
Economy concepts research methods. The subject and method of economic theory. Types of economic analysis and their role in managing the organization

No exception and economy. All methods of economic research can be divided into the following groups:

· Universal (metaphysical and dialectical).

· Until (logical, historical, mathematical, statistical).

· Specific (selected for each industry of science).

Of all this, two main methods of economic research should be distinguished: metaphysics and dialectics.

Metaphysics is such a method that considers any phenomenon of disparately, in the so-called state of rest and invariance. First of all, it is necessary if it is necessary to analyze some part of the system or, for example, to find out what the essence of the internal structure of economic relations. Such a method will also be used when classifying money functions, formation of economy, property types, forms wages.

To fully reflect reality, the economic theory uses such a method as dialectic. Under it is meant the doctrine on the general laws of the development of all the phenomena of nature, as well as thinking and society. The creator of the systematic theory of dialectics German philosopher The most important place in the theory took the contradiction, under which he understood the unity of mutually involuntary and mutually exclusive opposites. The dialectical method of contradiction reflects in their inseparable unity. Due to this, in practice, it is possible to avoid erroneous solutions, as well as to combine into a whole unconnected phenomenon. At the expense of the contradiction in economic activity, there are forms with which you can commemorate (for example, an agreement between the parties, which is achieved by bilateral concessions.

A lot of important role Play and economic research. First of all, this concerns the historical method, with the help of which it is possible to find out how economic systems occurred. This method allows you to specifically explore and clearly present the features of any system, and depending on its stage historical Development. Considering the general scientific methods of economic research, the logical method should be allocated, through which the forms and laws of proper thinking are applied, due to which it is possible to achieve the truth of expressed conclusions and judgments. Due to the deeper, the causal economic dependencies can be deeper.

In order to study high-quality signs, such economic research methods are used as economic and mathematical modeling and lately A mathematical modeling is sufficiently common, which is a description of reality in a simplified form, as well as abstract generalization with graphs and equations that describes the relationship between economic variables. If we talk about economic statisticsIt is helpful to obtain a more accurate measurement and a description of quantitative processes that are characteristic of massive phenomena of economic activity over a large period of time - 10-20 or more.

The methods of research in aggregate with other scientific methods decide such an important task as the identification of common systems of elements and signs, and the patterns of development, as well as differences between the systems themselves. Economic methods play today an important role in the development modern economy And the whole state as a whole.


Another major classification of economic methods is the division of them to empirical and theoretical.

Empirical methods of economic knowledge are the methods of knowledge of economic reality, operating at the level of experience. There are two main empirical methods: economic observation and economic experiment, and their most important component is the measurement procedure.

On the empirical level, the researcher's economist deals primarily with economic facts. The latter have events of economic life, directly observed and fixed by the subject, observer. These are any social facts in which certain economic processes or phenomena reflect. Economic facts themselves researcher receives through economic observation and economic experiment, very often using the procedure for economic dimension.

Economic observation is a targeted and organized perception of the facts of the economic world (economic

facts) delivering primary material for scientific economic research. Observer - either with the help of any devices, or without them - records certain economic facts, actively affecting the observation object. These facts, appropriately processed and meaningful, are used in theoretical models and constructions.

Economic experiment - the study of any economic phenomenon by active impact on it; At the same time, there are some new economic conditions according to the objectives of this experiment and changes the course of the economic process in the right direction, or the economic process itself is reproduced artificially through its modeling.

Economic dimension as a procedure or operation complements and deepens the economic analysis, helps to supplement the qualitative method in an economic study by the quantitative method, increases the accuracy of our economic knowledge. With the progress of economic science, the number of measured economic facts is increasing, statistical and mathematical methods of their processing are improved, which naturally leads to an increase in the "quality" of economic knowledge.

Theoretical methods of economic cognition operate at the level of rationally sound systems of scientific economic knowledge. As such include: Economic analysis, economic synthesis, economic analogy, economic modeling, economic induction, economic deduction, mathematization and formalization in the field of economic knowledge, economic interpretation, as well as historical and evolutionary analysis in the field of economic knowledge.

A detailed analysis of each of these methods will be given in subsequent chapters, but for now we will only give a brief definition of each of them.

Economic analysis (analysis in the field of economic knowledge) is dismissal (separation) in the economic knowledge of fragments of any integer on its component parts; This approach allows you to establish the structure of the study economic facility, in it is complex to simple and eliminate insignificant, leaving only substantial; The purpose of economic analysis in this form is the knowledge of parts as elements of a complex economic integer.

Economic synthesis (synthesis in the field of economic knowledge) is, as opposed to economic analysis, the method of economic knowledge, the purpose of which is to combine into something in a single integer parts, properties, elements allocated through economic analysis. Economic synthesis complements economic analysis and is located with him in an inseparable unity. A special type of synthesis is interdisciplinary synthesis, in which economic science establishes new, meaningful results for itself, integrating with other social and natural sciences.

The economic analogy (analogy in economic science) is a method of economic research that suggests that some economic object or process exists certain signs, if in other signs it is similar to another, more studied economic object or process.

In modern economic science, an economic analogy is the basis of economic modeling.

Economic modeling (modeling in economic science) - reproduction of the characteristics of a economic object on another (material or ideal) object specifically designed to study these characteristics. This object is called an economic model. Depending on the nature of the model and those sides of the simulated object, which are embodied in it, distinguish real (subject) and ideal (logical) models. A variety of latter is a mathematical model, widely used in economic science.

Economic induction (induction in economic knowledge) is a method of economic research based on the transition from private economic facts to general conclusions and regulations. The basis of economic induction is inductive conclusion that can be complete or incomplete.

Economic induction, supported by appropriate statistical and probabilistic analysis, is interpreted as a special, inductive, probabilistic, and economic research.

Economic deduction (deduction in economic knowledge) is a method of economic research based on the transition from general, already proven assertions regarding any economic theories or facts to more private conclusions and provisions. The basis for economic deduction is a deductive conclusion or, speaking more widely, all deductive logic.

Economic deduction, correlated with the methodological admission of hypothetical assertion (hypotheses), serves as the basis of a hypothetical and deductive method in economic science.

Economic Interpretation (Interpretation economic concepts) is the most important component Economic analysis, which can be interpreted as a special method of economic science. The purpose of the economic interpretation is the study of the main values \u200b\u200b(semantic values) of certain economic concepts or statements. From what economic importance will be attributed to a particular concept or approval, an understanding of all subsequent economic conclusions by our opponents or simply interlocutors or readers will depend on our opponents.

Formalization of economic knowledge as a method of economic research is a generalization of forms of various economic processes, abstraction of such forms from the content of these processes.

A special case of the formalization method is mathematical formalization (mathematization) of economic knowledge. The latter is the last, consists in building abstract-mathematical models that reveal the essence of the studied economic processes. Mathematics of economic knowledge as a method of economic research is very widespread in modern economic analysis, and this gave a reason to some scientists to consider the economic science of intermediate between natural and social sciences.

The historical method in an economic study is based on the study of any economic processes or objects in the chronologically consecutive phases of their existence; wherein special attention It is paid to the analysis of specific economic events and facts. The historical method helps to trace the development of both the economic phenomena (economic history) and the economic thought, following the economic history (the history of economic exercises). Both of these disciplines (economic history and history of economic exercises) are essential training courses for economic universities and specialties.

The evolutionary method in an economic study is a method for analyzing economic facilities using the darvinist principles of "struggle for the existence" and "the survival of the strongest". In another understanding, the evolutionary method is a "hidden" historical method, interpreted outside of historical "accidents" and "roughness".

The evolutionary method of economic research complements and deepens the historical method, brings it closer to the methods of natural sciences, contributes to the extrapolation of it to the future of economic phenomena.

The economy in learning economic processes uses certain methods. The methods of research in the economy are ways and ways to study certain phenomena.

The research methods in the economy, as in any other industry of knowledge, are divided into universal (philosophical), general scientific (historical, logical, etc.) and the specific economy.

In this science, techniques such as functional and synthesis, science abstraction, extension and testing of hypotheses, experimentation, modeling, etc. are widely used.

The method of scientific abstraction It comes down to clearing the subject item under study from particularities, any accidents and the allocation of typical, permanent and essential features and characteristics. As a result of the use of this method, categories and concepts, which reflect the most important parties to the objects under study, as well as economic laws reflecting permanent causal relations that exist between the phenomena of the economy are derived.

Method of graphic images Allows you to visually depict certain economic dependencies. As a rule, economisms are placed independent data (variables) on the ordinate axes, and dependent, respectively, on the abscissa axis.

Functional analysis It helps to establish relationships and dependencies between economic processes and phenomena, when some factors act as exogenous (independent), and others as endogenous (derivatives from the first group).

Methods of research in the economy widely used condomico-mathematical modeling, Which today is one of the most common methods for studying the problems of the economy. It allows you to identify the causes, consequences, patterns of processes. Economic models help to describe reality in a simplified form, they are an abstract generalization using graphs, equations and is necessary for a visual description of the relationship between economic variables. Models help better understand reality, since they do not include many secondary parts, complicating the vision of the essence of the processes and connections between them.

Mathematical methods of research in the economy are quite complicated, since the economy is a multidimensional system in which most processes are probabilistic and depends on many factors.

Margin (limit) analysis Used to study economic categories and laws. The essence of the analysis is reduced to increment to an increase in one unit of that factor from which this indicator depends. Such an increase characterize marginal income, limit product, utmost utility, etc.

Experimentation Used for artificial playback economic processes and phenomena so that they can be studied "near". However, this method requires caution, since it is unacceptable to break the natural processes that knows how to live in artificial structures.

IN economic theory Applied statistical methods of research of economic situation. These methods are necessary in the work of analysts as a diagnostic tool with the aim of making faithful management decisions. Conjuncture is a situation that has developed at a certain point in a certain area of \u200b\u200beconomic life. We are talking about the specific conditions of the production process, the situation in the markets, etc. As part of the application of this method, the methods for calculating absolute and relative efficiency are used, index and balanced methods are used.

Economic theory (Economy) is a science of choosing the most effective ways Satisfying the limitless needs of people by rational use of limited resources.

In this way the subject of economic theory It is a contradiction between and the unlimitedness of human needs.

From the subject of economic theory, you can allocate the first economy function: This is the finding of rational combinations of resources to achieve maximum satisfaction of society. The second function of economic theory is practical (recommendatory). Based on positive knowledge, the economy provides recommendations for the actions to implement the necessary economic policy state.

Depending on the object of research, the economy is divided into:

  • - section of economic theory, which explores the behavior of individual economic entities.
  • - section of the economic theory, which studies the functioning as a whole.

In a special section of the economic theory of Macroeconomics, took shape only in the 30s of the 20th century. The basis of this section was laid by John Keynes "General Employment Theory, Percentage and Money." In this work, Keynes made an important conclusion that if finding an opportunity to influence consumption and investments on a national scale, the economy can either be slowed down or accelerated in its development.

On the scale of the national economy, all local markets are closely related to each other. Experience shows that inconsistencies in the actions in the same market in the chain give rise to problems in other markets. In connection with this in any national Economics There is a need to constantly synchronize in time and in economic space measures and actions aimed at the development and regulation of all markets. In order to successfully solve these problems, it is necessary to analyze the general equilibrium of the economic system.

The total balance (macroeconomic) reflects the balanced agreed functioning of all markets.

Basic macroeconomic purposes:
  • Stable growth of national production. The level and dynamics of the well-being of the population, the economic power of the state, export opportunities and political stability in society depends on the volume of national production.
  • Stable price increase. Stable prices create a predictability condition in the economy, stimulating lending and investment processes, strengthen confidence in the national monetary unit, contribute to economic and social stability in society.
  • High employment. It is one of the main conditions of social peace and a high standard of living of the population in the country.
  • Achieving equilibrium foreign trade balance.

To achieve macroeconomic purposes, the Company uses a whole set of tools and levers, which are implemented during a certain economic policy.

Its main species are:
  • Fiscal policy using taxes and government spending to stimulate or contain production.
  • Monetary policy regulating investment sizes, growth rates of production and prices for means of changing the amount of money in circulation.
  • The policy of restricting income of the population for freezing salary and prices is used to combat inflation.
  • Social politics
  • External economic policy, allowing us with tariffs, quotas and licenses to regulate the volume and export structure, to influence the exchange rate national currency and on the size of national production.

Regulatory and positive approach in the economy

For a long time, economists included both the consideration of various economic laws and principles and recommendations on the reasonable economic policy and the construction of an ideal society. Only at the end of the XIX century each of these directions was aligned with a separate scientific direction, and a clean (positive) economic theory was formed.

And combine elements positive and regulatory Economic theory. Positive economic theory dealing with facts And does not allow quality estimates. It deals with the actual state of the economy and is designed to help draw up correct economic policies. That is, it is dealt with the facts.

A positive approach analyzes:
  • what consequences leads this or that decision of an economic subject;
  • with what funds can be achieved;
  • what will be the price of its achievement
In addition, a positive approach suggests:
  • explanation and forecasting economic phenomena;
  • study of general economic laws;
  • detection of causal relationships or functional relationships between phenomena

Regulatory economic theory On the contrary, he assumes qualitative estimates of what the economy should be. The regulatory approach expresses a subjective opinion about what should be.

Economic indicators: stream and stock

Economists distinguish indicators measured in a certain period of time, that is, having dimension flood, and indicators measured at the time of time, that is, having dimension stock.

Time factor plays a big role in the economy. So the value of money for people today and in the future is different. Today's assessment of future economic indicators It occurs in the process of discounting.

Discounting - This is the process of bringing the economic indicators of future years to their today's value.

In economic theory distinguish nominal and real values. Nominal characterize cost economic indicators in existing current prices . As prices are subject to change, then often before the start of analysis, the indicators eliminate the influence of prices on them. Values purified from the influence of price changes, Call real. So in economic theory distinguish between real and nominal wages. Nominal salary is a salary in monetary terms, and the real is the number of goods and services that can be purchased on a nominal wage.

In economic theory, there are three periods of time:
  • Instant - when all factors affecting an economic phenomenon remain constant
  • Short-term - when some factors are considered as permanent, others - as variables
  • Long-term - when all factors are considered as variables

Economy is social science. She studies a certain side of the life of society - therefore the dough is associated with other public sciences: sociology, jurisprudence, psychology.

Basic research methods of economic theory

If the subject of science is characterized by the fact that it studies, then the method is how it is investigated.

Method (methodology) - This is a combination of techniques, methods, principles, with the help of which are determined by ways to achieve the goal.

The main research method used by economic theory is modeling economic phenomena and processes.

- This is a simplified image of economic reality, allowing to highlight the most important thing in a compressed compact form.

This led to the emergence of many methods for researching economic theory:

  • The method of scientific abstraction
    Distraction in the process of knowledge from external phenomena, not economic Parties, allocation of deeper essence of the subject or economic phenomenon
  • Method of functional analysis
    The dependence of the argument function is used to conduct economic analysis and conclusions
  • Method of graphic images
    This method allows us to estimate the relationship between different economic indicators, their behavior influenced by the economic situation
  • Comparative analysis method
    Comparison of private and generalizing indicators in order to detect the best result
  • Method of economic and mathematical modeling
    Description of economic phenomena in a formalized language with the help of mathematical symbols and algorithms
  • Inductive and deductive methods
    Inductive method - removal of provisions, theories and conclusions from facts - from facts to theory. When using a deductive method, economists rely on random observation, logic and intuition, based on the basis of a preliminary hypothesis. Deduction and induction are complementary research methods.
  • Method of positive and regulatory analysis
    The positive method explores the actual state of the economy; The regulatory method determines the specific conditions and economic aspects that are desirable or undesirable in society
  • Practical events
    Conducting practical measures to confirm the extended economic hypothesis

Scientific analysis errors

When modeling economic processes, possible logical errors should be avoided.

The most common logical errors include the following:

  • The erroneous construction of the proof emanating from the false representation "that is true for a part (individual), then true for a whole (for society as a whole)."

For example, the increase in salary on a separate enterprise will increase the purchasing power of its employees. The increase in the country as a whole will lead to price increases, and as a result, the preservation of the purchasing power of people at the same level.

  • Logically erroneous construction "After that, therefore, because of this."

For example, when the value grows, the value is reduced. This does not mean that it is always the cause of changes in. Communication can be purely random or explained by the existence of a third factor.

Thus, statistics indicate that the long rise in prices for cars in our country does not lead to a reduction, but to an increase in sales. It suggests the obvious conclusion: the rise in prices leads to an increase in sales volume!? But this false conclusion contrary to this example is not taken into account the waiting factor and income growth in the population.

Economy functions

The formation of economic science as an independent academic discipline occurred in the XVIII century, although its prehistory goes deep into centuries. So far, economists continue to argue that the economy is that it studies, what kind of functions, which economists are used in the analysis of economic relationships and patterns.

According to the modern understanding - This is a science of laws and patterns of people's relations in the process of production, distribution, exchange, consumption and reproduction of material goods and services, as well as the efficient use of limited production resources in order to meet the needs of people. Such an understanding of the subject of the economy has developed in the course of the long historical development of this science.

Like any science economy performs first of all cognitive function - Theoretically explains how the farm is functioning, what causes, nature, the consequences of economic processes (as banks make money, what the essence of inflation, as demand and supply affect prices, etc.). Based on theoretical generalizations of real facts of economic life, the economy explains that there is or what may be, Forms the principles of economic legality (the so-called positive economic theory).

Prognostic (Greek Prognosis - foresight, prediction) function The economy is to form the scientific foundations of forecasting prospects for scientific and technical and social economic Development. It is important in connection with the preparation of plans and forecasts for enterprises and national economy.

Economy performs I. practical (recommendatory) function: Based on positive knowledge, it gives recommendations, offers "recipes" of actions, explains what the economy should be (regulatory economic theory). This feature is closely related to economic policies.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state autonomous educational institution Higher professional education

Siberian Federal University

Trade and Economic Institute

Department of Economics and Planning


Under the discipline "Microeconomics"

Option 3.

Krasnoyarsk, 2017.

1. Economic research methods

Basic Economic Research Methods:

1. Observation and collection of facts;

2. Experiment;

3. Modeling;

4. The method of scientific abstraction;

5. Analysis and synthesis;

6. System approach;

7. Induction and deduction;

8. Historical and logical;

9. Graphic.

Turning to the first method, like any scientific activity, Economic studies are empirical, that is, based on practical experience. This implies the observation of economic processes in their real form, and collecting facts that occur in reality. For example, thanks to the observation and collection of actual information, it is possible to determine how commodity prices have changed for one or another period.

In contrast, the experiment implies an artificial scientific experience when the object is studied to be put into specially created and controlled conditions. For example, to verify efficiency new system The wage is carried out by experimental tests within a certain group of employees.

The modeling method involves the study of socio-economic phenomena for their theoretical model (model). Especially effective mathematical modeling on computers, which allows you to calculate the most effective option for using the company's resources. A very successful option for this modeling is the MEAM program, which allows in conditions of free competition to calculate its business strategy.

The method of scientific abstractions is used to develop certain abstract concepts or categories, such as price, money, cheap, expensive, etc. It is necessary to abstract from the secondary properties of the object being studied, and the properties you need allocate. For example, to determine such economic category, as a product, you need to be distracted from sizes, weight, colors and other characteristics, not significant in this case, and at the same time to fix the combining property: all these things are labor products intended for sale.

The method of analysis and synthesis involves the study of socio-economic phenomena both in parts (analysis) and in general (synthesis).

Due to the combination of analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach to complex research objects is ensured.

Induction and deduction are two opposite, but closely interconnected ways of reasoning.

The movement of thought from private (individual) facts to the overall conclusion is induction, whether a generalization. And reasoning in the opposite direction (from the general

Historical and logical methods are also used in unity. They suggest a detailed study of socio-economic processes in their historical sequence, but simultaneously with logical generalizations that allow these processes in general and to make general conclusions.

Wide application B. economic sciences It has a graphical method of displaying economic processes and phenomena. It is based on the use of various drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. Thanks to these tools, visibility and compactness are provided in the presentation of theoretical material.

For example, the picture shows the dependence between the goods and the offer. The higher the prices, the more offering the goods.

2. What is the nominal and real interest rate?

The percentage is an absolute value. For example, if 20,000 is borrowed, and the debtor must return 21,000, then the percentage is 21000-20000 \u003d 1000.

The rate (norm) of the loan interest - the price for the use of money is a certain percentage of the amount of money. Determined at a point of equilibrium demand and money supply.

Very often in business practice for convenience, when they say about the loan percentage, it means a percentage rate.

Distinguish the nominal and real interest rates. When they talk about interest rates, they mean real interest rates. However, real rates cannot be directly observed. Concable credit contractWe receive information about nominal interest rates.

Nominal rate (I) is a quantitative expression of the interest rate taking into account the current prices. The rate on which is issued by the loan. The nominal rate is always greater than zero (except for free loan).

Nominal interest rate - This is a percentage in monetary terms. For example, if on an annual loan in 10,000 den., 1200 den.ru is paid. As a percentage, the nominal interest rate will be 12% per annum. Having received the income of 1200 den by the loan, will the lender be richer? This will depend on how prices have changed during the year. If annual inflation was 8%, then the creditor's income increased by only 4%.

Real bid (R) \u003d Nominal rate - inflation rate.

Real bid. bank interest It can be zero and even have a negative value.

The real interest rate is an increase in real wealth expressed in the increase in the purchasing power of the investor or the lender, or the exchange rate, according to which today's goods and services, real benefits exchange for future goods and services. The fact that the market value of the percentage will experience the direct influence of inflationary processes was the first to assume I. Fisher, which determined the nominal interest rate and the expected rate of inflation.

The relationship between rates can be represented by the following expression:

i \u003d R + E, (1)

where i is nominal, or market, interest rate;

r is the actual interest rate;

e is the tempo of inflation.

Only in special cases when there is no price increase in the money market (E \u003d 0), the real and nominal interest rates coincide. The equation shows that the nominal interest rate may change due to changes in the real interest rate percentage or due to changes in inflation. Since the borrower and the lender do not know which rates will receive inflation, they proceed from the expected rates of inflation. The equation acquires the form:

i \u003d R + EЕ, (2)

where EЕ is the expected rate of inflation.

This equation is known as the effect of Fisher. Its essence is that the nominal interest rate is determined not by the actual rate of inflation, as it is not known, and the expected rate of inflation. The dynamics of the nominal interest rate repeats the movement of the expected inflation rate. It should be emphasized that when the market rate is generated, it is precisely the expected rate of inflation in the future, taking into account the repayment period debt obligations, not the actual rate of inflation in the past.

If unforeseen inflation takes place, the borrowers benefit from creditors, as they return loans depreciated money. In case of deflation, the lender will benefit from the borrower.

Sometimes there may be a situation where real interest rates on loans have a negative value. This may occur in case of exceeding the rate of inflation rate of the rated rate growth. Negative interest rates can be established during the period of galloping inflation or during hyperinflation, as well as during the recession period, when the demand for loans falls and nominal interest rates are reduced. Positive real interest rates mean the growth of creditors' income. This happens if inflation reduces real value Loan (loan received).

Interest rates can be fixed and floating.

The fixed interest rate is established for the entire period of use of borrowed means without one-sided right of its revision.

Floating interest rate is a raid rate and long-term loanswhich folds out of two parts: a rolling basis that changes in accordance with the market situation and a fixed value, the usual unchanged during the entire period of lending or the appeal of debt securities.

3. In conditions of imperfect competition, the company receives maximum profits if their production volumes comply with the condition:

a) equality of marginal income and limit costs;

b) exceeding market prices over total production costs;

c) equality of cumulative income and total costs;

d) exceeding the market price over maximum costs.

research Economic Competition

Answer: G.

4. Task. The utmost usefulness of oil for the consumer depends on its quantity: MUM \u003d 40 - 5M. Bread utmost use: MUX \u003d 20 - 3X. The price of 1 kg of oil is 5 dollars., Bread price is 1do. Income is $ 20. What amount of bread and oil will acquire a consumer?


Consumer behavior is the process of forming consumer demand for a variety of goods and services, taking into account their income and personal preferences.

The usefulness of any good is its ability to satisfy any needs of a person or society.

The total utility is the cumulative utility of all goods consumed.

Limit usefulness - the usefulness of the last unit of goods consumed

The basis of the consumer choice (consumer behavior in the market) is the usefulness function. The usefulness feature explains how to consumers should distribute their limited cash income between the various goods and services they can buy. The function of utility is a function showing the decrease in the utmost utility of the good with an increase in its quantity.

The consumer must choose between alternative products so that with limited cash resources to obtain at its disposal the most satisfactory, from its point of view, a set of goods and services. By purchasing one product, it compares this option to spend its limited funds with alternative options, until it is convinced that it will bring it no less utility than others. If the consumer used only two benefits: x and y, then the utmost utility of the unit of the good should be evaluated by the number of units of good y, from which he is ready to refuse to acquire a unit of Blag H.

But since the market involves the variety of goods, then it is necessary to determine from how many units of other goods (y, z, ..., n) the buyer is ready to refuse to purchase one unit of Blag X. This condition is called utility maximization rule: the consumer will make demand for goods to as long as the utmost usefulness per monetary unit, spent on this product will be equal to the utmost utility for a monetary unit consumed to another product.

Thus, the consumer is trying to distribute its budget so so as to equalize the weighted average utmost usefulness of the purchased goods. At the same time, it reaches the maximum welfare (or equilibrium).

The equilibrium equation, in which it maximizes the usefulness of goods consumed, can be written as follows:

where Mu is the utmost usefulness of individual goods;

R - Prices of goods.

Consumer selection is a choice that maximizes the utility function of a rational consumer in the conditions of limited resources (monetary income).

Thus, on the basis of the initial data, we obtain that

MUM / PM \u003d MUHL / PXL

I \u003d pm * qm + pxl * quick

20 \u003d 5 * Qm + quad;

(40-5 * Qm) / 5 \u003d 20 - 3 * quack;

(40-5 * / Qm) / 5 \u003d 20 - 3 * (20-5qm)

5 * (20-60 + 15 * Qm) \u003d 40-5 * Qm

100-300 + 75 * Qm \u003d 40-5 * Qm

75 * Qm + 5 * Qm \u003d 40 -100 + 300

Answer: The consumer will acquire 5 bread bulls and 3 kg of oil.

Bibliographic list

1. Perpetrators G. S. Microeconomics: studies. allowance / G. S. Vecchanov, G. R. Vecc. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007. - 256 p.

2. Ilyashenko V.V. Microeconomics (for bachelors): Tutorial. - CNUS, 2012.-276

3. Simkina L.G.Mikroeconomics (for bachelors): Tutorial. - Knoscurus, 2012.- 356 p.

4. Nikolaeva I.P. Economic theory: textbook for bachelors. - Dashkov and K, 2013.- 327c.

5. Nureev R.M. Course microeconomics: textbook for universities. 2nd ed. - M.: Norm, 2008. - 576 p.

6. Yudanov A.Yu. , Gryaznova A.G. Microeconomics. Theory and Russian Practice: Tutorial. - Knourus, 2012. -619 p.

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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    Theoretical approaches to the study of research methods for economic processes and phenomena. The main concepts and ways to improve the methodology of science. Characteristics of the main techniques and methods of economic analysis. Content essence of factor analysis.

    coursework, added 11.12.2010

    The use of mathematical planning of the experiment in scientific research. The initial skills of working with a combination of random variables. Calculation of mathematical expectation, dispersion and standard deviation. Results of dispersion analysis.

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