
What is included in the bank details. Details of the bank account. What is it and how to find out

Each client who opened the score in Sberbank receives the card required for convenient access to money. The map is tied to the score, but her number is completely different. It is often necessary to find out all the details of the card, but he does not know how to do it. In fact, everything is very simple.

Why may need to know the details of the card?

Most often bank details We need to give them to the accounting department at the place of work. Employer will be listed wages On this account. But one card number is not enough. You must specify the full information on the account.

Entrepreneurs, producing non-cash calculations, exchange bank details with their partners. It provides a full-fledged company work or a separate IP. Details of the maps may be needed to private individuals and in other cases.

How to view the details of the card through Sberbank online?

Sberbank online is online banking that allows you to manage your own account via the Internet. A person needs to register in the system. After that, he can use Sberbank online at home: perform various operations and translate money.

To view the details of your card in Sberbank online, you need to log in in your personal account, then find a list of all cards, choose from them you need and click "Information on the map". In a tab with detailed information, the Client should find "Requisites of the Translation Card". There he will see all the necessary information.

Other ways to find out the details of the Sberbank card

If the client is not connected to the Sberbank online system, that is, other ways to find out the record account details:

  • look into the contract that was issued when making a map;
  • call the room free hot line Sberbank: 8-800-555-55-50;
  • visit the nearest branch of the bank, capturing with you a map and a passport;
  • insert a card into an ATM or terminal that supports such a function (click "My payments", and then "details"); You can print data on the check;
  • enter the official Sberbank website and select your region, and then left at the bottom of the page to find the tab "On Bank", go to "Details", and then click on "Checking a 20-digit account"; Here you already need to enter your data and choose "form".

The last method is somewhat complicated, therefore is not popular among the population.

In which case, you can transmit details data?

By doing new job, a person must provide his settlement account in the accounting department to receive wages. It is not possible to transmit this data to your employer, but also necessary. At the same time, the number of a plastic card that is tied to the score, and its other data is not required to transfer wages to the employee.

This information not only does not need to be provided at work, but in general, it is extremely dangerous to disclose, to anyone. If you want to get some kind remittanceFor security reasons, it is recommended not to give the card number and its other data, and inform the balance sheet account in Sberbank.

Who can not be transferred props?

Often, fraudsters are trying to access the secret information of Sberbank customers and other banks. Without the need, no one should report its confidential data. But if the record account details are information that does not benefit fraudsters, then the plastic card number is the data that can be transmitted to anyone with caution. Along with the number it is impossible to report other information.

Malefactors pursue cardholders everywhere. They call on the phone and, telling different bikes all the time, try to put out the secret cards of the card. The bank itself never calls its customers with such issues. Scammers are often represented by Sberbank employees. Customers must show vigilance, not only removing money from an ATM or paying around in the store, but also talking on the phone or rewriting with anyone on the Internet. Fraudsters can hack your friend's account and write from his face.

Security and Privacy Policy

Knowing the map number specified on its front side, the name of the owner, the validity of plastic and secret code CVV2 recorded on the circuit of the card, you can easily steal money from someone else's account. Most online stores provide the opportunity to pay cashless calculationBy entering this data. This is common practice. because plastic card It is necessary to keep with yourself and not to give other people. If the map is lost, then a person should block it and contact the bank for recovery.

Often, messages come on the Internet with a request to specify the details of the card to get some kind of unexpected winnings. Such letters may contain links to be pressed. After switching to them, the client "gives" their data to intruders. The virus collects all passwords from the computer, including from Sberbank online. Fraudsters can take advantage of this.

We are already accustomed to the fact that the calculations in the stores, paying wages and other payments and translations can be performed today using a plastic bank card. Sberbank allows you to remotely manage and control your accounts. Besides expendable Operations On the map you can receive money on it and not only wages, and other translations from third-party organizations.

To transfer to the addressee, it is right and quickly needed all the account details to which the plastic card is attached. Typically, all the necessary information is specified in the Card Treaty, which is subscribed at the time of receipt. Often this information is not available or lost.

In addition to the contract, there are several more ways to find out the necessary data. To do this, you can use any Sberbank self-service device: Sberbank card details via ATM is very simple.

Props on hand in self-service devices

In any branch of the bank or in large shopping centers, stores, in squares and stops, in places of great accumulation of people, you can meet one of the Sberbank self-service devices. In order to find out the information about the map, you can use one of them - it can be a terminal or an ATM. What is the difference and how to print the details of the Sberbank card through an ATM and the terminal, learn later.

ATM - this is a universal self-service device that allows you to perform monetary operations. The device allows you to take and issue bills from the account of plastic cards and perform other non-cash operations and manipulations with a card released in Sberbank. ATMs are equipped with software that allows the client to keep contact with the bank and with a score on which its funds are placed.

Terminal - This is also a device that is equipped with a program that allows you to perform various manipulations, including non-cash operations with a score, payments and translations, even accept cash to the account of a plastic card, but it cannot issue money to the client. But you can get information on the account and plastic card in any of these devices.

Important! In some devices, the names of the menu items will differ depending on which software is built into a particular ATM or payment terminal. The meaning of items and tabs is preserved - to understand the designation is simple.

Detailed instructions for receiving details through bank self-service devices

Consider step by step, how to get the details of the Sberbank card through an ATM:

  1. Insert the map, enter the PIN code.
  2. Select the "My Accounts" item.
  3. In the menu that opens, you need to select the card for which you want to get data. Press it.
  4. The menu opens, select the "Print Requisites" tab.
  5. Next, click "complete the service" and take the map from the device.

ATM will give a check where it will be indicated:

  1. Surname The name and patronymic of the owner of the Sberbank card.
  2. Account number from 20 digits.
  3. OGRN, BIC and INN Bank.
  4. The address and number of the division where the plastic card is served.

Instructions on how to obtain the details of the Sberbank card through an ATM, almost coincides with the one that is intended for the terminal, but there will be insignificant differences in the items and menu tabs.

The procedure with the terminal will be the following:

  1. Insert the map, enter the PIN code (cover the keyboard hand).
  2. Choose the item "Regional Payments and Services".
  3. In the menu that opens, we will need a "search for services and organizations".
  4. Next, select "Printing Details of Maps". The system will issue a check with full data necessary in providing details of the map to the organization.
  5. You must not forget to click "complete the service" and get a map from the device if you do not need further operations.

Every day, using a bank card, people often do not even represent what details are, because to make the simplest operations to enroll or remove money Through ATMs they are not required. However, sooner or later such a situation may occur when necessary full details bank card. How to find out the details of the Sberbank card and why can they need? Most often, complete record details are required for non-cash or for transfers between physical and legal entitiesor to repay loans or to replenish your own contribution.

Speaking of bank card details, you need to know the difference between the concepts of "Details of the Map" and "Banking Discussits of Sberbank".

Bank card details are the data that is partially displayed on the map itself. These include:

Survey: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank as a whole?


  • FULL NAME Latin letters (if it is nominal);
  • month and year of expiration;
  • (directly on the plastic card is not specified).

Bank details of the Sberbank branch are information regarding which the map was issued, and the accounts to which it is attached. This information allows you to perform any operation with the card and with the account. These include:

  • name of the bank (full and abbreviated);
  • Inn Bank is an individual taxpayer number;
  • PPC - Code of the reason for registration;
  • correspondent account number of the bank;
  • the branch number of the bank has the appearance of XXXX / YYYY (where XXXX is the regional bank number, Yyyy - the additional office in the region).

How to find out the details of the Sberbank card

    In the Sberbank branch.

    The easiest way is to contact the nearest branch of the bank. With you, you need to have a bank card and a passport, upon presentation of which a bank employee will issue complete information on details. You can get several instances of printing with bank data cards.

    Online Sberbank.

    If there is access to the Internet and connected, then the details of the card can be viewed in the Personal Account. It will take no more than 5 minutes.

    First you need to log in to your personal account using a personal and password. Due to choose the desired map, Select the Information on the map tab, and then select "Requisites of Translation Card". New window opens detailed information With the details of your card. It can be rewritten or printed.

    Attention: if the card is credit, salary or opened in another territorial bank, then information on facial account It will not be displayed, there will be an empty field. It will be necessary to know the number of the personal account with one of the alternative proposed methods.

  1. Official Sberbank website.

    On the official website, you can find out the details of the territorial bank or full details of their card, if you know the account number and the Inn Bank.

    1st way. On the official website you must first select and install your region, then find the "On Bank" tab. It is located at the bottom of the page on the left. Next to the right of a small list, select the Requisites tab. This opens a new window with the necessary information on the territorial bank.

    2 way. This method allows you to learn the details of the card by the account number. On the official Sberbank website at the bottom of the left, we find the tab "On Bank". Next, in the left menu, we find the "Details" tab, and "Checking a 20-digit account". You must fill out the following data: FULL NAME, INN, or DIRECTION OF THE BANK OF THE BANK, where the map was framed, the 20-digit account number to which the map is tied. Next, click "form" and get information on the details of the map.

    Self-service terminals.

    Sberbank card details can be found through ATMs or terminals that support the appropriate function. To do this, you need to insert a card into the terminal, enter the PIN code, select "My Payments" in the "Account Details" menu. The screen displays all the necessary information. For convenience, details can be printed in the check.

    Thus, if necessary, there are several ways to find out the details of the Sberbank card. This can be done as without leaving the house and is in any place outside the house. Full bank details can only get the owner of the card in the presence of a passport, secret code information and the most plastic card. Such measures are accepted for the safety of Sberbank's customers themselves, as information on the details of the card provides full access To her and its account and allows you to perform any operations.

When making any plastic card, the client is issued a contract and a memo with information for sending and receiving funds. Often it is lost, and then learn the details of the Sberbank card becomes difficult. If the name plastic was obtained, the data is reflected directly on it. Without them, the user will not be able to carry out elementary operations, so it is important to know step-by-step instructionsallowing you to get acquainted with the information quickly.

For what are used

When taking a job, or at the insurance payment, you will have to specify the address of the bank's separation, where the card was issued, as well as the removal of the recipient (consists of 13 characters), FULL NAME and INN. This option brings certain inconveniences, but there are other methods that allow you to take possession of the details faster.

For standard operations through ATMs, the requisites of the Sberbank card are not needed: it is enough to insert it into the device, select the necessary actions, confirming the pressing button by pressing the corresponding button.

Everything is complicated when translated from the current account: complete information from a contract or annex to it is required.

When you may need:

  • Enumeration of funds on plastic to the recipient. If the money is transferred to the account, then information will be needed.
  • Payment transport tax, Conducting other government payments through bank services online.
  • Enrolling money OT. individual Legal and vice versa.
  • Payment for credit or deposit replenishment.

Ideal way - through the site financial institution In the Personal Account, about it just below.

Important! If the client plans to perform operations to pay for services or transfer from its card to a foreign person's card, his own data will not be needed. In the first case, the write-off of money is automatically produced, and in the second there will be enough digits from the recipient plastic. If both sides are connected to a mobile bank, everything is simplified - it will only be necessary for the number of the human phone number to which money is intended. More about this.


Sberbank mobile app

Customers who are using the telephone to make regular operations can familiarize themselves with the information that interests through the mobile application.


  1. Having completed the identification in the Sberbank application (using a password, fingerprint, etc.), go to the main menu.
  2. We choose the plastic and click on the "show".
  3. Save on the phone. If necessary - select sending via SMS to the phone number to which the card is tied.

Sberbank website

If there is no desire to understand mobile application, to find necessary information Really via the Internet. Here you need to do the following:

  1. We go to the page, moving down, find the tab "On the Bank", then go to the "check".
  2. We introduce the Inn, the name, the address of the banking department, where the map was obtained.
  3. Click on the "Shape" button.

As a result, all the details required to make international enumerations will appear on the screen.

If the data of the financial institution itself is required, it is enough to go to the site, select your city, go to the "On Bank" menu and click on "details".

Personal Cabinet Sberbank-Online

The financial institution was developed by Sberbank-online service, allowing to fully control operations through the personal account and produce any actions. The security system is arranged in such a way that enter with social networks It will not work here - you need a personal identifier and password. They are issued after receiving the card.

Instructions How to find out information about Sberbank's map through Sberbank-online service:

  1. Enter password and login.
  2. We choose the section "Information", hereinafter - "details for transfers."
  3. The information you are interested in the screen. If you wish, print.

This is the easiest method, but it is suitable only for those who are already registered in the system. If the identifiers are not yet, they can be obtained through the terminal or an ATM, as well as in the separation of the financial company of the same name.

Sberbank-online allows you to control the balance and track the history of expenditure operations. Bonus to this, customers are available to other functions:

  • Domestic and external translations. Citizens can list funds as themselves between their accounts and cards and other persons, knowing the relevant data.
  • Transfers to the state, individuals or legal entities.
  • Payment for any types of services: cellular, Television, Telephony, Internet, Communal Payments.
  • Lock deposits and cards. Actually, if a person does not want to use more, in order not to charge money for service or in the threat or loss of money as a result of fraudulent actions of third parties.
  • Opening and closing deposits.

To date, the Bank provides several programs with investment capitalization. You can familiarize yourself with more detailed items.

Branch of the Bank

The easiest option as you can find out - to visit the organization serving clients, i.e. Sberbank branch. The method is available for holders of any kinds of debit products (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, the world), as well as for savings account holders.

How to get full data:

  1. Come to the office with a passport and a bank card.
  2. Contact a specialist who will issue everything in printed form after checking the documents.

Clerk can give up to five copies.


To use self-service devices, it is enough to do a few steps:

  1. Insert the card, enter the IDU code.
  2. We choose "My payments", go to "details".
  3. All items will appear on the screen. To preserve them, it is enough to print a check.

For details in an ATM or terminal, only plastic will need.


Unfortunately, get details through mobile BankSimply sending SMS to the standard number 900 - it is impossible, but with the help of this service you can transfer to individuals, only by phone:

  1. We enter the text "Translation 89511473785 500", where 89511473785 is the recipient's telephone, and 500 is the amount that you want to translate it.
  2. If the person who is intended to be money, did not connect the mobile bank, take the numbers from the front side of the plastic.

In addition to the above, by SMS to number 900, you can get information about the balance of the balance, ordering mini-extracts, block plastic in case of loss or theft, replenish the balance of accounts, paying public services, repay monthly loan payments, order autocovers mobile phone Any telecom operator. A more complete instruction is located.

Recretion with credit card

The easiest option where you can see the owner's data - to familiarize yourself with them on plastic. That it indicates:

  • FULL NAME, start date and expiration date of the product, figures.
  • Security code (on the reverse side).

Bank details financial organization Service is a different information that will not be on the plastic:

  • Title and Inn Bank.
  • PPC (Code of the reason for registration) and bik (bank identification code).
  • Correspondent account.
  • The number of the banking department.

A bank plastic card attached to a specific account is very convenient tool Conduct various calculations for goods and services for individuals. To pay for something in stores equipped with bank POS terminals, you do not need cash, but it is enough to have a plastic card of any bank with a sufficient amount of money. It is with the replenishment of the card with cash from various sources a need for the knowledge of accurate bank card details is associated.

What details are needed to replenish the card by bank transfer
By itself, the bank card can not provide you with their details for which money can be credited. You may argue that almost any serious Internet banking allows you to transfer money by card number and even a mobile phone number to which this map Tied. Yes it is. But this is a convenient service that is implemented by the Issuer Bank and is available only for cash transfers from one individual to another.
Legal entities to replenish the card use completely different details of the bank card, namely:
  • 20-digit account number that serves this card;
  • Name of the card holder;
  • Name and details of the Issuer Bank (BIC, INN, CAT, correspondent account).
Note that the Card Pin code does not apply to its details, but is a safety means and should not be known to anyone except the card holder. Even the bank. In the case of his lost, there is no possibility for its recovery, except to re-release the bank card itself.

How to find out the bank card details
Check the bank card details listed above in order to be able to replenish the card through the standard bank transfer, one of the following ways are:

  1. View in the contract for banking services. Before receiving a map, you must have concluded a contract with a service bank, which contains the full bank details of your card. Try to find this treaty and your problem with searching for details will immediately be solved.
  2. Contact the bank with the relevant request. If you can't find your copy of the contract, then you can get card details in the jar. Moreover, in most cases, you will have to contact the department that issued to you. In addition to the card itself, you will need a passport with you. In response to your appeal, a bank employee must print you all the necessary data on your card.
  3. Find the necessary data through the Internet Bank. If the previous item does not suit you, but you have an Internet banking service connected, you can get the details of the card in your personal account. Each Bank has an interface personal Cabinet It is poured, so give some universal recommendations on where it is to seek requisites is not possible. For example, in Sberbank, the details of the map can be obtained by clicking on the map on main page Personal Account, by going to the tab Information on the map in the window that opens and clicking on the link details of the transfer to the card account. After that, you can save the following details in Doc or PDF formats.

  4. By phone hotline. Although the bank card details are not particularly confidential, not all banks can provide similar information on the phone. It all depends on the security policy of a specific bank. In any case, when contacting the bank, you will definitely ask the code word, and probably any additional verification data, such as date of birth, series and number of the passport, the phone number to which the map is attached.
  5. Using an ATM or self-service terminal. You can not learn the details of the bank card by this method. But, if you can try to make an ATM of a bank card nearby with you to do this inserting your card into it by entering the checkpoint and having studied the appropriate menu items. For example, in Sberbank for this, the section My payments will be responsible in which the account details will be. The data displayed all can be printed in the form of a check.
  6. Through the feedback form on the bank's website. This is the slowest way to find out the bank card details, since each of your requests or the question you have to wait for a response to 24 hours exclusively on weekdays. On the site of any bank you can find the feedback form in which you need to enter the goal and the reason for the appeal, address text, specify your personal data, if necessary, attach the necessary files and after sending to wait for an answer via email or SMS.
  7. Using the application for mobile devices. Again, such an opportunity may not be all banks. You will need to select your card on the main page to show your card on the main page and go to the show details.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state