
Japan where the land is quite a deficient resource. First, in the presence of international trade, residents of each country. For everything you need to pay

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Option number 3554450.

A) she was reading, writing, account, was the new ones on you
Current activities, elements of the teem
B) it becomes too much about the name of the gram of
about the estate of the exactly at those hundreds and it is
C) rally but on in di vi and whether and about the fes si about Na Noya
D) the studiils not before Pusa, it is not
about RA Zo Valo about grams we have the right level
o Education
E) Forms of the Society of Courses, from the storage
not and strengthened health

Write down the word missed in the table.
Types of political processes

Level of


Political processes related to keytaining key
political decisions and characterized by diversity
methods of political participation of citizens

Peripheral political processes that do not provide principled
Political influences on dominant forms and methods of implementation
Answer: Basic


In the above number, find a concept that is generalizing for all other
Presented concepts. Write this word.

Knowledge, ideals, worldview, worldview, values.
Answer: Worldview
Below is a series of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, denote natural sciences.

1) before school -
2) media
3) on chaln

Answer: 31221.
The group of amateurs astronomers has developed their theory of origin of the universe.
Professional astronomers did not recognize this theory of scientific. Which of the foundations below
Could the cause of such a professional assessment? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) The theory has developed lovers
2) the theory is not confirmed by practice
3) developers are illogical
4) Theory refutes the presentation adopted in science
5) the main provisions of the theory are not substantiated
6) Theory developers consider the participation of supernatural forces
Answer: 2356.

1) Archeology
2) Geology
3) Physics
4) Botany
5) Chemistry
6) Pedagogy
Find two terms "dropping" from the total row, and write the numbers under which they
Answer: 16.

Choose faithful judgments About the state budget and write down the numbers under which they

1) Oso Ben but the flow of his oops of dashing character.
2) the estate of the ultrasound of my mouse is a language.
3) de Dukzium is a Lo-Chest UMO with a common one.
4) Sin Teste as a technique of mint there are times a member of it and parties.
5) Momes can not be possible, but without analysis, the sin those for and comparison.
Answer: 125.

1) budget surplus is a situation where state revenues exceed it
Planned costs.
2) the state budget is the estimate of the income and expenses of the state for a certain period
3) the state budget is drawn up with the indication of the sources of the receipt of state
income and directions, money spending channels.
4) The State Budget in the Russian Federation is developed and adopted by the President of the Russian Federation.
5) Providing subsidies to enterprises - one of the articles of income state budget.
Answer: 123.

Set the correspondence between the characteristics and levels general Education: Each
Positions, given to the pen in the column, under the possibilities of CO from the WTO column.

Install the correspondence between examples and types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation (in accordance with
Tax Code of the Russian Federation): To each position given in the first column, select the appropriate
Position from the second column.

Choose the faithful sugens about the mouse and for Pi but those numbers, under which they are indicated.

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Educational portal "RTU EGE" (https://soc-ege.sdamgia.ru)

The numbers of the urine in the row of increasing.
Types of taxes
And fees in the Russian Federation

A) income tax of individuals
B) excise
C) transport tax
D) public duty
E) land tax

1) Regional
2) Local
3) federal

Record the numbers in response, the races are alive in the order, so from the velvene velvene:

1) The basis of social conflict is contradiction between social groups.
2) Social conflicts exist in any society.
3) the subject of social conflict is the objective circumstances under which there are
4) Social conflicts are performed both positive and negative functions.
5) Social conflicts always lead to the destruction of the social system.
Answer: 124.
In the country, 2 sociological services conducted a survey. Participants were suggested to answer the question:
"What are your family to put in front of me?" The survey results are shown in the table (in% of the number

Answer: 33132.
Japan, where the land is quite a deficient resource, but there is a highly qualified
Board force, produces and delivers video cameras, cars and electronics to the global market. In
Next years of the world market more clearly feels the impact of the growing electronics industry in
Korea and USA. What phenomena illustrate this situation? Write down the numbers under which these phenomena
1) Inflation
2) Competition
3) monopolization
4) Specialization
5) Informatization
6) Differentiation
Answer: 24 | 42

What conclusions can be made based on the given data? Select from the list of list
The necessary intensiations and for pi-shi those numbers, under which they are indicated.

The figure shows the situation in the meat market
Semi-finished products imported
Production in the country A: Delivery line D moved to a new
The position D1 (P is the price of goods, Q is the volume of demand for goods). Which are
Listed factors can cause such a change? Write down

1) For the next years, the years have grown up with people.
2) the tire pain from day facilities.
3) Middle Urals of the life of people to a hundred-to-point but high.
4) standard of living in developed countries not considered by most respondents as the target
reference point.
5) Among the supports of those who are their deaths with ends, has increased.
Answer: 245.
Choose the right judgments about political parties and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) a significant improvement in the sanitary and epidemiological
settings in a number of states - importers of meat products in
Country A.
2) the introduction of preferential taxation on the import into the country A
Meat semi-finished products of foreign manufacturers
3) distribution in the media information about the deterioration of the sanitary epidemiological situation in a number of regions of the world
4) improving the quality of the food industry products of the country A
5) Introduction by the Government of the country and quotas for food supplies from states - Importers
Meat products
Answer: 34.

1) the political party is called a voluntary union based on the generality of political
Ideas and aimed at mastering state power.
2) mass parties are focused on the nearest elections, they are formed around several
Leaders have a weak organization.
3) Political parties express the powerful significant interests of certain social groups.
4) Political parties unite supporters of any idea, programs and attract them to
participation in politics.
5) in relation to the law, the ruling and opposition parties allocate.
Answer: 134.

Choose faithful judgments about the social conflict and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

Install the correspondence between the functions and the subjects of the state power of the Russian

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Federations that perform them: to each position given in the first column, pick up
The corresponding position from the second column.
State power

State function
A) signing and promulgation of laws
B) the Office of the Federal
C) implementing measures to ensure
Defense countries
D) solving the issue of trust
Government of the Russian Federation
E) appointment of presidential elections
Russian Federation

1) Russian President
2) State Duma
3) Federation Council
4) Government of the Russian Federation

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2) Only norms of law come from the state and are the official expression of his will.
3) the rules of law are not formally defined.
4) One of the signs of law as a social norm is its generally binding nature.
5) Rights of law are the only state regulator of public relations.
Answer: 245.
Set the compliance between the examples of legal relations and the regulatory branches of the right:
To each position, given to the pen in the column, under the other co-column from the WTO.

Record the numbers in response, the races are alive in the order, so from the velvene velvene:

Examples of legal relations

Industries Rights

A) the damage of the dams of the dam for the damage caused to IM
B) challenge a string of a shit for a bus
C) the mouth of the heirs
D) by yes wa about it would be his nosed face
E) on di di

1) hell either country
NEE law
2) Trees Dan

Record the numbers in response, the races are alive in the order, so from the velvene velvene:

Answer: 14423.

In the state Z, there is a partial ban on the operation of the opposition. What an additional one
Information indicates that the state established authoritarian political regime?
For pi but those numbers, under which it is indicated.
1) Power wears a personal character
2) there was a si-pra in the protection of nor bodies
3) all one hundred people of life under no one ideology
4) Large vli has a fence as a common institution
5) For the Understand of the Us Polya
6) Control over the Eco Caoa Gender But Stew Centralized
Answer: 45 | 54
What of the following refers to the exclusive management of the Russian Federation? Write down
The numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Defense and Security
2) issues of ownership, use and orders of land, subsoil, water and other
Natural resources
3) separation of state ownership
4) regulation and protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen
5) meteorological service, standards, standards, metric system and the calculus of time
Answer: 145.
Choose true judgments about the right in the system of social norms and write down the numbers under which
They are indicated. The numbers of the urine in the row of increasing.
1) The scope of law is wider than morality.

Answer: 21211
The initiative group of deputies made a legislative initiative to introduce progressive
Noah scale income tax. Which of the listed subjects of political activities should
Observing for the tel but with the participation of participation in consideration so that it can La become a law?
1) Council Fe Deviation Ros Federation
3) of the situation of the federation
4) the right of the Russian Federation
5) Fe de Raal on the Luck Service
6) Dental Dent Ros Federation
Answer: 146.
Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Choose from the proposed
The Words Words, which are not about how to go to the place of skips.
"When they want to characterize some person, often talking about him as a person, as about
Individuality. In psychology, these concepts vary. (A) ___ is a specific person, in everything
The originality of its physical and physiological qualities and properties. If we are talking about socially significant
MY CA uses the use of ___ (b). In Psi Ho Loes, the "Personality" is most often used -
in two basic values. First, personality is any person with ____ (c). Others
Psychologists emphasize that personality should be called a person who has reached a certain level
mental development. This level is characterized by the fact that in the process ____ (d) a person begins to
take and experience yourself as a whole, different from other people and expressed in
Nyatia "I". The necessary personality characteristic is its ___ (e). Man at this level of development
Ben WHO act on ____ (e), one of them for its own purposes, as well as from me to go for their own purposes of myself. "

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Educational portal "RTU EGE" (https://soc-ege.sdamgia.ru)

Own lord.
Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used
Wa and only once.
Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note
In the fact that words in the list Ke more than you are trying for half the passage of the pass.
1) Subject

2) Personality

3) Cities Jew

4) Consciousness

5) Activity

6) Object

7) Social

8) Individual

9) self-knowledge

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:

Therefore, in private law, in contrast to the public, "horizontal" relations are dominated,
Based on legal equality of subjects, coordinating their will and interests. Predominant
The position in it occupy legal permissions. And legal norms in many cases have
Dispositive character, i.e. They operate according to the principle "if otherwise not established by the contract" act only when the parties did not agree on this issue.
(S. S. Alekseev)
Name any three principles of public law referred to in the text. What is the industry called
Public law enshrining the "device and activities of the state as a public authority"?
The author writes that, as democracy develops, public law is enriched with guarantees for
citizens, democratic procedures. Attracting social science knowledge, name any
Four constitutional guarantees for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Answer: 824953.
How does the author formulate the fundamental difference between private law from public law? Than character
Norms of public law differs from the nature of the norms of private law?
Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.
Public law is such a legal sphere, which is based on public interests,
"State affairs", i.e. The device itself and the activities of the state as a public authority,
Regulation of the activities of the state apparatus, officials, civil service,
criminal prosecution of offenders, criminal and administrative responsibility, etc., in a word, institutions built in the "vertical" plane, on the basis of power and subordination,
Principles of coinlands, subordination. According to this for "public law is inherent in one - and
Only one - the national legal center "Center" is characterized by imperative prescriptions and
Bans addressed to subordinate, subject to persons; The permissions having an imperative
Character - the prerogative of the ownership of the subjects.
That is why it is characterized by a specific legal order - generalized
speaking, the order of "power - subordination", in accordance with which persons with the authorities are entitled
unilaterally and directly, in principle without any additional solutions of other instances,
To determine the behavior of other persons (subject, subjects), and in accordance with this, the entire system of power-contributing institutions is obliged to ensure full and accurate implementation.
orders and teams of power, and "all other" persons - certainly obey them. From here leaks and all
Other principles of public law: the difference, the militia of the legal status of persons, hierarchy
Provisions and various volume of power of the authorities in the owners of their own, the presence of its "departmental"
jurisdiction, lack of orientation on the decision of controversial issues by an independent court. As
Democracy Development These principles are enriched with high democratic order institutions
(guarantees for citizens, democratic procedures, etc.), but this does not change the very essence, the most
Nature of public-¬-management began.
Private law expresses the start of decentralization, freedom of individual subjects. Here is the opportunity
solutions to a particular life situation not only to some extent pre-programmed in advance
legal norms, but also provided by the participants in relations that determine the decision
Situations themselves, autonomously, their will and in their own interests (mainly by contracts). AND.
Kant wrote that private law is such a right, according to which

country wins selling goods that
produces cheap and buying products to produce it
Trade freedom is to provide people to sell and
buy as they want it ... protectionist tariffs are the same
the use of force, as well as the establishment of the blockade with the help of troops, and the purpose of their
But - prevent trading. The difference is that with the help of a military blockade
Countries prevent trading their enemies, and with the help of Protectionist
tariffs - to its own citizens.
Henry George.
Protectionism or free trade, 1886
International trade is mainly built on the same principles as
Any other voluntary exchange: Trade parties produce and consume
More than it would be possible otherwise. There are three
The reasons why international trade is beneficial to all parties.
First, in the presence of international trade in residents of each country
get the opportunity to use more of your resources in order to
produce and sell those things that they do better than others
directing revenue to buy those goods that they can produce
Only with high costs.
The countries of the world are characterized by their resources, and these differences are affected by
Production costs. Goods whose production is expensive in
One country can be made with low costs in other countries.
Residents of each country won, specializing in the production of goods,
which they can produce with relatively low costs. For example,
countries with warm, humid climate, such as Brazil and Colombia, find
Favorable cultivation of coffee. Canada and Australia, where there are many land, and
The population is dispersed on large spaces, specialize in
Wheat, forage crops and beef. Japan, where land is more
scarce resource, but there are highly qualified labor,
Specializes in camcorders, cars and electronics. As a result
Such specialization and international trade of aggregate production
Increases, and people have the opportunity to live more rich.
Secondly, international trade allows both manufacturers and
consumers win from reducing costs per unit of products
Thanks to the creation of large-scale production.
This is especially true for small countries. Trade gives
manufacturers the opportunity to deal with a wide leg and thus
To achieve lower costs. For example, textile companies in
Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea would have significantly higher average
Costs, if they have no opportunity to sell their products abroad.
Domestic market for textile industry In these countries would be
Too much so that large firms can work with low costs. IN
Conditions of international trade in textile companies of these countries
able to produce and sell large volumes of products, quite successfully
Competing in the global market.
International trade brings benefits and consumers within the country,
Allowing them to buy cheap products from major foreign manufacturers.
The proof of this can be the aircraft industry. For
existing in this industry huge design and creation costs
aircraft, the capacity of the market of almost all countries would be significantly less than
This is necessary for the efficient production of jet liners. but
Thanks to international trade in consumers all over the world have
the ability to acquire aircraft in such large-scale manufacturers,
As "Boeing" or "McDonnel-Douglas".
Thirdly, international trade promotes competition on internal
markets and allows consumers to buy a wide variety of goods with
around the world at reasonable prices.
Competition from abroad helps internal manufacturers keep the ear
East, forcing them to improve the quality of their products and hold
Costs at a low level. In addition, a wide range of goods due to
The borders provide consumers much greater freedom of choice.
The recent experience of the automotive industry of North America is
See more good illustration. Faced with tough competition
from Japanese firms, automakers "Big Troika"
(American automobile companies "General Motors", "Ford" and
"Chrysler" - approx. Ed.) Still hard to work on improving quality
of their cars. As a result, the reliability of passenger cars and trucks,
available to North American consumers, including their own machines
production turned out to be higher than if competing with
There were no foreign manufacturers.
When countries introduce tariffs, quotas, monitoring exchange rates,
Bureaucratic measures for regulating imports or exports and other types
trade restrictions, they increase trade costs and reduce
Favorny exchange. As Henry George noted, the epigraph of which we
started this chapter, trade restrictions are equivalent to blockade,
installed by the government against their own nations and
Harm from it is just as great as from the enemy blockade.
In tab. 4 provides data on trade restrictions and economic growth
Eighteen developing countries In the 80s - eight countries with the most
Low shopping barriers and ten - with the highest. The first eight B.
The current of the 80s has reduced and before the low level of imported
tariffs. In most cases, they refrained from control
per currency coursesso the black market revenues from illegal
The currency conversion was either completely absent, or were very low.
The consequence of low trade barriers has become a significant amount of international
trade compared to other countries comparable sized, and pace
Growth of average national income in these countries on average
was 5% over 1980 - 1990.
Now let's turn to the dozen countries that had significant limitations of external
Trade. The rates of import tariffs in these countries were more than 10% and in
The average is 4 times higher than in states with minor restrictions. IN
a result of monitoring exchange rates in six of them (Iran, Brazil,
Bangladesh, Peru, Argentina and Sierra Leone) fee for converting currency on
The black market was extremely high, making up 50 or more percent. IN
comparison with comparable sizes, volume foreign trade All
Ten states were very small.
Table 4.
Economic growth of developing countries with various trading
restrictions The average tax rate on foreign trade pay
Conversion of currency in the black market in 1988 * Middle GDP growth rate
per capita
In 1980 - 90gg.
Countries with weak trading restrictions
Hong Kong0.00.005.7.
South Korea4.13.0108.6
Mid-sized growth rate5.0.
Countries with strong trade restrictions
Peru 10.65.0240-2.6.
Rwanda13.3H / d30-2.3
Sierra Leone13.311.81406-0.9
The average growth rate0.0
n / d - no data;
Significant fee for converting currency in the black market
indicates that the country has significantly limited
Conversion currency control.
1992; International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Yearbook, 1989 - 90
As a result, the gross domestic product per capita in this group in
The course of the 80s remained in the middle unchanged, and in six of them fell.
Only two countries (India and Pakistan) were able to achieve growth rates, not
inferior indicators of countries with minor restrictions on trade. Thus
The way, while countries with low restrictions flourished, countries
With high restrictions experienced economic stagnation.
Among the unprofessional is the opinion that import restrictions
Contribute to creating jobs.
However, before discussing this issue, it is useful to recall that for
The welfare of the country matters not the number of jobs, but the volume
production, which is higher in the conditions of free international trade.
Indeed, in this case, consumers can purchase goods so
the seller who requests the lowest prices, and manufacturers -
sell your goods where they can get behind it the highest
Prices. As a result, the welfare of the country is growing: owners of resources
produced, and consumers for their money receive more products and services.
If jobs were key to wealth, we could easily
Create any of their number. Everyone would be provided with work, digging pits
today and instill them tomorrow, but everyone would be very poor, for
Such jobs do not create goods and services that are presented.
Import restrictions can increase employment in protected industries.
However, this does not mean that they expand the cumulative employment. Import
Creates a purchasing power for export. Therefore, when, for example, Canadians
Tariffs, quotas and other barriers that limit the ability are introduced
Foreigners sell their products in Canada, they thereby limit
The ability of foreigners to buy Canadian goods. After all, if foreigners have
There will be less opportunities to sell their products to Canadians, then in the hands of
They will be less than Canadian dollars required to purchase
Canadian goods.
Consequently, import restrictions reduce exports. Production I.
Employment in export industries decrease, and they cannot compensate
"Saved" jobs in protected industries. The fact is that
Import restrictions distract resources from industries where domestic
Manufacturers have low costs, and send them to where
High costs. As a result, more internal resources will be
involved in the production of goods that Canadians do bad and
Less - in the manufacture of what they do better than others.
Many are confident that to protect local workers from imports of goods,
produced with cheap labor, trade restrictions certain
necessary. This look is also erroneous.
Countries exitting somewhere goods make it in order to receive
Currency on which you can buy there. They seek to import
goods that are relatively cheap abroad and export those
which are relatively cheap at home. Therefore, such countries as Canada and
United States import labor-intensive goods: wigs, carpets, toys,
Hand crafts, high quality glass, etc. They export
grain, petrochemical products, newest computers, aircraft and scientific
devices ... - that is, all that is done through
high-performance labor, fertile agricultural land and
Knowledge - abundant resources of the United States of America and Canada.
Somewhat differently comes trading between countries with similar resource
potential, such as the United States and Canada, which tends to become
intra-industry: car for cars, beer for beer, cheese cheese, soft
Wood for solid wood. With intra-industry international
trade each of the parties specializes in the production of certain
types of goods, and then with the help of exchanging gets the whole range of goods
This industry. For example, with recently, Canada provides all
North America minibuses Plymouth Voyager and Chevrolet Lumin,
producing one type of car at each factory and imported from abroad
All other cars "Chrysler" and "General Motors". Top
the most in the conditions of free trade Americans and Canadians got access to
wide range of cars at prices lower than it would be possible
otherwise. Almost 80% of Canada-American Trade is
Intra-industry, and it is expected that this figure will grow in the future.
[There is another important group of arguments in favor of free trade,
which are not brought by the authors of the book, may be due to its conciseness.
Modern technology crushes production process on numerous
Small parts, each of which is best implemented in some
A separate country. As a result, the concept of goods produced in
This country. (You can only talk about part of the value of this product,
added in this country.) Proponents of protectionism are already more than once
faced this paradox, in particular on the example of the American
automotive market. What should be protected by the waters of domestic
American Industry: American Ford, collecting his
Cars in South Korea, or Japanese company Mitsubishi, collecting them in
America? Despite the fact that both companies use a huge assembly
The number of imported goods. However, the protection of the national market
was always only a screen, followed by someone very private and
Very selfish interests. - approx. ed.]
When the country has the ability to purchase goods from foreigners cheaper than
can produce, it also wins thanks to the use
Elevated internal resources for the production of other goods. For
Illustrations Consider a certain case. Let's pretend that
Foreign manufacturer who pays for its working little or at all
nothing like Santa Claus wants to supply Canadians free
Winter jackets. Would make sense to build a tariff barrier to
Prevent them with imports? Of course no. Those resources that before
used in the production of jackets, can now be released for
Production of other goods. Production volume and availability of goods
will increase. And we conclude that in the construction of tariff barriers,
preventing the penetration of cheap foreign goods, not more
It makes sense than in the refusal of free jackets of a good foreigner Santa Claus.
It is also useful to ask a question about why "wish jobs" and
Defenders of trade restrictions of international trade do not speak
Tariffs and quotas limiting trade in the country? Finally,
You can think about all the lost workplaces when, for example,
Ontario Province imports forest and apples from British Columbia, wheat from
Saskatchewan, and fish - from New Scotland. All these products could
Manufactured in Ontario. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Ontario believe that cheaper
"Import" these products than to produce them on their territory.
Ontario wins because it uses its resources for production and
"Exports" cars. In turn, car sale creates
purchasing power to allow residents ontario to "import"
Products that would be relatively expensive at home.
Most Canadians recognize that free trade between the provinces
Allows you to flourish each of them. It is clear to them that "Import" from others
provinces does not eliminate jobs; He simply releases workers for
bringing them to "export" industries where you can produce more valuable
Goods and, therefore, to get more income. Causes of profitability
international trade exactly the same as in trade between different
Provinces. If free trade between ten provinces
promotes their prosperity, then you can also say about free trade
Between the countries of the world.
But if trade restrictions impede economic prosperity,
Why is so many countries resort to them?
The answer to this question is simple: it is profitable for someone. Trade restrictions
Further manufacturers (and suppliers of their resources) to the detriment of consumers.
As a rule, representatives of producing industries - entrepreneurs and
workers - well organized and politically strong while
Consumers are separated. Groups united by common interests have
larger political weight - and therefore can get more funds for
election campaign, and, therefore, and votes. Therefore, politicians are inclined
listen to such groups and sound economic considerations
Losing the wishes to win a political victory.

The countries of the world are characterized by their resources, and these differences are affected at the costs of production. Products whose manufacturing is expensive in one country can be made with low costs in other countries.

Residents of each country won, specializing in the production of goods that they can produce with relatively low costs. For example, countries with warm, wet climate, such as Brazil and Colombia, find profitable cultivation of coffee. Canada and Australia, where there are many land, and the population is dispersed on large spaces, specialize in wheat, feed crops and beef. Japan, where land is a more scarce resource, but there are highly qualified labor, specializes in camcorders, cars and electronics. As a result of such specialization and international trade, aggregate production increases, and people have the opportunity to live more richly.

Even on the topic first, in the presence of international trade, residents of each country have the opportunity to use more of their resources in order to produce and sell those things that they do better than others by directing the revenue to buy those goods that they can only produce with high costs:

  1. Never more money will be my passion. Money is an excellent tool in order to make the world better, and people are happier. But if money does not make it, they are nothing more than paper. Never again I will not regret the money to help your neighbor. Bribery and bribery
  2. Do everything possible to make sure your subordinates get that salary that deserve
  3. they will be able to contact medical institutionswhere they will help to fully restore their health, despite the malnutrition and deadly diseases: tuberculosis caused by poverty; cholera and other diseases associated with the problem of absence of pure water; diabetes caused by poor nutrition; heart failure caused by people's lives; syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases that no one treats because the inhabitants simply do not have
  4. In order to buy a car that does not break, it is necessary to walk not by car dealerships, but by maintenance stations
  5. Fig. 54. Daily Power Index: The second screen of the three-screens system is one of the oscillators that can work in the second screen of the three-screen system, is a 2-day EMA from the force index. The force index indicates the possibility of buying when it falls below the midline. It shows the possibility of selling when rises above the middle line. With an uptrend weekly trend, answer only the signals to the purchase given by the oscillator, and add to the positions that play on the boost. P
  6. People who perfectly come up with excuses in order not to do something, never manage to earn a decent money
  7. abundance comes when you improve the lives of others, 2. The main point of getting something is to give more
  8. In order for my business to raise, I should just do well the same as always. "Why are you already annoying a year who can overcome the same bar?"
  9. For many years, we have witnessed how billions of dollars stand out for development assistance different countries And on the organization of emergency. Nevertheless, more than 16 thousand people die every day from diseases that could be warned - from AIDS and tuberculosis, which today is amenable to treatment. Half of our planet's population still lives two dollars a day, and a billion people have no opportunity to drink clean water. And this list can be continued for how long. Ho
  10. Concepts used in Russia and other countries to designate human resources
  11. The purpose of the usual business is to make money ... the interests of other people are not taken into account here, everything is subordinate to obtaining benefits. Social business, on the contrary, is directed not to personal enrichment, but to improve social well-being. Profit, of course, is important for companies from social business, but they seek to sell the product at a price to just be profitable. Social business is not charity, but also receiving profit is not a priority for him. When S.
  12. If this ratio is greater than 1.5, then this transaction is worth it to take it into account. Reverse logic can be applied at a decreasing sequence of five waves. Rules: Second Type of Trade (sale at the end of the fifth wave lift)
  13. This success rule: "We do complex things right away, impossible just take a little longer ..." (US Air Force motto) So you can live only in one case: if the work is for you - this is what you can't. What you get tremendous satisfaction. And what you get better. Still, the answer to the question about freedom and passive income is! Only he may not like it ... Everything will be easy and simple when dividends and passive income With your conservative investment (ban


1. Select faithful judgments about the subjects banking activities And write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

1) Commercial banks Can do the production of material values.

2) central bank Can take deposits and issue loans.

3) The Central Bank may establish certain financial standards that are obliged to comply with all credit organizations.

4) Commercial banks can engage in trade and property insurance.

5) Commercial banks can engage in lending to enterprises, states and population.

2. Install the correspondence between the measures of state regulation of the economy and its methods: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

3. Financial consultant explains his client the differences of preferred shares from stock ordinary. What are the rights provided by privileged shares, should the consultant to highlight? Select the right positions and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) These shares give the right to participate in the management of the company.

2) These shares give the right to receive a fixed dividend.

3) the size of the dividend for these shares and the liquidation value are determined in solid monetary sum or as a percentage of the nominal value of preferred shares.

4) these shares give first priority To receive a part of the property of the company in the event of its bankruptcy.

4) Large enterprises open their deposit accounts in the Central Bank.

D) freedom of entrepreneurship

E) cyclical development of the economy

1) Market

2) Team

6. The government of the State T was able to reduce the state budget deficit by reducing the costs of The content of the state apparatus. What other expenditure articles can be contained in the state budget?

3) Maintenance of the public debt

3. Rising prices for resources generates inflation offer.

4. One of the causes of inflation is to strengthen competition between manufacturers.

5. Inflation consequences include the growth of real wages of workers. Answer:

8. Install the correspondence between the costs and specific cost examples: each position, given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column

Examples of costs

A) raw materials and materials costs 1) permanent

B) room rental fee 2) variables

C) utility costs

D) expenses for employee salary

E) insurance payments answer _______________

9. Nadezhda 40 years old, she is a housewife. Woman supports order in the house, cares about her husband running At a large enterprise. What categories of the population can be attributed to hope? Select the desired positions from the proposed list and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) able-bodied

2) partially occupied

3) not included in the number of labor

4) desperate finding work

5) temporarily unemployed

6) Busy answer:

10. Select true tax judgments and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

1) Proportional taxation means that the tax depends on the income value.

2) with proportional taxation with high income charged larger percentagethan Low.

3) with a progressive system as income increases income, the tax rate increases.

4) The consumer is interested in preserving market competition.

5) in conditions market economy The consumer is beneficial to increase taxes on the manufacturer.

14. Choose true judgments about economic growth and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

1) GDP growth always indicates economic growth in the country.

2) Availability natural resources Higher quality is both condition and an indicator of extensive economic growth.

3) the need to attract additional employees indicates extensive economic growth.

4) The scientific organization of labor is an indicator of intensive economic growth.

5) The intensive economic growth can be judged by improving the professional skill of workers.

15. Include in the list below Examples of the functioning of the capital market. Write down the numbers under which they are specified

1) Based on the volume of client orders, the automotive market must maintain stability.

2) Patients are ready to pay a big price to get medical care better quality.

3) In the context of the financial crisis, there has been a decline in shares of large companies.

4) for a rather short period of time modern market educational services.

5) five banks banned the sale of bonds in the euro and the issue of shares in favor of European investors.

6) Reducing the traditional telephone market compensate for income from mobile service and data transmission.

16.Rezhdanin A. Bought privileged share One of the industrial companies. What are the rights of O. Acquires, becoming the owner of this action? Write down the numbers under which these rights are indicated.

1) to receive a fixed dividend regardless of the vote of shareholders

2) to receive the amount of debt certified by the security, within the specified period

3) to receive a part of revenue after dividends will be issued on ordinary shares

4) to receive a part of profits depending on its magnitude

5) on management of joint-stock company through participation in the shareholders meeting

6) to receive a certain part of the property in the event of the company's liquidation before it is divided between owners of ordinary shares Answer:

17. Japan, where the land is quite a scarce resource, but there is a highly qualified working Strength, produces and delivers video cameras, cars and electronics to the global market. IN last years The global market more clearly feels the impact of the growing electronics industry in Korea and the United States. What phenomena illustrate this situation? Write down the numbers under which these phenomena are indicated.

1) Inflation

2) Competition

3) monopolization

4) Specialization

4) public investment

5) Revenues from private enterprises

6) income from money emissions

21. Select faithful judgments about the economy and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In a market economy, the coordination of relationships between firms is carried out through voluntary agreements of sellers and buyers based on the demand and supply mechanism.

2) Coordination of relationships between firms requires certain costs associated with the implementation of market transactions, in particular the cost of finding information about suppliers and buyers, products, prices, etc.

3) In the conditions of perfect competition, the firm is not able to influence the price and can choose only the volume of production.

4) Firm is available full and reliable information regarding the situation in the markets of goods and factors of production.

5) All actions of the company as an economic entity are rational.



Type of unemployment

A) arises when decaying production

B) covers all spheres of production

C) caused by changes in the structure of demand and production technology

D) can lead to strong social shocks

D) can lead to strong social shocks

E) leads to the need to appear new professions

1) cyclic

2) Structural

26. Select the function inherent in only the central bank from the list. .

1) Calculation and payments in the farm

2) Credit Mediation

3) Accumulation and Money Capital Mobilization

5) maintaining the ruble resistance

6) monetary emission

27. Select faithful judgments about the state in a market economy.

1) The state in a market economy should not take care of creating conditions for economic growth.

2) One of the functions of the state in the conditions of a market economy is to create its legal framework.

3) Economic functions States in a market economy are determined by the needs of its normal functioning, to ensure competition and private entrepreneurship.

4) There are no state ownership in countries with market economies.

5) One of the state functions in the market conditions is compensation for negative external effects.

28. Install the correspondence between the type of economic system and its signs:

Signs Economic System

A) production determine customs 1) market

B) primitive technologies 2) traditional

B) Main goal - profit

D) free pricing

E) commodity production

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

29. What taxes pay the enterprise? Find the desired position in the list and write the numbers under which these taxes are specified.

1) income tax

3) Income tax of individuals

30. Set the correspondence between manifestations of development and economic growth paths.

31.To not give way to the market by Japanese manufacturers, American automobile companies "General Motor "," Ford "and" Chrysler "began to work hard to improve the quality of their cars. What economic phenomena can be illustrated with this situation?

1) production factors

2) Competition

3) Monopolization

4) Specialization

5) Inflation

6) Stagnation

32. Selectfaithful judgments about the role of the state in the market conditions and write down the numbers.

1) One of the state functions in the market conditions is the struggle against the monopolization of the economy.

2) The state in the market economy is designed to maintain unprotected segments of the population.

3) the most important function of the state is the creation of public goods.

4) The state in market conditions regulates prices for essential goods.

5) the process of privatization means transmission private property In the hands of the state.

33. Install the correspondence between the types of labor markets and their characteristics: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Characteristics Types of Labor Markets

A) labor offer increases in CO - 1) Competitive

in accordance with demand 2) monopolized

B) the salary dictates a company of large employers

B) several large companies operate in the labor market

D) working one profession independently of each other offer their labor

34. The owner of the hairdresser paid interest on the loan taken in the bank. What extra Does the constant costs have to be carried in the short term? Select the permanent costs from the list below and write down. numbersunder which they are indicated.

2) the cost of the purchase of phenomena

3) salary hairdressers

5) Expenses for the purchase of hair care products

6) Payment of insurance premiums Answer _____________

35. Choose true judgments about factors and factor income

1) The factors of production include the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

2) income from capital is a rent.

3) Entrepreneurial ability is one of the factors of production.

4) the significance of labor as a factor of production in modern conditions Reduced.

5) Capital as a production factor includes machines and equipment. Answer ___________

36. Citizen A. is the owner of the cottage. Every year he pays tax on this property object. What else, in addition to property tax, belongs to direct taxes? Select the desired positions from given list below the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) inheritance tax

2) excise tax

3) personal income tax

4) customs duty

5) income tax

6) Sales Tax Answer:

37. Choose true judgments about the conditions for the emergence of a market economy and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) the regularity of the exchange.

38. Set the correspondence between the types of budget articles and their expression specific: to each position, This in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Budget budget articles

A) excise fees 1) expendable articles

5) cash emissions

40. Install the match between the types of markets and their signs:

41. The Social and Economic Profile has been held by the Seminar "Joint-Stock Company in modern economy" One of the speeches concerns the status of an ordinary action. What of the following below should be marked in this speech? Write down numbersunder which the right positions are indicated.

1) gives the right to participate in the management of the company

2) gives the right to receive a fixed dividend

3) gives the priority right to receive the property of the company in the event of its bankruptcy

4) gives the right to the unconditional return of its nominal value after the repayment period

5) gives the right to receive non-fixed dividends in the case of relevant decisions

6) is the equity securities

42.Select faithful judgments about the character market relations and species markets and recordnumbersunder which they are indicated.

1) Competition of manufacturers contributes to improving the quality of goods.

2) Market monopolization leads to a decrease in prices for goods and services.

3) The free competition market is distinguished by an easy entry into it for enterprises and a complex output.

4) Market competition is characterized by consumer competition.

5) Under the conditions of oligopoly, it is possible to control the price with a secret collusion.

43. Set the correspondence between the phases of the economic cycle and the examples given:

A) from the factory conveyor, the first car of the new model went

B) In the difficult war years, people carry clothing to the markets, dishes to buy some products

B) Social Works are completed in the field farms

D) earned a new enterprise for the production of household chemicals

E) part of the grain of the new harvest was sent to the State Reserve Fund

44. Choose faithful judgments about consumer savings.

1) the growth of consumer savings contributes to an increase in its income.

2) Increase savings helps the absence of a shortage of goods.

4) increasing income tax contributes to savings growth.

5) The growth of consumer spending leads to the growth of savings.

45. Install the correspondence between the functions and by the banks that exercise them.

Functions of banks

A) exercise lending to Yuri - 1) central banks

deal 2) Commercial Banks

B) conduct government monetary policy

D) regulate the activities of credit institutions

E) exercise lending to individuals

46.DVA automakers were united to create a new supercar. What of the listed below refers to the main capital of this production association?

2) Equipment

3) Semi-finished products

4) fuel

6) Financial Investments

47. Select true judgments about factors that promote production efficiency in the market conditions, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The efficiency of production in the conditions of the market is affected by the use of benefits of international division of labor.

2) The factors promoting the efficiency of production in the conditions of the market include the introduction of new taxes.

3) improving the efficiency of production in a market economy is determined by state regulation of production costs.

4) Investment policy is one of the factors that promote production efficiency in market conditions.

5) The efficiency of production in the conditions of the market is determined by the general trends in the development of the economy.

48. Installation between features wages And its species

Features of wages

A) accrued workers for reflective - 1) nominal

botanome time 2) real

B) expressed in material benefits and services

B) depends on the prices of purchased goods

D) accrued workers for overtime

E) accrued to employees for a certain amount and quality of work performed

49.In Canada and Australia a lot of land, and the population is dispersed on large spaces. In connection with these conditions, companies that grow and supply wheat, feed crops and cattle on the global market. They care about the conclusion of the most profitable deals. What processes occurring in these countries are evidenced by the above example? Write down the numbers under which these processes are indicated.

1) Inflation

2) specialization

3) monopolization

4) Competition

50. Choose true judgments about the conditions of the market economy and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the regularity of the exchange.

2) Transition to parliamentary democracy.

3) the spread of scientific worldview.

4) Gift public division Labor.

5) the emergence of the norms of law.

51. Install the correspondence between the types of budget articles and their expression specific: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Specific expression Types of articles

Budget budget articles

C) excise fees 1) expendables

4) go through state registration

5) make a mortgage amount

6) Choose an organizational and legal form of an enterprise


I option

1. Record the word missed in the table.

conservatism, liberalism, ideology, communism, social Democracy.

3. The following is a series of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the concept of "property". Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write the numbers in response, under which they are indicated.

4. Select faithful judgments about the ratio of freedom, need and responsibility in human activity and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the variety of choice limits the freedom in human activity.

2) One of the manifestations of the need for human activity is the objective laws of nature development.

3) human responsibility increases in conditions limited selection behavior strategies in certain situations.

4) Unlimited freedom is unconditional blessing for humans and society.

5) Human readiness to estimate its actions in terms of their consequences for others serves as one of the manifestations of a sense of responsibility.

5. Install the compliance between the needs of society and social institutionsThese needs satisfy: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Write down the selected numbers.

6. In recent years, several vocal instrumental youth groups have developed in a large regional center. What features of these groups indicate their affiliation for mass culture? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) develop traditions of folk vocal creativity

2) Complete compositions of their own essay

3) activities have a commercial orientation

4) The repertoire is simple dance music

5) perform the function of accumulating cultural experience

6) The works are addressed to the most aesthetically developed part of the public.

7. Choose the right judgments about the consumer in a market economy and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) A consumer in a market economy is interested in centralized production planning.

2) In a market economy, the consumer wins when eliminating the monopolization of the economy.

3) the consumer in the conditions of a market economy is beneficial to establish import duties.

4) The consumer is interested in preserving market competition.

5) In the conditions of a market economy, the consumer is beneficial to increase taxes on the manufacturer.

8. Install the correspondence between factors and types of economic growth: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.Write down the selected numbers

9. Japan, where the Earth is a fairly scarce resource, but there is a highly qualified labor force, produces and supplies video cameras, cars and electronics to the world market. In recent years, the global market more clearly feels the impact of the growing electronics industry in Korea and the United States. What phenomena illustrate this situation? Write down the numbers under which these phenomena are indicated.

1) Inflation 2) Competition 3) Monopolization 4) Specialization 5) Informatization

6) Differentiation

10. The schedule reflects the situation in the home furniture market: the sentence line S moved to a new position - Si (P - the price of goods, Q is the number of goods). This movement may be associated primarily with (CO):

1) Application of technologies that need to carry out furniture production

2) the closure of small firms - furniture manufacturers

3) Tree deficiency for furniture production

4) reduced consumer revenues

11. Select faithful judgments about social conflicts and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social conflicts can only flow in the form of civil wars.

2) Conflicts can have a positive effect on society.

3) One of the ways of resolving the social conflict are mutual concessions of the opposing parties.

4) All social conflicts are caused by economic reasons.

5) The cause of social conflict is always the objective circumstances.

12. During the sociological survey of adult citizens of the country Z living in settlements Different type, they asked a question: "For what you, your family, first of all, need garden / country / pricework? ". The results of surveys (in% of the number answered) are shown in the diagram.

1) Most Rural Garden / Country / Dutch / Panstone is needed in order to provide its seven food.

2) Among the citizens, the proportion of those who are garden / cottage / household plot are needed to relax, more than those who thus put money.

3) Equal shares of the respondents of each group noted that the garden / country / loft needed to communicate, invite friends.

4) Equal to the shares of the surveyed rural residents of the garden / country / residential area are needed to communicate, invite friends and to invest money.

5) Among those to whom the garden / country / residential area is needed in order to invest money, the share of citizens is more than the share of rural residents.

13. Find the list of the state-territorial device in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

14. Set the compliance between the authority and its powers: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the numbers in the appropriate order.



A) permits cases of conformity federal laws, regulatory acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

B) Allows the case of compliance between the treaties between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

B) is the highest judicial body for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases

D) permits economic disputes between business entities

E) resolves disputes about competence between federal state authorities

1) Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

2) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

15. In the state Z, a new political force appeared. What facts of the facts serve as evidence that it is a political party?

1) nomination of candidate in presidential election

2) newspaper edition

3) use of the Internet to ensure mass support

4) collection of funds for charitable goals

5) adoption of constituent documents

6) participation in a political talk show on local television

16. Which of the following belongs to the group of socio-economic rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the right to social Security in old age

2) the right to life

3) the right to housing

4) the right to defend the honor and good name

5) the right to freedom and personal integrity

17. Find the list below. mandatory conditions Marriage's conclusions defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) availability of at least one of the future spouses

2) voluntary consent of the people who marry

3) availability of housing at least one of the future spouses

4) the availability of at least one of the future spouses

5) Lack of criminal record in married persons

6) achieving marriage

18. Install the compliance between the organizational and legal forms of enterprises and illustrating them specific examples: To each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the numbers in the appropriate order.


Organizational and legal forms

A) The preferential right in decision-making participants who are responsible in the amount of its property on the obligations of the enterprise.

B) Profit and liquidation balance of the enterprise are distributed due to labor participation.

C) Separate participants in the enterprise are responsible only in the amount of contributions.

D) the property of the enterprise is made up of feces of participants working on it.

E) All enterprises have the right of veto when making decisions.

(E) Pharmacy is in municipal property, serves the socio-unprotected categories of the population.

1) Cooperative

2) full partnership

3) Unitary Enterprise

4) Association on faith

19. Citizen R. constantly pouring his passenger car on the lawn near the house. Ecological police officers warned him about the misunderstanding of such actions. Select the position list below associated with the legal estimate of this situation, and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) Labor Right 2) Administrative Office 3) Disciplinary Responsibility

4) Penalty 5) Constitutional Law 6) Court

20. Read the following text in which a number of words are missing. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"The initial element of sensual knowledge is ________ (a), which arises as a result of directly ________ (b) reality on the senses. But it shows us only one side of the subject (its color, taste, smell, etc.).

The holistic image of the subject arising from the connection of information received from various organs of senses corresponds to the stage ________ (B). A similar holistic image cannot occur during the passive reflection of the subject, and its formation is the result of an active indirect ________ (g).

After stopping the impact of the subject on the senses, its image is maintained in ________ (e), which corresponds to the highest form of sensual knowledge, called ________ (e).

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can be used only once. Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

List of terms:

21 (25). What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "citizenship"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science rate, make up two sentences: one sentence containing information on the basis of the acquisition of citizenship, and one proposal on the authorities who are responsible for the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

22 (26). Using public life facts and personal social experience, confirm with three examples the idea that a person can become only in collaboration with other people, with the world through its practical activity, communication.

23 (27). In the state Z, the head of state and the members of the Legislative Assembly are elected popularly on free competitive elections. The state Z includes 10 territories with certain political and legal independence and the right to make its own constitutions that do not contradict the country's main law. Citizens to implement their rights and freedoms create relatively independent associations, including opposition parties, interest groups.

What is the form of a state (territorial) device Z? Specify the fact by the condition of the task, on the basis of which you installed it. Name any two signs of this form of a state (territorial) device, not mentioned in the Terk Condition.

24 (28). You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer to the topic "The Problem of the Health of the World". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


II option

1. Record the word missed in the diagram.

2. Find a notion that is generalizing for all other concepts below. Write down this word (phrase).

views; worldview; representation; ideals; Value installations.

3. The following is a series of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the social dynamics. Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write the numbers in response, under which they are indicated.

4. Artist K. Conducted images of world chaos and emptiness by reproducing them in the exhibition space for the first time with the help of various objects, furniture, paper, newspapers. What signs indicate that the work of the artist K. refers to elite culture? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) difficult to understand the unprepared person 2) satisfies the momentary people's requests

3) has a limited range of admirers 4) possesses artistic value

5) has a broad audience 6) has a smaller artistic value.

5. Install the correspondence between philosophical disciplines and their distinctive features: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the numbers in a specific sequence.

6. In the country z developed factory production. What other signs indicate that it develops as an industrial type society? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The democratization of political life occurs, political freedoms are proclaimed.

2) Religion has a significant impact on the development of society.

3) The class of industrial workers is formed. 4) There is a division of labor.

5) the mechanization of production occurs. 6) Agriculture is developing.

7. In the city of N cellular communication Provides only one company. Select from the list below the characteristics of this market and write the numbers under which they are specified.

8. Install the correspondence between the examples and types of competition: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the selected numbers in a specific sequence.




A) telephone services in the country z carry out two competing companies, in addition presented several small firms.

B) In the agricultural market of the town n, the products of local farms and individual farms are presented.

C) Numerous firms that provide services in small household services have great popularity in the city


D) the company "Salt and the Sea" is the only supplier of cook salt for the region's grocery stores.

E) the company "Digital World" brought to the market of the city into alarm system with the function of the SMS tolerance of the owner. After a short time, other alarm manufacturers went from the city market.

1) Net Competition

2) Oligopoly

3) pure monopoly

9. Which of the listed refers to the properties of the action as security? Write down the numbers under which these properties are indicated.

1) available for civil turnover 2) is designed to maintain the stability of the national currency

3) confirms participation in business 4) gives the owner to the right to receive dividends

5) issued for limited period 6) is debt

10. The figure reflects the change in the situation in the kitchen furniture market: the sentence line S moved to a new position - S1. (P - price; q - quantity.) This movement may be due, first of all, with (CO)

1) Rising the cost of manufacturers of kitchen furniture

2) an increase in the number of manufacturers of kitchen furniture

3) reduced consumer revenues

4) increasing duties for imported components

12. Class leaders asked the student in the 11th grade and their parents the question: "Do you think that of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship between parents and children?". The results of the survey (in% of the number of respondents) are presented in the diagram.

Find out the conclusions that can be made based on the diagram and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) Among the parents is the view that parents and children will never be able to understand each other, more popularly than the opinion that parents and children understand each other, there is no reason for contradictions.

2) Half of the parents surveyed believe that parents and children understand each other, there is no reason for contradictions.

3) Among the student view that the mutual understanding requires joint efforts and parents, and children, more popular than the view that parents and children will never be able to understand each other.

4) Equal shares of the respondents experienced difficulties in response.

5) Equal shares of students and parents believe that for mutual understanding requires joint efforts and parents, and children.

13. Select faithful judgments about the form of board and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) In the Parliamentary Republic there is a nationwide election of the president.

2) In the Parliamentary Republic, the Government is responsible for its activities before Parliament.

3) The presidential republic does not have the responsibility of the president before the Parliament for the policy pursued.

4) In the Mixed Republic, the President unites the powers of the head of state and the head of government.

5) In the Mixed Republic, the Government is responsible at the same time before the president, and before Parliament.

14. Install the correspondence between the functions and their state authorities by the authorities: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the numbers in a specific sequence.

Functions of state authorities of the Russian Federation


State power of the Russian Federation

A) approval of changes in the boundaries between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

B) appointment of elections of the President of the Russian Federation

C) appointment to the position of judges of the Constitutional Court

D) decision of the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation

E) appointment and liberation from the post of chairman of the Central Bank

1) Federation Council

2) State Duma of the Russian Federation

15. B Country Z The Government is formed by a block of political parties who won the parliamentary elections. Find a feature in the list below, testifying that in the country Z Parliament elections pass on the proportional system, and write down the numbers under which these features are indicated.

2) There is a possibility of nomination of independent non-partisan candidates.

4) the number of places received by the parties in parliament depends on the percentage of votes filed by the party in the elections.

5) The candidate won the candidate who received most votes in the elections.

16. Which of the listed characterizes the principle of democracy attached to the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Choose true allegations and record the numbers under which they are indicated..

1) Equality of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relations with federal authorities

2) Pursuit of the capture of power or assigning authority

3) guarantees of the unity of economic space

4) the implementation of state power on the basis of separation of its legislative, executive and judicial

5) recognition of the people with a carrier of sovereignty in the Russian Federation

17. Find the List Facts in the list below that are events. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) As a result of the earthquake, dozens of houses were destroyed.

2) Citizen K. Routed the road in the wrong place.

3) As a result of the fall of the tree, the body of the machine is damaged.

4) Upon reaching the achievement of 14 years, the teenager has the right to receive a passport.

5) Spouses V. Bought vacation home on credit.

6) Citizen U. filed documents for entry into the inheritance.

18. Install the correspondence between the legal relations and branches of the rights that regulate them: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the numbers in a specific sequence.

19. Citizens of the Russian Federation Valentin and Valentina decided to conclude a marriage contract. What conditions are needed for the entry of the marriage contract in legal force? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) regulation of personal non-property relations 2) indication of the term of the marriage contract 3) the presence of general minors of children 4) a notarization certificate

5) Written form of contract 6) state registration Marriage

20. Read the following text in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert into place of the pass.

"Anyone who occupies a high social position in society seeks to comply with its __________ (a) and behave properly. So, the surrounding teacher is waiting for quite specific actions and do not expect others that do not correspond to them __________ (b). Consequently, the status and __________ (c) associate people's expectations. If the expectations are formally expressed and fixed in any acts (laws) or in customs, traditions, rituals, they are character __________ (d).

Requirements and norms of behavior Society prescribes status in advance. For the correct execution of the role of an individual follows __________ (e), for incorrect - punishment.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status has the external signs of differences. Clothing is __________ (e), which performs three main functions: ensuring comfort, compliance with decency and demonstrative expression. "

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose a sequential one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling each skip. Note that words (phrases) in the word list more than you need to fill the skips.

List of terms:

21 (25). What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political radicalism"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science course, make up two proposals containing information about political radicalism.

22 (26). In the development of individual main role It plays the desire to satisfy natural organic needs, in the development of personality - the desire to satisfy cultural needs.Specify this provision, pose two examples of meeting the needs leading to the development of individual and personality.

23 (27). IN lately In Russia, the question is actively discussed that the appearance should be enshrined by law. When conducting a sociological survey to the question "Appearance is the personal matter of everyone?" The following answers were received:

Do you agree with the results of a sociological survey? Is Legislative Enforcement external view violation of human rights? Comment your answer.

24 (28). You are instructed to prepare a detailed reply on the topic "The concept and types of legal relations". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


III option

1. Record the word missed in the table " State regulation Economy. "

2. In the above, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts. Write down this word (phrase).

The crime; offense; theft; small hooliganism; misconduct.

3. Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the forms of knowledge. Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write the numbers in response, under which they are indicated.

4. Select faithful judgments about human socialization and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) The socialization process continues all life.

2) Sociologists distinguish primary and secondary socialization.

3) Family remains the main institution of socialization of a person at all stages of his life.

4) The desocialization is the assimilation of some rules instead of others.

5) Socialization implies assimilation by a person accumulated by the society of culture.

5. Install the correspondence between the distinctive features and the forms of the crops that they illustrate: to each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Record the numbers in a specific sequence.

6. Scientists laboratories conduct research in the field of solid physics. What features do scientific knowledge distinguish from other types of cognitive activity? Select the desired positions from the list and write the numbers below.

1) Support for observation data 2) experimental confirmation of conclusions

3) accounting of accumulated experience 4) the use of forms of rational knowledge

5) Development of substantiated theories 6) Application of strictly defined concepts

7. Select true judgments about the gross domestic product (GDP) and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) GDP is a combination economic Resourceswhich includes key production factors.

2) GDP reflects the public need for a certain amount of goods and services necessary for the normal life support of the population.

3) GDP characterizes the total production volume.

4) GDP is cumulative market value All end productsproduced in the economy (within the country) within one year.

5) GDP is a system of socio-economic and legal relations that ensure the continuous process of reproducing labor.

8. Install the match between types economic Systems And their signs: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Signs of economic systems

Types of economic systems

A) Economic proportions are established on the basis of centralized planning

B) economic needs population is stable and depend on social affiliation

B) the decision on the main economic issues takes the state

D) production technologies do not change for a long time

E) prices are established by the state

1) Command Economy

2) traditional economy

9. In the company Z adopted a strategic decision on the opening of a new direction for production household appliances. Find in the list of confirmation that we are talking about the intensive economic growth of this enterprise. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

10. The figure reflects changes in demand for kitchen furniture on the relevant market (the demand line D moved to a new DL position). (P - product price, q - quantity of goods.)

This movement may be related to:

1) improving kitchen furniture production technology

2) Reducing the cost of kitchen furniture manufacturers

3) with the spread of rumors to increase prices for furniture in the near future

4) increasing income of the population

5) an increase in the volume of transport services

11. Find informal negative sanctions in the list below. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

12 . In the country z, scientists conducted a survey of citizens of different ages on the topic: "How global problems are reflected in your everyday life? " The results obtained (in%) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find out the conclusions that can be made based on the diagram and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) in each group, the proportion of those who know nothing about global problems, more than those who are confident that global problems cannot affect their lives.

2) In each group, the proportion of surveyed, daily sensitive manifestations of global problems, more than those who are confident that global problems cannot affect their lives.

3) A quarter of surveyed 40-year-old citizens believe that global problems cannot affect their lives.

4) Almost a third of the surveyed 20-year-old citizens know about global problems, but they do not feel them.

5) Less than a third of the surveyed both groups daily feel the manifestations of global problems.

13. Select faithful judgments about the forms of government board and write down the numbers under which they are specified.

1) the nature of the distribution of powers between the center and the regions determines the form of state reign.

2) All modern democratic states have the republican form of government.

3) The monarchical rule implies the transfer of power by inheritance.

4) With the republican form of the Board, in contrast to the monarchical government is elected by the population.

5) In the context of the republic, the stay at the highest elected posts is limited to a certain period.

14. Install the correspondence between questions and subjects of the Russian authorities, to which they include: to each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column. Record the numbers in a specific sequence.

15. In the state Z regularly hosts parliamentary elections. All citizens older than 18 years old are endowed with the right to vote. What additional Information suggests that a majority electoral system is used in this country? Select the desired positions from the list presented and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) There is a selective barrier for passing to parliament

2) single-member districts are used

4) mandates are distributed in accordance with the number of votes filed

5) Party put forward lists of their candidates

6) wins the candidate who received most votes

16. The Russian Federation is a secular state. Which of the listed provisions reveal the meaning of this constitutional principle? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) No religion can be established as state or mandatory.

2) No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory.

3) Religious associations are separated from the state and are equal to the law.

4) A political diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation, multiparty.

5) The Russian Federation ensures the integrity and inviolability of its territory.

6) in relations with federal state authorities, all the subjects of the Russian Federation are equal to each other.

17. Find constitutional requirements in the judges of the courts of the Russian Federation in the above list. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) citizenship of the Russian Federation

2) work experience in legal specialty at least 5 years

3) permanent accommodation in the country at least 10 years

4) Achieving 25 years of age

5) Higher Historical Education

18. Install the correspondence between the examples and the legal relations they illustrate: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column. Record the numbers in a specific sequence.

19. The district court considers the lawsuit of Citizen M. On the establishment of a paternity of a citizen K. Regarding her minor Son. Find the terms in the list of the list that can be used when characterized judicial trial In this case, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) criminal proceedings 2) civil proceedings 3) plaintiff 4) defendant 5) victim 6) defendant

20. Read the following text in which the word row is missing. Select the words from the proposed list that must be inserted into place of the pass.

The word "art" is multi-valued, like many __________ (a) associated with the life of society and __________ (b). As __________ (c), it was delivered from art in the broader sense of the word (skill, skill, craft - the skill of a carpenter, a doctor, etc.). So, for example, it is important to understand the distinction between "skillfully made things" and "works of art". We will call __________ (d) artistic activities and what is its result (work). "Art is human __________ (e), which consists in the fact that one person consciously by famous external signs transfers those experienced __________ (e), and other people infect his emotions and worry them."

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be usedone time. Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling with words each pass. Please note that the list of words is more than you need to fill the passes.

21 (25). What is the meaning of social sciences in the concept of "inflation"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information on inflation types, and one proposal on the consequences of inflation.

22 (26). Inflation complicates the activities of manufacturers and consumers in a market economy.

Illustrate the three examples of the rational behavior of the consumer under considerable inflation.

23 (27). A well-known psychologist, reading students a lecture on human abilities, said that the abilities could not arise in the separation of concrete activities.Explain this thesis of the psychologist. Suppose whether the thesis denies the role of natural deposits in the development of human abilities. How modern scientists decide on the role of natural and social factors In the development of human abilities?

28. You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic "Money and money circulation problems". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

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