
5 types of resources in the economy. The concept and types of economic resources. Methodology of economic theory

Ministry of Education and Science



Bryansky State


Department "Economics and Management"

Abstract on the topic:

« Economic resources. The problem of their limitations. Alternative costs and curve of production opportunities "

Performed: Art. GR 14-East

Zuev A.N.


Gavrilenko T.V.

Bryansk 2016.

Introduction 3.

Economic resources and their types .. 4

The problems of limited resources. 7.

Alternative costs (costs of rejected capabilities) 10

Curve production opportunities. 13

Conclusion. sixteen

List of references used .. 17


The issue of limited resources and benefits in modern world is one of the most relevant. It is known that the reserves of many natural resources are already in short supply, and the fact that some are preserved in sufficiently large quantities, does not mean their endlessness. The satisfaction of the needs of society directly depends on the creation of benefits, and the good in turn demands an increasing amount of resources for their production. It is clear that with a constant increase in the population of the Earth, good and resources will be limited, they will not be enough to meet all needs. Currently, it is already possible to notice that the production of benefits is a huge amount of resources. It is necessary to limit the use of resources, because in the future the problem of their limitations may be intact and lead to fatal consequences.

In scientific literature, this topic is addressed, because it directly affects the further development of society. Some authors emphasize that the limitations of resources and benefits is relative, not absolute, that is, how long one or another is the resource for a long time, is determined how effective it will be used by society. Others believe that resources are both absolutely limited, and relatively limited. The opinion of the first authors seems more convincing, because modern technologies Improved with a huge speed and allow you to use, for example, waste-free production, that is, they help save resources.

The subject of work is the limited resources and benefits, and the object is the resources and good.

Economic resources and their types

Economic resources are all types of natural and human capabilities that are used for production in order to meet the needs. Modern production creates countless different products - services and products. Therefore, the number of resources used should be as huge as the production volumes. In essence, economic resources that are still called factors of production are various benefits that are used to produce other goods. All of them are combined into several large groups.

Economic resources and their types

1) Earth. This name unites all types of natural resources: fossil, land, forests, water, flora, fauna, climatic and recreational possibilities. Natural economic resources participate in different ways economic activity: - As the operating basis of production, they represent the direct territory on which production facilities are placed; - as sources mineral resources They are used in the extractive industry; - As objects of production activities, they are presented in agriculture. The Earth is a limited and almost irreplaceable resource, so it needs to be careful about users and in state protection. Because of the negligent attitude towards the Earth from agricultural circulation in the world more than six million hectares are made annually. At such a pace, two and a half centuries, humanity risks to lose all lands suitable for keeping agriculture

2) labor. This type of resources covers people who are busy in industrial (economic) activities. Despite the technical progress and automation, the role of labor in the production process does not significantly decrease. The reasons for this, first, in the complexity of tasks that are solved in modern production To meet growing needs. Secondly, work is becoming more intellectual, that is, mental efforts grow. Thirdly, in many areas of activity there are high risks and responsibility - for example, in nuclear power, air transport, etc. Since people are direct carriers of specific technical and organizational knowledge and skills, culture, it is now assumed that labor economic resources are not only labor, but all human capital, which reflects the level of development of workers.

3) Capital. TO this kind Resources include production facilities (equipment, machinery, equipment, transport, buildings and structures) and financial opportunities (funds that are managed by banks and individuals, giving them into use in the form of loans and investments).

4) Entrepreneurship ability. These economic resources are separated from others in separate category And represent the ability to base profitable business and effectively manage them. Not every person has a natural ability to entrepreneurship, therefore, not everyone can become successful businessmen. Successful entrepreneurial activities, in addition to knowledge about production technologies, also involves a tendency to risk, developed intuition, communication skills and beliefs.

5) information. Information Economic Resources includes knowledge of the needs, opportunities, production and management technologies, prices, etc. In the current society, the following principle is fully implemented: who owns information, he owns the world. Therefore, it is called the informational society. Computer technologies, networks of accumulation and data transfer systems are currently identifying.

The main property of economic resources is their limitation With infinity, the need for them for the production of goods and services. From this property implies a natural necessity effective use Economic resources for the maximum full satisfaction of the needs of the population. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions on the appropriate distribution of resources, i.e., about their use in such a way as to obtain the maximum result from this.

Another property of economic resources is their complementability. For example, knowledge is used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource, which, on the basis of scientific and technical developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge is based on the basis of human resources and are concluded in specific knowledge, skills, professional skills of employees.

Mobility Economic resources consists in their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on the set of both objective and subjective factors. For example, the minimum mobility will be at the economic resource - land, as it is impossible to change it geographical position. Human resources that are capable of moving between national economies are the greatest mobility.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, Which is the ability to replace one economic resource to another.

For example, in order to increase production efficiency, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - change production technology and knowledge - to train employees so that they are more efficiently performed their official duties. The ability to replace the economic resources is limited and cannot be fully manufactured and totally. For example, capital cannot fully replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources can bring a positive result, but in the future economic activity is significantly complicated, and its effectiveness can be reduced.

The main task of the economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are involved - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

Within national Economy The treatment of economic resources occurs in the relevant markets (for example, the capital market, labor market). Inside these markets, there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, engineers).

In the general understandingresources - These are cash, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income. Usually highlighteconomic resources - All that is necessary for the production process.

It should be noted that along with the concept "Production Resources" In economic literature, often as synonym is used by the concept "Production factors".

There is a general one between them, both resources and factors are the same natural and social forces with which production is carried out. The difference lies in the fact that resources include natural and social forces that can be involved in production, and the resources are already actually involved in this process. Based on this, the concept of "resources" is wider than "production factors".

See also:

Economic theory allocates two groups of economic resources - material and human. Material resources - Capital and Earth, humanlabor and entrepreneurial ability. Various combinations of these factors are used for the production of the whole manifold of goods and services.

Concept "land" Encompasses all natural resources: arable land, forests, mineral deposits, water and climatic resources, etc.

For your information. Historically, there was some states that they have large territories - Russia (17,075 thousand km 2), USA (9629 thousand km 2 ), China (9560 thousand km 2 ), and others are smaller - Andorra (467 km 2 ), Liechtenstein (160 km 2 ), San Marino (61 km 2), Monaco (2 km 2).

Earth can be used both for agricultural (crop growing) and non-agricultural (construction of buildings, structures, roads) needs.

For your information. The agricultural land of the planet occupy 51 million km 2 . On average, per capita in the world there are 0.3 hectares of Pashny. The dimensions of a pashnya per capita are significantly differentiated by different countries. For example, in the United States per capita accounts for 0.67 hectares of Pashny, and in Japan only 0.03 hectares.

In addition, a variety of minerals are in the depths of the Earth.

For your information. Saudi Arabia There is more than 25% of the exploited oil reserves, the world's largest explored reserves in Russia are concentrated - about 40%, and the United States ranks first in the world in the world's explored coal reserves - 26%.

Concept "capital" one of the main in the theory of market economy. Considering capital as a factor of production, economists understand under it means of production , created by people, including infrastructure (machines, equipment, buildings, facilities, transport, communications, etc.).

Capitallong-term resource created in order to produce more and services. Capital, embodied in the means of production called real capital . Cash capital , or capital in cash is . Monetary capital is used to purchase machines, equipment and other means of production. Capital is a product of labor and, by virtue of this, is limited.

Concept "work" Denote the physical and mental abilities of people used in the production of goods and services. Labor resourcesthis is a able-bodied population with physical and mental abilities necessary for the implementation of industrial activities. Labor resources are presented by the population in working age.

For your information. In Russia, the working age is considered: men - 16-59 years (inclusive), in women - 16-54 years (inclusive). Boarding age borders differ in countries. In some, the lower limit is 14-15 years old, and other -18 years. The upper border in many countries is 65 years old for all or 65 years old - for men and 60-62 years - for women.

It's obvious that labor resources both a separate country and Also limited. Today for industrial developed countries and states S. transition economy The demographic aging of the population is characteristic, when the number of working-age population is only slightly exceeding the number of pensioners.

For your information. In 1950, one pensioner accounted for 12 people aged 15-64 years. Today, the average global figure is 9, and on forecasts it is expected to decline before 4. If quantitatively labor resources are growing together with the growth of the population, then qualitatively - as education is developed. In terms of higher education, Russia is in fourth place in the world (after Israel, Norway and the USA). The literacy rate among adults in Russia is 99.6% and is the highest in the world; secondary education has 95% population. For comparison: this indicator in Germany - the country with the highest level of education in the EU - 78%, in the UK - 76%, in Spain - 30%, in Portugal - less than 20%.

Concept implies the ability to effectively use in economic activities all other economic resources in order to profit and readiness to carry For the results of its activities.

Entrepreneurial ability (enterprise, entrepreneurial potential, entrepreneurial resource) is the ability to organize production and manage it, in the ability to navigate in market conditions.

The value of entrepreneurial ability for the economy is revealed through functionsthat performs entrepreneur.

Firstly , entrepreneur, combining all other economic resources (land, capital, work) and starting the production process, takes over a responsibility For its successful implementation and takes the main decisions during the conduct of the case.

Secondly , successful Today it is impossible without innovation. The entrepreneur is developing and implementing innovation - new products, technologies, new information.

Thirdly , any entrepreneur risks. Entrepreneurship involves mastering new , conclusion of transactions with new suppliers and buyers, the production of new goods and services and the use of new technologies, in the effectiveness of which no one is sure. Risk is the inevitable component of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial resource is a rare gift.

For your information. Researchers Harvard medical center Develop a test to identify human abilities in a variety of spheres. They found that only 1% of people are gifted by "exceptional creative potency", i.e. they are available to outstanding achievements in the field of art and entrepreneurial activity; 10% possess "high creative potency; Even 60% have a "moderate or some" creative potency; Less than 30% of people do not exhibit at all or in a very low degree their creative activity.

So that life is full, and the material and spiritual state is satisfactory, the person must get the most necessary. Without elementary things, such as clothes, housing, refrigerator or TV, he will not be able to feel like a full member of society. And the lack of water and food puts at risk not only his health, but also existence. Goods that are able to make life comfortable, and society is happy and confident, and are called economic resources.

Characteristic concept

Economic resources are a stock, source, foundation from which we draw everything you need. This includes various production and human opportunities that satisfy the basic needs - hunger and thirst, work and recreation, communication and self-development, education and maintenance of health. To provide yourself with the above, the person is forced to work: make various goods, provide services. They are the final link in the manufacturing system, which works through the accompanying efforts and the availability of certain means and reserves. Therefore, economic resources are the potential that can be used in the production process. material values and life benefits.

Their quantity and quality always characterizes the level of human wealth, society, the whole country. The larger the reserves in the depths of the earth, the greater financial benefits receive the state. Accordingly, the better level The lives of her citizens, since the money reversed from the sale of resources is investing in the well-being of the population.

Main groups

Economic resources are four species. Each of them is an important component of society's vital activity, the level of material support of each of its member, wealth and prosperity of the Power. Allocate four groups of resources:

  • Natural. What lies in the depths of the Earth and on its surface, the main wealth of wildlife, plant and animal world. Natural economic resources are inexhaustible (the energy of the Sun, Wind) and those that may end (gas, oil, forest).
  • Material. All that man created in the production process. They are the result of the Company's activities.
  • Labor. This should include the population of state-bodied state. It is estimated by three criteria: quantity, level of qualifications, education.
  • Financial. Affordable funds that the country is able to allocate on the organization of labor and the normal functioning of industrial activities.

The significance of each group changed depending on the era. For example, economic resources, labor and natural, were particularly quoted during the prosperity of agricultural economy, material in industrial society.

Process of production

All kinds of resources are involved in it. For example, labor. People hurry every day to take their jobs in offices and companies, plants and factories, in schools and hospitals. Once employees begin to fulfill duties, they immediately become participants in production, part of it. Thanks to his mental and physical activity, the company's team rotates the production wheel, transforming existing materials, manufacturing from them with the help of skills and knowledge ready-made economic product.

Economic resources are also machines, cars, buildings and structures, with which people create goods and provide services. Therefore, they are also part of production. The process covers and natural resources: land, water, forest and air. After all, based on them, they create fuel, materials, energy, without which any activity becomes impossible.

There is another concept as an intermediate product of production. For example, the joiner makes the chest of boards from the birch. Those and others are part of production. Only logs are an intermediate product that during the transformation process again was involved in the work.

Information and Intellect

Economic resources are not only material things that can be touched by hands. These include information, which in our time has become not only the engine of trade, but and any production process. Agree that, without the presence of clearly outlined facts, a person does not master this or that technology. Therefore, he needs information as one of the resources: it can be drawings, cards, instructions, a memo for workers and so on.

Information is closely related to intelligence. Man should be aware of finite product. But, having learned the basics of their activities, he has no right to stop there. The employee must constantly develop, learn, improve skills and skills, expand the horizon. The doctor will never become a real professional if only the knowledge gained in the university will continue to use in practice. The key to success here lies in constant awareness of various know-how, discoveries, experiments. This is also information, meaningful and saved in the "pockets" of memory, which becomes a member of production, in this case - provided by the health care service.

Production factors

They are also very important in any activity. Speaking about the use of economic resources, people usually mention both factors, often this two concepts or mistakenly replacing one other. But between them there are significant differences. If resources are those potential materials that can be involved in production, factors are already used stocks and reserves. It turns out that the first concept is much wider and deeper than others. In short, the factors of production are the produced resources. This is if you dig deeply.

But often, in various economic works, resources and factors are described as one as one, are considered interconnected and even identical. Such a point of view also has the right to exist. After all, production factors are formed from economic resources. Only there is a small "but". Resources - what is intended for use, from which you can "sculpt" the future product. Factors - what is applied in activities and affects it.

Earth, work, capital

These are the main factors of production. They become resources only when they participate in the process, interact are modified. Therefore, production can be called unity of factors that are used.

Earth is not only land and territory, but also objects that are located on it. Under this concept implies the cumulative use of the planet's economic resources, without which we would be devoid of a number of goods and services. In addition, the Earth is also a subsoil where water, gas, minerals are located, and also - the inhabitants of the plant and animal world, which inhabit its surface.

Labor - work, thanks to which production becomes possible. It is measured by the number of employees and the time spent on the activity. Capital is the production facilities created by people to facilitate and improve the process: equipment, apparatus, buildings and laboratories, as well as investments and cash investments, without which we would not get the right product or service.


It is also a kind of human resource, without which production would be idle. Due to the activity, ingenuity and dedication in business, awareness of the state of affairs in this field, the intelligence of the mind and even the tricks of people, managers, the directors of the economy thrive and enriches society and the state. Enterprise is also the ability to analyze, manage, organize activities, encourage employees.

At first glance it seems that this can be learned. But it's not always the case. There are people, from the birth of the talent-based to provide society to all necessary, sell goods, provide services. There is a bunch of examples when one entrepreneur achieves unsurpassed results, and the other - flies into the pipe. The whole thing in the human ability to coordinate activities - a character trait that in most cases is given by nature. Such a category of people without problems improves their income, the amount of product produced and its quality. They are not afraid to risk, are always aware of the business of competitors and are able to effectively use the financial and economic resources of the enterprise.

Efficient use of resources

Since they are limited, it should be saved as much as possible and multiply reserves existing in nature. Resources economic Development Ideally, you need to use so that the offer has always satisfied demand. At the same time, it is recommended to direct activities into the most productive channel, thought out to invest money, skillfully calculate each move and predict different variants events.

Economic assessment of resources is their cash equivalent. It is believed that the company works efficiently if the owner invests at least financial means, and gets the maximum quality result. The state economy works simply and productively, if there is an opportunity to improve the well-being of one person, without taking something to another, without sacrificing the benefits and interests of society. If in a particular country, one activity sector thrives to the detriment of other people, one group of people is enriched at the expense of another, we can say that the economy works unprofitable and inefficiently.

Economic benefits exist as we said in limited quantities. Therefore, additional funds are needed to obtain them. economic resources.

Economic resources -means for the production of goods and services, conditions and necessary components of economic activity.

These include:

1. Work In the form of a conscious activity of people aimed at creating the product you need.

2. Natural resources In the form of land, water, air, minerals, plant and animal world engaged in people in the economic turnover. Generally, they are combined into the concept of "land."

3. Means of production In the form of waters and labor items used in economic activities. Whether goods are all that, with the help of which a person affects nature. Labor objects (raw materials, materials) are the substances of nature to which a person affects the process of labor in order to adapt them for personal or production consumption.

4. Cash which and with the help of which are purchased, material and labor and labor resources are involved.

5. Informational resources In the form of scientific, design, design, technological, statistical, managerial information and other types of spiritual and intellectual values \u200b\u200bnecessary to create a social product.

6. Time - A special economic resource that people use in their production and economic activities. This is a limited and non-refined resource.

The relationship of certain types of resources has changed as society has been developed.

Along with the concept of economic resources, economic theory operates the category of production factors.

Production factors- this is economic categoryThe resources actually involved in the production process are actually involved in the production process, that is, production factors have a narrower concept than economic resources. Economic resources are the resources that society has, and production factors are that society directly uses in the manufacturing process.

Unlike economic resources, production factors are always in a certain interaction, become so only as part of the interaction. Thus, production factors cannot be identified with resources, since resources are what comes in production, it feeds it, and production factors are what is involved in production is used by them (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Industrial Process Scheme

Resources There are flow into production, while production factors are parameters that determine the flow of the production process.

Economic science traditionally refers to the factors of the production of land, work and capital. IN lately The factors of production began to attribute entrepreneurship and information (Figure 2). This is a special kind of human activity associated with coordination, combining factors of production, as well as by the management of them.

Figure 2 - Basic production factors

IN economic science For a number of centuries there is a discussion about the role of each factor in creating the value of the goods. So, A. Smith and D. Ricardo recognized priority for labor. Marxism treats costs as a result of only labor in its abstract expression. This discussion has not yet been completed, especially since scientific and technical revolution, withdrawing a person from direct production, especially complicates the solution of this issue. In practice, Western economists proceed from the theory of three factors for the production of French economist Z.B. SEA. This theory claims that each factor is able to bring income to its owner. The land brings landowner rent, the capital of its owner - the percentage, the worker receives wages, and the entrepreneur is profit.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state