
Sections of economic science Table 11. Work sheet for social science "Economics". Questions and tasks for the document

  1. Economic knowledge is needed to every person as a consumer and as an employee. The economically competent person knows how to make a decision to buy goods and go to work, how to protect yourself from the consequences of price increases, how best to use your savings, which profession to choose to not be then unemployed.

    The lack of economic knowledge and abilities to take on their basis rational solutions turns around for participants economic activity Reducing the level of welfare, financial losses, dissatisfaction and disappointment in professional activities, reduce opportunities to competently defend their economic rights.

  1. Development market relations In our country, demanded from their participants in new economic knowledge, without which successful practical activity is impossible, the ability to do the right economic selection In conditions of limited resources. Understanding the overall nature of the functioning of the economy helps its participants to competently determine their economic policy, take reasonable economic decisions even in the most unfavorable periods of the enterprise.
  2. The modern economic development of Russia depends largely not only from officials or politicians, but also from active participation in the management of its citizens. Your choice as a voter may affect economic policies Countries, and the choice as an employee or the consumer will determine not only your well-being, but also how people around you will live.


    Reflections on the peculiarities of the Russian School of Economic Thought of Academician RAS L. I. Abalkin (from the report at the Scientific Conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Volnoe economic Society Russia).

    Globalization, which has become a leading tendency of world development, does not remove, but largely aggravates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own advantages and advantages, their own system of values \u200b\u200band their understanding of progress ... In this regard, it is necessary to return to the understanding of a special role and place in the science of the Russian school of economic thoughts ... a huge impact on the self-determination of the Russian school of economic Thoughts, both in domestic and world science, had originality and the uniqueness of civilization in our country. No other civilization, if we exclude poorly understood the specifics of the Asian civilization, did not have so different from the west approaches, moral values, the perception of the world around the world and the place of man in it. It could not not affect culture and science, especially humanitarian. What is recognized in the West as an immutable truth, relieving all restrictions as insignificant, is quite different and often in principle is perceived in Russian economic thoughts.

    The world of the economy is interpreted not as an eternal struggle that optimizing their welfare of individuals, but as a complex, initially multicolor complex of complementary and thereby mutually engraving processes, forms of organization and management methods ... The state is not rejected, but organically combines the market, the total social benefit is higher than individual Success.

    Science was designed to absorb such an approach, and where she did, she was waiting for her success. Where she retreated from this rule, her (and the country) was waiting for disappointment. XX century, including his last decade, bright evidence.

Questions and tasks for the document

  1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place in the science of the Russian School of Economic Thought? What determines the identity of this scientific school?
  2. What are the most different approaches, moral values, the views in the world in the world are characterized, according to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?
  3. Is it possible to agree with the author in the fact that the use of economic science of these approaches could ensure success economic Development countries?
  4. Using knowledge Newest Story and the facts of the socio-economic life of Russia of the last decade, bring examples confirming the conclusion of a scientist that the retreat from approaches and values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by Russian economies led to failures.

Questions for self-test

  1. What is the reason for the emergence of economic science?
  2. What are the main problems of economic science? Name and characterize them.
  3. What is learning macroeconomics and microeconomics?
  4. What is needed so that nature objects be transformed into consumption items? What is the role of economic activity in this process?
  5. How can I measure and determine the gross domestic product?
  6. What ways can increase the amount of products manufactured when available resources available?


Thoughts wise

"The economy has art to satisfy infinite needs with limited resources."

L. Peter (1919-1989), American Writer

  • Fill in the table "Sections of economic science".
    1. Microeconomics
    2. Macroeconomy
    3. World economy
    Enter the listed problems studied by various parts of economic science, into the appropriate column of the table: the conditions for entering into an entrepreneurial transaction, the turnover of the international founded Market, manufacturers' competition, reducing economic growth, the interaction of consumers and manufacturers in the market of goods, deepening international division of labor, employment of the population, costs and profitability of the enterprise, foreign trade policy of countries, level and inflation rate, reasons economic crisis, causes of growth wages In the oil producing industry.
  • Conditions for entering into an entrepreneurial deal.
    The turnover of the international foreign exchange market.
    Competition manufacturers.
    Reduced economic growth rates.
    The interaction of consumers and manufacturers in the goods market.
    deepening international division of labor.
    world (international) economy
    7. Employment of the population.
    . Costs and profitability of the enterprise.
    Foreign trade policy of countries.
    world (international) economy
    Level and inflation rate.
    Causes of the economic crisis.
    . Causes of wage growth in the oil industry.
  • Check out mine homeworkJust an estimate for the first half of the year for this task is of great importance!


    The Revolution in the property and accompanying its institutional transformations in the economy led to the fact that millions of people previously employed by a plannedly organized professional labor on the state experienced their strength and abilities in the accuracy of entrepreneurship and in a small business, where they are merged with labor, property and management ( control). Almost 1/4 people employed in the private sector are not waged labor. In their activities, combined in a variety of proportions, professional and innovative labor and at the same time labor management work with performing labor "

    1. What problems of the socio-labor area of \u200b\u200bthe life of the Russian society allocate and considers the author?

    2. Name the changes that occurred in the content and nature public labor, the position of the employee as a result of market transformations.

    3. What does I. Zaslavsky mean, arguing: "In Russia, the transition from full and unconditional employment in public production. .. to the system of economic activity that meets the criteria of the market economy, took place. " Relying on the text, find explanations to this statement.

    1. 1) Half of the economic active population is not working on the state.

    2) Private individual labor comes to replace the public and collective.

    2. A market economy came to replace the team.

    3. I. Zaslavsky meant that there will be changes in the system of economic activity, that is, "from complete and unconditional employment in the publication" (command economy) "to the system of economic activity" (to market).

    Did I answer the questions asked correctly?

  • In 1 - 2) rather not a problem, but addition to 2 questions

    1) Answer from 1 - faithful + Another problem is unemployment,

    right, but add 2) out of 1 question

    the organization of labor has complicated, private entrepreneurship has expanded, business activity has increased in industries such as trade, supply, lending, insurance, the number of unemployed has increased


  • Good people, help (

    Academician S. S. Shatalino Prerequisites for the transition to the market (from the book "Transfer to the Market. Concept and program", published in 1990).

    For the effective functioning of the market economy, prerequisites need to be created during transition period. ..

    1) Maximum freedom of economic entity (enterprise, entrepreneur) ...

    2) the full responsibility of the economic entity for the results of economic activities based on the legal equality of all types of ownership, including private ones. ..

    3) Competition manufacturers as the most important factor Stimulating economic activity, increasing diversity and improving product quality in accordance with consumer requests, reduce costs and price stabilization. .. The development of healthy competition requires demonopolization of the economy, the formation of an appropriate structure of production that provides a presence in the market of a sufficient number of producers of each type of goods, free entry into the market of any economic entity, state competition and prevention of monopolistic practice.

    4) Free pricing. .. State control of prices is allowed only in a limited sphere and without a gross violation of the laws of market pricing, which inevitably leads to a deficit.
    5) the distribution of market relations on those areas where they show higher efficiency in comparison with state and other regulatory forms. Hence the need to addition to the commodity market by the labor market and financial Marketwhich provide high mobility of public resources, their rapid movement in the spheres of the most rational use, stimulate accumulation and scientific and technical progress. At the same time, a significant non-market sector remains in the economy, which includes those activities that cannot be subordinated exclusively commercial criteria (Defense, part of health, education, science, culture).

    Questions and tasks for the document

    1. What provisions of the main text of the paragraph coincide with the ideas of the document
    2. Why in a number of prerequisites of the market economic freedom the author calls the first
    3. What do you think the market economy implies equality of all forms of ownership
    4. What, according to the author, it is necessary to do for the development of competition
    5. Explain why violation of the laws of market pricing leads to a deficit.
    6. In which areas of market relations show the greatest efficiency of why
    7. Based on the content of paragraph and other sources of information, determine whether the necessary prerequisites have been created for the operation of a market economy?

  • 2) because the market exist in the conditions of monopoly is not
    3) It suggests equality before the law and the development of competition. Non-equivance destroys competition, and the result you see outside the window.
    4)) Market pricing functions on the basis of the interaction of supply and demand. As a rule, demand forms a proposal. The perfect demand is equal to the offer. In case of violation, there is a deficit. If demand is more than a proposal, that is, they want to buy more than produced, the difference between supply and demand will be called a deficit. Causes of maritime equilibrium violations. 1. Monopolies. 2. State.
    1. The monopolist completely seized the market of this product. Monopolized all resources for production. It makes how much it wants, what kind of price wants. The demand will still be. Hence the deficit.
  • Read the text and execute the C1-C6 tasks.
    "The modern scientific and technical revolution (HTR) is characterized by the deep integration of science and production, which is expressed in the replacement of traditional technologies, the technique is fundamentally new, accompanied by a root restructuring of the organization of labor and production.<...>
    The beginning of modern scientific and Technical Revolution refers to the 50th. XX century. From now on scientific activity It becomes an integral and most important part of social production. Science is isolated to an independent sphere with a specific material and technical base, highly qualified employees and a special type of final product and occupies a leading place in production as direct productive force.<...>
    The beginning of a new stage of HTR in the development of productive forces is characterized by: features of labor productivity dynamics; Production volumes using fundamentally new scientific achievements; the scale of the resource saving of the most important types of raw materials, materials, energy; the transition of most industrial sectors to the labor-saving type of economic development; An increase in the growth rate of financing and economic performance of scientific research and experimental design developments.<...>
    HTR strongly changes the position of man. .. in the production system: it is outputting the process of creating a finished product, it becomes close to him and speaks towards him as a controller. Previously, a person passed the machine first an actuator (impact with the help of a tool for labor), and then a motor, energy; Now, together with the reduction of the direct participation of a person in production, the work of labor related to the implementation of control and managers occurs. .. Functions are an increasing level, with the adoption of responsible solutions. " (Text is taken from the book: Social Studies: Tutor / Ed. O. S. Belokrylova, V. I. Filonenko. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2008.- P. 426, 427, 431- and adapted.)

    Make up text plan. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and encroach each of them.

    What time, according to the text, refers to the beginning of modern HTR? Why? Find two explanations in the text.

    Using the content of the text and social scientific knowledge, list any three directions of modern HTR.

    Talking in the lesson about the peculiarities of the modern HTR, the student noted that its development in the XXI century. makes it possible to provide the technical and technological side of the decision global problems mankind. Not all students of the class agreed with this opinion. Which of these two points of view is reflected in the text? Give a text fragment to help answer the question.

    Do you agree that the HTR is characterized by positive social consequencesThanks to which the human omnipotence was formed, his superiority over nature? Relying on text and social science knowledge, bring two arguments (explanations) in defense of their position.

  • C2.
    The modern scientific and technical revolution (HTR) is characterized by the deep integration of science and production, which is expressed in the replacement of traditional technologies, technology fundamentally new, accompanied by a radical restructuring of the organization of labor and production.

    The beginning of the modern scientific and technical revolution refers to the 50th. XX century.
    Because, firstly, since that time, scientific activities are becoming an integral and most important part of social production.
    secondly, science is isolated into an independent sphere with a specific material and technical base, highly qualified employees and a special type of final product and occupies a leading place in production as a direct productive force.

  • 1) Describe the social, national and confessional composition of the population in our country (Belarus).
    2) Call the main features of the Belarusian socio-economic development model. What are the priorities of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus early 21 c. ? Name the main factors sustainable development our country.
    3) What are the main directions of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage? What factors ensure the successful innovative development of our country? Describe the contribution of science and education into the innovative development of the country.
  • 1. About 9, 6 million people live in our country. In the population of Belarus, the Republic of Belarus ranks fifth among the CIS countries. The average population density is 48 people per quarter. km. - Approximately the same as in many other European countries.
    Approximately 74% of the population of our country lives in cities, respectively 26% is a rural population. Urban population Focused in 112 cities and 96 urban-type settlements. 13 cities have a population of more than 100 thousand people; In the capital of our country, Minsk lives about 1 million 800 thousand citizens. On 1000 men account for about 1145 women; In groups older than 50 years, this difference increases.
    Our country is ethnically inhomogeneous. According to the 1999 census, representatives of more than 130 nationalities live in the country. 81% of citizens of the Republic of Belarus recognized themselves by Belarusians, 11% - Russians, almost 4% - Poles, 2% Ukrainians, 0, 3% - Jews
  • Part S.
    Taxes appear with the emergence of the state, since they are the main source of state revenues. The state must have funds to perform its functions, the main of which are:
    Determination of the rules for the economic activity of the Rules of Games (antitrust legislation, maintaining the development of the private sector of the economy, protection of property rights, protection of freedom of competition, consumer protection, etc.);
    maintaining economic stability (fighting inflation and unemployment, ensuring economic growth);
    production of public goods (security, law enforcement, education, health, development of fundamental science);
    social politics ( social Security poorly by redistribution of income, payment of pensions, scholarships, unemployment benefits, etc.)
    with negative external effects (environmental policy, etc.).
    Means to pay for state expenses, first of all, taxes. Since the services of the state (which, of course, cannot be provided free of charge) all members of society are used, the state collects fee for these services from all citizens of the country. Thus, taxes are the main tool for the redistribution of income between members of society and are aimed at reducing income inequality.
    The tax system includes:
    Subject of taxation (who should pay tax)
    Tax object (which is taxed)
    Tax rates (the percentage in which the tax amount is calculated) the value with which the tax is paid is called a taxable base.
    To calculate the tax amount (T), the value of the taxable base (BT) is multiplied by the tax rate (T):
    T \u003d bt h t
    The principles of taxation were formulated by A. Smith in his great work "Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of peoples", published in 1776. According to Smith, the tax system should be:
    Fair (it should not enrich the rich and doing poor people);
    understandable (the taxpayer should know why he pays for one or another tax and why it is);
    Comfortable (taxes should be charged then and thus, when and how it is convenient to the taxpayer, not the tax collector)
    inexpensive (the amount of tax revenues should significantly exceed tax collection costs).
    The basis of modern tax system The principles of justice and efficiency are laid. The tax system should ensure efficient distribution and use of resources at the micro level (level of a separate manufacturer). Justice must be vertical (this means that people receiving different income must pay unequal taxes) and horizontal (implied that people with equal income should pay equal taxes).
    C1. How does the author represent the main function of taxes?
    C2. What elements includes a tax system? Illustrate the validity of the tax system on the example.
    C3. Describe any three principles of taxation discussed in the text.
  • 1 State budget support

    Tax system:
    1) Tax Subject
    2) Tax object
    3) Tax bid.
    Example: Income tax. Subject of taxation are individuals. The tax is subject to income, therefore, income is the object of taxation. BUT tax rate Russia is 13%.


  • So I just answered three questions for the latter I do not know.

    1) Globalization removes the opposition of civilizations or formations on the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. The originality and uniqueness of civilization in our country.

    2) moral values, perception of the world and the place of man in it.

    3) I think that you can moral values, the perception of the world and so on. Without these approaches, the economy of the country will not develop.

    Reflections on the peculiarities of the Russian School of Economic Thought of Academician RAS L. I. Abalkin (from the report at the Scientific Conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Volnaya Economic Society of Russia).

    Globalization, which has become a leading tendency of world development, does not remove, but largely aggravates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its advantages and advantages, its own system of values \u200b\u200band their understanding of progress. .. In this regard, it is necessary to return to understanding a special role and place in the science of the Russian school of economic thoughts. .. A huge influence on the self-determination of the Russian school of economic thought, both in the domestic and world science, and the uniqueness of civilization established in our country has also provided. No other civilization, if we exclude poorly understood the specifics of the Asian civilization, did not have so different from the west approaches, moral values, the perception of the world around the world and the place of man in it. It could not not affect culture and science, especially humanitarian. What is recognized in the West as an immutable truth, relieving all restrictions as insignificant, is quite different and often in principle is perceived in Russian economic thoughts.

    The world of the economy is interpreted not as an eternal struggle that optimizing their welfare of individuals, but as a complex, initially multicolor complex of complementary and thereby mutually engraving processes, forms of organization and management methods. .. The state is not rejected, but organically combines the market, the overall social benefit is higher than individual success.

    Science was designed to absorb such an approach, and where she did, she was waiting for her success. Where she retreated from this rule, her (and the country) was waiting for disappointment. XX century, including his last decade, bright evidence.

    Questions and tasks for the document
    1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place in the science of the Russian School of Economic Thought? What determines the identity of this scientific school?
    2. What are the most different approaches, moral values, the views in the world in the world characterize, according to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?
    3. Is it possible to agree with the author in the fact that the use of economic science of these approaches could ensure the success of the country's economic development?
    4. Using the knowledge of the latest history and facts of the socio-economic life of Russia of Russia of the last decade, provide examples confirming the conclusion of a scientist that the retreat from approaches and values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by Russian economists has led to failures.

  • 1) The author considers it necessary to reconsider the role and place in the science of the Russian School of Economic Thought, in connection with the globalization, which has become a leading trend of world development. The identity of this Russian scientific school that she had different approaches from the West, moral values, the perception of the world and the person's place in it.

    2) According to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization differs from the West by the fact that the world of the economy is interpreted not as an eternal struggle that optimizing their welfare of individuals, but as a complex, initially multicolor complex of complementary and thereby mutually engraving processes, forms of organization and management methods. .. The state is not rejected, but organically combines the market, the overall social benefit is higher than individual success. Science was designed to absorb such an approach, and where she did, she was waiting for her success. Where she retreated from this rule, her (and the country) was waiting for disappointment. XX century, including his last decade, bright evidence.

  • Help answer the only question about this task, I do not know how to answer and preferably on the rating of 4 or 5! I give many points.

    "In Russia, the transition from full and unconditional employment in public production, which corresponded to the universality and obligation of labor during socialism, to the system of economic activity that meets the criteria of the market economy was held. More than half of the economically active population do not work on state structures, but on themselves, work on Enterprises and in civil society organizations. At the same time, 15% are occupied in a small business. About 9% are classified according to the ILO technique as unemployed. ..

    The proportions of the distribution of employed have changed in favor of those industries whose business activity has increased due to market transformations: trade and catering, logistics and trade mediation, lending, finance and insurance. .. In terms of the share of the unemployed in the total number of economically active population, our country has practically caught up with Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden.

    Visible metamorphoses of employment reflected changes in the nature and content of "directly social labor". Of the collective and forced operations for the production of planned products and services of a given number and assortment, labor becomes a way of the existence of economically independent producers. Private individual labor comes to replace the public and collective.

    The Revolution in the property and accompanying its institutional transformations in the economy led to the fact that millions of people previously employed by a plannedly organized professional labor on the state experienced their strength and abilities in the accuracy of entrepreneurship and in a small business, where they are merged with labor, property and management ( control). Almost 1/4 people employed in the private sector are not waged labor. In their activities, commercial and innovative labor and at the same time work on management with performing labor are combined in their activities. "

    1) What changes occurred in industry Structure Employment of Russians during the development of market relations in the economy? Based on the basis of knowledge of the facts of public life, examples confirming these changes.

  • Russians began to develop small bisnes and prevention, everyone understood that this is more profitable than working on the state. Examples of that many of the most successful are developing in the 90s Robinovich, Prokhorov and many more billionaires.

  • Offset on the topic "Man and Economics", grade 11

    1. Fill in Table: "Sections of economic science"
    World economy

    Enter the listed problems studied by various parts of economic science in the appropriate graph:
    Conditions for entering into an entrepreneurial deal; the turnover of the international foreign exchange market; Competition of manufacturers; reducing economic growth; interaction of consumers and manufacturers in the market of goods; Costs and profitability of the enterprise; foreign trade policy of countries; level and rate of inflation; reasons for the economic crisis; reasons for wage growth in the oil industry;
    deepening international division of labor; employment.
    2. Choose the most accurate definition of the object of economic science:
    1) study of the behavior of people in the process of production and exchange of material goods;
    2) science on ways to improve the efficiency of the functioning of economic systems;
    3) Science, which studies the use of limited resources of society for the production of material benefits in the conditions of constantly growing human needs;
    4) Science on the daily business life activity of people and the extract of their livelihoods.
    3. Japan's NDP higher than GNP in Germany. Is it possible to conclude on this basis about the best state of affairs in its economy? Argument answer.
    4. Prerequisite The development of a market economy is:
    1) elimination of income inequality
    2) an increase in state budget expenditures
    3) private property For means of production
    4) Excess supply of demand
    5. What is a barter deal?
    A) the exchange of goods on the goods without paying money;
    B) the system of non-cash settlements based on the standings of mutual requirements and obligations;
    C) imports of goods free from customs duties.
    6. What does the money deficit in the country lead? What will happen if the money will be more than the goods?
    7. The income received by the owner from cash savings on a personal account is
    1) Bank percentage
    2) Profit
    3) Bonus
    4) Dividends
    8. What of the listed reflects articles of the state budget?
    1) profit growth rates of enterprises
    2) income of citizens from entrepreneurial activity
    3) the cost of maintaining the army
    4) average monthly salary
    9. Are the following judgments about the Central Bank?
    BUT. central bank He heads commercial banks and manages their activities.
    B. Central Bank controls the volume cash And makes emission money.
    1) is true only and 2) is true only
    3) both judgments 4) both judgments are incorrect
    10. Find examples in the list related to the ground as the production factor, and write the numbers under which they are indicated.
    1) cash
    2) Passage Plot
    3) oil deposits
    4) Machines and equipment
    5) Forest array
    6) Buildings, facilities

    Answer: ___________________

    11. Include in the list of cyclic unemployment and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
    1) With the advent of computers, the secretarians were unclaimed
    2) The economic crisis led to an increase in unemployment in enterprises of various industries
    3) Employees of the enterprise ruined in acute competition
    4) with a decrease in orders at the stage of the economy recession construction firm Beginning dismissal of employees
    5) With the completion of the harvest of fruits in the horticultural economy, seasonal workers received the calculation and went home.
    Answer: ___________________

    12. Explain the words:
    Balance balance
    Friction unemployment

    Economy: science and economy

      THE TASK 1. Are the following judgments about the economy true?

    BUT) Economy - Science of the economy and ways to conduct

    B) The economy is a special economic system, the main purpose

    which is to meet the needs of people and society

    1) right only BUT 3) both Option verny

    2) right only B. 4) both Option incorrect

      THE TASK 2. Choose the most accurate definition of the subject

    economic science.

    BUT) Investigation of people's behavior in the production and exchange process

    material benefits

    B) Science of ways to improve the efficiency of functioning

    economic Systems

    IN) Science studying the use of limited resources of society

    for the production of material goods in the conditions of constantly growing

    the needs of people

    D) Science of everyday business life activity and

    extracting livelihoods

    E) Study of methods and distribution criteria

    economic Goods

      THE TASK 3. Specify who from the ancient Greek scientists for the first time

    introduced the concept of "economy".

    BUT) Plato IN) Xenophon

    B) Socrates D) Aristotle

      THE TASK 4. Fill the table.

    Economic science


    Subject of study



    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    World economy

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

      THE TASK 5. Fill the table.

    Enter the listed problems learned

    various parts of economic science, in

    the corresponding column of the table.

    Sections of economic science



    World economy

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    BUT) Conditions for entering into an entrepreneurial deal

    B) Turnover of the International Monetary Market

    IN) Competition manufacturers

    D) Reduced economic growth rates

    E) Consumer interaction and manufacturers in the market

    E) Deeperation of international division of labor

    G) employment

    H) Costs and profitability of the enterprise

    AND) Foreign trade policy of countries

    TO) Level and inflation rate

    L) Causes of economic crisis

    M) Causes of salary growth in the oil industry

      THE TASK 6. Specify which of the listed institutions is not

    refers to economic.

    BUT) production IN) household

    B) Entrepreneurship D) inheritance

      THE TASK 7. Fill out the scheme.

    Ways to increase production

    Extensive path Intense way

    1. ________________ 1. ________________

    2. ________________ 2. ________________

    3. ________________ 3. ________________

      THE TASK 8. Decipher abbreviations meaning

    economic indicators.

    GNP -

    GDP - _______________________________________________________________

      THE TASK 9. Fill out the scheme.

    GDP indicators


    1. ________________ 1. ________________

    2. ________________ 2. ________________

    3. ________________ 3. ________________

      THE TASK 10. Decide the task.

    China's GNP is higher than in France. Is it possible to conclude on this basis about the best state of affairs in its economy?

    Explain your answer.

      THE TASK 11. Specify that the listed refers to

    objective factors affecting


    BUT) quality labor resources

    B) Efficiency of management decisions

    IN) Use of new technologies

    D) natural resourcesintegrated in the production process

      THE TASK 12. Decide the task.

    What a mechanism for regulating the economy gives a better possibility of allocating resources in its industries in accordance with the volume and structure of consumption: Market / free / pricing or directive / centralized / price population?

    Argument your answer.

    Satisfy all the needs of people? Is it possible to measure economic activities? How does the economy develop - spontaneously or by its laws?

    Economy is the most complicated sphere of society. Numerous and varied of its manifestations make it difficult to accurately determine the concept of "economy". Let us try to consider the most general ideas about this area of \u200b\u200bpublic life, reflecting the views of theoretical scientists and practitioners.

    With the concept of "economy" you met in the main school. Recall that it is necessary to distinguish its double meaning. This word is accepted to characterize both economic activities and the science on the laws of such activities. Compare two different definitions used to characterize one word "economy".

    Economy - This is a business system that meets the needs of people and society by creating and using the necessary life benefits.

    Economy - Science of the economy, how to manage it and management of them, relations between people in the process of production and exchange of goods, laws of economic processes. To better understand and assimilate the value of each of the definitions, consider them in more detail by starting from the second.

    What is studying economic science

    About economic problems People began to think long before our era. The word "economy" of Greek origin and was first used by the ancient Greek author xenophist (approx. 430-355 or 354 BC) as the name of his treatise. And only a little more than three hundred years ago scientists appeared, which began to generalize and systematize knowledge of economic reality. It was the time of becoming a market economy.

    Why exactly then the economic science appeared?

    This is due to the fact that for most of the history of mankind, the main issues of the economy (which, as for whom to produce), was most often solved either in accordance with traditions and customs, or by order of the head of state. Therefore, the actions of people were predetermined and predictable and the need for economic science did not arise. IN market economy Solutions on the main economic issues Began to accept a free, independent manufacturer. Scientists are interested in how this "free and self-regulatory" works economic systemwhich laws are flowing in it economic processes. Economic science as an occupation of professional scientists arose together with a market economy.

    Economic scientists sought to study as general relationships large elements market economy (for example, employment, foreign trade, state economic policy) and individual problems (for example, demand and supply, market competition).

    What was the subject of attention of scientists? First of all, such universal problems of the economy, as limited resources and the economic choice (with these basic concepts of economic science, you met in the social science of the main school).

    The needs of society in connection with the increase in population, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the deepening of cultural ties and exchanges is constantly increasing and becoming almost limitless. On the contrary, economic opportunities are those real resources that society can send to satisfying needs, always, in each this moment are limited. The society is constantly facing the need to resolve this contradiction and the problem of economic choice. How are the existing resources to fully satisfy existing needs? This problem is trying to solve the economy - the science of choice.

    Economic science studies various areas and economic development laws at different levels. So, part of the economic science, exploring the economy as a whole, is macroeconomics . Its subject are, for example, the problems of unemployment, poverty, economic growth, the role of the state in the regulation of the economy and the protection of the interests of society.

    Microeconomics - This is part of the economic science, exploring economic relations between individual business entities (consumers, employees, firms), their activities and influence on the national economy. It studies the problem of choosing with which individual participants in economic activity are faced. For example, the interaction of consumers and manufacturers in the market of goods and services, entrepreneurs and employees in the labor market, etc. At the same time, microeconomics studies the functioning of individual markets and industries. She explains how prices are established for individual goods, what means and why are the development of industry and markets, the development of the state of the state affect the activities of industries and markets.

    Both levels economic Analysis (Macro and microeconomics) use of limited resources are interconnected. For example, if the reasons for the increase in prices for the products of the oil refining plant are analyzed, this is a microeconomic problem. An analysis of the decision on the antitrust policy of the state against the enterprises of the oil producing industry is the subject of macroeconomics. At the same time, the behavior of individual participants in economic activity (producers, firms) largely depends on the state of affairs in the economy of the whole country.

    The current stage of economic development is characterized by the high interdependence of national economies on a global scale. therefore economic theory Be sure to involve consideration of the problems of the relationship of national economies with world economy. The laws of development of the world economy examines the Sao-Misphernaya part of the economic science - the world (international) economy. The subject of its research can be international trade goods and services, capital movement, exchange in science and technology, international currency relations, etc.

    Economic science also explores the functioning and interaction of such economic institutions as the state, enterprise, family and household.

    Revealed scientists sustainable, significant relationships between economic phenomena, processes, relationships allow for practice to solve economic tasks more effectively.

    In the next paragraphs of this chapter, you will get acquainted with the main scientific ideas and works (this will help you not only the training text, but also appeal to documents at the end of each paragraph) of such outstanding thinkers who contributed to economic science as A. Smith, . Ricardo, K. Marx, D. Keynes, A. Marshall, as well as modern scientists, including representatives of the Russian School of Economic Thought.

    Economy and Economic Activities

    In the broad sense of the word, the economy is a combination of methods for creating conditions for the survival and progress of mankind. From here you can conclude that economic activity is all types of economic activities of people to meet their needs and ensure the material conditions of life.

    Economic activity is necessary in order to turn resources into the necessary economic benefits - Goods and services that meet this or that human need and are available to the Company in a limited quantity. Schematically, the process of converting nature objects in consumption items can be represented as follows:

    Between various species Economic activity There is a close relationship. Thus, production and distribution cannot be divided, because the benefits produced can give a useful result when they reached the consumer. Consumption is not only the purpose of production, but also incentive of its development. It has a serious impact on the growth of production volumes, the development of those or other industries.

    Another component of economic activity, connecting production with distribution and consumption, is an exchange.

    Exchange - Economic operation, in the process of which one person transmits to another thing, product, receiving money in return or another thing.

    A variety of relations, developing in the process of production and distribution of material goods, are included in the concept of "society of society". (Recall what other areas of society, how are they related to the economy.)

    The success of the decision of the main problem of the economy is to determine the most effective ways the use of limited ^ resources - largely depends on the rules, principles "organization of activity. So, for several centuries, the world of the economy is managed by one of the basic principles - the principle of rationality, allowing to choose solutions based on the desire to obtain the greatest economic results with the minimum possible costs of all necessary for all necessary This resources. (Compare familiar to you from the history of the Formation Form: Natural and Commodity. Which one more fully takes into account the principle of rationality? What more efficiently?)

    The results of economic activity depend not only general principles Its organizations, but also on the so-called economic mechanisms, i.e., methods and forms of uniting their efforts in solving life support problems. Such essential economy mechanisms are, for example, division of labor and specialization, trade. (Think how these people already familiar to you ways to cooperate people affect the content and results of economic activity.)

    People meet the needs of goods and services or producing them independently or by exchanging produced products on the necessary goods and services. Therefore, in order to raise the standard of living of the population, it is necessary to find ways to increase production volume. Two such paths: expand the uses economic Resources Or increase the efficiency of their use. An indicator or measure of how efficient resources are used, performance is (do not confuse with productivity). When more quality goods are produced under the same resources, productivity increases.

    Performance is the volume of goods and services created per unit costs. Costs can be any resources involved in the production process - land, fuel, equipment costs, etc. The quality of labor resources (vocational training, employee qualifications), technologies used and the effectiveness of management decisions have a direct impact.

    Measuring instruments of economic activity

    To measure economic activity, various economic values \u200b\u200band indicators characterizing the state, properties, quality of the economy, its objects, processes are used. These values \u200b\u200ballow you to learn how processes of production, distribution, consumption, what are their results.

    Economic values \u200b\u200band indicators can be divided into bulk (characterize the amount of product) and high-quality (characterize the ratio of two values). You meet, for example, the data that Russia sells 130 million tons of coal in the world market - before you an example of a surround indicator. If economists note that this year the decline in production is 90% in relation to last year's (for this it is necessary to compare two quantities), is an example of a qualitative indicator.

    Get acquainted with some economic indicatorsused to assess the level of production and development of the country's economy.

    In most countries, the volume of annual production national Economy Measure through an indicator gross National Product (GNP) . This indicator is used since 1988 and in Russia.

    GNP is defined as the amount of market prices of all end products (goods and services) created by manufacturers of this country during the year both within the country and abroad.

    Why is it only about the final products? In order for the amount of national product to be determined correctly, all products need to consider only once. Most of the goods and services are many stages of the manufacturing process, before getting to the end consumer. For example, before the book gets to readers in hand, it must pass several technological stages - from the development of the author, the manufacture of paper and printing to the sale.

    In GNP, sales of only finite products are included (in our case - books), excluding sales of intermediate products, i.e., used in the manufacture of the final product (in our case - paper, typographical work, publishing costs). This allows you to exclude a double account and an overestimated GNP estimate.

    The GNP is considered a meter of the economy as a whole, because it actually includes the cost of all goods and services produced during the year. On the basis of the GNP, several more indicators are calculated: gross domestic product, pure national product, national income.

    Let us dwell on a similar value with GNP and the same frequently used - gross domestic product (GDP). This indicator of the "National Production Plux is defined as the amount of market prices of all finite products produced during the year in the country.

    Sharing GDP Countries On the number of citizens, we get an indicator, which is called GDP per capita. For this indicator, you can compare the degree of economic development and standard of living. different countries. It is GDP per capita that is one of the main indicators of the standard of living of the nation. When production grows faster, then one inhabit of the country accounts for more and more products and services, and the standard of living rises. If the population is growing faster than production, average level Life is reduced.

    It must be clarified, on the basis of what indicators can be judged on the growth of gross domestic product. Economists distinguish between two indicators: real GDP, when its volume is expressed in constant prices of produced products; Nominal GDP when its volume is measured in current prices.

    When calculating the real GDP indicator, as a rule, an amendment is made to the inflation rate (price increase), and it will depend only on changes in real output.

    When prices for goods and services are raised, nominal GDP (based on current prices) can increase, even if the production level remains unchanged or falls.

    Suppose that nominal GDP has grown during the year from 200 billion p. up to 500 billion r. But for the same period, the price rose 2 times and 1 ruble during this period possessed purchasing powerequal to half the former. It can be said that GDP has increased only to 250 billion rubles. (500 billion p .: 2). For example, in Russia from 1990 to 1999, GDP increased by more than 7 thousand times. Prices during this time increased by 13,750 times (i.e. almost twice). Thus, real GDP decreased, respectively, also almost 2 times.

    Since on the basis of data on the volume and dynamics of GDP, they are usually judged about economic growth in the country, it is necessary to use the indicator of the real gross domestic product.

    Obtained using various meters economic information It is the source material for analyzing the development of the country's economy, the development of economic forecasts. So, the observed positive dynamics of GDP growth in Russia in last years (From 2001 to 2003, this figure grew from 5 to 7.2%) allowed the government to put forward the task of doubling GDP in the next 10 years.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that manufacturers and consumers are the main operating persons. About how they provide their actions and efficiency of economic activity, you will learn in the following paragraphs.

    Practical findings

    1 Economic knowledge is needed to every person as a consumer and as an employee. The economically competent person knows how to make a decision to buy goods and about hiring to work, how to protect yourself from the consequences of price increases, how best to use your own digestion, which profession to choose to not be then unemployed.

    The lack of economic knowledge and abilities to take on their basis rational solutions turns out for the participants in economic activity by a decrease in the level of welfare, financial and loss, dissatisfaction and disappointment in professional activities, reduce opportunities to competently defend their economic rights.

    2 The development of market relations in our country demanded from their participants of new economic knowledge, without which successful practical activity is impossible, the ability to make the right economic choice in conditions of limited resources. Understanding the overall nature of the functioning of the economy helps its participants to competently determine their economic policy, take reasonable economic decisions even in the most unfavorable periods of the enterprise.

    3 The modern economic development of Russia depends largely not only from officials or politicians, but also from active participation in managing the country of its citizens. Your choice as a voter may affect the country's economic policy, and the choice as an employee or consumer will determine not only your well-being, but also how people around you will live.


    Reflections on the peculiarities of the Russian School of Economic Thought of Academician RAS L. I. Abalkin (from the report at the Scientific Conference of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Volnaya Economic Society of Russia).

    Globalization, which has become a leading tendency of world development, does not remove, but largely aggravates the problems of economic, social and political progress. It removes the opposition of civilizations or formations according to the principle: higher and lower, advanced and backward. Each of them has its own advantages and advantages, its own system of values \u200b\u200band their understanding of progress ... In this regard, it is necessary to return to the understanding of a special role and place in the science of the Russian school of economic thoughts. A huge impact on the self-determination of the Russian school of economic thought, both in the domestic and world science, had originality and the uniqueness of civilization in our country. No other civilization, if we exclude poorly understood the specifics of the Asian civilization, did not have so different from the west approaches, moral values, the perception of the world around the world and the place of man in it. It could not not affect culture and science, especially humanitarian. What is recognized in the West as an immutable truth, relieving all restrictions as insignificant, is quite different and often in principle is perceived in Russian economic thoughts.

    The world of the economy is interpreted not as an eternal struggle that optimizing their welfare of individuals, but as a complex, initially multicolor complex of complementary and thereby mutually engraving processes, forms of organization and management methods ... The state is not rejected, but organically combines the market, the total social benefit is higher than individual Success.

    Science was designed to absorb such an approach, and where she did, she was waiting for her success. Where she retreated from this rule, her (and the country) was waiting for disappointment. XX century, including his last decade, bright evidence.

    Questions and tasks for the document

    1. Why does the author consider it necessary to reconsider the role and place in the science of the Russian School of Economic Thought? What determines the identity of this scientific school?
    2. What are the most different approaches, moral values, the views in the world in the world characterize, according to L. I. Abalkin, Russian civilization?
    3. Is it possible to agree with the author in the fact that the use of economic science of these approaches could ensure the success of the country's economic development?
    4. Using the knowledge of the latest history and facts of the socio-economic life of Russia of Russia of the last decade, provide examples confirming the conclusion of a scientist that the retreat from approaches and values \u200b\u200bdeveloped by Russian economists has led to failures.

    Questions for self-test

    1 What is related to the appearance of the EC-Economic Science?
    2. What are the main problems of the economic science? I will name E and characterize them.
    3 What are the macroeconomics and microeconomics study?
    4 What is needed in order for nature objects to be transformed into consumption items? What is the role of economic activity in this process?
    5. How can I measure and determine the gross domestic product?
    6 What ways can you increase the volume of products produced when available limited resources?


    one . China's GNP is higher than in France. Is it possible on this basis and conclude about the best state of affairs in its economy? Explain your answer.

    2 Fill in the table "Sections of the Economic Science".

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