
Earnings on the issuance of loans Webmoney's exchange. Earnings on issuing WebMoney (WebMoney) loans online. What goals take money

Are you already familiar with earnings on the Internet? He brings you good profit and you constantly have cash On the electronic wallet, which are not planned to spend? So why don't you earn on them?

It is quite simple to make it, there are several ways, but the best is to give money to a loan to any user.

How to make money on electronic loans?

Let's consider this situation, for example, you have $ 400 on your wallet and you do not plan to spend them in the coming months. You can issue loans in size of 40-80 dollars, of course, this amount may be greater, but it is better not to exceed 80 $ limit is too risky.

As for interest, they can vary, since you want. It is usually 5-8%, sometimes 10%. In banks it is considered a huge percentage, but on the Internet it is the norm. After all, a person who urgently needs money is not affected by how much he will pay later, be it 60 or 66 dollars.

Most likely, many incredulous people will say: "Why take such small loans if you can safely go to the bank or the nearest terminal and put money on your own bank card? ". So it is so, but you never know what life situations can happen, and indeed everyone lives in the city. That is why electronic loans and, accordingly, earnings on.

What about big sums?

As for large amounts, as a rule, it is from 500 dollars, then everything is a little more difficult and take such loans usually for 2-4 months. Of course, on such money you can earn a more decent amount, but also the risks are not small here. It is extremely not recommended to give such loans if you have not had any experience to at least with small sums.

What objects do money take?

Usually borrowers are the owners of not very popular sites that have nothing to pay any services to raise the rating of their platform. Or are the people who want to embody their project into reality, but they do not have enough money for this.

But what about the risk?

The risk in this business is not small, because no one will be able to give you guarantees that the WMID, which you give a loan, was not bought the other day. You should always be very careful and consult with specialists. Start with small sums, and only then go to big money. It is best to give loan by proven WMID, with which other lenders have already worked.

The number of requests "How to make money on WebMoney loans?" sharply increased B. latelyIt is not surprising, because if there is a certain amount of free money, you can increase them. The essence of earnings is extremely simple, you give out a loan in one of the ways in the system to another user, after which it is paying you debt with interest.

Unfortunately, the statistics of unscrupulous recipients of loans shows that many users simply do not pay money. Yes, WebMoney provides all data on such users, as well as blocks their wallets, but it does not participate in further proceedings and does not give any guarantees of the cash return.

WebMoney lending can be done in two ways., when using credit exchange or when opening trust limits. Trust limits are open separately for each user, which allows them to get money into debt to any amount at any time.

In the case of not a refund of funds, the lender receives the right to write off all the money from the WebMoney account of the user who has received debt, as well as block his wallet. Also, when using limits, you can return your money at any time, but if you do it until the date set, the money will be returned without percent.

On the credit exchange, anyone can leave a request for money transfer. If the money is not returned, the loan recipient wallet is blocked, and the lender receives funds written off from the debtor's wallet. It is also worth noting that when using an exchange from the amount, the Commission for using the Exchange is expelled.

In terms of safety and the same type of lending is the same, so it is necessary to choose exactly the one that is suitable for conditions.

How to evaluate a loan recipient for good faith?

Before you provide a loan to another user, be sure to analyze all the data that you get about it.

1. Certificate of the borrower.
The first thing to pay attention is the certificate of the borrower. If the user has the above personal certificate, this is defined saying that, most likely he will return the money, which will lose access to his wallet. In addition, the certificate is above personal will help during court proceedingsif it comes to it.

2. Webmoney use time.
Getting personal data on a potential loan recipient, check when he got his certificate. It will be much better if the certificate above the personal was received more than a year ago, and the user registered in the system produced more than 3 years ago. If the wallet is registered a month - two, and its owner already "scored" credits, most likely they will not be returned.

3. WMID reviews.
Each user of the WebMoney payment system can leave feedback on other participants. If the WMID of a potential beneficiary of money is accompanied by negative reviews, this is a serious argument to think about its conscientiousness.

4. Personal data.
Personal data can be hidden or open in the settings of your account. If the recipient of the loan has hidden the data, then this is another reason to think about whether it is worth dealing with him.
To make money on WebMoney loans, and not lose money, be careful and act carefully. If you have to face a refusal of payout, then do not lower your hands, but go to the court.

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To date, Webmoney is one of the most popular virtual money services in Russia and the CIS countries. It is through this site that many entrepreneurs and freelancers receive their income, it is through WebMoney that people pay off with online stores for goods. However, this service has a great set, but the question is actually in the other: how to make money on Webmoney? Moreover, it is not about all the ways of earning electronic money, but specifically about the income on the site of webmoney. There are also such options, and they are not enough. About them and will be discussed.

Webmoney is the only service of online credits!

Only on this site, anyone can give a borrowing to another online and get some guarantees of debt return. Of course, there are a lot of forums and various services, on which, allegedly, people can agree on a loan, but they do not provide any guarantees, and they are inconvenient, because, in the end, you will still be sent to Webmoney.
It turns out that it is here that the private capital holder is the real opportunity to start making money on credits, and borrowers can get rapid loans instantly, without all kinds of information and documents that require banks.

How to make money on WebMoney? Two promising option!

1. The most popular way is loans. If you have extra money, and you want to give them to debt decent percentage, you can start working on Webmoney. At the same time, you must understand that although Webmoney and gives some guarantees of the return of debt, but they are far from one hundred percent. There is always a risk of losing money by choosing a failed borrower. It turns out that it is necessary to follow certain rules, algorithms, and also competently assess the risks. All this will be discussed in more detail.
2. There is another option for earnings - currency exchange. If you used the WebMoney service, then, for sure, at least once changed one currency to another. Never thought - where does the course come from? It is not installed by the Webmoney itself, this course is quite market, and is created by users. Through the WM-Trader service (wm.exchanger.ru), you can set a lot to buy either selling currency and wait until anyone buy it. What this service looks like, you can look in the picture below. On this, you can also earn, and your job will remind the work of exchangers and banks that buy currency at one price, and sell - on the other. However, there are enough risks here.

How to become a good lender?

1. When you give out a loan to a specific person, pay attention to his certificate. They are formal, primary, personal, etc. by increasing. The higher the level of the certificate, the more confidence should be to a person.
For example, to obtain a formal certificate, it is only necessary to confirm your data scabbopes of the passport, but to get the initial one, you need to meet with the personalizer and confirm your identity and place of permanent residence.
Moreover, the higher the level of the certificate, the more you need to pay for its receipt. It turns out that if a certain person has a personal certificate, he, most likely, on Webmoney for a long time, posted a decent amount for his certificate and does not intend to gain debts, and then open a new account. Of course, there are exceptions, so the level of the certificate is only the first indicator to pay attention to.
2. Constantly look at the so-called trust limit (TL) of the borrower. Than this figure is more, the more reliable the person is higher than the chance that he will return a loan on time. The credibility limit increases when a person returns a loan on time and without delay when other lenders increase the maximum loan amount and loan period for it, and also reduce the interest rate. If the borrower has a big TL, then you can give him a decent loan and not fear for your money, but if he has a zero limit of trust or generally negative, then such a person is better not to provide big loans. As a rule, if they give money, it is not enough for a short time and high percent.
3. To start learning is needed with small sumnot to lose all the money due to a stupid error. Some lenders themselves take loans to make this money for a higher percentage. This approach can bring more than profit more, but the risks are also great. If your debtors will friendly refuse to pay on accounts, then you yourself will become a debtor. Therefore, if you have such lending, it is necessary to have a certain reserve on account, which can be used to repay your own debt.
4. If you do not return debts, then this is not the end. Recently, the WebMoney has a service called the debt exchange, where you can sell the rights of a loan demand with a percentage to another person. Now there are several professional collector companies that specialize in "knocking debts". What methods they will try to return money - it is unknown, and, and, in fact, it does not matter. You just need to sell the debt of this company and forget about it. As a rule, debts for a penny are sold (1-10% of the total amount of debt), but there is a promising option here.
When you do not return a loan, you can wait a couple of months while total amount The debt will not increase several times (interest will still be dripped). After that, you boldly sell debt on the stock exchange. If you have been waiting for a long time, you will stay in the "abruptness" or even earn it. The main thing is that your borrower is suitable for the requirements of collectors (as a rule, they only redeem the debts of people from a particular city or region).
If you have a bit, you can sign up to collectors yourself. I'm kidding, of course ... Although ...

How to make money on WebMoney Exchange?

1. Pay attention to the chart above. Green line is the price of the most advantageous offer About buying currency, and red - about selling. As in the case of typical exchanger, the purchase price is somewhat higher than the sale price, but do not forget that the exchanger is a single organization, and on the WebMoney, the course consists of rates of many users.
For example, we can sell a dollar for 60 rubles, and at one moment some user exhibits the lot on which he wants to buy a dollar for 61 rubles. If you quickly react and "catch" this lot, then you can earn 1 ruble for each dollar sold. Such situations on WebMoney are not uncommon, but also wanting to "catch" favorable lots, so the speed of your reaction is a decisive argument.
2. A more traditional option is to act on the principle of exchangers.
For example, exhibit a lot to buy a dollar for 59 rubles, and the same for sale for 61 rubles. Please note that Webmoney for such operations takes its commission, and part of the profit will "eat" the system itself. If your margin (the difference between the purchase and sale price) will be too small, then you will not work, but find yourself in a small loss.

How to make a business on Webmoney?

In addition to the above options, there is another way to earn money on Webmoney, which is suitable for businessmen. You can create your own money output service with WebMoney. There are enough such companies on the Internet, but they are not so much so that a decent competition arose. In order to do this business, you need a top-level certificate registered entity and office in a particular city. And you can cash money for customers and translate funds to them. bank accounts or credit cards. "Who needs it?" - you ask.
Most webmoney users have a personal certificate that allows them to independently withdraw money on bank accounts, but there are no such rights for newbies, they can only replenish their wallet. And while they did not understand with all the services and did not make themselves a formal certificate, they will use the services of companies on the conclusion of money Webmoney. Perhaps crowds of customers will not have, but without profit, you will not be right away.

At the end, I would like to add that earnings on Webmoney, both at the exchange of currency and on loans, not to mention our own business, takes a lot of time and effort. Do not think that you can easily work out in this way after work, at the same time not straining. No, you will need a lot of time, and attachments are also needed, at least small. Nevertheless, earnings on WebMoney can be a good source of income, if you figure out the principles of the system and competently assess the risks.

If we compare payment systems by the number of users, the webmoney takes the first place in RuNet. Millions of wallets are already open here, with their help people easily translate money, spend them on the net, and also earn. This is not a joke, you can also work on the network.
How to earn WebMoney on the Internet? With any level of knowledge you can take up work. There are simple methods, but they are not profitable. For example, it is easy to earn on clicks, but it is better to immediately choose something more profitable. This article will consider several interesting options.

Earn WebMoney on the Internet

Decide on the start than it is hard to do, so it is better to try different ways to try different ways. Now money online makes us almost all, so you can apply your talents for good:
1. Earnings on dating sites - millions of people get acquainted on the Internet, and the owners of such sites receive profit from advertising and on paid functions. You can attract new users and also earn, the conditions are different everywhere. For example, you can receive money for each registered questionnaire:
2. Copywriting - Use any knowledge and interests to write and sell articles. These may be reviews about products, computer games reviews or even tips for young fashionistas. Write about anything, just follow the grammar and uniqueness, quality articles disassemble, like hot cakes:
3. Earnings on finding - Search engines do not take money from their users, so you can easily find data on any topic. With the help of the Genon site, pick up questions from other users, find answers and simply copy information. For 30 rubles, the authors are received for each 1000 page views:
4. Binary options are the highest order, but at the same time the most risky. Make bets for anything, starting with the rise in prices for Sony shares, ending with the fall of the dollar. You can even put money for a few minutes, and if you manage to win, you will get over 50%:
5. Earnings in photos - an option for talented people who have a high-quality chamber. Different photobanks have been created, you can download any photos of the pictures to buy them to create advertising, posts in social. networks or even design site. You can also place pictures for sale:
6. Economic games are a new and interesting way to make money. Investment games are offered to entertain and earn in parallel. Register on Golden Tea and Golden Mines to extract ore or collect tea for which you will pay real money. Do not believe that it is possible? Look at my payment statistics:
Excellent options, and sort out how to earn Webmoney on the Internet through them, everyone can. It is necessary to repel from their preferences and interests, everyone has their own.
Only if you are active enough, it will be possible to go on high profitability. Everyone of children thousands of newcomers are trying to collect at least a couple of hundreds on the Internet, many it succeeds, but to achieve good results, development requires. No one from the first day receives large sums, so do not be lazy.

For electronic payments in RuNet, the WebMoney payment payment is most often used. It is good in everything - increased safety, huge opportunities, stable work, constant improvements and much more. And if you are already registered in it, do not miss the opportunity to replenish your wallets for free.
Earnings on the Internet WebMoney is available absolutely to all. There is no difference here that you can do and what you like to do. All equal chances, and systems for obtaining a virtual currency have been created a lot. You only need to choose the appropriate service and understand it, the deposits do not necessarily.

How to earn webmoney on the Internet?

It is not surprising that most of the stable resources are used to derive this payment System. She does not cooperate with scammers, which improves safety. So that you do not have to look for the appropriate site, the following is a selection of systems that have been working for several years and consistently paying money:

  1. ProfitCentr is a fairly popular click sponsor, which is easier to work out. To do this, you need to carry out minor assignments, and there are several thousand them here. Pass the registration, participate in the vote, write the reviews and take at least a couple of rubles instantly.
  2. Vktarget - on this site payments also come instantly, but it will be necessary to raise at least 25 rubles. The amount is not big, but to get it, it is necessary to carry out instructions on social networks. Even ordinary Likes VK are paid here, although entry into groups and reposites bring larger remuneration.
  3. Golden Mines - It doesn't have to work here, this is a game with money output. Hire gnomes-babies, specialists, experienced and so on to ensure ore mining. Funds from its sale can be displayed, and so that you do not have to invite referrals, put on the balance from 5000 rubles. This gives VIP status, which allows you to receive free referrals.
  4. IQOption - with a broker of binary options without investments, too, will not work, but the starting capital of 300 rubles is quite enough. He will need to bet in the field of Forex. For example, put 300 rubles that the dollar rate will decrease tomorrow and get from 70% in case of winnings (210 rubles).
  5. ADVEGO - no money for earnings is not required here. Commier register, execute 10 orders. it required condition To open access to the Exchange Exchange. There you can download texts for sale. Write at least about pets or car reviews, all this is bought.
  6. Qcomment - beginners System Suitable, as simple tasks are easy to perform and the money will not need to start. To order payment, it is enough to accumulate 100 rubles on the balance sheet. Most often, here is ordered writing comments, but there are many instruments related to social networks.
  7. Cashbox - also displays funds on WebMoney. This system is characterized by a variety of ways of earnings. There are arbitrary tasks and tasks for social networks. You can also work on installing mobile applications or by passing surveys.

These are not all services working with webmoney, but they are enough to start. You can also earn WebMoney on mobile applications. As a part-time option is not bad.
Choose any system and use Webmoney's online earnings. The electronic wallet will never be empty from you, and if you go to the case with the mind and develop, you can go to a stable and big income.

WEBMONEY-based investment opportunities

Shareholder is a unique service that is a Webmoney tool to be carried out. investment activities On the network, and implement speculative operations in order to obtain income.
Electronic money and various payment systems enable users to produce mutual settlements. One, of the most popular and deserves respect systems on the network, is Webmoney. It allows not only online payments, but also offers a number of tools that help conduct business, to invest, and even get revenues as a result of speculative operations.
One of the unique tools offered by Webmoney, with which you can receive income is the Shareholder service. He involves investing in various projects carried out with the support of Webmoney. Each participant of the system, which has official registration, owns the right to lead investment activities. It can be carried out in the framework of projects or companies that are combined into budget automata (BA). An individual system of the system can initiate a procedure for creating such machines, and a group of participants, called Ba staff, they have access rights to one or more Ba wallets, and are also owners of WM identifiers. The budget machine is a special program that allows you to carry out collective electronic wallet management. It functions on the basis of the Capital web service, which is created to manage wallets in the interests of a whole group of system participants who have united in order to implement joint activities that bring revenue.
The budget automaton provides a mechanism for maintaining a number of business processes. These include the possibility of accepting collegial solutions, distribution and accounting of funds for profitable and expenditure items, as well as the distribution of profits. In addition, it is possible to control the activities and automation of service. The highest level of rights in the management of Ba is entitled to the administrator. This Ba participant must have a personal certificate. And the total amount of BA control rights is divided into shares, their number and size is determined by the initiator, and is fixed when registering Ba.
The Shareholder service makes it possible to control a portfolio of shares, as well as it is the basis for collective decisions, and allows you to analyze activities. Any participant in the system can form their own BA fraction portfolio, as the shares can be transmitted, acquired and sold. The service allows you to post proposals for the purchase or sale of shares, both for any buyers and for certain participants.
The functioning of budget vehicles resembles the activity of the joint-stock company. All processes are aimed at the creation of profits, some of which is paid to the participants of the groups in the form of dividends. The total size and frequency of payments relates to the competence of the administrator, but the dividends themselves are charged as a result of the voting of all owners of the share. Such a vote is initiated by the manager. The decision will be considered adopted if the owners of the share vote for it, in the total aggregate, amounting to more than 50%. Members of the service can familiarize themselves with the history of the calculation of dividends and their payments on special tabs. In most cases, BA suggests monthly payments, yield depends on the popularity of projects.
The system participants can also receive an income from speculative operations with shames. The process is similar to conducting trade on stock Exchange. All applications for the sale or purchase of the shares of public automata are presented at the Shareholder service. Users are available enhanced information about the amounts of proposals and the price of shares. Also, participants can familiarize themselves with the essence of projects through the transition to the official pages of their organizers, which are initiators of BA.

Webmoney electronic wallets owners get a bunch of different features. You can conveniently translate money over the Internet, pay utilities, Pay for the Internet, repay loans and so on. Only for carrying out transactions, you first have to replenish the wallet.
How to make money on WebMoney on the Internet? There are several types of work on the network, allowing forever to refuse to make money into the payment system. Similarly, it will be possible to use a virtual account, just not caught it. Choose simple and complex options, the profitability is everywhere different.

10 sites for earning on WebMoney

WebMoney's payment is the most popular in RuNet. That is why most systems spend payments to it. For readers Next Invest, a selection of resources was collected, on which the conclusion acts in WebMoney, they are proven and never delay payments:

  1. ProfitCentr - click sponsor with thousands of small tasks. Register and start to execute orders, they are asked to click on advertising, write a comment, download the game to the phone and so on. Minuts for payments are not installed, so today it will be possible to transfer funds to your wallet.
  2. ADVEGO - small tasks are on this site, but it is not important. Through the science of articles it is better to sell texts. The author chooses the author, as well as the price. Write about your car, computer game, movie or add recipe. Collect a minimum of $ 5 to order payment.
  3. Forumok - through this site ordered reviews, cheating friends on social networks, participants in groups and much more. Add B. personal Cabinet All your accounts and place orders. Compared to similar services, there are always available orders.
  4. Blogun - Bloggers are used in the main exchange of links for earnings. In addition to sites, groups and profiles from social networks are accepted here (Youtube channels). Connect all your pages, send applications and place an advertisement on the wall. The more popular the playground, the more money they will pay.
  5. Binomo - Trade binary options With this company brings huge profits. Yes, deposits will be required and will have to go to risks, but when there is an opportunity to receive $ 100 per day, it becomes justified. Learn to predict not to lose your entire capital quickly.
  6. Golden Birds is an interesting game about bird farm. First you need to spend on the feathers, they bring eggs. Collecting and selling products, silver is accrued, it is displayed on WebMoney. To receive payments, you need to attract referrals, it is better to immediately start with this, without investing anything.
  7. Alpari is a serious company from which you can invest in several ways, as well as carry out transactions for Forex. Rate all the functionality of their site, if there is no money, use the affiliate program. For attracting new customers paid from 40% of the system's profits.
  8. ActionPay - Many partner programs are united in this aggregator. You can attract customers in different systems, sell different products, advertise mobile applications And for all this to receive money. Only for the start will require any promotion platform (for example, a group of VKontakte).
  9. Teaser - Simple tasks from this site are suitable for beginners, but the most interesting is the expansion for browsers. After installing it, advertising begins to appear in the browser. A small banner in the corner does not interfere with sitting on the Internet, and remuneration comes for each view.
  10. GLOPART - registered users can add their info products for partners to sell them for a percentage. You can become this partner and make money on the sale of other eyelid books and video courses. Expensive info products bring good money.

Do not wait for the moment of lack of money, prepare in advance to it using one of these systems. How to make money on Webmoney on the Internet. Thousands are interested in the Internet, the main thing is not to slow down using any chance.
Try yourself in different directions, register immediately on several sites. Everything comes with experience, spending a couple of days, you will definitely understand in the intricacies of using any system. And a month later you will know exactly what is best to earn.

Almost all popular services on the Internet are accepted wEBMONEY currency for payment. Systems for cheating on social networks, online stores, website promotion services and even public utilities for utility billing or taxes, take webmoney electronic money as payment.
It is convenient to conduct expenses from the virtual account, even from home you do not have to go out. At the same time, throwing money to the electronic wallet is not necessary, as you can earn webmoney. For this, a variety of different systems and in this article will be presented by several better options For anyone who wants to know how to make money on Webmoney.

How to earn webmoney?

We present you 5 proven systems that have been working for a long time and in which we are withdrawn to WebMoney wallets:
1. Wmmail.
This mailer deserves attention, as it has been working for 10 years and during this time, employees of the system earned $ 3.77 million. Agree, the amount is impressive, but most importantly, that it is not overestimated.
The work here is offered for all newcomers who do not know how to program, create sites or engage in design work at a computer. If you use the Internet at the amateur level, then your knowledge is enough to fulfill necessary work. What exactly will have to do? Perform tasks you need:
- download files;
- install programs;
- register on sites;
- join the group of social. networks;
- put like and make repipes;
- Comment blog entries;

- Leave messages on the forums.

Bugs for earning without investment. Five ways to get income. Site rusrhino.

It is far from full list All types of tasks you will find on this site. But the general idea of \u200b\u200bworking with wmmail you now have. To date, this is the best opportunity to earn webmoney for beginners.
A similar system where you will find even more tasks. The main advantage of the project is a simplified registration, as well as balance in rubles. In the rest, this service is inferior to WMMail (including the tasks pay less). Nevertheless, many choose this particular system, since it is three times more accessible tasks. Perform tasks is also easy, but you can output money on WebMoney.
In addition to earnings on tasks, another work is waiting for you, but it is better to use it as an extra, since it does not bring it a big profit:
- passing tests;
- Surfing sites;
- Reading letters.
Each of these ways to make money involves transitions to different sites. Due to this, advertisers increase their sites attendance and launch advertising, and you get money. Behind each transition pay a penny, and you will receive some sentences a day.
This is an interesting service that has seriously changed in last years. How to make money on WebMoney through this system? To begin with, you will have to log in through any social network and go to the list with tasks. Previously, the system had tasks only for VKontakte users, now they can be performed at all without using their accounts.
Among the tasks you will find the following requirements:
- to make repographs (Retwitis);
- writing posts on sites;
- Creating comments;
- place advertising posts on your page;
- visit different sites;
- join the social community. Networks.
These and many other types of tasks can be found on Prospero website, and the more active you will perform them, the faster you get to make a lot of webmoney.
4. Forumok.
You can earn in this system only to those who have its own playground and how it is more promoted, the better. The most profitable platforms are forums and blogs, but if you do not have such a resource, you can use profiles from any social networks (classmates, Facebook, VKontakte and even YouTube).
Everyone is extremely simple, registered on the site and add your site. After checking the moderator, you can perform different tasks. In most cases, it is entry into the community and reposites (for social networks). Unlike similar services, they pay a little more. Money can also be displayed on the WebMoney payment system.
5. Advego.
If you hold a survey among experienced users with a question - how to make money on Webmoney, most of them will definitely celebrate the ADVEGO service. This is the most popular science exchange, where you can place ready-made materials for sale, as well as perform different tasks (posting on forums, commenting, joining the group of social networks).
Similar content exchange created a lot, but the newcomers are better to use ADVEGO. Why? Because there is a minimum board (80 cents for 1000 characters), and not everyone can sell their articles at such a value. Only important moment - Here is hard moderation, so even minor errors in the articles should not be.
You can write about anything, categories to accommodate enough. Tell us how to cook an unusual dish, what better to buy air conditioning for hair, how to choose a laptop where to download free games etc. Sites are on different topics and they all need filling, so you can sell almost any information.
Now you know how to make money on Webmoney and you can proceed with the case. But do not think that you will be easy to dial immediately great amount. Some users have to delve into work for a very long time and develop to allocate serious profits.

We will be happy to your comments!

To make money on issuing loans you must have free finance. The issuance of loans in WebMoney (WebMoney) is carried out in WMZ. Option to take money on credit for issuing under larger percentage There is, but it is more complicated and is usually less effective.

WebMoney loan options

  • Issuance of loans on forums
  • Issuance of loans through the application application form on your site (manual processing, individual contact)

Issue loans using Keeper Klassic (Classic Keper). To issue WebMoney loans, you need to create a WMD wallet. To issue loans on limits of trust, a special wallet is not required, although some create a separate WMZ wallet for issuing loans.

Creating a WMD webmoney wallet (Webmoney).

To create a WMD wallet you need to select the menu item - Wallets - create a new one, or click on the Create icon in the Wallet tab. You can also press the right mouse button on a free field, while bookmark the Keper "Wallets" and select the Create item from the context menu that appears. In the next step, select the WMD wallet type, in the next step we accept the user agreement. Thereafter new wallet will be created and appears in the list of wallets.
WMD wallet can only be one, after creating it is impossible to delete it.

Read more about each of WebMoney loan options

The credit machine requires additional source investments not only directly to the issuance of the loan, but also on the purchase of the script, creating and promoting the site. For lending on the credit exchange, it is necessary to analyze the announcement. When issuing the trust limits, the king of the borrower is not automatically blocked at a non-return, during non-return of the loan is blocked. When issuing through the forums it is necessary to online for contact with the borrower and then draw out the issuance of money through a loan or limit of trust.

Your credit service (credit machine)

For a credit machine usually create a separate site. Install a credit machine script on it, which can be bought. Customize the terms of issuing loans. Promote the site to attract borrowers.
Examples of existing credit machines can be viewed on the item page. Where to get webmoney on credit.

Issue loans on WebMoney loan exchange

WEBMONEY TRANSFER Credit Exchange is a system for issuing and receiving loans to the Internet. To issue loans on the WebMoney Exchange, you need to have a WebMoney certificate is not lower than the initial one.

What would issue a loan go to the application section and analyze the borrowers of the loan borrowers.
Analyze a number of application parameters. Such as the loan amount, the amount to return, interest rate, credit period, purpose of obtaining, guarantees of return, the amount of debt on previously taken loans, the presence of overdue overlays (kiper blocking), loan frequency and other parameters. I want to note that among other data the potential lender looks credit historyThe passport details indicated in the Certate WebMoney, as well as the IP from which the application was submitted.

When issuing credits, in addition to the usual WebMoney Transfer Commission, 0.8% of the amount when transferring money, when returning from the lender, 0.1% of the return amount is charged.

WebMoney Exchange allows you to issue collective creditThis is a loan in which each lender gives only part of the requested amount. Most applications exhibited on the stock exchange are collective, i.e. You can extract part of the requested amount. With a collective loan, the return amount obtained by each lender is proportional to the amount of money provided to them.

After a set of a full requested loan amount, the borrower wallet will receive the appropriate amount of WMZ, and on the creditor wallet - debentures In the amount of the amount indicated to return. In the event that the entire requested amount is not recruited, the loan application will be canceled (overdue). If the application is overdue, then the entire amount already recruited (provided) is returned to creditors.

A potential borrower can be asked for additional questions both individually and on the exchange in the comments to the application.

Issuance of loans on limits of confidence in Webmoney debt service

webmoney debt service. Allows you to give a WMZ money in the WebMoney system. This is a credit system where people with formal certificates can be lending. Having a formal certificate, you can like to give and get WMZ on credit. Those who wish to issue money on a loan to a person with a formal certificate are extremely rare, and they require refund guarantees.

To provide money through debt service Webmoney, you need to establish limits of trust in other participants in the webmoney system. Choosing suitable applications in debt service or exposing your offer. The more the amount and amount of confidence limits confirmed by the presence of money from the principal, the greater the TL value of a particular WMID. The overall level of confidence limits set for this WMID confirmed by the presence of WMZ is determined by the TL parameter. Take money borrower can parts, within the sums of the terms and timing of the trust limits.

The system does not take additional commissions only common when transferring money in the WebMoney system 0.8%. Log in debt service is the usual authorization by WMID.

To provide the opportunity to take in your debt to another participant of the Webmoney system, you need to add it to the list of kiper correspondents. Then install limit confidence for it. When specifying the parameters: Maximum loan amount, maximum period, percentage, WMZ wallet. Interest is indicated per day, so if during the negotiations you agreed on the amount of interest per month, then divide on 30. To get the loan, your borrower must agree with your conditions. Consent with the conditions of the provided limit does not oblige money on it, but only provides the opportunity to borrow if it takes. If there is a limit of confidence, you can be debt into set limits On any day.

Unlike other credit systems When lending through limits, the creditor can return funds until the credit period is completed, with the loss of all percent, but for this, the borrower should be money on the wallet. It is better not to use this opportunity, except for exceptional cases.

In applications for money on credit, the desired amount (range of sums), interest rate, term, certificate type and other conditions are indicated. For convenience of finding a suitable application, use sorting by columns (re-pressing the title name will change the sorting order to the opposite).

Issuance of WMZ on P2P credit exchange

Credit machine on which there is a P2P credit exchange for automatic loan issuance. Create one or more loan applications. In this system, creditors add applications and parameters in which you can get a loan on this application. The number of applications to be exhibited by one lender is not limited. The borrower chooses from all the proposals available for him.

    Credit proposal parameters:
  • the percentage is minimal and maximum;
  • credit term;
  • minimum and maximum loan amount;
  • minimum level of certificate (initial or personal);
  • minimum value of business level (BL);
  • the minimum age of the certificate (measured in days);
  • maximum debt on the WMC wallet of the borrower;
  • the maximum number of claims on the certificate (if you put -1 is not checked);
  • the content of the loan agreement, acceptable by the borrower before receiving a loan;
  • some other parameters, for example, you can specify one (list) WMID only for which this loan offer is valid, or on the contrary, specify one (group) WMID on which this loan offer does not apply (blacklist).

To get a loan, go to the service. You will see a list of all available ones. this momentFor you (more precisely for your WMID) credit offers. The list is sorted by percent of the smaller to more. Choose a credit offer suitable for you and click get. Credit get after automatic design for several minutes. At the same time, choose from the values \u200b\u200bof the amount and credit period specified in the loan offer.

Over the list with credit offers there is a field with an inscription Show all offers. If you click on show all offers, you will see all the offers of creditors. This can be useful for analyzing credit proposals.

Issuance of loans on forums

Create a topic about issuing loans in the relevant section of the thematic forum. Specify in the subject the main conditions that the borrower must be configured to address the loan and how to contact you. When dealing, you are driving questions you are interested in and decide to give or not a loan applied. Then make out the issuance of money through the P2P stock exchange, WebMoney loan exchange or through confidence limit.

Credit issuance through the application application form on its website.

On your site, create a feedback form with fields that should fill the potential borrower to submit an application. Promote this page that you can get to get wishes to get a loan. Regularly analyze the applications received. We carry out personal negotiations with borrowers. Then, with a positive decision on issuing money, make up a loan through the P2P stock exchange, WebMoney loan exchange or debt service.

WEBMONEY Internet Loans Features (WebMoney)

The most willingly lenders give money to borrowers who have already taken loans on the network and returned them in a timely manner. WebMoney system stores data on the amount of loans that you took on the network with its use.

Transferring money between the same type of wallets (in this case WMZ) within one WMID is performed without commission.

When issuing a loan, the borrower comes with WMZ, and the lender on WMC wallet is the amount of debt obligations.

The borrower has the ability to return the money ahead of time, the return amount is not recalculated. Although there may be an individual agreement on the recalculation between the lender and the borrower. When issuing loans, borrowers may return the amount of the loan not entirely, but in parts.

If the borrower has problems with returning funds related to WMC wallet data loss or with loss of access to the Cirera. WMC wallet data loss can be caused by some failures in the work or more often reinstall the operating system. In order to repay a loan in such situations, autocobal is used. For the aperture, it is necessary that by the time of its holding on your WMZ wallet was sufficient to repay the loan. A car-drawn is held twice a day at 4:00 and at 18:00 Moscow time. A car loan occurs once in the near future (4:00 or 18:00) after the end of the loan period, if the entire required amount is required. WebMoney will write down the amount of debt and give it to the lender automatically. If the money is not enough for a sapper, the borrower is blocked, and the money will be charged as they arrive.

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