financial organizations

The most common option how to remove electronic currency Cash - this is the use of a card or account of any of the national banks. This method also applies restrictions on the limits of obtaining finance, but moderate commissions are established. So, no matter where the money goes, the sender of the money will pay 3% of the total sum of the output, as well as plus 15 rubles for the implementation of each operation. This is a loyal option, given that most systems work with a minimum rate of 4%.


If sending a currency removed occurs on a plastic carrier, it is necessary to remember that operations are possible only with those cards that have a special neck - Maestro, MasterCard or Visa. Other bank cards cannot be used. It is also allowed to cash out in any desired currency, the turnover of which is available to the users of the system.

The algorithm of actions to obtain virtual savings will be as follows:

As a rule, currency enrollment occurs instantly, but there are minor hits that may be associated with the work of the bank itself and the service of the subscriber's card.


This option is suitable for those who do not have personal bank cards. To cash out in this way Yandex.Money, it is necessary to find out the financial account number, which means must be translated. All information about the account can be clarified by the Bank's employee and it is desirable to double-check props, since the presence of errors in the formation of payment will not allow to translate savings.

The removal algorithm will be similar above mentioned, but when you select the cashing method, the section "On a bank account" is specified. The menu will offer to fill out an extensive list of requests, namely:

    financial account number;

The process is completed by confirming the procedure in the SMS message. The recipient can count on the instantaneous enrollment of the amount imposed, but it is possible to extend the term issuing up to 3 business days. After the money goes to the account, the subscriber will receive a notice from the bank about the possibility of removing the savings. To do this, you will have to personally arrive in the bank. If during this time there was a plastic map of the same bank, then the phone can be ordered to enroll money on a plastic carrier, which will avoid self-arrivals in the financial institution.

People often wonder how to bring money from the Webmoney e-wallet on a plastic bank card, at the expense of a bank or in another way and at the same time not to get into large sums.

Despite the relative high cost of the method, it is the conclusion to a bank card, many consider the optimal decision to cash out on the Internet for money due to their simplicity, speed and versatility. The transfer to the card can be obtained instantly (within five minutes), which in comparison with the output of money to the bank for details - just space!

IMPORTANT: In 2020, Webmoney is now 2 ruble wallets: WMP (for residents of the Russian Federation and some non-residents of the Russian Federation with limits of 60,000 rubles for simplified identification - Available by default, identification in the CKB Bank) and WMR (for residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation). By WMR now restrictions (the purchase amount up to 40,000 WMR, it is not more than 15,000 WMR on the wallet at a time, the WMR word is accepted not everywhere to pay, but it changes it on the stock exchange without problems).

The chronology of events is as follows. WebMoney system has notified its users about it on July 10, 2019. In particular, from August 15, residents of the Russian Federation were automatically created accounts Wmpwhose currency steel ross RF. They were automatically translated money from ruble wallets within available limits. Basically, it is 60,000 rubles. If there was more on the old WMR wallet, then the old WMR wallet did not go to the archive and remained functional. If not, then such a wallet went down in history. However, you can re-create a WMR wallet if you have happened. From September 1, 2019, the residents of the Russian Federation received a notice of a change in the legal nature of WMR wallets in a chailer.

The guarantor of the new WMP wallets is WEBMONEY subsidiary - KKB ("Conservative Bank"), as well as other legal representatives of the payment system, registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. In it will be carried out and identification Users (for example, to increase the storage limit of funds on current WMP wallets from the basic 60,000 rubles to 600,000 rubles). Make it problematic now, since it is necessary to identify personally into the bank itself.

Important addition: if you are not a resident of Russia, then for you good news! Now and you can also use not only WMR, but also WMP. In January 2020, Webmoney was published: "P-wallets have become available to citizens of Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Estonia, as well as Germany and Israel. They will need to open the p-wallet Personal attestation.
Money transfer from WMR wallet on WMP directly it is impossible, but you can translate funds between WMZ and WMP.Nevertheless, you can use the exchange of Webmoney itself or exchange items. There is a commission, and a floating course.

In fact, it turns out that the residents of the Russian Federation with a formal certificate can open and WMR, and WMP, and the non-residents of the Russian Federation can open the WMR with a formal certificate, and WMP is only with personal.

Webmani company explains what is happening to fulfill the law FZ-161. "On the National Payment System." Thus, the WMP wallet will be stored precisely rubles, and not their equivalents in the form of WMR, as it was before.

Important moment: restrictions and innovations in relation Wmz. and other wallets not planned.

All the services described below WMR money output Will operate in the same mode, but due to the possible stir, the size of commissions for exchange, input and output of money from Webmoney may vary. We will report on all changes on this page, in particular, to work with new WMP wallets. We will regularly update this article as new information is received, we recommend add an article to bookmarks not to miss an important.

What have we have for March 2020 with "WebMoney"?

Residents of Russia can function simultaneously 2 types of ruble wallets: unidentified NESP (these are old good Wmr.) and identified Wmp. At the same time, according to the latter to increase the storage limit of funds ( from 60,000 to 600 000 rubles We need to be identified in the subsidiary of WebMoney in Russia - "KKB" - "Conservative and Commercial Bank"). WMR has become less likely to be paid for payment on WebMoney services, as well as in other places where you can pay this wallet.

There are limitations in the amount of 1 purchase using WMR (it cannot be more than 40,000 rubles and it is impossible to store in the wallet more than 15,000 WMR). By the way, since February 2020, these changes have finally entered into force, and these limits have already affected the official exchanges of WMR exchange.

You cannot directly change the WMR on WMP, it is necessary to use intermediaries: for example, the exchange of Webmoney itself or third-party exchange points. Also Wmr. You cannot withdraw in traditional ways from WebMoney directly (for example, on the card or bank account). Everything is only through stock exchanges and exchangers. If a resident of the Russian Federation has walked the WMR to the archive (for example, there was 0 or less than 60,000 rubles on the score), then it can re-create and use. Non-residents of the Russian Federation also can now create WMP, but for this will have to have identification through the "personal certificate". The ability to be available not to all residents. Read more about it above.

Exchange money through online exchanges - most optimal option and interest favorable option. Especially now, on the wave of panic many users about WMR. Today this method is one of manyallowing you to change the WMR on something else or generally output from the system. There are more or less humane commissions compared to the official exchangers of Webmoney itself.

Now in connection with this news about the cancellation of the WMR and the transition to WMP rose so terrible agenYou need to manage to catch profitable interest and change money every day is becoming more expensive. On official webMoney Exchanges Turns tin in terms of commissions, it's good that there is independent exchangerswhere the price tag for the exchange is much more humane. They are most convenient to just search through Bestchange.

Choose a course with a minimum commission and the best conditions currently can be in the largest search engine of Runet Expansions - on the service Bestchange.. The system presents a variety of exchangers that translate both bank accounts and the exchange of WMR to electronic money: QIWI (Kiwi) and "I.Dengi" (poison). There are their ratings, user reviews, work opportunities: instant withdrawal Webmoney, manual execution of the application, the need to check a bank card, etc.

Conclusion WebMoney on Yandex.Money and Free Removal in ATMs

Subject free Map Our link (Create a new account, order and activate the map) and get from Yandex gift: 100 bonus rubles. The release of the card now costs only 399 rubles. And this is the ultimate cost: there are no more charges for the service for 5 years of the card action!

Β« Yandex money"Fully reset the commission for removing money in ATMs According to their personal map "Yandex.Money MasterCard". In the calendar month you can shoot in any cash ATM up to 10 000 rubles. The minimum amount of the operation as the number of approaches Not limited. Important moment: Your Yandex. Cool should be fully identified (third column).

Everything that exceeds 10,000 rubles, will go with the standard payment commission from plastic cards "Yandex.Money" - 3% minimum 100 rubles . The maximum amount of one removal of fully verified cards - 100 000 rubles per day and 1,300 000 rubles per month.

Map "Yandex.Money" is free serviced throughout the term of their life. You only pay for shipping to any country name card 399 rubles.

Yandex money" also appeared cashback: Bonus ruble is paid (1 ruble \u003d 1 bonus ruble). Cachek instantaneous. Every month the service determines the categories increased cachekfor which you get 5% from the amount of buying points + 5% for every fifth Check in other categories or 1% For all purchases in nonsense categories, including on the Internet. Accumulated points can be exchanged from partners who take to pay Yandex.Money, and such a lot. For example, they can be spent in stores that accept "Yandex Money". For example, the same store "Ozone".

The WMR translation scheme itself on Yandex. Cool is very simple: Find on Bestchange.the best exchanger with Webmoney on Yandex.Money, change (we get money to Yandex.Cool), and then just go to any ATM with the Yandex Money card and take cash without commission.

By the way, if you still do not have "Yandex.Cool" and their plastic card, on our link it can be created even with the benefit for you. Just click on the link, register (Create a new account in Yandex), order, and then activate free Plastic card "Yandex.Money", and get for it 100 bonus rubles from yandex. You can spend this money anywhere, where Yandex money is accepted. For example, ozone. Trifle, but nice, you can then spend them for future purchases πŸ™‚ Map itself completely free Service and issued for 3 years.

In addition, exchangers allow you to obtain a number of possibilities not provided for even with standard methods of cash. For example, the output to foreign wallets and payment cards.

What options are in March 2020?

Conclusion "WebMoney" through MegaFon

(The most economical and safe scheme for "pocket expenses")

Replenishment of a mobile phone account with WebMoney with the subsequent output of money from it. Suitable this option for people with formal certificate and above And for small amounts ( up to 15 000 rubles per month ). However, money at all stages belong to you. Today it is the cheapest option to output WMR. And in general, the only "official". Besides he auto. Money is already on your card account for 5 minutes after the transaction. Without intermediaries in the form of stock exchanges or exchange offices.

Bank card "MegaFon Mastercard": Features

Megaphone payment card can become effectivewMR output tool, you can open right now is free A virtual map on the site, from a virtual card you can withdraw money in ATMs with NFC and pay in any stores with Google Pay / Apple Pay πŸ™‚

WEBMONEY has become extremely popular for cash virtual map MasterCard Standard. Instant issuance from MegaFon.

Her chip is that it is attached directly to the phone's scope ( for MegaFon subscribers) And even foreigners may arrange it, buying a pre-SIM card (not citizens of the Russian Federation). That is, the money that is on a mobile account, you can use for the usual payment of goods and services in stores and the Internet. Today it is the only one in the market product. Cool, isn't it? πŸ™‚

The map is issued for three years. Its issuer is LLC "Bank Round",however, the personal account works under the sign " MegaFon BankΒ» πŸ™‚

If you subscriber MegaFon, right now can is free Get yourself a virtual card on the operator's website, tie it to Google Pay / Samsung Pay / Apple Pay and use as a regular map, getting cashback 1 / 1.5% money for all purchases and elevated in categories + megabytes for communication and percentage per rest of up to 10% per annum.

On the payment card "MegaFon" even relies cashback for shopping in stores in the form of megabytes on mobile Internet. They go packages 10 MB for every spent 100 rubles. If the purchase is less than 100 rubles, then cachek will not be, and if, for example, 189 rubles, then you will receive only 10 megabytes. Here is a rounding, but megabytes can be spent during the year. Trifle, but nice!

There are also cachek money on tariffs " Standard"And" MaximumΒ«: 1% on all purchases and 1,5% From the amount of all purchases, respectively.

For purchases on these MCC codes Cashback from MegaFon not charged: 4813, 4814, 6012, 6532, 6533, 8999.

Top up the map simply: Just pay the phone number to which the map is tied. The commission for the operation will be all 0,8% (Standard WEBMoney Collection).

WebMoney Wallet Limits:

  • there is serious TELEPAY restriction on phone replenishment (no more 15 000 rubles per month);
  • mandatory minimum formal Certificate ( pseudonym will not come under any sauce).

Limits on the map "MegaFon":

  • 100 000 rubles per day ( 300 000 per month) Total replenishment, removal of ATMs and translations (for purchase 600 000 per month) - for citizens of the Russian Federation, you can open up 5 cards on one phone number and with a common limit;
  • limit for citizens of other countries 60 000 per day I. 100 000 rubles per month;
  • cashing the phone balance card in any ATMs of the Russian Federation up to 10 000 rubles per month for free(But for this you need to make purchases on this map on total from 3 000 rubles per month), hereinafter - 2,5% from the amount of operation 3,5% for sums up to 100 000 rubles and 4% on everything that over. Accordingly, the withdrawal of funds by commissions total comes from 0.8% to 4.8% depending on the amount;
  • translation to other cards (on MoneySend) - 1,99% . For example, pulling on "corn", Beeline MasterCard, Tinkoff Black and others supporting C2C. Total (including initial webMoney Commission): 1,99% + 0,8% = 2,79%;
  • if you replenish the electronic wallet (for example, Yandex.Money or Qiwi), then the Map "MegaFon" will reschet 8% from the amount of operation;
  • another cool chip: free transfers "MegaFon - MTS" and back. For this you need, or go to personal Area MegaFon.Bank. Maybe some kind of chip will come in handy.
    Limits: per day 30 000 rubles and a month no more than 40,000. The minimum payment amount is 10 rubles.
  • shopping on a map without commissionShopping B. foreign currency at the rate of conversion ( Central Bank of the Russian Federation + 3%).

In fact, you can replenish with WebMoney phone number of the MegaFon operator with a standard commission of 0.8%, release a payment card to the phone number without a commission and use it for free during the whole life: buy goods, withdraw money, transfer them to Other cards.

Be careful: do not get carried away by tickets on this map. The bank does not like when this card is used only to remove cash. Use the map fully: make purchases and take cash without fanaticism, and then everything will be fine πŸ™‚

WebMoney Virtual Map (CKB - "Conservative Commercial Bank")

for small shopping on the Internet and shops (limit for one operation 15 000 rubles per day and 40,000 rubles per month)

You can checkout the map on WebMoney Cards: https://cards.web.money/

Webmani, apparently, decided to restore the release of virtual cards for those who have a wallet in this system. After checking in KKB He gave himself to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, this card, like many other banks stopped over, but now everything slowly returns to the circles. And now we have the old good virtuality from Webmoney, enhanced places, degraded places.

Card Release Commission 50 rubles, service free. The map itself is issued for 1 year. SMS subcups are sent to the SMS, the SMS comes there with confirmations of operations when online purchases (the mechanism is finally implemented 3D Secure.In the old one there was no such).

Get a map can any physical face of the Russian Federation Citizenship of this country. WebMoney map is available for making faces with formal Certificate and above.

Important update :
Top up the WebMoney virtual map you can only with WMP wallet.

WebMoney virtual card limits:

  • maximum limit of one operation (purchase, replenishment) - 15 000 rubles;
  • day limit too 15 000 rubles;
  • monthly limit on operations - 40 000 rubles;
  • on one wallet you can release up to 5 such cards.

You can replenish the "WebMoney" card directly from the wallet. Commission - 1% From the amount of payment. Return money from the card back into the wallet without commission. The card supports payment through systems Google Pay. and Apple Pay. (that is, you can use as physical to pay for goods and services in ordinary stores), but on the map pIN code is not generated, which means that operations from 1000 rubles in ordinary stores can not pass ( check in the store, is it).

Based on the limits, maximum purchase amount by this virtual Map Webmoney is limited to sum 15 000 rubles. Naturally, no cachek for purchases is not here πŸ™‚ and yes, map does not support C2C (that is, it is impossible to pull money on another card from this card!). We tried - it did not work. Maybe you get from you? Write a result in reviews to the article πŸ™‚

Fast payment system (SBP): Instant WMP output to the bank

Happy WMP wallets owners can now almost instantly display money on bank accountsconnected to the "fast payments system" of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This revolutionary way of receiving money was invented in 2019, and Webmoney became his member. Now the BCP is supported by 38 banks.

Moreover, Webmoney can even be replenished from these participating banks. But the withdrawal of WebMoney on bank accounts on CBP is already subject to the Commission: 1,2% + 0,8% . Of the details just just a mobile phone number.

Limit: 14 500 WMP per transaction.

To transfer, you need to enter the WebMoney Keeper on the WebMoney Keeper website to go to the "Translate" menu, and then click on the phone number "through the system of rapid payments."

The same topic with the instant transfer to WMP bank by phone has already been established with " Sberbank", Since this bank is not yet in the SBI system. Commissions are the same. All interaction within these services should be on the shoulders of JSC Bank "KKB". Recall that this is their subsidiaries.

Wire Exchanger: WMR output at the bank

for larger amounts in rubles, in Russian banks by interbank payment (using bank details), today is the main way to market WMR.

Stock Exchange "Webmani" - Wire Exchanger.(applications).

it birja. You can exchange according to the P2P scheme between its participants. Further for those who want to cash larger amounts. But since February 2020, for some reason, the maximum output amount does not exceed 15,000 WMR, and it is very sad. It is probably due to the basic limits on WMR for anonymous users (to have no more than 15,000 WMR, total spending per month no more than 40,000 WMR). Applications start from 1000 WMR. There is a risk: the responsibility for the transaction is fully on its participants (The system only forms statistics and updates the ratings of participants, well, it frosts a part of the amount from the deposit for warranty).

From February 2020, the Sharing section has a new address: Wire.Exchanger.money
A number of innovations are also reported - the absence of insurance premiums during the purchase of WMR, as well as the long-awaited possibility of communication with the counterparty in the chat with text, audio and video link. And the opportunity to bring unradited counterparties into black lists. But there are also cons: currently applications from 15,000 WMR We no longer observe πŸ™

Universal Recommendation: Look for sharing individuals, offering a comment "transfer own fundsΒ» In order not to get under the possible sanctions of banks. The service is available for owners. formal Certificates and above. Before carrying out operations, it is important to establish " confidenceΒ»For recipient of funds. At the payment stage, the system will propose to do this. After payment, money is written off automatically. The system will notify you that the funds are sent to your bank account.

Middle CommissionISP 1.52% to 10%from the amount of the operation, but can be found cheaper or, on the contrary, more expensive. Do not forget also about the Standard Commission 0,8% who needs to additionally drop .

Look for intermediaries on the Wire Exchanger Stock Exchanger: The higher the amount in the application, the lower the percentage of the Commission. And yes, you can put your application, expecting anyone to respond to it πŸ™‚ the way through the stock exchange. Indirect. Exchange occurs through third parties. Accordingly, the time of receipt of money also depends on their termination. The exchange is a guarantor in this transaction, but only indirectly affect the rate of receipt of money.


  1. Method not instant. You can get money only on bank account in the Russian Federation. Money goes by interbank payment (that is, at the bank, you can get them only on weekdays; on average, it is necessary to process the operation 1-2 business days).
  2. This option will not suit those who does not want to shine your income Before banks or wishes to get money instantly. For operations be sure to specify Inn.
  3. Often the amounts are uncomfortable: you can not pay part of the transaction(as on their WM.Exchanger currency exchange). You can put your application, but there is no time warranty when it is executed.
  4. Not easy to find performers - individuals - with good percentage and conditions.
  5. "Muddy" conditions (in the contract with Wire speaks of the issuance of a loan between individuals and that it ceases to the action on the "recessive statement").
  6. Transactions can break away According to the fault of the executive application.
  7. The wire exchange pledge returns, and the Commission for it (0.8%) is not.

WME and WMZ output to a bank card (via Telepay)

who has income of $ and euros, through the replenishment mechanisms by a bank card number; Quickly, but payments are not always passing. Since September 2019, this method is suitable only for WMZ wallets.

There is experience in withdrawal on the Alpha Bank card, Sberbank ( Visa Classic.) or VTB-24 MasterCard multicurrency. Not working for Tinkoff and Maps RNCO Payment Center (corn, kary, beeline, etc.).
And if as a whole, then:

  • maps must support 3D Secure.;
  • be opened for receptions through Visa Direct / Transfer and MasterCard Moneysend;
  • cannot be prepaid or virtual. Only Debit. or Credit.(Check the type of map by binbase).

Transfer instantIf this is Visa (MasterCard - up to 3 days).

Commission: 2% + 3 WMZ / WME + % For the conversion of the bank if the card is in rubles.

Telepay limits:

  1. Per day no more than 500 2 000 USD / EUR;
  2. Per month no more than 10 000 20 000 USD / EUR.
  3. There is information that one transaction limits were significantly reduced (before 200 USD.) πŸ™

The rest of the banks were not tested, so on their own fear and risk. We notify that, in general, this operation is not very safe! Payment comes from a foreign company PayMaster24 Ltd (sometimes the name and name of the recipient is sometimes substituted) that many security services are perceived as a dubious operation.

Caution: The bank can block the card (after all, its replenishment is not taken from Russia).

WMZ output on Skrill

translation into foreign cards (including on the Skrill debit card) is guaranteed, it is beneficial to withdraw amounts of $ with WMZ wallet, including large

If you live in the European economic zone SEPA or RussiaThis method is most optimal for you. It is also useful for both Russian citizens who plan to translate their WMZ in Bitcoin or withdraw money on a foreign card.

Skrill and Webmoney

WebMoney Telepay interface. Clickable.

Related scheme in that it is possible to translate WMP directly to ruble map Without conversion into dollars. Money goes well at Alphabank and ruble Tinkoff. Minus schemes are that high commissions and low limits apply.

Commission: From WebMoney 0.8% + from Telepay ( 2.5% + 40 WMR).

Telepay limits:

  1. Only cards, world, MasterCard or Visa are accepted, not accepted virtual and prepaid cards. Obligatory 3D Secure support and the ability to receive payments on Visa Transfer / Direct and MasterCard Moneysend.
  2. The scheme is suitable only for citizens of the Russian Federation.
  3. Limits: 35 000 WMP per translation and 100,000 WMP per month with a formal certificate. Starting with personal: 60,000 WMP per translation and 200,000 WMP per month.

On the visa cards Money come instantly, MasterCard - for 3 days. You can withdraw on any cards (there is no verification of the belonging to a specific person).

WMR output to the card via C2C Webmoney

for those who are in no hurry, small amounts (by payment card number), only WMP wallet

C2C WebMoney system interface.

Work occurs through the service c2C.Web.money. And only on Russian. Method for russian citizens. Be sure to need primary attestation.

The scheme is such: specify the amount, pay the application, then the system in automatic mode picks up the artist for your application. It can be crushed into small amounts to be executed in parts.
Attention: A large number of transfers to small amounts may be interested in your bank.

Commission for conclusion: 2% + Standard 0.8% of WebMoney. Midnight 100 WMP (a limit of 50,000 WMP - at a time, 90,000 WMR - per day and 600,000 WMP per month), output with the score, multiple 100. Available, starting with formal Certificate. Commission for input to the system (replenishment of the WebMoney wallet): up to 2700 rubles - 50 rubles, when making from 3000 rubles there are no commissions.

A significant disadvantage of the method - time (the operation can delay for a long time). One pleases - the amount will be returned if the application will not be processed after the expiration. Even the commission. If you do not need money to the hop, you can use this option.

WMR output via Cards Exchanger

In the same bundle it is appropriate to mention another service Cards.Exchanger. He recalls the Wire Exchange with Bank Accounts, only here the applications are left to the conclusion at the map number. This is also an exchange. Only for citizens of the Russian Federation, Card owners of Russian banks. Performers - third-party people and services. The guarantor of the transaction is Webmoney, but the responsibility for the transaction lies directly to the participants.

Commissions: You can find applications starting from 2% (+ 0.8% of WebMoney)

WebMoney and cryptocurrency in 2020

The demand for cryptocurrency increased significantly. WebMoney system can be used to be quite efficient for speculation at cryptocurrency price ( recall, in the system there is a special wallet WMX, tied to the cost of Bitcoin). WMX You can buy from any available WebMoney wallet (WMZ, WMR and others) both inside the system and on the inner stock exchange wmx.wmtransfer.com (the most profitable option) between the participants of the system. Separately note that 1 BTC is 1000 WMX. It is according to such a scheme that you need to consider when you will carry out transactions. If that, then the exchange itself will tell you, not mistaken.

The main advantages of WMX: Instant transactions and commission only 0.8% (that is, standard from WebMoney).

Entering Crypt in WebMoney

What to do with a pseudonym certificate?

For example, buy a train ticket, shop in the store and book a hotel for WebMoney

Alternative way to conclusion with WebMoney - buy for "WebMoney" air ticket, train or hotel room! Often it is in demand even despite possible charges of services!

Why not? A good option Taking into account that the official website of Russian Railways does not accept "WebMoney" and certainly does not make a popular booking.com service with hotels with hotels.

Webmoney can also be spent in such large stores like Aliexpress or wildberries.. And also to bring to the phone (truth, very meager limits).

And even to return the part of the funds from the purchase (cachek)!

Since 2017, a bonus system has been launched WebMoney Bonus.which allows you to return part of the funds from the purchase and thereby level the amount of the commission 0.8%. πŸ™‚ In essence, it is a cachek service, but from the WebMoney system ( what is cachek-service?). Money is paid on the WEBMONEY wallet. For example, by Aliexpress, they have 6%.

On a trip for WebMoney

Buy a ticket and book accommodation in the hotel can be right on the official WebMoney Travel service. Or contact third-party companies: Aviasales, Tutu.ru and Pososhok.ru (here, however, just a trip and air tickets). We are confident - find an acceptable offer in this diversity is possible. Compare prices on the designated sites and buy where it is convenient and profitable. You do not need to spend money on the withdrawal of funds from the wallet, because a ticket can be obtained by simply paying ticket or accommodation in the hotel / hostel for Webmoney πŸ™‚

You can also try to pay other goods or services where you can pay for WebMoney. For example, some Internet service providers. If you work in the IT sphere, then find a way to make your WMR and WMZ is much easier - more offers! πŸ™‚

Almost every person has a situation where the amount must be accumulated on a mobile phone account for any reason. To remove money from the balance, cellular operators have provided different ways.

How to bring money from the phone to the map

Each mobile operator has its own cash removal algorithms from the account. Subscribers can withdraw money on wallets of electronic payment systems, bank cards, through Russian Post. A cellular user has the ability to replenish the balance of another subscriber or pay for the purchase in the online store. Read more on how to cash out money through a bank card:


Method of translation

Size (rubles)

Commission (rubles)

sMS translation to number 6111 with text: "Card", card number, amount

  • 50.00 one-time payment;
  • 15000.00 Maximum per day;
  • 40000.00 Maximum a month

4.3%, but not less than 60.00

4.3%, but not less than 60.00

application My MTS Service "Easy Payment"

USSD team: payment system name (Maestro, Visa, MasterCard,) 1111222233334444, transfer amount

from 50.00 to 14000.00

50.00-1000.00 - Commission 50.00, with a larger amount - 5.95% + 10.00

SMS data command number 7878

the official website of Beeline in the "Payment, Finance" section - "Money Transfers" - "Translate from Mobile to a bank card" - "Translate from the site"

SMS to number 3116 with a bank card data

from 50.00 to 15000.00

day limit - 15000.00, monthly - 40000.00

up to 4 999.00 -5.95% + 95.00;

from 5,000 to 15 000.00 - 5.95% + 259.00

through the official website in the "Transfer of funds" tab - bank card

How to translate to kiwi wallet

It is important to remember that money from the mobile phone account via QIWI can only be removed from the balance sheet to which the account is registered in this payment system. The first thing to be done is to start the electronic wallet QIWI, following the instructions on the site. Further action algorithm:

  • Go to your account.
  • On the main page Find "replenish the wallet."
  • Choose from left "All methods of replenishment".
  • Next, open the tab "Mobile Phone Account" tab.
  • After choosing the desired operator.

Different service providers have their own transfer commissions. The output from the mobile phone on the QiWi wallet is carried out by the following cellular suppliers:

How to bring to Yandex-wallet

Today, this system is the most popular in Russia. To replenish your wallet, follow these steps:

  • On the Yandex-Money website, click "Top up" - "from a mobile balance" and specify the mobile phone number.
  • Wait for SMS from the operator (wait from 1 to 20 minutes).
  • Confirm translation of the response SMS.

You can remove money from the phone only after binding to the Yandex-money system. The service is available to the following mobile operators:

Translation on WebMoney

First you need to go to the WebMoney system under your account by entering the login and password, after tieting the phone number in the settings. To replenish the balance, the user must have a formal certificate and higher. It is easy to get, filling out the fields in the settings and sending the scans of the passport. After confirmation, you can transfer money. Next steps:

  • On the main page, find the option "Replenish Wallet" - "from the phone +".
  • Enter the amount in rubles in the window that appears (from 10.00 to 5000.00).
  • A SMS will be sent to the phone number to confirm the transaction.
  • After money on the account will be enrolled.

For each cellular supplier provides its percentage of the Commission. It is:

Money transfers

You can withdraw money from the phone using monetary translation systems. Sites of mobile operators have special forms in which you need to specify:

  • phone number;
  • the sum of translation;
  • name, patronymic, recipient surname;
  • number and passport series (Beeline);
  • sender data (MegaFon).

Mobile operator subscribers are available multiple money transfers. Among the most popular:

Mobile service provider





from 1.00 to 15000.00

from 10.00 to 15000.00

from 10.00 to 15000.00

from 100.00 to 14000.00

Payment system is not supported

from 1000.00 to 14000.00

from 1.00 to 15000.00

When a person just begins to make money on the Internet, he never thinks that the output of money can become a problem. For most people here and there are no difficulties, it is simply then that they do not earn enough money, the output of which can become a problem. In this article, I will figure out some aspects of the withdrawal and cashing of money from the Internet and tell about the most important nuances that everyone should know.

What from the point of view of the law and in practice?

From the point of view of the law, it is necessary to register as an entrepreneur if you receive regular profits. That is, regular deductions from affiliate programs, monthly payments from Adsense, etc. Mean what you actually do business activities. This also applies to freelancers, but they have the opportunity to simply pay the tax on the income of individuals, the registration of IP or LLC is not at all obligatory.

Punishment for violations you can look at thematic sites (at least on the tax site), but fines there are quite serious, there are criminal liability. But everyone knows that many webmasters or freelancers work without any registration and do not pay any taxes. How do they manage it and what is the case?

Everything explains not large sumsIn addition, for tax Internet - dark forest. If they are theoretically interested in a specific freelancer, then they will not just prove that he did not pay taxes.

Important: If you suddenly be called to the tax, it is worth considering that it is to prove - their business. You do not need to tell them anything yourself, facilitating their work. If they show you the data on the movement of specific amounts, then you must explain them, but it's not necessary to speak anything on our own.

In practice, the tax absolutely indifferent ordinary freelancers or webmasters who earn minor amounts. Regarding the amount of the amount with which you may be interested, there is no accurate data. Indirect indication is in the law "On countering legalization and laundering of income obtained by criminal." According to him, any bank must report operations above six hundred thousand rubles to the Rosfinmonitory of Operations. But those who earn on the Internet legally and operates similar sums, usually always register.

If your income does not exceed 20-30 thousand rubles per month, you are not exactly interested in you. Such a situation exists on this momentIt is possible that it will change in the future. The state makes certain steps in this direction, first of all, freelancers want to facilitate the accounting of their income and pay taxes, but this is already the topic for a separate conversation. But if you firmly decided to earn on the Internet, sooner or later you need to register your activities and pay taxes.

It will be much easier than inventing and use ways that will hide your money from the tax. Well, if you begin to earn decent amounts, it is sooner or later you will be interested and will have to answer very unpleasant questions.

Ways to output money from the Internet

Here I will tell about the way, the end result of which is the receipt of cash. I will not talk about ways that imply payment of services, goods or utility payments from the Internet, which can also be considered as a withdrawal of funds.

Translations through "Russian Post"

Many payment systems have the opportunity to send remittances through the "Russian Post". Usually it requires identification in payment systems. In particular, in this way, the majority of the majority made money from Rapida, where the payments from Adsense came. For money, you need to come to the post office with a passport after receiving the notification that the translation came.

Restriction - no more than 500 thousand rubles for one translation from "Russian Post", payment systems may have their limitations. Money goes on average 6-7 business days. The method is safe, in the post office of questions do not specify, not in contact with tax. At least there is no accurate information about it. But do not forget that it is state organizationAnd all translation data is recorded in the database. What they do with them - unknown. Purely theoretically, if the FTS wants, it will learn about all your translations.

Payment systems

We are talking about payment systems and money transfer systems like Contact, Golden Crown, etc. Most electronic payment systems work with similar and have the ability to derive funds. You need to create an application for the output of money, after which you come to the bank and get cash. Not all banks work with payment systems (there are lists on the sites of these systems). Money usually come instantly if there are no technical problems.

Some payment systems have additional features, such as enrollment on a bank account, delivery to the house of the check or cash or enrollment to the mobile phone account. But for you it does not have a special point, since all these actions can be done directly from any electronic payment system. At the same time, you do not pay additional commissions.

In this case, all data on your translations also fall into the databases of banks and payment systems. As far as is known, at the moment the FNS does not pay any attention to it.

Transfer to a bank account or card

Most electronic payment systems have the ability to output money on a map or a bank account. At first glance, this opportunity may seem the simplest, but in practice there is a huge number of problems. All banks have a different policy regarding customers, in addition, it is constantly changing. What does it mean? This means that cases when banks block your accounts or cards "Before finding out the source of money" are often found.

There are loyal banks, and there are those with which it is generally better not to work, as they turn on the "paranoia" mode when they see the transfer of their electronic payment system. Especially the banks are sinlessly affiliated with the state (for example, Sberbank).

But if you do not operate with large sums (from 200 thousand per month), you should not worry much. But it is not necessary to make transfers every day 500 rubles, it is better to bring money to the card or a bank account 1-2 times a month. At the very worst case, you will be called to the Security Service of the Bank, where you will be asked to explain the origin of money. They will not notify the FTS independently, at least today the situation is such.

Important: Even if the bank stopped serving your account, in any case should return to you the means that are preserved on it.

If you want to work on "white", register an IP and pay taxes, the opening of the current account in the bank should be recognized as the most convenient option. In this case, you will not have any problems, in addition, many sites where money makes money, have the ability to bring funds to bank accounts. Thus, you do not need to pay additional commissions by electronic payment systems.


There are companies (individuals) who are engaged in mediation. You translate them electronic money, they take their commission (which can be high enough) and give you cash (or make a transfer to a bank account). The questions about the origin of money they usually do not specify, but for tax authorities You will remain unknown.

This method is relevant for the withdrawal of large amounts (with small many intermediaries simply will not work), and in the event that you do not want to "shine" at all. Do not forget that there is always a risk to come across the scammers, and even if we consider the commissions, then this method is one of the most unprofitable.

Through a mobile phone

The largest cellular operators provide the ability to transfer funds, but it is not worth using it. The thing is that if initially money is on your electronic wallet, then the cellular operator will simply be an additional gasket, which in addition will take 3-6% of the transformation amount. In addition, they have serious limitations, for example, Bilain cannot withdraw more than 40 thousand rubles per month.

Output and cash money through mobile phone It makes sense only when they come to your phone from the very beginning. Therefore, this way enjoy telephone fraudsters ("Mom, throw money to the account", etc.). It is better to forget about this way right away, and from the point of view of anonymity, it is no better than previous ones.

Alternative methods

Some electronic payment systems have additional ways to output money, for example, Yandex provides the ability to release a bank card that will be tied to the account in Yandex.Money. This example is very successful if you have a major earnings in Y.D., then you should make such a map.

When you need minor amounts, you can search for friends and cooperate with them: you throw money to them on the phone, they give you cash. Or you simply pay for some kind of services or goods. This is the easiest way for those who simply use the Internet for a small additional earnings.

When should I start working legally?

The decision must be taken on your own. When you start making money on the Internet decent amounts, then you will come to what would legalize your activities. The easiest option is the registration of the IP, however, it depends on the genus of your activity. Do not forget that the FTS can submit a request to the bank / payment system and they must answer it. Yes, now they are not interested in those who earn a little, but there are no guarantees that the situation will not change. May be created total base Data where all money transfers will be like a palm.

If you earn more than 600 thousand rubles per month, then the legalization and taxes should be thought very seriously. Sooner or later, the data about you will go to Rosfinmonitoring and you will definitely come up to unpleasant questions to the staff of the relevant authorities.

Many sites are advised to simply submit a declaration of 3-NDFL form, but this is not exactly the right advice. You can immediately immediate entrepreneurship. For example, you have a website where you sell advertising. This is entrepreneurial activities from the point of view of the law. But if you are a copywriter, you can not be called an entrepreneur.

The main problem today is that there are no clear and clear laws and legal acts that regulate the activities on the Internet. In addition, every way of earning has its own individual features. If in one case you have source documentsthat confirm your income, then in another case, such documents will not be able to provide. And in this case, you can immediately cancel taxes (if the FTS decide that you have to pay not as an IP, but as an individual).

Example: With Google Adsense, you work on a public offer, which cannot be considered a primary document to confirm income. If you bring money from Adsense to your bank account, then you can also encounter currency control. If you work through NKO rapido, then currency control - Their problem, but they will not be able to provide you with primary documents. You also work with them on the offer.

In fact, not everything is so scary. It is extremely unlikely that the tax will begin to "press" because of minor sums. And when it comes to big money, they hire lawyers and accountants that are engaged in taxes and other related issues.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state