
You need to do with the old wallet. What to do with the old wallet, if you bought new - signs and superstition

We are all sometimes experiencing incomprehensible attachment to old things, because some items are associated with pleasant memories, or they simply convenient to use the habit by virtue. In addition, financial wealth plays a latter role. Sometimes with old things after all, it is necessary to part. Suppose, in favor of fashionable trends or for banal wear of things, in connection with which the question arises about what can be thrown away and what is not? Suppose the same old wallet.

Is it possible?

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to throw out an old wallet, first you need to remember how often money was found in it. The fact is that the wallet is connected with its energy owner. Accordingly, if the money in the wallet was previously kept constantly, then throwing out the old wallet is not worth it, but it does not mean at all that it is impossible to buy a new product that can be used in everyday lifeBut the old need to leave for storage, the same sleep or to accumulate money for expensive purchase. Thus, the necessary energy will not leave, and the wallet will appear.

But if in former times the mistress of the wallet is not delayed for a long time, it is advisable to get rid of this. Store a wallet that does not bring any real benefit, it is hardly worth it. It is also necessary to pay attention to the degree of wear of the wallet. If there are holes and solid losses in the sacral bag for money, it is unlikely to store it, because according to accept, the energy of wealth will go away across the formed holes, respectively, even a decent way to collect is unlikely to succeed.

What do you need to do to attract money?

Regardless of whether money is stored in the old wallet or in a new one, you should always remember that the money will be found in those who keep them right. All bills always need to have the front side to themselves and lay out depending on the dignity of the bills, that is, they need to be located from large to smaller. One thing always needs to be stored in another compartment, in order for the energy of small money to be mixed with the larger and diluted them in this way, leading to extensive waste and poverty.

When buying a new wallet, it is necessary to shift not only all the money available from the old one, but also add a few billing, which is desirable to ask as a gift, and not in debt in close relatives. But in the old wallet, which, nevertheless, it remains preferably to put on a new bill, the advantage of which should increase with each month.

And one moment. As a rule, in the wallet, many are not only money, but also receipts, checks and other unnecessary papers, from which it is desirable to get rid of, as they are unlikely to bring real benefits to attract money, since they symbolize incurred costs. Accordingly, they need to be removed from the old wallet, which will now be intended only as a piggy bank, and shifting to another place, but not only in a new wallet.

Signs about a wallet say: the accessory must be roomy and expensive, painted, attracting wealth, the "bait" must be lying in it. So, the wallet will fill with banknotes of various advantages.

But, in the end, you buy a new purse, and you will think how to get rid of unnecessary battered things. But there will be a lot of things to do what to do with the old wallet after buying a new one, and how to make him attract monetary luck.

Folk signs

According to the acceptance of the improvised storage, you need to post in the southeastern sector of the apartment, choosing a secluded place.

To enhance the magnetic properties in the wallet, you need to put a bill that you will not spend. You can start with the fifty-logular bills, and subsequently replace it with a bill with a rating of 100 or 1000 rubles.

Signs emphasize that during manipulations with the old wallet, it is important to stay in a good mood (so you will enlist the support of light forces from unreasonable spending and unplanned expenses).

You can charge the old wallet for wealth and well-being. The rite is designed for 7 days (with a growing moon):

Successful wallet is a cash utility talisman. Therefore, he should not give it to anyone, even if you don't need it. Note says: Together with the old wallet you can give cash. The exception is the case if you are deliberately want to transfer your "magnet" for money to help you have a close person who is young or very much needs.

And you should not take someone else's wallet. Together with the accessory you can transfer the "program on poverty".

Is it possible to throw out an old wallet?

There is a lot to take about new wallets that help to achieve well-being in the financial sphere, but with the old purse, you can do some manipulations to neutralize the negative or strengthen monetary success.

No need to throw out the old wallet, who pleased the crunch of large bills, otherwise the money will be offended and go along with the thrown out of the purse.

Old wallet will help attract more more moneyWhat was before buying a new wallet.

  • Pull out all the money from the old purse to a penny.
  • Put into the empty wallet bill or minimal nominal coin, put the accessory in the cache.
  • According to the signs in a month, replace the money in the wallet on a copy of more advantage.
  • Perform this procedure monthly.

In six months or year you will find that lying in the wallet large bill Small, because revenues during this time increased significantly.

If the wallet in lately empty, can you throw it out, and get a new wallet? Buy a new accessory, it is necessary, but throwing the old thing in the trash can superstition does not tell.

Despite the fact that the old wallet attracted you only debts and empty waste, you need to say goodbye to him and spend it with honors. Perform a ritual when the moon decreases:

  1. Pull all the trifle from the old wallet, and distribute the beggar. The smallest pennies need to be thrown at the intersection through the left shoulder.
  2. The accessory itself wrap in a black cloth and say the words over it: "Thank you for the service. I give the need and poverty. "
  3. Then burn it in the fireplace, the furnace or jump "the culprit of poverty" to the ground away from home.

To carry out the magic ritual of parting with the old wallet, choose the day of the autumn equinox. According to the coming at this point, you can not only get rid of the old purse, but also to get away from lack of money.

Ritual burning. "Nishchensky Wallet" needs to be thrown into a specially divided fire for the rite and say the words:

Signs about what to do with a new wallet

If a wallet broke, this is the foresight of changes in the field of finance. Those predicted difficult times can be mitigated by buying a new purse.

  • No penny or banknote from an old unfortunate wallet should penetrate a new wallet!
  • If from the former successful purse moved money to a new wallet, add another bill to it. Important condition: the banknote needs to be obtained from a loved one (spouse or relative).
  • So that the wallet attracts money, they must be in every wallet pocket at least one bill or coin. The largest banknotes are on average pocket, and smaller money - in extreme departments.

Another ritual when changing the wallet:

  1. Immediately after you shifted the money to a new wallet, expand the accessory and spend it 3 times clockwise above the candle flame. Use a new candle, ignite it only with matches.
  2. Then the wallet in the closed state must be put on a clean plate where it should spend the night.
  3. In the morning, wash the plate, and use the wallet as usual.

If you presented a blank new wallet - it's bad sign. To neutralize its action, put in a presented wallet 3 Fengshui coins associated with a red thread.

Only in this article are always presented commercial signs about wallet.

Wallet as a gift Signs

Wallet can not be given to close relatives. You need to give an expensive thing, because cheap will bring money and poverty. Present a spacious wallet, so that the money in it is convenient, freely if it is closely, they will leave.

Signs to a new wallet to have money, traditions and customs

In order not to translated money, you need to put a bill or an old coin in a new wallet. If you gave you a wallet with money, then you need to leave one bill, for happiness.

Attracts money and an old coin, which will constantly lie in the wallet. Great strength of attraction for money will be dollar bill Or with a number 5, "happy" money must be constantly in the wallet. Buy a red wallet, on the signs of money like a red color.

It is believed that chestnut has the energy of attracting money, so put it in a wallet or in a bag, in the repository with money. Do not wear photos in the wallet, because the ego is the destination - storage of money. Follow the order in the branches, throw away unnecessary checks, notes. Wash or change the ribbon and dirty bills, they are not a place in the wallet. Money must lie in the deployment, on the departments, trifle in a special pocket on the button or lightning.

Signs on Women's Wallet and how to buy

It's time to replace the wallet and do it in all the rules. From what material the wallet is made depend on the flow of money. The skin is the mistress, stability and confidence that cash reserves are not exhausted. Fabric - periods of laptop arise, the hostess superficially treats money. Exotic materials - the owner has a non-standard approach to money.

The most attractive colors for wallets: black, brown, golden, red. These colors contribute to the replenishment of your wallet. Well, if the business card holder, the purse, the bag and wallet of the same color.

You need to buy a wallet in a decent store, not from hand or in stock markets, a cheap thing will not bring wealth. Dear brand wallet is designed to attract money. Buy the wallet is better to produce a growing moon in the first Thursday. Do it, you need not trading in the morning.

As soon as the wallet is bought, it immediately needs to put money to make a bigger bill.

Is it possible to throw out an old wallet signs

It is better not to use old wallets, but it is not necessary to throw away. If money was found in the old wallet, then let him lie in a convenient place. It can store in it or save for a purchase. A wallet that did not attract the owner of money and the spoon must be thrown. It is very shabby and in the holes of the wallet you need to throw away if it continues to keep money in it, then wealth will leave.

Is it possible to give a purse folk signs

Purse, like a wallet, can be given, only with the observance of the rules. No need to give a portmone of a small size, then it will not hold money in it. The compartment needs to put a coin or bill. Purse choose from black or brown leather.

Signs of the wallet fell to the floor

If the wallet fell and the money was hurt, then they need to collect them with their right hand. One coin must be left, for reproduction. It is believed that the fell wallet with money is an offer to gods, so money can leave.

If the wallet was stolen signs and superstition

If the wallet with money was stolen or lost, then this is good. Money lost, but you will get something else in return. It may be not only money, relationships, business connections.

An empty wallet was stolen - small troubles and trouble are coming.

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Wallets differ in size, shape, and storage of money. They also have an amazing ability to attract the necessary owner the amount of money and contribute to the magic of wealth, which is based on cash energy. The carrier of such energy can be certain elements, colors, plants and planets.
Probably, each person is feeling comfortable when the amount that can be spent on an expensive and unforeseen purchase, pleasure or entertainment is in his purse.

1. How to choose a wallet?
- It should not be the cheapest, as he carries the energy of poverty. But this does not mean that you need to spend your entire salary for the purchase, enough to look solid.
- In the new wallet there should be different branches for large and medium bills, as well as for coins.
- The material should be chosen natural, for example, suede, skin or matter. For a purse, most suitable dark brown or black color, as they protect it from evil eyes and help money saving.
- After buying in it, it is necessary to put an unbelievable coin: 1 ruble or 1 kopeck - it will be a symbol that attracts money.
- Very well attracts the material energy a piece of dried horse root, laid in the department with an unbelieving coin.
- If there are transparent inserts in a new wallet, then it is better not to insert anything in order not to prevent the energy involvement of the energy.
After a new wallet bought, you need to immediately get rid of the old one. To do this, it must be burned in the fire, reading the magic spell:
"Red flame burn, and poverty with them into the fire. What used to be in you - tripled, which was not previously - it will appear. So be it. Amen".

2. Plain new wallet
To charge just an acquired wallet, you need to use the following magic ritual. First you need to go to church and buy 7 most expensive green candles there. The rite should be carried out on a growing moon at midnight, preferably on Thursday. It is necessary to put a new unused wallet in a place where the moonlight falls freely, and around it there 7 candles and set fire to them by saying the following words:

"She strives and runs cash flow, in my magic new wallet. My income multiplies, the costs are minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, there will be only so. My word is strong. Amen".
As a conspiracy was told, the candles should be quietly exorted, and then get rid of their remnants. Your wallet should always be carried with you and follow the perfect order in it.

The wallet charged material energy cannot be given to other hands and not to show its contents. Also should not be told about the magical ritual, even the most close people. Otherwise, the money energy will turn away and it will be very difficult to return it in the future.

3.Magic conspiracy
The ritual is held on the young month. It is necessary to sit in the evening in the face of the face to the window, dissolve the hair, remove the shoes, light the candle, cross the new wallet 3 times with the words:
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
After that, put a gold coin or a gold ring in the wallet and, looking for a month, pronounce conspiracy words:
"The Moon-Moon is silver horns, give my new Silver-Zlata wallet, so that it increases, poured and sat down with money. Yes, there will be only so. Amen".

The ancient superstition reads: "To make money in the wallet, it should be beautiful and roomy." If it does not manage to catch a bird of good luck behind the tail, you can buy or take a new purse with a coin embedded in it. But it is possible to throw out the old wallet - folk signs Will prompt!

Best time to purchase a new wallet

Best Gift Time for yourself - New Year

Knowing people claim that it is necessary to change their wallet at least once a year so that the thing is not stood in the energy plan. This rule is not necessary to follow - often the purchase flies in a penny. But if you really want to buy a purse, then the best time is New Year's holidays. What should I do:

  1. It is recommended to go for a new wallet on a growing moon.
  2. Good day of the week - Wednesday or Thursday. Suitable time - morning or noon.
  3. It is prohibited from the seller to take delivery after purchasing a purse, especially if he wants to give you a trifle. In this case, pronounce magic words:

    "I will not lose a little thing from me, but more money will come to me!".

    This spell protects the owner of the wallet from poverty and unkind envious.

  4. A new purse is required to take into hand and say mentally the following conspiracy:

    "Become my money with a reliable and a good house, keep and recuid wealth. Let the Lord balsy me and instructs me, the guardian angel helps and protects. Amen".

    A peculiar "cocoon" is superimposed on the thing, holding money from their owner.

  5. About the purchased wallet is not worth talking to anyone in the first hours after making a purchase. You need to hide the wallet and not to show it for several days.

What are the folk marks to buy a wallet?

The best material for a new wallet - genuine leather

So that a new purse serve as faithfully to its owner, it is recommended to observe monetary signswho have not lost relevance and in our time:

  • It is necessary to buy a big and expensive wallet - bills will be happy to settle in it, but a cheap, dirty or torn purse attracts only failures and poverty;
  • Suitable material for a wallet - suede or leather. Synthetics blocks the energy senders of a person about the addition of money;
  • Suitable color for the wallet - black, brown, gold and all shades of yellow: these are the colors of the earth and noble metals from which coins are manufactured;
  • Also suitable color for the wallet - the red and its all kinds of shades: the people are believed that the money loves everything bright and colorful;
  • In the new wallet there should be many branches for banknotes and coins - money in gratitude seek to fill out all available space;
  • The purchased purse should be quite large in size - it is impossible to bend bills so that they are not offended by their owner.

What to do with old wallets - Interesting folk signs

In the old wallet, it is very convenient to store your savings

After purchasing a portmone, many are interested in the question of where the old wallet is interested, if you bought a new one, following rituals and signs? You should not throw out the old thing immediately, because you can use the following tips:

  1. In the old wallet, it is recommended to store blood savings, thus attracting well-being and good luck. To do this, it is placed in the eastern part of the apartment in a secluded place. Usually inside the banknote that do not plan to spend, it is desirable that it was a large-size bill. This may be, for example, a fifty-way bill, which can be changed after 100 or 1000 rubles, and so on the increasing. At the same time, it is necessary to be in a good location of the Spirit - light forces will be fence from rampant spending and unforeseen expenses.
  2. Charging a wallet for wealth and well-being - this ritual is carried out within seven days. The first three days of the purse must be kept next to them, pre-put several large banknote. At the same time, it is impossible to open and get money out of it. The next night, the bills are removed, sent to the growing month and pronounce consultation:

    "Our contract is stronger than stone. In me, the power, and in you profit. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    After that, from the old wallet, you need to take a large banknote, exchange it and on the money received to buy many gifts to all relatives and friends. The money remains with passing and the most big Couple. Put in the old purse, keeping it there before the new moon.

  3. Burning - the old wallet throw in a specially divided fire and pronounce the following spell:

    "Gori-burn you red flame, take with you all the adversity and poverty. What had been in you before - let the triple, which was not before in you - let him add. Let it be as I say! Amen, Amen, Amen.

Cash rituals and signs for a new wallet

There are many interesting ways how to lure money in a new purse. Below are the most common and effective magic rituals.

Rite with a red wallet

Red - Best Color for Wallet

In the energy plan, money willingly attract the red wallet - they will not lie signs! If a new purse is exactly the color, then you can make a ritual, which is wealth and prosperity. This will require several large banknotes. The bills used in the ritual should not be remembered or lured. So, you need to look out the window at night, show bills growing month and pronounce conspiracy:

"You are my month clear, and the Svetok is beautiful.
You grow and light everything around
Playing the heavenly wave and glad to all of us.
You can manage water elements
Or by force, melting in the ground.
Give your silicone Bogatyr
Wallet red.
Let the income grow day by day,
To make money and all I have enough. "

Then the conspiracy is shifted into the wallet and say:

"Covers to bill are put up
Weight will be faster!
Grows a month-month in the moon,
And the money sent a wave!
Comes in red wallet
Income daily and everybody!
Let the walields please me and my loved ones,
And the money is enough for everything you need.
On the coat and on the ring
On the dress and manto fur,
Yes, on the chain of Child.
Let him please me and day, and at night! "

Then you need to go to bed and remember the dream dream:

  • water - profit;
  • communication is an increase in income;
  • bird - Money;
  • baby or crow - damage to poverty.]

Country rites

Candles for rite must be necessarily green

It is necessary to buy on the growing moon in the church seven expensive candles of green color. At twelve nights on Thursday, decompose them around them, and put the wallet in the center in such a way that the lunar light fell on it. Candles light and pronounce:

"In my new wallet carry
Swift cash flow.
He will multiply my income
And save from thoughtless expenses.
Money energy me techite yes cares
And poverty and poverty run away,
From holy fire.
Let it be as I said (-A). Amen!"

After the candles are cutting, they need to be collected in a small bag and throw away.

Moonlight rite

At midnight it takes to the wallet to put silver coins and pronounce a conspiracy on the moon:

"I speak my wallet for wealth and good luck.
Let the money be as stars on the night sky.
Let them arrive like the moon in the sky.
But if someone steals my wallet,
That will take with you all the troubles and poverty. Amen!"

Rite of coins

The higher the denomination of money used for the rite, the better

It is necessary to get up early in the morning, put one coin in the wallet and one paper banknote - than they will be larger, the better. And then pronounce conspiracy words:

"The coin to the money is attracted,
And the prosperity is more likely to me.
And in the wallet, the money flocks,
In it, let always rustle and rings.
To have enough on the dress, on the ring,
Yes, on clothes and everything else.
My word is tight, locked on seven castles.
And the key is lost. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Throughout the day, the purse needs to carry with them everywhere.

Rite of income trip

You need to buy three different wallets in different outlets. It is planted to pay large money, give out the delivery to a new purse and then mentally say:

"Catch the money big and small,
For the well-being of my and native people. "

Calculation cannot be spent - she is conspired to receive profits. One wallet should be left, and two other wallet to present to people who are from all our hearts you want wealth and prosperity.

How to make a conspiracy work?

It is impossible to show the contents of the purse to anyone.

  1. It is forbidden to transmit a conspiracted thing in the hands of another person.
  2. It is forbidden to touch money in a bad mood - you can pull damage.
  3. It is forbidden to anyone to show the contents of the purse.
  4. It is forbidden to talk about holding a rite.

If you observe folk signs to buy a new wallet, then wealth and wealth will not make yourself wait. It is also necessary to observe signs how to throw away the old wallet to quickly attracted the positive energy of new things!

Do you earn enough?

Check if it applies to you:

  • there is enough money from salary to salary;
  • salary enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take all that goes with great difficulty;
  • all progresses for the service get to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid at work too little.

Perhaps you are damaging for money. Remove the lack of money will help this amulet

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