
Polis OMS on registration or not. Using the CHAM policy is not at the place of registration. Is it necessary to attach to a medical institution if you are temporarily in another region

Policy operates throughout Russia. The amount of free medical care is provided by the Basic OMS program.

If you require a fee, please contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

What if in another region refuses to provide medical assistance in the CHI policy?

Policy operates throughout Russia.

You can seek medical help in another city, if you forget the policy of the house? How to find out the policy number?

To get information about the policy, it is necessary to contact the Territorial Fund of OMS at the place of medical care, which has access to the Federal Fund. At the same time, you must report your data specified when making the policy

Is it possible to count on the assistance in the Policy of the OMS in another region, if a chronic disease aggravated?

If you refuse, contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

How to get help with acute dental pain?

The Policy of the OMS is operating throughout Russia. According to emergency testimony, medical care should be updated without prior to recording, outside the total queue.

To obtain medical care, contact the medical organization operating in the field of OMS. With me, you need to have a passport, the policy of the OMS.

If you refuse, contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

How to get help with acute poisoning, injuries?

According to emergency testimony, medical care should be updated without prior to recording, outside the total queue. The lack of polis and personal documents are not the reason for refusing emergency reception.

If you refuse, contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

Is it possible to undergo a comprehensive examination or dispensarization in another city?

Policy operates throughout Russia. To pass the closerization, contact the medical organization operating in the field of OMS. With me, you need to have a passport, the policy of the OMS.

If you refuse, contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

Do I need to attach to a medical institution if you are temporarily in another region?

It is not necessary to attach anywhere. To obtain assistance, contact the medical organization operating in the field of OMS. With me, you need to have a passport, the policy of the OMS.

If you refuse, contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

How to get up in another city to accounting or observing pregnancy in women's advice?

Policy operates throughout Russia. In the framework of the basic mandatory program medical insurance Citizens are primary health care.

To obtain assistance, contact the medical organization operating in the field of OMS. With me, you need to have a passport, the policy of the OMS.

If you refuse, contact the instance listed under the heading "Important!"

How to spend a child vaccination by age in another city?

Russian citizens are provided by vaccines at the expense of the relevant budgets on the territorial principle. Thus, by default, the right to free vaccination in medical organizations of a particular region has a population of this region.

Therefore, it will be logical to make the vaccination of the child in advance, without pulling it away to vacation.


If you refuse to what you have the right to law, contact:

    to the head of the medical organization

    in the Territorial Fund of OMS at the Provision of Medical Aid

    in the insurance medical organization where you are registered

In Russia, for free medical services of any kind, the Polis of OMS is required. In its absence, only paid services will be able to offer clinic.

Despite this, if the term of the policy ended, it was spoiled or issued in another region, people do not hurry to change it.

This situation is caused by the fact that no one plans to receive injuries, root and face other troubles that can happen.

In the list of cases, the omx policy replacement occupies one of the last places. But in practice, the problem of providing free medical care is very acute.

Therefore, it is important to know how to get an OMS policy in Moscow, if registered in another city.

The capital employs a huge number of people who came from other regions and do not even have registration. If necessary, visit the doctor, a person faces the fact that getting a policy of OMS without having a residence permit is quite difficult.

Therefore, it is important to carefully disassemble whether it is possible to receive an OMS policy without registration, and which nuances exist in this matter.

The presence of the CHA policy makes it possible to apply for help in a clinic, hospital, urban medical centers and other medical organizations that are involved in the Mandatory Medical Insurance Program.

If a person lives in the Moscow region and received a policy on the territory of his region, he has the right to receive additional medical services that they are not included in the list of the state basic program.

For example, to seek help to treat tuberculosis, diseases that are transmitted by sexual path, mental disorders and behavior disorders, including those associated with taking psychoactive substances.

A complete list of services for which the Insured Citizen can be qualified can be found in the Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region "On the Moscow Regional Program state guarantees Free provision of medical care citizens. "

For many, the question is, how to issue an OMS policy in Moscow, without registration. If a person works in the capital officially, he will not have problems with obtaining the policy.

Since the employer regularly deducts contributions to Pension Fund and compulsory health insurance fund. With a request for registration of OMS, a citizen may apply to the authorities in the personnel department or in accounting.

In this case, no documents, including supporting registration, are not necessary.

The execution of the policy through the employer will take approximately two months.

The term will depend on the competence of a responsible employee. By law, the employer stands out 2 weeks to prepare all the necessary papers and send them to the OMS Foundation.

But if a person is fired, he needs to pay the policy to the employer. During maternity leave And leave for child care, OMS, which was obtained through the employer, continues to act.

It's rather difficult to get the Polis of the OMS in Moscow an unemployed person without registration. In this case, a citizen can replace a document on temporary registration to the rental agreement, which he removes.

But this option has several nuances:

  1. The lease agreement lies only if a realtor is attracted to the transaction. Most tenants are trying to save at the services of intermediaries and remove the apartment without a contract.
  2. The insurer may require the personal presence of the owner of an apartment or a statement written by him personally. The landlord rarely agrees to such actions.

If a person has no temporary registration or permanent registration, he should provide convincing arguments and hope that in disputes with the insurer they will give a positive result.

Citizen has the right to refer to the Law "On Medical Insurance of Citizens Russian Federation"It is written in it that the registration is not mandatory condition To obtain OMS.

Thus, the refusal to the insurance company can be appealed in court. For circulation B. judicial authorities The insurer needs to request a written refusal to provide the policy.

In addition, you can refer to the definition of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from 2011. This document states that visitors have the right to receive a policy without presenting papers, which confirm the registration.

In any case, a person without registration should be ready for a court proceedings.

Insurers believe that OMS is better to produce only at the place of registration. If the court decides not in favor of a citizen, then the optimal option will find a job, enter into an agreement with the landlord or change the place of residence.

In accordance with the legislation, get polis OMS citizens The Russian Federation in 2020 can at the place of their actual residence. Constant or temporary registration has no effect.

The OMS of a single sample does not contain information about the place of residence and maintenance of a person. But these data when making the policy are entered into a single electronic register of insured citizens.

If a citizen moves to live in another place, he is obliged to report this insurer within 1 month.

When there is no that insurance company in the new place of residence, in which the insurance policy was issued, the citizen can choose a new insurance company For OMS.

In the case when a person is forced to constantly move, then it is worth understanding that it is best to arrange insurance where a citizen lives most of the time.

Regarding the question, is it possible polish OMS To be treated in another city for free, it is worth considering some nuances:

Get a policy of OMS in Moscow, if registered in the suburbs is quite simple. To do this, you need to adhere to such instructions:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Decide on the selection of an insurance company.
  3. Apply.

It will take about a month for the manufacture of the policy, for this period, a person is issued a temporary policy, which he can get all guaranteed services.

To obtain the policy, you need to prepare such papers:

After preparing documents, it is necessary to decide on medical organization . It is better to choose it at the place of actual stay. Since it is possible to receive services not only on the basic, but according to the territorial program.

The application for registration of the OMS is carried out in the insurance company itself, in the clinic, to which a citizen or through MFC is attached. In the multifunctional center, the service is provided only for children up to one and a half years.

The application procedure can be clarified on the website of institutions or by phone, which are listed in the registry. Application blank will be issued in place. You can pick up the finished document after 30 days from the date of delivery of all securities and applications.

Per lately OMS legislation has changed more than once.

Therefore, quite often people do not use their rights simply because they do not know or do not understand how to produce execution in practice.

According to the current rules, you can not only get an OMS without registration, but also choose a clinic, treating a doctor and even a hospital for hospitalization.

In this question, it is worth paying attention to such moments:

  1. Select a clinic to attach or constantly receiving medical services once a year.
  2. A person is not obliged to attach to the district polyclinic at the place of registration or actual residence.

There is an opportunity to choose a medical institution near the work..

It should be understood that each polyclinic has a service area attached to it - medical sites to assist at home. Therefore, it is important to think about everything in advance and estimate possible situations.

A citizen has the right once a year to choose a new attending physician. For this you just need to write a statement in the name of the head doctor.

Citizens with the Moscow Region and Policy of the OMS, which are registered on the portal of the mayor of the capital - www.mos.ru, can attach to the clinic on the same site, indicating SNILS.

To do this, you need to go to the section "Services and Services" and apply on your own behalf. Three days later, a person is attached to the clinic you need and connect the remote recording service to specialists through the site.

Make an online statement can all users besides residents of New Moscow and those who have temporary OMS. If you wish, you can apply for a personal visit to the clinic.

But does not lose the relevance of the question of how to attach the Policy of the OMS to the clinic in another city. For this, residents of the capital with the policies of other regions initially should be referred to a policy to the insurer, their own or other.

If a citizen has OMS old Sample, first of all, it needs to be issued a policy of a new single sample. After re-registration of the policy, you can contact any clinic at your discretion for attachment.

In some cases, additional documents may be needed for registration:

In the absence of the policy, it can be issued in any insurance company, and then contact the desired polyclinic to attach.

Thus, get the policy of OMS in Moscow without registration is no problem. According to the rules that are valid in 2020, it is enough to indicate only the actual residence.

In the Polish of the OMS of the Unified Sample there is no information about living and registration of a citizen. These data are entered into a single electronic register of insured citizens.

On the Polish, the OMS can be treated for free in another city in the volume of the basic program of the OMS.

To date, the problem of obtaining medical care in the clinic not in registration does not lose relevance. Often people. It may happen that the person will get sick, urgently need to provide medical assistance, you will need to call a doctor to the house. How in this case, take advantage of free medical services in that city, where do you live?

IN russian legislation There is a law that determines the right of every person living in our country to receive free medical care in state and municipal institutions. But in order to have free medical care in the hospital, a polyclinic, a dental office should be obtained by the policy of compulsory health insurance.

The OMS policy is issued without binding to "registration", it is received at the place of residence for further maintenance, for example, in women's consultation, a tuberculous dispensary or a clinic not at registration. Therefore, I answer "yes" to the question, but is it possible to contact the clinic not at the place of registration, if there is a policy?

By the way, as practice has shown, do not be lazy to make a policy, because no one is insured against accidents. There are such situations when it is necessary to cause ambulance. On the this moment ambulance brigade gets wages from the OMS Foundation. Of course, you will also have the first ambulance without presenting a passport and the policy, only in the future the staff of the brigade will have difficulty paying for such a call.

The presence of the OMS policy allows for free:

  • issue a medical record in the clinic or extend the bear;
  • contact women's advice not at the place of residence;
  • choose the doctor's attending physician;
  • treat teeth in the dental office (not private);
  • to be serviced in the chosen medical institution.

How to disable from one clinic and attach to another

This priority can be used once a year. You can also choose a hospital in the region where at the moment they live and the registration here does not play any role. It is possible to choose a medical center next to the place where you are serviced (for military-rich citizens). It should be written an application to the head doctor of clinics where you want to be serviced and take discharge from the previous medical institution.

If at the moment you are dissatisfied with the attending physician, then it is entitled to apply with a written statement to the chief doctor about replacing the attending physician, where to clearly explain why not satisfied and who wish to be observed. Also under the legislation of the Russian Federation, you have the right to choose a medical institution for hospitalization.

Will be taken to the clinic in another city

Do not everyone know if they are taken to the clinic in the city where they temporarily live. For example, students, citizens who are in long business trips. First of all, contact the clinic where you want to be observed and serviced, get a list of documents for attaching to this medical facility. If in the near future you will live in another city, then you will need to disappear from the previous polyclinic.

You can choose the medical institution you like with the presence of a passport and policy of the OMS. But even if you did not disappear at the place of registration, you are required to take in the clinic in another city for free.

The policy of the OMS is valid throughout the country, regardless of what city live in.

How to make an appointment with a specialist from another honey institution

Do you need hospitalization and do not want to go to the hospital who is attached to your area or need to be advised by a specialist not consisting of hospital doctors? In the urban polyclinic, pass the tests, take the direction of the attending physician and with the certificates obtained in the hands and the history of the disease appeal to the medical institution where you want to be treated. If the preliminary recording specified by the specialist is to make an appointment on the website of the State Service, where to select the date and time of reception.

Thus, obstacles on the way of obtaining free medical care in the chosen hospital or the clinic is not. A law should be observed that obliging citizens to receive the policy of the OMS and with its presence in the city and in the honey institution, which you consider convenient and confidence.

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At the Policy of the OMS, you can hand over for free analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of most diseases. Forcing the patient to pay for tests in most cases illegally, but in order to avoid excess spending or return funds for paying procedures in state clinics, it is necessary to know the legal foundations of interaction between medical institutions, their patients and an insurance company.

What tests can be passed free

The procedure for providing citizens of free medical devices on MSE polisms is regulated by the following regulatory acts:

  • law No. 326;
  • Resolution No. 1403;
  • laws of subjects of the Russian Federation.

All citizens of the Russian Federation, who received the Policy of the OMS, guaranteed medical assistance, both in the basic and additional (regional) programs. The main program includes not only the treatment of pathologies established by the doctor, but also timely identification of such pathologies, as well as preventive measures.

The list of diseases subject to free therapy throughout the Russian Federation is briefly represented in paragraph 6 of Art. 35 of Law No. 326, but in more detail in the list of section 4 of Resolutions No. 1403.

Free are analyzes appointed for the following purposes:

  1. treatment of pathology present in the list;
  2. diagnosis of this pathology;
  3. diagnostics of possible accompanying pathologies;
  4. prevention of suspect pathology and concomitant diseases.

For example, the doctor according to the described patient symptoms suspects a specific pathology, which is often accompanied by another pathology. If the analyzes for the presence of the main disease are free, then the tests for the presence of a concomitant disease should also be carried out in the framework of services paid by the insurance company.

The main medical standards for which the treatment of diseases listed in the basic and additional programs, can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Among the main free types of analyzes, the following can be distinguished:

  • blood test for syphilis - markers, HIV, and other infections;
    blood tests and plasma on the content of the main elements (red taurus);
  • biochemical blood tests and lymphs;
  • analysis of hormone content;
  • tissue biopsy;
  • high-tech analytical studies of tissues and organs (MRI, CT);
  • x-ray studies;
  • ultrasound tests of tissues and organs;
  • squeezes and smears of skin cover, extreme flesh and saliva.

Only expensive tests may be paid with suspicion of rare autoimmune or genetic diseases, which are less common than 0.01% of cases, as well as analyzes aesthetic medicine.

How to check whether the analysis is free

To determine the legality of the director of the doctor to surrender paid analyzes, it is necessary to find out whether the necessary analysis is included in the list of services provided on the basic insurance program.

It is important to know that the basic list of medical services provided throughout the country can be complemented by:

  • regional medical programs;
  • employer programs.

Regional programs are budget subventions for the payment of services that are not in the All-Russian List, and which are free only in a specific subject of the federation. To obtain these services can only patients with register in the region and received an insurance policy from local insurers.

In addition, major employers paying insurance contributions for their employees can provide additional packages Free surveys services.

To verify the ability to pass the assigned to the doctor, the analysis is free of charge to perform listed actions:

  1. To see the presence of a proposed physician pathology in the main list approved by Decree No. 1403.
  2. In the absence of a disease in this list, find out its presence in the list of services provided by insurers of the region or the employer of the patient.
  3. To find out the list of analyzes necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease from the standards on the Ministry of Health.

The list of additional regional services can be found on the website of the regional Ministry of Health, and services provided by insurance from the employer are listed in the annex to the employment agreement.

If the diagnosed disease is in one of the free programs, and the designated analyzes are included in the standard of treatment of this disease defined by the Ministry of Health, then the patient has the right to give this analysis for free.

How to get a direction

At the initial reception, the patient is often given a direction for tests in a paid clinic under the pretext of the absence of the necessary equipment or reagents in this clinic. It is important to know that only the patient has the right to choose the place of providing medical services. The doctor can only give direction to the analysis, and the place of passing and processing results is determined by the patient.

Obtaining a direction for free tests is as follows:

  1. the patient appeals to a specialist doctor for diagnosing the disease;
  2. the doctor determines which analyzes must be passed to the patient and gives the direction;
  3. in the absence of ability to analyze in this clinic, the doctor issues a direction to another medical institution;
  4. in case of refusal of an employee of the clinic, give a referral to a free analysis, it is necessary to write a complaint to the name of the head or chief physician.

If the appeal to the clinic manual did not bring results, and the necessary analysis is included in the list of basic or regional services provided by the Policy of the OMS, the patient should be contacted to the representative of its insurance company.

You can contact as with help hot lineand personally, to the representation of this insurer in the village. In most insurance companies, there are special departments whose work is aimed at solving conflicts between medical institutions and patients.

If, after the attempts taken, the direction for free analysis is not received, then contact the regional fund of the media. Such funds control the activities of private insurers in the context of compliance with the rights of insured patients.

In some cases financial resourcesThe patient spent on the surrender of free analyzes can be returned. You can return the funds by 2 ways:

  • at the checkout clinic;
  • in the insurance company.

If the patient was sent to passing a paid analysis in the clinic of appeal, then the following should be done to return funds:

  1. make an application addressed to the chief doctor about return money;
  2. attach to the application for a check on the payment of analyzes and the agreement on medical services rendered;
  3. get an order resolution on compensation;
  4. contact a copy of the order and the passport in the accounting department of a medical institution.

The statement indicates the full name of the patient, its address on registration and passport data, then you need to state the grounds for returning funds, indicate the amount spent and number insurance Polisa.. The basis should indicate the presence of a prolonged analysis in the basic list of services that the OMC policy owners may apply.

To return funds, it is necessary to maintain a check receipt for payment for services and a paid service agreement.

If the patient was sent to a private clinic for testing, the return of the spent money is carried out through the insurer who issued the policy. For this, it is necessary to apply to the representation of the insurance company of the municipality and draw up an application for the return of funds on the basis of the offensive insurance case - the need to pass the analysis from the basic or additional listings.

The transfer of money through the insurance company is usually carried out within 3-8 business days. If the contributions for the OMS policy pays the employer, then compensation can be listed through the enterprise's cash desk or on a salary card.

Sophisticated situations

When referring to compensation or upon request of the issuance of the direction to another medical insurance, the patient may encounter a failure or strong delay in the response to appeal. In most cases, the situation helps to resolve the call to the experts of the insurance company, which issued the policy, or a complaint to the OMS Regional Fund.

If the assigned analyzes are included in the base list and are an expensive procedure, the patient has the right to require the provision of this service for free through the judicial authorities. It is important to take into account that the direction for tests in another locality Or a paid clinic can be issued only under the following circumstances:

  • lack of opportunity to conduct data from research in state clinics of this municipality;
  • there are currently necessary specialists in the clinic;
  • lack of assigned analysis in the basic and additional lists free services;
  • appeals from another region for the service provided within the framework of the Federation Subject.

The doctor must inform the patient about the free analogue of any medical service provided. Often patients are cheating, giving a direction for paid tests with the promise of subsequent compensation, on which the patient will not have the right due to the personal refusal of the demon paid service.

To avoid such a deception, you need to carefully view the treaty proposed for the signature when passing paid tests for the presence of a refusal point for free services. If there is this point, it is possible to return the money spent only by court decision.

If a patient, when providing a paid service, refuse to issue an agreement and a check, should be refused to pay and turn with the complaint to the chief doctor and in the insurance company, since the data of the personnel are illegal.


Most of the analyzes in state clinics holders of OMS policies can take free of charge. To realize your rights, you should look for an appointed analysis in the list of free services and, if necessary, to demand directions to another medical insurance, and it is important to maintain a copy of the contract and receipt to retain the means. Most of the difficult situations are solved by applying to representatives of the insurance company.

According to the legislation of medical insurance (OMS) in the Russian Federation, the legislation is valid throughout Russia, and not just in the city where it was issued. Therefore, the refusal to serve a citizen due to the fact that his policy would be registered in another region - illegal and is a direct violation of the law. How is the service of the OMS policy in another city, what law is regulated, and what consequences are the medical institutions are waiting in case of refusal to provide services? We will try to respond in detail in this article.

Procedure for servicing non-resident citizens

In order to take advantage of medical care on OMS in another city, you can contact any state clinic or hospital. In this case, the guarantor of the citizen's right to free qualified service will be a document certifying the availability of insurance, namely Polis. It is enough just to present it when visiting a medical institution.

Note! According to the legislation, emergency and emergency assistance should be provided to all those in need anyway, regardless of the availability of insurance, passport, etc. In such a situation, a medical institution simply has no right to demand any documents.

If the patient from another region is forced to pay for the service provided, then all checks and receipts should be preserved. On return to the settlement permanent residence It will be necessary to contact the local OMS Territorial Fund and report the fact of the illegal requirement for medical services, after which the costs will be reimbursed on the basis of the checks provided. If a citizen forgot the policy, then in another city it will take advantage of free medical help, it will also be able to, but for this, or he personally, or an employee of the health care institution will have to contact the territorial foundation, which issued an insurance document and learn information about the presence of the policy.

What law is regulated by the OMS policy?

Principle of operation and order of action insurance document The OMS on the territory of the Russian Federation regulated by law No. 323-FZ adopted in 2011 "On the basics of the health of citizens". As mentioned above, according to this law A citizen has the right to take advantage of medical care even if the policy is received in another city. At the same time, in such a situation, the patient may encounter a number of features of the insurance. First of all, we are talking about the fact that, being outside of his native region, he can count on several other volume of services, as such patients are serviced according to the health insurance program established by law.

The list of services included in this program is described in detail and is regulated in Law No. 326-FZ of 29.11.2010. Summarizing this document, it can be said that the basic program is somewhat less in terms of the volume of services included than the territorial (more expensive diagnostics, procedures and operations are included here, but in both cases the patient can be confident that he will receive highly qualified medical care.

Responsibility for refusal to maintain

In a situation where a citizen does not want to serve in the healthcare institution on the basis that the policy was issued in another city, it is worth it to write an application to the name of the head physician of this organization. In most cases, this is more than enough for the clinic staff change their decision and have the necessary assistance. If this option does not work, you can call directly to the insurance company (by phone number indicated by the Policy) or the OMS Territorial Fund.

Note! Medical services In the policy, only those organizations that are included in territorial program OMS. That is, if a person appealed to some private clinic (not included in OMS), without needing in emergency medical care (for example, just picked up the cold), it is quite likely that no one will adopt it.

Employees of medical institutions of the OMS system do not have the right to refuse to assist the patient due to the inconsistency of the region. In case of refusal to maintain, the patient has full law To go to court and require compensation not only for treatment, but also moral damage. And if the fault of the health worker, who did not give timely medical care to the patient, was harm to the health of the patient, the doctor faces criminal liability.

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