
Alpha Bank rating - dynamics of changes in assets, deposits and loans. Stability and reliability of the bank. Financial Analysis of the Alfa-Bank Bank is reliable if Alpha Bank January

Registration number: 1326

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 03.01.1991

Beach: 044525593.

Main State Registration Number: 1027700067328 (26.07.2002)

Authorized capital: 59 587 623 000 rub.

License (issue of issuance / last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license in which the name "basic" is present. All other existing banks are banks with a universal license:
License to attract deposits and placement precious metals (16.01.2015)
General License for Implementation banking operations (16.01.2015)

Participation in the Deposit Insurance System: Yes

Alpha Bank, based on more than a quarter century ago, is a commercial universal Bank. This is a significant credit institution in Russia, confidently located on the positions of the largest private banks of the world, provides a full portfolio of Finissorg.

The direct control of Alfa-Bank is performed by AB Holding (Russia) and, Alfa Capital Holdings, which owns less than 1% of the shares.

Alpha Bank offers the following services:

  • Loans;
  • Credit;
  • Cumulative;
  • and much more.

Are in large settlements Russia and neighboring countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.), in Europe (for example, in the Netherlands), Canada, America. This commercial institution you can take advantage of living in New York or United Arab Emirates.

Alpha Bank - leader financial marketwhich successfully combines simplicity of solutions and innovative maintenance methods.

The Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank: Peter Schmid (Chairman), Peter Aven (13.76% of the shares, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Banking Group), Andrew Bakster, Rushan Cvalesuk, Ildar Karimov, Oleg Sysuev, Eduard Kaufman, Andrei Kozobov (controls 4, 08% of the shares), Alexey Mare, Mikhail Friedman (possesses 36.47% of the shares), Sergey Vasilyev

Also, ABH Holdings S. A. Beneficiaries (Luxembourg) are German Khan (23.27%), Alexey Kuzmichiv (18.12% of shares), Alex Knaster (4.3%).

The chairman of the bank today is Andrei Sokolov, the main managing director - Alexey Marey.

The key factors that had a positive impact on the rating assessment were given the strong competitive positions of the Bank in the field of lending, maintenance of physical and legal entities, as well as in social sensitive segments (4th place in terms of FL deposits in Russia and the 3rd volume of FL to demand (1st among private banks in Russia) as of August 1, 2017). As of August 01, 2017 Alfa-Bank is the largest private bank of Russia in terms of assets, capital, credit and deposit portfolios. The agency notes a high level of diversification of operational income - a third of income is formed through rie -yest commission income. The level of coverage is pure percentage and commission income Operating expenses related to the provision of activities is high and amount to 210.2% for the II quarter of 2017. The rating support is provided by a broad geography of activity, an acceptable level of concentration of active operations on objects of large credit risk, as well as high diversification of the resource base for customers and corporate loan portfolio by industry. In addition, the Agency positively assesses an effective risk management system, the high quality of the corporate governance system and the presence of a positive public credit history, in particular, more than a ten-year experience of attracting subordinated bonds, including perpetual, in international capital markets. A positive impact on the rating assessment also had a good liquidity supply (on 08/01/2017 coverage of attracted customer funds highly liquid assets amounted to 17.4%; liquid assets - 29.8%). In addition, analysts of the Agency note the availability of access to a wide range of additional liquidity sources. The bank is included in the list of systemically significant credit organizations According to the criteria of the Bank of Russia, which indicates the high probability of supporting the bank by the authorities in case of need. At the same time, the basic beneficiaries of the Group besides the bank have a significant amount of assets in different industries, bringing substantial income, and have the opportunity to provide the Bank with support if necessary (this support is not taken into account by the Agency as external support factors).

The pressure on the rating assessment has a high dependence of the financial result from the volatile components (currency revaluation), which is due to a significant share of loans in foreign currency Corporate borrowers (they account for more than a third of gross assets on 08/01/2017). The Agency also notes a decrease in the N1.0 standard in April 2017 by 2.5 pp, which was due early refund OFZ, received within the framework of the Bank's participation in the State Program for Capitalization, at the initiative of the Bank. A negative impact on the rating has a moderately high share of IV-V quality categories in the aggregate loan portfolio (13% on 08/01/2017), which in particular is due to the conservative approach of the Bank to recognizing problem loans on RAS. Among the largest borrowers of the Bank, the Agency notes the predominance of large companies from various sectors of the economy with a high credit rating. Restricts the level of rating. Application by the bank of the practice of creating reserves close to the minimum established position No. 590-P level as part of categories of quality and low level of property security loan portfolio (As of August 1, 2017, the coating of the loan portfolio without taking into account the interbank loans issued by the security of guarantees and guarantees was 53.5%). First of all, this is due to the fact that the essential part of the loan portfolio is formed by loans issued to high-quality borrowers - largest companies Russia, leaders in their industries.

Top 10 of the most profitable bank loans in 2017

5 (100%) 2 votes

Choice credit loan Tightly connected with the bank, where the borrower will take this loan. There are many different conditions and nuances, on which the choice of man depends. The simplest and most practical part of this choice will be a comparison of the conditions of the credit loan in various banks. We provide an expert assessment of the ranking of banks, according to the minimum credit rate. Without limited to this, we also decided to highlight the most interesting moments in the work of banks in the provision of consumer loan.

Rating of banks at the minimum credit rate and at the maximum amount of the loan

Alfa-Bank is not very attractive looks in both rated tables, but it is not necessary to rush with conclusions - it has its own characteristics that are extremely interesting for a specific category of customers. Read more - in the relevant section.

The first table is the main one - it is focused on the bank rating at the minimum credit rate. The second table complements - only those banks that are in the main table participate in it. In the second table, you can familiarize yourself with the rating of banks at the maximum loan amount, the table is made exclusively for the convenience of the user - as an additional parameter for estimating the bank bank-lender.

Table of bank rating at the minimum credit rate

Room in RatingBank's nameMinimum loan rate
1 12%
2 12,9%
3 14,9%
4 Raiffeisenbank14,9%
5 14,9%
6 14,9%
7 Oriental15%
8 15,9%
9 Alfa Bank15,99%
10 17%

Bank rating table at the maximum loan amount

Room in RatingBank's name
Maximum amount
1 3 million rubles.
2 Raiffeisenbank1.5 million rubles.
3 1.3 million rubles.
4 1 million rubles.
5 Alfa Bank1 million rubles.
6 Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development1 million rubles.
7 750 thousand rubles.
8 700 t..
9 Oriental500 t.
10 100 t. Rub

Information on loans

Consider carefully the features of credit loans in league banks and the conditions for obtaining a loan.

Alfa Bank

Alpha Bank releases very attractive for credit conscursors credit card - "100 days without percent." It is thanks to this issue that Alpha Bank is among the best Russian banks, where it is easiest to get a cash loan. The only minus, if it is "minus" - the best and most profitable offers on a loan bank developed for salary card holders.

  • rate - from 15.99%;
  • the amount is from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • deadline - from the 1st to 3 years;
  • income certificate - required;
  • getting money - from the 1st day.

Many experts believe that Sovcombank provided the most profitable terms Cash loan in 2017.

Bank's proposal to give a loan under 12% per annum has a small catch for those borrowers who are counting on a decent amount of credit. The fact is that the rate of 12% has a limit - it is valid for a loan of 100 thousand rubles.

The Bank is famous for the rapid rate of decision-making on the provision of a loan and a series favorable sentences For pensioners, for example, the maximum age of the borrower is 85 years, despite the fact that the overwhelming number of banks is focused on borrowers under 75 years.

  • rate - from 12%
  • the amount is 100 thousand rubles;
  • deadline - from 6 months to 5 years;
  • certificate of income - not needed;
  • getting money - during the day.

Renaissance Credit is deservedly considered one of the best lenders in the field banking services. For this there are three reasons: a) very attractive interest rate 12.9%; b) an extremely high rate of loan design - only 1 hour; c) for registration of the application you need only two documents (passport and another document).

  • rate - from 12.9%;
  • the amount is from 30 thousand to 500 thousand rubles;
  • deadline - from 2 to 5 years;
  • certificate of income - not needed;
  • getting money - for an hour.

The advantage of VTB Bank of Moscow is that it provides large sums loan for a long time.

In Russia, very few banks that give consumer credit For a period of 7 years.

Given the term of issuing a loan, you begin to carefully look at the minimum credit rate, which looks very attractive against the background of such a long time. Minus Bank in its demand - a certificate of income is required and the duration of the consideration of the application for the provision of a loan (up to 3 days!). But, if you pay attention to loan again, the requirements of the bank do not seem excessive.

  • rate - from 14.9%
  • the amount is from 100 thousand to 3 million rubles;
  • deadline - from 6 months to 7 years;
  • credit design - from the 1st to 3 days.


The incomplete plus of the Bank is a relatively low interest rates on the loan (from 14.9% to 19.9%), but the minuses are more than necessary - restrictions on age from 23 to 70 years; The minimum experience in the last place of work is 6 months; The bank does not give consumer credit to individual entrepreneurs and business owners.

  • rate - from 14.9%;
  • the amount is from 90 thousand to one and a half million rubles;
  • deadline - from the 1st to 5 years;
  • income certificate - mandatory;
  • getting money - from the 1st to 3 days.

  • rate - from 14.9%;
  • the amount is up to 1 million rubles;
  • without guarantee and certificates;
  • registration - within 10 minutes.

OTP Bank - a financial institution, well-proven in the market credit services. A good interest rate plus alternative customer requirements make an attractive bank for borrowers.

To obtain a loan you need to be: a) a citizen Russian Federation, b) older than 21 years; c) have a passport. Important moment: The Bank does not require a certificate of income, but its presence will significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining a loan and will affect its size.

  • rate - from 14.9% per annum;
  • the amount is from 15 thousand to 750 thousand rubles;
  • deadline - from the 1st to 5 years;
  • certificate of income - not needed;

In the Eastern Express Bank, give a quick loan in cash to 200 thousand rubles without guarantee and references. The loan is made very quickly - in just 20 minutes.

  • rate - from 15%;
  • the amount is from 25 thousand to 500 thousand rubles;
  • deadline - from the 1st to 3 years;
  • up to 200 thousand rubles - by passport, without income certificate;

The bank's headquarters is located in Yekaterinburg, but this does not mean that the bank is provincial - it is not inferior to the capital banks at all. His offices, ATMs, Terminals and service services are located in many cities of Russia. There are no special advantages of the bank, except for one - the bank gives a loan in cash to 300 thousand in two documents, without confirmation of income.

  • rate - from 15.9%;
  • amount - from 51 thousand to 1 million 300 thousand rubles;
  • term - up to 5 years;
  • certificate of income - not needed;
  • money for hands - within two days.

Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development (Ubrir)

Another bank from Yekaterinburg. The minimum interest rate at 17% makes this bank who is low-attractive in the eyes of the borrower, but this is only at first glance - the bank has undoubted advantages: a) a loan to 200 thousand rubles in cash is issued in the presence of a passport for 20 minutes; b) large loans up to 1 million rubles are issued for up to 7 years; c) in Ubrir acts special credit program loyalty for pensioners.

  • rate - from 17%;
  • the amount is from 5 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • deadline - from the 1st to 7 years;
  • certificate of income - not needed;
  • money on hand - from 20 minutes before the 1st day.

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Alpha Bank is included in the top 5 sustainable financial institutions, thanks to the following parameters:

  • The size own capital - 321 billion rubles.
  • Population deposits - 645 billion rubles. (3rd place).
  • Accommodation of companies - 826 billion rubles. (5th place).
  • Lending to the population - 167 billion rubles. (7th place).

AB Holding OJSC (99.89% of shares) and Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Limited (0.11% shares) are the main beneficiaries of the financial institution.

Sustainability indicators

According to the standards of the Central Bank, the following indicators are installed:

  • Instantly turnover of assets (H2) - 137% with minimally permissible ≥ 15%.
  • Current asset turnover (H3) - 134% for mines. ≥ 50%.
  • Indicators of long-term liquidity (H4) - 44 for mines. ≤ 120%.
  • Provision to own means (H1.0) - 15.2% for mines. ≥ 10%.
  • Security Basic Capital (H1.1) - 8.3% for mines. ≥ 5%.
  • Provision of fixed assets (H1.2) - 9.8% with min. ≥ 5.5%.

Bank assets

Alfa Bank JSC - the largest bank The Russian Federation, occupying 7th place in terms of assets. By February 1, 2017, their parameter reached 2408 billion rubles. According to annual reporting There is an increase in parameters by 0.47%. Positive trends in assets negatively affected the profitability of arbitrary investments in the ROI formula: for reporting period It fell from 2.58% to 0.34%.

According to the services provided, the credit institution leads in attracting client funds with a diversified form (between business and individuals), and places most of money in credit lines.

Ratings of creditworthiness

The assessment of the American company S & P reports a relatively small vulnerability of "BB" on the long-term prospects in the international market. A small risk exposure is also displayed under short-term periods, which determines the assignment of the estimate "B". In the domestic market, the bank occupies the position of high solvency "RUAA". Forecasts are stable.

Dynamics of liquid funds

The structure of the wrapped assets:

According to annual reporting, a negative trend on the turnover of funds at the checkout is visible, which led to a decrease in sums by 2 times. The funds in the accounts in the central bank are reduced by 6%. In the amount of fast-coiled C / b of credit organizations and countries. Positive perspectives are displayed in the correspondent accounts of NOSTRO (by 2%), interbank short-term obligations and c / b of the Russian Federation. General liquidity indicators using discounts and adjustments increased over the year from 228 to 380 billion rubles.

Current liabilities - Structural characteristics:

Significant changes are subject to deposits of individuals for a period of 1 year (by 16 billion rubles) and by short periods. Legal entities increased the volume of long-term investmentsand showed positive results on current accounts, the difference in percentage ratio amounted to 9% and 3%, respectively.

At the same time, the size of the correspondent accounts of Loro banks has decreased, which in the monetary relationship amounted to 5 billion rubles. and interbanks short-term loansthat in the amount reflected from 93 to 36 billion rubles. Multile changes are subject to own c / b and commitments to repay interest, the expected outflow of funds (decline in annual indicators - 2%).

In the period under consideration, the ratio of fast-wired funds and the expected outflow of current obligations reaches an indicator of 96.63%, which indicates an insufficient strength of strength to overcome the outflow of the client base, but by virtue of the large size of the credit organization, this outflow is unlikely.

Change liquidity in dynamics:

According to the Central Bank, the N2 instantaneous turnover standards have supported the average indicators balanced by the May and January data peak. Current liquidity exceed minimum values By 50 or more p.p. Data expert reliability increased by the end of the year by 1.5 times.

Balance reporting

The share of active funds that determine the profitability of the financial organization is 88.97% in relation to general liquidity indicators, and interest obligations are calculated in 78.09% in relation to total amount liabilities. Profitable assets are comparable to average data on the largest financial giants of the Russian Federation (87%).

Asset yield - data comparison 2016 and 2017:

The small decline is displayed in the graph indicating lending to individuals and companies. IN positive side The amounts of bills (8 million rubles) have changed, and to negative by other c / b from 392 to 371 billion rubles. Other revenue loans decreased by 0.07% per year. General indicators of income assets decreased by 2.0% from 2185 to 2142 billion rubles.

Payback of issued loans:

Analysis of annual reporting allows you to make sure that the bank makes a bet on diversified loans with burden in the form of guarantees and guarantees. General performance indicators are quite high and in case of non-debt obligations, the Bank will pay off issued loans protected property. The difference in the amount of the loan portfolio is 30 billion rubles.

Liabilities to pay interest accruals to customers:

Small fluctuations are displayed by means of companies and deposits of individuals (a difference of 2%). Credit organizations reduced, and general indicators for interest commitments increased by 2.8% from 1829 to 1880 billion rubles.

Credit detention date 07.06.2019
Receptions - 1 year

1. Full name of the Issuer

Alfa-Bank Joint Stock Company

Reg. number: 1326.

The table shows the final rating.

Main components:

  • Own Rating of the Bank in a stable situation - A.
  • Rating of the Bank in the Stress Situation - A.
  • The expected level of support is high.

Based on the results of the risk assessment, there are no restrictions on accommodation money in financial instruments Bank. In the case of a stressful situation, the Bank with a high probability will receive support from the state and the main shareholder

3. SWOT - Analysis

Key positive points:

  • Alpha Bank is one of the largest Russian banks (6th place in assets and 5th on equity).
  • Good sectoral diversification of the loan portfolio, broad geography of activity, an acceptable level of concentration of active operations at large credit risk facilities, high diversification of the resource base.
  • Effective risk management system and high quality corporate governance system, experience in attracting funds in international capital markets.
  • Comfortable volume of liquid assets, sufficient to cover potential, including stress outlines. Structure of funding is balanced relative to the assets structure. If necessary, the Bank has access to a significant amount of funding from the Central Bank (Repellery and operations in accordance with the provision of the Bank of Russia No. 312-P), market and state refinancing.
  • The bank with the margin fulfills the requirements for capital adequacy, including taking into account the allowances from 01/01/2019 and systemic significance (H1.0 \u003d 12.888, H1.1 \u003d 10.015% as of 01.06.2018 at a threshold 8% and 4, 5%, respectively).

Key negative points:

  • Possible risks associated with the "oligarchic" origin of the Bank's capital and the assets of his owners.
  • Relatively high concentration on loans to large customers (for ten largest borrowers - 20.5% of the portfolio).
  • The high dependence of the financial result from the currency revaluation, due to a significant share of loans in foreign currency corporate borrowers.
  • Losses on the basis

4. Structure of ownership

Direct shareholders of Alfa-Bank JSC as of March 31, 2018 were AB Holding JSC and Alfa Capital Holdings (Cyprus) Limited. The ultimate parent company of the bank is ABH Holding S.A., ("ABHH"), registered in Luxembourg, owned by seven shareholders: Friedman M.M. (Share in ABH- 32,8632%), Khan GB. (20,9659%), Kuzmichyev A.V. (16,3239%), Aven P.O. (12,4018%), Koszov A. N. (3.6716%), UniCredit S.P.A (9.9%) and charitable trust "The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research" (3,8736%).

4.1. The main finite beneficiary

None of the 7 main shareholders individually or jointly monitors and / or does not own 50% or more ABH shares.

4.2. The probability of supporting shareholders in the event of a crisis

Alpha Bank is included in the list of systemically significant credit institutions of the Bank of Russia. The Defalt "Alpha Bank" with a high probability will lead to systemic crisis in a number of Russian segments banking market. The bank can expect support for both shareholders (owning various assets in different sectors) and from the state (as part of the support tools systemically significant banks).

5. Analysis of the main financial indicators

Reporting Bank GPB (JSC) on 05/01/2019 (billion rubles, changes in 4 months) on the RAS (data and decodents of IFRS for 2018 are also used and 1 quarter of 2019).

Capital - 425,587 billion rubles. (+20.656 billion rubles)123.form.

Assets - 3. 420.336 billion rubles. (+719.488 billion rubles.).

228.506 billion rubles. (+0.289 billion rubles.) - Cashier and Corschet.

528.734 billion rubles. (+170,574 billion rubles.) - investmentsinvaluablepaper.

337.243 billion rubles. (+54.849 billion rubles.) - Interbank loans

1,589.113 billion rubles.(+268.151 billion rubles) - Loans to legal entities and IP, including balanced overdue debts - 83.700 billion rubles. (+10.475 billion rubles) or 5.65% on RAS.

454.426 billion rubles. Loansphys.persons. (+163.068 billion rubles.), including balanced overdue debts - 39.767 billion rubles. (-10.081 billion rubles) or 8.08% in RAS.

27.271 billion rubles. (+1.444 billion rubles) - fixed assets and capital investments


1,165.295 billion rubles. (+157.672 billion rubles)- Means of JUR. Persons.

174,387Mld. rub. (+134.887 billion rubles.) - funds of budgets, the Ministry of Finance, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

1,067.166 billion rubles. (+259,331 billion rubles.) - Fillage deposits. Persons.

211.623 billion rubles. (-20.228 billion rubles.) - Funds of credit institutions.

106,941 billion rubles. (+32.839 billion rubles.) - issued debentures.

244.583 billion rubles. (+12.788 billion rubles.) - formed reserves

Profit (according to RAS):

For 4 months 2019 year- +34.565 billion rubles.For 2018, net profit amounted to +110.768 billion rubles. For 2017 +50.686 billion rubles.

Annex 1. Dynamics of the values \u200b\u200bof the main mandatory standards (liquidity and capital).

Annex 1. Dynamics of values \u200b\u200bof basic required standards (liquidity and capital)

Dynamics of sufficiency and capital standards

Dynamics of liquidity standards

Appendix 2. The dynamics of the composition of assets, including the structure of the loan portfolio.

Composition of assets

Credit portfolio

Appendix 3. Quality of the loan portfolio (RAS and IFRS).

Quality of the loan portfolio of the RAS

Quality of the loan portfolio at the end of 2017 under IFRS

Analysis of loans to individuals in the periods of delay as of December 31, 2018

Analysis of loans to legal entities for delay rates as of December 31, 2018

Appendix 4. Dynamics of the composition of the liabilities (including those involved in the funds) and profitability indicators.

Composition of liabilities

Involved funds

Appendix 5. Main figures for RAS, thousand rubles.







Funds in banks in the bank of Russia

Funds in accounts in credit institutions


222 537 182

232 284 588

228 506 491

186 679 404

160 932 982

Interbank loans (deposits) provided (posted)

Loans of the Ministry of Finance, the subjects of the Russian Federation and local authorities

Legs of JUR. Persons and individual entrepreneurs

including Overdue debt on loans Yul and IP

89 576 700

90 122 878

83 700 053

73 427 741

73 523 792

Loans of physical liberty

including Overdue debt FL loans

40 953 572

40 077 251

39 766 557

41 290 112

45 081 193

Requirements for accredit

Other loan debt

Investments in the operation financial rental (leasing) and acquired rights claims

Loan debt

2 480 479 434

2 485 898 280

2 452 103 197

2 218 174 853

2 202 052 929

Financial assets

471 399 160

451 032 255

578 429 567

625 529 238

406 527 736

Means in the calculations


105 898 146

79 002 407

88 867 476

77 701 508

79 575 661

Percent Requirements

17 033 281

16 350 734

9 447 598

7 956 849

8 403 566


28 069 163

28 323 434

27 271 116

26 754 149

26 422 917

Other assets

34 658 941

36 609 215

37 262 053

41 055 019

39 076 868

Total assets

3 360 293 579

3 329 688 669

3 421 887 498

3 184 038 735

2 923 124 678


Authorized capital

Extra capital

Undestributed profits previous years ( uncoated losses previous years)

Unused profit (loss) for the reporting period

Other revaluation and reserve fund

Sources own funds

397 060 528

407 210 358

360 027 883

330 513 953

303 408 381

Reserve for possible losses

199 085 593

187 093 598

246 131 850

231 934 753

229 213 075

Funds of credit institutions

JUR. persons

Budgets, Ministry of Finance, Subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments

Deposits (means) of physical and individual entrepreneurs

Other attracted funds legal and individuals (incl. unfinished calculations)

Issued debt obligations

Interest obligations

Involved funds

2 701 329 426

2 657 292 673

2 754 325 705

2 559 538 086

2 335 451 985

Other obligations

38 369 658

59 200 950

32 303 377

37 417 970

25 107 374

Financial obligationsestimated by fair value through profit or loss

24 448 374

18 891 090

29 098 683

24 633 973

29 943 863

Total liability

3 360 293 579

3 329 688 669

3 421 887 498

3 184 038 735

2 923 124 678




Provision of placed funds

1 324 853 177

1 323 835 651

1 253 508 292

1 150 728 673

1 136 691 979

Warranty and guarantee

Unused limits for issuing guarantees

Subject obligations non-fruitful character

Unused credit lines and overdraft

Subject obligations

1 754 233 127

1 737 739 420

1 974 684 379

1 744 664 443

1 433 245 534

Annex 6. The main subsidiaries.

Appendix 7. Sectoral structure of the loan portfolio and the concentration of customer funds under IFRS

Sectoral structure of the loan portfolio of the IFRS Group (as of January 1, 2019)

Customer Tools (by types and industries) and funds for financial organizations in IFRS liabilities (as of 01/01/2019)

Appendix 8.
Dynamics of financial results and bank assets since 2008.

Dynamics of financial results (million rubles)

Dynamics of assets (million rubles) and their growth rates (year / by year,%).

Annex 9. Scheme of the relationships of the Bank and persons, under the control or significant influence of which is the bank

Rating moneyzzz. (together with @riskovik) :

  • A - no restrictions - high level of reliability
  • B - Restrictions in the framework of the ASV - Average level reliability
  • C - do not post - Low level reliability


Hermann:What do you say about alpha bank

7th in assets, it already speaks many. You can not be afraid of the collapse of the bank and store more than 700,000 rubles. Since in the case of a bankruptcy of such a bank, the QU money is still not enough for everyone :).

Means of organizations account for 482 billion, individuals of individuals are slightly less than - 338 billion. For the year, balanced growth (by 26% and 29%, respectively).

The corporate portfolio is dominated in the loan - 859 billion. The growth over them was 17% for them, while the amount of "bad" corporate loans has practically not changed (rose 0.03%). The final percentage of overdue loans of legal entities is very small and amounts to 1.5% of the corporate portfolio.

Lending to individuals grew faster, by 54%. As a result, the amount of the loan portfolio reached 204 billion. The main percentage of delay falls on this part of the portfolio, loans of individuals - 10.2% of them are overdue!

At the same time, due to the quality of corporate loans, the general level of delay is small - 3.2% of loans are overdue.

The owner is OJSC AB Holding, owned by the structures of Alfa Group.

I will note that Alpha Bank is one of the most customer-oriented banks. Wild queues and incompetent experts are its brief and capacious characteristics.

Tariffs are built in such a way that at every step, the bank is trying to "abstract" you. Even to shoot their money in an ATM should be extremely neat, because There is a risk of "subscribe" for different unnecessary services (SMS informing and similar).

Therefore, I would not advise you to contact Alpha Bank. Interest on the deposit is low, I think similar can be found in VTB-24 or other banks from the top 10. However, the maintenance in the same VTB-24 is not an example better service in Alpha Bank.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state