
Details of AK Bars Bank. Details of the bank AK BARS Full name of the bank Ak Bars and Beach

"AK BARS" is a large banking organization that is quite universal. It is equally oriented both to work with individuals and with companies and individual entrepreneurs. On the territory of our state "Ak Bars Bank" occupies high positions, but it is in Tatarstan that he is an undisputed leader. The bank was founded in 1993 and immediately passed all the regulations in Central Bank Russia. To date, the establishment has all the licenses and certificates necessary for banking activities.

Customer base of "Ak Bars Bank" has about three million individuals and seventy thousand enterprises, companies, individual entrepreneurs and others legal entities. According to statistics on October 15, the bank's capital assets are drawn up about 60 billion rubles.


Each bank institution has its own unique dataset, using which customers can pay for various services, loans, etc. Remotely, without the need for personal presence. The details of the bank "Ak Bars" are presented below.

  1. Short title banking organization - PJSC "Ak Bars" Bank.
  2. The main registration number in the State Register – 1021600000124.
  3. Correspondent account – 30101810000000000805.
  4. Beach Bank "Ak Bars" – 049205805.
  5. Inn Bank "AK BARS" – 1653001805.
  6. Code number of the reason for registration – 165601001.
  7. room all-Russian Classifier enterprises and organizations – 13001745.
  8. Legal addressthe Russian Federation, Tatarstan, Kazan city, Decembrist Street House 1.


The main purpose of the above-described identifiers of the banking organization is that with their help you can perform various payments. Knowing props, you can:

  • make a payment on the existing loan;
  • replenish your deposit account;
  • pay bank services;
  • run transfer money other people;
  • pay for anything in foreign currency;
  • top up the balance of the bank card (additional record details will be required), etc.

Other details

The following details are the main dataset with which you can perform almost any monetary manipulation. However, depending on a specific service, you may also need additional data that you can find on:

  • on the official Internet portal "Ak Bars Bank";
  • in any branch, branch and representation;
  • in a concluded with the bank agreement;
  • in the documentation of the plastic card.

Transfer to another bank through AK BARS Online

It is worth noting that every bank that works with several monetary signs foreign countries, has a unique set of details. Each of them is used in manipulations with specific currencies. Accordingly, in order to translate anyone, for example, the euro, you need to use a specific data set for this currency.

JSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Ak Bars "- enough large bank With state participation, which occupies the position of the leader in the market banking services Republic of Tatarstan. The main directions of its activities are lending and settlement and cash services corporate clients, including enterprises state owned, operations S. securities, attraction to the deposits of the population.

Shareholders: 34.45% - Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, 13.6% - Nikolay Karpenko, 11.61% - OJSC TATNEFT, 3.4% - Alexey Plugar, 3.8% - Rail Husnullin, Rustem Likhachev, Rustem Galiacbers The remaining 25.41% of the shares are distributed among minority shareholders.

Chairman of the Board: Robert Minnegalyiyev.

History of the creation and development of the bank

In 1993, the Bank "Ak Bars" was registered in Kazan. Since 1994, he has been authorized Bank Tatarstan Cabinet, and in 1997 became authorized body By storing the gold reserve of the republic. In 2002, the IntercamaBank CB was attached to him, after which the same year "Bars" was transformed into JSC. The main shareholders of the Bank for many years were the largest enterprises in the republic, local extrabudgetary funds and so on. In November 2004, the Bank became a member of the Deposit Insurance System.

The activities of the Bank "Ak Bars" today

Currently, AK BARS is the managing and settlement center of the financial and industrial group of the same name, including 15 enterprises, including production, agricultural, construction, processing, trade structures, as well as mortgage, leasing, insurance and other organizations. The Bank Group includes the Saratov "daughter" - CJSC "KB Naratbank".

The head office of the bank is located in Kazan. The branch network "Ak Bars" includes 44 branches, 13 operating and 227 additional offices, 110 opers and mobile item cash operations. Credit Organization Over 2.9 million individuals are serviced, 54 thousand corporate clients, including the largest exporters of Tatarstan, engineering, chemical, construction, automotive, agro-industrial and trade enterprises, enterprises of the petrochemical and oil and gas complex. Also, the Bank "AK BARS", as the settlement bank of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Cash Service of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic, local government structures and budget organizations. From the issued bank plastic cards There are about 700 thousand units serviced in 900 ATMs in circulation. The number of staff of the bank "Ak Bars" is superior to 6,200 people.

About 100 types of banking services are provided.

Corporate clients are available the following services: lending, RKO, bank guarantees, salary projects, Internet banking, salary overdraft, acquiring, financing investment projects, etc.

Individuals are offered: lending (consumer, mortgage, car loans), money transfersnot requiring the opening of the account ("Golden Crown", Contact, Unistream and Western Union), banking visa cards International and MasterCard Woldwide, operations with securities and precious metals, payment, customized safe cells, depository services, remote banking services etc.

Assets / liabilities

Main part Asset It was distributed as follows:

  • 62% – credit portfolio (75% in its composition are loans that are issued by legal entities, and the rest is retail);
  • 9% - securities portfolio;
  • 5% - GOSBUMAG portfolio;
  • 5% - highly liquid assets.

As part passives The following positions dominate:

  • 42% - funds of enterprises and organizations;
  • 18% - deposits of the population;
  • 16% - bonds and bills issued by the Bank;
  • 12.5% \u200b\u200b- own funds;
  • 7% - attracted MBC.

Introducts for customer accounts - from 400 to 800 billion rubles.

In the market of interbank loans, the Bank "Ak Bars" often acts as a net borrower.

The activities of major Russian banks should know every self-respecting person, since the client of this financial institution He can become almost any day. This information is useful not only in practical terms, but also in terms of expansion of a common outlook. With your knowledge about the specifics of the work of a banking company, you can shine in the circle of friends, relatives, colleagues. Today it will be about the largest similar institution of Tatarstan: we will learn the bik of AK BARS Bank and other details, get acquainted with the list of services provided.

About Bank

The company was founded almost immediately after the collapse of the USSR - in 1993. Since 1997, the official authorized authority for the storage of the Gold Reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan has acquired the status of a joint-stock company since 2002. As a result, today the shareholders of the institution serve 12 companies and 18 individuals.

Valery Sorokin is Chairman of the Board of Directors today, the Board is headed by Robert Minnegaliyev.

In addition to offices, financial organization There is a formal site that allows customers not to experience any inconvenience when using the service.


Basic species pJSC activities AK BARS Bank is lending to individuals and legal entities, cash-based cash services. The organization finances investment projectsis invested in the construction of objects commercial real estateoffers acquiring services, salary overdraft and Internet banking for legal entities.

In relation to private clients, operations with securities and precious metals, payments, remote maintenance, etc.

AK BARS Bank provides various financial services to individuals and legal entities.

Customer reviews

The advantages of cooperation with S. banking company Her clients see profitable debit and credit proposals, good interest rates, as well as the reliability proven during many years of fruitful work, and the possibility of remote service.

Disadvantages are, rather, personal character: potential depositors and borrowers do not like the low service speed in the departments, a small number of offices in individual cities.

Bank details

Details of PJSC AK BARS Bank look like this:

  1. Full name: Public Joint-stock company "Joint stock Commercial Bank AK BARS".
  2. Registration date in the registry of the Central Bank: November 29, 1993.
  3. Registration number: 1021600000124.
  4. Actual I. legal address: Kazan, Decembrists Street, House 1.
  5. Inn Bank Ak Bars: 1653001805.
  6. PPC: 165601001.
  7. Beach: 049205805.

We presented the information that would be enough for a detailed acquaintance with the specifics and history of the company. You can learn more about the organization in more detail by entering its official website and spending a few minutes of free time to study the content of this information Internet resource.

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