
The insurance license is issued to the insurer. Terms of licensing insurance activities. This law contains

Licensing is an important aspect The activities of insurers in terms of determining their legal capacity. Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, speaking on the legal entity legal entity notes that in cases provided for by law, entity Maybe to deal with a certain type of activity only on the basis of a special permit (license). Thus, the right of legal entity exercise licensed activity occurs not from the moment of registration (by general rule), and from the moment of receipt of a special permit (license).

The legislation of the Russian Federation relates insurance activities (namely, insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance) to the category of licensable.

Regulation of licensing is carried out by Art. 32 of the law "On the organization of insurance affairs in the Russian Federation", which classifies the issued licenses depending on the category of the insurer. So, insurance organizations are issued licenses for implementation voluntary insurance life, voluntary personal insurance, with the exception of voluntary life insurance, voluntary property insurance, type of insurance, the implementation of which is provided for by the Federal Law on Specific mandatory insurance. Reinsurance organizations are issued licenses for reinsurance, and mutual insurance to the implementation of mutual insurance in the form of voluntary insurance, and in the cases provided for by law, in the form of compulsory insurance.

Licensing the activities of insurers occurs on the basis of documents, the provision of which is necessary in accordance with paragraphs 3-8 of Art. 32. These norms contain requirements, as well as lists of documents imposed by applicants for the implementation of a specific type of insurance, which are exhaustive, except if federal laws For specific types of compulsory insurance, additional requirements for insurers are provided. For example, the CTP law establishes that only an insurer who has experience performing insurance operations may receive a license. vehicle or civil responsibility Their owners are at least two years old.

If applicants do not comply with the requirements for issuing documents established in paragraph 7 of Art. 32 of the law "On the organization of the insurance business", the insurance supervisory authorities within three working days from the date of receipt of the documents send a notice to eliminate violations in a thirty-day period. Otherwise, all submitted documents are returned to the license applicant.

The term during which the insurance supervisory authority should decide on the issuance of a license (or to refuse to issue a license), is thirty days. At the same time, it lies a duty to notify the applicant for a license on making a decision within five working days.

The license for the implementation of insurance detail is signed by the head of the insurance supervision authority, the stamp is assigned and must meet the requirements presented in paragraph 14 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation.

The decision to refuse to issue a license is adopted when establishing the circumstances in which the Commissioner state body It is not entitled to issue licenses. The set of these conditions can be divided into two groups: unreasonable and overcoming. In this regard, the refusal of the controlled body may be, respectively, final and dejudition.

Almost all the conditions listed in Art. 32.3 of the Law "On the Organization of Insurance", a license applicant for insurance activities can overcome. Essentially, the only example of an unreasonable obstacle is the failure (bankruptcy) of the subject of the insurance case - a legal entity due to the fault of the founder of the license applicant (PP. 9, paragraph 1 of Art. 32.3).

This condition is insurmountable, since the Law "On Insurance Management" places strict requirements for maintaining financial Sustainability insurers, namely the presence of formed insurance reserves and own funds.

Despite the fact that the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" provides for the possibility of termination of the proceedings on the recognition of a legal entity with bankrupt almost at any stage, the impossibility of implementing such insurance activities is already determined by the existence of an arbitration case on insolvency (bankruptcy). Thus, the Arbitration Court considers the received application for the recognition of the debtor bankrupt for its validity, namely, establishes the presence of signs of bankruptcy, which are listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 3 of the Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", that is, it is not possible to satisfy the monetary requirements of creditors.

Other circumstances provided for by Art. 32.3 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4015-1, can be eliminated by making a decision by the license itself. These include the following foundations:

The use of the designation that individualizes another subject of the insurance business. This requirement is due to the fact that the duplication of the means of individualization of legal entities is not allowed in accordance with civil law. The exception is only the dependent and subsidiaries;

The presence of a license for a license to carry out activities that, in accordance with paragraphs. 1 p. 2 art. 32 are carried out by insurance organizations;

The inconsistency of the documents submitted by the applicant the requirements of the Law "On the Organization of Insurance" and adopted in accordance with it regulatory acts of insurance supervisory authorities. This base is called one of the most common because it is implemented in several forms, namely, in the form of an incomplete set of documents, as well as the provision of documents with errors;

Inconsistency of the charter with the requirements of insurance legislation;

The presence of inaccurate investment in documents;

Discrepancy of the head, chief accountant and some other officials insurer by qualifying and other requirements that are presented to them by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

The presence of an unfulfilled prescription of the insurance supervisory authority on non-compliance with the requirements for ensuring financial sustainability and solvency;

The presence of an unfulfilled prescription of the insurance supervision authority on non-submitting reports provided for by Art. 28 of the Law under consideration.

It should be noted that the last two circumstances concern only those insurers who claim to receive the licenses specified in paragraphs from the second on the sixth PP. 1 p. 2 art. 32 of Law No. 4015-1.

At the same time, in spite of detailed regulation, many difficulties arise with licenses of insurance organizations. In particular, there is a problem with the resumption of revoked licenses, which will be said later.

In addition, the tough nature of licensing regulation negatively affects the aggregate of the rights of participants in insurance legal relations, including because violations of insurance legislation and impact measures in the form of a license revocation are often disproportionate.

Thus, the license is a necessary element of the legal capacity of insurers, however, the procedure for obtaining it requires a more flexible and efficient approach.

Licensing of insurance activities contributes to the maximum protection of insurers from unscrupulous insurers, and also completely eliminates the emergence of one-day firms that will be illegally assigned cash customers.

Each insurance Company Must be licensed to carry out insurance activities.

Moreover, the content of this license must be available to all potential policyholders.

At the same time, each potential insured before the conclusion of the insurance contract can check the presence or absence of a license from the insurer, as well as information on the limitation or suspension of the license activities in the Banner of the Bank of Russia.

What law is regulated by licensing and who supervises

Licensing insurance activities It is called the issuance of permission (license) to work in the field of insurance. Without a license, the organization has no right to insure in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Regulated Licensing Insurance Activities The law "On the organization of insurance affairs in Russian Federation» .

This law contains:

  • basic concepts in the field of licensing insurance activities in the Russian Federation;
  • grounds and procedure for issuing licenses;
  • rights and obligations of subjects insurance market and insurance supervision bodies;
  • grounds and procedure for suspending and limiting the license;
  • grounds and procedure for reviewing a license from organizations or individual entrepreneurswho are engaged in insurance activities.

Issued licenses for the right to carry out this activity Bank of Russiawhich since 2013 is the only one insurance supervision authority In Russian federation.

The Bank of Russia has the right to suspend or limit the license, as well as to review the license among the subjects of the insurance case.

Licenses are issued to insurance organizations, reinsurers, mutual insurance societies, as well as insurance brokers.

To obtain the relevant license, these organizations should comply with all requirementswhich makes the law to organizations carrying out insurance activities in Russia.

These requirements are enshrined in the Law "On the Organization of Insurance Country in the Russian Federation" and other acts of the Russian Federation. So, the law establishes minimum size authorized capital For organizations engaged in insurance activities in the Russian Federation.

Requirements are also presented to legal form license applicants.

Special attention must be paid education, experience and professional qualities persons holding senior posts in the insurance company ( cEO, chief Accountant etc.), since the law indicates strict requirements for these employees. Failure to comply with the requirements leads to failure to issue a license.

When considering an application for issuing a license of an insurance organization, the requirements are also presented to founders or shareholders Insurance organization. Share foreign capital In the authorized capital of the insurance organization should not be more 49 %.

What information can be obtained by reading licensed

Registry of licenses is maintained by the Bank of Russia financial markets and published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The license must contain the following information:

Restrictions of action and suspension of the license

In case the company or an individual entrepreneur who received a license, violation of legislation will be allowed In the field of insurance, the Bank of Russia will be able to limit the license or suspend its action.

In case of detection of such an offense, the Bank of Russia makes a prescription, which provides a requirement to eliminate the violation. If inconsistencies are not eliminated or an organization or entrepreneur will not send documents indicating the elimination of the violation, the Bank of Russia has the right suspend or limit the license.

Limitation of the license means that the insurance organization will not be able to conclude certain types of contracts with insurers.

Suspension of the license means that the insurer does not have the right to enter into contracts for all types of insuranceprovided for in the license.

At the same time, information on the restriction or suspension of the license is published in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. Publications in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia can also be found on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Restriction or suspension of the license is removed after the complete exclusion of violations.
Information on the renewal of the license is also published in the Vestnik of the Bank of Russia.

The insurance supervisory authority has the right to withdraw a license if not eliminating disorders that were the basis for suspending or limiting the license.

In this case, insurance organization or individual entrepreneur terminates their insurance activities.

Also, the Bank of Russia has the right to withdraw a license in case repeated violation Legislation standards during the year (under repeatedness implies a violation of legislation two or more times) or in case the insurance organization for 12 months Do not begin to carry out insurance activities.

The license review can also be implemented at the request of the insurance organization itself.

After the license revocation, the insurance company should for six months provide all accounting reporting, the original license, the decision to eliminate the organization or termination of insurance activities, documents confirming the availability or absence of requirements of insurers or beneficiaries and other counterparties of the organization.

For six months, the organization is obliged to implement insurance Case Payments And terminate contracts with all the insured. The organization should also terminate its membership in all non-commercial organizations.

The review of the organization or entrepreneur license is also published in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia.

As a result of the action of strict rules, the number of subjects exercising insurance activities in Russia gradually decreases.

On the one hand, it is a plus because everything goes unreliable insurance market players. On the other hand, it is minus, since competition among the players of the insurance market is reduced and the threat of a monopoly collusion of large players is created.

The main merit of strict requirements for legislation in the field of licensing insurance activities in the Russian Federation lies in the fact that they are revealed effective impact tools on the subjects of the insurance market in the event of a violation of insurance legislation.

Video message about the suspension of the license

Article 32. Licensing the activities of subjects of insurance

1. License to carry out insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, intermediary activity as insurance broker (hereinafter referred to as a license) - Special permission for the right to implement insurance activities provided by the insurance supervisory authority to the subject of the insurance case.

2. The license is issued:

1) Insurance organization for implementation:

voluntary life insurance;

voluntary personal insurance, with the exception of voluntary life insurance;

voluntary property insurance;

the type of insurance, the implementation of which is provided for by the Federal Law on the specific form of compulsory insurance;

reinsurance in case of adoption under the contract of reinsurance obligations on insurance payment;

2) reinsurance organization for reinsurance;

3) the Company of mutual insurance for mutual insurance in the form of voluntary insurance, and in cases where, in accordance with the Federal Law on the specific form of compulsory insurance, the Company has the right to carry out compulsory insurance, in the form of compulsory insurance;

4) Insurance broker for intermediary activities as a insurance broker.

3. To obtain a license to carry out insurance, reinsurance, the license applicant submits to the insurance supervision authority:

1) an application for license;

3) the charter of the license applicant;

4) Decisions on the approval of the charter of the license applicant, election or appointment of a license applicant, as well as on education audit Commission or election of the auditor of the license applicant;

6) documents confirming the payment of the authorized capital in full;

7) information on persons listed in Article 32.1 of this Law, with the application of documents confirming the compliance of these persons by the qualification and other requirements established by this Law, the Federal Law of November 2, 2013 N 293-FZ "On Actual Activities in the Russian Federation" and regulatory acts Insurance Supervision Authority (information on persons appointed as deputy person who performs the functions of the sole executive body, a member of the collegial executive body, a member of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board), Deputy Chief Accountant of the Insurance Organization, Head and Chief Accountant of the Branch of the Insurance Organization, and Information about Actuarians insured medical organizationexercising extremely compulsory health insurancesubmitted subject to the availability of the specified posts in the state of the license applicant);

8) documents (according to the list established by the regulatory acts of the insurance supervision), confirming the sources of origin of property introduced by the founders (shareholders, participants) of the applicant license to share capital;

9) Regulations on internal audit;

10) documents confirming the compliance of the license applicant with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets (if this requirement is established by law);

11) Documents confirming the compliance of the license applicant with the requirements established by federal laws on specific types of compulsory insurance (in cases where federal laws contain additional requirements for insurers);

4. License applicants registered in the Unified State Register of Insurance Subjects should not be submitted to the insurance supervisory authority documents specified in subparagraphs 3 to 11 clause 3 of this article and are available at the insurance supervisory authority if changes were made in them.

5. To obtain a license for mutual insurance, a license applicant ( non-profit organization) Presents to the insurance supervision authority:

2) documents on the payment of state duty for providing a license;

3) the charter of the society of mutual insurance;

4) decisions on approval of the charter of the license applicant, election or appointment of a license applicant, appointing an internal auditor (service leader internal audit);

5) information about the persons appointed (selected) as director of the Company and members of the Board, the internal auditor (head of the internal audit service), the chief accountant, as well as information on actuaries with the application of documents confirming these persons to the qualifications and other requirements established by this By the Federal Law of November 29, 2007 N 286-FZ "On Mutual Insurance", by the Federal Law of November 2, 2013 N 293-FZ "On Actual Activities in the Russian Federation" and regulatory acts of the insurance supervision authority;

6) Regulations on internal audit;

7) Information about members of the society of mutual insurance indicating their property interests, in order to protect the society of mutual insurance.

6. To obtain a license to carry out intermediary activities as an insurance broker, a license applicant submits to the insurance supervision authority:

2) documents on the payment of state duty for providing a license;

3) Charter of the applicant license - a legal entity;

4) information on persons designated (selected) for managers (a person who performs the functions of the sole executive body, the head of the collegial executive body), members of the collegial executive body of the insurance broker - a legal entity, information about the insurance broker - an individual entrepreneur, information about the main accountant insurance broker with the application of documents confirming the compliance of these persons by the qualifications and other requirements established by this Law and regulatory acts of the insurance supervisory authority;

5) bank guarantee in the amount of at least three million rubles or documents confirming their own funds in the amount of at least three million rubles, in accordance with paragraph of the sixth paragraph 6 of Article 8 of this Law.

7. License applicants who are subsidiary societies in relation to a foreign investor or having a share of foreign investors in their authorized capital of more than 49 percent, along with the documents specified in paragraph 3 of this article, are the following documents to the insurance supervisory authority:

1) the decision of the legal entity is a foreign investor to participate in the establishment of an insurance organization in the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) an extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the relevant country, where the legal entity is established - foreign investor, or other equal in legal force proof of the status of a foreign legal entity - founder (shareholder, participant);

3) the written consent of the relevant control body of the country, where the legal entity is established - a foreign investor, to participate in the authorized capital of the insurance organization in the territory of the Russian Federation or the conclusion of this control body or person, eligible to provide legal services in the country where a legal entity is established - a foreign investor, the absence of such agreement in accordance with the legislation of this country;

4) a copy of the license (special permission) of the country where the legal entity is established - a foreign investor;

5) Accounting (financial) reporting of a legal entity - a foreign investor over the past five years of its activities, compiled in accordance with the standards established by the personal law of a legal entity - a foreign investor, and confirming that a legal entity is a foreign investor carries out insurance activities in accordance with the law countries where it is established, with a copy of the audit report for the last reporting period (in the presence of).

8. The regulatory act of the insurance supervisory authority establishes the requirements for information, documents and (or) typical forms of documents regarding the documents specified in subparagraphs 1 ,,, 12, paragraph 3, subparagraphs 1, 7, paragraph 5, subparagraphs 1, 4 points 6 of this article, as well as the procedure and methods of submission to the insurance supervisory authority of the documents provided for in paragraphs 3, 5 - 7 of this article.

Insurance supervision body using unified system Interdepartmental electronic interaction asks for the federal executive body, which carries out the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, information about the applicant of the license, its founders (shareholders, participants, members) contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

9. The list of documents submitted to license applicants to license applicants to obtain licenses are exhaustive, except if federal laws on specific types of compulsory insurance provide additional requirements for insurers. In order to verify the information received information, the insurance supervisory authority has the right to send requests in writing in writing (within their competence) information concerning the documents submitted by the license applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. In case of inconsistency of the application for the provision of licenses and other documents, the requirements established by this Law and (or) regulatory acts of the insurance supervision authority, and (or) submissions of the license applicant documents specified in this article, not in full, insurance supervisory authority sends License applicant Notification in writing about the need to eliminate the identified violations, paperwork properly with an exhaustive list of missing or incorrectly executed documents and the suspension of the decision maker not more than thirty working days. In case of failure to submit a license as specified in this notice of the deadline for properly decorated documents, a statement of license, previously submitted by the license, and the documents attached to it are returned to the license applicant.

The decision to issue a license or a refusal to issue a license is carried out by the insurance supervisory authority in a period not exceeding thirty working days from the date of the submission of a license to the insurance supervisory authority of all documents provided for by this article and are properly executed.

The insurance supervisory authority shall notify the license applicant about the decision on issuing a license or a refusal to issue a license within five working days from the date of the appropriate decision.

11. On changes made to the documents that were founded to obtain a license in accordance with

As insurers, insurance agreements may enter into legal entities that have permits (licenses) to carry out insurance of an appropriate view.

Requirements to which insurance organizations must meet, the procedure for licensing their activities and implementation state Supervision This activity is determined by insurance laws.

Licensing activities of subjects of insurance business is carried out on the basis of their applications and documents submitted in accordance with this Law. License to carry out insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, insurance brokerage activities (hereinafter also - the license) is issued to subjects of insurance.

The right to carry out activities in the field of insurance affairs is provided only to the subject of the insurance case, which has been licensed.

The law regulates in detail the procedure for issuing a license to subjects of insurance affairs, establishing some differences depending on whether the activities for insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, the activities of insurance brokers are.

The licensing authority stands federal Service Insurance supervision.

Licensing of voluntary and (or) compulsory insurance.

Article 32 insurance law in paragraph 2 of Article 32 defines an exhaustive list necessary documents To obtain a license to carry out voluntary and (or) compulsory insurance. Therefore, it is impossible to require other documents not included in the list.

To obtain a license for the implementation of additional types of voluntary and (or) compulsory insurance envisaged, the license applicant submits to the insurance supervision authority:

  • 1. Statement on the provision of a license;
  • 2. Insurance rules for the types of insurance provided for in this Law, with the application of the specimens of the documents used;
  • 3. Calculations of insurance rates with the application of the actuarial calculation method used and an indication of the source of the source data, as well as the structure of tariff rates;
  • 4. Regulations on the formation of insurance reserves;
  • 5. Economic justification for the implementation of types of insurance.

Speaking of insurance rules, it should also be borne in mind that in accordance with the Law on the organization of the insurance business, the insurance organization to obtain a license for the right to carry out insurance activities should present the insurance supervisory authority those insurance rules that this insurance organization intend to use in their activities.

If the Insurer decides to change the insurance rules used by them, he must bring this to the attention of the insurance supervision.

Licensing activities for reinsurance.

The provision of the following documents is not covered on applicants for reinsurance licenses:

  • - information about the insurance actuaries;
  • - insurance rules for insurance covered by this Law, with the application of the samples of the documents used;
  • - Calculations of insurance rates with an application of the actuarial calculation method used and an indication of the source of the source data, as well as the structure of tariff rates.

All other documents are provided according to an exhaustive list of clauses established by paragraph 2 of Art. 32 of the Law on the organization of the insurance case.

Licensing activities for mutual insurance.

To obtain a license to carry out mutual insurance, a license applicant (non-profit organization) submits to the insurance supervision authority:

  • 2) the Charter of the Company of Mutual Insurance;
  • 3) document on state registration mutual insurance society as a legal entity;
  • 4) information on the chairman of the Board, Director, the Chief Accountant, the Chair of the Audit Commission (Auditor) of the Company's Society;
  • 5) Regulations on the formation of insurance reserves;
  • 6) Insurance Rules for insurance specified by this Law and submitted to the Charter of the Company of Mutual Insurance, with the exception of certain types of insurance.

If the charter of the society of mutual insurance made changes in the addition of the list of types of insurance, the provision on the formation of insurance reserves and insurance rules for such types of insurance are sent to the insurance supervisory authority for coordination.

Licensing of brokerage activities.

To obtain a license for the implementation of insurance brokerage, a license applicant submits to the insurance supervision authority:

  • 1) an application for license;
  • 2) a document on state registration of a license applicant as a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur;
  • 3) constituent documents of a license applicant - a legal entity;
  • 4) samples of contracts required for the implementation of insurance brokerage;
  • 5) Documents confirming the qualifications of employees of the insurance broker and the qualifications of the insurance broker - an individual entrepreneur.

There are activities for which you want to obtain a license. Insurance business is the same segment of the provision of services where the interests of the state, businessman and insurers are involved, therefore, to enter into contracts for insurance unlicensed SC prohibited.

basic information

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Having passed on any city, it is possible to detect a non-one insurance office, but it is important when choosing a responsible insurer to understand whether it has a license for providing certain services.

The licensing of insurance activities in the territory of the Russian Federation is engaged in the federal authority for insurance supervision, which should be convinced that the service provider does not intend to deceive their customers and will conspace their obligations.


Insurance Company - This is an organization with which a contract can conclude both a physical and legal entity. At the service of the UK treat the provision of compensation guarantees upon the occurrence of any situation.

License - permission from the state for the conduct of activities on the provision of insurance services. Licenses are clearly designated which contracts have the right to make an insurer with their clients. License is a document that may have a validity period.


All nuances relating to licensing insurance activities medical insurance, registered in the Government Decree No. 1227 dated December 31, 2010 "On licensing insurance honey. institutions. "

What information is containing

About whether the insurer has a license, you can learn in two ways:

  1. Request necessary document In the office of the insurer.
  2. Go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and familiarize yourself with information on licenses to insurance companies in the region.

If the insurer provided without problems on the first request of the client's license form client, then you can find out the following information from it:

  1. The official name of the organization.
  2. What body was issued a license.
  3. Legal address of the office.
  4. INN / OGRN insurer.
  5. What services are entitled to provide the SC.
  6. The date from which the licensing decision was made.
  7. The number to which the permissive document is valid.
  8. The number that licenses was assigned and a numeric value under which the insurer is in the registry of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Suspending action

Obtaining a license does not mean that the insurer has the right to insure anything and anyone. The document strictly spelled out all the permitted activities.

If the licensed institution violates its duties, then permits can be:

  1. Limited.
  2. Suspended.
  3. Seal.

The limitation of the license action means that the insurer can continue its activities, but not only by the types of services provided with violations.

The suspension of the license indicates the impossibility of entering into any Treaty until all the violations identified by the controlling authorities will not be corrected.

To deprive the SC licenses can for several reasons:

  1. If you do not correct violations that led to the suspension of action.
  2. If violations are detected more than once a year.
  3. If, after receiving the license, the office never started working for twelve months.
  4. According to the insurer itself.

All actions associated with suspension, renewal, etc., are printed in a special heading "Vestnik" on the official website of the Central Bank.

If an application was filed for removal of a license by the insurer himself, then a number of certain obligations come, which it must fulfill during the six-month period:

  1. To repay all the obligations to your insureders or terminate with them an agreement on the decision on the liquidation of the SC.
  2. Provide documents showing the absence of any debts or other obligations to anyone.
  3. Transfer licensing authorities all accounting documentation.
  4. Prepare papers on deregistration of the company from accounting in tax authorities.

Procedure for licensing insurance activities

The events that need to be made to obtain a license are simple:

  1. Register a legal entity or entrepreneurship. In the statutory documents should be information on planning to carry out insurance activities.
  2. Prepare a package of documents for licensing authorities.
  3. Write an application to the insurance supervision authorities to get a permitting form.
  4. In case of approval from Federal structures, Get a cherished license.

Package of documents

Licensing is carried out with respect to persons who will be checked for good faith and responsibility and the first test for the insurer will be the collection of documentation for insurance supervisory authorities.

The list of documents includes:

  1. Statement submitted to licensing authorities.
  2. Documents proving the registration of the insurer in the FTS.
  3. Charter and protocol from the meeting of founders about the desire to obtain a license and instructions to a certain person on registration.
  4. If the insurer is joint-stock companyThis will require documents about each of those who have invested money in the company.
  5. Information about enrollment on the account of the necessary share capital, as well as papers indicating the source of the incomes of people who have investigated funds in the starting budget.
  6. Conclusion about the audited audit.

What difficulties may arise

Beginner businessmen, passing the insurance agency must be prepared for the fact that simply for the beautiful eyes a license for doing business is not issued.

The licensing process is based on the collection of a rather voluminous package of documents and the fulfillment of the conditions that the insurer must comply.

To simplify and speed up the license issue mechanism will need:

  1. Visit a lawyer and thoroughly explain that the insurer should specify the insurer on registration papers to keep the activity on which he is aimed.
  2. Find out the most detailed list of documentation that will be necessary to prepare.
  3. To take care that at the time of filing the paper on the company's account was authorized capital.
  4. Prepare all information about the income of people who contribute to the starting budget.
  5. To conduct an audit of the company before submitting documents for a license and eliminate the identified disorders in the shortest possible time.


Before puzzling the structure for insurance supervision of the checks of documents, it is necessary to determine what kind of insurance will be engaged in the insurer.

Varieties a little, only four:

  1. Insurance Company.
  2. Reinsurance structures.
  3. Mutual insurance society.
  4. Insurance broker.

It should also be indicated that in addition to the difference in the type of license, the classification is also classified and by the term of the permitting form. There are either perpetual licenses or those that will need to extend from time to time.

What are the requirements of the recipient

To become licensed providers of insurance services, it is necessary to comply with some conditions before submitting documents to federal bodies.

Also regularly will be checked in the SC, which means relaxing after receiving the cherished document it is not worth it. It is always necessary to contain accounting and current documentation of the firm.

Statutory capital

The basic requirement without which no one will give a license is enrollment at the expense of the insurer of the authorized capital in the amount approved by the legislation.

For the start of the insurance company, you need to have at least 120 million rubles.

If the liability of life is also included in the list of services of the insurer, then the requirements of the requirement for the authorized budget, its size should not be less than 240 million rubles.

Maintain reinsurance activity is very expensive, to start cases will need to have 480 million rubles.

There is a type of activity that does not require hundreds of millions in the account is activities to conclude contracts for compulsory medical service. Statutory capital By this type of work is 60 million.

Manual qualification

The leadership of the insurance company licensing authorities are also very picky.

So, for example, the license will not be obtained if:

  1. The Director-General does not have higher education and has not worked for at least two years in the management post in the field of insurance.
  2. Glavbuch has no specialized higher education, did not work in a specialty for five years, two years of which in the insurance business.
  3. The auditor of the company must also have a proper education and experience of no less than a biennial period.

Also they will not be given permission to conclude insurance contracts, if it turns out that someone from the leadership earlier worked in firms in whom the license was taken or was convicted of financial fraud.

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