
38.03 01 Economy Profile Finance and Credit. Legal addresses

On FDO Tusur I received the second higher education. Translated into Tusur from another university, in which he studied at the evening office, but not always enough time to visit classes and the quality of study fell noticeably. On the possibility of obtaining higher education, remotely learned from his acquaintances, and I decided to transfer to the university, where there are correspondence training with remote educational technologies. Having examined the proposals of such universities, I chose on Tusura, because, firstly, I heard a lot about him, and secondly, my relative, working in the scientific sphere and responding about him as a university with high quality learning .

During the translation process there were many questions and I would like to note that invaluable assistance and the support that my curator Tatyana Andreevna Panova helped me, she always promoted me at a high professional level.

The Faculty of Distance Learning fully justified my expectations. It is very valuable for me that it is possible to compile your learning schedule, which takes into account the individual needs and the possibilities of each student. After the first semester of training, I even convinced my spouse to translate to distance learning.

The main advantages of distance learning on FDO, in my opinion, are:

  • flexible learning schedule: there is no certain time when the student must be at the computer;
  • available teaching materials to which there are always access from personal Cabinet the student and to which you can turn on when performing control and term papers;
  • responsive curator and other FDO experts who are always ready to help;
  • qualitative and very detailed consultations in front of the state exam, thanks to which the majority of FDO students passed the state storage successfully.

I am very pleased with my choice and the results of my studies on FDO Tusur.

To read

By the time I started, I already occupied the position of I.O. The head of the department of organizational development in the JSC "Mining and Metallurgical Concern" Kazakhstanity "(Kazzoloto), which is engaged in the exploration, mining and processing of ores containing precious metals.

My department is developing regulatory and methodological documents (instructions, positions) for the enterprise, forms the annual financial statements (ESSO) on a unified system, and FDO learning to me in a professional plan helped a lot. I graduated from Tusur in 2011 with a red diploma.

I am immensely grateful to your teachers with FDO! To read

In the modern, dynamically developing world, the deposit of success is continuous development. However, it is often enough difficult to find the possibility of obtaining serious basic education, which combines this process with the main labor activity. For me, the optimal solution was distance learning in Tusura.

By developing the economic system and while studying in Tusura in parallel, I went through my company the path from the younger developer to the leader of the developers team. I am confident, the knowledge gained by me in Tusura helped and will help me further professional activity. To read

About the Faculty of Distance Learning, I learned from my friend, who suggested to me that in Kyzyl there is an office of the FDO Tusur regional partner, which can advise on receipt and help arrange documents. I liked to learn remotely - I do not need to go beyond the limits of my native region, there is no need to pay for tickets and a hotel, as at sessions in training in absentia.

I did not meet any particular difficulties in the process of study, I received new knowledge with pleasure. I wish you success and further flourishing FDO Tusur!

To read

Before entering the Faculty of distance learning Tusura, I was engaged in management in practical medicine, but in the context of reforming and transitioning health care market relationsI had a need for additional economic knowledge. Distance learning In Tusura, without separating from production to receive versatile knowledge and improve the qualifications, acquire practical skills in the field of information technology, immediately applying them in their work.

During the training, together with the teachers of the Department of Economics, we have developed a number of business projects that have already been implemented and successfully function in medical institutions.

After receiving a diploma, I work as a deputy chief doctor economic issues. I understand that in Tusura, I have acquired not only knowledge and skills, but also the ability to threaten and progressively think, the ability to analyze and make decisions.

I want to express tremendous thanks to teachers, FDO employees for professionalism and wish them all the best! To read

  1. Economic and Statistical Analysis own capital commercial Bank.
  2. Economic and Statistical Analysis loan portfolio Commercial Bank.
  3. Economic and statistical assessment of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank.
  4. Economic and Statistical Analysis credit Policy Commercial Bank.
  5. Economic and statistical assessment of liquidity in the system of financial management of a commercial bank.
  6. Economic and statistical analysis of the competitiveness of a commercial bank at the regional credit services market.
  7. Economic and statistical assessment of credit risks in a commercial bank.
  8. Economic and statistical assessment of the activities of a commercial bank.
  9. Economic and statistical analysis of the efficiency of use of resources of a commercial bank.
  10. Economic and statistical analysis of the liquidity and solvency of the commercial bank.
  11. Economic and statistical assessment of the effectiveness of the operations of a commercial bank with securities.
  12. Economic and statistical assessment of the reliability of a commercial bank.
  13. Economic and Statistical Assessment financial Sustainability national banking system.
  14. Economic and Statistical Retail Efficiency Evaluation banking services.
  15. Economic and statistical assessment of interest rate income of a commercial bank.
  16. Economic and statistical assessment of the efficiency of leasing in the activities of commercial banks.
  17. Economic and statistical analysis of financial services of a commercial bank.
  18. Economic and statistical analysis of profits of non-profit insurance organizations.
  19. Economic and statistical analysis of non-cash monetary turnover Commercial Bank.
  20. Economic and Statistical Assessment of Market Development Trends valuable papers (On the example of the region, the Russian Federation).
  21. Economic and Statistical Dynamics Analysis currency transactions Commercial Bank.
  22. Economic and statistical study of banking services (on the example of a commercial bank).
  23. Economic and Statistical Study of Social Insurance (on the example of an enterprise, region, the Russian Federation).
  24. Economic and statistical assessment of bank credit operations.
  25. Economic and Statistical Study interest rates (On the example of the region, the Russian Federation).
  26. Economic and Statistical Study mortgage lending (On the example of the region, the Russian Federation).
  27. Economic and statistical study of the development of electronic payment systems.
  28. Economic and statistical study of international monetary and credit and financial organizations.
  29. Economic and statistical assessment of inflation.
  30. Economic and statistical study of the budget revenue (on the example of the region, the Russian Federation).
  31. Economic and Statistical Assessment of Tax Load Indicators consolidated budget (on the example of the region).
  32. Economic and Statistical Assessment public debt (On the example of the region, the Russian Federation).

Main literature

  1. Demographics and statistics of the population: textbook I ed. I.I. Eliseeva. -M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006. - 688 p.
  2. Course of socio-economic statistics: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. MG Nazarova. - M.: Finstatinform, 2002. - 976 p.
  3. Regional statistics: Tutorial / Ed. E.V. Zarkova, G.I. Cudilino. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006. - 624 p.
  4. Ryabushkin, B.T. Basics of finance statistics: studies. Manual / B.T. Ryabushkin. - M.: Finstatinform, 2003. - 80 s.
  5. Salin, V. N. Socio-economic statistics: Tutorial / V.N. Salin, E.P. Shpakovskaya * - M.: Lawyer, 2001. - 461 p.
  6. Social statistics: textbook / ed. I.I. Eliseeva. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - 480s.
  7. Economic statistics: Tutorial. / Ed. Yu.N. Ivanova. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. ^ M.: Infra-M, 2008. - 736 p.

additional literature

  1. Burtseva S.A. Finance statistics: Tutorial for students of universities, students: "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", " World economy"/ Burtseva S. A.; REC.: Kaf. Macroeconomic, International Statistics and National Accounts,
  2. V.M. Teeth; Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanova; UMOs of universities in Russian education in the field of finance and loan, accounting, audit and global economy. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004 - 288 p.
  3. Godin A.M. Statistics: Tutorial for higher students educational institutionsStudying on economic specials. and directions / m. Godin; Retch: A.M. Frenkel, S.D. Ilyenkova; MO RF. - 2nd ed. Recycling .. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2004 - 470 s.
  4. Gusarov V.M. Statistics: Tutorial For universities. - M.: UNITY DANA, 2001.
  5. Report on the development of human potential in Russian Federation. 2002/2003 / Ed. S. N. Bobylev. - M.: The whole world, 2003.- 136 p.
  6. Eliseeva I.I. General Statistics Theory: Textbook / I.I. Eliseeva, M. M. Yuzbashev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. - 656 p.
  7. Efimova M.R. Social statistics: studies. Manual / M.R. Efimova, S.G. Bychkov. M: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 560 p.
  8. Makarova N.V. Statistics in Excel: Tutorial for students studying in the specialty 061700 "Statistics" and other specialties / Makarova N.V., Trophimets V.Ya.; REC. L.G. Batrakov; UMOs of the Russian Universities in Education in Applied Informatics, statistics and mathematical methods in the economy. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003 - 366 p.
  9. Oktyabrsky P.Ya. Statistics: Tutorial for university students studying on specials. 061700 "Statistics" / Oktyabrsky P.I.; MO RF. - M.: Prospekt, 2005 - 328 p.
  10. Ryabushkin B.T. National Accounts and Economic Balances: Workshop. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. - 256 p.
  11. Social statistics: textbook / ed. I.I. Eliseeva. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. - 479 p.
  12. Social status and standard of living of the population of Russia. 2004: Stat.SB - M.: Rosstat, 2004. - 509 p.
  13. Finance statistics: Tutorial for students of universities, students in the specialty "Statistics"; Hands. Auto collective and scientific ed. MG Nazarov; Retch: L.M. Gokhberg, B.I. Bars; M-in education and science of the Russian Federation., Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia" (subprogram "Support for printing and book publishing of Russia"). - M.: Omega-L, 2005 - 461 p.
  14. Finance Statistics: Educational and Methodical Complex for Open Education Institute for Spec.: 060400 "Finance and Credit", 060500 "Accounting and Audit", 351200 "Taxes and Taxation", 061000 "State and Municipal Management"; Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation; Ed. V.N. Salina. - M.: FA under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2004-118 p.
  15. Statistics: Tutorial for students of universities studying for economic specialties and areas; L.P. Kharchenko, G. Kolova, V.G. Ionin et al.; Ed. V.G. Ionina; MO RF. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. * - M.: Infra-M, 2005 - 384 s.: Table .. ^ (Higher Education)
  16. Statistics: Tutorial for students of universities studying for economic specialties and areas; MO RF. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and additional .. - M.: Infra-M, 2001 - 384 s.: Table .. - (Higher education)
  17. Statistics Theory: Tutorial / Ed. R.A. Schmeylova. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. - 656 p.
  18. Shimko P.D. Statistics: Study Guide for students studying on specials. 060800 Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry) / Shimko P.D., Vlasov MP; Retch: N.K. Smirnova, B.C. Kabaki; At the MO of universities in Russia for education in the field of management. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2003 - 447 p.


In the direction of 38.03.01 "Economics" Profile "Finance and Credit"

Methodical instructions

Volgograd 2017.


cand. ECON. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Maeet

Evstratov A.V.

Published by the decision of the editorial and publishing council of the Volgograd State Technical University

Ezangin I.A.

Production practice in the direction of 38.03.01 "Economics" Profile "Finance and Credit": Methodical instructions / Ezangin I.A. / VolgGTU.- Volgograd, 2017.- 33c.

The methodological instructions identified the goals and objectives of the undergoing production practice, its content and structure is presented, the procedure for the passage is determined, the recommendations on its passage, as well as the requirements for issuing a final report and its protection.

Methodical instructions are intended for students and listeners studying in the direction of 38.03.01 "Economics" Profile "Finance and Credit" full-time and correspondence form learning.

© Ezangin I.A., 2017

© Volgograd State

technical University, 2017

General provisions

Type of practice: Production practice. Production practice is an integral part of The educational process provided for by GEF in the direction of training of bachelors 38.03.01 "Economics" Profile of preparation "Finance and Credit".

Type of practice: Practice to receive professional skills and experience of professional activities.

Industrial practice is a type of training sessions directly focused on professional-practical training of students, as well as testing for the training of specific professional competencies in the field of finance management.

Practice is based on the results of the training practice (practices for obtaining primary professional skills and skills, including primary skills and research skills), as well as training in the following curriculum disciplines: "Finance and Credit", "Tax Policy", " Financial investments"," Enterprise Economy "," Methods of Financial Claims "," Enterprise Economics ".

Production practice (practice to receive professional skills and experiences of professional activity) creates a basis for the passage of pre-diploma practices and studying the following disciplines of the curriculum: "Banks and banking activities", "Banking management", "Accounting and operating activities in a bank", "Economic Security "

Objectives and objectives of production practice

The main purpose of the practice program is the consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge obtained in the learning process, the implementation of the student's adaptive capabilities to new working conditions, as well as the development of skills and mastering by professional knowledge necessary in the field of state and municipal finance, finance of credit and insurance organizations, business entities real sectors Economy.

This species Practices solves the following tasks:

1. Study financial structure Organizations, functions and methods of budgeting, document management in the organization;

2. Fastening the skills of calculating the most important economic indicators;

3. Systematization and analysis of collected materials, the development of recommendations for improving the forms of financing, credit activities of the organization;

4. Formation of the skills of economic and financial Analysis;

5. Preliminary choice of direction, within which the exhaust work of the bachelor will be carried out;

6. Strengthening business contacts of the University and Practice Base Enterprises.

Terms and duration of industrial practice

Production practice (practices for receiving professional skills and experience of professional activity) is discretely held on time, established by the curriculum, in the 7th semester of the 4th year, duration - from 15.09-30.11.2017.

Organization of practice

GEF in the direction of training 38.03.01 "Economics" provides for stationary (in the organization located in Volgograd) and the exit (the object of practice is located in the Volgograd region, on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation) methods of practice.

Form of practice: in the profile organization. The practice program involves passing by its students in financial and credit institutions, in industrial enterprises, in trade, construction, transport organizations, companies, corporations, joint Stock Company, Limited Liability Societies, Holding.

In order to qualitatively passing students of industrial practice (practices for receiving professional skills and experience of professional activities), it is organized where there are independent financial departments (management, departments), or there are divisions (groups) on financial management as part of other services (Economic Department , accounting, etc.). In the event that there are no financial departments, practice focuses on those workplaces where financial work is performed.

As databases, practitioners can also speak non-commercial organizations, public authorities and local self-government, non-governmental and public organizations, academic and departmental research institutions, non-government research funds, consulting and investment companies.

The educational department, the Deanate and the Department define the practice of practice on the basis of an agreement concluded between the university and the organization-based practice. The draft treaty is developing the university training department (Appendix 1). The contract defines the conditions for the passage of practice. Agreement can be issued as a group of students and individually (Appendix 2).

The student independently chooses the company - the database of practice, having coordinated this choice with the department, dean, representing the warranty with the enterprise, confirming the consent of the management of the enterprise to adopt a student to practice and provide conditions for its passage (Appendix 3). If a warranty writing was provided to the department, the individual or collective agreement is not issued! The form of the warranty letter Most of the group has provided in June to the department.

The department distributes students to practice databases on the basis of a contract or letter - applications and draws up an order to practice.

Guide Practica

Based on the goals and objectives of industrial practice, the student must master the specific professional skills and skills (competencies): OPK-2, OPK-3, PC-5, PC-6, PC-7, PC-8.

Depending on the type of organization-base, the directions of its activities, the content of stages and specific tasks in practice may be different. Approximate stages contents as follows:

Stage 1. Preparatory: Execution of the pass, a general acquaintance with the company. Passing the introductory safety instruction, familiarization with the rules of the internal regulation of the organization. Discussion of the individual plan of practice, performing an individual task. Familiarization with the history of the organization's development (year of creation, goals, activities, organizational and legal form). Description of the industry, the sphere in which the company is functions.

Stage 2. Experimental stage: familiarization with the structure of financial or planning economic services, official duties of specialists in organizing finance commercial organizations. Acquaintance with the organization of settlements of a commercial organization with suppliers, contractors and buyers. Drawing up a list of major debtors and creditors for the production and commercial activities of the organization. Consideration of channels for the sale of goods, works and services in the organization, sales prices and legal regulation relevant commercial relations. Acquaintance with the procedure for calculating profits from sales, the composition of non-dealerization and other revenues and expenses, as well as the definition of the sum of the total (balance) profit per month (quarter). Identify the main areas of use of the actual profit of a commercial organization during the year. Study of the composition and structure current assets and current liabilities of a commercial organization. Familiarization with the main directions of operational work at the enterprise to regulate their own working capital. Analysis of the structure long-term investments and sources of their financial support. Identifying the main suppliers of a commercial organization and the study of documents necessary for calculations on capital investments. Familiarization with the terms of long-term lending to capital investments and their documentary design. Studying the mechanism of using financial leasing.

Study of the procedure for building a relationship between a commercial organization with state and municipal budgets. Familiarization with the procedure for calculating and paying taxes in the federal, territorial and municipal budgets. Building a list of non-bank financial and credit institutions involved in financial activities commercial organizations Enterprises.

3 stage. Final Stage: Processing and analysis of information received. Detection financial problemsrequiring solutions in the organization. Development of proposals for the financial sustainability management of the organization, measures to increase its solvency, profitability, business activity, etc. Registration of the practice report. Representation of the report to the head of the practice from the enterprise, passing it with his head of practice from the university. Registration of documents on the passage of practice in the enterprise.

To study the state and prospects for the development of production and economic and financial activities; study of the main economic indicators of the organization's work; analysis of personnel composition of an enterprise or structural unit; drafting schemes reflecting production and organizational structure Organizations, filling in analytical tables, etc., for the successful implementation of the tasks of the practice stages, the student should be used annual reporting Organizations on production and economic and financial activities, balance sheet, conclusions of auditors, annual reports and other planned, reporting forms and working documents of the organization that do not constitute a commercial mystery over the past 3-5 years.

It is important to collect data for a qualified analysis of a particular problem directly related to the implementation of an individual task. Sources of information at this stage can serve as documents (reports, archives, publications, etc.), both domestic and external, as well as data obtained by polling members of the organization (surveys, interviewing) and personal observations of travelers. All this can be the basis of the student report on the practice, the basis for writing the graduation qualification work of the bachelor.

The head of the practice from the university or enterprise can be made changes and additions to the definition of stages, in the tasks at each of the stages depending on the characteristics of the organization - the practice of practice.

At the final stage of practice (approximately for 3 working days), there is a summary of the practice, analysis of the results obtained, registration of the report and the end of the practice of practice in the organization.

On the eve of the exit production work Each student is issued a sheet of task for practice (Appendix 4). Key Moment When filling in the form of a task is to indicate an individual task, taking into account the scientific interests formed in the process of studying, as well as the estimated topics of the exhaust qualification work of the bachelor's work, the features of the organization-base of practice, availability and practical possibility of collecting source information for its implementation. Approximate subject Individual tasks are developed by the department, can be adjusted during the passage of practice.

Example of a list of individual tasks for the report (Practice Object - Credit Organization):

1. Give the characteristic of the bank or non-bank credit organization, based:

· The organizational and legal foundations of their institution and development (emergence and evolution, place in modern banking system, functions, change in structure: due to the concentration of assets, consolidation by fusion, transformation, etc.);

· Type of activity (bank / universal, type of specialized / type of non-banking institute and the overall characteristics of the specifics of their activities);

· Places in the system of credit institutions in the context of the deficit of the spheres of a highly fundal application of capital and real investment opportunities;

· Organizational and legal form of a commercial bank;

· Specify the basic legal documents regulating the activities of this organization and its divisions ( federal laws, standards, instructions, position);

· Submit the production structure of the Bank or non-banking institute and the organization of its structural divisions (management structure, its divisions, the scheme of interaction of services, their subordination and coinlaughter).

2. Assess the organizational and economic level of the Bank or non-bank credit institution on the components of its elements:

· Volume and state of resources;

· Size own funds (capital);

· The size of the attracted deposits of legal and individuals;

· Asset amount;

· The magnitude of loan debt;

· The magnitude of the income received;

· Profitability (profitability) of assets / capital.

3. To explore the activities of a particular structural division of the Bank or non-bank credit institution. The coverage of the activities of the structural unit (for example, a credit department) involves the disclosure of the complex of issues:

· to give overall characteristic Division activities (name, place in general System Creation of the Bank or non-banking credit institution, the dynamics of operations development, their types and effectiveness);

· Show control system and units (control frame circuit, personnel equipment);

· Light content regulatory documentsdefining the procedure for conducting operations;

· Examine the practice of organizing credit relations bank with customers:

The procedure for receiving an application for a loan;

Methods for analyzing the financial situation of the borrower and evaluation credit risk;

The procedure for making a decision on the issuance of a loan (personal solutions, a loan committee);

Procedure for compilation loan contracts and pledge agreements;

Work economist for issuing a loan and tracking loan;

Analysis of the loan portfolio, the calculation of reserves for coverage of credit risk;

Features of the provision of certain types of loans (one-time, target loans; credit lines, overdraft);

The procedure for establishing interest rates on loan operations of the Bank;

Organization of issuance and repayment of interbank loans.

4. Reveal the features of risk management in a credit organization:

· Ways to assess and manage risks in banking;

· Methods for resolving risks and conflicts of interests arising from combination different species Activities.

5. Examine the role of software in the search, collection, storage and processing of financial information in a credit institution.

Registration of the results of practice

According to the results of the practice, the student is obliged to submit to the department: a diary; practice report; Features characteristic of the head of the practice from the organization, certified by the signature of the head of practice and the printing of the organization-based practice.

The main document of the student during the passage of production practices characterizing and confirming its passage is a diary (Appendix 5), which reflects the current work of the student in the process of practice:

Arrival and disposal of the organization - Practice Base;

Familiarization with the rules of the internal regulation of the organization, the passage of safety instruction and labor protection;

Calendar Plan and Content of Practice Tasks, a mark on performing the tasks of the practice program with an assessment of the completeness and level of their implementation;

Fulfillment of an individual task in practice;

a brief description of and evaluation of the student's work as an intern during practice by the head of the practice of the enterprise.

The diary volume is not more than 1-2 pages of typewritten text. At the end of the practice, a properly decorated diary, signed by the student and the head of practice from the enterprise, surrendered together with the report and forms the task of verifying the practice manager from the university, which issues an assessment and transfers these documents to the person responsible for organizing the practice. These documents are the basis for the admission of a student to a test for industrial practice.

At the end of production practice, the student must submit a written individual report on the Economics and Finance Department of Enterprises. The basic requirements for its content and design are reflected in these methodological instructions. The report reflects the work done during practice and must contain 25-30 pages of the machine-visiting text of the A4 format (210x297mm). Font - TNR, 14, 1.5th interval, fields: upper - 1.5; left - 3; Lower-2; Right - 1. paragraph indent - 1.25.

A properly executed practice report is printed and fastened, signed by a student. The report must be acquainted with the organization's head of the organization, after which it gives a written feedback (characteristic) on the execution of the practice student. This review in brief form is drawn up in the diary of the trainee, is assigned by the signature of the manual of practice from the enterprise and the seal of the organization, as well as the report.

Thus, a production practice report should include the following elements:

1. The title page (application 6) - the sheet is not numbered.

2. Task for practice (Appendix 4) - the sheet is not numbered.

3. Production practice diary with title leaf - Pages are not numbered.

4. Feedback feedback (Appendix 8) - the sheet is not numbered.

6. Introduction - reflects the goal, task, object, the subject of production practice (can be taken from the introduction of data methodical instructions). Practice object - financial activities Enterprises (bank, budget organization). The subject of practice is for example, the active operations of the credit institution, the financial results of the enterprise, planning features in the budget organization. The subject of practice should be shown with the theme of graduation work.

7. The characteristic of the organization is the place of practice (the first paragraph of an individual task).

8. The practical results obtained by the student in the process of performing the stages of practice (second and third paragraphs) of an individual task).

9. Conclusion.

10. List of used sources and literature.

11. Applications (sheets are not numbered).

In the practice report, the material must be distributed in separate chapters (stages). Chapters may contain subsections (disclosure of the assignments of the steps), which should be reflected in the content of the report. After completing each task, proposals and conclusions should be clearly formulated.

All illustrative material can be represented by tables and patterns (diagrams, diagrams, flowcharts, etc.), which must have the appropriate number and name. The drawings should be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page, they should be numbered by Arabic numbers with ordinance numbering within the entire document or partition. In the latter case, the pattern number will be composite: partition number and, via a point, the sequence number of the pattern in it (for example, 2.1.). The text should have references to existing tables and drawings and other graphic material. Regulatory and reference documentation and reporting of the enterprise is drawn up as applications that should also have through the numbering of Arabic numbers. Each application should be started with a new sheet indicating the word "application" in the upper right corner, its sequence number (without sign no); It must have a thematic title, reflecting the content of this application, made by capital letters. The report text must be referenced to applications.

The list of references used includes a list of sources, including legislative and regulatory acts, scientific and educational literature, periodicals, publications in foreign languages, addresses of Internet sites, regulatory and reference documentation and reporting of an enterprise (as a whole, at least 15 sources). The text of the production practice report and applications require references to all used literary sources.

Attachment 1

Treaty number ____________

volgograd ____________________

We, the undersigned, , referred to as the "University", reploring the rector Lysak V. I. , , one side, _________________________________________________________________________________________,

(name of company)

acting on the basis __________________________________________________________________________________________ ,

1. The organization undertakes:

1.1. Provide the university in accordance with the attached schedule of practice (educational, industrial, pre-diploma) students _______________________________________ .

1.6. If necessary, to organize for students-trainees by the forces of leading specialists in the organization of lectures on the problems of interest, excursions in order to more complete acquaintance of travelers with the organization.

1.7. Provide student student practitioners and teachers of the University of Practice - the opportunity to use technical documentation, drawings, technical classes, the library necessary for the successful development of students of the practice program and the fulfillment of individual tasks.

1.8. In accordance with the practice schedule agreed with the university, if necessary, movement of students on workplaces in order to more complete acquaintance of travelers with the organization.

1.9. All cases of violation by students of labor discipline and the rules of the organization of the organization to report to the university. At the end of the practice, give a characteristic about the work of each student-trainee and the quality of the report prepared by him.

1.10. Issue to student trains drawn up reports in practice.

2. University undertakes:

2.1. One month before the start of the practice, to submit an organization to coordinate the program and a schedule of practice.

2.2. A week before the start of the practice, to present the organization a list of students sent to practice.

2.3. Send to the organization of students on time, corresponding to the schedule of practice.

2.4. Allocate the most qualified professors, associate professors and teachers as executives.

2.5. If necessary, to develop and coordinate with the organization the thematic plan for the organization of lectures, excursions, training sessions at this database.

2.6. If necessary, before sending to practice, conduct a medical examination of all students (in coordination with the organization at the conclusion of contracts).

2.7. Ensure verification and control over quality assurance of labor protection, as well as timely and correct issuance of protection and safety devices.

2.8. To ensure adherence to students of labor discipline and the rules of the internal labor regulation, mandatory for employees of this organization.

2.9. If necessary, provide employees of the organization to managers to the practice of students - methodological assistance in organizing and conducting practice.

2.10. To participate in the investigation by the Commission for the Organization of Accidents that occurred with students-travelers, in accordance with the Regulations on the peculiarities of investigating accidents in production in individual industries and organizations.

Responsibility of the parties.

3.2. All disputes arising between the parties under this Agreement are permitted in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Term of this Agreement: __________________________________________________ .

Volgograd State Technical University

Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Schedule Practice of University Students

on the ________________________________________________________________________________________

6 . Signatures of the parties:

University Organization

______________/_____________________ _____________________/_________________

"________" ________________ 20__. "__________" ____________________ 20__.

Appendix 2.

Treaty No. ___________

volgograd _______________________ g.

We, the undersigned, Volgograd State Technical University, referred to in the future "University", reploring the rector Lysaka V.I. , existing on the basis of the Charter , one side, __________________________________________________________________________________________ ,

(name of company)

hereinafter referred to as "Organization", represented by _________________________________________________________________________________,

(surname, and., Oh., position)

acting on the basis _________________________________________________________________________________________ ,

(Charter, orders, power of attorney, etc.)

on the other hand, in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for the practice of students of VolgGTU" concluded a treaty among themselves:

1. The organization undertakes:

Provide students (y) ________________________________________________________________________________________

places (o) for passing (educational, production, pre-diploma) practice for free.

1.2. Provide students to meet the conditions of safe work during the period of practice. Consider compulsory labor protection and safety instructions with the design of established documentation, in the necessary cases to train student student engines to safe work methods. If necessary, provide students at the time of practice by means of protection and safety devices for established standards.

1.3. Render urgent medical care With an accident that happened in the organization. Investigate the Commission together with the University representative and to be taken into account in the organization of accidents that have occurred with university students during practice, in accordance with the provision on the peculiarities of investigating accidents in industrial industries and organizations.

1.4. Create the necessary conditions To fulfill students practice. To prevent the use of student trains in the posts not provided for by the Program of Practice and are not related to the specialty of students.

1.5. Assign qualified specialists to guide practice in units (workshops, departments, laboratories, etc.) of the organization.

1.6. Provide student student practitioners and teachers of the University of Practice - the opportunity to use technical documentation, drawings, technical classes, the library necessary for the successful development of students of the practice program and the fulfillment of individual tasks.

1.7. In accordance with the practice schedule agreed with the university, if necessary, movement of students on workplaces in order to more complete acquaintance of travelers with the organization.

1.8. All cases of violation by students of labor discipline and the rules of the organization of the organization to report to the university. At the end of the practice, give a characteristic about the work of each student-trainee and the quality of the report prepared by him.

1.9. Issue to student trains drawn up reports in practice.

2. University undertakes:

2.1. To send students to the "Organization" on the deadlines provided for by the practice schedule.

2.2. Allocate the most qualified professors, associate professors and teachers as executives.

2.3. Ensure verification and control over quality assurance of labor protection, as well as timely and correct issuance of protection and safety devices.

2.4. To ensure compliance with students of the work discipline and the rules of the internal employment schedule, mandatory for employees of this "organization".

2.5. If necessary, to provide employees of the "organization" - managers of students' practice - methodological assistance in its conduct.

2.6. To participate in the investigation by the Commission for the Organization of Accidents that occurred with students-travelers, in accordance with the Regulations on the peculiarities of investigating accidents in production in individual industries and organizations.

Responsibility of the parties.

3.1. The parties are responsible for the failure to fulfill their responsibilities for the organization and practice of students in accordance Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, "Regulations on the procedure for the practice of students of VolgGTU" and the current safety regulations.

3.2. All disputes arising between the parties under this Agreement are permitted in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Term of this Agreement: ________________________________

4. Legal addresses of the parties:

Volgograd State Technical University

legal address: prospekt them. V.I. Lenin, 28, Volgograd, 400005

phones: 23-00-76 Rector Rector, 24-80-54 Educational Department

Organization: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Schedule Practice of University Students

on the____________________________________________________________________________________

6 . Signatures of the parties:

University Rector _____________________________

Head of the organization _____________________________

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budgetary educational institution

higher education

Volgograd State Technical University

Faculty of Engineering Training

Department "Economics and Finance of Enterprises"


Head of the Department

D.E., Professor

Sazonov S.P.

_______________ ______________________

(signature) (deciphering the signature)

"___" ____________ 201g.


on the production work

Student _______________________________ Group ________________

(Full Name)

1. Examine ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Develop _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Produce _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Found 319 records

Lyashenko Alexander Vladimirovich. Development of areas of improving the effectiveness of the organization (on materials of AVS-ELEKT LLC)

Lyashenko A. V.

Development of areas of increasing the effectiveness of the organization's activities (on materials of AVS-ELEKT LLC): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of preparation 38.03.01 - Economy, focus (profile) "Finance and Credit" / A. V. Lyashenko; Hands. O. V. Barsukova. - Orel: [b. And.], 2020. - 88 p.

Yelena Alena Aleksandrovna. Development of a set of measures to improve the financial stability of the enterprise (on materials of PJSC "INGRAD")

Burykina E. A.

Development of a set of measures to improve the financial stability of the enterprise (on materials of PJSC INGRAD): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economics, orientation (profile) "Finance and Credit" / E. A. Burykin; Hands. O. V. Barsukova. - Orel: [b. and.], 2020. - 93 s.

Vlasenko Ivan Vitalyevich. Improving the financial results of the enterprise (on materials of the Bolkhovsky plant of semiconductor devices JSC, Oryol region, Bolkhov)

Vlasenko I.V.

Improving the management system financial results Enterprises (on materials of the Bachkovsky plant of semiconductor devices JSC, Oryol region, Bolkhov): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economy, orientation (profile) "Finance and Credit" / I. V. Vlasenko; Hands. V. V. Gondin. - Orel: [b. And.], 2020. - 110 s.

Adamina Anastasia Aleksandrovna. Improving enterprise assets management (on the materials of the collective farm "50 years of October")

Adamine A.A.

Improving the assets management of an enterprise (on the materials of the collective farm "50 years of October"): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economy, orientation (profile) "Finance and Credit" / A. A. Adamine; Hands. O. V. Barsukova. - Orel: [b. and.], 2020. - 99 p.

Rasvaeva Victoria Aleksandrovna. Product Policy of the Bank on the retail market (on materials of the VTB Bank (PJSC))

Rodoweva V. A.

The product policy of the bank in the retail market (on the materials of the VTB Bank (PJSC)): the graduation qualifying work (WRC) of the bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economics, the focus (profile) "Finance and Credit" / V. A. Reluva; Hands. O. V. Barsukova. - Orel: [b. and.], 2020. - 112 p.

Ivanitskaya Ekaterina Andreevna. Improving the development strategy of a commercial bank based on the introduction of promising forms of lending (on materials of PJSC "Sovcombank")

Ivanitskaya E. A.

Improving the strategy for the development of a commercial bank based on the introduction of promising forms of lending (on the materials of PJSC "Sovcombank"): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economy, orientation (profile) "Finance and Credit" / E. A. Ivanitskaya; Hands. V. V. Gondin. - Orel: [b. and.], 2020. - 85 s.

Vlasova Victoria Sergeevna. Organization of the work of a commercial bank to attract funds of the population (on materials of PJSC "Sovcombank")

Vlasova V. S.

Organization of the work of a commercial bank to attract money population (on materials of PJSC "Sovcombank"): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economy, orientation (profile) "Finance and Credit" / V. S. Vlasova; Hands. V. V. Gondin. - Orel: [b. and.], 2020. - 102 p.

Crinic Ivan Aleksandrovich. Directions of increasing the financial sustainability of the insurance company (on the materials of JSC "SOGAZ")

Crinic I. A.

Directions of increasing financial sustainability of the insurance company (on materials of JSC "SOGAZ"): graduation qualifying work (WRC) bachelor in the direction of training 38.03.01 - Economics, orientation (profile) "Finance and credit" / I. A. Crinical; Hands. O. G. Fokina. - Orel: [b. and.], 2020. - 107 p.

Annotation of the main educational program of the Profile "Finance and Credit"
undergraduate directions 38.03.01 "Economy"

Direction of training: 38.03.01 Economy

Profile name: Finance and credit

Received qualifications: Bachelor of Economics

The term of mastering the main educational program: 4 years

Name of the released department: Department economic Analysis, statistics and finance.

Directions of professional activity, possible place of employment.

Graduates of the Finance and Credit Profile receive a complex of knowledge in the field:

state and municipal finance;



cash circulation;


financial management;

financial analysis;

securities market and stock exchange;

financial markets;

taxes and taxation;

Bachelor's profile "Finance and Credit" prepared for professional work in: state bodies federal, regional and municipal level; banks, financial and insurance and investment companies, in the securities market, at the institutes of collective investment, financially economic services enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership of positions requiring higher economic education, according to the qualifying directories of managers, specialists and other employees.

The graduates of the profile receive the necessary and sufficient preparation for entering the company "Finance and Credit", "Management", ready for teaching work in higher, secondary special institutions and an additional education system; The basis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to subsequently participate in scientific research and development in the field of finance and loan. Knowledge obtained in the learning process comply with international standards.

At the end of training, graduates of the Finance and Credit profile may continue their studies in leading European and American universities to obtain a degree "Master."

The main disciplines of the curriculum: In addition to fundamental economic disciplines, the courses forming the specifics of the profile include: corporate finance, investment, banking, the analysis of the business bank, the methods of financial and credit calculations, international monetary and credit relations, state and municipal finance, securities market and stock business, financial markets, insurance, management analysis, financial accounting, management accounting, international Standards financial statements, audit, financial management, tax management, financial economy, finance history, economic security, Finance statistics and others.

Competence model of graduate. The graduate of the "Finance and Credit" profile must have the following professional competencies:

It is able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reporting of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, etc. and use the information received for the adoption of financial management decisions;

Able to perform the necessary for compiling financial sections business plans calculations, justify them and submit the results of work in accordance with the standards adopted in the organization;

Able to select instrumental tools for processing financial indicators in accordance with the task, analyze the results of the calculations and substantiate the findings obtained;

Capable of describing financial processes and phenomena to build standard theoretical and econometric models, analyze and meaning interpret the results obtained;

Able to develop strategic financial plans for the development of enterprises and organizations;

Able to effectively use financial planning methods;

Able to effectively use the methods of analyzing and managing investment;

Able to effectively manage financial, insurance, financial and credit institutions and enterprises of the real sector of the economy;

Able to effectively use financial risk management methods;

Able to manage state and municipal finances;

Able to effectively apply international financial reporting standards;

Can effectively use tax management methods.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state