
Mortgaged property in banks. Bank sale: is it worth buying mortgaged property at auctions. How and where are auctions held?

VTB24 put up for auction more than a hundred collateral objects. How much is their price below the market and is it worth buying apartments at bank auctions?

Banks are having a tough time. With the onset of the crisis, they issue fewer loans, but they have a lot of extra property: cars and apartments - collateral received on defaulted loans. “Today, there is more realizable collateral, which was collateral for loans,” says Denis Dyachenko, head of the department for managing overdue debts at DeltaCredit Bank.

At the same time, in contrast to previous years, the number of voluntary refusals of property has increased: customers are trying to solve their problems themselves by selling apartments, says Dyachenko. The fact that more and more objects of debtors are leaving the auction is evidenced by the data Federal Service bailiffs (FSSP). According to them, over the past period of 2015, 20 times more residential real estate (houses, apartments) was put up for public auction than in the same period of 2014: 13,045 and 653 objects, respectively. The situation is similar in the field of motor transport: 862 objects in 2014 and 17,438 in 2015.

public auction

Due to the growing number of collateral, banks are forced to seek various ways sales of apartments and cars. VTB24 decided to launch its own mortgaged property under the hammer, which he had never done before, and announced the sale of about a hundred of his objects at auctions. One part of the auctions will be in-person, the other part - in absentia (through the "Unified Electronic Trading Platform"), and the objects on them are exhibited differently and the auctions will be held at different times.

During the auction it will be possible to buy a residential or commercial real estate, as well as vehicles - special equipment (dump trucks, truck cranes, trucks) and cars. In total, there are 106 such objects, of which 43 are cars, the press service of the bank says. Everything else is real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region. The spread in the cost of objects is huge. You can bid on one-room apartment on Marshal Kozhedub Street (Lyublino metro station), the initial price of which is 5.9 million rubles. Or you can - for a four-room apartment in Zachatievsky Lane in Moscow for 80.9 million rubles.

However, the bank itself asks not to link the decision to hold auctions with the problems of their debtors. “Our borrowers have not begun to pay their loans worse, this is an attempt to remove from the balance the objects that were “delayed” there,” said Andrey Osipov, Senior Vice President of VTB24 Bank. Instead of lowering the price on them, the bank preferred to try to sell them at auction and see what happens, he explains. The start of trading is scheduled for December 23.

Auctions will be of two types, the bank's press service explains: for an increase and for a decrease. The procedure of the first one is well known: participants are invited to increase the initial purchase price per step of the auction; whoever proposes wins highest price. Down auctions are a little more complicated: with each step of the auction, the price decreases, and any participant can stop it by placing an order to buy. Summing up the results of face-to-face auctions is planned in February 2016, electronic auctions for a fall (for real estate) - at the end of January - mid-February next year.

Individuals, individual entrepreneurs and companies can participate in the auction. The requirements are the same for everyone: first you need to send an application for participation in the auction to the bank, attaching a copy of your passport and a notarized consent of your spouse to participate in the auction. Then make a deposit to the bank account (if the auction is full-time) or electronic platform (if the auction is online). To participate in an electronic auction, you must also receive electronic signature. This can be done in one of the certification centersaccredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Whether such a service will be paid is decided by the center itself, according to the website of the ministry. In addition, in both cases, to participate in the auction, you need to make a deposit, which is approximately 10% of the value of the lot.

Not only auctions

Selling collateral at auction is not the most popular strategy for large banks. Most of the top ten banks by portfolio mortgage loans prefer to sell property in other ways. Raiffeisenbank tries to look for buyers on its own, and if nothing comes of it (for example, real estate liquidity is low), the bank attracts real estate companies, says Stanislav Tyves, head of risk management for individuals at Raiffeisenbank. DeltaCredit Bank also sells collateral objects itself, Dyachenko said. According to the same scheme, they operate in Rosbank, according to the press service of the credit institution.

The situation is similar in Otkritie Bank: the bank posts information about collateral objects on its website. Any individual or legal entity can buy them, no advance payments are needed, says Andrei Velichko, director of the department for working with distressed assets at Otkritie Bank. He acknowledges that sometimes there may be an element of an auction: for example, if there are several people who want to buy an object, it goes to the one who offers best price. However, the property of debtors is rarely transferred to the balance of the bank: as a rule, problem borrowers are persuaded to sell property in pre-trial procedure Velichko added.

Of the dozens of banks surveyed, only Absolut Bank admitted to organizing auctions. He sells collateral objects in two ways: either he allows the debtors to do it themselves, or he puts them up for public auction, the press service of the bank says. They are held only in person, while at least ten days before the start of the auction, the bank announces the auction. To become a member, you need to make an advance: 5% of the initial price of the object. In order for the auction to be considered valid, there must be at least two such bids. If a person manages to buy a lot, this amount goes to pay for the purchase. If not, the deposit is returned. Per Last year Absolut Bank put up 120 collateral objects for such auctions, nine of them in November, the press service specifies. As a rule, buyers managed to get objects at the originally declared price or a little more - during the auction, the lots went up in price by 20-150 thousand rubles.

Ambiguous Benefit

The price of objects offered by VTB24 is approaching the upper limit in its segment, says Natalya Kruglova, director of the Real Estate business at Pro Consulting Global Limited. According to her, it is not worth counting on a discount, except that a discount can be obtained if the auction is "down". Kruglova also noted that those who were looking for just such a property should take a closer look at the objects offered by VTB24 - in the same area, of the same footage. In other cases, this deal is unlikely to be profitable, she concluded.

The properties offered by VTB24 are adequately priced, agrees Igor Indriksons, real estate investment manager and creator of Indriksons.ru. However, this preliminary estimate: to make a final verdict, you need to get the opinion of the building engineer and appraiser. According to Indriksons, the price at the auction may still be attractive, although this does not mean that you will be able to buy the property. It happens, according to Indriksons, that instead of a real auction, a fictitious one is arranged: there is one real buyer and two dummy ones who "raise" the price.

Other difficulties

When buying real estate at an auction, one must be aware that not everyone from whom the bank took property agrees with this, says Roman Terekhin, managing partner of Delovoy Farvater. For example, former owner mortgaged apartment may refuse to move out of it. It happens that the new owner finds out about it only after the purchase. In this case, he will have to deal with the old tenants on his own, the bank is not responsible for this.

There is another risk: the former owner can challenge through the court both the fact that the bank took the property at all, and the auction procedure itself, notes the professor of the Department of Tax and financial law FU under the Government of the Russian Federation Ivan Solovyov. He has three years from the date of collection for this, but the court has the right to extend this period. If the recovery is deemed unreasonable, the new owner will have to return what was bought at the auction.

Solovyov also says that property can be encumbered. For example, housing may be mortgaged several times, and the bank may not know about it. Finally, the former owner, minor children or people with disabilities can be registered in the apartment. The latter can be impossible to write out, says Terekhin. To avoid such problems, he advises to contact the registration authority in advance and make sure that no one is registered in the apartment. In addition, it is worth making sure that the property was taken from the previous owner by a court decision, and also that he does not contest this decision.

ATB sells the pledged property of debtors. For citizens and organizations, this is an opportunity to favorable conditions purchase real estate, vehicles, special equipment, equipment and other property that once acted as collateral for a loan issued by a bank.

Purchase Benefits:

  • the prices at which the bank's collateral property is sold are lower than market prices;
  • high-quality and bank-verified objects;
  • the possibility of acquiring objects on credit.

Property For Sale

The sale of mortgaged real estate of banks is a standard procedure after the seizure of property. Selling objects that acted as collateral for mortgage loans, cash loans and other products. In the Asia-Pacific Bank, in this way you can purchase apartments, houses, cottages, commercial facilities (offices, warehouses, commercial premises other).

Sale of vehicles

Most often, it is carried out after the withdrawal of collateral from legal entities. Most often, corporate vehicles and special equipment fall under the sale: tractors, bulldozers, excavators, tow trucks and other objects.

Implementation of equipment

When issuing a loan to business representatives, ATB accepts various equipment for industrial, agricultural, food and other industries as collateral. In addition, goods in circulation, office equipment, commercial equipment, and so on, may be included in the list for the sale of collateralized property of debtors.

How is the sale of the collateral of the bank

On the page you see a search form that will help you sort the implemented objects. Through the site, you can contact the bank and ask questions about the category or specific object of interest. Each of them is assigned a manager who accompanies the sales process and whose contacts are on the corresponding page. Call the specified number, and the specialist will tell you in detail about the object and how to purchase it.

The arrest of an apartment is one of the types of encumbrance, the possibility of which exists in case of debt to the bank.

In this case, the owner does not have the opportunity to sell, donate or make any other legal action with own property.

As a result, you can find arrested apartments of banks put up for sale by financial organizations themselves.

Why the apartment is under arrest

The main reason for the sale of the arrested apartments is the situation when the apartment was in a mortgage, and the debtor did not fulfill its loan obligations in a timely manner.

As a result, the bank goes to court to take property from a citizen or organization for debts. But this is observed only in situations where the amount of debt has accumulated significant, otherwise the court does not satisfy the claim.

Worth knowing: There are other reasons why apartments are removed from ownership and seized. So, this happens due to tax arrears, as a result of the division of property or other situations of this kind. In this case, all actions are carried out bailiffs based on a court decision.

How to buy a mortgage apartment as a pledge from a bank

Often, buyers are repelled by offers to buy a residential apartment, which is burdened by a mortgage.

However, with a competent approach to this process, both parties can win.

First of all, the buyer must independently check with the bank if they have any objections to the sale of a particular apartment. This is due to the fact that it is he who will have to carry out actions aimed at removing encumbrances.

For this you need to check:

  1. Is there a double burden on the property? Some owners manage to take an additional loan, as a result of which another apartment will have claims for the apartment. financial institution.
  2. Whether an arrest or a ban on the implementation of registration actions on real estate has been imposed. All data about this is obtained in the form of an extract taken from the Unified State Register (EGRP). You can take such a document through Rosreestr, MFC or the State Service portal.

But this is all extremely problematic and difficult. Another simpler option is to buy confiscated apartments in the bank itself. This is due to the fact that the collateral property becomes the property of a financial organization by a court decision.

Most banks that issue mortgage loans have a large amount of confiscation in the form of real estate that was taken for debts. Typically, the average cost of such objects has a price lower than the market price and the discount for apartments offered for sale is up to 15%.

Note: buying such property from banks, the seller deals directly with legal entity which is regularly reviewed by regulatory authorities. This reduces the possible risks of such transactions to a minimum.

The acquisition of such an apartment is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, between the bank and the buyer is preliminary agreement. This document must be certified by a notary in the presence of the debtor, a representative of the financial institution and the buyer.
  2. Further, the bank provides several cells, where funds are placed in one to repay the loan, and in the second - money for the debtor (taking into account the amount paid to repay the mortgage).
  3. If no objections are observed, a sales contract is drawn up and a new owner is registered through Rosreestr, and the money from the cells is transferred to the intended parties.

Mortgage apartments from banks in Moscow

In the capital region, the number of apartments sold with encumbrance is the largest in the country.

Therefore, before buying, it is important to check the objects of interest.

Otherwise, this may lead to obtaining an apartment that is pledged or a mortgage is issued on it. This is the reason for the recognition of the sale and purchase transaction as invalid.

Sale of mortgaged real estate at auction

When real estate was arrested and seized from the debtor, its redemption is carried out at auction in an open auction site.

This is carried out within a few months after the arrest was made.

Usually a list of such real estate can be found using the FSSP website for the city of Moscow or in the regions. They indicate information about the objects being sold, as well as their exact address.

The initial cost according to the law is the amount specified in writ of execution or in the relevant court decision. Due to this, the starting, as well as the market price, usually differs significantly.

Take note: auctions are recognized as valid, where 2 or more buyers took part, who made their own incremental offers to the original cost. In all other situations, the auction is considered invalid.

Sale of apartments from Sberbank at auction

In the event of a debt from the borrower, Sberbank withdraws collateral from him by contacting statement of claim to court.

After completing all the formalities, the bank representative concludes an agreement with the debtor, which indicates the schemes for the sale of property. This usually happens through online trading on the financial institution's own site.

To take part in such auctions, you must register, as well as make an initial fee. The average duration of such sales varies within 3-6 months.

If it is impossible to sell in one go, re-implementation is carried out after 30 days.

How and where are auctions held?

Usually auctions are held on the open areas of the FSSP. To join them, you first need to become a member.

To do this, after choosing the apartment of interest through the website, a contract is concluded directly with the seller on making a deposit. Its size is indicated in the description of a particular object.

All bidders do this, and for those who lose, this amount is returned in full.

When the buyer won, but after that refused to buy an apartment, according to the rules, his deposit remains with the seller.

In total, after making a deposit, the following documents are required:

  • an application for participation filled in a special form;
  • payment documents, where there is a mark from the bank to confirm the fact of making a deposit;
  • copy of the passport;
  • an inventory of the submitted papers, where the date and time of sending the application are indicated;
  • an envelope containing a sheet of paper, which indicates the amount of the transaction, which exceeds the starting one. It needs to be well sealed.

On the day of the auction, all documents of the participants are checked, as a result of which a person is admitted or not. Refusal can be received only in case of absence or incorrectness of the submitted documents.

Pros and cons of buying a mortgaged apartment from a bank

There are a number of disadvantages when purchasing a mortgaged apartment:

  • the duration of the procedure;
  • the ability of previous owners to challenge the sale through the courts;
  • cancellation of a transaction with a loss of funds if the previous owner used maternity capital for the purchase.

But there are some positive aspects too:

  • quality of real estate (banks, issuing loans, do not take junk as collateral);
  • legal purity of the transaction;
  • lower apartment price.

When people whose property is pledged to the bank do not repay the loan, the financial institution arrests it through the court. After that, through open auction, the apartment is sold.

Usually such objects are bought at a price below the market, which makes them attractive.

One of the areas of functioning of commercial banks is work with collateral. Many citizens are not even aware of this direction in the activities of these institutions.

Banks operate on special program, called Showcases of collateral. Based on this program, customers are able to purchase real estate, equipment and vehicles according to special conditions.

This Program was adopted by banks during the crisis, when loan defaults reached enormous proportions. This measure allowed banks to solve the problem of non-repayment of loans by selling the property that was pledged. Sberbank, occupying a leading position in the rating of banks in Russian Federation also engaged in such activities.

Sale of collateral

A distinctive feature of the program showcase of collateral a - the fact that the banks carried out a full check legal purity documents for the property being sold. It is noteworthy that the sale of collateral property is carried out at the market price. Moreover, conscientious and reliable customers of the bank can purchase collateral on credit.

Need to mark that the bank is forced to sell collateralized property, since this is the property of credited persons who for some reason turned out to be insolvent and cannot repay their loan obligations.

The procedure for selling property is simple. A borrower who has property as a pledge can apply to the bank, where he will make an application for the sale of property. The client provides the documents necessary for the sale, and the bank draws up an agreement. The bank checks the property, the seller is assigned a registration number and the sale procedure is in progress.

Buyers submit bids to purchase property. The bank brings together the seller and the buyer, who conclude a contract of sale. If the buyer and seller have come to an agreement on the transaction, then you should then contact the representative of the bank where the property is pledged. The transaction must be accompanied by a credit manager of the creditor bank.

The bank can lend to the buyer if he doesn't have enough Money. Thus, the borrowing bank provides full legal support for the transaction and monitors its legality.

Collateral property of banks: rating-review

Investors are currently showing great interest in the collateral of banks. It is no secret that in a crisis, the solvency of borrowers begins to decline. Accordingly, the amount of property pledged by banks, which is put up for sale, is increasing.

Investor interest is clear- You can buy property at low prices.

  • how popular is the bank among users;
  • is there a showcase of collateral on the page of the official website;
  • how quickly potential buyers can find information;
  • how professional and convenient the page is designed;
  • how easy it is to use the page;
  • whether the bank provides credit facilities to buyers when buying collateral;
  • how up-to-date the information is and how often it is updated.

Based on these criteria, all search engines assign the first place in the rating to Sberbank. In the top five, further places are distributed between VTB24, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa Bank and the Bank of Moscow. The sixth and seventh positions were occupied by Uralsib and Rosbank. And the last three in the top ten belong to MDM Bank, MTS Bank and Binbank.

Pledged property of Sberbank of Russia

  1. Geographical presence of mortgaged real estate savings bank accounted for 21 regions of the country.
  2. Sberbank sells collateral through its special website. Previously, the showcase of collateral property was located on a separate page of the official website. Information on the site is presented in a convenient way. The interface is intuitive and accessible.
  3. All collateral property is presented on this site in great detail.. The description of land plots, residential and non-residential premises, transport, commercial real estate and other property is given. the list of objects is quite wide.
  4. There are no special offers from Sberbank on loans for potential buyers.

Collateral property of VTB24 Bank

  • There is a showcase on the official website of VTB24. It is problematic for an unenlightened person to find this page, since the link to it is located in the "Services" tab at the bottom of the page.
  • The tab that opens contains a list of collateral. The information is presented in a business style, somewhat dry. Buyers should be pleased with the housing loan offers.
  • The list of VTB24 property includes residential and non-residential premises, vehicles, there are even ships and equipment. The list is quite large, but somewhat inferior to the list presented on the Sberbank window.
  • A very convenient system of hyperlinks, which will allow you to filter the positions you are looking for. Almost all objects have photographs.
  • Rates for the purchase of collateral - from 15.95% per year. Under the terms of the loan, it is necessary to make a down payment in the amount of 20% of the value of the object.

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